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Submitted to Post-Graduate School English Applied Linguistic Program in Partial Pulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


By :

SISKA EKA SYAFITRI Registration Number: 8126112033




Submitted to Post-Graduate School English Applied Linguistic Program in Partial Pulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


By :

SISKA EKA SYAFITRI Registration Number: 8126112033





Siska Eka Syafitri. Registration Number: 8126112033, METAPHOR IN ENGLISH VERSION OF SURA ALI IMRAN. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistic Study Program. Postgraduate School. State University of Medan, 2014.

This study presents a research conducted on Metaphor in English Version of Sura Ali Imran. It is a kind of descriptive qualitative research. The source of the data was taken from the translation of Sura Ali Imran, The Qur’an, by Haleem Abdel, Oxford University Press. They were contained in the verses of Sura Ali Imran, then analyzed the kinds, functions, and the reasons of using metaphor. Distribution of this metaphor is consulting on Ibnu Katsir’s Tafseer book. The kinds are refers to Lakoff and Johnson that divided the metaphor into two kinds, explicit and implicit metaphor. The functions of metaphor are arranged in order according to which of Halliday’s three metafunctions. Then, the reasons is based on Wahab’s four contextual reason. Based on the data analysis, it was found that there are two kinds of metaphor used in Sura Ali Imran, 14 verses of explicit metaphor and 18 verses of implicit metaphor. The second finding is there are 9 functions used from 13 functions as the breakdown of Halliday’s three metafunction. The next finding found that the reason why the metaphor is used in Sura Ali Imran are because of four contextual reasons. Therefore, it can be concluded that, Some messages of the Al Qur’an in Sura Ali Imran have a stressing point which is delivered in more beautiful words in implicit metaphor that make the readers have a deeply understanding toward the message. The findings also show the rich of the

language used in Al Qur’anand the reality of the God’s Law, Allah SWT, known from




Siska Eka Syafitri. Nomor Induk Mahasiswa: 8126112033, METAPHOR IN ENGLISH VERSION OF SURA ALI IMRAN. Tesis. Program Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Sekolah Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan, 2014.




In the name of Allah, The Most Kind and The Most Merciful. Nothing is

impossible for Him helping me during my story in this life. Allah gives me strength in

my weakness, gives me light in my darkness. His power guided me in finishing every

steps that I followed, especially in finishing this thesis. Hopefully I can be someone

which can deliver my big thankful for Him, the perfect One.

The sincere helpful also came from my advisors, Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.A. and

Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd. Then, the head of LTBI study program, Prof. Dr.

Busmin Gurning, M.pd. The examiners Prof. Dr. Amrin Saragih, M.A. Ph.D., Prof. T.

Silvana Sinar, M.A. Ph.D., and Dr. Rahmad Husein, M. Ed. As well as the administrtor

in LTBI program, Bang Farid. They guided me both in theory and practical. They

patientlly showed me the things should have been improved in my thesis. Thanks for all

of your kindness.

Ofcourse the special thanks come for my family. My husband, Eko Susilo, thank

you for your effort to motivate me, it is very lovely to be with you. My little angel,

Fathiyyah Assyifa Susilo, your smile was one of the reasons I finished this thesis. My

beloved Parents in P. Berandan, Irma Yusnita and Irfan Syahrani, you are the wonderful

presents from God for me. Also my nice parents in Tebing, Wakidi and Supartini, your

praying also gave me spirit in doing this. Then, thank you all, my family in Berandan,




I also want to deliver my pride to my friends in B-2 class of LTBI. My friends in

the way of da’wa, Syifa Kifahi, my sister in UNIMED, KAMMI and UKMI. Thank you

for all of your helps and praying, God is the witness.

Medan, January 2015

The writer

Siska Eka Syafitri




2.1. Metaphor 6 Background of Ali Imran 16 Ibnu Katsir’s Tafseer 18

2.3. Reasons for the Use of Metaphor in Al Qur’an 19

2.4. Conceptual Framework 20



2 Metaphor in the verse of Sura Ali Imran 27 Metaphor in the verse of Sura Ali Imran 33

4.1.2 Functions of the Metaphor 42

4.1.3 The Reasons Why Such Metaphor Used 54

4.2 Finding 56

4.3 Discussion 57


5.1. Conclusions 60

5.2. Suggestions 60

Refferences 62




1.1. Background of the Study

A language is a systematic means of communication by the use of sounds or conventional

symbols. It is the code we all use to express ourselves and communicate to others. It is a

because of the wealth of literature and knowledge enshrined in it.

Language is very interesting to study since different person will have different way of

sayng something. Holmes (2001) states that languages provide a variety of ways of saying the

same thing, addressing and greeting others, describing things, paying compliments. Then, it

brings people‟s creativity in delivering their topic of speaking, for instance in terms of

metaphor. Consciously or not people often use metaphor in their daily life. People always say

flower in terms of love or even plants in terms of organization. The word „flower‟ and the

word „plants‟ is called metaphor.

Metaphor is an interesting topic to be disussed because it bears on issues or questions

based on the field which is intrinsically meaningful. As Stern (2000) tells that one of the

interesting topic to be discussed is about metaphor. Many linguists defines metaphor from

different persfective. In his paper, Black (1962) takes the metaphor to be the constituent word

and in yet other passages talks as if it is not the individual word but “the system of


in Romainne (2000) states that theories of metaphor are often a function of their authors‟

examples. This explanation then lead the people to have a further research why metaphor

should be the choice of language users whether spoken or written.

Some philosophers take metaphor as the exemplary of human creativity, or the

fundamental mode of expression in thought and language, or the window into the

imagination. While others view metaphor as the basic unit, or work, or art of poetry, and still

others as a central tool of scientific explanation or as an essential element of theological

discourse (Stern : 2000). Therefore, the metaphor is thought on language which come from

the creativity of the human or the the theological discourse. The latter term is the concern of

this research.

It is known that theological discourse is a product of language whether spoken or

written related to the study of religion. One important subject of this term is Al Qur‟an. Al –

Qur‟an contains of 6666 verses in its 30 juz and 114 Sura. Sura is also divided in two kinds,

Mecca and Median Sura. The study of language in Al Qur‟an is interesting because people

can find some various kind of semantics in it which is also contains metaphor. Almisend

(2001) investigated how translators interpret the metaphors in Surah Al-Hajj. He found that

the appropriate way to translate the metaphor is to explain or paraphrase the translation to

make it more comprehensive for the target audience. It can be seen by the following :

You have already had a sign in the two hosts that met in battle, one host fighting in

God's cause and the other denying Him; with their own eyes [the former] saw the others

as twice their own number: but God strengthens with His succour whom He wills. In

this, behold, there is indeed a lesson for all who have eyes to see. (Ali Imran (3) : 13).

People can see the metaphor from the underlined words in the above verse. “eyes to


with the background, the eyes has its own mening. Based on Ibnu Katsir‟s explanation in

Tafseer of Sura Ali Imran (p.22), the word eyes means mind to have the guidance from God.

Then, people can see the next example still on the same verse:

You bring the living out of the dead, and you bring the dead out of the living (Ali Imran

(3) : 27).

The livingout of the dead and the dead out of the living are not only talking about the

life, but they are about God’s creature that can bear or dead by God‟s decision written in

Ibnu Katsir‟s explanation in Tafseer of Sura Ali Imran (p.40). Therefore, there is also a

metaphor in this verse.

By seeing these examples, it is interesting to study metaphor of the Al Qur‟an. In this

research the researcher will study the metaphor in the third Sura which is called Sura Ali

Imran. This Sura is the second longest Sura after Al Baqarah. This special Sura Al `Imran

was revealed in Al-Madinah. It contains four topics, they are Allah SWT (God‟s) Oneness

and Power, Imran Family, Allah SWT (God‟s) word on Scribes‟ Mistake, and The story of

Badr and Uhud (J-art Al Qur‟an: 2004). As the others Sura that explain the way of life of

human being, this Sura also has the same function. Many messages are delivered from this

sura. More over this Sura also contain the guidance and the impact of the people‟s deed in the

world afterlife later. Because of this important reasons, the researcher try to observe the

metaphor in this Sura.

In the previous research, Ismanuddin (2013) studies the types of metaphor in Sura Al


previous study observe the different Sura which is also did not related to the functions of the

metaphor in the Sura. Besides finding the functions, this research also will observe the use of

metaphor and its relation to the background of the Sura according to Ibnu Katsir‟s Tafseer. It

is important to do this kind of analysis as Sperber and Wilson (1986) states that metaphor is

provided in three comprehensive accounts which includes (a) the knowledge of the language

system, (b) the knowledge of the context: situation and co-text, and (c) the background

schematic knowledge: factual and socio-cultural. It is because the background of the Sura in

tafseer is important in build the understanding toward words of God, Allah SWT (Ibnu Katsir

Tafseer, P.xii). These differences lead the researcher to conduct the difference research and


1.2. Problems of the Study

Based on the explanation of the background, the problems are formulated as follows:

1. How is the metaphor used in Sura Ali Imran?

2. What are the functions of metaphor used in Sura Ali Imran?

3. Why is the metaphor used in Sura Ali Imran the way it is?

1.3. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems of the study, the objectives of the research are to find out:

1. How about the metaphor used in Sura Ali Imran.

2. The functions of metaphor used in Sura Ali Imran.

3. A description why such metaphor used in Sura Ali Imran the way they are.


1.5. Significance of the Study

The sigificance of this study is written as below:

The findings of this study will be expected to enrich the research and analysis on Al Qur‟an

studies. The research and analysis in the form of the kinds, functions, and also reasons of the

metaphor used in this sura will help the reader understand more the meaning and

interpretation of the sura. This is also build the understandings of the readers on the studies of

the language in Al Qur‟an which is special and unique as the word of God, Allah SWT. Then,




5.1. Conclusions

After data analysis was conducted in chapter IV, below are the conclusions:

(1) There are 32 verses contain of metaphorical words and utterances in Sura Ali Imran.

Those metaphorical words and utterances belong to two different kinds, they are

explicit and implicit metaphor.

(2) There are several functios of metaphor as the construction of Halliday three

metafunction are used in Sura Ali Imran.

(3) The reason why does the metaphor used in Sura Ali Imran is because of four

contextual reasons as written in the previous chapter.

5.2. Suggestions

After stating the conclusion, the following are the suggestions:

1. It is suggested that the language teachers and lectures especially of the religious

school can include the metaphor in Sura Ali Imran as the example in instructional

process for the material of metaphor. It is done to introduce and deliver the message

of the Sura, by the right meaning of the verse.

2. It is suggested to the researcher who want to get a further findings of metaphor in Al

Qur’an make a research in more Surah. The research can bring the next

findings of the metaphor in Al Qur’an. Since Al Qur’an has its own message and

history, it is important to consult the tafseer book to confirm the analysis.

3. It is suggessted for the people, for example ustadz and ustadzah to understand the



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Data Collection in Qualitative Research – Social Science Research


The New Meaning of “Quantitative” and “Qualitative” in Research


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