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SQ3R IMPLEMENTATION IN TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION(A Case Study of Eighth Grade Students at One State MTs in Sumedang.


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(A Case Study of Eighth Grade Students at One State MTs in Sumedang)

A Research Paper

Submitted to English Education Department of FPBS UPI Bandung as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree


Mila Siti Masruuroh 0902459





SQ3R Implementation in Teaching

Reading Comprehension

(A Case Study of Eighth Grade

Students at One State MTs in



Mila Siti Masruuroh

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra

© Mila Siti Masruuroh 2015 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Januari 2015

Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang.



Mila Siti Masruuroh (0902459)


(A Case Study of Eighth Grade Students at One State MTs in Sumedang)

Approved by:

Head of Department of English Education Faculty of Language and Literature Education

Indonesia University of Education

Prof. Dr. H. Didi Suherdi, M.Ed. NIP. 196211011987121001

Main Supervisor,

Prof. Dr. Nenden Sri Lengkanawati, M.Pd. NIP. 195111241985032001



Mila Siti Masruuroh, 2015

SQ3R implementation in teaching reading comprehension

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu SQ3R IMPLEMENTATION IN TEACHING READING


(A Case Study of Eight Grade Students at One State MTs in Sumedang)


This research aimed to describe the implementation of SQ3R in teaching reading comprehension and to identify students’ responses toward the implementation of SQ3R. Moreover, it examined the benefits of SQ3R in teaching reading comprehension in Indonesia. This research used a qualitative case study conducted at one State MTs in Sumedang. It involved one class of the eighth grade which consists of 30 students. The data were collected through observation, interview, and document analysis. The data from the three instruments were analyzed qualitatively. The results of this research showed that the implementation of SQ3R helped the students to comprehend English texts. The students also responded the implementation of SQ3R positively. They focused while reading English texts by using SQ3R. They were also interested and enthusiastic in doing the tasks. In addition, SQ3R helped them to write questions from the texts, to rewrite the information by their own words, to write a report or a summary about the texts, and to enrich their vocabularies. In conclusion, SQ3R helped the students in reading English texts. Therefore, SQ3R is recommended to be implemented in teaching reading comprehension.


Mila Siti Masruuroh, 2015

SQ3R implementation in teaching reading comprehension

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(Studi Kasus pada Siswa kelas VIII di Salah Satu MTs Negeri di Sumedang)


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi SQ3R dalam pengajaran pemahaman membaca dan untuk mengidentifikasi tanggapan siswa terhadap implementasi SQ3R. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menguji manfaat dari SQ3R dalam pengajaran membaca di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus kualitatif yang dilaksanakan di salah satu MTs Negeri di Sumedang. Penelitian ini melibatkan satu kelas VIII yang terdiri dari 30 siswa. Data-data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan analisis dokumen. Data dari ketiga instrumen tersebut dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa implementasi SQ3R membantu siswa memahami teks-teks Bahasa Inggris. Para siswa juga memberikan tanggapan positif terhadap implementasi SQ3R ini. Mereka fokus ketika membaca teks Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan SQ3R. Mereka juga tertarik dan antusias dalam mengerjakan tugas-tugas tersebut. Selain itu, SQ3R membantu mereka dalam menulis pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari teks, menulis kembali informasi dengan kata-kata sendiri, menulis laporan atau rangkuman mengenai teks, dan memperkaya kosa kata mereka. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa SQ3R membantu para siswa untuk membaca teks-teks Bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, disarankan SQ3R dapat diimplementasikan dalam pengajaran membaca.


Mila Siti Masruuroh, 2015

SQ3R implementation in teaching reading comprehension

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu TABLE OF CONTENT


2.1Reading ... 7

2.1.1 Definition of Reading ... 7

2.1.2 Reading Processes ... ... 8

2.1.3 Reading Comprehension ... 10

2.1.4 Reading Comprehension Strategy ... 12

2.2Descriptive Text ... 13

2.3Recount Text ... 14

2.4SQ3R ... 15

2.4.1 Definition of SQ3R ... 15


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2.5Characteristics of Young Learners ... 18

2.6Previous Studies on SQ3R Strategy ... 20

2.7Concluding Remark ... 21


3.1Research Questions ... 22

3.5.2 Preparing Teaching Materials ... 29

3.5.3 Observing Activities in the Classroom ... 29

3.5.4 Interviewing ... 30

4.1.1 The Implementation of SQ3R in Teaching Reading Comprehension ... 33 Findings from Observation ... 34 The First Meeting ... 34


Mila Siti Masruuroh, 2015

SQ3R implementation in teaching reading comprehension

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu The Third Meeting ... 36 The Fourth Meeting ... 38 The Fifth Meeting ... 39 The Sixth Meeting ... 41 Findings from Interview ... 43 Findings from Document Analysis ... 43

4.1.2 Students’ Responses toward the Implementation of SQ3R in Teaching Reading Comprehension ... 45 Findings from Observation ... 45 Findings from Interview ... 48 Findings from Document Analysis ... 50

4.2Discussion ... 50

4.2.1 The Implementation of SQ3R in Teaching Reading Comprehension ... 50 from Observation ... 50 from Interview ... 53 from Document Analysis ... 54

4.2.2 Students’ Responses toward the Implementation of SQ3R in Teaching Reading Comprehension ... 56 from Observation ... 56 from Interview ... 59 from Document Analysis ... 59


5.1Conclusion ... 61

5.2Recommendation ... 62



Mila Siti Masruuroh, 2015

SQ3R implementation in teaching reading comprehension


Mila Siti Masruuroh, 2015

SQ3R implementation in teaching reading comprehension

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER I


As an introductory section, this chapter presents background of the

research. It also presents statements of the problem, aims of the research, scope of

the research, significance of the research, clarification of the terms, and

organization of the paper.


Reading comprehension is one of the problems faced by Indonesian

students in reading English texts. Most Indonesian students have difficulties in

reading English texts because English in Indonesia is a foreign language (Hamra

and Syatriana, 2010). In addition, many results of research also showed that Indonesian students’ ability in reading English texts was very low (Syatriana, 1998; Hamra, 1993 and 1996; Kweldju, 2001 as cited in Hamra and Syatriana,


As one of the English Language Skills, reading is the most important area

of activity for the development of L2 academic competence, for interpersonal function, and for merely “getting along” in literate society, and also as the primary channel for L2 input and a major source of exposure to associated literature and

other aspects of the L2 culture for many learners (Saville-troike, 2006). Reading is also very beneficial for language acquisition and has positive effect on students’ vocabulary knowledge, on their spelling and on their writing (Harmer, 2007).

Besides, the crucial goal of teaching reading is to help students understand texts

through concious and systematic training of reading skills (Astika, 2007).

Therefore, reading is an important skill that needs to be mastered by EFL


Mila Siti Masruuroh, 2015

SQ3R implementation in teaching reading comprehension

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Moreover, Brown (2001) states that reading comprehension is primarily a

matter of developing appropriate, efficient comprehension strategies for most EFL

learners who are already literate in a previous language, L1. In other words, an

appropriate and efficient reading strategy is required to help students improve

their reading comprehension. Therefore, applying appropriate reading strategy is

crucial to help students improve their reading comprehension.

One of the strategies in teaching reading comprehension is SQ3R (Survey,

Question, Read, Recite, and Review) developed by Robinson (1941) providing

students with a systematic approach for studying a textbook assignment (Wright,

2003). Besides, SQ3R presents a detailed step-by-step outline of what readers

should complete and accomplish while reading (Baier, 2011). In addition, Nuttal

(1989) states that SQ3R makes students responsible for guiding themselves in

reading texts, and also it promotes purposeful and active involvement to students

in reading texts.

Afterwards, there are previous studies that have been conducted on SQ3R

strategy in teaching reading comprehension. Firstly, Pribadi (2013) conducted his

research to find out how SQ3R helps the tenth grader of SMA 1 Srengat to solve

their problems in reading descriptive text. It was concluded that the students who

used SQ3R reading strategy performed reading activity better, especially in

reading descriptive text (Pribadi, 2013). The strategy also provided the students

with a structured reading technique, which could lead them to comprehend the

text better (Pribadi, 2013). Then, Lestari (2012) who conducted the use of SQ3R

in the Tenth Grade of Senior High School concluded that this method gave a significant improvement of students’ reading comprehension. Besides, Baier (2011) who conducted the implementation of SQ3R in the fifth grade students

also concluded that SQ3R strategy significantly improved the fifth grade students’

comprehension scores of expository texts. In addition, Apandi (2011) who

conducted SQ3R strategy in teaching reading to the Second Year of Junior High


Mila Siti Masruuroh, 2015

SQ3R implementation in teaching reading comprehension

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

idea, the general idea, and the similar and the opposite meanings of English words

from the texts. The students also give positive impression in learning reading by

using SQ3R (Apandi, 2011). Therefore, as one of the reading strategies, SQ3R is appropriate to be applied in teaching students’ reading comprehension.

Based on the explanation above, this research was conducted to describe

the implementation of SQ3R in teaching reading comprehension and to identify students’ responses toward the implementation of SQ3R in teaching reading comprehension.

1.2Statements of the Problem

The statements of the problems of this research are formulated in the

following questions.

1. How is SQ3R implemented in teaching reading comprehension?

2. What are students’ responses toward the implementation of SQ3R in

teaching reading comprehension?

1.3Aims of the Research

The aims of this research are stated as follows.

1. To describe the implementation of SQ3R in teaching reading


2. To identify students’ responses toward the implementation of SQ3R in

teaching reading comprehension.

1.4Scope of the Research

This research focuses on two concerns in its investigation. The first is on


Mila Siti Masruuroh, 2015

SQ3R implementation in teaching reading comprehension

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

two concerns is in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom in

Indonesia, that is the eighth grade students of one State MTs in Sumedang as

participants in this research.

1.5Significance of the Research

This research is expected to give advantages in theoretical and practical


1. Theoretical aspect

This research is expected to be useful to enrich the theories and methods in

teaching reading comprehension.

2. Practical aspect

This research is expected to be useful for both students and teacher.

a) Students

This research is expected to improve students’ reading comprehension and to increase their interest and motivation in reading

English texts.

b) Teachers

This research is expected to be useful for teacher to improve their

strategy in teaching reading comprehension and to find solution to

problems faced in teaching reading comprehension.

1.6 Clarification of Terms

 Reading comprehension is the proses of extracting and constructing meaning simultaneously through interaction and involvement with written

language (Snow, 2002). Reading comprehension in this research refers to

reading comprehension taught in one EFL classroom in Indonesia, that is


Mila Siti Masruuroh, 2015

SQ3R implementation in teaching reading comprehension

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

 SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review), developed by Robinson (1941), provides students with a systematic approach presenting

a detailed step-by-step outline of what readers should complete and

accomplish while reading for studying a textbook assignment (Wright,

2003; Baier, 2011). SQ3R refers to the method used in this research in

teaching reading to EFL students.

 An EFL classroom is a class in a country in which English is not the dominant language, and there is little experience and exposure to the

language outside the classroom, and also encounters with the language are

through several hours of teaching in a school week (Cameron, 2005). An

EFL classroom refers to the participants in this research that is eighth

grade students at one State MTs in Sumedang.

 Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) is a formal education equals to Junior High School which organizes general education by using religion characteristics

under Ministry of Religious Affairs (Ministry of Religious Affair, no. 90,

2013). Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) in this research refers to the school as

the site in doing this research that is one State MTs in Sumedang.

1.7Organization of the Paper

CHAPTER I: Introduction. This chapter covers information about background, statements of the problem, aims of the research, scope of the

research, significance of the research, clarification of the terms, and

organization of the paper.

CHAPTER II: Theoretical Foundation. This chapter discusses theoretical foundation that is relevant to this research, which provides basic theories for

investigating the research problems. The theories in this research are about

reading, reading processes, reading comprehension, reading comprehension


Mila Siti Masruuroh, 2015

SQ3R implementation in teaching reading comprehension

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strategy in teaching reading, characteristics of young learners, and previous

studies on SQ3R strategy.

CHAPTER III: Research Methodology. This chapter explains the procedure of the research that includes research questions, research method, site and

participants, data collection, research procedure, and data analysis.

CHAPTER IV: Findings and Discussion. This chapter reports and discusses the result of the research findings about the implementation of SQ3R in teaching reading comprehension and students’ responses toward the implementation of SQ3R.


Mila Siti Masruuroh, 2015

SQ3R implementation in teaching reading comprehension


Mila Siti Masruuroh, 2015

SQ3R implementation in teaching reading comprehension

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER III


This chapter gives a detailed description about the procedure of the

research to answer the two questions of this research. It covers research questions,

research method, site and participants, data collection, research procedure, and

data analysis.

3.1Research Questions

The statements of the problems of this research are formulated in the

following questions.

1. How is SQ3R implemented in teaching reading comprehension?

2. What are students’ responses toward the implementation of SQ3R in

teaching reading comprehension?

3.2Research Method

Qualitative research in the form of case study was conducted in this

research intended to describe the implementation of SQ3R in teaching reading

comprehension and students’ responses toward the implementation of SQ3R.

According to Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun (2012), qualitative research concerns

with both process and product, for example, describing how things occur, how

students interact with their teacher as well as their friends in the classroom, how

questions are answered, and so on. This research was in the form of qualitative

case study since it was carried out in a single case in which the researcher’s aim is

to understand the case (Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2012). In addition, it was a

qualitative case study since it was concerned with a description of events relevant


Mila Siti Masruuroh, 2015

SQ3R implementation in teaching reading comprehension

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Based on the explanation above, a qualitative case study was used in this

research in order to describe the events related to the case including both process

and product, for example, how things occur, how students interact with their

teacher as well as their friends in the classroom, and how questions are answered

(Hitchcock and Hughes, 1995 in Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2007; Fraenkel,

Wallen, & Hyun, 2012) while implementing SQ3R in teaching reading

comprehension. Therefore, there were some activities done in this research. The

researcher implemented SQ3R in teaching reading texts and observed the

implementation of SQ3R in teaching reading texts during the lesson. Then, she

interviewed selected participants to get their responses toward the implementation

of SQ3R in teaching reading comprehension.

In line with the explanation above, this research was conducted to describe

the implementation process of SQ3R and students’ responses toward the

implementation of SQ3R in teaching reading comprehension.

3.3Site and Participants

classes of eighth grade students in this school. However, there was only one class

as the sample in this research. The class was VIII A which consists of 30 students

whose ages were around 13 years old. The class was chosen based on the

discussion with the teacher of the eighth grade students (the real teacher in class)


Mila Siti Masruuroh, 2015

SQ3R implementation in teaching reading comprehension

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

In addition, there were ten (10) students who were interviewed in this

research. The respondents were selected based on the principles of fairness and

voluntary in which the researcher informed them before they were interviewed,

and they were not forced to be interviewed (Herdiansyah, 2013).

The eighth grade students were chosen because based on the informal

interview with the teacher of the eighth grade students (the real teacher in class) it

is proven that they have more knowledge than the seventh grade students. For

instance, there are some materials that have been taught on the seventh grade such

as descriptive text, expressions for asking and giving something, opinion,

information, and so on.

3.4Data Collection

In collecting the data, there were three instruments applied in this research,

those are observation, interview, and document analysis. According to Satori &

Komariah (2011), the fundamental methods in collecting the data of qualitative

research are participant observation, in-depth interview, and document analysis. In

line with this, Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun (2012) states that qualitative researchers

use observation, in-depth interview, and document analysis in collecting and

analyzing the data. In addition, Emzir (2011) also states that observation,

interview, and document analysis are used in collecting the data of qualitative

research. In other words, collecting the data in qualitative research is done by

observing people and events, interviewing selected participants, and analyzing

various documents (Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2012).

3.4.1 Observation

Observation is used to observe and record what people do in the setting

(Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2012). In line with this, Cooper and Schindler (2001,


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researcher to look at behavior, such as students interact with their teacher as well

as their friends in the classroom. The observation was applied in this research to

investigate the teaching-learning process during the implementation of SQ3R in

teaching students reading comprehension.

In this research, the observations were conducted six times (six meetings)

from August, 13th to September 3rd, 2014. The time allocation in each meeting

was 80 minutes. During the observation, SQ3R were implemented by the

researcher as a participant observer in which she participated as the teacher who

implemented SQ3R in teaching reading comprehension and observed how the

implementation of SQ3R in teaching reading comprehension at the same time. As

stated in Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun (2012) a participant observer fully

participates in the activities of the group studied and makes it clear that he or she

is doing research. Thus, the type of observation in this research is participant

observation (Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2012).

As a participant observer, the researcher is able to observe ongoing

behavior as it occurs and to make appropriate notes about its salient features

(Bailey, 1994 in Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2007). The instrument used to

observe the activities in implementing SQ3R was observation sheets. The

observation sheet was filled by the researcher who also participated as the teacher,

and the complete notes were written in the field notes as quickly as possible after

the observation (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2007; Satori & Komariah, 2011). In

addition, the teaching-learning process in each meeting was also recorded by

using video recorder that enables the researcher to watch repeatedly and recheck it

easily. As stated in Moleong (2010), video-tape can be observed repeatedly so that

the researcher can recheck it easily. In line with this, Alwasilah (2008) states that

the researcher is suggested to record the observation activities by using video

recorder so that it can be watched repeatedly.

The observation sheet as the instrument used to observe the activities in


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consists of the activities in each step of SQ3R developed based on the theories of

SQ3R. The following activities were observed to get more data on the

teaching-learning process.

Table 3.1 Observation Sheet

SQ3R Activities Yes No Evidence

SURVEY (S) The students survey the text by

reading about the title of the text. The students survey picture (s) to get a general understanding of the text. about the title of the text.


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difficult word (s).

RECITE (R-2) The students recite the

information in step 3 by restating the answers by their own words. The students write their response

Adapted from Apandi (2011); Robinson (1941) in Wright (2003)

3.4.2 Interview

According to Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun (2012), the aim of interviewing

people is to find out what they think or how they feel about something. A

semistructured or in-depth interview were used in this research to gain in depth

and clear information from the informants (Hatch, 2002).

As stated in Hatch (2002), in a semistructured interview, the researcher

comes to the interview with guiding questions and records the interview. In this

research, a one-to-one interview was conducted after the implementation of

SQ3R. It consisted of six questions exploring students’ responses toward the

implementation of SQ3R. Besides, the questions in interviewing the students were

carried in Indonesian intended to gain clear understanding on what researcher and

participants say (Rumhayati, 2012).

Based on the explanation above, the interview in this research was

developed by formulating six questions to gain in depth and clear information

about students’ responses toward the implementation of SQ3R in teaching reading

comprehension. The first question was about whether the students are interested in

the implementation of SQ3R in teaching reading texts or not. The second question

was about whether SQ3R improves their abilities in reading English text or not.

The third question was about whether SQ3R enriches their vocabulary or not. The


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SQ3R implementation in teaching reading comprehension

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their own words or not. The fifth question was about what they really like in

reading English texts by using SQ3R. The last question was about what their

difficulties in reading English text by using SQ3R. Afterward, the students’

anwers of the interview were transcribed, and then described. Lastly, those are

related to relevant literature to answer the research questions.

3.4.3 Document Analysis

The last technique used in this research was analyzing documents

(Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2012). According to Satori & Komariah (2011),

document analysis is the complement of observation and interview. Further, they

(2011) also states that document analysis is collecting written documents and data

that are needed to be investigated.

As the complement of observation and interview (Satori & Komariah,

2011), the written documents in the forms of lesson plans, observation sheets,

field notes and students’ reading assessments were analyzed in this research in

order to answer the research questions. The lesson plans which were designed by

the researcher, as a participant observer, were used to find out the whole process

of teaching reading texts by using SQ3R. Then, observation sheets and field notes

were used to take the real situation during the teaching-learning process. Field

notes are the detail notes taken by a researcher that is what she or he sees, hears,

experiences, and thinks in the course of collecting and reflecting data (Fraenkel,

Wallen, & Hyun, 2012). Field notes are usually written as quickly as possible

after the observation (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2007; Satori & Komariah,

2011). Lastly, students’ reading assessment sheets were used to find out students’

comprehension in reading texts. The following is the field note table to take the

real situation during the teaching-learning process.

Table 3.2 Field Notes

Overall Comments


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READ (R-1)




Action suggested:

Adapted from Robinson (1941) in Wright (2003)

3.5 Research Procedure

There were some steps which were conducted by the researcher, as a

participant observer, in taking the data required in this research. The steps were

preparing the lesson plans, preparing teaching materials, observing activities in

the classroom, interviewing, and analyzing documents.

3.5.1 Preparing the Lesson Plans

There were six lesson plans implemented in doing this research. Those

lesson plans were designed by the researcher, as a participant observer, for six

meetings. The materials in the lesson plans were about descriptive and recount


3.5.2 Preparing Teaching Materials

There were six texts used in this research. The materials were about

descriptive and recount texts, those were “The Ka’bah”, “Al-Masjid An-Nabawi”,

“The Symbolic Sites of Masjidil Haram”, “My Holiday”, “Going Fishing for the


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from Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE) by Priana, et al. (2008) entitled

“Scaffolding: English for Junior High School Students Grade VIII”, and also a book by Setiawan & Mustafa (2009) entitled “Siap Menghadapi Ujian Nasional

SMP/MTs Bahasa Inggris”, and the others were adapted from


3.5.3 Observing Activities in the Classroom

Observing activities in the classroom was conducted by the researcher, as

a participant observer, during the implementation of six lesson plans that have

been designed. The teaching-learning process was also recorded by using video

recorder that enables the researcher to watch it repeatedly and recheck it easily

(Alwasilah, 2008; Moleong, 2010).

The implementation of six lesson plans included the explanation how to do

SQ3R in reading descriptive texts and recount texts, and also the implementation

of SQ3R in group work and individual work. The materials and the interaction

pattern used in this research are showed in the following table.

Table 3.3 Dates, Materials and Interaction Patterns of the Research

Meeting Date Material Interaction Pattern

1 August 13th, 2014 Descriptive Text -

2 August 20th, 2014 Descriptive Text Group Work

3 August 22nd, 2014 Descriptive Text Individual Work

4 August 27th, 2014 Recount Text Individual Work

The interview was conducted on September 3rd, 2014 in the last meeting.

There were ten (10) respondents who were interviewed. The respondents were


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SQ3R implementation in teaching reading comprehension

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informed them before they were interviewed, and they were not forced to be

reading English text and enrich their vocabulary or not, whether SQ3R helps them

to rewrite information by their own words or not, and what they really like in

reading English texts by using SQ3R as well as what their difficulties in reading

English text by using SQ3R.

3.5.5 Analyzing Documents

The documents analyzed in this research were in the forms of lesson plans,

observation sheets, field notes, and students’ reading assessments. The lesson

plans were analyzed to find out the whole process of teaching reading texts by

using SQ3R. Then, observation sheets and field notes were analyzed to take the

real situation during the teaching-learning process. Lastly, students’ reading

assessment sheets were analyzed to find out students’ comprehension in reading


3.6 Data Analysis

The data which were collected from observation, interview, and document

analysis were analyzed. Further, the data from the three instruments were

presented in the form of descriptive explanation in which the data were reported

in words (Arikunto, 2006).

The triangulation was used in this research to ensure the validity of the

research (Creswell, 2008 in Emzir, 2010). According to Emzir (2010),

triangulation is the process of analyzing data from different sources (observation,


Mila Siti Masruuroh, 2015

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research, this process was done by analyzing the results of the observations

obtained from classroom activities, the students’ answers from the interview, and

document analysis to answer the research questions. In line with this, Fraenkel,

Wallen, & Hyun (2012) states that analyzing the data in a qualitative research is

done by analyzing the information obtained from various sources (observation,

interview, and document).

3.6.1 Observation

The data from observation were analyzed descriptively to answer the

research questions including the process of SQ3R implementation and the

students’ responses toward the implementation of SQ3R in teaching reading

comprehension. The data from observation were analyzed in the following steps.

1. Implementing SQ3R technique in teaching reading texts.

2. Observing and recording how SQ3R was implemented in teaching reading

texts by using observation sheet, field notes, and videos.

3. Interpreting and describing the data taken from observation to answer the

research questions.

3.6.2 Interview

The data from the interview were recorded by using voice recorder in a

hand phone. The data taken from the interview were analyzed in the following


1. Transcribing the data from the interview.

2. Interpreting the data from the interview to answer the research questions.

3. Relating the data to relevant literature.


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The documents which were analyzed in this research are in the forms of

lesson plans, observation sheets, field notes, and results of students’ reading

assessments. The lesson plans were analyzed to find out the process of teaching

reading texts by using SQ3R. Observation sheets and field notes were also

analyzed to take the real situation during the teaching-learning process. Then,

results of students’ reading assessments were analyzed to find out students’

comprehension in reading texts. Lastly, the documents that have been analyzed

were interpreted to answer the research questions.

3.7 Concluding Remark

This chapter presented a detailed description of research methodology in

this research, including research questions, research method, site and participants,

data collection, research procedure, and data analysis. The aims of the research

were to describe the implementation of SQ3R in teaching reading comprehension

and to identify students’ responses toward the implementation of SQ3R in

teaching reading comprehension. The researcher used three instruments, including

observation, interview, and document analysis to obtain the data. The results of


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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER V


This last chapter presents the conclusion that can be described as the

results of the research. It also offers suggestions for teachers and for further

researcher on SQ3R as one of the strategies that can be used in teaching reading



This research focused on the implementation of SQ3R in teaching reading

comprehension. The aims of this research was to describe the implementation of

SQ3R in teaching reading comprehension and to identify students’ responses

toward the implementation of SQ3R.

The related research on SQ3R in teaching reading has been conducted

before. The findings of this research confirm the previous research that SQ3R is

effective for teaching reading (Pribadi, 2013; Lestari, 2012; Baier, 2011; Ola,

2011). The argument was supported by the data obtained from observation,

interview, and document analysis.

From the observation, it can be seen that the students focused while

reading texts by using SQ3R both in group work and individual work. They were

also enthusiastic in doing the tasks since they were active in asking the teacher

when they had questions, and also they participated actively in the

teaching-learning process.

From the interview, it can be seen that the students were interested in

reading English texts by using SQ3R because of some reasons. First, the


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also helped them to write questions from the texts, to rewrite the information by

their own words and to write a report or summary about the texts. Lastly, it helped

them to enrich their vocabularies as well.

From the document analysis, it can be seen that the students did each step

of SQ3R well both in group work and individual work. The result of students’

reading assessment showed that SQ3R helped the students to comprehend texts.

It can be concluded that the findings from the three instruments shows that

SQ3R helped the students to comprehend English texts and the students

responded the implementation of SQ3R positively. The students were interested

and enthusiastic in reading English text by using SQ3R. They also focused while

reading texts by using SQ3R. Besides, SQ3R helped the students to write

questions from the texts, to rewrite the information by their own words, and to

write a report or a summary about the texts. Lastly, it helped them to enrich their


However, there were some problems which were found in teaching

reading comprehension by using SQ3R. It needed more time to explain SQ3R

technique and to give example clearly how to do each step of SQ3R to the

students. Thus, the teacher needed to consider the time allotment in implementing

each step of SQ3R. The students also had difficulties in doing question, recite, and

review steps so that they needed help from the teacher in doing those steps, and

the teacher needed to explain more clearly about those steps.


This research is expected to give contribution in the teaching-learning

process, especially in reading comprehension. There are some suggestions for

teachers and for further researcher who are willing to do research in the field of


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First, teachers need to be aware that implementing this strategy needs

longer time in the classroom. Therefore, preparation is really important before

implementing this strategy. Second, the five steps of SQ3R must be explained to

the students clearly. Third, teachers also need to choose the reading materials that

are appropriate to students’ interests in order to motivate the students. Lastly, for

those who are interested in conducting similar research can involve students for

another level who have different characteristics with Madrasah Tsanawiyah


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Table 3.1 Observation Sheet
Table 3.3 Dates, Materials and Interaction Patterns of the Research


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