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S ING 0902336 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Wina Anggraeni Lestari, 2014


Univeristas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


Cameron, D. (1994). Problems of sexist and non-sexist language. in J. Sunderland (eds.), exploring gender: questions and implications for English language education (pp. 26-33) London: Prentice Hall Publishing

Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research design qualitative, quantitative and mixed method approaches. California. Sage publisher

Damayanti, Ika Lestari, (2006). The representation of male-female in school textbooks for primary student in indonesia. Unpublished Thesis. University of Warwick

Gharbavi, A. and Mousavi, S. A. (2012). A content analysis of textbook: investigating gender bias as a social prominence in Iranian high school

english textbook [September 8th 2013]

http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ells/article/download/15232/1030 1

Gerot, L & Wigneil, P. (2005). Making sense of functional grammar. Sidney: Gerd Stabler Publisher

Hall, S. (1997). The work of representation. in s. hall (eds.), representation: cultural representation and signifying practice (pp. 13-74) London: Sage Publishing

Halliday, M.A.K. (1994). An introduction to functional grammar. Sidney. Arnold

Harasyima, H.D. (2005). Sexual bias in an EFL textbook: a case study. in k. bradford-watts, c ikeguchi, & m. swanson (eds.) JALT 2004 Conference Proceedings. Tokyo: JALT. [online] available at [September 16th 2013]

Healy, D. (2009). The representation of women and men in a modern efl textbook: are popular textbooks gender biased? vol. 54, No.2, pp. 91-100 [September 2nd 2013] http://www.oit.ac.jp/japanese/toshokan/tosho/kiyou/jinshahen/54-2/07healy.pdf

Hermawan, B., & Setyorini. (2008). Speaking for general communication. Bandung: UPI Press

Kemp, N (2007). A gender analysis of the ESL textbook side by side. http://www.kiu.ac.jp/organization/library/memoir/img/pdf/kokusai6-1_2-007kemp.pdf [September 16th 2013]


Wina Anggraeni Lestari, 2014


Univeristas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

students. Bandung: Unpublished Research Paper. Indonesia University of Education

Mineshima, M. (2008). Gender Representation in an EFL Textbook” [17 Agustus 2013]


Nagamoto, H. D. (2010). A critical analysis of gender representation in an EFL textbook. Journal of the Ochanomizu University English Society No. 1

Rahmani. M. (2009). Gender representation in three english textbooks for elementary school students. Bandung: Unpublished Research Paper. Indonesia University of Education

Sahragard, R. & Davatgarzadeh, G. (2010). The representation of social actors in interchange third edition series: a critical discourse analysis. www.SID.ir

Sari, N.T.A. (2009). Visible boys, invisible girls: the representation of gender in

‘learn English with Tito’ (a critical discourse analysis of english language textbook for primary school). Bandung: Unpublished Research Paper. Indonesia University of Education

Stockdale, D. A. (2006). Gender representation in an EFL textbook. [September 8th 2013] http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/Documents/college-artslaw/cels/essays/sociolinguistics/DAStockdale-Sociolinguistics.pdf

Sunderland, J. (1994). Exploring gender: questions and implications for english language education. London: Prentice Hall International Publisher.

Otlowski, M. (2003). Ethnic diversity and gender bias in EFL textbooks. Asian EFL journal.

UNESCO. Division for Promotion of Basic Education. (2009). Promoting gender equality through textbook a methodological guide. Paris: The United Nations Educational Publisher. [August 17th 2013] http://unesco.org.pk/education/documents/publications/Gender%20Analysis%20 of%20School%20Curriculum%20and%20Text%20Books.pdf

Van Leeuwen, T. (2008). Discourse and practice new tools for critical discourse analysis. New York: Oxford University Press


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