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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Applied Linguistic Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora



Registration Number: 8106111023








Muhammad Sayuthi, Theme in Robert Frost Poems. Thesis: English Applied Linguistics Study Program. State University of Medan 2015.




Muhammad Sayuthi, Theme in Robert Frost Poems. Tesis: Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Universitas Negeri Medan 2015.

Penelitian ini diadakan untuk menggambarkan struktur Tema dalam Puisi Robert Frost. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1) menemukan variasi pola Tema yang digunakan dalam Puisi Robert Frost, 2) mengidentifikasi unsur Nature yang terealisasi dalam Tema dalam Puisi Robert Frost, dan 3) menemukan alasan penggunaan struktur Tema dalam Puisi Robert Frost. Data diambil dari buku berjudul Complete Poems of Robert Frost dan dianalisis menggunakan beberapa tahapan yang senantiasa diaplikasikan dalam metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan instrumen data adalah seluruh klausa puisi terpilih dalam Complete

Poems of Robert Frost. Kemudian, analisis deskriptif digunakan untuk

menggambarkan data. Ada sepuluh puisi yang dipilih, yakni: Stars, Now Close The Windows, Good Hours, The Road Not Taken, The Oven Bird, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, Blue-Butterfly Day, Acquainted with the Night, Neither Out Far Nor in Deep, dan The Silken Tent. Berdasarkan analisis data terungkap bahwa Tema Unmarked Multiple secara dominan digunakan. Hasilnya, Tema Unmarked Multiple (UMT) sebesar 44.44%, Tema Unmarked Simple

(UST) 40.48%, Tema Marked Simple (MST) 13.49% dan Tema Marked Multiple

(MMT) 1.59%. Berdasarkan analisis data juga terungkap bahwa unsur nature




First and foremost, the writer would like to express his greatest gratitude

to Allah SWT, the Almighty that has given him the ability, health, and safety to

finish this thesis completely.

In completing this thesis, the writer would like to express his biggest debt

is therefore to some persons. They are:

First, the writer would like to record his gratefully acknowledge to Prof.

Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd as the Head of English Applied Linguistics in

UNIMED. The writer would like to record his gratefully acknowledge to Prof.

Tengku Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D., as the first advisor of the writer who has

kindly assisted him in guiding, direction, revising and correcting the systematic or

the concept of this thesis and also the writer would like to record his gratefully

acknowledge to Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., as the second advisor of the writer

who has also kindly assisted him in guiding, direction, revising and correcting the

systematic or the concept of this thesis. May Allah bless them.

Second, the writer also would like to express his gratitude expression to

the reviewers and examiners in examinations; Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd.

Prof. Dr. Sumarsih, M.Pd., and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum. right from

Proposal Seminar up to Green Table Examination. God bless them.

Third, the writer also would like to thank to all lecturers and tutors,

classmates belonging to Regular class A INTAKE XVIII for giving him the

valuable knowledge during the study in English Applied Linguistics of



Fourth, to his beloved late parents; Surip and Siti Fajar Aini, and his

beloved sisters and brothers; Sujarno, M.H., Drs. Sudarto, Drs. Suyitno, Sulistiani,

and Supriyatni for their supports and advices to him until he finished this thesis.

Next, to his beloved wife Rini Andriani, S.Pd. for her atmosphere,

patience and support to let him continue his study until he finished this thesis.

Finally, the writer has lost his wise words to pray to Allah SWT, to give

them proper reward. Amin.

Medan, March 2015

The Writer,

Muhammad Sayuthi



1.5 The Significances of the Study……….... 8

CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Metafunctions ……….……… 9

2.2 Textual Function………. 11

2.3 Themes……… 13

2.4 Types of Themes………. 15

2.4.1 Ideational Theme……… 16

2.4.2 Textual Theme……… 18

2.4.3 Interpersonal Theme………... 20

2.4.4 Simple and Multiple Theme………... 21

2.5 Rheme………….……… 26

2.6 Systems of Theme and Rheme …..………. 28

2.7 Clause ……….……… 29

2.7.1 Simple Clause………. 29



2.8 Clause Complex ………. . 31

2.9 Poetry……… 33

2.10 Relevant Studies.………...………... 38

2.11 Conceptual Framework …………..……….. 38

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 The Design of the Study……… 40

3.2 The Data and Data Source……… 41

3.3 The Technique of Data Collection... 41

3.4 The Technique of Data Analysis ……….. 42


4.1.1 Patterns of Themes Used in Robert Frost Poems………. 44

4.1.2 Nature Realization through Themes in Poems ……….….... 52

4.1.3 Reasons of the Construction of Theme Structure……….. 54

4.2 Findings………... …… 55

4.3 Discussion………... 56


5.2 Suggestions……… 75

References………...….. 76



2.5 Nominal Group Complex as Theme………. . 23

2.6 Nominal Group Complex as Theme……….. 23

2.7 Adverbial as Theme……….. 24

2.8 Adverbial as Theme……….. 24

2.9 Prepositional as Theme……….. 25

2.10 Prepositional as Theme……… 25

2.11 Rheme………. 27

4.1 The Description of Clauses Number of the Selected Poems………... 43

4.2 Pattern of Themes of Selected Poems in Complete Poems of Robert Frost …….………..…. 45

4.3 Unmarked Simple Theme, Marked Simple Theme, Unmarked Multiple Theme, Marked Multiple Theme of Selected Poems in Complete Poems of Robert Frost ………...… 47

4.4 Nature as Themes .………... 53

4.5 Nature as Theme ………..…... 53


viii 4.7 The Theme of Textual Interpersonal in

“now close the windows”………... 61 4.8 The Theme of Textual Topical in “good hours”……….………. 62 4.9 The Theme of Topical in “road not taken”……….………. 64 4.10 The Theme of Interpersonal Topical Textual Topical in

“the oven bird”……… 65 4.11 The Theme of Topical in “stopping by woods on

a snowy evening”……… 67 4.12 The Theme of Topical in “blue-butterfly day”………... 69 4.13 The Theme of Interpersonal Topical in “acquainted with

the night”………. 70 4.14 The Theme of Topical in “neither out far nor in deep”………... 71 4.15 The Theme of Textual Interpersonal Topical in

“the silken tent”……… 73




Appendix Pages




1.1. The Background of the Study

Robert Frost is one the famous American poets. He has created many

literary works especially poems. As a poet, Robert Frost used words compiled into

beautiful sentences. He always used nature as his inspiration to represent his

emotions and intentions through the poems. His sentences had not only simplicity

but also depth interpretation to the meaning. Overall, the sentences used are well.

Frost’s poems are made almost all of them by using nature. He appreciated

nature for its own sake, but he saw most of them in a relation to a man. It seems

related to the quotations in Robert Frost Collection of Critical Essays which was

written by Cox based on the ideas of Lynen below:

“The relationship between man and nature represents the whole problem raised by the opposition of mind and matter of man’s actual experience with its feeling, and intuitions of value... (Cox, 1962: 177)

The existential satisfaction he felt was based partly on a sense that the natural

worls is beautiful and on the whole beneficial to man, but more largely on an

enjoyment of human activity for its own sake and a confidence in human nature.

As a poet who explored and experimented with ideas and works, Frost

certainly enjoyed the playing of mind partly for its own sake. Frost’s appreciation

of humanity went deeper than simply enjoying immediate experience. Most

typically, it revealed itself as kind of humanism. Altough he objected strongly be



considered a humanist in an aesthetic sense. Frost was in his poems intensely

preoccupied with man, his problems, his potential, and his basic achievements,

quite commonly in non-religious terms. It is true that Frost often represented man

as persisting despite the odds againts him in a fearful universe, but his faith led

him often to a more cheerful, optimistic view of experience. He felt that man had

it in him to enjoy his world and his life. Man may not be able to exercise complete

control over his natural environment nor to solve the mysteries of the universe but

he can maintain the basic values built into a man for a satisfactory way of life

(Pardede, 2005).

The research takes the data from classical poems written by Robert Frost.

Frost’s poems consist of hundreds poems. In this research, the selected poems of

his will be analyzed. There are some reasons why the taken object is Frost poems.

First, his works contain of beauty. The beauty represents emotions. Emotions

themselves represent the essential part of literary works and they are written in an

artistic way. His works are also said to be a genre of literature which reveals

mystery, beauty, and loveliness of human life and nature, and in which

imaginations, passions, and feelings’ predominate.

Besides, his poems also contain many interpretations due to the readers.

Some say that poems is quite difficult to understand. The language it used is too

abstract and cannot be understood well if it is just read once. There are other



Frost’s The Road Not Taken for example has various interpretations for the

readers especially for those who love a poem. The use of natural element has been

there in the third stanza: In leaves no step had trodden black. Leaves is the symbol

of nature. It is only used for a plant. It is green, could be small or big, yellow

when it gets old and falls down to the earth in autumn. It is useful to produce

oxygen where it has photosynthesis process; and truly those are the real meaning

of leaves. For frost, it could have another meaning. It could be to show the readers

that it is about a fate of a person; who do not follow other men to choose the very

common choice; or it could be meant for no one thinks about this choice at all.

Another natural element used in Frost’s poems can be shown from

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, on the first line of the fourth stanza, the

woods are lovely, dark, and deep. By saying woods, perhaps it represents the life.

Frost loved to say the real meaning using the nature. When it seen wholly, woods

is place which is huge, full of many things including trees, animals, and etc. the

same case also happens to life, where life consists of living things, professions,

intrigue, and many more. So, this is interesting when Frost dealt life into natural

element. That is why he is also called naturalist, the poet who use nature to

represent the meaning or could be a message through a poem (Pardede, 2005).

View it from theoretical perspective, poem genre has theme. Theme as the

clause message, as Halliday said, is frequently marked off in speech by intonation,

being spoken on a separate tone group; this is especially likely when the theme is



functioning as subject where the theme is anything other than that which most

expected (Halliday and Matthiessen, 2004: 67).

Furthermore, Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) said that the theme is coded

by three elements; ideational, interpersonal, and textual. The first element takes

the transitivity system of ideational function. The second element takes the

interpersonal and the third takes the textual function of the sentence.

The theme in a simple sentence may be simple or multiple. A simple

theme is coded by one element of the clause which can be called topical theme

since it covers a process, participant or circumstance while the multiple theme is

coded by more than one element in the form of topical, interpersonal, and textual

(Halliday and Matthiessen, 2004).

The research will use SFL theory especially to the Theme and Rheme.

There are some reasons why Frost’s poems are analised using Theme and Rheme.

First, poems contain theme and rheme. If common sentences have themes in them,

Frost also has them in his. Because they are structured into sentences, they have

no different in taking lead the Themes in them.

Second, themes lead readers to understand the sentences to create

meaning. Themes will illuminate the whole structures of sentence. Themes will be

gotten if the readers can get the main poin of the sentence. The first gotten idea is

called the themes. Themes are always there in every single sentence, especially in



Third, there may be similarity of constructing Theme and Rheme between

common sentences and poems’ sentences. If in a common sentence, Theme is the

main idea to be conveyed while the Rheme is the rest of the main idea, so is the

sentences in poems. The sentences in Frost’s may have the same construction or it

could have different ways of constructing to be found later.

The forming of a poem could be dealt with the forming of a sentence

commonly. Frost’s The Road Not Taken can show the similarity of the starting

point in a clause such as shown from the following table.

Table 1.1 Unmarked Theme


shall be telling this with a sigh


Theme (US) Rheme

I in the clause taken from stanza four can be coded as the theme; since

it is normally located in the starting point called unmarked theme, furthermore

it is kind of topical theme, while the rest is the rheme.

When it relates to common sentence, it can be seen from Tommy ate

banana yesterday; Tommy will be the theme and the rest is the rheme. Since

Tommy is commonly located as the starting point, so it can be called unmarked


Another clause also shows the similarity of theme and rheme between

poems and common sentence. The last line of the first stanza of The Road Not



Table 1.2 Marked Theme

To where It bent in the undergrowth;

Prepo wh-

RHEME interpersonal


The words To where shows the different starting point of a clause since

it begins with something unusual one; that is why it is called Marked theme.

Besides, the presence of wh- senses the clause as interpersonal theme. The

number of the clause is only one; however, since it begins with the wh- as the

element of multiple theme, the clause is called multiple theme.

Dealing with the same reason can be shown from the example

Yesterday Tommy ate banana. Now the word Yesterday is the starting point

and it is unusual to be the theme while another is coded by the element of the

transitivity system.

Relate to this study, the researcher analyses Frost’s poems to observe

the serve language development at best due to the systemic especially by

considering Theme. In conclusion, the researcher wants to see the process of

the analysis of Theme and Rheme in Robert Frost’s Poems. This is the

difference of poem analysis literaturally and linguistically. Literature sees the

poem as the language to convey the idea of the author without considering the

structure of the whole sentence while linguistic sees the poem through the



1.2. The Problems of the Study

The problems of the study of the research are formulated operationally

as in the following.

1. What various patterns of Theme are used in Robert Frost poems?

2. How does Nature realize through Theme in Robert Frost poems?

3. Why are the structures of Themes used in Robert Frost poems constructed

as they are?

1.3. The Objectives of the Study

In relation to the problems, the objectives of the study are:

1) to find out various patterns of Theme used in Robert Frost Poems,

2) to identify Nature realization through Theme in Robert Frost Poems,

3) to find out the reason of the structures of Theme used Robert Frost Poems

due to aesthetics perspective.

1.4. The Scopes of the Study

This study is restricted to cover three points. They are; 1) Themes as

the analysis of message in Frost poems, 2) various patterns by considering

Theme in Frost poems, 3) reasons why the pattern used while reference to



1.5. The Significances of the Study

It is expected that findings of the study are relevant and useful

theoretically and practically. Theoretically, the findings of the study are

expected to justify the use of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) theories,

Theme, are applicable to texts which are used in to other disciplines such as

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). Practically, the study are

expected to be useful for.

1. The students themselves to improve their ability to understand and to

comprehend a poem which is effective in getting the message through the


2. The teachers who teach poems. The teachers should be more concerned not

only in analyzing the meaning of the poems but also the content of the

poems based on the pattern of language development in order that its

contents are rely related to the needs of the students, and

3. All researchers who want to use the result of this research become the





5.1 Conclusions

After having the data analysis, conclusions are drawn as the following.

(1) Multiple Theme was dominantly used in selected poems of Robert Frost

especially Unmarked Multiple Theme where Simple Theme especially

Unmarked Simple Theme became the second one used mostly in the poems,

besides the Textual is dominant through the whole clauses then followed by

Interpersonal theme.

(2) Nature was realized as the theme structure in selected of Robert Frost’s

poems by finding it which was there in the whole clause, from the position

as subject to the object of the sentence.

(3) Theme structures contributed to see what was going on in the selected

poems of Robert Frost. It withdrew the similarity of marking Theme in the

clause in the poems as the marking Theme in the common sentence which

indicates the aesthetic perspective of the poem.



5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusions, suggestions are staged as the following.

(1) This study will be relevant used by the students in trying to make a poem by

considering the pattern of themes found in the Frost Poems.

(2) This study will be the exploration of more detailed analysis of Theme

Structures and the Pattern of language development in reading text

specifically, and discourse generally.

(3) To other researchers are suggested to expand the analysis of thematic

structures and development in texts more detailed. This study will help in

strengthening the significances of this analysis to provide a critical tool for




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Table 1.1 Unmarked Theme
Table 1.2 Marked Theme


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