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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh





by : Mawaddah


Biology Bilingual Education



Submitted to fulfill the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






First and foremost, praise and thank Allah SWT, the Almighty, who has

granted countless blessing, knowledge, and oppurtunity to the writer, and

shalawat to Muhammad SAW, so that she has been finally able to accomplish her


The writer hardly knows where to start expressing her gratitude but for

sure the gratitude goes to all those who have assisted her in the process of

completing this thesis. It would be impossible to list all names but several people

deserve her sincere and special thanks.

She gratefully acknowledges the deepest gratitude to her thesis supervisor,

Syarifuddin, M.Sc, Ph.D, who has provided guidance and advice to writer from the preparation through the completion of the writing of this thesis.

Her enormous appreciation is addressed to Drs. Tri Harsono, M.Si., the head of Biology Department, Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, M.Si., M.Sc., the coordinator of Bilingual Program, and Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si., and Mr. Samsuddin for his administrative assistances. She heartily wishes to acknowledge

Dra. Hj. Martina Restuati, M.Si., Dr. rer.nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si., and Dra. Meida Nugrahalia, M.Sc., as the examiners, for the valuable inputs to be included in this thesis. Thanks Dr. Fauziyah Harahap, M.Si as Academic

Supervisor. She is indebted to Dra. Melva Silitonga, M.S., Dr. Hasruddin, M.Pd., and Prof. Dr. Sri Milfa Yetty, M.S (Kons)., as evaluator for her research instruments, for their constructive comments and suggestion for the improvement

of this study. She is also in enermous intellectual debt to all lectures of Biology

Education Bilingual Program, who has become her inspiration during the

academic years and also during the completion of this thesis. Special thank are

extended to Drs. H. Ahmad Siregar, MM., as SMA Negeri 1 Medan headmaster,

Dra. Hamidah as Biology teacher of XI IPA classes and Drs. Arsyad Sembiring

as vice of headmaster of SMA NEGERI 1 Medan and also special thank are



Finally, she will forever be indebted to her beloved parents Fauzi Effendi Nasution, S.PdI and Surayyah Gawi Aziz for having given her love, unfaliling support and encouragement during the academic year and the completion of this

thesis, her beloved guardian and uncle Drs. H. M. Sazli Nasution who always gives her love, support, and guidance, and her lovely uncle Drs. H. Irsyad Tanjung, M.Si whogivesher support and guidance, too. They are always praying and provide funds for the completion of this thesis, and her lovely sister and

brother Marhamah and Muhammad Abduh, my nieces Nita Khairina Lubis, M.Pd and Aldina Nasroh Azizah, S.Pd and for all the families who supported me. And also her lovely husband Rahmad Arief Siregar who always gives support and keep her on track whenever and whatever problems, she have to


Last but not least, her heartfelt thanks also go to his fellow students,

especially students of Biology Bilingual Program Year 2009 FMIPA UNIMED

name may not mention one by one writer as well as all those who helped in the

writing of this thesis. And thank my beloved seniors Aisyah, Tari, Dina, Azmi and Maria that always answer all her questions in completing this thesis.

The writer has tried as much as possible in completing this thesis.

However, the writer recognized there are still many weaknesses in terms of both

content and grammar. Contents of this thesis would be useful in enrich science

education. It would be difficult to find adequate words to convey how much she

owes the people. Lots of love and thank all of you.

May Allah bless us.

Medan, April,2013 The author,



CLASS SMA NEGERI 1 MEDAN 2012/2013 Mawaddah



This quasy experiment research aim to investegated the influence of NHT (Numbered Head Together) Cooperative Learning Model on the students learning outcome of biology on the main subject human sensory system which had been conducted in class XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Medan academic year 2012/2013. This

research implemented design “control class pretest-postest design”. The population of this research was all students in class XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Berastagi totaling 488 students. The sample was taken by using random sampling and was obtained the sample for 27 students of experimental class (XI-IPA 1) and 27 students of control class (XI-IPA 2). The instrument of research was student’s achievements test in multiple choise form with 40 questions which had been validated before and also the observation sheet of students learning activity.

The result of data analysis showed that pretest in experimental class (47,59±8,73) and pretest in control class (47,22±10,61). After t test was carried out by using significance degree ά = 0,05, it was obtained that tobs =0,196 < ttable=

1,6762, so it can be known both experimental and control class had not significant

difference of student’s beginning achievements. Then, postest in experimental

class (91,39±4,51) has significant different compare to postest in control class (82,87±5,31). After carried out t test it was obtained that tobs = 6,306 > ttable

=1,6762, so it can be known that student’s achievements of biology in experimental class higher than control class. For the students learning activity in experimental class at 1st meeting (71,96±10,09) has significant different compare

to students learning activity in control class (49,74±17,44). After t test was carried

out by using significance degree ά = 0,05, it was obtained that (tobs =5,694 > ttable=

1,6762, so it can be known the students learning activity of experimental class is higher than control class. For the students learning activity in experimental class at 2nd meeting (78,84±13,36) has significant different compare to students learning activity in control class (50,26±17,88). After carried out t test it was obtained that tobs = 6,630 > ttable =1,6762 , so it can be known students learning



1.6. Significances of Research 5


2.1.6. Cooperative Learning 13 Understanding Cooperative Learning 13 Cooperative Learning Objectives 16 NHT (Numbered Head Together) type of Cooperative

Learning model 17

2.1.7. Direct Instruction Model 19

(7) Composition and Balance Tool. How it works 28


3.1. Location and Time 35

4.1.3. Observation of Student Activities 53

4.1.4. Test of Data Analysis Requirements 57





Table 2.1 Taxonomy Bloom’s Levels 10

Table 2.2 Cooperative Learning Model Consists of Six Phases 16

Table 2.3 The Phases of Direct Instruction 20

Table 3.1. Grating Test Students Learning Outcomes in

The Human Sensory System 36

Table 3.2. Difficulty Level 39

Table 3.3. Research Design 39

Table 4.1. Data Recapitulation of Pretest Study 46

Table 4.2. Data Recapitulation of Postest Study 49

Table 4.3. Percentage of Students Learning Activity Observations 56

Table 4.4. Summary of Data Normality Test with Liliefors Test 57

Table 4.5. Summary of Variance Homogenity Test 58

Table 4.6. Summary of Hypothesis Test Calculation 59

Table 4.7. Summary of 1st Meeting Hypothesis Test Calculation 59



Figure 3.1. Research Procedures 42

Figure 4.1. Stem Diagram of Experimental and Control Class Pretest

Comparison 47

Figure 4.2. Pie Chart Percentage of Pretest Experimental Class C1

until C6 47

Figure 4.3. Pie Chart Percentage of Experimental Class Pretest

Correct Answer 48

Figure 4.4. Pie Chart Percentage of Pretest Control Class C1

until C6 48

Figure 4.5. Pie Chart Percentage of Experimental Class Pretest

Correct Answer 49

Figure 4.6. Stem Diagram of Experimental and Control Class

Postest Comparison 50

Figure 4.7. Pie Chart Percentage of Postest Experimental Class C1

until C6 51

Figure 4.8. Pie Chart Percentage of Experimental Class Pretest

Correct Answer 51

Figure 4.9. Pie Chart Percentage of Postest Control Class C1

until C6 52

Figure 4.10. Pie Chart Percentage of Control Class Postest Correct

Answer 52

Figure 4.11. Stem Diagram of Experimental Class Pretest and

Postest Comparison 53

Figure 4.12. Stem Diagram of Control Class Pretest and Postest



Figure 4.13. Stem Diagram Both Eksperimental and Control Class

Pretest and Postest Comparison 53

Figure 4.14. Pie Chart Percentage of experiment class students

activities at first meeting 54

Figure 4.15. Pie Chart Percentage of control class students activities

at first meeting 55

Figure 4.16. Pie Chart Percentage of experiment class students

activities at second meeting 55

Figure 4.17. Pie Chart Percentage of control class students a

activities at second meeting 56

Figure 4.18. Stem Diagram of Experimental and Control Class 57

Figure 4.19. Result of Pre-test between Students who were taught

with ‘DirectInstruction (DI)’ learning model and

those who were taught with ‘Number Head Together

(NHT)’ learning model (t =0,196; P =0,845). 60

Figure 4.20. Result of Post-test between Students who were taught

with ‘Direct Instruction (DI)’ learning model and those

who were taught with ‘Number Head Together (NHT)’

learning model (t =6,306; P =0,000). 60

Figure 4.21. Result of first meeting activities between Students who

were taught with 'Direct Instruction (DI)’ learning model and those who were taught with ‘Number Head

Together (NHT)’ learning model (t =5,694; P = 0,000). 61 Figure 4.22. Result of second meeting activities between Students who

were taught with 'Direct Instruction (DI)’ learning model

and those who were taught with ‘Number Head Together




Appendix 1. Sillaby 70

Appendix 2. Lesson Plan in Experimental Class 71

Appendix 3. Lesson Plan in Control Class 79

Appendix 4. Lattice of The Research Instrument 85

Appendix 5. Research Instrument 87

Appendix 6. Keys 97

Appendix 7. Answer Sheet 98

Appendix 8. Worksheet 99

Appendix 9. Observation Sheet of Student Learning Activities 100

Appendix 10. Observation Letter 103

Appendix 11. Letter From School 104

Appendix 12. Construct Validity 105

Appendix 13. Validity,Reliability, and Difficulty Level Calculation 106

Appendix 14. Discrimination Index Calculation and Questions Criteria 112

Appendix 15. Validity by Validators 115

Appendix 16. Research Letter From Faculty 123

Appendix 17. Research Letter From DINAS PENDIDIKAN 124

Appendix 18. Research Letter From School 125

Appendix 19. Pretest , Postest And Activities Result 126

Appendix 20. Analysis data 129




In general, the process of education and teaching in schools today is still

running in the classical style, which means that a teacher in the classroom faces

the number of students between 20-40 students in the same time and delivers the

same learning materials as well. Teachers often use the same model to the whole

students. In this classical teaching, the teachers assume that all students of the

class have not different ability, different readiness and different maturity.

Actually, each person has different characteristics - different from one to another

one. One such individual differences is the ability, so we often found in each class

that the students group that has a high, medium and low capability. Nowadays,

teachers use the learning model that have not been able to appreciate and

accommodate the individual differences of students. In the implementation of the

learning process ,the teachers teaching by same service for all the students,

whether it is for the high, medium and low ability of student. The students have

different learning speeds and they can get the service of learning is depended on

each of their abilities. Students who are slower still left behind, while students

who are faster get the optimal service learning. This learning process that takes

place in the class can not encourage students to progress and develop according to

each of their abilities.

When I was in my teaching experience program, the results of my

interviews with a Biology teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Berastagi, Ms. Florida

Ginting, S.Pd., learning process in class is still very less effective. One

contributing factor according to her, is that her students less active in the learning

process. It can be seen in the learning process, students pay less attention in

teaching process, they just listened to the teaching’s lectures, did not ask questions on other class activities. The facts that occurred when the learning process is less

enthusiastic following of students in learning activities. When the teacher asked,

many students were not able to answer. The students ability to remember newly


Thus, probably it is why formative test scores of students for human sensory

system is still below the Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum (KKM). KKM value in

RSBI SMA Negeri 1 Berastagi at XI Science Class is 78, while the students score

average was only 53.

The results of my interviews with a Biology teacher of SMA Negeri 1

Medan, Ms. Dra. Hamidah when I observed, the direct instruction learning model

is still being used in the learning process in the class. For the human sensory

system, KKM value in SMA Negeri 1 Medan at XI Science Class is 75, and the

teacher said that almost all of the students’ formative test results passed the KKM and also almost all of the students were active in the class. I choosed this school

as my research location, to observe the effect of Numbered Head Together as

learning model in the learning process. My expectation, all of the students are

active in learning process and NHT improves the students learning outcome in

Human Sensory System Topic.

There are a number of potential approach to improve this learning process

and outcome, namely the teacher’s teaching approach, method or model. Out of a number of well teaching model that improve students activities and learning

outcomes, i.e NHT (Numbered Head Together) Cooperative Learning Model.

Numbered Head Together or NHT is considered a very good model candidate to

be studied since this model will improve students learning outcomes, the activities

of students in the teaching, and learning process. This model is also considered

suitable for a medium class size (20 up to 40 students). And from my observation

result in SMA Negeri 1 Medan, the number of the students in XI IPA 1 as the

experiment class is 27 students. It is the medium class size. It is suitable to apply

NHT (Numbered Head Together) Cooperative Learning Model in this class for

my research. Thus, it can make the students active in learning process.

According to Lie (2004), cooperative learning of NHT type may provide

benefits both of the students in high, medium and low capability in learning, the

students will work together, accomplish the tasks of learning, high-achieving

students will be tutors for students which lower achievements. Cooperative



The aims are to launch cooperative skills to learn and work relationships.

NHT is also able to provide a broad acceptance of people who differ by race,

culture, social, and other capabilities. There are several benefits of NHT

(Numbered Head Together) cooperative learning model expressed by Lundgren in

Ibrahim in Husna (2010), they are:

1. Self-esteem is higher

2. Improving attendance

3. Acceptance of the individual into a larger

4. Disruptive behavior becomes smaller

5. Conflicts between reduced personal

6. Deeper understanding

7. Increasing cultivation kindness, sensitivity and tolerance

8. Higher learning outcomes

Sitompul (2008) found that on average who were taught human

reproduction system at the second semester class XI SMA Negeri 2 using NHT

had 89.06 score. Simatupang (2009) found that on 91,25 % of students passed

KKM who were taught human sensory system at the second semester class XI

SMA Parulian 1 using NHT. Husna (2010) found that on mean 71,19 who were

taught human reproduction system at the second semester class XI SMA Negeri

11 using NHT, she said that Numbered Head Together can improve the students

learning outcome.

1.2. Problems Identification

Based on the above background, the problems can be identified are as


1. The learning model that is used by the teacher nowadays still can not

improve students learning activity and learning outcome.

2. The student learning outcome is low, especially in biology subject.

3. Low of motivation, enthusiasm for learning, and the involvement of

the student in the learning process because of the lack of teacher skill


4. Learning model that is used by the teacher nowadays tends to be

monotonous, resulting in students not able to absorb the subject matter

maximally and the optimal service learning is not evenly distributed in

the learning process in the medium class

5. The social skill of the students is still low. It caused of the individual

student learning activities likely resulting with fellow students in the

learning process.

1.3. Study Scope

The problems of this research was limited to the students learning outcome

and students learning activities. This study was limited the use of two teaching

models namely NHT (Numbered Head Together) Cooperative Learning Model

and Direct Instruction Learning Model as a baseline comparison. The topic taught

in this research was human sensory system and the students learning activities and

students learning outcome were dependent variable. This study was planned to be

carried out in XI Science Class of SMA Negeri 1 Medan 2012/2013

1.4 Problem Questions

The problems with restrictions on the formulation in this research are:

1. Are the students who were taught with NHT (Numbered Head

Together) Cooperative Learning Model more active than students who

were taught using Direct Instruction Learning Model?

2. Is students’ average learning outcome who were taught with NHT

(Numbered Head Together) Cooperative Learning Model higher than

students who were taught using Direct Instruction Learning Model?

3. What is the comparison of the students learning outcome and students

activity who were taught with NHT (Numbered Head Together) of

Cooperative Learning Models and Direct Instruction Learning Model

in human sensory system topic for the second semester year XI



1.5. Research Objectives

Based on the formulation of the problem described above, the objectives

of this research to find out:

1. The students learning activities who were taught with NHT (Numbered

Head Together) of Cooperative Learning Model in human sensory

3. The students learning outcome who were taught with NHT (Numbered

Head Together) of Cooperative Learning Model in human sensory

5. The comparison of the students learning outcome and learning activity

who were taught by using NHT (Numbered Head Together) of

Cooperative Learning Models and Direct Instruction Learning Model

in human sensory system topic for the second semester year XI

Science Class of SMA Negeri 1 Medan 2012/2013.

1.6. Significances of Research

The expected benefits of research in this study are:

1. For researcher, as an input and motivation to carry out the profession

as a teacher.

2. For the teachers, as an input especially, for the teachers of biology in


3. For the students, this research will improve the students learning

outcome and also the students learning activities, and the students will

work together in group to develop a social skill.

4. For the school, as an input in improving students learning activity and



sensory system class XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Medan 2012/2013 increased

by 6,89 where the average value is 71,95 at the 1st meeting and 78,84 at the

2nd meeting.

2. The results of students learning activities who were taught by Direct

Instruction learning model on the subject of human sensory system class

XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Medan 2012/2013 increased by 0,53 where the

average value is 49,73 at the 1st meeting and 50,26 at the 2nd meeting.

3. The results of students learning outcome who were taught by Numbered

Head Together Cooperative Learning Model on the subject of human

sensory system class XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Medan 2012/2013 increased

by 43,80 where the average value is 47,59 of pretest and 91,39 for postest.

4. The results of students learning outcome who were taught by Direct

Instruction learning model on the subject of human sensory system class

SMA Negeri 1 Medan 2012/2013 increased by 35,65 where the average

value is 47,22 of pretest and 82,87 for postest.

5. Based on the t-test calculation (α = 0.05) obtained the proposed hypothesis is accepted,it can be concluded that there iss a significant effect of

applying Numbered Head Together Cooperative Learning Model on the

students learning outcome and students learning activities on the subject of

human sensory system class XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Medan 2012/2013.The

applying of Numbered Head Together Cooperative Learning Model is

better than Direct Instruction learning model on the subject of human


5.2. Suggestions

Having considered the findings of this research, the suggestions are:

1. For biology teachers, Numbered Head Together Cooperative Learning Model

is one of biology learning alternative which application could increases

students learning outcome and learning activity.

2. The implementation of Numbered Head Together Cooperative Learning

Model needs well preparation. There are eleven steps that will be

implemented in the learning process. Some tools that support learning should




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Figure 4.13.


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