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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number. 2103321050





I have familiarized with the university’s policy on academic integrity. Except where appropriately acknowledged, this thesis is my own work, has been

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Medan, March 2015 The Researcher,



Siburian, Yohana Debora. 2103321050. The Effect of Reciprocal Teaching Method on Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension. A Thesis: English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2015.

This study deals with the effect of Reciprocal Teaching Method on Students’ Achievement on Reading Comprehension on narrative text. The population of the study was the 2015/2016 academic year secondsemester grade XI students of SMA Negri 1 Paranginan Humbang Hasundutan. The samples were two classes, namely XI IPA 1 and XI IPA 2, with the total was 60 students selected by applying random sampling. The sample was divided into two groups. Experimental group (XI IPA 1) was taught by applying Reciprocal Teaching Method while the control group (XI IPA 2) was taught without applyingReciprocal Teaching Method. The data of this research were taken from the students’ score of reading narrative text test. The calculation showed that the coefficient of the test was 0.64, it showed that the test was reliable and the reliability was substantial. There were two data used in this research. They were pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula to show the effect of applying Reciprocal Teaching Method on students’ achievement in reading narrative text. After analyzing the data, the finding indicates that t-observed was higher than t-table (4,00> 2.00) at the level of significance 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 58. It means that applying Reciprocal Teaching Method has significantly affected on the students’ achievement in reading narrative text. It implies that Reciprocal Teaching Method is a significant technique for teaching reading narrative text.



First of all the writer would like to thank Jesus Christ, the Almighty God.

Because of His great love and blessing, the writer could finally complete this

thesis as one of the requirements for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan (S-1) at the

English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

During the process of writing, the writer realizes that she cannot

accomplish without God blessings and supporting from many people, therefore

the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to:

 Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of


 Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts,

State University of Medan.

 Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department.,as the

reviewer, Dra. Meisuri, M.A., as the Secretary of English Department, Dra.

Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Program as the

reviewer and Dr. Rahmah, M.Hum., as the Head of English Literature

Program of Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

 Dra. Tjut Ernidawati, M.Pd., her Thesis Supervisor.

 Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd., her Academic Supervisor.

 Drs. Muhammad Natsir, M.Hum., her Reviewer

 All the lecturers of English Department of Faculty of Languages and Arts

 The writer sincerely her parents Prof. Dr. Paningkat Siburian, M.Pd, and


her finish her study. The writer’s special gratitude also goes to her dearest

sisters, Matondang Elsa Siburian, S.ST,M.Ec,M.A, Lusiana Siburian,

Indrawaty Siburian S.Pd, Yosefina Siburian, S.E and Irma Taruli Siburian.

 The Headmaster of SMA Negri 1 Paranginan, Humbang Hasundutan, Drs.

Manaek Siburian, for his permission in allowing the writer to do observation

and to collect data. Mam Indrawaty Siburian,S.Pd., the English teacher, for

her cooperation during the research.

 Her special thanks admiration are also due to her friends Windha Sinaga,

Dahlia Siburian, Tri Novandhy Silaen, Putri Sri Rezeki Siregar and

Fransiskus Prayogi Sihaloho for love and supporting her.

 Her dearest friends Filzah Farhana Hasibuan, Fandy Raymond Napitupulu,

Poppy Priscillia Marbun, Rizka Hayati, Afsyah Tri Mida Sari, S.Pd and Yuni

Khairina,S.Pd for their support and togetherness also all people that can not

be mentioned one by one for their care, support, prayer and love.

Medan, March 2015 The Writer,



E. The Significance of the Study ... 5

CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE A.Theoretical Framework ... 6

1. Reading ... 6

a. Purpose of Reading ... 7

b. Students’ Reading Achievement ... 9

c. Reading Comprehension... 10

d. Teaching Reading Comprehension ... 11

e. Levels of Reading Comprehension... 13

2. Genre ... 16

3. Reading Comprehension Assessment ... 18

4. Factors Affecting Readong Comprehension ... 19

a. The Purpose of Teaching ... 19

b. The Students’ Interest ... 20

c. The Quality of Reading Material ... 20

d. The Students’ Background Knowledge ... 20

e. The Quality of the Instruction ... 20

5. Measuring Reading Comprehension ... 21

6. Reciprocal Teaching ... 21

a. Approch, Strategy, Method, and Technique ... 22

b. The Purpose of Reciprocal Teaching Method ... 23

c. The Advantages of reciprocal teaching Method ... 24

d. Steps in Reciprocal Teaching Method ... 26

B.Conceptual Framework ... 28

C.Hypothesis ... 30


B.The Population and Sample ... 32


D.The Procedure of Research ... 33

1. Pre Test ... 33

2. Treatment ... 33

3. Post Test ... 35

E. Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 35

1. Validity of the Test ... 35

2. Reliability of the Test ... 36

F. Technique for Analyzing Data ... 37

G.Statistical Hypothesis ... 38


B.Data Analysis ... 41

1. Reliability of the Test ... 41

2. Data Analysis ... 42

C.Testing Hypothesis ... 43

D.Research Findings ... 43


B.Suggestions ... 45





Table 3.1. Experimental Research Design ... 31

Table 3.2. The Treatment for Experimental by Applying RTM ... 34

Table 3.3. Teaching Procedure in Control Group ... 35

Table 4.1. The Scores of Pre Test and Post Test in Experimental Group ... 39

Table 4.2. The Scores of Pre Test and Post Test in Control Group ... 40




Pages APPENDIX A The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test by the Students of

Experimental Group ... 49

APPENDIX B The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test by the Students of Control Group ... 50

APPENDIX C The Calculation of t-test for Experimental Group ... 51

APPENDIX D The Calculation of t-test for Experimental Group ... 52

APPENDIX E The Calculation of t-test ... 53

APPENDIX F The Reliability of the test ... 55

APPENDIX G Table of distribution-t ... 56

APPENDIX H Lesson Plan for Experimental Group ... 57





A. The Background of The Study

Based on the syllabus of Senior High School the students are expected to

be able to master the four language skill in studying English namely : speaking,

listening, reading and writing. This study will be focused on reading

comprehension. Reading is one of the important languages skills in academic field

beside listening, speaking, and writing. As Grabe and Stoller (2002:9) state the

reading is ability to draw meaning from the printed page and interpret this

information appropriately. Reading is needed to get information or main idea from

what the reader uses knowledge, skills, and strategies to determine what the text

meaning is. So, reading is the important way in getting much infromation from the


Reading is a language process. The product of interacting with the printed

language should be comprehension. Reading isn’t happening without

comprehension. Comprehension is the capacity of understanding the text fully.

From the explanation above, reading comprehension means how the reader can

find out the message and comprehend the text well. In reading comprehension,

there are four levels of comprehension : literal comprehension, interpretative

comprehension, critical comprehension, and creative comprehension. The four

levels have many difficulties for students. In this study the writer uses the four

levels to make the questions, but most of the question based on the level of literal



Because both of the levels often use to ask the student to know their

understanding of the text. Sometimes the students face many difficulties in this

level. In literal comprehension, the students retrieve the information directly

stated in the text whereas interpretative comprehension the main idea are not

directly stated in the text, so the students must make their own conclusion for the

text they read.

The spesific problem of the students often face in reading the text which

is difficult to recognize the main idea, to clarify words and to glean meanings or

to comprehend the text fully. The students just read the text without giving much

thought to get the information from the text so that their reading comprehension

will be poor.

Based on the writer’s observation in SMA NEGERI 1 PARANGINAN

Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan, Sumatera Utara, she observed that the process

of comprehending a reading text was still a serious problem for the students.

Many students were difficult to comprehend reading text after they had read.

They have low ability in reading comprehension beacause it is very difficult for

them to comprehend the text. Thats why they were not interested with reading and

even felt bored while Reading Learning Time. For the first meeting, she has give

an introduction about what the narrative text about. She explain the social

function, generic structure, and grammatical features. Sometimes they were sleepy

and made noise in the classroom. When they were given any reading task, among

ten students, only two students finished it. The others didn’t finish it because they



vocabularies so they feel difficult to understand the text, to read and to recognize

the new words. They only read the text word by word without comprehend.

Based on the writer’s observation, the student’s achievement in

reading is low since they were faced with some problems. First, when they read

something, they just pronounced the words, they still lacked vocabularies, they

could not get the main idea, they didn’t understand the concept of the genre, and

also they were confuesd how to build meaning from the text. Second, they had not

any motivation for learning reading. Third, sometimes they were not interested in

teacher’s strategy in teaching reading and they also didn’t understand how to read

well, they didn’t have any strategy for reading. This research also be able from the

interview between the writer with the teacher. And from the reading

comprehension test score that the writer get from the teacher’s note shows that the

mean score for this reading comprehension is about 40% meanwhile the expected

score that they can get is about 80% based on KKM. All those problems cause the

student’s achievement in reading are low.

So, to solve the problem above the teacher must have method or ways to

help the students to improve their reading comprehension. In this study, the writer

used Reciprocal Teaching Method as a teaching method. Reciprocal Teaching

Method (Pallinscar : 1982) refers to an instructional that takes place in the form of

a dialogue between teachers and students regarding segments of text. The

dialogue is structured by using four strategies: predicting, clarifying, questioning,



This method appropriates the problem above because sometimes when the

teacher asks the students to predict or to clarify the text, not all the students can

answer the teacher’s question. So if the students can predict and clarify the

difficult word from the text, the students can answer the teacher’s question based

o the levels reading comprehension automaticly. And the students can summarize

the text with their own words. This dialogue is described as reciprocal because

each learner acts in response to another. This interaction may occur between

teacher and student as well as among students. Though the Reciprocal Teaching

Method asssumes that the students can solve their problems in reading


Based on the background above, the writer hopes that this method can help

the students to improve student’s reading comprehension. Because from the

writer’sresearch, the teacher never uses this method to increase the students

achievement in reading comprehension. And the teacher feel excited to apply this

method in the class to make the significant effect for students achievement in

reading comprehension.

Table 1.1 The Grade XI students’ Science of Reading Comprehension Test

Semester Score Students Percentage

First Semester >75 40 students 42%

2013/2014 <75 37 students 58%

Second Semester <75 38 students 39%

2013/2014 >75 40 students 61%

B. The Problem of The Study

Based on the background of the study above, the problem of the study is



“Is there any significant effect of Reciprocal Teaching Method on students’

reading comprehension?”

C. The Objective of The Study

The objective of the study is to find out The Effect of Using Reciprocal

Teaching Method on Students’ Reading Comprehension.

D. The Scope of The Study

There are four levels of reading comprehension; they are literal,

interpretative, critical, and creative comprehension. In this study, the levels of

reading comprehension are limited and focused on literal and interpretative

comprehension. This research focuses on identifying the effect of Reciprocal

Teaching Method on students’ comprehension in reading narrative text.

E. The Significance of The Study

The result of this study is expected to be useful for :

1. Teachers that the result of the study is important for those who are involved

in teaching and learning process, espicially for teachers, teachers can use this

strategy as a means to improve students’ reading comprehension.

2. The others researchers that the result of the study will be very useful for those

who are interested in doing a research related to the study.

3. The students they can improve their ability in reading comprehension and





A. Conclusions

After analyzing the data, it was found that the scores of the students that

were taught by applying Reciprocal Teaching Method was higher than those who

were taught without applying Reciprocal Teaching Method. Because both class

(experimental and control) got a different treatment in post test.

Based on the results of the data analysis which were presented in Chapter

IV, the conclusions can be drawn as follows : the findings showed that t-observed

( 4,00 ) was higher than t-table( 2,00 ) for the degree of freedom (df) 58 at level of

significance (α) 0,05. So, the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and alternative

hypothesis (Ha) was accepted which means that there was significant effect of

applying Reciprocal Teaching Method on students’ achievement in reading

narrative text. Because in Reciprocal Teaching Method the class has divided into a

group, and the group consist of 4 (four) students which is each student has

oneduty. This treatment makes all the students be more active and excited to

make a good one for their task through their own duty,finally they can understand

well about the text and give a significant effect that increase the students

achievement in reading a narrative text.

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusion drawn, the results of the findings contribute some



1. Teachers that the result of the study is important for those who are

involved in teaching and learning process, espicially for teachers, teachers

can use this strategy as a means to improve students’ reading


2. The others researchers that the result of the study will be very useful for

those who are interested in doing a research related to the study.

3. The students they can improve their ability in reading comprehension and




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Table 3.1. Experimental Research Design .........................................................
Table of distribution-t ............................................................. 56 Lesson Plan for Experimental Group ....................................
Table 1.1 Semester The Grade XI students’ Science of Reading Comprehension Test Score Students Percentage


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