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Academic year: 2019



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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.)


Ni‟matul Maula





▸ Baca selengkapnya: my teacher … new book yesterday




In the name of Allah, The most Gracious and the most Merciful.

Hereby, the writer declares that this graduating paper is written by the

researcher. This paper does not contain any materials which have been published by

another people and it does not cite any other people‘s ideas except the information

from the references.

The researcher is capable to account her graduating paper if in future it can be

proved of containing others‘ idea or in fact that the researcher imitates the others‘

graduating paper. Likewise, this declaration is written by the researcher, and she

hopes that this declaration can be understood. The researcher will also agree if the




“Don‟t be sad. Allah is with us”




This graduating paper is dedicated to:

1. My lord, Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW Thank to Allah for gives

me guidance and strength in my life, especially to finish this graduating paper.

2. My beloved parent and my brother, who always prays guidance and motivate

me. You are the best for me.

3. My big family who always support for my education and finishing this

graduating paper.

4. My Islamic teacher, KH. Zoemri RWS (Alm) and Hj. Lathifah Zoemri RWS,

who always prays and support me. Thanks for everything. You are my parents

in this country.

5. All of my friends in PPTI Al Falah, your smile and support is my happiness

and my spirit in finishing this graduating paper.

6. And everyone who always help and supported me to finish this graduating





In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful, the king of

universe and space. Thank you to Allah because the writer can complete this

graduating paper as one of requirement to finish the study in English Department of

States for Institute Islamic Studies Salatiga.

This graduating paper would not have been complete without support,

guidance and help from individual and institution. Therefore, I would like to express

special thanks to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd., as the Rector of States for Institute Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M. Pd, as the Dean of the Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

3. Noor Malihah, Ph. D, as the Head of English Language Teaching Department

of States for Institute Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

4. Dr. Ruwandi, S.Pd., M.A as the counsellor who has supported, motivated, and

given the researcher advices and suggestion from beginning until the end of

this graduating paper.

5. Lectures in the English Language Teaching Department who have given much

knowledge, the writer deeply thanks to you all.

6. Staffs who have helped the writer in processing of graduating paper



7. My friends in PPTI Al Falah Salatiga, your smiling and supporting is my

motivation to finishing this graduating paper.

8. My friends of English Education Department. Thanks for your friendship and


9. The eighth grade students of SMP ‗Plus‘ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede who as participant in this research.

10.The teachers of SMP ‗Plus‘ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede which also participate in this researcher.

Eventually, the graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful

knowledge and information to the readers. The writer is pleased to accept

more suggestion and contribution for the improvement of this graduating


Salatiga, September 10th 2018 The Researcher

Ni‘matul Maula



Maula, Ni‘matul. 2018. Improving Students’ Writing Skills through Wholesome

Scattering Game of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP ‘Plus’

Assyafa’ah Karanggede in the Academic Year of 2018/2019. A Graduating Paper. English Educational Department. Teacher Training and Education of Faculty. State Institute for Islamic Studies of Salatiga. Counsellor: Dr. Ruwandi, S.Pd., M.A.

The research is mainly aimed to improve students‘ writing skills through wholesome scattering game of the eighth grade students of SMP ‗Plus‘ Assyafa‘ah

Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019. The subject of this research was 20 students in VIII class. The objective of the study are: (1) To describe wholesome scattering game can improve students‘ writing skills of the eighth grade students of

SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019. (2) To

describe how wholesome scattering game significantly improve students‘ writing

skills of the eighth grade students of SMP ―Plus‖ Asyafa‘ah Karanggede in the

academic year of 2018/2019. The methodology of research was classroom action research. It was conducted in 2 cycles which consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection in every cycle. The technique of collecting data was the observation to

find out the teacher‘s and students‘ activity during implementation wholesome

scattering game in the classroom. The second was written a test to find out the

students‘ writing skills in descriptive text. The last one was documentation to find out

the data which correlated with the research. The writer found there were improvement

in students‘ writing skills through wholesome scattering game, especially in descriptive text. The result of the research was successful. It was shown from the test of the first cycle and the second cycle which was higher than the table. The t-table was 2.09 and the t-test was 5.99. The mean score of post-test was higher than the mean score of pre-test, (63.3 and 50.6). Besides that, the mean score of post-test in the second cycle was higher than the mean score of pre-test (78 and 66.15). While the score of t-test was 7.09. The improvement of students‘ writing skills was significant. It can be seen from the number of the students who passed the passing grade in two cycles. The passing grade was 75. The students who passed the passing grade of test in the first cycle was 5% and the post-test was 25%. While the pre-test in the second cycle was 45% and post-pre-test was 75%. The data showed that the result of the t-test in the first cycle and the second cycle was higher than t-table. It means that the implementation of wholesome scattering game is successful to




TITLE ... i











CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research ...1

B. Problem statements ...3

C. Objective of the Research ...4

D. Limitation of the Research ...4

E. Significant of the Research ...4

F. Hypothesis and Success Indicator ...5

G. Research Methodology...6



2. Research Setting ...8

3. Research Subject ...14

4. Research Procedure ...15

5. Technique of Data Collecting ...18

6. Instrument of Research...19

7. Technique of Data Analysis ...23

F. Graduating Paper Outline ...26


B. Writing ...29

1. Definition of Writing ...29

2. The Purpose of Writing ...31

3. Process of Writing ...31

4. Genre of Writing Text ...34

5. Assessment of Writing ...35

6. The Teachers‘ Role in Writing ...40

C. Wholesome Scattering Game ...42

1. Definition of Game...42

2. Wholesome Scattering Game ...43

D. Descriptive Text ...45

1. Definition of Descriptive Text ...45



3. Types of Descriptive Text ...46

4. Language Features of Descriptive Text ...48

5. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text ...50

E. Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) ...52


B. Cycle II ...70


B. Discussion ...101

CHAPTER V: CLOSURE A. Conclusions ...103

B. Suggestion ...105








TABLE 1.1 List of the Teachers and Staffs ... 12

TABLE 1.2 List of the Research Activity... 13

TABLE 1.3 List the Member of the Eighth Grade Students in SMP „Plus‟ Asyyafaah Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019 ... 15

TABLE 1.4 The Teacher‟s Observational Sheet ... 20

TABLE 1.5 The Students‟ Observational Sheet ... 21

TABLE 2.6 Some Factual Genres ... 34

TABLE 2.7 The Rating Scale of Scoring in Writing ... 37

TABLE 2.8 Generic Structure of Descriptive Text ... 51

TABLE 3.9 Form the Result of Teacher‟s Observational Sheet in Cycle I ... ... 63

TABLE 3.10 Form the Result of Students‟ Observational Sheet in Cycle I ... 66

TABLE 3.11 Form the Result of Teacher Observational Sheet in Cycle II ... 79

TABLE 3.12 Form the Result of Students‟ Observational Sheet in Cycle II ... 81

TABLE 4.13 The Score of Students‟ Pre-test in Cycle I ... 86



TABLE 4.15 The Standard Deviation of Pre-test and Post-test in Cycle I ... 90 TABLE 4. 16 The Score of Students‟ Pre-test in Cycle II ... 93 TABLE 4.17 The Score of Students‟ Post-test in Cycle II ... 95 TABLE 4.18 The Students‟ Standard Deviation of Pre-test and Post-test in



In this chapter, the researcher discusses the introduction of the study. This

chapter consists of eight parts. They are the background of the study, problem

statements, the objectives of the research, limitation of the research, the significance

of the research, hypothesis and success indicator, research methodology, and

graduating paper outline.

A. Background of the Study

Writing is thinking process, because writing is a process of putting

ideas down on paper transform thought into words and given them structure

coherent organization (Brown, 2001, in Fitri et al., 2017: 2-3). As we know

that writing is one of the skills which must measure some aspect of writing

before we write, such as the organization, generic structure, language features,

and others. Therefore, writing is the most significant skill which must be

taught. On the other hand, students are interest in the active learning, it will

create the learning environment exciting. Thus, the material can be

accomplished and understood by the students deeply. There are needed the

effective strategy in teaching writing skill to get what the learning aimed.

Talak-Kiryk (2010: 4) in Wulandari (2016: 145) states that games are

fun activities that promote interaction, thinking, learning, and



scattering game which is one of the games that can be motivated by the

students to improve their writing skill, especially in descriptive text. The

implementation of wholesome scattering game is the three students will be

asked to write vocabularies which are dictated by the teachers on the board in

unusual shape. Both the teacher and students will correct the letter together

and the students will imitate what the teacher spelling of the vocabularies. The

students will discuss in a group. They will arrange and organize the

vocabularies to be a descriptive text. At least, the students present their task in

front of the class. After that, the teacher will give a feedback on the

teaching-learning process.

Seeing in the fact, according to the interview with English teacher in

SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede, she faced the problems of the language

teaching process in the eighth grade students. The students have less skill in

four aspects of English, especially writing skill. They not understand yet

about the spelling of words. So, they confused about how to write the English

vocabulary clearly and correctly. It can be measured from the students‘ written task score and the students‘ written exercise in the classroom.

Therefore, the teacher usually implemented imitation strategy in previous of

English teaching-learning. Method and technique of teaching are conditional

based on the materials which would be tough. Besides that, the students‘

response to English subject also is less enthusiastic. So, the researcher



writing class. The researcher believe that it can improve the students‘ writing

skills. The students can know how to write and spell the keywords correctly

after implementing wholesome scattering game. Besides that, they also know

and understand the meaning of keywords. Then, they can produce many

sentences using the keywords. They will imagine and predict the content of

text about. So, the students can arrange and organize the sentences into a text.

Finally, both the teacher and the researcher make an agreement to

implementing wholesome scattering game in improve students‘ writing skill.

Based on the problems above, the researcher is very interested in

propose a study entitled, ―IMPROVING STUDENTS‘ WRITING SKILLS




B. Problem Statements

Based on the phenomenon above, the researcher would like to arrange

the problem as follows:

1. How can wholesome scattering game improve students‘ writing skills

of the eighth grade students of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede in

the academic year of 2018/2019?

2. How significant can wholesome scattering game improve students‘

writing skills of the eighth grade students of SMP ―Plus‖ Asyafa‘ah


4 C. The objectives of the Research

Based on the statement in the problem of the study, the objectives of

the study are:

1. To describe wholesome scattering game improve students‘ writing skills of the eighth grade students of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019.

2. To describe how significant wholesome scattering game significantly

improve students‘ writing skills of the eighth grade students of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019.

D. Limitation of the Research

In this research, researcher limits the material of the study on

descriptive text in improving students‘ writing skills through wholesome scattering game of the eighth grade students of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019. It‘s a purpose to avoid the

whole discussion of this research.

E. Significance of the Research

In this graduating paper, the researcher hopes that it‘s can give the

advantages to the reader. This research is expected to give theoretically and



1. Theoretically

a. The result of research can be used as the reference for those who want

to conduct a research in English teaching to build students‘

achievement of writing skills.

b. This research will be useful for the teacher in English teaching.

2. Practically

a. For the researcher

The finding of the research can be used as a starting point for

the researcher to get experiences that will be useful in the future as an

English teacher.

b. For English Teacher

This research can be used as a consideration in selecting of

effective English teaching in future.

c. For Students

This research can motivate the students to improve their

writing skill in English learning.

F. Hypothesis and Success Indicator

Based on the interview of an English teacher in SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede, which are described in chapter I, that there are

problems in English teaching-learning, especially writing class. Therefore, the

researcher tries to overcome those problems by implementing Wholesome



research, the researcher proposes a hypothesis: ―Implementing Wholesome Scattering Game can improve students‘ writing skills‖.

The success indicator of this research is taken from the students‘ skills

shown in Lesson Plan. The students‘ success in doing the activities in the

cycle I and cycle II which will be assessed by referring to the criterion of

Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM). The Minimum Completeness

Criteria of English subject (KKM) in the SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede

is 75. The researcher expects that there are at least 75% of the students who

pass the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM).

G. Research Methodology 1. Method of Research

According to Nunan (1991: 3) stated that an important aspect

of methodology is the development of teaching routines, materials, and

tasks in the classroom. In addition, McNiff (2002: 6) in Vaccarino et al

(2006: 7) mentioned that ―action research‖ refers to ―a practical way of

looking on your own work to check that it is as you would like it to

be‖. In addition, McKay (2006: 16) describing the same idea about

action research, as follows:

―Action research begins with teacher identifying a concrete

problem they have. They then gather data to help solve the problem and, after carefully analysing this data, undertake changes in their classroom to helpfully solve their initial



According to Khasinah (2013: 113) explained that classroom

action research is a method of finding out what works best in own

classroom so that teacher can improve students learning. According to

Burns (2010: 2) stated that the central idea of the action part of Action

Research is to intervene in deliberate way in the problematic situation

in order to bring about changes and, even better, improvement in

practice. On the one hand, Borg, Gall, and Gall (1993: 391) in

Khasinah‘s journal (2013: 109) that state five purposes of classroom

action research. They are:

a. It supports the professional development of practitioners by

helping them become more competent in understanding and

utilizing research finding and carrying out research themselves

when appropriate.

b. It builds a collegial networking system for sometimes it involves

several educators, even students and parents, working together.

c. It helps practitioners identify problem and seek solution in a

systematic fashion.

d. It can be used at all levels and in all areas of education, such as a

mean of in-service training for principals.

In this research, the researcher used classroom action research

that does a treatment in every cycle, the cycle I and the cycle II. It is



Besides that, it is appropriate to implement of the eighth grade

students of SMP ‗Plus‘ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede.

2. Research Setting

a. General Situation of SMP “Plus” Assyafa‟ah Karanggede

The research was conducted in SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah, in the

academic year of 2018/2019 which is located at Dk. Klencong Rt.

02/01 Pengkol Karanggede Boyolali. It is one of the Islamic

Boarding Home Darul Abror Institution which used full-time activity

of teaching and learning process. Arabic and English are learned

intensively which is supported by the professional staff and

conducive environment. SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede have been combining of the three curriculum as the educational reference.

They are:

1) Salafiyah boarding home

2) Modern boarding home

3) The Ministry of Education and Culture (KEMENDIKBUD)

On the other hand, it has been giving two of the special quality

program as follows:

1) Special Quality of Kitab Kuning

The learners are expected, to be able to read and

understand the Kitab Kuning correctly and clearly with the



2) Special Quality of English

The learners expected to have English speaking skill which

can support the learners‘ achievement in the next educational


Then, the more general information of the school described as


Name of School : SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede Address : Dk. Klencong Rt. 02/01 Pengkol,

Karanggede, Boyolali

Village : Pengkol

Subdistrict : Karanggede

Regency : Boyolali

Pos Code : 57381

Website : www.darulabror.com

Email : smpplus.assyafaah@yahoo.com

Phone : 081326517925

Headmaster : Lilis Purwani Rahayu, S. Pd

b. Vision and Mission of SMP “Plus” Assyafa‟ah Karanggede Vision

According to the location and the basic foundation of SMP



“The realization of the graduate who is sholeh, intelligent,

independent, responsible and able to play a role in society.”


Sholeh, it means that they have to live based on the teaching of Islam.

Intelligent, it means that the graduate‘s students of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah had

Independent, they had a thought, sense, and attitude appropriately with the region and nation.

Responsible, the students can create a better alteration of their self.

Play a role in society, the students had a thought, sense, and attitude bravely as the rightness.


Based on the Visi above, SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede

implement the mission as follows:

1) Create the students‘ graduate who is Soleh, which have an achievement (academic and non-academic), independent, and is

able to play a role in society.

2) Create the quality curriculum, they are holistic, according to the



3) Create a dynamic, creative, innovative, and a fun condition of

teaching-learning process which used the CTL approach.

4) Crate the educational facilities, and quantity and quality.

5) Create the human resources (SDM), educators, and educational

system which had professional, responsible, and had the high


6) Create the school management which based on the concept of the

Base School Management (Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah).

7) A defrayal create education which is available.

8) Create the whole assessment, authentic, objective, and continued,

which be able to measure the whole students‘ competence.

c. The situation and Condition of Educational Facilities

In order to support of teaching-learning process, the students

need facilities in the school. Therefore, it is important to be a priority

in the school educational system. The facilities which are given in

SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafaah are:

1) Headmaster‘s Room : 1 2) Administration room : 1

3) Teachers‘ Room : 1

4) Library Room : 1

5) Lab Room. Computers : 1



7) Dormitory Room : 2

8) Master‘s Wc : 1

9) Students‘ Wc : 2

d. The Situation of the Teachers and Staff

The teachers are the main component in education which have

been taught, educate and give the knowledge to students. It is aimed

they can understand the material well. The teachers and staffs which

participate in SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafaah Karanggede, as follows:

Table. 1.1. List of the Teachers and Staffs.

No. The Teachers and Staff

1. KH. Abdulloh Hafidz Amin 2. Ika Maya Sari, S.Pd 3. Muslih, S.Pd

4. Agung Siswanto, S.Pd 5. Agung Eko Nugroho, S.Pd 6. Bekti Prehatin, S.Pd 7. Bambang Supagi, S.Pd 8. Lilis Purwani Rahayu, S.Pd 9. Malikin

10. Mulyani, S.Pd 11. Denni Kurniawan


13 14. Dani Rahman

15. Zamyuri Ashari Ashar 16. Nur Isnaini Febriana, S.Pd 17. Anis Maya Surya, S.Pd 18. Miftachussalam 19. Irfanuddin 20. Supanti, M.Pd 21. Wahyu Supriyadi

e. The Setting of Time

The process of this research are continued of the research

planning up to research implementation. The schedule of this research


Table 1.2. List of the Research Activity.

No. Date and Time Activities Place




- Interview about the students‘ problem

with the English teacher of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah


3. August, 14th 2018 - Meet up with the teacher English to discuss the lesson plan (RPP).

The teacher office of SMP ‗Plus‘

Assyafa;ah Karanggede. 4. August, 21th 2018 Research cycle I Eighth-grade

classroom 5. August, 25th 2018 Research cycle II Eighth-grade


3. Research Subject

The subject of the research was the students of SMP ―Plus‖ Assyafa‘ah Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019. The

researcher focuses on the eighth grade students because the material

taught exactly in that level class. Thus, it supported in applying of this

research. The students consist of twenty students that were thirteen male



Table 1.3. List the Member of the Eighth Grade Students in SMP “Plus” Assyafaah

Karanggede in the academic year of 2018/2019




1. AfRS Male

2. AgB Male

3. ASSa‘ Female

4. AlD Female

5. AMu Male

6. EkBS Male

7. FrK Male

8. Itk Female

9. LlH Female

10. MlAF Male

11. MdAW Male

12. MdBL Male

13. MdFK Male

14. MdKL Male

15. MdKK Male

16. MdM Male



18. SiNC Female

19. TiMA Female

20. ZuF Female

4. Research Procedure

According to Kemmis and McTaggart (1988), which are cites by

Burns (2010: 7-9), that there are four stages in the cycle of action research.

The stages of action research are planning, action, observation, and

refection, as explained later:

a. Planning

In this phase, the researcher identifies a problem or issue and develop

a plan of action in order to bring improvements in a specific area of

the research context.

b. Action

The plan is a carefully considered one which involves some deliberate

interventions in the researcher‘s teaching situation that the researcher

put into action an agreed period of time.

c. Observation

In this phase, the researcher involves systematically the effects of the

action and documenting the context, actions, and opinions of those



d. Reflection

At this section, researcher evaluates and describe the effect of the

action in order to make sense of what has happened and to understand

the issue the researcher explored more clearly.

It will be continued from cycle I until that be achieved the clear

result of research. The stages of action research can be imagined as


Figure. 1.1 Kemmis‟ action research model (cited in Burns, 2010: 9).

In this research, the researcher used four stages in research

procedure which are consists of planning, action (implementation of

wholesome scattering game), observation, and reflection. Those stages are


18 5. Technique of Data Collecting

Altrichter et al (1993: 77) in Somekh (2006: 11) states that the

data collected at this stage were used to identify problems and

hypothesize solutions based on the theoretical insight that could be tasted

by planning and implementing action strategy. In this research, the

researcher used some techniques in data collection. They are:

a. Observation

Observation will be used as long as teaching-learning activity

since the cycle I. It is aimed to know and appraised the activity and

condition of the research subject. The researcher used the students‘ observational sheet which is consist of students‘ answered greeting

the teacher, students‘ attendance, the students‘ attention, students‘

interest of the wholesome scattering game activity, etc.

b. Test

A test is a set of questions, each of which has a correct answer,

that examines usually answer orally or in writing (Ebel & Frisbie,

1991: 26). On beside that, Heaton (1988: 5) cites that tests may be

constructed primarily as devices to reinforce learning and motivate

the student or primarily as a means of assessing the student‘s

performance in the language. In this research researcher used pre-test

and post-test to measure the students‘ achievement in writing skill of



the treatment. The Pre-test is done before implemented of the

wholesome scattering game in the classroom. Whereas, a post-test is

implemented after the wholesome scattering game.

c. Documentation

The last technique of collecting data in this research is

documentation that searches the data which correlated with this

research. They are a field note, book, photos, video, etc. Therefore,

the researcher can know the condition and activity of teacher and

students as long as the teaching-learning process.

6. Instrument of Research

Based on the technique of data collecting, the researcher used

some research instrument. They are:

a. The teacher‘s and students‘ observational sheets

The instrument that used in this observation is an

observational sheet, which is consist of the teacher‘s and students‘ observational sheet. The teacher‘s and students‘ observational sheet

are a tool to observe the activities of implementing the wholesome

scattering game in the classroom. The teacher‘s sheet is used to observe the teacher‘s activities. Besides that, the students‘ sheet is as



observed which is the researcher can know and see clearly what the

teacher and students doing in the classroom.

Table. 1.4 The teacher‟s observational sheet

No. The teacher‟s Activity Yes No

1. The teacher gives greeting to students.

2. Teacher asks students to prepare their English book.

3. The teacher checks the students‘ attendance list. 4. The teacher gives questions to students.


The teacher explains the materials of descriptive text.

6. The teacher checks the students‘ attention.


The teacher implemented the wholesome scattering game in teaching-learning process.


The teacher asks three students to write the keywords on the board.


The teacher asks the students to check and pronounces the keywords.


The teacher asks students to discuss, arrange and organize the keywords in pairs.


21 13.

The teacher and students pray together in closing the teaching-learning process.

Table. 1.5 The students‟ observational sheet

No. The Students‟ Activity Yes No


The students‘ response to the greeting from the


2. The students prepare the English book.


The students‘ response when the teacher checks the

students‘ attendance list.

4. The students answer the teacher‘s questions.


The students pay attention when the teacher explains the materials in descriptive text.


The students understand the descriptive text materials.


The students are very enthusiastic to participate in doing the written test of wholesome scattering game.

8. The students active in teaching learning process.


The students evaluate the teaching-learning process and listen to the teacher‘s feedback.

10. The students listen to the teacher‘ motivation well.




b. Test Items

In this research, the test item is as a tool that used to measure

the students‘ writing skill. The form of instrument is written, pre-test

and post-test. They are applied before and after a treatment. The

imaged of test items of pre-test in the first cycle, as follows:

Please understand the instructions below!

1) Choose one of the topics below!

a) The Prambanan temple.

b) My school.

c) The ceremony on 17th August.

2) Describe in the simple paragraph!

The test items of post-test in the first cycle is imaged:

Please read the vocabularies below!

Please read and follow the instruction below!

1) Choose the correct vocabularies above!

2) Arrange and organize into the simple description text

(consist of 6 up to 8 sentences) about ―My House‖!

3) Use the simple present tense formula!

4) Make sure your text should consist of identification and



c. The instrument of documentation.

Some of the instrument in documentation are photos, videos,

field notes, the syllable validity, the lesson plan validity.

d. Interview

The researcher used 5W + 1 H in the interview of English

teacher in the implementation of wholesome scattering game.

7. Technique of Data Analysis

a. Descriptive Technique (Qualitative)

A descriptive technique is used by the researcher in order to

analyze the students‘ motivation, interest, and behavior during the

teaching-learning process. This technique is supported by the

researcher observational sheet.

b. Statistical Technique (Quantitative)

1) Mean

According to Ebel & Frisbie (1991:60), the mean is the

average score, obtained by summing all the scores and dividing

that sum by the total of scores. The formula of the mean can be

represented as follows (Hadi, 1981: 246-258):




∑ X = Total of individual scores (the sum of the scores)

N = Number of students

2) Difference calculation of the mean

Explanation :

MD = Different of mean

∑D = Sum of difference between pre-test and post-test.

N = Total number of students.

3) Standard Deviation

The formula of standard deviation is:

√∑ (∑ )


SD = Standard Deviation for one sample test.

D = Difference between pre-test and post-test.



4) Calculation of t-test

|∑ | |

√ |


t = t-test for the differences between pre-test and post-test.

SD = Standard Deviation for one sample t-test.

D = Differences between pre-test and post-test.

N = Total number of sample.

5) To calculate the standard error for the mean difference, the

researcher used the formula as follows:



SEMD = The standard error for the mean difference.

SDD = Standard Deviation

N = The total number of the research

d.f = N-1

6) To calculate the T-test the researcher used the formula as follows:




MD = Mean of difference.

SEMD = The standard error for the mean difference.

H. Graduating Paper Outline

This graduating paper is divided into five chapter. Chapter one is

discuss the Introduction, which consists of the Background of the Study,

Problem Statements, the Objective of the Research, Limitation of the

Research, Significance of the Research, Hypothesis and Success Indicator,

and Research Methodology. In the Research Methodology will be explained

about Method of Research, Research Setting, Research Subject, Research

Procedure, the Technique of Data Collecting, Instrument of the Research,

Technique of Data Analysis. The last one in this chapter is graduating paper

outline. Chapter two describe the theoretical framework, which is consists of

the Previous Research, and the Theories that Related to and Support the

Research. Chapter three is the Research Implementation which are consist of

the description of the first cycle (Planning, Implementing of Wholesome

Scattering Game, Observation, Reflection), and the description of the second

cycle (Planning, Implementing of Wholesome Scattering Game, Observation,

Reflection). Chapter four is the Research Data Analysis of Data Interpretation

that discusses the result of the test. Chapter five is Closure, which is consist of




In this chapter, the researcher writes the theories that have a correlation with this

research. They consist of previous research, writing skill, the genre of the text,

wholesome scattering game, and descriptive text.

A. Previous Research

The first research is entitled ―Improving Students’ Ability in Writing

Descriptive Text Through ‘Wholesome Scattering Game’ (A classroom action

research with the eighth grade students of MTs Patean Kendal in academic

year 2010/2011)‖. The research was written by Hami Widodo that is a student of education faculty, Walisongo state institute for Islamic studies, Semarang.

This research is classroom action research that was done in two cycles, the

first cycle used wholesome scattering game as a media in teaching descriptive

text, the researcher of that research asked the students to describe their best

friend in the class using keywords had been given by the researcher of that

research. On the other hand, the score of the students‘ writing was 50.7 with

the total score of 1570 in the first cycle. Whereas the second cycle, the

researcher of that research asked students to describe beach which the score of

students‘ writing was 67.6 with the total score of 2095. The result of that

result showed that the students had improvement of their ability in writing



The second research is entitled ―Improving the Ability in Writing

Descriptive Text of the Seventh Grade Students of MTs Miftahul Falah Kayen

Pati in Academic Year 2013/2014 by Using Wholesome Scattering Game‖. The research was written by Novi Khumaerotul Hidayah which was one of the

students in Universitas Muria Kudus. The research design was classroom

action research. The research subject is the seventh-grade students‘ A of MTs Miftahul Falah Kayen Pati which consist of twenty-two students. The

researcher did this research in two cycles, the cycle I and the cycle II. The

students‘ average score of pre-test in writing descriptive text is 59.13%. While

the post-test of cycle I indicated that the students‘ average score in writing

descriptive text is 76.77%. In the cycle II, the students‘ average score is 83.54%. So, it can be concluded that there is an improvement of the students‘

writing ability in descriptive text in every cycle. On the besides that, the

classroom environment is more effective and the students are better

confidence, braver, and it creates a fun teaching-learning.

The third research is entitled ―Improving Students Ability in Writing

Procedure Text Through Wholesome Scattering Game of Tenth Grade Student

of SMA Muhammadiyah Kudus in Academic Year 2016/2017‖. This research was written by Adha Umi Haryanti which is one of the students in Universitas

Muara Kudus. The design of the research was classroom action research

which was done in two cycles. Every cycle consists of four stages: planning,



data that are observation sheet and written test, the implementation of

wholesome scattering game can improve the students‘ ability in procedure text. They could easily without consuming more time because they were

arranging and writing procedure text based on the key-words. It can be seen

from the improvement score of the cycle I and cycle II. The average of the

cycle I is 75% and the average score is 69.9. Fire while in cycle II the average

is 78% and the students‘ average score improved.

Based on some of the previous study above, there are differences

between this research and the others previous research, as mentioned. The

first and second research is most relevant with this research which is about the

improvement of students‘ writing through wholesome scattering game. The

differences between each other are the research subject, the data collection,

and the specific material. The last one, the differences of the third research are

the subject and the material which was given, it is a procedure text. While, the

material in this research is descriptive text.

B. Writing

1. Definition of Writing

Writing is widely used within foreign language courses as a

convenient means for engaging with aspects of language other than the

writing itself (Ur, 1991: 162). Therefore, writing is very important to teach

by the educator. It has to pass many stages to produce a good written. One



text in order to the arrangement of the paragraph will not out of the topics


Writing is an extreme act of attention and memory; it pleads with

your brain cells to make a new connection (Morley 2007: 8). On the other

word, it needs a hard and smart work of thinking in the process of learning

writing skill. This occurs the students‘ assumption that learning writing

skill is very hard to learn. It is one of the difficulties for them. In addition,

the teacher applies inactive learning, so the students are bored and they

need a motivation to attend enthusiastically the learning process. Indeed,

there are theifferent reason for writing in the foreign language classroom,

as explained more of Wright et al (2006:58), they are:

a. We can see, very readily, the learners‘ proficiency level: what language items the learners can use correctly and what

mistakes they make. This is the traditional and still useful role

for writing.

b. Many who are visual learners need to write in order to engage

their way of learning … they need to see the language. Writing

with this purpose means that it is relevant even for learners

who take no written examinations.

c. Learners can be made aware of the many different purposes



Writing is one of the skills that need an understanding of grammar

and vocabularies mastery. It is aimed to produce the sentences or a text

effectively and well.

2. The purpose of Writing

According to Ur (1991: 163) the purpose of writing, in principle, is

the expression of ideas, the conveying of message to the reader; so the

ideas themselves should arguably be seen as the most important aspect of

the writing Difficulties of Writing. Since this will affect what language

they choose and how they use it (Harmer, 2004: 15). In addition, writing

skills provide step-by-step instruction in the foundational skills needed by

students to become good writers, including grammar, sentence structure,

paragraph composition, mechanics and usage, and transcription. Writing

skills help build fluency and confidence and provides a variety of

strategies and opportunities to apply them. It is ideal for differentiated

instruction and can serve as a comprehensive writing program is general

classrooms, inclusion classrooms, and specialized settings (EPS:2).

3. Process of Writing

As the explanation of a Hyland‘s book (2003: 10-13) that the

process approach to writing teaching emphasize the writer as an

independent producer of texts, but it goes further to address the issues of

what teacher should do to help learners perform a writing task. In addition,



only one. Process writing is a way of looking at what people do when they

compose written text. As we know that, there are some stages that will be

prepared. Harmer (2004: 4-5) cited that there are some stages in writing

skill as a follows:

a. Planning

Experienced writers plan want they are going to write. When

planning, writers have to think about three main issues. In the first

place, they have to consider the purpose of their writing since this will

influence (amongst other things) not only the type of the text they wish

to produce, but also the language they use, and the information they

choose to include. Secondly, experienced writers think of the audience

they are writing for, and also the choice of language, it is formal or

informal. Thirdly, writers have to consider the content structure of the

piece – that is, how best to sequence the fact, ideas, or arguments which they have decided to include.

b. Drafting

As the writing process proceeds into editing, a number of the

draft may be produced on the way to the final version.

c. Editing (Reflecting and Revising)

More skilled writers tend to look at issues of general meaning

and overall structure before concentrating on detailed features such as



are often helped by other readers (or editors) who comment and make

suggestions. Another reader‘s reaction to a piece of writing will help

the author to make appropriate revisions.

d. Final Version

Once writers have edited their draft, making the changes they

consider to be necessary, they produce their final version. This may

look considerably changed in the editing process. But the writer is now

ready to send the written text to its intended audience.

Brown (1991: 335-336) state some process approaches to writing

which are adapted from Shih (1986) as follows:

a. Focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written product.

b. Help student writes to understand their own composting process.

c. Help them to build repertoires of strategies for prewriting, drafting,

and rewriting.

d. Give students time to write and rewrite.

e. Place central importance on the process of revision.

f. Let students discover what they want to say as they write.

g. Give students feedback throughout the composing process (not just on

the final product) as they attempt to bring their expression closer to




i. Include individual conferences between teacher and student during the

process of composition.

In this research, the researcher focuses on the students‘ process and

product of the writing. It involves the teacher to explains and guided the

students in teaching-learning process. In order to the students understand

the component of writing and can write what their idea effectively and


4. Genre of Writing Text

Hyland explained that genre is social processes because members of

a culture interact to achieve them; they are goal-oriented because they

have evolved to achieve things; and stage because meanings are made in

steps and it usually takes writers more than one step to reach their goals.

He mentioned some factual genres in his book, they are a recount,

procedure, description, report, and explanation (Hyland, 2003: 19-20).

Table. 2.6 Some Factual Genres

Genre Purpose


To reconstruct past experiences by retelling events in the original sequence.


To show how processes or events are accomplished – how something is done.



35 Report

To present factual information about a class of things, usually by classifying them and then describing their characteristics.


To give reasons for a state of affairs or judgment.

Source: Buttet al., 2000; Martin, 1989.

One of the genres above will be tough in the teaching-learning

process of this research, descriptive text. It is about describing something,

person, event, or place. It explains the characteristic of the object.

5. Assessment of Writing

According to PDST (2013:36) stated as a follows:

―Assessment is the process of generating, gathering, recording,

interpreting, using and reporting evidence of learning in individuals, group or system, which relies upon a number of instruments, one of which may be a test. Educational assessment

provides information about progress in learning‖

(assessment in the primary school curriculum, Guidelines for school. NCCA, 2007, p. 4)

There are some criteria in the writing assessment which are needed

more attention by the teachers. According to Hamp-Lyons (1991b) in

Weigle‘s book (2002: 115) state that the assessment has had a positive

reception among students, faculty, advisor, and other community members

because it reflects the concerns of and is easily interpreted by these varied



assessment of learning English, assessment of the process and outcome of

learning English. The assessment of process is appraised during the

teaching-learning process such as the students‘ attendance, the students‘ active participation and creativity in solving the problems in the process of

learning, etc. Whereas, the assessment outcome of learning English is

about the students‘ competence in understanding the material which is


Harris (1996) in fauziati et al. (2005: 73) mentioned the component

of writing ability as follows:

a. Content : the substance of the writing, the ideas expressed.

b. Form : the organization of the contents.

c. Grammar : the employment of the syntactical patterns.

d. Style : the choice of structure and lexical items to give a

particular flavor for the writing.

e. Mechanics: the use of the graphics convention.

In addition, JB. Heaton (1988: 135) cites that there are five

components for writing good prose. They are:

a. Language uses: the ability to write correct and appropriate


b. Mechanical skills: the ability to use correctly those conventions



c. Treatment of content: the ability to think creatively and develop

thoughts, excluding all irrelevant information;

d. Stylistic skills: the ability to manipulate sentences and

paragraphs, and use language effectively;

e. Judgement skills: the ability to write in an appropriate manner

for particular audience in mind, together with an ability to select,

organise and order relevant information.

Based on the explained, there are necessary arrange the scales and

rating scales in order to be easier for the teacher in appraising the students‘

writing skills. According to Weigle, et al. (109-116) states that rating scale

is of critical importance for the validity of the assessment. In this research

researcher used scale which consists of five criterion of scoring writing

skills assessment, it is described as below:

Table. 2.7 The Rating Scale of Scoring in Writing

No Categories Score Description



Knowledge-substance-thorough development of thesis-relevant to assigned topic.



38 21-17

FAIR TO POOR: Limited knowledge of subject-little substance-inadequate development of topic.


VERY POOR: Does not show knowledge of subject-non – substantive-not pertinent-OR not enough to evaluate.

EXCELENT TO VERY GOOD: Fluent expression-ideas clearly stated/ supported- succinct-well – organized-logical sequencing-cohesive.


GOOD TO AVERAGE: Somewhat copy-loosely organized but main ideas stand – out-limited supported-logical but incomplete sequencing.


FAIR TO POOR: Non – fluent-ideas confused or disconnected-lacks logical sequencing and development.


VERY POOR: Does not communicate-no organization-OR not enough to evaluate.


EXCELENT TO VERY GOOD: Sophisticated range-effective word/idiom choice and usage-word form mastery-appropriate register.


GOOD TO AVERAGE: Adequate range-occasional errors of word/idiom from, choice, usage, but meaning not obscured.



39 9-7

FAIR POOR: Essentially translation-little knowledge of English vocabularies, idioms, word form-OR not enough to evaluate.

4. complex construction-few errors of agreement, tense, number, word/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions.


GOOD TO AVERAGE: Effective but simple construction-minor problems in complex constructions-several errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions but meaning seldom obscured.


FAIR TO POOR: Major problem in simple/complex construction-frequent errors of negation, agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions and/or fragments, run – ons, deletions-meaning confused obscured.


VERY POOR: Virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules-dominated by errors-does not communicate-OR not enough to evaluate..


EXCELENT TO VERY GOOD: Demonstrates mastery of conventions-few errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing.



spelling, punctuation-capitalization, paragraphing, but meaning obscured.


FAIR TO POOR Frequent errors of spelling, punctuation-capitalization-paragraphing-poor handwriting-meaning confused or obscured.


VERY POOR: No mastery of conventions-dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing—handwriting illegible-OR not enough to evaluate.

Jacob et al.’s (1981) scoring profile.

6. The Teachers‘ Role in Writing

Teaching is about teach and guidance the learners. Based on

explanation of Harmer (1998 :79) about one of the important reason of

teaching writing skill, as below:

Writing Skill: by far the most important reason for teaching special conventions (punctuation, paragraph construction etc.) just as they need to know how to pronounce spoken English appropriately. Part of our job is give them that skill.

Teaching writing is not about how to teach the learners write clearly

in their product. But it must understand deeply of teaching writing skill

process. Writing skill need to be explicitly taught (Welsh Assembly



everything we do in the classroom, the methods and materials we adopt,

the teaching style we assume, the task we assign, are guided by both

practical and theoretical knowledge, and our decisions can be more

effective if that knowledge explicit.

Teacher‘s roles can change from one task to another or from one

stage of an activity to another, and an ability to be flexible in moving

between roles can contribute to the success of a class (Hyland, 2003: 119).

In addition, Harmer (2001: 57-62) mentioned that there are eight roles of

teachers in the classroom. They are controller, organizer, assessor,

prompter, participant, resource, tutor, and the last is observer. All of them,

the teacher just has three effective roles in teaching writing subject, as

Harmer (2001: 261-262) explained:

a. Teacher as Motivator

The teacher will motivate the students where they are involved

in creative writing activity it is usually the case that some find it

easier to generate ideas than others.

b. Teacher as Resource

In this teachers‘ roles should be ready to supply information and

language where necessary.

c. Teacher as Feedback Provider

Teachers give feedback on writing task special care, where is



much to focus on based on what students need at this particular

stage of their studies, and on the tasks they have undertaken.

Based on explained, teachers should be a guide in teaching writing

and, on the contrary, students need more explanation what has to be

written and how they can write the sequences of ideas and can‘t come out of the topics. In this research, the teacher combined the three roles, as

explained, in the teaching writing process.

C. Wholesome Scattering Game

1. Definition of Game

Wright et al (2006 :2) state that games also help the teacher to

create context in which the language is useful and meaningful. The

learners want to take part, and in order to do so must understand what

others are saying or have written, and they must speak or write in order to

express their own point of view or give information. Games provide one

way of helping learners to experience language rather than merely study it.

Sigríður Dögg Sigurðardóttir (2010: 15) cites that games can be a

good way to prevent this because not only are games fun but they can

provide writers with a reason to write and it is obvious that writing will

become easier when there is a clear reason instead of just having to write



The game is used in order to improve students‘ motivation in the

writing class. Besides that, the students were not bored to participate in the

in writing teaching-learning process.

2. Wholesome Scattering Game

Wholesome scattering game is one technique that was put forward

by Natalie Hess in one of his book that entitled Headstarts. He (1991: 39)

explained that in this activity, students, on occasion not only predict the

content of the passage they are about to read, but also almost duplicate

sentences which actually appear in it. The first of implementing of this

technique is arranging the words in weird and unusual ways is fun and

takes a quite a while. The teacher has to prepare before conducting this

activity. It is about choosing twelve to sixteen keywords from the text

which will read in the class. Based on Hess cites that there is some

procedure for implementing wholesome scattering, as follows:

a. Ask three to five students to come to the board. Their task is to write

down words you dictate. (in a good class, ask a student to dictate).

Each student writes each word do that each word is written as many

times as there are students at the board. They scatter these words at

random all over the board, and try to arrange the words in unusual

ways. Some will be written horizontally, other vertically, others in

shapes, others upside down. Do not comment on spelling at this stage.



student next to them has spelt a word or as they are corrected by others

in the class.

b. While the students at the board are doing this, those their seats can

produce their own arrangements of the words either on paper or in


c. When you have finished dictating the words, the students who are at

the board return to their seats.

d. Ask if anyone in the class thinks they have produced a particularly

unusual arrangement of the words. If there are volunteers, ask them to

display their arrangements.

e. Go over the words on the board, eliciting correct spelling and


f. Ask the students, in pairs, to write as many sentences as possible using

the words on the board. They should try to put more than one of the

words in each sentence. Tell them that they have only three minutes

for this.

g. Stop them when the time is up and ask pairs to tell you how many

sentences they have succeeded in writing.

h. Ask each pair to read out its best sentence.


45 D. Descriptive Text

1. Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is one of a genre of text which explain the

characteristic or condition about someone or something, it can be a place,

person, animals, etc. According to Kane (2000:7) description deals with

perceptions-most commonly visual perception. Its central problem is to

arrange what we see into a significance pattern. In addition, Gerot and

Wignell (1995:208) in Masitoh and Suprijadis‘ journal (2015: 40) define ―descriptive text is kind of text which is aimed to describe a particular person, place or things‖.

2. The purpose of Descriptive Text

According to Mutiara in Rojiyah (2017) stated that the purpose of

descriptive writing is to make our readers see, feel and hear what we have

seen, felt, and heard. Whether we are describing a person, a place, or a

thing, our aim is to reveal a subject through vivid and carefully selected

details. In addition, Oshima & Hogue (2007: 61) state that the reader can

image the object, place, or person in his or her mind. Dietsch (2006: 140)

also explained in Mumtazati (2014: 15) that there are three general

purpose: First, to create imagery, a mood, or an aura of place. Second, to

stimulate understanding and convince, and Third, to urge the listener to

action. Its mean that the purpose of descriptive text is to describe or to



which the readers can feel or imagine clearly what the writer described.

Thus, the purpose of the descriptive text is to describe or explain the

characteristic or identify the object which will give the real imagine to the


3. Types of Descriptive Text

There are some types of descriptive text. According to Jolly (1984:

470) in Siburian‘s journal (2013: 34) asserts there are types of descriptive

writing paragraph. They are:

a. Describing Process

Describing a process not only explains how something was

done and what was needed to complete the process.

b. Describing an event

To describe an event, a writer should be able to memorize and

remember what happened in the event. Supposed the writer will

write about Tsunami that was happened in Japan. In this case,

he/she has to explain all details related to the event, so that the

readers can imagine the real situation and condition.

c. Describing a personality

In describing person, the first thing that we do was recognizing

his/her individual characteristics. We need to describe people



(warm, nervous), moral attributes (greedy, honest, worthy,

trust), and intellectual (cleverness, perception).

d. Describing a place

Presenting something concrete was the way to describe place,

for example: a home, a hospital, and school.

e. Describing an object

To describe an object accurately was done by providing the

physical characteristics of the object such as the color, form,

shape, and so on.

In addition, Siburian (2013: 35) also state that there are three part

of descriptive text, as follows:

a. Social Function

Describe the characteristics and conditions of the object person,

thing, place, or animal by using adjective and attribute.

b. Generic Structure

It was divided into two part they are a) identification was to

identify the phenomenon that was described, and b) description

was to describe the qualities, characteristics, condition, and part

of an object in detail.

c. Grammatical Feature


Table. 1.1. List of the Teachers and Staffs.
Table 1.2. List of the Research Activity.
Table 1.3. List the Member of the Eighth Grade Students in SMP “Plus” Assyafaah
Figure. 1.1 Kemmis‟ action research model (cited in Burns, 2010: 9).


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