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GWSI checklist A project planning tool


Academic year: 2019

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GW SI check list

A project planning tool

How to use this check list:

As a g ro up, g o thro ug h the questio ns and answer either yes o r no initially. W hen co mpleted, g o back thro ug h

yo ur answers and then refer to the final co lumn fo r discussio n. N o t all questio ns may be applicable; this to o l

is primarily to stimulate discussio n and to ensure that the G W SI criteria are being addressed as part o f yo ur

planning pro cess. Realistically, larg er-scale pro jects demanding a hig her level o f financial reso urces demands

a mo re intensive appro ach to water and sanitatio n planning where sustainability and the ‘ so ftware’ and

‘ hardware’ linkag es will be key elements if yo u are to attract suitable funding . Mo re impo rtantly, with G W SI,

we can ensure impact and o utco mes are better – meeting the needs o f the beneficiaries.



































Beneficia ries


Are there sufficient beneficiaries to targ et Yes N o If yes, ho w many in such a reg io n o r district? within a manag eable district o r reg io n? If no , will this pro ject have a sig nificant impact?


Has the pro ject a clear strateg y to ensure Yes N o If yes, ho w is this represented in the lo g frame benefits are appro priately targ eted o r indicato rs?

at vulnerable g ro ups? If no , ho w can yo u address this?

Com m unity m a na gem ent a spects


Do es the targ et g ro up have any previo us Yes N o If yes, ho w can this experience be inbuilt into invo lvement in water and sanitatio n the new pro ject?

pro jects? If no , is there any o ther co mmunity pro ject where they have been invo lved


Are there any issues aro und kno wledg e, Yes N o If yes what are these issues and ho w have may attitudes and practices that may influence they have an influence?

access to water and sanitatio n?


Do es the targ et g ro up have representatio n, Yes N o If yes, can this be the means fo r dialo g ue with o r co mmunity structures established? the targ et g ro up?

If no , ho w can such a structure be fo rmed and by who m?


Are there clear ro les fo r wo men within Yes N o If yes is there equity in representatio n the pro ject especially in decisio n making fo r bo th men and wo men?

and manag ement? If no , ho w can wo men be directly invo lved in manag ement o f water and sanitatio n?


Is there a structured training co mpo nent Yes N o If yes, what are the training needs?

in so ftware and hardware fo r beneficiaries If no , ho w will yo u determine what is needed? and N atio nal So cieties staff?


Are O &M implicatio ns described Yes N o If yes, sho w ho w this has been calculated taking and analysed in sufficient detail, and inflatio n and o ther facto rs into co nsideratio n. has an assessment been made o f If no , ho w can yo u ensure that at least o peratio n the lo cal capacity to meet the co st reco very and maintenance co sts can be met by the needs (at least fo r O &M1) at the end co mmunity?

o f do no r financing perio d?


Do users pay o r make co ntributio n Yes N o If yes, ho w is/ will this be o rg anised and kept? fo r their water supply at present? Is it transparent?

W ill beneficiaries co llect mo ney fo r If no , ho w will O &M co sts be met? W hat will the pro ject co mpo nents and O &M? the arrang ements fo r the manag ement o f Ho w much per perso n per day based o n the facilities develo ped under the pro ject the pro jected co nsumptio n and rates? (safekeeping , mo de o f mo ney co llectio n,

bo o kkeeping , etc)?


Governm ent a nd other sta k eholders

1 1

Has G o vernment planned to targ et Yes N o If yes, when and ho w?

this g ro up o r asked fo r assistance to do so ? Are G o vernment po tential partners? Have been the g o vernment/ stakeho lders If no , do yo u need G o vernment appro val? invo lved in a co nsultatio n pro cess?

1 2

Are there o ther players targeting this gro up? Yes N o If yes, when and ho w?

Are o ther players po tential partners?

1 3

W ill there be a fo rum fo r reg ular meeting s Yes N o If yes, who chairs and who will attend? o f all the stakeho lders? If no , ho w will this be set-up?

1 4

Is there any link between the pro ject Yes N o If yes, this needs to be described and shared and existing secto r po licy/ strateg ies with G o vernment.

in the co untry? If no , o ur planning pro cess needs to take into acco unt G o vernment planning and po licies.

1 5

W hat structural impact will the pro ject have Yes N o If yes, describe ho w this may take place. at po licy level (e.g . leg islatio n, If no , are there ways we can influence co des o f co nduct, metho ds, etc?) such po licies?

N a tiona l Society

1 6

Do es the have a health and care Yes N o If yes, do es it need streng thening ? structure which includes If no , ho w sho uld it be established? water and sanitatio n?

1 7

Do es the N atio nal So ciety have a fo cal Yes N o If yes, do es he/ she attend relevant natio nal water and sanitatio n perso n water and sanitatio n meeting s?

at N atio nal level? If no , is the N atio nal So ciety willing to create such a po sitio n to eng ag e at natio nal level?

1 8

Is there an established N atio nal So ciety Yes N o If yes, do es it need to be streng thened? branch in the targ et area? If no , do es it need to be established?

1 9

If a branch is established, are there Yes N o If yes, this g ives added value.

o ther health and care pro jects which can If no , water and sanitatio n sho uld be co nsidered be integ rated with water and sanitatio n? as a means to intro duce o ther health and care

activities where appro priate.

2 0

Do es the N atio nal So ciety have adequate Yes N o If yes, is it suppo rted by a suitable infrastructure? water and sanitatio n capacity at field level? If no , what needs to be established

o r streng thened?

2 1

Is there eno ug h transpo rt Yes N o If yes, will the budg et include depreciatio n and lo g istics capacity? and co ver running co sts?

If no , what needs to be added?

2 2

Do es the N atio nal So ciety attend Yes N o If yes. Are they reco g nised as water G o vernment water and sanitatio n and sanitatio n players?


Technology choice

2 3

Is there a pro ven lo w-tech, lo w-co st o ptio n Yes N o If yes, can the co mmunity affo rd the o peratio n fo r a water and sanitatio n so lutio n meeting and maintenance?

relevant industry standards and using If no , is this an appro priate Red Cro ss techno lo g y that is appro priate to the needs and Red Crescent interventio n?

and reso urces o f the targ et g ro ups?

2 4

Are there any particular sanitatio n Yes N o If yes what are they and what can be do ne co ncerns identified by the targ et g ro up? to address the co ncerns?

2 5

Is the lo cal branch and co mmunity invo lved Yes N o If yes, ho w do es this wo rk? in the desig n pro cess? If no , ho w will this be addressed?

2 6

W ill mo nito ring and evaluatio n have Yes N o If yes ho w o ften and by who m?

external inputs? If no ,who should be invited as an external input?

2 7

Is there appro priate pro visio n Yes N o If yes, this needs to be determined. and reco g nitio n o f enviro nmental issues? If no , what remedies can be applied?

M onitoring a nd eva lua tion

2 8

Is the targ et g ro up water and sanitatio n Yes N o If yes, by ho w much?

HDI2 data belo w the N atio nal averag e? If no , it may be the wro ng targ et g ro up.

2 9

Is there a metho d established to measure Yes N o If yes, what will it measure and

base line data? ho w will it be measured?

If no , this will have to put in place befo re any pro ject wo rk is started.

3 0

Have yo u planned reg ular mo nito ring Yes N o If yes, by who m, ho w will it wo rk and what will

and evaluatio n? yo u measure and ho w o ften?

If no , it sho uld be linked to the base line data befo re pro ject co mmences. If no , this needs to be structured and planned?

3 1

Do es the pro po sal co ntain verifiable Yes N o If yes, these sho uld be ‘ SMART’ . indicato rs fo r the results and impacts If no , develo pment funding may

o f the pro ject? be difficult to o btain.

Is the perfo rmance measurement pro cess described?

3 2

Assumptio ns are addressed Yes N o If yes, the external facto rs, o ften beyo nd and clearly fo rmulated? o ur co ntro l are identified.


M illennium Developm ent Goa ls

3 3

Has the co untry develo ped a plan Yes N o If yes, it sho uld be reflected in the pro ject (o r ro admap) to reach the MDG pro po sal.

fo r water supply and sanitatio n? If no , the g eneral appro ach to meeting Ho w do es this plan define the co ncept MDG ’s sho uld be taken as a basis o f basic water and sanitatio n services? fo r pro ject justificatio n.

3 4

Ho w relevant is the pro po sal Yes N o If yes, this sho uld be sho wn in real terms in addressing the MDG targ ets – in o ther wo rds, pro ject impact indicato rs. and fitting in the natio nal plan? If no , the pro ject may no t attract funding .

3 5

W hat are the pro po rtio n and the number Yes N o As with 3 3 and 3 4 abo ve o f peo ple in the targ et co mmunities that,

at present, have access to water

and sanitatio n basic services in the sense o f the MDG ?

3 6

Ho w many peo ple will have g ained Yes N o As with 3 3 and 3 4 abo ve access to water and sanitatio n basic

services (as defined by MDG ) as a result o f the pro ject?


The estimates o f O &M requirements wo uld no rmally include the pro visio n fo r repairs and

renewals that will be necessary o ver the first 1 0 years after co mpletio n o f the investment made under the pro ject.


Dokumen terkait

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