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THE MANAGEMENT OF VOCATIONAL SCHOOL (A Site Study at SMK Pelita Bangsa Sumberlawang Sragen) The Management Of Vocational School (A Site Study at SMK Pelita Bangsa Sumberlawang Sragen).


Academic year: 2017

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(A Site Study at SM K Pelita Bangsa Sumberlaw ang Sragen )


Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting M aster Degree of Education

in Educational M anagement Department

Teguh W idodo Q. 100.100.288






Prof. Dr. Budi M urt iyasa, M .Kom

Consult ant

Subject : Thesis of Teguh Widodo

To : Direct or of Graduat e School

M uhammadiyah Universit y of Surakart a

Assalamualaikum w arahm at ullahi w abarokat uh

Aft er reading and giving suggest ion t o t he t hesis of t his ident it y:

Name : Teguh Widodo

St udent num ber : Q. 100.100.288

Depart m ent : Educat ional M anagement

Tit le : The M anagement of Vocat ional School

(A Sit e St udy at SM K Pelit a Bangsa Sum berlaw ang

Sragen )

This t hesis has been approved t o be exam ined by t he board of exam iners of

Graduat e School, M uhammadiyah Universit y of Surakart a.

Wassalamualaikum w arahm at ullahi w abarokat uh

Surakart a, August 2012

Consult ant I




Drs. HA. Dahlan Rais, M .Hum

Consult ant

Subject : Thesis of Teguh Widodo

To : Direct or of Graduat e School

M uhammadiyah Universit y of Surakart a

Assalamualaiku m w arahm at ullahi w abarokat uh

Aft er reading and giving suggest ion t o t he t hesis of t his ident it y:

Name : Teguh Widodo

St udent num ber : Q. 100.100.288

Depart m ent : Educat ional M anagement

Tit le : The M anagement of Vocat ional School

(A Sit e St udy at SM K Pelit a Bangsa Sum berlaw ang

Sragen )

This t hesis has been approved t o be exam ined by t he board of exam iners of

Graduat e School, M uhammadiyah Universit y of Surakart a.

Wassalamualaikum w arahm at ullahi w abarokat uh

Surakart a, August 2012

Consult ant II




M e m yself w ho give signat ure below :

Name : Teguh Widodo

St udent ’s Regist er Num ber : Q. 100.100.288

Progr am of St udy : M ast er Degree of Educat ion M anagem ent

Concent rat ion : M anagem ent of Educat ion Syst em

Tit le of Thesis : The M anagement of Vocat ional School

(A Sit e St udy at SM K Pelit a Bangsa Sum berlaw ang

Sragen )

I declare t ruly t hat t he t hesis I have subm it t ed is originally m ade by m yself, for

except ion are cit at ions and resumes t hat t horoughly I have explained in t he

sources, and if in t he fut ure it can be proved t hat my t hesis is one of plagiarism, I

am w illing if m y t it le and m ast er certificat e given by t he universit y w ill be


Surakart a, August 2012





Happiness is usually t he result of a sacrifice.

Before bed, ask, w hat good have I done t oday?

Do not let ident it y m erges w it h your w ork.

If your job disappears, your ident it y w ill never be lost .

Gordon Van Saut er

W hat ever you do for love t oday, do it for a bet t er t om orrow .

Robert Schuller


I dedicat e t his t hesis t o m y universit y, m y beloved w ife,




Thanks t o Allah SWT, for blessing t he w rit er in accomplishing t his

research paper ent it led The M anagement of Vocat ional School (A Sit e St udy at

SM K Pelit a Bangsa Sumberlaw ang Sragen ). This research paper is prepared as

one of academic requirement s in complet ing st udy at Graduat e School,

M uham m adiyah Universit y of Surakart a.

Writ ing of t his paper w as not lost of suggest ion, help, and guidance from

several people. Therefore, t he w rit er w ould like t o express his deepest grat it ude

and appreciat ion t o t he people w ho have ever helped him in finishing t his

research paper.

1. Prof. Dr. Bambang Set iaji, Rect or of M uhammadiyah Universit y of Surakart a

w ho has given a variet y of facilit ies in com plet ing st udies at Surakart a

M uhammadiyah Universit y.

2. Prof. Dr. Khudzaifah Dimyat i, M . Hum., The Direct or of Graduat e School w ho

has given opport unit y t o t he w rit er t o cont inue t he Graduat e st udy.

3. Prof. Dr. Budi M urt iyasa, M . Kom, Head of Educat ional M anagement

Depart ment , Graduat e School, M uhammadiyah Universit y of Surakart a, and

t he advisor who has given guidance, support , and advise in t he process of

w rit ing t his thesis.

4. Drs. HA. Dahlan Rais, M .Hum., t he second advisor w ho has guided t he w rit er

t o com plet e t his t hesis.

5. The principal, t eachers and st udent s of SM K Pelit a Bangsa Sumberlaw ang




Teguh Widodo . Q. 100.100.288. The M anagement of Vocat ional School (A Sit e

St udy at SM K Pelit a Bangsa Sumberlaw ang Sragen). Thesis. Graduat e School.

M uhammadiyah Universit y of Surakart a. 2012.

This research has four object ives, t o describe t he Vocat ional School Curriculum , Human Resources, Facilities, and Funds at SM K Pelit a Bangsa

Sum berlaw ang Sragen.

It is a qualit at ive research using et hnography design. The main research subject consist s of t he principal, t eachers, and st udent s. Dat a collect ion met hod used int erview , observat ion, and document at ion. Dat a analysis w as st art ed by (1) dat a collect ion, (2) dat a reduct ion, (3) dat a display, and (4) draw ing conclusion. Dat a validit y used credibilit y, t ransferabilit y, confirmat bilit y, and dependabilit y.

The findings suggest t hat Vocat ional school curricula at SM K Pelit a Bangsa

Sumberlaw ang Sragen is com piled in a t eam by focusing on int ellect ual aspect s

of st udent s and also t he charact er of st udent s. The compiled curriculum cont ains t he adapt ive, normat ive, product ive and local cont ent subject mat t ers and also self -developm ent t hrough ext racurricular act ivit ies and ent repreneurship program. Curriculum evaluat ion is done by looking at t he achievem ent of any program im plem ent ed by t he school. Hum an resources at SM K Pelit a Bangsa

Sumberlaw ang Sragen have a good compet ence. It is seen from t he st udent s’

achievem ent s in t he Olym piad act ivit ies, alt hough it is classified as a new school in Sragen. This is not apart f r o m a credible form of recruit ment and compet ence developm ent program or ganized by t he school. Com pet ence developm ent program organized by t he school include motivati on , implement at ion, supervision, and also sending t eachers in t he deliberat ion of subject mat t er t eachers. Facilit ies of vocat ional school at SM K Pelit a Bangsa Sumberlaw ang

Sragen st ill need t o be complet ed such as t he comput er repair shop, props, and

reference books. Alt hough t he facilit y is not yet complet e, t he school has made a special t eam t o manage t he facilit ies. Current ly t he school is focusing on building a class, and w ill cont inue on t he const ruct ion of t he laborat ory room. Financing of vocat ional school at SM K Pelit a Bangsa Sum berlaw ang Sragen is done t ransparent ly in w hich all revenues and expendit ures or expenses, including cost s t o t he public are inform ed t o parent s. The school funding is m anaged by t he school t reasurer, head of adm inist rat ive, and t he principal. Cost s t o be incurred by t he school are allocat ed t o t he needs of st udent s, building const ruct ion, and com plet e t he facilit ies t o support t eaching and learning act ivit ies as w ell as fulfilling t eachers’ w elfare.



2. Hum an Resources of Vocat ional School at SM K Pelit a Bangsa Sumberlaw ang Sragen ... 26

2. Hum an Resources of Vocat ional School at SM K Pelit a Bangsa Sum berlaw ang Sragen... 47

3. The Vocat ional School Facilit y at SM K Pelit a Bangsa Sumberlaw ang Sragen ... 52


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