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1. FrmUser.frm - Sistem Informasi Siswa Dan Guru Pada SMA Swasta RK Bintang Timur Rantau Prapat Menggunakan VB 6.0


Academic year: 2019

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Listing Program


Private Sub cmdHapus_Click()

If cmdHapus.Caption = "&Hapus" Then cmdInput.Enabled = False

cmdTutup.Caption = "&Batal" KosongkanText


cboUserName.SetFocus Call BukaDB

RSUser.Open "data_user", Conn cboUserName.Clear

Do Until RSUser.EOF

cboUserName.AddItem RSUser!user_name RSUser.MoveNext

Loop End If End Sub

Private Sub cboUserName_Click() Call CariData

Call TampilkanData

If cmdHapus.Enabled = True Then Call CariData

If Not RSUser.EOF Then TampilkanData

pesan = MsgBox("Yakin akan dihapus", vbYesNo)

If pesan = vbYes Then

Dim SQLHapus As String

SQLHapus = "Delete From data_user where user_name= '" & cboUserName & "'"

Conn.Execute SQLHapus

MsgBox "Data Berhasil Dihapus", vbInformation, "Informasi"

Form_Activate Call KondisiAwal Else

Form_Activate Call KondisiAwal End If


MsgBox "Data Tidak ditemukan" cboUserName.SetFocus


Private Sub cmdTutup_Click() Select Case cmdTutup.Caption Case "&Tutup"


frmMenuUtama.Enabled = True frmMenuUtama.SetFocus

frmMenuUtama.mnDataSekolah.Enabled = False

frmMenuUtama.mnDataSiswa.Enabled = False frmMenuUtama.mnDataGuru.Enabled = False frmMenuUtama.mnInformasi.Enabled = False frmMenuUtama.mnLogin.Enabled = True

Case "&Batal" TidakSiapIsi KondisiAwal End Select

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate() Call BukaDB

Adodc1.ConnectionString =

"PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\dbSI.mdb"

Adodc1.RecordSource = "data_user" Adodc1.Refresh

Set DataGrid1.DataSource = Adodc1 DataGrid1.Refresh

Adodc1.Visible = False Call TidakSiapIsi

End Sub

Function CariData() Call BukaDB

RSUser.Open "Select * From data_user where user_name ='" & cboUserName & "'", Conn

End Function

Private Sub KosongkanText() cboUserName = ""

txtPassword = "" cboStatusUser = "" End Sub

Sub Isi_ComboStatusUser() cboStatusUser.Clear

cboStatusUser.AddItem "Administrator" cboStatusUser.AddItem "User"

End Sub

Private Sub SiapIsi()


cboUserName.Enabled = True txtPassword.Enabled = True cboStatusUser.Enabled = True Call Isi_ComboStatusUser End Sub

Private Sub TidakSiapIsi()

'enabled = false menyebabkan objek tdk dpt dimasuki kursor

cboUserName.Enabled = False txtPassword.Enabled = False cboStatusUser.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub KondisiAwal() Form_Activate

KosongkanText TidakSiapIsi

cmdInput.Caption = "&Daftar" cmdHapus.Caption = "&Hapus" cmdTutup.Caption = "&Tutup" cmdInput.Enabled = True cmdHapus.Enabled = True End Sub

Sub Isi_ComboSex() cboSex.Clear

cboSex.AddItem "Pria" cboSex.AddItem "Wanita" End Sub

Private Sub TampilkanData() With RSUser

cboUserName = RSUser!user_name txtPassword = RSUser!Password

cboStatusUser = RSUser!status_user End With

End Sub

Private Sub cmdInput_Click()

If cmdInput.Caption = "&Daftar" Then cmdInput.Caption = "&Simpan"

cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdTutup.Caption = "&Batal" SiapIsi


cboUserName.SetFocus Else

If cboUserName = "" Or txtPassword = "" Or cboStatusUser = "" Then


Exit Sub Else

Dim SQLTambah As String

SQLTambah = "Insert Into data_user values " & _

"('" & cboUserName & "','" & txtPassword & "','" & cboUserName & "')"

Conn.Execute SQLTambah Form_Activate

MsgBox "Data berhasil disimpan" _ , vbInformation, "Perhatian"

Call KondisiAwal End If

End If End Sub


Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() Me.Hide

frmMenuUtama.Enabled = True frmMenuUtama.SetFocus

frmMenuUtama.mnDataSekolah.Enabled = False frmMenuUtama.mnDataSiswa.Enabled = False frmMenuUtama.mnDataGuru.Enabled = False frmMenuUtama.mnInformasi.Enabled = False frmMenuUtama.mnAboutMe.Enabled = False frmMenuUtama.mnLogin.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub cmdOke_Click() Call BukaDB

RSUser.Open "select * from data_user where user_name='" & txtUserName.Text & "'", Conn If RSUser.EOF Then

MsgBox "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat masuk ke dalam Sistem ini!", vbCritical, "User Name"

txtUserName.Text = "" txtPassword.Text = "" txtUserName.SetFocus Else

If txtPassword.Text = RSUser!Password Then frmMenuUtama.Enabled = True



frmMenuUtama.mnAboutMe.Enabled = True frmMenuUtama.mnRegister.Enabled = False frmMenuUtama.mnLogin.Enabled = False Unload Me


MsgBox "Password yang Anda masukkan tidak dikenali", vbCritical, "Password"

txtPassword.Text = "" txtPassword.SetFocus End If

End If End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate() Call BukaDB

Adodc1.ConnectionString =

"PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\dbSI.mdb"

Adodc1.RecordSource = "data_user" Adodc1.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() txtUserName.Text = "" txtPassword.Text = "" Load frmMenuUtama frmMenuUtama.Show

frmMenuUtama.Enabled = False Call BukaDB

End Sub

Private Sub txtPassword_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 13 Then cmdOke_Click

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtUserName_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

txtPassword.SetFocus txtPassword.SelStart = 0

txtPassword.SelLength = Len(txtPassword) End If

End Sub


Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()

If cmdEdit.Caption = "&Edit" Then cmdInput.Enabled = False cmdEdit.Caption = "&Simpan" cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdTutup.Caption = "&Batal" SiapIsi

txtNama.SetFocus Else

If txtKepsek = "" Or txtTU = "" Or txtTlpn = "" Or txtRegistrasi = "" Then

MsgBox "Masih Ada Data Yang Kosong" Else

'edit data

Dim SQLEdit As String kepsek = txtKepsek

txtKepsek = Replace(txtKepsek, "'", "''")

SQLEdit = "Update data_sekolah Set kepsek= '" & txtKepsek & "', tu='" & txtTU & "', tlpn='" & txtTlpn & "',registrasi='" & txtRegistrasi & "',alamat='" & txtAlamat & "',kabupaten='" &

txtKabupaten & "',kota='" & txtKota & "',fax='" & txtFax & "',email='" & txtEmai & "',website='" & txtWebsite & "' where nama='" & txtNama & "'" Conn.Execute SQLEdit

Form_Activate Call KondisiAwal End If

End If End Sub

Private Sub cmdHapus_Click() Dim pil

Dim SQLHapus As String

pil = MsgBox("Apakah Anda yakin data ini akan dihapus ?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "Konfirmasi")

If pil = vbYes Then

SQLHapus = "delete from data_sekolah where registrasi='" & Adodc1.Recordset!registrasi & "'" Adodc1.Recordset.Delete

MsgBox "Data Berhasil Dihapus !", vbInformation, "Informasi"

End If End Sub


Unload Me Case "&Batal" TidakSiapIsi KondisiAwal End Select

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate() Call BukaDB

Adodc1.ConnectionString =

"PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\dbSI.mdb"

Adodc1.RecordSource = "data_sekolah" Adodc1.Refresh

Set DataGrid1.DataSource = Adodc1 DataGrid1.Refresh

Adodc1.Visible = False Call TidakSiapIsi

End Sub

Private Sub KosongkanText() txtNama = ""

txtKepsek = "" txtTU = "" txtTlpn = ""

txtRegistrasi = "" txtAlamat = "" txtKabupaten = "" txtKota = ""

txtFax = "" txtEmail = "" txtWebsite = "" End Sub

Private Sub SiapIsi()

'enabled = true menyebabkan objek dpt dimasuki kursor

txtNama.Enabled = True txtKepsek.Enabled = True txtTU.Enabled = True txtTlpn.Enabled = True

txtRegistrasi.Enabled = True txtAlamat.Enabled = True txtKabupaten.Enabled = True txtKota.Enabled = True

txtFax.Enabled = True txtEmail.Enabled = True txtWebsite.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub TidakSiapIsi()

'enabled = false menyebabkan objek tdk dpt dimasuki kursor


txtKepsek.Enabled = False txtTU.Enabled = False txtTlpn.Enabled = False

txtRegistrasi.Enabled = False txtAlamat.Enabled = False txtKabupaten.Enabled = False txtKota.Enabled = False

txtFax.Enabled = False txtEmail.Enabled = False txtWebsite.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub TampilkanData() With RSSekolah

If Not RSSekolah.EOF Then txtNama = RSSekolah!nama txtKepsek = RSSekolah!kepsek txtTU = RSSekolah!tu

txtTlpn = RSSekolah!tlpn

txtRegistrasi = RSSekolah!registrasi txtAlamat = RSSekolah!alamat

txtKabupaten = RSSekolah!kabupaten txtKota = RSSekolah!kota

txtFax = RSSekolah!fax txtEmail = RSSekolah!email txtWebsite = RSSekolah!website End If

End With End Sub

Function CariData() Call BukaDB

RSSekolah.Open "Select * From data_sekolah where nama='" & txtNama & "'", Conn

End Function

Private Sub KondisiAwal() Form_Activate

KosongkanText TidakSiapIsi

cmdInput.Caption = "&Input" 'cmdEdit.Caption = "&Edit" cmdHapus.Caption = "&Hapus" cmdTutup.Caption = "&Tutup" cmdInput.Enabled = True 'cmdEdit.Enabled = True cmdHapus.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub cmdInput_Click()


cmdTutup.Caption = "&Batal" SiapIsi

KosongkanText txtNama.SetFocus Else

If txtNama = "" Or txtKepsek = "" Or txtTU = "" Or txtTlpn = "" Or txtRegistrasi = "" Then

MsgBox "Data Belum Lengkap...!" Exit Sub


Dim SQLTambah As String

SQLTambah = "Insert Into data_sekolah (nama,kepsek,tu,tlpn,registrasi,alamat,kabupaten,kot a,fax,email,website) values " & _

"('" & txtNama & "','" & txtKepsek & "','" & txtTU & "','" & txtTlpn & "','" &

txtRegistrasi & "','" & txtAlamat & "','" &

txtKabupaten & "','" & txtKota & "','" & txtFax & "','" & txtEmail & "','" & txtWebsite & "')"

Conn.Execute SQLTambah Form_Activate

MsgBox "Data berhasil disimpan" _ , vbInformation, "Perhatian"

Call KondisiAwal End If

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtNama_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then

'If cmdInput.Caption = "&Simpan" Then Call CariData

If Not RSSekolah.EOF Then TampilkanData

MsgBox "Data Sekolah Sudah Ada" KosongkanText

txtNama.SetFocus Else

txtKepsek.SetFocus End If

'If cmdEdit.Caption = "&Simpan" Then Call CariData

If Not RSSekolah.EOF Then TampilkanData

txtNama.Enabled = False txtKepsek.SetFocus



'txtNama = "" 'txtNama.SetFocus End If

' End If End If 'End If End Sub

Private Sub txtKepsek_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtTU.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtTu_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtTlpn.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtTlpn_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtRegistrasi.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtRegistrasi_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))) If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtAlamat.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtAlamat_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtKabupaten.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtKabupaten_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))) If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtKota.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtKota_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtFax.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtFax_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtEmail.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtEmail_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtWebsite.SetFocus End Sub



KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

If Len(cboNoSiswa) < 3 Or Len(cboNoSiswa) > 3 Then

MsgBox "Kode Harus Angka & 3 Digit, Contoh '001'"

cboNoSiswa.SetFocus cboNoSiswa.Clear Exit Sub


txtNama.SetFocus End If

If cmdInput.Caption = "&Simpan" Then Call CariData

If Not RSSiswa.EOF Then TampilkanData

MsgBox "Data Siswa sudah ada", vbInformation, "Informasi"

KosongkanText cboSex.Clear

cboNoSiswa.SetFocus Else

txtNama.SetFocus End If

End If End If

End Sub

Private Sub AutoNomor() Call BukaDB

RSSiswa.Open ("select * from data_siswa Where no_siswa In(Select Max(no_siswa)From

data_siswa)Order By no_siswa Desc"), Conn RSSiswa.Requery

Dim Urutan As String * 6 Dim Hitung As Long

With RSSiswa If .EOF Then

Urutan = "001"

cboNoSiswa = Urutan Else

Hitung = Right(!no_siswa, 4) + 1 Urutan = Right("00" & Hitung, 4) End If

cboNoSiswa = Urutan End With

End Sub


If cmdEdit.Caption = "&Edit" Then cmdInput.Enabled = False

cmdEdit.Caption = "&Simpan" cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdTutup.Caption = "&Batal" SiapIsi

cboNoSiswa.SetFocus Call BukaDB

RSSiswa.Open "data_siswa", Conn cboNoSiswa.Clear

Do Until RSSiswa.EOF

cboNoSiswa.AddItem RSSiswa!no_siswa RSSiswa.MoveNext

Loop Else

If cboNoSiswa = "" Or txtNama = "" Or

txtTempatLahir = "" Or DTPicker1 = "" Or cboSex = "" Or txtTlpn = "" Then

MsgBox "Masih Ada Data Yang Kosong" Else

Dim SQLEdit As String

SQLEdit = "Update data_siswa Set nama= '" & txtNama & "',tempat_lahir='" & txtTempatLahir &

"',tgl_lahir='" & DTPicker1 & "',sex='" & cboSex & "',tlpn='" & txtTlpn & "',alamat='" & txtAlamat & "',sekolah_asal= '" & txtSekolahAsal & "' where no_siswa='" & cboNoSiswa & "'"

Conn.Execute SQLEdit Form_Activate

MsgBox "Data Berhasil Diedit ", vbInformation, "Informasi"

Call KondisiAwal End If

End If End Sub

Private Sub cmdHapus_Click() perhatian2.Visible = True

If cmdHapus.Caption = "&Hapus" Then cmdInput.Enabled = False

cmdEdit.Enabled = False cmdTutup.Caption = "&Batal" KosongkanText


cboNoSiswa.SetFocus Call BukaDB

RSSiswa.Open "data_siswa", Conn cboNoSiswa.Clear

Do Until RSSiswa.EOF


RSSiswa.MoveNext Loop

End If End Sub

Private Sub cboNoSiswa_Click() Call CariData

Call TampilkanData

If cmdHapus.Enabled = True Then Call CariData

If Not RSSiswa.EOF Then TampilkanData

pesan = MsgBox("Yakin akan dihapus", vbYesNo)

If pesan = vbYes Then

Dim SQLHapus As String

SQLHapus = "Delete From data_siswa where no_siswa= '" & cboNoSiswa & "'"

Conn.Execute SQLHapus

MsgBox "Data Berhasil Dihapus", vbInformation, "Informasi"

Form_Activate Call KondisiAwal Else

Form_Activate Call KondisiAwal End If


MsgBox "Data Tidak ditemukan" cboNoSiswa.SetFocus

End If End If End Sub

Private Sub cmdTutup_Click() Select Case cmdTutup.Caption Case "&Tutup"

Unload Me Case "&Batal" TidakSiapIsi KondisiAwal End Select

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate() Call BukaDB

Adodc1.ConnectionString =

"PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\dbSI.mdb"



Set DataGrid1.DataSource = Adodc1 DataGrid1.Refresh

Adodc1.Visible = False Call TidakSiapIsi

End Sub

Function CariData() Call BukaDB

RSSiswa.Open "Select * From data_siswa where no_siswa='" & cboNoSiswa & "'", Conn

End Function

Private Sub KosongkanText() cboNoSiswa = ""

txtNama = ""

txtTempatLahir = "" cboSex = "Pria" txtTlpn = "" txtAlamat = ""

txtSekolahAsal = "" End Sub

Private Sub SiapIsi()

'enabled = true menyebabkan objek dpt dimasuki kursor

cboNoSiswa.Enabled = True txtNama.Enabled = True

txtTempatLahir.Enabled = True DTPicker1.Enabled = True

cboSex.Enabled = True Call Isi_ComboSex

txtTlpn.Enabled = True txtAlamat.Enabled = True

txtSekolahAsal.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub TidakSiapIsi()

'enabled = false menyebabkan objek tdk dpt dimasuki kursor

cboNoSiswa.Enabled = False txtNama.Enabled = False

txtTempatLahir.Enabled = False DTPicker1.Enabled = False

cboSex.Enabled = False txtTlpn.Enabled = False txtAlamat.Enabled = False

txtSekolahAsal.Enabled = False perhatian.Visible = False

perhatian2.Visible = False End Sub


Form_Activate KosongkanText TidakSiapIsi

cmdInput.Caption = "&Input" cmdEdit.Caption = "&Edit" cmdHapus.Caption = "&Hapus" cmdTutup.Caption = "&Tutup" cmdInput.Enabled = True cmdEdit.Enabled = True cmdHapus.Enabled = True End Sub

Sub Isi_ComboSex() cboSex.Clear

cboSex.AddItem "PRIA" cboSex.AddItem "WANITA" End Sub

Private Sub TampilkanData() With RSSiswa

cboNoSiswa = RSSiswa!no_siswa txtNama = RSSiswa!nama

txtTempatLahir = RSSiswa!tempat_lahir DTPicker1 = RSSiswa!tgl_lahir

Call Isi_ComboSex cboSex = RSSiswa!sex txtTlpn = RSSiswa!tlpn txtAlamat = RSSiswa!alamat

txtSekolahAsal = RSSiswa!sekolah_asal End With

End Sub

Private Sub cmdInput_Click() perhatian.Visible = True

If cmdInput.Caption = "&Input" Then cmdInput.Caption = "&Simpan" cmdEdit.Enabled = False

cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdTutup.Caption = "&Batal" SiapIsi

KosongkanText Call AutoNomor

cboNoSiswa.Enabled = False txtNama.SetFocus

'cboNoSiswa.SetFocus Else

If cboNoSiswa = "" Or txtNama = "" Or

txtTempatLahir = "" Or DTPicker1 = "" Or cboSex = "" Then


Exit Sub Else

Dim SQLTambah As String

SQLTambah = "Insert Into data_siswa

(no_siswa,nama,tempat_lahir,tgl_lahir,sex,tlpn,alama t,sekolah_asal) values " & _

"('" & cboNoSiswa & "','" & txtNama &

"','" & txtTempatLahir & "','" & DTPicker1 & "','" & cboSex & "','" & txtTlpn & "','" & txtAlamat & "','" & txtSekolahAsal & "')"

Conn.Execute SQLTambah Form_Activate

MsgBox "Data berhasil disimpan" _ , vbInformation, "Perhatian"

Call KondisiAwal End If

End If End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() txtNama.MaxLength = 30

txtTempatLahir.MaxLength = 80 txtTlpn.MaxLength = 15

txtAlamat.MaxLength = 80

txtSekolahAsal.MaxLength = 30 End Sub

Private Sub txtNama_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtTempatLahir.SetFocus Exit Sub

End Sub

Private Sub txtTempatLahir_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))) If KeyAscii = 13 Then DTPicker1.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub DTPicker1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then cboSex.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub cboSex_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))


Private Sub txtTlpn_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtAlamat.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtAlamat_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtSekolahAsal.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtSekolahAsal_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))) If KeyAscii = 13 Then cmdInput.SetFocus End Sub


Public baru As Boolean

'LblLokasi.Caption = (App.Path & "\FOTO\" & Trim(Text1.Text) & ".JPEG")

Private Sub Form_Activate() Call BukaDB

Adodc1.ConnectionString =

"PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\dbSI.mdb"

Adodc1.RecordSource = "data_siswa" Adodc1.Refresh

Set DataGrid1.DataSource = Adodc1 DataGrid1.Refresh

Adodc1.Visible = False Adodc2.ConnectionString =

"PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\dbSI.mdb"

Adodc2.RecordSource = "kelengkapan_data_siswa" Adodc2.Refresh

Set DataGrid2.DataSource = Adodc2 DataGrid2.Refresh

Adodc2.Visible = False End Sub

Sub Form_Load() Call KondisiAwal End Sub

Function CariData() Call BukaDB


End Function

Function CariData2() Call BukaDB

RSSiswa2.Open "Select * From

kelengkapan_data_siswa where no_siswa='" & cboNoSiswa2 & "'", Conn

End Function

Private Sub KosongkanText() cboNoSiswa2 = ""

txtNoInduk = "" txtNisn = "" txtNama = ""

txtTempatLahir = "" cboSex = ""

cboGolda = ""

cboKewarganegaraan = "" cboAgama = ""

txtAlamat = "" txtTlpn = "" txtHp = ""

txtSekolahAsal = "" txtNoIjazah = "" txtLokasi = "" End Sub

Private Sub SiapIsi()

'enabled = true menyebabkan objek dpt dimasuki kursor

cboNoSiswa.Enabled = True cboNoSiswa2.Enabled = True txtNoInduk.Enabled = True txtNisn.Enabled = True txtNama.Enabled = True

txtTempatLahir.Enabled = True DTPicker1.Enabled = True

cboSex.Enabled = True Call Isi_ComboSex

cboGolda.Enabled = True Call Isi_ComboGolda

cboKewarganegaraan.Enabled = True Call Isi_ComboKewarganegaraan cboAgama.Enabled = True

Call Isi_ComboAgama

txtAlamat.Enabled = True txtTlpn.Enabled = True txtHp.Enabled = True


txtLokasi.Enabled = True Picture1.Enabled = True perhatian.Visible = True perhatian2.Visible = True End Sub

Private Sub TidakSiapIsi()

'enabled = false menyebabkan objek tdk dpt dimasuki kursor

cboNoSiswa.Enabled = False cboNoSiswa2.Enabled = False txtNoInduk.Enabled = False txtNisn.Enabled = False txtNama.Enabled = False

txtTempatLahir.Enabled = False DTPicker1.Enabled = False

cboSex.Enabled = False cboGolda.Enabled = False

cboKewarganegaraan.Enabled = False cboAgama.Enabled = False

txtAlamat.Enabled = False txtTlpn.Enabled = False txtHp.Enabled = False

txtSekolahAsal.Enabled = False txtNoIjazah.Enabled = False DTPicker2.Enabled = False txtLokasi.Enabled = False Picture1.Enabled = False perhatian.Visible = False perhatian2.Visible = False End Sub

Private Sub KondisiAwal() Form_Activate

KosongkanText TidakSiapIsi

cmdInput.Caption = "&Input" cmdEdit.Caption = "&Edit" cmdHapus.Caption = "&Hapus" cmdTutup.Caption = "&Tutup" cmdInput.Enabled = True cmdEdit.Enabled = True cmdHapus.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub TampilkanData() With RSSiswa

cboNoSiswa2 = RSSiswa!no_siswa txtNama = RSSiswa!nama


DTPicker1 = RSSiswa!tgl_lahir Call Isi_ComboSex

cboSex = RSSiswa!sex txtTlpn = RSSiswa!tlpn txtAlamat = RSSiswa!alamat

txtSekolahAsal = RSSiswa!sekolah_asal

'Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(RSSiswa!foto) End With

End Sub

Private Sub TampilkanData2() With RSSiswa2

txtNoInduk = RSSiswa2!no_induk txtNisn = RSSiswa2!nisn

txtNama = RSSiswa2!nama

txtTempatLahir = RSSiswa2!tempat_lahir DTPicker1 = RSSiswa2!tgl_lahir

Call Isi_ComboSex cboSex = RSSiswa2!sex Call Isi_ComboGolda

cboGolda = RSSiswa2!golda Call Isi_ComboKewarganegaraan

cboKewarganegaraan = RSSiswa2!kewarganegaraan Call Isi_ComboAgama

cboAgama = RSSiswa2!agama txtAlamat = RSSiswa2!alamat txtTlpn = RSSiswa2!tlpn txtAlamat = RSSiswa2!alamat

txtSekolahAsal = RSSiswa2!sekolah_asal txtNoIjazah = RSSiswa2!no_ijazah

'DTPicker2 = RSSiswa2!tgl_ijazah txtLokasi = RSSiswa2!lokasi

'Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(RSSiswa!foto) End With

End Sub

Sub Isi_ComboSex() cboSex.Clear

cboSex.AddItem "PRIA" cboSex.AddItem "WANITA" End Sub

Sub Isi_ComboGolda() cboGolda.Clear


Sub Isi_ComboKewarganegaraan() cboKewarganegaraan.Clear

cboKewarganegaraan.AddItem "INDONESIA" cboKewarganegaraan.AddItem "ASING" End Sub

Sub Isi_ComboAgama() cboAgama.Clear

cboAgama.AddItem "KATOLIK" cboAgama.AddItem "PROTESTAN" cboAgama.AddItem "HINDU" cboAgama.AddItem "BUDHA" End Sub

Private Sub cmdInput_Click()

If cmdInput.Caption = "&Input" Then cmdInput.Caption = "&Simpan" cmdEdit.Enabled = False

cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdTutup.Caption = "&Batal" cboNoSiswa.Clear


perhatian.Visible = False perhatian2.Visible = False KosongkanText

cboNoSiswa2.SetFocus Else

If cboNoSiswa2 = "" Or txtNoInduk = "" Or txtNisn = "" Or txtNama = "" Then

MsgBox "Data Belum Lengkap...!" ElseIf txtLokasi = "" Then

MsgBox "Belum ada foto" Picture1_Click

Exit Sub Else

' FolderFoto = (App.Path & "\FOTO\" & Trim(Text1.Text) & ".JPEG")

Dim SQLTambah As String SQLTambah = "Insert Into kelengkapan_data_siswa

(no_siswa,no_induk,nisn,nama,tempat_lahir,tgl_lahir, sex,golda,kewarganegaraan,agama,alamat,tlpn,hp,sekol ah_asal,no_ijazah,tgl_ijazah,lokasi,foto) values " & _

"('" & cboNoSiswa2 & "','" & txtNoInduk & "','" & txtNisn & "','" & txtNama & "','" &


&"','" & txtNoIjazah & "','" & DTPicker2 & "','" & txtLokasi & "','" & Picture1 & "')"

Conn.Execute SQLTambah Form_Activate

Call KondisiAwal End If

End If End Sub

Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()

If cmdEdit.Caption = "&Edit" Then cmdInput.Enabled = False

cmdEdit.Caption = "&Simpan" cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdTutup.Caption = "&Batal" SiapIsi

perhatian2.Visible = False cboNoSiswa.SetFocus

Call BukaDB

RSSiswa.Open "data_siswa", Conn cboNoSiswa.Clear

Do Until RSSiswa.EOF

cboNoSiswa.AddItem RSSiswa!no_siswa RSSiswa.MoveNext

Loop Else

If cboNoSiswa2 = "" Or txtNama = "" Or txtTempatLahir = "" Or Picture1 = "" Then

MsgBox "Masih Ada Data Yang Kosong" Else

Dim SQLEdit As String

SQLEdit = "Update kelengkapan_data_siswa Set no_siswa ='" & cboNoSiswa2 & "',no_induk= '" & txtNoInduk & "',nisn='" & txtNisn & "',nama='" & txtNama & "',tempat_lahir='" & txtTempatLahir & "',tgl_lahir='" & DTPicker1 & "',sex='" & cboSex & "',golda='" & cboGolda & "',kewarganegaraan='" & cboKewarganegaraan & "',agama='" & cboAgama & "',alamat='" & txtAlamat & "',tlpn='" & txtTlpn & "',hp='" & txtHp & "',sekolah_asal='" &

txtSekolahAsal & "',no_ijazah='" & txtNoIjazah & "',tgl_ijazah='" & DTPicker2 & "',lokasi='" &

txtLokasi & "',foto='" & Picture1.Picture & "' where no_siswa='" & cboNoSiswa2 & "'"

Conn.Execute SQLEdit Form_Activate

Dim SQLTambah As String SQLTambah = "Insert Into kelengkapan_data_siswa


sex,golda,kewarganegaraan,agama,alamat,tlpn,hp,sekol ah_asal,no_ijazah,tgl_ijazah,lokasi,foto) values " & _

"('" & cboNoSiswa2 & "','" & txtNoInduk & "','" & txtNisn & "','" & txtNama & "','" &

txtTempatLahir & "','" & DTPicker1 & "','" & cboSex & "','" & cboGolda & "','" & cboKewarganegaraan & "','" & cboAgama & "','" & txtAlamat & "','" & txtTlpn & "','" & txtHp & "','" & txtSekolahAsal & "','" & txtNoIjazah & "','" & DTPicker2 & "','" & txtLokasi & "','" & Picture1 & "')"

Conn.Execute SQLTambah Form_Activate

Call KondisiAwal End If

End If End Sub

Private Sub cmdHapus_Click()

If cmdHapus.Caption = "&Hapus" Then cmdInput.Enabled = False

cmdEdit.Enabled = False cmdTutup.Caption = "&Batal" KosongkanText


perhatian.Visible = False cboNoSiswa2.SetFocus

End If End Sub

Private Sub cmdTutup_Click() Select Case cmdTutup.Caption Case "&Tutup"

Unload Me Case "&Batal"

TidakSiapIsi KondisiAwal End Select

End Sub

Private Sub cboNoSiswa_Click() Call CariData

Call TampilkanData cboNoSiswa2.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub cboNoSiswa2_Click() Call CariData2


End Sub

Private Sub cboNoSiswa2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

If Len(cboNoSiswa2) < 3 Or Len(cboNoSiswa2) > 3 Then

MsgBox "Kode Harus Angka & 3 Digit, Contoh '001'"

cboNoSiswa2.SetFocus cboNoSiswa2.Clear Exit Sub


cboNoSiswa2.SetFocus cboNoSiswa.Clear End If

If cmdInput.Enabled = True Then Call CariData2

If Not RSSiswa2.EOF Then CariData2


MsgBox "Data Siswa Telah Diinput" KosongkanText


txtNama.SetFocus End If

End If End If

If cmdHapus.Enabled = True Then Call CariData2

If Not RSSiswa2.EOF Then TampilkanData2

Dim pesan As String

pesan = MsgBox("Yakin akan dihapus", vbYesNo)

If pesan = vbYes Then

Dim SQLHapus As String SQLHapus = "Delete From kelengkapan_data_siswa where no_siswa= '" & cboNoSiswa2 & "'"

Conn.Execute SQLHapus KondisiAwal

Form_Activate Else




'MsgBox "Data Tidak ditemukan" 'cboNoSiswa2.SetFocus

End If End If End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_Click() cdlg1.ShowOpen

txtLokasi = cdlg1.FileName 'FolderFoto = Cdlg1.InitDir

'FolderFoto = UCase(Left(Cdlg1.FileName, Len(Cdlg1.FileName) - Len(Cdlg1.FileTitle))) End Sub

Private Sub txtNoSiswa2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtNoInduk.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtNoInduk_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtNisn.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtNisn_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtNama.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtNama_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtTempatLahir.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtTempatLahir_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))) If KeyAscii = 13 Then DTPicker1.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub DTPicker1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then cboSex.SetFocus End Sub


KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))) If KeyAscii = 13 Then cboGolda.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub cboGolda_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then cboKewarganegaraan.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub cboKewarganegaraan_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))) If KeyAscii = 13 Then cboAgama.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub cboAgama_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtAlamat.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtAlamat_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtTlpn.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtTlpn_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtHp.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtHp_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtSekolahAsal.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtSekolahAsal_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtNoIjazah.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtNoIjazah_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))) If KeyAscii = 13 Then DTPicker2.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtLokasi_Change()




FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM(FMIPA) Jl. Bioteknologi No.1 Kampus USU Telp. (061) 8211050 Fax (061) 8214290

MEDAN – 20155, Email : Dekanat@FMIPA.USU.AC.ID


Nama Mahasiswa : Ronald Wesli P

Nomor Stambuk : 092406148

Judul Tugas Akhir : Sistem Informasi Siswa dan Guru Pada

SMA Swasta RK Bintang Timur Rantauprapat

Menggunakan VB 6.0

Studi Kasus : Para Siswa dan Guru

Dosen Pembimbing : Drs.Sawaluddin,M.IT

Tanggal Mulai Bimbingan : 13 April 2012

Tanggal Selesai Bimbingan : 8 Juni 2012






13 April 2012 Proposal Tugas Akhir 29 Mei 2012 Bab 1

1 Juni 2012 Bab 2 5 Juni 2012 Bab 3 5 Juni 2012 Bab 4 5 Juni 2012 Bab 5

8 Juni 2012 Pengujian Program

* Kartu ini harap dikembalikan ke Departemen Matematika bila bimbingan telah selesai.

Diketahui: Disetujui

Ketua Departemen Matematika, Pembimbing Utama/ Penanggung Jawab



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