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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Academic year: 2019

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(The Study of the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2016/2017)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga







“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”Albert Einstein




This graduating paper sincerely dedicated for:

1. Allah SWT, My Lord My God Almighty thanks for guiding me to face

everything in this life

2. My beloved parents, my father Mr. Sukirman and my lovely mother Mrs.

Istiyah, thanks for always supports me and being my best supporter in

every conditions, thanks for the motivations, finance, and also everlasting


3. My beloved brothers, Imam Efendi and M. Choirul Amri I love you so


4. PBI E 2013 specially for all member of “Jeneng Group”, thanks for the

supports, for your help to finish this graduating paper

5. My senior high school friends, Arbi Caraka and Yemima Eva. Bunch of

thanks for you guys has accompany me until now, for being my diary and

thanks for love me just the way I am. I love you so much

6. All of my friends and the other great person that cannot be mention one by




In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, The Lord of Universe. Because of Him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness. However, this success would not be achieved without supports, guidances, advices, helps, and encouragements from individual and institution, and the writer somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for:

1. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd,as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

2. Suwardi, M. Pd,as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

3. Noor Malihah, Ph. D,as the Head of English Education Department

4. Rr. Dewi Wahyu M., S.S., M.Pd, as a counselor who has educated, supported, directed and given the researcher advices, suggestions, and recommendations for

this thesis from beginning until the end.

5. Farrah Zakiyah Anwar, S.PdI, as the English teacher of SMA Muhammadiyah (Plus) Salatiga who has worked together with me to do the research in her class

6. All of the lecturers in English Education Department, thanks for your education

7. All of the staffs who have helped the researcher in processing of graduating paper administration

8. My beloved family who always supports me

9. My best friends who always motivate me

10. All of my friends from E class of TBI 2013



Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information for the readers. Furthermore, the writer is pleased to accept more suggestion and contribution from the reader for the improvement of the graduating paper.

Salatiga, September14th,2017 The Writer

Fitri Handayani



Handayani, Fitri. 2017. A CORRELATIONAL STUDY BETWEEN THE STUDENTS’ MASTERY OF VOCABULARY AND SIMPLE PAST TENSE TOWARD THEIR ABILITY IN READING NARRATIVE TEXT (The Study of the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2016/2017). Counselor: Rr. Dewi Wahyu M., S.S., M.Pd.

Keywords: Vocabulary, Simple Past Tense, Reading, Narrative Text

The writer focused on the students‟ masteryof vocabulary and simple past tense

toward their ability in reading narrative text. It had an aim to find out how far the

students‟ vocabulary mastery and simple past tense, how far the students‟ ability

in reading narrative text and how far the correlation of both variables. The writer was done the research of the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in XA Class and XB Class as subject of the research. The writer used random sampling in which the sample is approached with a prior purpose in mind and the criteria of the included elements in the study is predefined. The writer choose XB Class as sample. The writer conducted the pilot of the study first before doing the research in order to provide the valid and reliable test instrument. The writer conduct two test whch is helped the writer to find out the data. The first test is used to find the result of students‟ vocabulary mastery and simple past

tense, and the second test is use to find out the students‟ ability in reading narrative text. Based on the result, showed that students‟ vocabulary mastery and

simple past tense was at fair level with the mean score was 65.02. Then, for

students‟ ability in reading narrative text was at god level with the meanscore was








MOTTO ... v

H. Outline of the Graduating Paper ... 10

Chapter II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK A. Previous Study ... 11

B. Reading 1. Definition of Reading ... 13

2. Reading comprehension ... 14

3. The purposes of Reading ... 15

4. Technique of Reading ... 16

5. Teaching Reading ... 18

C. Vocabulary 1. Definition of Vocabulary ... 19

2. Vocabulary Mastery ... 20



4. Aspects in Learning Vocabulary ... 22

5. Technique of Teaching Vocabulary ... 24

D. Simple Past Tense 1. Definition of Tense ... 25

2. Definition of Simple Past Tense ... 26

E. Narrative Text 1. Definition of Narrative Text ... 27

2. Grammatical Structure of Narrative Text ... 28

3. Characteristics of Narrative Text ... 30


6. Technique of Validating Data ... 43

Chapter IV FINDINGS & DISCUSSION A. Result of Students‟ Vocabulary Mastery & Simple Past Tense .. 48

B. Result of Students‟ Ability in Reading Narrative Text ... 51

C. Correlation Result ... 53

D. Discussion ... 59





Table 3.1 Schedule of the Research 31

Table 3.2 List of Respondents 35

Table 3.3 Calculating Mean Score Formula 41

Table 3.4 Score Classification 41

Table 3.5 Pearson‟s Product Moment Correlation Formula 42

Table 3.6 R Value Interpretation 42

Table 3.7 Data Validation 44

Table 3.8 Data Validation 45

Table 3.9 Reliability Test Result 45

Table 3.10 Reliability Test Result 46

Table 3.11 Cronbach‟s Alpha Value Interpretation 47

Table 4.1 Students‟ Vocabulary and Simple Past Tense Score 48

Table 4.2 Students‟ Reading Narrative Text score 51

Table 4.3 Calculation Data 54

Table 4.4 Calculation Result of Required Data 55




Chart 4.1 Percentage of Students Ability in Reading 54



A. Background of the Study

Learning a foreign language involves acquiring four types of skills:

listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Those are the basic skills especially

in teaching and learning English as foreign language at schools or other

educational places whether formal or informal institutions. According to

Alshumaimeri (2011, p.2) “Reading is a crucial skill in learning and

communication.” Reading skill is often required for academic, professional,

and personal purposes. This is particularly true of an international language

like English to which most people are exposed in the world today.

Reading is not actually a skill but a process composed of many different

skills. As Hunt (2004, p.134) which is quoted by Hermida (2009, p.4)

“Reading is a process shaped partly by the text, partly by the reader's

background, and partly by the situation the reading occurs in.”

It follows from the above definition that reading is not a passive

activity. In other words, the reader must make an active contribution to

acquire the available information. Reading is understanding a message

explained by the writer through visual and non visual. This activity involves

an interaction between thought and language.

According to Widdowson (1979) as cited by Jangahad, Moinzadeh &

Karimi (2011, p.2) has discussed reading as "The process of combining



view the reading process is not simply a matter of extracting information

from the text. Rather, it is viewed as a kind of dialogue between the reader

and the text.

Teaching and learning reading in the schools specially in the senior

high school is very concerned and gets the additional time than the other

English skills. Be able to read in English is very important. Success in

reading is the most necessary because it is a basic tool of education. All the

subject from elementary school until senior high school such as mathematic,

science, language and the others depends on the ability to read.

According to Depdikbud (1994, p.1) “Out of the four skills, listening,

speaking, reading and writing, the main emphasis is on reading skill because

it is believed that the acquisition of reading in a second or foreign language is

a main priority”. Based on pre survey had done by writer on 28 April 2017,

the English Teacher in SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga was agree with

this statement. They taught reading skill around 50% in every meeting

because the students there less in understanding the English text.

One of the purpose of teaching and learning English in school is that the

students able to read, get the idea and understand the book or written text in

English. To achieve those purposes, the students need to concerned some

factors. According to Harmer (2001, p.68) “Reading texts provide

opportunities to study language about vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and



reading texts can introduce interesting topics, stimulate discussion and excite

imaginative responses.

Based on syllabus of English learning for senior high school students,

there are some texts must be learned by students. Those are: discussion text,

report text, procedure text, exposition text, hortatory text and narrative text. In

this graduating paper the writer just concern on narrative text.

In SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga the writer found some factors

which made the students having weakness in reading narrative text. Those

factors were students‟ vocabulary mastery and students‟ mastery of grammar

especially simple past tense.

According to Anjoshoma & Zamanian (2014, p.2) “Vocabulary

knowledge plays an important role in reading comprehension.” It means that

vocabulary was a crucial components in acquiring and understanding

language. Vocabulary have been a central to English language teaching

because without sufficient vocabulary students can‟t understand others or

express their own. Reading a language and comprehending it requires that

one process sufficient vocabulary. Nation & Newton (1997, p.5) explained

“Vocabulary is knowledge of words and word meanings.” Actually

vocabulary is more complex, vocabulary mastery is not only knowing the

words and its meanings, but also knowing about how the words sound and

how the words are used in the context.

Someone who has a lot of vocabularies of foreign language, they able to



of vocabulary helps someone understand language. It is supported by Wallace

(1982, p.13) “Vocabulary is one of the most important parts of languages,

because when speaking a language, the speakers need several words to

convey ideas.” Therefore, people able to understand what the speakers mean.

When a learner intends to learn foreign language, learner must learnt the

vocabulary of the foreign language first.

The second aspect to supports the students‟ ability in reading narrative

text is tense. Tense is one of the part of grammar. According to Sriphrom &

Ratitamkul (2014, p.66) “English tense generally pose difficulty for learners."

The English Teacher in SMA Muhammadiyah Salatiga said that the most

common error when students comprehend narrative text on using of tense.

For example when the teachers asked about the past from of the verb tense

most of them got the wrong answer.

According to Carter and McCarthy (2007, p, 405) as quoted by Mardani

& Azizifar ( 2014, p. 419) “Tense gives information about time while aspect

gives information about the speaker‟s perspective on time.”Agree with the

theory above, according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

(2000) as cited by Mardani & Azizifar (2014, p. 419) “Tense is any forms of

a verb that show the time, continuance, or completion of an action or state

that is expressed by the verb.”

Verbs tense get lots of attention in English specially in teaching reading

and writing. In fact, they received perhaps more attention than any other



difficulties when they taught verbs tense in the school because of some

factors one of them was the student lazy to read, learnt and memorized the

verb. In the narrative text most of the tense that used is simple past tense,

because the narrative text tells about what happened in the past time.

Based on the explanation above, the writer interested in conducting a

graduating paper entitled “A Correlational Study Between the Students‟

Mastery of Vocabulary and Simple Past Tense Toward Their Ability in

Reading Narrative Text (The Study of Tenth Grade Students of SMA

Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in Academic Year of 2016/2017).”

B. Limitation of the Problem

The writer needs to limit this graduating paper, because there were many problems in reading narrative text as mentioned before. The writer

chooses two problems in this graduating paper those are: students‟ mastery of

vocabulary as X1 variable and simple past tense as X2 variable.The writer also

needs to limit the reading skill in reading comprehension skill of narrative

text as Y variable. The writer limits to analyze the correlation between the

student‟s mastery of vocabulary and simple past tense toward their ability in

reading narrative text. Moreover the writer also limits this graduating paper

only in the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in the

academic year of 2016/2017.



1. How is the students‟ mastery of vocabulary and simple past tense of the

tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in the

academic year of 2016/2017?

2. How is the students‟ mastery of reading narrative text of the tenth grade

students of SMA Muhamadiyah Plus Salatiga in the academic year of


3. How far is the significant correlation between the students‟ mastery of

vocabulary and simple past tense toward their ability in reading narrative

text of the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in

the academic year of 2016/2017?

D. Objectives of the Study

1. To find out the score of the students‟ mastery of vocabulary and simple

past tense of the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus

Salatiga in the academic year of 2016/2017.

2. To find out the score of the students‟ reading narrative text of the tenth

grade students of SMA Muhamadiyah Plus Salatiga in the academic year

of 2016/2017.

3. To find out the significant correlation between the students‟ mastery of

vocabulary and simple past tense toward their ability in reading narrative

text of the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in


7 E. Benefits of Study

The benefits of this graduating paper can be theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically

The result of this graduating paper informs the English Teachers,

and it informs the students that, is there any influences of the students‟

mastery on vocabulary and simple past tense toward their ability in

reading narrative text of the tenth grade students of SMA

Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in the academic year of 2016/2017.

2. Practically

The result of this graduating paper is expected the English

Teachers in the classroom to pay attention about the students‟ mastery of

vocabulary and tenses specially simple past tense when they teach

reading narrative text. Hopefully, the result of this graduating paper can

be use as a reference for the following graduating paper is conducted by

the other researcher with the same topic.

F. Definition of the Key Terms

1. Vocabulary

Nation (2001) as cited by Ferreira (2007, p.11) stated “Vocabulary

knowledge implies knowing a word in the spoken form of the word and

the spoken form can be recognised and understood it in and out of context

rather than guessed at.”



Simple past tense is one of the kind of tenses in English Language. It

use to show the activities or experiences in the past time. However, the

definitions are more or less the same. According Leila & Emilia (2010:34)

“Simple past tense is a verb form that used to express one action which

happened or took place at a particular time in the past, also to express

repeated and habitual action in the past.”

3. Reading

“Reading is a process shaped partly by the text, partly by the

reader's background, and partly by the situation the reading occurs in.”

(Hunt, 2004, p.137)

4. Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text which contain about story in the past and have

a plot consist of orientation, complication, and resolution with the purpose

to entertain the reader.

G. Hypotheses

According Creswell (2009, p.132) “Hypotheses are predictions the

researcher makes about the expected relationships among variables.” They

are numeric estimates of population values based on data collected from

samples. Testing hypotheses employs statistical procedures in which the

investigator draws inferences about population from a study sample.

Hypotheses are used often in experiments in which investigators compare

groups. Creswell said that there are three kinds of hypotheses:



Represents the traditional approach: it makes a prediction that in

the general population, no relationship or no significant difference exists

between groups on a variable. The word is “There is no difference or

relationship” between the groups.

2. Directional hypotheses (Ha)

The investigator makes a prediction about the expected outcome.

basing this prediction on prior literature and studies on the topic that

suggest a potential outcome.

3. Nondirectional

A prediction is made, but the exact form of differences (e.g ..

higher. lower, more, less) is not specified because the researcher does not

know what can be predicted from past literature. Thus, the investigator

might write, "There is a difference" between the two group.

In addition, H0 is rejected if r-count > r table. There is correlation of

two variables. On the other hand, if r-count < r table, H0 is accepted and H0

says that there is no correlation of two variables. Furthermore, if H0 is

rejected, Ha is accepted. It means that there is correlation in this study.

However, if H0 is accepted, it means that Ha is rejected and there is no

correlation in this study. Based on the problem statements presented by the

writer, this research hypothesis is:

There is significant correlation between the students‟ vocabulary



(The study of the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga

in the academic year of 2016/2017).

H. Outline of the Graduating Paper

The first chapter is introduction. It consist of background of the study,

limitation of the problem, the problems statements, the objectives of the

study, the benefits of the study, the definition of key terms, hypotheses, and

outline of the graduating paper. The second chapter consists of the review of

the related study. The writer show the previews study to support this

graduating paper and the writer also show the definition and types of key

terms.The third chapter of this graduating paper is research methodology. In

this chapter the writer explain and report the general situation of SMA

Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga and the writer also explain technique of sample

taking, technique of collecting data, technique of data analysis. The fourth

chapter of this graduating paper explains the data analysis of the data

interpretation that discusses the result of the tests. The last chapter, the writer




A. Previous Studies

In this chapter, the writer chooses some journals who relate with the

writers‟ research from the other researchers.

The first previous study conducted by Morvay (2005, p.1) entitle“The

relationship between syntactic knowledge and reading comprehension in

EFL learners”. Morvay chosen64 Hungarian native speakers in the 12th

grade learning English as a foreign language in Slovakia were tested in a

cross-sectional correlational study in order to determine the relationship

between the ability to process complex syntax and foreign language reading

comprehension. The study provide evidence that the ability to process

complex syntactic structures in a foreign language does contribute to one‟s

efficient reading comprehension in that language.

The second previous study come from Alqadi & Haitham (2013, p.1).

The study aimed at determining the degree of the effect of extensive reading



University (a public university in Mafraq city in Northern Jordan). The result

of this study find that extensive reading had a positive impact on enhancing

the grammatical accuracy of the EFL freshmen at Al al-Baytuniversity.

The third previous study come from Jangahard, Moinzadeh & Karimi

(2010, p.1) entitle “The Effect of Grammar vs. Vocabulary Pre-teaching on

EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension: A Schema-Theoretic View of

Reading” This study was designed to investigate the effect of grammar and

vocabulary pre-teaching, as two types of pre-reading activities, on the Iranian

EFL learners‟ reading comprehension from a schema–theoretic perspective.

The results show no significant difference among the three groups though the

vocabulary group performed slightly better than the other two groups, and the

performance of the grammar group was seemingly worse than the control


Those three researches reveal three different lines. The first one

emphasizes on the correlation between syntactic knowledge with reading

comprehension. The second discuss about of the effect of extensive reading

on developing the grammatical accuracy. The last one discuss about the effect

of grammar and vocabulary on students‟ reading comprehension.

Dealing with review of some previous related researches, the writer

wants carry out a different graduating paper with same outline then

specializes on correlation between the students‟ vocabulary mastery and

simple past tense toward their ability in reading narrative text. The writer take



Students‟ Mastery of Vocabulary and Simple Past Tense Toward Their

Ability in Reading Narrative Text (The Study of Tenth Grade Students of

SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in Academic Year of 2016/2017).”

B. Reading

1. Definition of Reading

In this part, the writer explains the definitions of reading from some


According to Hunt (2004, p.137) “Reading is a process shaped partly

by the text, partly by the reader's background, and partly by the situation

the reading occurs in.” It means reading is not only get the information or

idea from the text. Rather, it is a process of working with the text. When

reading an academic text, the reader recreate the meaning of the text,

together with the author.

Many experts have differently defined the word reading. According

to Grellet (1985) as quoted by Furqon (2013, p.69) “Reading is assigning

meaning and extracting information from written texts.” It means reading

requires some abilities to extract information from a text and to construct

new understanding.

The next definition come from Kennedy (1974, p.3) as quoted by

Jangahard, Moinzadeh & Karimi (2011, p. 2) :



recognize a visual form, associate the form with a sound and / or meaning he has learned in the past and on the basis of past experience, understand and interpret its meaning.

From the definition above, the writer conclude that reading is not a

passive activity. In other word the reader must make an active contribution

to acquire the available information.

2. Reading Comprehension

According to Woolley (2011, p.15) “Reading comprehension is the

process of making meaning from text, the goal is to gain an overall

understanding of what is describe in the text rather than to obtain meaning

from isolated words or sentences.” In understanding text information the

learners develop mental models, representation of meaning of the text

ideas during the reading process.

According to Rahmani & Sadeghi (2011) as cited by Ahmadi &

Ismail (2012, p.3) “Reading comprehension is known as an interactive

mental process between a reader‟s linguistic knowledge, knowledge of the

world, and knowledge about a given topic.”

Grabe (2009, p.2002) stated the main component abilities of

comprehension processing include the following:

a. The text model of reader comprehension

b. Situation of reader interpretation

c. Set of reading skill and resources under the command of the

executive control mechanism in working memory (strategy, goals,



Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that there are

some elements or components should be mastering by reader in the

reading comprehension process. Comprehension in the reading may seem

complicated to define because this skill can be inferred as the particular

understanding of reading. According to Grellet (1992, p.3):

Reading comprehension is understanding a written text, its mean extracting the required information from it as efficiently as possible. The goal of reading to catch the meaning from the text and comprehend the information that is conveyed in the text. comprehension is about the ability of people understanding something.

From some theories above, the writer conclude that reading

comprehension is a process to construct the meaning from the text by

integrates information from the text with information from prior

knowledge using inferential process. Reading comprehension will examine

how the readers construct mental or situation models of the text to enable

reading comprehension.

3. The Purposes of Reading

People read a text, a paragraph or a book for many purposes and its

purposes help to understand what is read by people. In general, the aim of

reading is to find some informations from the text. The other purpose of

reading is the learners understand the written language. In other words

how the learners gets the message from the writer‟s symbols and one of

the most important task for reader is to dig out and find out what the writer



According to Risdianto (2012, p.94) there are some purposes for

reading, namely:

a. For pleasure or for personal reasons to find general information such

as what a book is mostly about.

b. To find a specific topic in a book or article

c. To learn subject matter that is required for a class.

One students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin

to read for a variety of purposes. If they are reading a book or article for

and or if they simply want to know about a particular subject such as grogs

they may want to read fast. It isn‟t necessary for them to read every word

or even know the meaning of every word in the text, they will probably get

the sense of the unknown word from the context.

According to Murcia (2001, p.187) mentioned four purposes of

reading, as follows :

a. To search for information

b. For general comprehension

c. To learn new information

d. To evaluate information

4. Techniques of Reading

Reading in a foreign or second or third language is much more

difficult than reading in the mother tongue. It doesn‟t come naturally and

needs a lot of practice. In addition, there are a number of skills and



being aware of them. According to Risdianto (2012, p.1) there are four

types of reading techniques:

a. Skimming

Skimming is reading rapidly in order to get a general overview

of the material. In this technique tell the readers what general

information is within a section. Skimming use to overview the text

book chapters or to review for a test. Skimming also use to decide to

read something at all, for example during the preliminary research

for a paper. Skimming tell the readers enough about the general idea

and tone of the material, as well as its gross similarity or difference

from other sources, to know if the readers need to read it at all.

b. Scanning

Scanning is reading rapidly in order to find specific facts.

Scanning use in research to find particular facts, to study fact-heavy

topics and to answer questions requiring factual support. Scanning is

a technique that requires concentration and can be surprisingly tiring.

The readers may have to practice at not allowing your attention to

wonder. The writer can take scanning to find an art or a next

concept, which the writer wants to read carefully.

The writer concludes that scanning is a way of reading in

which readers quickly go through a text to find a particular piece of




The work of Palmer (1921, p.21) notes “Intensive reading

means that the readers take a text, study it line by line and refer at

very moment to the dictionary about the grammar of the text it self.”

According to Nuttal (1982, p.23) “Intensive reading means reading

shorter texts to extract specific information”. This activity is likely

more to emphasize the accuracy activity involving reading for detail.

It is use to gaining a deep understanding of a text, which is important

for the reader. The process of scanning takes a more prominent role

here than skimming. Reader is trying to absorb all the informations

given, example: Reading dosage instruction for medicine.

d. Extensive Reading

According Coob (2007) as cited by Risdianto (2012, p.49)

“Extensive reading is an approach to language learning, including

foreign language learning by the means of a large amount of

reading.” Extensive reading is contrary with intensive reading, which

is slow, careful reading of a small amount of difficult text it is when

one is focused on the language rather than the text. In the extensive

reading students are free to choose a book that they like and are

allowed to read it at their own pace. The aim of this to help students

or readers enjoy reading.

5. Teaching Reading

According to Ricards (2001, p.207) “Teaching is a process



but more of it. Comprehending the text in one of reading„s goals. During

teaching reading process readers must paying attention about the

principles of teaching reading. According to Harmer (2005,p.12) There are

some principles can be standard to limit teachers when they teach reading.

a. Reading is not passive skill

b. Students need to be engaged with what they read

c. Students should to be encourage to respond to the content of a

reading text not just to language

d. Predictions is mayor factor in reading

e. Match the task to the topic

f. Good teacher exploit reading text to the full

C. Vocabulary

1. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the language aspects that are very important for

English communication. Learning vocabulary is one of the first steps of

learning second language, because vocabulary is the basic aspect to

mastering the four of language skill. Those are speaking, reading, writing

and listening.

According to Hubbard (1983) as cited by Ferreira (2007, p.11)

“Vocabulary can be defined as a powerful carrier of meaning.” The

meaning is without establishing a strong vocabulary base first,



student should be able to recognize words, and know their meanings as


According to Nation & Newton (1997) as cited by Furqon (2013,

p.71) “Vocabulary is knowledge of words and word meanings.” Actually

vocabulary is more complex, vocabulary mastery is not only knowing the

words and its meanings, but also knowing about how the words sound and

how the words are used in the context.

According to Kamil and Heibert (2005, P.34) vocabulary can be

generically defined as knowledge of words or word meaning, they stated

that vocabulary learning is the basis of language and without vocabulary,

one cannot learn any language; it is the knowledge of words.

Based on these explanations above, the writer concludes the

definition of vocabulary is a group of words and their own meaning and

use in the written language or spoken language to communicate among

people in the world.

2. Vocabulary Mastery

In order to understand the language, vocabulary is crucial to be

mastered by the learner. Vocabulary mastery is needed to express our

ideas and be able to understand other people's sayings. According to

Webster (1992, p.14) mastery refers to :

a. The authority of a master: dominion and the upper hand in a



b. Possession or display or great skill or technique, skill or

knowledge that makes one master of a subject comment.

While Hornby (1995) as cited by Alqahtani (2015, p.26) defined

“Mastery as complete knowledge or complete skill.”From that definitions

before, we can conclude that vocabulary mastery is an individual‟s great

skill in using words of a language, which is acquired based on their own

interests needs and motivation. Vocabulary mastery plays an important

role in the four language skills and it has to be considered that vocabulary

mastery is one of the needed components of language.

3. Kinds of Vocabulary

Lehr & Osborn (2001) as sited by a Furqon (2013, p.72) explained

two kinds of vocabulary description as follows:

First, words come in two forms, oral and print.

a. Oral Vocabulary

Includes the words that are recognized and used in listening and


b. Print Vocabulary

Includes the words that are recognized and used in reading and


Second, word knowledge is composed of two forms, receptive and



a. Receptive vocabulary includes words that are recognized when we

hear or see them. It is the ability to comprehend passive vocabulary

which is used in reading and listening context.

b. Productive vocabulary includes words that are recognized when we

speak or write. It is an active ability which is used in speaking or


4. Aspects in Learning Vocabulary

There are many aspects that helps students to expand their


a. Word Clases

According to Thornbury (2002, p.1) “Word is a microcosm of

human consciousness.” Word is classified based on their functional

categorized, it is called part of speech (Harmer, 1998, p.36). Words

play different roles in a text. They fall into one of eight different

word classes:

1) Nouns bits, pieces, record, player

2) Pronouns I, You, They

3) Verbs like, eat, read, forget, sleep

4) Adjectives old, second-hand, cleaver, handsome, lazy

5) Adverb up, above, under

6) Prepositions for, like

7) Conjunction and, although, but



b. Word Families

We have seen how words may share the same base of root

but take different endings: look, looking, looked. A word that

result from addition of an affix to a root, and which has a different

meaning from the root, it is called derivative. For instance: players,

replay, playful are each derivatives of play. Derivatives and

Thornbury (2002, p.5) stated “Affixation is one of the ways

new words are formed from old.”There are several kinds of word

formation such as :

1) Compound word

Compound word is the combining of two or more

independent words. For example :

a) Noun + verb + -er = record player, bus driver

b) Noun + noun = classroom, matchbox

2) Antonym

“Antonym is a word with opposite meaning.”

(Thornbury, 2002:9). For example :



b) Short >< tall

c) Young .>< old

3) Synonyms

Synonyms are words that share a similar meaning. Thus:

old, ancient, antique, aged, elderly are synonym in that they

share the common meaning of not young/new. However there

the similarity ends. According to Thornbury (2002,

p.9)“Synonyms are similar, but seldom the same.” Even

between words that seem interchangeable, such as taxi and

cab, or aubergine and egg-plant, one will be preferred over the

other in certain contexts and by particular speakers.

4) Hyponyms

Hyponyms is another –nym word that is useful when

talking about the way word meaning are related. A hyponyms

relationship is a kind of relationship, as in A hammer is kind of

a tool or A kiwi is kind of a bird.

5) Homonyms

“Words that share the same form but have unrelated

meaning are called homonyms.” (Thornbury, 2002, p.8). For

historical reason, English is rich in homonyms: well, bat, shed,

left, fair etc.



Commonly, there are several techniques concerning the teaching of'

vocabulary. However, there are a few things that have to be remembered

by most English Teachers if they want to present a new vocabulary or

lexical items to their students. It means that the English Teachers wants

students to remember new vocabulary. Then, it needs to be learn, practice,

and revise to prevent students from forgetting.

Here are some techniques of teaching vocabulary as stated by

Brewster, Ellis, and Girard (1992) as cited by Alqahtani (2015, p.26):

a. Using Object

b. Drawing

c. Using Illustrations and Pictures

d. Contrast

e. Enumeration

f. Mime, Expressions and Gestures

g. Guessing from Context

h. Eliciting

i. Translation

D. Simple Past Tense 1. Definition of Tense

Tense is basically categorized into two, namely present and past

tense. As the name suggests, present tense indicates present happenings,



usually use to express an action or condition that occurred in the past


According to Carter and McCarthy (2007, p, 405) as quoted by

Mardani & Azizifar ( 2014, p. 419) “Tense gives information about time

while aspect gives information about the speaker‟s perspective on time.”

Agree with the theory above, according to Longman Dictionary of

Contemporary English (2000) as cited by Mardani & Azizifar (2014, p.

419) “Tense is any forms of a verb that show the time, continuance, or

completion of an action or state that is expressed by the verb.”

2. Definition of Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense generally expresses events or situations that exist

or happen at a particular point in the past. According to Leila & Emilia

(2010, p.34) Simple past tense is a verb form that is used to express:

a. One action which happen or took place at a particular time in the

past. For example:

1) I was a student at that time

2) She was a teacher in 1975

3) I visited Bali last year

4) Mr. Hasan bought a new car two days ago

b. Repeats, habitual actions in the past. For example:

1) He used to have five goats and two cows



Time markers that are usually use in the simple past tense are :

1) Yesterday, for example: yesterday afternoon, yesterday

morning, etc.

2) Last, for example: last week, last month, last year, etc.

3) Ago, for example: two days ago, a week ago, a month ago, etc.

4) In, for example: in 1975

5) At, for example: at 7.00, at8.30, etc.

6) When, for example: when I was young...

The simple past tense is formed by using the simple past form of the verb.

a. For regular verbs, the past form made by adding –ed to the simple

form. For example:



E. Narrative Text

1. Definitions of Narrative Text

Narrative text is one popular and common form of writing. In

narrative, stories are told and plots unfold. Narrative have characters and

plot with a sequence of events. Narrative text is a genre of written text.

Genre is specific style that used in written, art, film, or music. Genre of the

text is particular text type or style of writing. Genre is as a staged,

goal-oriented, purposeful activity in which speakers engage as members of our

culture. Narrative text is a text which contents imaginative story.

Narrative text contains fiction, non-fiction, fairy tales, and folklore.

The purposes of narrative text is to entertain and attract the attention of the

reader. According to the English dictionary means (1) a spoken or written

account of connected events: a story, (2) the narrated part of a literary

work, as distinct from dialogue, (3) the practice or art of narration.

Narrative text can be a real story, a fantasy, or a combination of both.

Which includes narrative text are a fairy tale, mystery, scientific fiction,

horror, adventure, fables, myths, legends, historical stories, ballads, and

personal experience.

According to Mustikasari & Hardiyanti ( 2010, p.1) “A personal

experience story could be joined the narrative, since it has sequence of events.

In other word, it has structure. The structures of the personal experience story



In the plot, narrative text there is always the problem peak/climax of the

story, followed by a settlement. The social function of narrative text is to

entertain or amuse.

2. Grammatical Structure of Narrative Text

When the students study about narrative text, they must be able to

analyzed some structures of the text. For this structure, the students know

the part of story in the text. From the grammatical structure of narrative

text are following;

a. Orientation (beginning or introduction)

It introduces the main characters, setting and time. The

opening paragraph introduces characters or participants of the story

and sets the scene (it answers the questions who, when, what and

where). This part of the story is critical for the reader to connect or

feel involved with the story. In the orientation, students able to

know who is/are the main character and where or when the story

happen. The time or period in narrative text is not specific and the

reader cannot know the date or year happened. This paragraph

usually open with; once upon a time, one day, a long time ago, long

–long time ago, a hundred ago, etc.

b. Complication (middle)

In this paragraph show the problems happen among the

characters. It is developing the problems which involve the main



c. Resolution (ending)

Resolution is the end of paragraph which the problem is

dissolved. It is about how the problems in the story are solved

(better or worse). Here, the main characters of the story find ways

to solve the problems.

3. Characteristics of Narrative Text

There are some characters of narrative text which differ this text with

others. The specific characteristic of this text contain imaginative story of

the writer.

The language features in narrative text are:

a. Specific characters

b. Using time words; connective conjunction such as then, before, after

that, a few moments later etc, and temporal conjunctions such as:

once upon a time, one day, long time ago, many years ago, etc.

c. Past tense; simple past tense, past perfect, past continous, past




A. Location of Research

1. Location of the Research

This graduating paper was conducted in SMA Muhammadiyah Plus

Salatiga. This school located at Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan Street No.1

Soka, RT 03, RW 06, Sidorejo Lor, Salatiga. It was establised in 1977. It

stands in the area of 5445m2. The total students around 150 students.

There are three departments in this senior high school, they are

Mathematics and Science, Social Science, Linguistics and Culture. The

headmaster of this school is Mrs. Dian Iindrihartani, S.sos, M.Pd.

2. Time Setting

The time setting of the graduating paper was May 12- Sept, 2017

3. Schedule of the Research

Table 3.1

Schedules of the Research



Submitted the permission letter to SMA

Muhammadiyah Pus Salatiga April 12, 2017


Discussed and arranged the research instruments with the English teacher of

SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga

April 20 – April 27, 2017


Done the observation in the class when




Gave students vocabulary and simple past

tense questionnaire for XA Class May 2, 2017


Gave the students reading narrative

questionnaire for XA Class May 3, 2017


Analyzed the result score and valid or

invalid questions May 3 – May 7, 2017


Gave the students vocabulary and simple

past tense questionnaire for XB Class May 8, 2017


Gave the students reading narrative text

questionnaire for XB Class May 10, 2017

9 Composed the report of the research May – September, 2017

B. Research Methodology 1. Approach of Research

According to Khotari (2004, p.27) “A research design is the

arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner

that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in

procedure.”In this graduating paper, the writer used quantitative research.

It means that the writer collected and analyzed the data statistically from

the students‟ scores of variables to find out the correlation between

students mastery of vocabulary and simple past tense toward their ability

in reading narrative text.

According to Muijs (2004, p.1) “Quantitative research is explaining



mathematically based methods (in particular statistics).”According to

Kumar (2011, p33):

Study is classified as quantitative if you want to quantify the variation in a phenomenon, situation, problem or issue; if information is gathered using predominantly quantitative variables; and if the analysis is geared to ascertain the magnitude of the variation.

Based on those explanations, the writer conclude that quantitative

research is a research field in question that emphasizes the analysis of the

data is numeric and reviewing research in the field of real life.

2. Type of Research

This graduating paper categorized into correlative type. The

purpose of correlational according to Leedy & Ormord (2010, p.183) is

“To investigate the extent to which differences in one characteristic or

variable are related to differences in one or more other characteristics or


A correlation occurs if one variable (X) increases and another

variable (Y) increases or decreases. A study that produces a correlation

coefficient of 0.00 signifies that there is no association between the

variables investigated. As Simon &Goes (2011, p.1) stated that

correlational studies display the relationship among variables use such

techniques as ceoos-tabulation and correlations.

So that, the writer correlated two variables of this graduating paper,



and Sorensen (2010) which is quoted by Setyosari (2013, p.198) “A

population is defined as all member of any well- defined class of

The population of this graduating paper was the tenth students

of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in the academic year of

2016/2017. The tenth grade students of this school devided into two

classes, XA class and XB class. XA class consists of 25 students, 9

students for male and 16 students for female. The XB class consists

of 24 students, 14 students for male and 10 students for female. So,

the total population of this research is 49 students.

b) Sample

According to Arikunto (1996, p.173) “Sample is the



is less than 100, it is better to take all of them as the sample but if the

total population is more than students.

In addition Sigh (2007, p.89) “Sampling is defined as the

process of selection of sampling units from the population to

estimate population parameters in such a way that the sample truly

represents the population.”According to Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen &

Razavieh (2010, p.150):

There are two steps sampling in research, probably sampling and non probably. In probably sampling consists of four types in sampling. The four types of probability sampling most frequently used in educational research are simple random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, and systematic sampling.

In this graduating paper, the writer used random sampling

technique. According to Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen & Razavieh (2010,


The best known of the probability sampling procedures is simple random sampling and the basic characteristic of simple random sampling is that all members of the population have an equal and independent chance of being included in the random sample.

The sample of this research was the students in XB class of

SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in academic year of 2016/2017.

From 24 students in XB class all of them participated to do the test.

The students are list as follows:

Table 3.2 Respondents



ID Number Name

1 4567 AgusBambangSetiawan ABS

2 4569 AlgiaKuspratamaAdhik AKA

3 4672 Andyka Rahman Hafizd ARH

4 4573 AnggiPuriIsnaeni API

5 4575 ApilliaKheisyaBibaAme AKBA

6 4576 ArdhikaDwiWiranata ADW

7 4578 AuliaDoranti AD

8 4579 ConiGunawan Putra CGP

9 4581 DzamaMaulana Ibrahim DMI

10 4584 FathulArifinMaidepa FAM

11 4586 HenyRiswanti HR

12 4590 LailyNurulHikmah LNK

13 4592 LutfanidndaPangesti LP

14 4593 MochammadSolichin MS

15 4594 Muhamad Kelvin MK

16 4596 Muhammad FadhilHidayah MFH

17 4598 Ngatini N

18 4600 Panji Yoga Rizaldy PYR

19 4601 PutriTridianaCahya PTC

20 4620 Ramadha Bastian RB

narrative text in the first semester. This consideration is related to the

difficulties in mastery of vocabulary and simple past tense toward


37 4. Method of Collecting Data

Collecting data methodology is the important thing should do to

give some strategies in collecting the data that writer need in the

research. The purpose of this collecting data is getting some facts,

believable information, and other supporting data. The writer used some

methodologies to get the data such as test, observation, and


a) Test

To get the data the writer used test intruments. “Test is a series

of questions or exercises and the other instruments which is used to

measure skill, intelligent knowledge, comprehension or talent which

is had by individual or group (Arikunto, 2010, p.266).”

Bachman & Palmer (1996, p.23) assumed “The primary

purpose of a language test is to provide a measure that we can

interpret as an indicator of an individual‟s ability.” The two

measurement qualities, reliability and construct validity are thus

essential to the usefulness of any language test. Reliability is a

necessary condition for construct validity, and hence for usefulness.

However, reliability is not a sufficient condition for either construct

validity or usefulness.

In conducting this graduating paper, the writer used two kinds

of test in order to collect the necessary data. The first test used to



second test used to measure the students mastery reading narrative


The writer held two phases of the test. Every phase of the test

held on 2 days. The first phase was the test for validating the

instrument of the research. It was done by XA Class along 2 days.

The first day they done the vocabulary and simple past tense test and

the second days they done reading narrative text. The purpose of this

text to know the valid or invalid instruments that used by writer.

The second phase was the real test. The test done by students

in XB Class. They done this test on 2 days. The first day they done

the vocabulary and simple past tense test, the next day they done

reading narrative text. The result of this test used to know the

correlation between students mastery of vocabulary and simple past

tense toward their ability in reading narrative text.

b) Observing

The writer also done the observation before she conducted the

research. The writer joined the teacher in the class when the English

learning process happened. This case purposed to know the real

students‟ condition in the class. According to Rugg & Petre (2006,



39 c) Documentation

In a research, the documentation is needed because it use to

prove that the writer have done the research and also to get more

data. In this graduating paper the writer also used documentation

such as photos, list of sample names, list of attendance etc.

5. Technique of Data Analysis

To analyzed a correlative research of students mastery of

vocabulary and simple past tense toward their ability in reading narrative

text, the writer used statistical technique. Thus, the writer used the

percentage formula to know how the score of both variables. While to

know the correlation, the writer used Pearson‟s product-moment formula.

In addition to make the measurement more accurate, the writer calculated

the data by SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions). The details

of each technique are follows:

a) Calculate the score of vocabulary and simple past tense test and

calculate the score of reading narrative test

1) Vocabulary and Simple Past Tense

The writer constructed two tests to measure and to examine

students‟ ability. The first test was multiple choice and short

essay to measure the students‟ ability in vocabulary and simple

past tense. It consist of 20 numbers. In the multiple choice test,



answer all items correctly, they would get perfect score by

multiplying with 5. The writer used scale 10-100.

∑N= the total of right answer.

2) Reading Narrative Text

The second test was reading narrative test. The total numbers of

this test was 8 numbers. Every correct answers get 1 point.

Then, the total of correct answer multiple by (100:8). The writer

used scale 10-100.

∑N= the total of right answer.

b) Measuring both the average of the test regarding subjects‟ ability in

vocabulary and simple past tense toward reading narrative text used

the following formula:

Final Score = ∑N X 5



c) Interpreting how good are students‟ ability in vocabulary mastery

and simple past tense toward reading narrative text based on the

overall average score:

Table 3.4 Score Classification

(Sudijono, 2011, p.35)

No Student‘s Score Mark Interpretation

1. 80 – 100 A Excellent

2. 66 – 79 B Good

3. 56 – 65 C Fair

4. 46 – 55 D Bad



d. Calculating the correlation coefficient between the two variables

using Pearson‟s product-moment formula to find out the correlation

coefficient. The formula is as follows:

Table 3.5

Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation Formula

r = ( ) ( )( )



Close to or beyond -0.7 Strong downhill (negative) relationship

Closer to -0.5

Moderate downhill (negative)


Closer to -0.30 Weak downhill (negative) relationship

0 No linear relationship

Closer to +0.30 Weak uphill (positive) relationship

Closer to +0.5 Moderate uphill (positive) relationship

Close to or beyond +0.7 Strong uphill (positive) relationship

+1 Perfect uphill (positive) relationship

6. Technique of Validating Data

“Three key concepts in quantitative methods are validity, reliability

and generalisability.” (Muijs, 2004, p.64). According to Fraenkel, Wallen

& Hyun (2012, p.147:

The quality of the instruments used in research is very important, for the conclusions writer draw are based on the information they obtain using these instruments. Accordingly, writer use a number of procedures to ensure that the inferences they draw, based on the data they collect, are valid and reliable

Validity is an important key to effective research. Validity is the

most important idea to consider when preparing or selecting an

instrument for use. Cohen, Manion & Morrison (2017, p.133) stated:



In order to check the validity of the data, the writer gave the trial

test to 24 students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga. They were

students from XA Class. To analyzed the validities the writer use SPSS.

The total population of this research was 25 students so the Pearson‟s r

must be 0.396 or higher.

Table 3.7

Data Validation for Vocabulary and Simple Past Tense Tests



Table 3.8

Data Validation for Reading Narrative Text Tests


There were 20 valid questions for vocabulary and simple past tense test and 8

valid questions for reading narrative text test.

Moreover, besides the validity test the writer also need to test the

reliability of the data findings on students mastery of vocabulary and simple

past tense toward their ability in reading narrative text. “Reliability refers to

the extent to which test scores are free of measurement error” (Muijs, 2004,


To calculate the reliability, the writer also used SPSS program. The

result of reliability test will be show as follow:

Table 3.9

Reliability Test Result ( Vocabulary and Simple Past Tense Test)

Case Processing Summary



Cases Valid 25 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 25 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Test Result ( Reading Narrative Test)

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 25 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 25 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics


Alpha N of Items

.667 8

To interpret the result of the reliability test in SPSS, the writer used



Table 3.11

Cronbach’s Alpha Value Interpretation

According to George and Mallery as quoted by Gliem&Gliem (2003, p.87)

Value of Cronbach’s Alpha Interpretation

> 0.9 Excellent

> 0.8 Good

> 0.7 Acceptable

> 0.6 Questionable

> 0.5 Poor

< 0.5 Unacceptable

Based on the result, the value of Cronbach‟s Alpha for vocabulary

and simple past tense test is 0.807, which is more than 0.8. It means that the

vocabulary and simple past tense test has good reliability. In addition, the

value of Cronbach‟s Alpha for reading narrative text test is 0.667, which is




A. Result of Students Vocabulary and Simple Past Tense Test

In this part, the writer presents the calculation of students‟ score in

vocabulary and simple past tense test.

Table 4.1

Students’ Vocabulary and Simple Past Tense Score

No Name Score Qualification



Based on the table above, showed the total score of vocabulary and simple

past tense test was 1.565. To know the mean score of vocabulary and simple past

tense test, the writer calculated the mean score used the following formula:

1565 = 24

= 65.2


Mx = the mean.

Σ X = the sum of all scores.

N = the total number of subjects.

The average score of vocabulary and simple past tense test of the tenth

grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in the Academic Year

of 2016/2017 was 65.02.

Next step the writer calculated the data to find out the percentage of

students„ mastery on speaking fluently and accurately used the formula:


By which:

P = The percentage

F = The frequency




N = The number of students

1. The total number of students‟ score in vocabulary and simple past tense

that having excellent qualification is 0 students. It means that the

percentage is 0%

2. The total number of students‟ score in vocabulary and simple past tense

test that having Good qualification are 16 students. The percentage is as


3. The total number of students‟ score in vocabulary and simple past tense

test that having Fair qualification are 8 students. The percentage is asa


4. The total number of students‟ score in vocabulary and simple past

tense test that having Poor qualification is 0 student. It means that the

percentage is 0%

5. The total number of students‟ score in vocabulary and simple past

tense test that having Failed qualification is 9 students. It means that

the percentage is 0%

Based on the explanations above, the highest percentage was 66.6% in

Fair qualification. The average of students‟ score of vocabulary mastery and


Table 3.1 Schedules of the Research
Table 3.3 Calculating Mean Score Formula
Table 3.5
Table 3.7


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