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The Effect of Using English Songs and Watclling English Television

Program on Students' Vocabulary Mastery

A Thesis


Merry Menzus Frida Baacin

NIM : 055010176

(S.Pd UNIMED Med.ao)

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requimnmtsfor the~ of

Magister Humaniora














1 ·:


Advisers' StatemeoCs

I certify that 1 have read this thesis and that, in my opinion it is fully adequate in

scope and quality as a thesis for the Degree of Magister Humaniora..




Fint Adviser

I certify that I have read this thesis and that, in my opinion it is fully adequale in

Secoad Ad"tiser








This tl\esis was examined on 6"" December 2008 by the Board of Examinet'S.

Boord ofExamineTs

Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd

Prof. Tina Mariany Arifin. M. A Ph D.

Prof. Amrin Saragih. M.A , J>h. D.

Prof. Dr. Jawasi Naibaho, M.Pd

Dr. Busmin Guming, M.Pd

Approved by

The Director of the POSigroduate School The Head of · glisb Applied Linguistics _ Program



fh1S thCSIS has bee n 1\Ti!ICI\ Ill partia l fultillmcnt o f the d ~!,'l'eC Clf !\.•lagtst<!f of

Humaniora in Engli;;h Applied l in gu i~ t ks Stud,· Progr,un l'ostGraduatc School.

St~tc l imn:'rs ity of Mcdan

l' h~ 111l\SI \\·Ondcrful great thanks is gi,cn 10 h~r migh t ~ L<•rd-. k ~u ~ Chnstlilr

gr\·mg her strt:nbrth. blessing. 1{'1\(" caring. heahh. gULding anJ hope in C\~ r: br<:ath

that s he t a l- c ~ "' her


Nothmg ~h<' can oc done ""houl His bl<:'>ing.

l he \\Ti ter adnuts that s he had $O i l\~ dJtlicuhics in complcti ng this the"s. It

1\0IS la,tcd fCir 5 month$ llti\\'<!\Cr. ~ he could O\Crl' t>m<' a ll Clfthc dillicultic > "i th 1hc

=~ ' .;.is \a n\· ~ nf many peop1e.

For this reason. sh.: " ishcs to express ha harticst gratlludc to Dr

Linc.-Sthoml>ong i\-I.Pd .. her firs t a<h iscr and Pro f I' ina Marian) Arifin, M.A .. Ph D. her

,,-,·ond adHscr for thctr generous assistance _ adl'ic<', and pn:c iOu$ time spent on

, .,rrecung the thcs<s draft. ller spcctal thanks 1s a l ~o directed to Pro( 1\mnn Saragth

:-.tA .

Ph.D., Dr. Busmin Gurnmg M. Pd .. Prof. D• Jawasi Naibaho lor their pret·ious

c onstrucu,·c critktsms, corrections. and sugges1ions on the draft dunng the seminar

proposa l and the c~a mina t io n Th~ writers wam• and sincere thnnks a i>O go to Prof.

T ina Mariany Arifin, M.A.,Ph.D. the head of L TR I program for the advice and

•·aluable ~nctluragcment and a ll the le<:turers who ha' c ass•sted her with their


--Her deepest gratitude also goes to her beloved Mother. Father. Ochan, Cupy,

Porman, Vania and my dear Domo who have given their love, support, fund, and

prayers in completing this thesis. In addition, it goes to all her classmates who for

their friendship and their constructive criticism in improving lbc content of her thesis.

Her friends- Kardo, Mika, Netty, NUJminta, Agus, Jhoe, Dave n the Gangs, Miss.

Simamora and partners, uncle Rudi for their prayer, smile, and spirit in writing !his

thesis May God Bless You All.

Medan, November 2007

Merry MetiXIU Frida Bancin





Ba nein, Me rry M. f , 2007. The £ffl!d of Using Englis/1 So~tg s and £ ~tgli s h

Television l'rogf'am on Sludents' Voca bulary lWIISlefJ·. Ettglisb A pplied Linguistics Study Program of Sta le Unive111ity of Medan .

The objectives of this Sltldy a n: to investigate tile effect of using English songs and English television program on students' vocabulary mastery and to discover which of these instructional media IS more dfectivc. An experimental design was carried out to achieve the objecth·es of the s tudy. Ninety students or the State Senior High School I Sal:lk Gr3de I I \\Cre tat..en a.~ the sample or this research \\ith clustering technique The students were d ivided into three groups. Before g1ving them the treatment.s, the)•






o o o - • • o -o ooooooooo•ooooo oooooooo oooo oooooooo oooooooo o ooooooooooOoOOooOoOOoooooooooOO-oooooo-oooooooo•ooo j


1CKNOWLtDG EMf.NT .. - ... _, .. ,_ ... - ... ;;

rBLE OF CONTENTS ... ... .... ... ... . ... ... .. ... iv

, 1ST Of TABLES ... - ... - ... vi

~ 1 ST OF FIGl !RES ... _ ... _.vii t i ST Of APPENDICES ... _,·ii.i




I. I BackgroWld of the Study ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I 1.2 Problem of the Study ... ... ... ... ... 6

1.3 Objective of the Study ... ... ... .... ... .. ... 6

I. 4 Scope of the Study ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7

1.5 Significance of the Study ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 7

~ II



2 I The f our Language Skills ... ... . ... ... ... . ... ... .... ... 9

2. 1. I Listening ... ... ... ... ... ... 9

2. 1.2 Speaking ... ... .... ... II 2.1.3 Reading ... ... .... ... ... ... 12

2.1 .4 Wl'iting ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14

2.2 Vocabulary ... ... ... ... .. .. .. ... ... .... 15

2 .2.1 The Associations of English Vocabulary ... ... ... ... 21

2.2.2 Teaching Vocabulary ... ... ... ... 26

2.3 Instructional Media ... .... ... ... ... .. . 30

2 .3. 1 E nglish Television Program ... ... ... .... ... ... ... 34

2.3.2 Songs ... ... ... ... .... .... .... ... ... 34

2. 4 Conceptual Framework ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 5 2.5 The Hypothesis of the Study ... ... .... 36




~ -~R::~ : ~::n".~ ~ ·-·· ··· ··· ··· ···· ···· ··· ··· ··· ·· ··· ··· ···· ··· -· ·· ···· ··· ···


3.2 Population and Samplc ... 38

3. 3 Variables ... 39

3.4 The Instrument of Data Collcction ... 40

3.5 Instrument Validation ... " ... ... . " .... .. .4 1 3..5 I Validily ... ... ... 42

3.5.2 Reliability ... .. ... ... 44

3.6 The Pl'ocedure of Data Collection ... .... .45

3.6. I Plllpardtion ... ... .. ... 46

3.6. 2 Pre Test ... ... 46

3.6.3 Treatment ... .. ... ... 46

3.6.4 Post Test.. ... ... ... .... ... ... 46

3.7 The Technique of Data Analysis ... ... .4ls CH APTER IV THE ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH FI NDINGS 4. 1 Data Analysis ... 49

4. 1. I Validity ... 49

4. 1.2 Reliability ... 50

4. 1.3 The Effect of Using the Instructional Media ... 5!

4.2 Testing Hypothesis ... ... . . ... 58

4.3 Research Findings and Discussion .... ... 59





5.1 Conclusions ... , ... 62

5.2 Suggestions ... 63


... 65


~P EN DI CES ... 67-95



List of Table Page

Table 3.1 Randomize Groups, Pre Test and Post Test Design ... 38

3.3 Specification of the Vocabulary Mastery Test ... 44

4. 1 The Score of Group A ... ... ... 52

42 The Soore of Group B ... 54

4.3 The Score ofGroupC ... 56

4.4. The Summary ofSceffe


Result ... 58

4.5 The Summary of Analysis Variance in the Post test ... ... 58






Figures Page

Figure 2.1 Word and Its AsSQCiativc Field ... ... 22

2.2 Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relation ... ... 23


2.3 Lexical Field in the total Vocabulary ... 25

2.4 Example of Lexical Field ...•... 26

2. 5 Media Selection Chan ... .. ... 33

3.2 Independent and Dependent Variable ... 39

3.4 Instrument of Data Collection ... ... ... ... .45

4 I The Chart of the Score of the Group A ... .. ... 53

4.2 The Chart of the Score of the Group B ... .55

4.3 The Chart of the Score of the Group C ... .51




ppcndi:ot A. Research Instrument ... .. ... .. .... 67

B. The Script of the Television Program .... ... 77


C. The Script of the English son~ ... 79

D The Reliability C al cul~uon ... 86

E. The Score of the Test in Group A ... - ... 88

The Score of the Test in Group B ... ... 89

The Score of the Test in Group C ... 90

F The Calcula110n of Pre T 1-'51 ... 9 1

G. The Calculation of Post Test ... ... 9 3






l .J Tbe Background of tbe St11dy

A~ social beings, people cannot live alone without the presence of Olher

people in this world .Lanb'llage is needed to make the interaction among them. As a

part of culture, human language is used as a means of communication but language is

being used for more than communication. People


language in many ways other than for sharing ideas. The way people speak can express politeness, respect, and

social position. People also identify themselves as a pan of a social group by the

language they speak. Furthctmore, language can be used to create


record activities, and guide thinking.

Language is a social phenomenon used in conversation between indi~iduals .

Spe~h can be polite, brusque, formal, inlonnal, illogic'81. hwnorous, pleasant,


intimidating. The kind of speech depends on the way of one· s speaking and the

accura1e choosing of words in sentences. There are two kinds of competence in using

a language including grantmatical competence, oam<:Jy the ability to use words,

phrases. and sentences relevant to the grammatical rules and communicative

competence- the ability to apply linguistic items or elements relevant to speech rules

of etiquettes and these cotnpetences occurs in English.

English, wltich is used internationally. is important to be I~ in otdei-to



sUCC«ld is widely opened. This knowledge can be IISCd to cam money by teaching it


There are four skills in learning this language namely listening, speaking,

reading, and writing. If these four skills are mastered well, the user will be able to


communicate well. Listening


become greater and greater impoJ1ancc in foreign language classroom. Listening is vital in language classroom because it provides

I !

input for the Ieamer. To speak in another language, one needs to know how to

articulate sounds in a comprdlensible manner, one needs an adequate voeabulaty, and

one needs to have mastety of syntax.. Reading, along with listening, is


viewed as a passive still. 8otJI involve processing ideas genenUed by others that are

transmitted through language and highly complex cognitive processing opc:alions.

Nevertheless, there are impor1ant differmccs among them. LiSiening is epbemcnl;

the words are gone as soon as they are uttered.. whereas tbe written WOfds are

permanent, and can be revisited. ln addition, reading involves the processing of

written language. In terms of skills, producing a coherent, flueol, extended a piece of

writing is probably the I1)()St difficult thing to do in a language.

Vocabulary cannot be separated from language and is one of the most

imporUint elements to be required in teaming a language. Human are born speecbles.s.

Unless one let his brains atrophy. he goes on learning to speak (Of all his life for

words are the expression of ideas. Those who want to learn a Language have to know

words and their meaning so that they can speak and. uoderstand tbe language well To

> · learn the vocabulary is to oompn:bend and produce speech. By having a rich



-vocabulary, lbc: Ieamer of lbc: language can oompn:bcnd lhe laJJguage well, speak

better, or compose a good writing.

Based on the pn:vious SlalemeDt, it is important 10 consider chat -=abulaly is

the stock of language that should be developed by 1he learners; otheJwise, they will

find difficulty to Slate their ideas in string of words. Writing aumo1 be: sql8Bied from

vocabulary. It will be impossible for someone to ~Tite .something if slhe has no

vocabulary for tbe ideas are lranSfem:d through words. This is one of the reasons why

the teacher should develop the stra1egy or the way of teaching ~ either

second language or foreign language in sehool. A good way of teaching will help the

students to· gain a good improvcmeol in their lea.mif18 achievement.

Snldent.s whose motheltongue is not Eoglisll will find difflQIJties in learning

Eng! db as a foreign language. Many of them have st\ldicd English fa-years bul they

have no ability to speak. 10 understand and to write in the lllllglmg'C. Learners usually ha~~e many problems in mastering English words. They have limited vocabulary to

comprehend the meaning of a text, they do not know the c::onteld of wool use io text.

they cannot recognize tbe I'IIQI1ing of each word, they are not able to bear tbe English

words from speakers, they c:armot compose their writing wk suca•ssfully, and ibey

get difficulty 10 slale some 5CflleiiCCS in English. Those problems c:ause tbcm 100

difflCIIIt to communicate receptively or productively in English.

Those sludents • problems

occur because


some reasoos.

Fiat, IIWl)'


!Qehers teod 10 stress !Qcbing mostly in granunatic:al rules. English slruclw'CS, &lid

~ answering questions of a texl They do oot n:alizle that voc.borl•ry is ne&kd to a:h


creak: different almospbcrc in teaching and learning vocabulll)'. The music of the

song will stimulate the brain to learn every word quietly and the beautiful lyrics will

help them to remember the words fa Linksman (1998: 119) stated that the rigltt

medium of learning will help the Ieamer learns a subject quickly.

In Indonesia. TV Slalion is di.stinguishcd between public- Televisi Republik

Indonesia (TVRI)- and private TV stations- MI:.TRO, Rajawali Citra Tclevisi

lndonc:sia (RCTI), Surya Citra Televisi (SCTV), LaTiVi, TRANSTV, GLOBAL TV,

ETC. Every TV station tries to present the best program to attnct the attention of the

viewers. They provide information. COIDtainment and education ~ ·

One oflhe TV programs, which is presented in English is 'Fun with English'.

It is one of the TV prosrams in TVRI, which is presented in English for education.

This program discusses everything about English such as grammar or stroctm'e,

\Wfds.. sentences,

tenses, pronunciation, conversation. etc. The viewer is led to learn

English systematically and relaxing. In addition, Chis program is ttying to make the

viewers to think tbal studying English is not in presswe but it can be made fUJL This

different situation is assumed can help the studenls to learn voc:abul.uy because they

can hear the voice of the presenter and see evuything showed on the TV. When the

students see the rdaled material of the subject leamed and '-r the voice of the

presenter directly they will fee.) different and pleasant in learning the vocabuluy. In

other words, it can be said thai the media and mall:rials of teaching will help the

student~ to learn speedily. The use of amusing media will help the students to gnssp

• the meaning of the wocds.


Based on the these facts, the researcher


interesled in conducting a

resean:h on the effect of English soogs and Engl·isb TV program as tbe media of

teaching on the students' vocabulary mastery. It means that the effect of

.. implementing the twu media in teaching vocabuln.ry should be


wbctber they

• • are effective or not towards the students' vocabulary mastery.

l.l Tbe Problem of die Shtdy

Based on the bradground of the study, the problems can be formulated as


I. Does the using of English soogs significantly affect the students' vocabulary


2. Does watching Fun with English (English TV Program) significantly affect

the students' IIOC3bulary mastef)''?

3 . Whicb of the media of teaching vocabulary above is more effectiw:?

1.3 ne Objectives of tiM: St•dy

The objectives of this study are to discove.- whether:

I. Using English songs signifK:aDtly affects the students' vocabulaly mastery.

2 . Watching Fun with English (English TV Program} signifacantly affects the

students' vocabulaly mastery.



of the media above is mon: effective ·than the other one.

1.4 Tb

Scope of tb.e Study

The writcr limits the SWcly on the using of English songs and watching Fun

with E118Lish (English TV Program) as the media in teaching vocabulary. These two

media are the media, which can help the


to learn vocabulary ~ - The TV program-Fun with English that is used in this study is a TV program held in TVRl-a

go\'efDtnCnt TV swioo- every day except Sunday. The TV program- Fun with

English- was watched by the students and then the content of the ~ was

discussed together in class. This TV program wa:s chosen because its material and

vocabularies are appropriate for the students' level. The songs are talcen from the

album of Michele Learns to Rock (ML TR), which was used as the firsl media in

teaching vocabulary. lt

was chosen

by the writer because the beat of tbe music is a little bit slow, the words are c:ommonly used, the pronunciation of the singer is c:k:ar

and the theme is closely rdated to the students' expcrieoce as the tec:nager in social


1..5 Tile Sipifieaace of._ Stady

This SWcly is expected to provide valuable information about lexbing vocabulary


l. The studcurs of both S I and S2 wbo want to .del their kDowtcdge

about lelclling vocabulary and malce further observa1ion about

tcadling vocabu1ary.


2. English teachers on bow to decide which media of teachi11g should be

used wben

teaching vocabulary.

3. Local DEPDIKNAS which talces care of the education to give fiDld to


many facilities for supporting the teaching learning processes

in schools such as tape, cassettes, laboratory, CD, and so on.


5.1 Conclusions



The research findings show that there are significant effect~ of using English


and watching English Television Prognun- Fun with English on students'

vocabulary mastery. The result of the calculation of the data is su1111Dllri2led as


1. Using English songs significantly affects the student~ ' vocabulary mastery. It

indicates that English


can be 'USed to


the students' vocabulary


2. Watching English television program- Fun with English significantly affects

the students' vocabulary mastery. It indicates 1bat this medium can be used

also to iocreas.: the students' vocabulary mastery.

3. Using English song and watching English television program signifu:antly

affect the students' vocabulary mastery. This means that the two media can be

applied to inaease the students' vocabulary mastery.


5.2 Suggestio~q

Based on the above conclusions, it is suggested that

1. Since the media of teaching which were used in this research are only

two, it


very impotlalll for another researcher co conduct a research

with another media of teaching for vocabulary mastery.

2. English teach= should apply English songs and English Television

program in teaching vocabulary to the students. l1le different media of

teaching can increase the spirit of the students in leammg vocabulary

because the way of their learning is not monotonous. The variation of

teaching media contributes positively in increasing the Sludenls"

vocabulary mastery. In teaching new vocabularies, the teacher should

elCplain the meaning of the words as good as possible so that the

Wlderstanding of the students on the word can be beuer. The teacher

can help them to remember the new words by giving a special clue for

the new words.

3. The local DEPDIK.NAS officers who take care the education should

give adequate flUid to provide many media of teaching English such as

television, cassettes. tape, compaa disc, and so on for the better result

of teaching and learning processes .


- --- -

.. ..


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Figure 2.1 Word and Its AsSQCiativc Field ...........................................


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