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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Anastasia Pramita

Student Number: 071214094











Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain theSarjana PendidikanDegree

in English Language Education


Anastasia Pramita Student Number: 071214094





ASarjana PendidikanThesis on







Anastasia Pramita Student Number: 071214094

Approved by




ASarjana PendidikanThesis on







Anastasia Pramita Student Number: 071214094

Defended before the Board of Examiners on 17thJuly 2012

and Declared Acceptable

Board of Examiners

Chairperson : C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. ... Secretary : Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. ... Member : Ag. Hardi Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.A. ... Member : Made Frida Yulia, S.Pd., M.Pd. ... Member : Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph. D. ...

Yogyakarta, 17thJuly 2012

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma University





I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 17thJuly 2012 The Writer





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Anastasia Pramita Nomor Mahasiswa : 071214094

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Pada tanggal: 6 Juli 2012 Yang menyatakan



Pramita, Anastasia. (2012). Student teachers of English Language Education Study Program’s perception on the role of supervising teacher and supervising lecturer in Program Pengalaman Lapangan. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Supervising teacher and supervising lecturer in Program Pengalaman Lapangan have a very important role for student teachers. It is because supervising teacher and supervising lecturer are close to student teachers during PPL process. That is why student teachers’ perception on the role of supervising teacher and supervising lecturer is very important. Through their perception they are able to evaluate supervising teacher and supervising lecturer performances in guiding and helping student teachers to be good teachers in PPL. There are two research problems in this research 1) What is student teachers’ perception on the role of supervising teacher and supervising lecturer in PPL? 2) What is student teachers’ suggestion on the role of supervising teacher and supervising lecturer in PPL in order to help supervising teacher and supervising lecturer improve thei role in guiding student teachers during PPL process?

To answer the research questions, the researcher used survey research. The researcher took 40 respondents, seventh semester student teachers of English Language Education Study Program who have just finished PPL from academic year 2008/ 2009. The researcher obtained the data by using a questionnaire and an interview as the research instruments. The questionnaire consisted of 16 closed-ended questions and 3 open-closed-ended questions. The questionnaire used Likert Scale to measure how strong student teachers’ perception on the role of supervising teacher and supervising lecturer. The interview was conducted to verify the questionnaire result and to dig out further information.

The result of the research showed that student teachers’ perception on the role of supervising teacher and supervising lecturer was good. There were also some bad perceptions of it but just 3 out of 16 roles of supervising teacher and supervising lecturer. From this research, the researcher can know what is needed by student teachers from the supervising teacher and supervising lecturer.

The student teachers gave some recommendation for supervising teacher and supervising lecturer. Most of them talked about lack of time allocated by supervising lecturer. Besides, they also give suggestion for other student teachers who are going to take PPL to prepare them well and to be more active during PPL.



Pramita, Anastasia. (2012). Student teachers of English Language Education Study Program’s perception on the role of supervising teacher and supervising lecturer in PPL.Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Guru pamong dan dosen pembimbing memiliki peran yang sangat penting bagi praktikan saat PPL. Hal ini dikarenakan guru pamong dan dosen pembimbing menjadi orang yang paling dekat dengan praktikan saat program PPL berlangsung. Oleh karena itu persepsi praktikan tentang peran guru pamong dan dosen pembimbing sangatlah penting untuk mengevaluasi kinerja guru pamong dan guru pembimbing dalam membimbing dan membantu praktikan berproses menjadi seorang guru yang baik selama PPL. Ada dua rumusan masalah yang dikaji dalam penilitian ini: 1) Bagaimana persepsi praktikan terhadap peran guru pamong dan dosen pembimbing selama PPL? 2) Saran apa sajakah yang diberikan oleh praktikan kepada guru pamong dan dosen pembimbing supaya mereka dapat meningkatkan perannya dalam mendampingi praktikan selama PPL berlangsung?

Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah tersebut, peneliti menggunakan penelitian survey. Peneliti mencari 40 mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris semester 7 angkatan 2008 yang baru saja menyelesaikan PPL. Peneliti mengambil data dengan menggunakan kuisioner dan wawancara sebagai instrumen penelitian. Kuesioner terdiri dari 16 pertanyaan tertutup dan 3 pertanyaan terbuka. Kuesioner menggunakan Skala Likert untuk mengukur seberapa kuat persepsi praktikan terhadap peran guru pamong dan dosen pembimbing di PPL. Wawancara diadakan untuk memverifikasi hasil kuesioner dan untuk menggali info yang lebih dalam.

Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi praktikan terhadap peran guru pamong dan dosen pembimbing PPL sangat bagus. Memang ada beberapa persepsi buruk tetapi hanya ada 3 dari 16 peran guru pamong dan dosen pembimbing. Dari penelitian ini kita juga bisa mengetahui apa yang sebetulnya praktikan butuhkan dari guru pamong dan dosen pembimbing.

Para praktikan memberi saran kepada guru pamong dan dosen pembimbing. Kebanyakan dari mereka membahas tentang minimnya waktu yang diberikan oleh dosen pembimbing. Tak hanya itu mereka juga memberi masukan kepada praktikan yang baru akan mengambil PPL supaya lebih mempersiapkan diri lagi dan lebih aktif selama PPL.




Thanks God, finally I could finish this thesis. First of all, I would like to give my deepest gratitude to Jesus Christ and Mother Mary who have accompanied me in time of difficulty.

Second, my biggest gratitude goes to Agustinus Hardi Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.A, my advisor. I thank him for his guidance, patience, and support in guiding

me finishing this thesis. My gratitude also goes to all PBI lecturers and staff, who have given me valuable lessons and experiences during my study at Sanata Dharma University. My appreciation also goes to all the staff in the library for helping me so much in finding books and references.

For the seventh semester student teachers, academic year 2008 of English Language Education Study Program, I thank them for allocating their time to participate in the process of collecting the data. Without them, the research would not be conducted. For Alfonsus Rinardi Rintardo, S.Pd and Rieta Anggraheni, S.Pd, I thank them for allocating their time as my proof readers.

I would like to thank my beloved parentsBapakFransiscus Indarna,Ibu Caecilia Sudasriwati and my brother Adek Paskalis Devian Kristy for their love, prayer, support and patience.










ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK... viii




CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Research Background ... 1

B. Research Problems ... 2

C. Problem Limitation ... 2

D. Research Objectives ... 3

E. Research Benefits ... 3




A. Theoretical Description ... 8

1. Perception ... 8

2. Factors Influencing Perception ... 9

3. The Relationship between Perception and the Ways of Human Thinking and Learning... 10

4. Program Pengalaman Lapangan... 10

4. The Job Descriptions of Supervising Lecturers... 10

5. The Job Descriptions of Supervising Teachers ... 14

B. Theoretical Framework ... 16


B. Research Setting ... 20

C. Research Participants/ Subjects ... 20

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ... 21

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 24

F. Research Procedure ... .. 25



1. Data presentation ... 26

a. Data presentation of the questionnaire ... 27

b. Data presentation of the interview ... 30

2. Discussion ... 34

B. Student Teachers’ Suggestions on the Role of Supervising Teacher and Supervising Lecturer in PPL ... 40


B. Recommendations ... 44

REFERENCES 47 APPENDICES 49 Appendix 1 Questionnaire ... 50

Appendix 2 Questionnaire Result ... 52




Table Page

3.1 Questionnaire Blueprint ... 22

3.2 Interview Blueprint ... 23

3.3 Questionnaire Result Analysis ... 24




Chapter 1 presents the introduction of the study. This chapter consists of six sections; they are research background, problem formulation, problem

limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and definition of terms.

A. Research Background

As students who later on will be teachers, student teachers in Faculty of

Teachers Training and Education of Sanata Dharma University are given so many fruitful things in order to develop their teaching skills and prepare them to be

good teachers. For example, they must follow some subjects which are important in developing their teaching skills. One of those subjects isProgram Pengalaman Lapangan(PPL).

In PPL student teachers practice how to be good teachers such as making the teacher’s administration book and teaching in the real class. By doing this kind


with their supervising teacher and the supervising lecturer so that they become confused about what they are going to do.

That is why the researcher would like to make a research on student teachers of English Language Study Program’s perception on the role of supervising teacher and supervising lecturer in Program Pengalaman Lapangan in order to help supervising teacher and supervising lecturer to optimize their role in guiding student teachers inPPLso that student teachers can prepare themselves to be good teachers.

B. Research Problems

Based on the background, there are two questions formulated in this research.

1. What is student teachers’ perception on the role of supervising teacher and supervising lecturer in theirPPL?

2. What are student teachers’ suggestions on the role of supervising teacher and

supervising lecturer inPPLin order to help them to improve their role in guiding student teachers during PPL process?

C. Problem Limitation

Since the researcher would like to conduct research on student teachers of

English Language Education Study Program’s perception on the role of supervising lecture and supervising teacher, the focus of this research is student


teachers on the seventh semester who have already takenPPL course) perception on the role of supervising lecturer and supervising teacher.

This research, once again, focuses on the role of supervising lecturer and supervising lecturer which is directly related to student teachers based on the task of supervising lecturer and supervising teacher provided on PPL manual book Pedoman Pelaksanaan Program Pengalaman Lapangan (FKIP, 2007).

D. Research Objectives

This research is conducted in order to find:

1. student teachers’ perception on the role of supervising teacher and supervising

lecturer duringPPL;and

2. student teachers’ suggestions on the role of supervising teacher and supervising

lecturer inPPLin order to help them to improve their role in guiding student teachers during PPL process.

E. Research Benefits

The findings of this research are expected to be beneficial for:

1. Student teachers of English Language Education of Sanata Dharma


This research provides information about what actually the task of


Besides, this research also provides the role of the supervising teacher and the supervising lecturer in the real situation based on student teachers’ perception.

Student teachers’ perception will be varied from the negative up to the positive one based on their experiences in PPL. The student teachers on this thesis not only give their perception but also their suggestions to supervising teacher,

supervising lecturer and thePPLprogram.

By reading this thesis, student teachers who are going to take PPL can know about the role of supervising teacher and supervising lecturer. So they can ask their right which must be fulfilled by supervising lecturer and supervising teacher. Besides, if supervising teacher and supervising lecturer cannot do their

role in helping student teachers as stated on their job description based on PPL’s manual book because of other academic business, in this thesis the student

teachers can find some solutions by reading the experiences of student teachers who have finished theirPPL.

2. Lecturers (especially in English Language Education Study Program of

Sanata Dharma University) who often become supervising lecturer inPPL This research has mentioned the problem formulation in the beginning of

this chapter which is formulated to find out student teachers’ perception on the role of the supervising teacher and the supervising lecturer, and students teachers’ suggestion on the role of the supervising teacher and the supervising lecturer.

By conducting the research which can answer those two questions, the lecturer is expected to know and understand what is actually needed by the


duty during PPL such as helping the student teachers reach their goal; teaching English in the real situation. The researcher understands that a lecturer has many

tasks to do, but as she/he has already given the duty as a supervising lecturer for PPLstudents, of course the lecturer must cooperate well with the students. Beside knowing her/his task in PPL and knowing what is actually students’ expectation, by reading this thesis the supervising lecturer can also know many solutions given by the student teachers if the lecturer cannot do some of their tasks. For example,

the lecturer did not have enough time for the student to consult their progress. On this research one of the student teachers said that they still can use technology for example by using e-mail.

3. Teachers who often become supervising teacher ofPPLstudents

This research expects the teacher to know and understand what is actually

needed by the students during their PPL (students’ expectation on the role of the lecturers). Supervising teacher can know what exactly his / her role in PPL is and the teacher can also know many suggestions and solutions from the students in

many different problems which occur in school.

F. Definition of Terms

For the sake of avoiding misunderstanding, the researcher provides some definition of terms used in this study.

1. Perception

Based on Suparinah (1986), perception is an active process in which a


Another researcher, Sternberg (1988, p.8), defines perception as “the way human perceives the world. Furthermore it is the ability to see, hear, or understand things;

awareness.” Robbins (2001) also defined perception as a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning on their environment. From all of the definitions above it means that

perception is what comes in human mind as the result of their experiences about something. In this study, perception refers to what comes to student teachers’

mind about their supervising lecturer and supervising teacher in PPL based on what they knew, saw, felt, and experienced duringPPLprocess.

2. Role

In this study, role is the way supervising teacher and supervising lecturer involving themselves to guide and help student teachers duringPPLprocess. 3. Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL)

In this study, PPL (KPE 369) or Program Pengalaman Lapangan is a program which is designed to make the student teachers practice in order to have

complete and integrated teaching skills (FKIP, 2007, p. 7). 4. Supervising Teacher


5. Supervising lecturer

In this study, supervising lecturer is a lecturer of English Language

Education Study Program who is pointed by the faculty as a supervising lecturer for some student teachers who are doingPPL.

6. Student teacher

In this study, student teachers are students who study at English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University and have already finished




This chapter discusses the related literature as the reference theories for the

study on this research as has been explained before on Chapter I. On this review

of related literature, there are two parts which will be discussed; they are

theoretical description and theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

In this section, the theories that are mainly discussed are the theories of

perception, factors influencing perception, the relationship between perception and the

ways of human thinking and learning, PPL, and the job descriptions of supervising

teachers and supervising lecturers inPPL.

1. Perception

As has been explained on the definition of term in Chapter I, in this study

perception is what comes in human mind as the result of their experience

(including what people see, hear and understand) about something. Szilagyi and

Wallace (1980, p. 70) said “Perception is defined to process by which individuals

attend to incoming stimuli, organize and then interpret such stimuli into a message

that in turn indicates an appropriate action and behavior”. Robbins (2001) also

explained perception as a process by which individuals organize and interpret


2. Factors influencing perception

According to Altman (1985, p..86-91), there are four factors which

influence human’s perceptions. Those are:

a. Selection of stimuli

People have so many stimuli in their brain, but actually they cannot absorb

all of those stimuli into opinion. People need to go for the appropriate stimuli to

be what is called view. Selection is the process of focusing only on small number

of stimuli. The reason why people perceive things differently is because each

person selects specific cues and screens out of others.

b. Organization of stimuli

After the information has undergone the screening process, it must be

arranged to be meaningful. The mind tries to bring order out of the disorganized

sensory data by selecting particular items and putting them together in a

meaningful way that is based on experience.

c. The situation

A situation affects what a person perceives. Perceiving a situation

accurately is also related to how well a person organizes behavior to situations.

d. Self-concept

Self-concept is the way we perceive and feel about ourselves. The way we


3. The relationship between perception and the ways of human thinking and


By knowing what is perception and the factors influencing it, we can now

move to the relationship between perception and the ways of human’s thinking

and learning. Based on Merleau (1962, p...3-5), on his book named

Phenomenology of Perception, perception can happen when someone experienced

something by himself or herself. It means that perception comes from someone’s

experience. They have already felt, hear, or experience something by themselves

so that they can make a perception on it.

Robbins (2001, p. 2) says that,” perception can also be defined as

conscious mental process of observing, viewing, responding and understanding, in

which someone gives a meaning on the stimulus he receives.” It means that

perception is something comes in human’s mind about something which has a

direct relation to the ways of human thinking about something.

4. Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL)

Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) was designed in order to train

student teachers so that they can have integrated teacher skills (FKIP, 2007, p. 7).

Hence, student teachers are given so many tasks to do at schools where they are

doing their PPL. Those tasks are the same with the real teacher task such as

teaching in the real class, and making the teachers’ administration book.

5. The job descriptions of supervising lecturers

There are twelve job descriptions for supervising lecturers, based on


a. Giving instructions to student teachers before doing theirPPL

As it is the first time student teachers practice teaching outside the

university, supervising lecturers should tell student teachers what they should do

during PPL process. This instruction is important because it is related to the way

student teachers do their PPL.

b. Transferring student teachers to the school

Supervising lecturers should come to school to transfer student teachers

there. It is because supervising lecturers represent the faculty to entrust student

teachers at the school where student teachers are going to practice.

c. Explaining the faculty’s principles aboutPPLto the school

It is important to explain the faculty principles about PPL to the school

because student teachers are doing the PPL based on guideline made by the

faculty. The guideline is entitled Pedoman Pelaksanaan Program Pengalaman

Lapangan. The book will give enough explanation aboutPPLto student teachers,

supervising lecturers, supervising teachers and the school.

d. Monitoring student teachers’ activities and holding some meeting for

consultation periodically

Even though the supervising lecturers have given instructions in the

beginning, student teachers need guidance during the PPL process. Therefore,

supervising lecturers can hold some meeting for consultation periodically in order


e. Being the representative of the faculty to handle problems which appear during


Supervising lecturers are the representative of the faculty during the PPL

process. It means that if there is a problem occurs during the PPL process,

supervising lecturers should represent the faculty to solve the problem.

f. Doing observation to student teachers’ teaching practice one time at the


Supervising lecturers should observe student teachers’ teaching practice at

least once. Observation is important because the result of the observation being

one of the considerations on students’ assessments.

g. Helping the Study Program Coordinator for PPLto get data to give certificate

to whoever helping the student teachers duringPPLat school

Supervising lecturers are the representative of the faculty. So, supervising

lecturers should help the Study Program Coordinator for PPL to get data during

the PPL process to give a certificate to whomever helping student teachers at


h. Asking all assessment instruments which have already filled by the supervising

teachers and the school’s head master

Supervising lecturers are the one who later on decide student teachers’

final mark. Therefore, supervising lecturers should ask all instruments which have

already filled by supervising teachers and the school’s head master in order to


i. Taking back student teachers from school and giving the certificate on the


In the beginning, supervising lecturers represent the faculty to entrust

student teachers at school. At the end, supervising lecturers also represent the

faculty to take back student teachers from school and give the certificate to

supervising teachers and the school.

j. Having the responsibility on thePPL’s report of their students

PPL’s report becomes one of considerations to measure student teachers

achievement after the PPL process. Therefore, supervising lecturers should

ensure that student teachers collect their PPL’s report and then check it.

k. Holding a spoken test about thePPL’s report

Supervising lecturers can hold spoken test to their student teachers after

student teachers give their final report to their supervising lecturers. The spoken

test is intended to gain much more student teachers’ experiences and

improvements in their teaching skill after the PPL process finished.

l. Deciding student teachers’ final mark.

Even though during the PPL process student teachers more often

communicate with their supervising teachers, but the one who will decide student

teachers’ final mark is supervising lecturers. Supervising lecturers can decide the

final mark through some observations, supervising teachers’ evaluation sheet,


6. The job descriptions of supervising teachers

There are eleven job descriptions for supervising teachers based on

Pedoman Pelaksanaan Program Pengalaman Lapangan(FKIP, 2007, p.12).

a. Helping student teachers recognize the school situation and the subject that will

be taught

Student teachers do not know how the school situation and the subject that

will be taught. Therefore, supervising teachers can help them to recognize the

school situation, the students, and the subject that will be taught before starting

the PPL process.

b. Giving explanations to student teachers on the activities they must do during

PPLat school

Supervising teachers must explain what student teachers should do during

the PPL process. Student teachers activities during PPL process are teaching,

making the teachers’ administration book, and making the lesson plan.

c. Guiding the student teachers to arrange thePPL’s programs

Supervising teachers should guide student teachers to arrange the PPL’s

programs. It is because supervising teachers are responsible for whatever student

teachers do at school.

d. Helping the student teachers prepare the equipments needed duringPPL

In PPL, supervising teachers are the closest person for student teachers.

Therefore, everytime student teachers need help supervising teachers should help


e. Giving the student teachers a learning model to be observed

Teaching in the real class is different compared to micro teaching.

Therefore, student teachers need a learning model before they teach in the real

class. Hence, supervising teachers should give student teachers a learning

model to be observed.

f. Giving task to student teachers and helping them to make a lesson plan, and


At school, supervising teachers are the one who give instructions on what

student teachers should do during PPL. The instructions include giving tasks to

student teachers to make some lesson plans and syllabuses. Therefore, supervising

teachers should help student teachers to do those tasks.

g. Monitoring and evaluating the student teachers’ teaching practice

At school, supervising teachers has bigger role to help student teachers

during the PPL process than supervising lecturers. Supervising lecturers may

observe student teachers just once, but supervising teachers should monitor and

evaluate student teachers directly after teaching in the class.

h. Supervising the student teachers directly after the teaching practice

Student teachers need feedback after their teaching practice in order to

improve their teaching skill. Therefore supervising teachers should supervise


i. Monitoring the student teacher’s activities duringPPL

Supervising teachers are the one who have responsibility during student

teachers doing their PPL at school. Therefore everyday supervising teachers

should monitor student teachers activities.

j. Giving all the assessment instruments to the supervising lecturers

Student teacher’s final mark is decided by supervising lecturers. So,

supervising teachers should give all the assessment instruments to the supervising

lecturers as one of considerations.

k. Checking thePPLreport which was made by student teacher

The PPL’s report is one of considerations on student teachers assessments.

Therefore supervising teachers should check it first before student teachers give

the report to the school and to their supervising lecturers.

B. Theoretical Framework

This research is a study on student teachers of English Language Education

Study Program’s perception on the role of supervising teachers and supervising

lecturers in Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL). The researcher looked for

some facts about everything related to perception. There are many factors which

can affect someone’s perception. First, as the researcher has provided about those

facts on the theoretical description, there are some factors influencing perception.

Based on Altman (1985, pp. 86-91), there are four factors which can influence

perception; those are selection of stimuli, organization of stimuli, the situation,


especially human brain. As has been explained on the theoretical description,

there are many stimuli in our brain which can catch much informations when

people are doing something. Those informations then are chosen by their brain

which can make different result to other people, because their brain may choose

different stimuli one to another. There are two other things that can influence

someone’s perception; they are situation and self-concept. So, the researcher can

conclude that different characters and situation of someone may affect his/ her

perception on something.

After knowing all things that can affect someone’s perception, the

researcher now discusses the relationship between perception and the ways of

human thinking and learning. As has already provided on the theoretical

description, Robbins has stated clearly about that case. The researcher concludes

that after people receive some information in their brain, they can make such an

interpretation resulted in their perception which then affects human’s ways of

thinking. As has already stated clearly about what perception is, the factors

influencing perception and the relationship between perception and the ways of

human thinking and learning, the researcher then tried to look for student

teachers’ perception on the role of supervising teachers and supervising lecturers

by using Likert Scale provided in the questionnaires and interview in order to

know whatever affected student teachers’ perception on that.

Next, after knowing factors which can affect perception and the

relationship between perception and the ways of human thinking and learning,


teachers and supervising lecturers. It has stated clearly on Pedoman Pelaksanaan

Program Pelaksanaan Lapangan, that student teachers, supervising lecturers and

the supervising teachers have their own job descriptions inPPL.The book entitled

Pedoman Pelaksanaan Program Pelaksanaan Lapangan is used as a guideline

what are actually the supervising teachers, the supervising lecturers and student

teacher should do inPPL. As the comparator, the researcher also included the role

of student teachers in PPL. There is one role clearly stated on PPL’s book that

student teachers must consult the syllabus and lesson plan to the supervising

teachers and supervising lecturers. It means that not only supervising teachers and

supervising lecturers who have responsibility to help student teachers but student

teachers also must help themselves by come to supervising teachers and

supervising lecturers. In this research not all of the roles of supervising teachers

and supervising lecturers will be included on the research because as has been

stated on the limitation of the study that this study is only focused on the role of

supervising teachers and supervising lecturers which is directly related to student

teachers. For supervising teachers, ten out of eleven job descriptions would be

included in this research. For supervising lecturers, five out of twelve job

descriptions would be included in this research because those roles are directly





This chapter gives information on how this study is conducted. There are

six parts on this chapter; research method, research participants, research

instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research


A. Research Method

Since the aim of this research was to find out student teachers’ perception

on the role of the supervising lecturers and the supervising teachers in PPL, the

method which was used to gain the data was descriptive research. According to

Ary, et al (2002, p.381) “Descriptive research studies are designed to obtain

information concerning the current status of phenomena.”

In doing this research, the researcher conducted a survey. The survey

included two main instruments in collecting the data; questionnaire and interview

as stated by Sprinthall, Schumutte and Sirois (1991, p.93) that “survey research is

designed to collect information from samples by using questionnaire and

interview”. The guideline of making the question insides the questionnaire and

interview on the role of supervising teachers and supervising teachers was taken

from PPL’s manual book, Pedoman Pelaksanaan Program Pengalaman


the supervising lecturers and the supervising lecturers in order to find student

teachers’ perception on the role of supervising teachers and supervising lecturers

in PPL, student teachers’ suggestion on the role of supervising teachers and

supervising lecturers inPPLand to find solution on some issues happened inPPL

such as when supervising teachers and supervising lecturers could not do some of

their tasks.

B. Research Setting

The research was conducted in two different sections. The first one was

held on 21st November 2011. On this day the data was obtained in the form of

questionnaire. The second research was held on 15th December 2011. On this

second research, the data was obtained in the form of focused interview.

C. Research Participants/ Subjects

In order to get the data, the researcher used sample survey because some of

the student teachers were still doing PPL and have not finished PPL yet. Sample

survey is ‘a study that studies only a portion of the population’ (Ary, et al, 2002).

The researcher used purposive sampling to look for the respondents of the

questionnaire. According to Cohen “in purposive sampling, researchers handpick

the cases to be included in the sample on the basis of their judgement of their

typicality, in this way, they build a sample that is saticfactory to their specific

needs” (2000, p. 103). In this research, the researcher pick-up forty student


respondents of the questionnaire. For the interview section, the researcher used

convenience sampling (or it is sometimes called accidental or opportunity

sampling) to look for the respondents. According to Cohen ‘convenience

sampling involves nearest individuals to serve as the respondents, or the

researcher simply chooses the sample from those to whom she/ he has easy

access’ (2000, p. 102). In this research, the researcher took four student teachers

as the interviewee.

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

In order to collect possible data for answering two questions on this

research, instruments are needed. Warga (1983, p.107) stated that perceptions are

based on past experiences. The questionnaire and the interview are the

instruments to gain the information relate to facts, feelings, and so on (Ary, et al,

1999, p.173). Therefore, on this research, the researcher used two instruments;

questionnaire and interview. Each of the instruments contained questions which

are suitable to answer the two basic questions this research is going to find out.

1. Questionnaire

The first instrument used in this study was questionnaire. The researcher

used questionnaires in order to get student’s perception on the role of supervising

teachers and supervising lecturers in PPL. There were nineteen questions which

elaborated two basic questions on this study. Based on Ary, et al (1979, p.178)

“Questionnaires are two types: structure or closed form, and unstructured or


answered by choosing strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree) and

open-ended questions which could be answered based on their opinion. All of the

statements on this questionnaire were taken from PPL’s manual book Pedoman

Pelaksanaan Program Pengalaman Lapangan (FKIP, 2007). This questionnaire

consisted of two parts; Part A consisted of sixteen statements on the role of

supervising teachers and supervising lecturers in order to look for student

teachers’ perception on the role of supervising teachers and supervising lecturers

in PPL, Part B consisted of three open-ended questions on student teacher

expectation towards supervising teachers and supervising lecturers, their

evaluation towards their supervising teachers and supervising lecturers in PPL,

and student teachers’ suggestion. student teachers’ perception on the role of supervising teachers in PPL

2. Part A

12 to 16

These five questions gathered information about student teachers’ perception on the role of supervising lecturers inPPL.

3. Part B

1 to 2

These questions gathered information about student teachers’ perception on the role of supervising teachers and supervising lecturers by giving score.

4. Part B



2. Interview

The second instrument used by the researcher was interview. There were

thirteen questions that must be answered. The researcher used this instrument in

order to get deeper data from the students on their experiences, perception,

suggestion and many things related to the role of the supervising teachers and

supervising lecturers inPPL.

Table 3.2 Interview Blueprint

No. Questions Description

1. 1 to 2 These questions gathered information about student

teachers’ background inPPL.

2. 4, 5 These questions gathered information about student

teachers’ activities and experiences inPPL.

3. 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11,12

These questions gathered information about student teachers’ perception on the role of supervising teachers and supervising lecturers inPPL

4. 13 This question gathered information about student

teachers’ suggestion for supervising teachers,

supervising lecturers, other student teachers andPPL program in the future.

The first technique used by the researcher to gain the data was

questionnaire. The questionnaires were distributed to forty student teachers of

English Language and Education Study Program academic year 2008 who have

finished PPL. The researcher distributed the questionnaires on Monday at 10


attending SPD (Service Program Design) class on the fourth floor of Sanata

Dharma University’s administrative building.

The second technique used by researcher was interview. The researcher

took four random samples from forty student teachers who had answered the

questionnaire sheet. The interview was recorded by using sound recorder.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The data was collected from the questionnaires and the interview. Then,

all of the data must be analyzed. The result of the closed questions would be

shown in the form of percentage. Afterwards, the result (in the form of

percentage) would be divided or classified into some categories. The result of the

open questions would be discussed per item to complement the data needed to

answer research questions on this research. The researcher also used formula

q = to analyzed the data in the form of grade. stands for the ‘mean’, Ʃx

stands for the total score andNstands for the amount of student teachers.


F. Research Procedure

First, the researcher decided the subject of the study and after that she

made the problem formulation. In order to answer the research questions, the

researcher designed a set of questionnaires and interview in order to get further

data. After that, the researcher scheduled the time to distribute the questionnaire.

The next step was distributing the questionnaires to the respondent, forty student

teachers of English Language Education Study program academic year 2008 who

have just finished PPL. After collecting all of the questionnaires, the researcher

provided the questionnaire result in the form of percentage. Finally, the researcher

held an interview by choosing four random student teachers. Then, the researcher

used the result of the questionnaires and interview to answer three basic answers

in order to find what student teachers of English Language Education Study

Program’s perception on the role of supervising teachers and supervising lecturers

in PPL is. The interview result was used in order to get further data and




This chapter presents detailed information about the data gathered in this

study. The discussion involves data analysis based on the research questions: what

student teachers’ of English Language Study Program’ perception on the role of

supervising teachers and supervising lecturers in PPL is, and what student

teachers’ suggestion on the role of supervising teachers and supervising lecturers

inPPLis .

A. Student Teachers of English Language Education Study Program’s

Perception on the Role of Supervising teachers and Supervising lecturers


In order to answer the research questions, the researcher used questionnaire

and interview. The questionnaire items which were used to answer the first

research question (what student teachers’ of English Language Study Program’

perception on the role of supervising teachers and supervising lecturers in PPLis)

were Part A and the interview items which were used to answer this research

question was number three up to number 12.

1. Data Presentation

The researcher used two instruments, interview and questionnaire.


presentation of the questionnaire and the second part is the data presentation of


a. Data Presentation of the Questionnaire

In this study, the questionnaire consisted of 16 items. The purpose of

questionnaire here was to find out whether supervising teachers and supervising

lecturers carried out their role or not. The questions on this questionnaire were

based on Pedoman Pelaksanaan Program Pengalaman Lapangan (FKIP, 2007)

page 12 and page 15 which consisted of job description of supervising lecturers

and supervising teachers. The researcher focused on the role of supervising

lecturers and supervising teachers related to the activities of student teachers in

school during PPL, so some roles provided on the book was not included in this

questionnaire. For supervising teachers there were ten job descriptions included

and for supervising lecturers there were five job descriptions included on the

questionnaire. There were four responses to be chosen on the questionnaire: 1.

Strongly Disagree (SD), 2. Disagree (D), 3. Agree (A), and 4. Strongly Agree


Table 4.1 The Percentage Result of Questionnaire Part A

1 The supervising teacher explained to you about the situation in the school and the subject that will be taught.

0 15 45 40

2 The supervising teacher explained about

what you should do duringPPL. 0 7.5 67.5 25 3 The supervising teacher guided you in

arranging the programs. 2.5 25 65 7.5 4 The supervising teacher helped you to

prepare the equipments needed duringPPL. 5 45 32.5 17.5 5 The supervising teacher gave you a learning

model to be observed. 2.5 20 62.5 15 6 The supervising teacher gave you some tasks

to do, such as giving the students home work, etc.

10 20 42.5 27.5

7 The supervising teacher helped you to make

the lesson plan, syllabus, etc. 17.5 22.5 50 10 8 The supervising teacher monitored and

evaluated your teaching practice. 0 7.5 52.5 40 9 The supervising teacher supervised you

directly after your teaching practice. 5 20 60 15 10 The supervising teacher monitored your

activeness duringPPL. 10 25 42.5 22.5 11 The supervising teacher checked your final

report. 7.5 22.5 47.5 22.5 12 The supervising lecturer gave instructions to

you before you do thePPL. 7.5 17.5 60 15 13 The supervising lecturer monitored your

activities and held some meetings for consultation periodically.

2.5 52.5 40 5

14 The supervising lecturer observed your

teaching practice. 7.5 15 55 22.5 15 The supervising lecturer checked all of your

report. 5 40 40 15

16 The supervising lecturer gave you an oral


On this part, the researcher used this kind of answer rather than yes-no, in

order to gain further data. By using Likert Scale; strongly agree, agree, disagree

and strongly disagree, the researcher not only wanted to know whether the

supervising teachers and the supervising lecturers did their role or not, but also

could know how deep the supervising teachers and the supervising lecturers

involved themselves in their role.

From the result of the questionnaires, the researcher categorized the result

as follows:

Strongly disagree : Student teachers really sure that the supervising teachers

or the supervising lecturers never did the role.

Disagree : The supervising teachers or the supervising lecturers did

not do the role.

Agree : The supervising teachers or the supervising lecturers did

the role.

Strongly Agree : The supervising teachers or the supervising lecturers did

the role very well.

The researcher also looked for student teachers’ perception on the role of

the supervising teachers and the supervising lecturers by asking them to give score

to the supervising teachers and the supervising lecturers from 1 to 10

(Questionnaire Part B number one and two). 1 meant very bad and 10 meant very

good. The researcher then looked for the meanand categorized the mean into five


1 – 2.8 = very bad perception

2.9 – 4.6 = bad perception

4.7 – 6.4 = enough perception

6.5 – 8.2 = good perception

8.3 - 10 = very good perception

Question number one asked student teachers to give score to the role of

supervising teachers. From forty student teachers, they gave various score based

on their perception ranged from 1-10, the total score was 315 and from this total

score the researcher looked for the mean by using = and the mean was

7.875. This mean was categorized as good perception. So in student teachers’

perception, the role of supervising teachers inPPLwas good.

Question number two asked the student teacher to give score to the role of

supervising lecturers. From forty student teachers, they gave various score based

on their perception range from 1-10, the total score was 292.5 and from this total

score the researcher looked for the mean by using = and the mean was

7.3125. This mean was categorized as good perception. So in student teachers’

perception, the role of supervising lecturers inPPLwas good.

b. Data Presentation of Interview

There were eight out of the 13 questions which would be used to answer

what the role of supervising teachers and supervising lecturers was. Those

questions were number three, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, and 12.

Question number three asked student teachers about their experiences


lecturers. Three out of four student teachers said that their supervising teachers

gave them a big help during the PPL process such as give them many advises,

easily to be contacted, and friendly while all of them said that their supervising

lecturers did not give them significant help during the PPL process.

Question number six asked student teachers whether supervising teachers

or supervising lecturers helped them solve their problem or not and two out of

four student teachers told that supervising teachers usually gave them advices;

while the other student teachers told that he/she did not consult their problem to

their supervising teachers or supervising lecturers and tried to solve it by


Question number seven asked student teacher on the role of supervising

teachers and supervising lecturers that could not be fulfilled by supervising

teachers and supervising lecturers. All of the interviewees had the same answer

that supervising teachers and supervising lecturers did not observe them.

Supervising lecturers was too busy so that he/ she could not match the schedule

with student teachers’ teaching practice, while the supervising teachers sometimes

did not observe student teachers in order to make them become more independent

and because the supervising teachers had other important business to do.

Question number eight asked about when the student teachers want to meet

the supervising teachers and what they were talking about. Two of them held daily

meeting with the supervising teachers while the other two held meeting before

their teaching practice. Those who held the meeting every time before their


quoted by the researcher: “I always meet my teacher before I start my teaching

practice in order to ask the teaching material for today’s lesson” (Student teacher

1) and “I meet the supervising teachers before I teach in order to discuss how to

get student’s attention at class” (Student teacher 3). Two other student teachers

who met the supervising teachers everyday usually discussed everything with the

supervising teachers except their teaching practice, as quoted from the interview

sheet one of the student teachers said “I shared everything that I felt and

experienced in PPL” (Student teacher 2), while the other one said that she often

discussed some matters outside the teaching practice.

Question number nine asked the student teacher when they met the

supervising lecturers and what they discussed. Most of them were seldom met

with their supervising lecturers. The student teachers usually met the supervising

lecturers not more than 2- 3 times during PPL. They usually met only on the

beginning and the end of the PPL to discuss about the observation schedule, ask

for the supervising lecturers’ signature and discuss thePPLreport.

Question number 10 asked the student teacher whether they had

difficulties to communicate with the supervising teachers or not, and how they

tried to solve the problem. From 4 student teachers, all of them said that there was

no communication problem between them and supervising teachers. They could

easily communicate with the supervising teachers both inside and outside school.

When the supervising teachers were not at school, the student teacher could

communicate with the supervising teachers by sending an SMS (Short Message


Question number 11 asked the student teacher whether they had

difficulties to communicate with the supervising lecturers or not, and how they

tried to solve the problem. From four student teachers, 2 of them said that it was

difficult to meet the supervising lecturers.

It was hard to match my schedule with the lecturer’s. In a week we just met 2-3 times because I must came to the school where I did PPL in the morning and attend another class at Sanata Dharma University in the evening. (Student teacher 2)

Even though, the student teacher had difficulties to meet the supervising lecturers

but she could communicate with the supervising lecturers by phone or SMS and

made an appointment to meet, then. Another student teacher also had difficulty to

communicate with the supervising lecturers because in the beginning ofPPL, her

supervising lecturers were on duty to another city for several months. There was

no communication at all. When the supervising lecturers were off of the duty, the

student teachers directly asked for signature and gave the PPL report. Even

though there was no communication at all, but the supervising lecturers still

observed her from the student teacher’s lesson plan and evaluation sheet from the

teacher. Two other student teachers did not find difficulties to communicate with

the supervising lecturers. They usually sent a SMS to the supervising lecturers,

made an appointment, and then came to meet the supervising lecturers by him/

herself or together with the other student teachers.

Question number 12 showed about student teacher’s perception on the role

of the supervising teachers and supervising lecturers in PPL. From four student

teachers all of them agreed that the supervising teachers did their role better than


teachers is quiet helpful and often give me guidance whether the supervising

lecturers seldom to give me advice because she was busy’ (Student teacher 1). It

meant that for student teachers, the supervising teacherss were quite helpful for

them while most of the supervising lecturerss were busy with other business.

2. Discussion

After getting the data presentation, the researcher then analyzed the data

from the results of the questionnaire with the result from the interview in order to

answer the first research question; what is student teachers’ perception on the role

of supervising teachers and supervising lecturers in PPL was, as follows.

Supervising teachers explained to student teachers about the situation in

the school. From the data of the questionnaire, 45% out of 40 student teachers

agreed that their supervising teachers did this role and 40% agreed that their

supervising teachers did this role very well. This result was also complemented by

interview result from question number three in which one of student teachers said

that she got many guidance and instructions from her supervising teachers. Based

on the result of the questionnaire and the interview, it could be inferred that most

of supervising teachers explained to student teachers about the situation in the


Supervising teachers explained about what student teachers should do

during PPL. From the result of the questionnaire 6.5% student teachers agreed

that their supervising teachers did this role and 25% student teachers agreed that

their supervising teachers did this role very well. This result was complemented


graduated from Sanata Dharma University so she gave me many guidance and

instructions in PPL” (Student teachers 2) and “My supervising teacher gave me

instructions on how to teach and how to control the students” (Student teacher 3).

Based on the result of the questionnaire and the interview, it could be inferred that

most of supervising teachers explained about what student teachers should do


Supervising teachers guided student teacher in arranging the programs

during PPL. Based on the result of the questionnaire 65% out of 40 student

teachers agreed that their supervising teachers did this role and 7.5% agreed their

supervising teachers did this role very well. This result was complemented by the

interview result from question number 3 “My supervising teacher gave me many

guidance and instructions” (Student teacher 2) and from question number 14 “My

supervising teacher was quite helpful for me in which she often gave me

instructions” (Student teacher 1). Based on the result of the questionnaire and the

interview, it could be inferred that most of supervising teachers guided student

teacher in arranging the programs duringPPL.

Supervising teachers helped student teachers prepare the equipments

needed during PPL. Based on the result of the questionnaire, 45% out of 40

student teachers disagreed with this statement and felt that supervising teachers

did not do this role. This result was complemented by interview result that none of

student teachers said that supervising teachers helped them in preparing the


that most supervising teachers did not directly help student teachers in preparing

all the equipments needed inPPL.

Supervising teachers gave student teachers a learning model to be

observed. Based on the data of the questionnaire, 62.5% out of 40 student teachers

agreed that their supervising teachers did this role and 15% agreed that their

supervising teachers did this role very well. The interview result from question

number three complemented this fact “In the first week, my supervising teacher

had private business and was absent from school for a week, so I taught every day

in a week after 3 times of observation” (Student teacher 1). From this statement it

could be inferred that supervising teachers gave enough learning model to be

observed by student teachers.

Supervising teachers gave student teachers some tasks to do such as giving

the students homework. Based on the data of the questionnaire 42.5% out of 40

student teachers agreed that their supervising teachers did this role and 27.5%

agreed that their supervising teachers did this role very well. The interview result

from question number 4 showed that student teachers were given many tasks by

supervising teachers such as teaching, making lesson plans, making report, and

substituting teachers who were absent to teach in the class. One of the student

teachers said that “My supervising teacher asked me to make lesson plans for

three years, and after I had finished this task, I could start to teach in the class”

(Student teacher 2). From the date resulted from questionnaire and interview, it

could be inferred that supervising teachers gave enough tasks for student teachers


Supervising teachers helped student teachers make the lesson plan and

syllabus. Based on the data of the questionnaire, 50% out of 40 student teachers

agreed that their supervising teachers did this role and 10% agreed that their

supervising teachers did this role very well. The interview result from question

number 8 showed that student teacher often came to their supervising teachers in

order to consult about the teaching material and the lesson plan. Based on the

result of the questionnaire and interview, it could be inferred that supervising

teachers helped student teacher make the lesson plan, syllabus, and other teaching


Supervising teachers monitored and evaluated student teachers teaching

practiced. Based on the data of the questionnaire, 52.5% out of 40 student teachers

agreed that their supervising teachers did this role and 40% agreed that their

supervising did this role very well. The interview result showed that 2 out of 4

student teachers always came to meet their supervising teacher everyday and 2 of

them always came to meet their supervising teacher every time they were going to

teach. Based on the result of the questionnaire and the interview, it could be

inferred that supervising teachers monitored and evaluated student teachers’

teaching practice frequently.

Supervising teachers supervised student teachers directly after their

teaching practice. Based on the data of the questionnaire, 60% out of 40 student

teachers agreed that their supervising teachers did this role and 15% agreed that

their supervising teachers did this role very well. The interview result showed that


supervise them directly after their teaching practice. Based on the percentage

result of the questionnaire and the interview, it could be inferred that most of

supervising teachers supervised student teachers directly after their teaching


Supervising teachers monitored student teachers activities during PPL.

Based on the data of the questionnaire, 42.5% out of 40 student teachers agreed

that their supervising teachers did this role and 22.5% agreed that their

supervising teachers did this role very well. The interview result of number 8

showed that two out of four student teachers came to meet their supervising

teacher everyday and the other two came to meet their supervising teachers every

time they were going to teach. Based on the result of the questionnaire and the

interview, it could be inferred that the frequency of supervising teachers and

student teachers met each other was high, so supervising teachers could directly

monitor and evaluate student teachers’ activities duringPPL.

Supervising teachers checked student teachers’ final report, 47.5% out of

40 student teachers agreed that supervising teachers did this role and 22.5%

agreed that supervising teachers did this role very well. The interview result from

question number 8 also showed that in the end of PPL, student teachers came to

supervising teachers for consulting and discussing their PPLreport. Based on the

result of the questionnaire and the interview, it could be inferred that supervising

teachers checked student teachers’ final report.

Supervising lecturers gave instructions on what student teachers should do


Table                                                                                                                   Page3.1 Questionnaire Blueprint ..............................................................22
Table 3.1 Questionnaire Blueprint
Table 3.2 Interview Blueprint
Table 3.3 Questionnaires Analysis


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