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A. The Nature of Translation

1. The Definition of Translation

Catford in Rachmadie (1988: 1) says that translation is the

replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent

textual material in another language (TL). Savory in Rachmadie (1988:

1) adds that translation is made possible by an equivalent of thought that

lies behind its different verbal expression. According to them, translators

should use the closest natural equivalence either in the meaning or in the

style of the receptor’slanguage.

The most comprehensive understanding about translation is

described by Newmark (1988: 3-4) in his book entitled A Textbook of Translation. He gives a new insight of translation by considering the dynamic nature of it. He completely describes that it involves ten


We can see in the following diagram;

Figure 1

The Dynamic Translation

The figure means (1)Writer’s SourceLanguage, means the

writers style in writing; (2) Source Language Norm, means the

kind of grammar and lexical usage for the type of source language

depending on the topic and situation; (3) Source Language Culture,

means the text is influenced by the way of life and a common

expression that used in source language community; (4) Source

Language & tradition, means in what time the text was made,

actually something happen in that time will influence the text; (5)

Target Language, means that the possible expectation and the

reader style in reading a text; (6) Target Language Norm, means


the kind of grammar and lexical usage for the type of Target

Language depending on the topic and situation; (7) Target

Language Culture, means the text is influenced by the way of life

and a common expression that used in Target Language

community; (8) Source Language & tradition, means in what time

the text was made, actually something happen in that time will

influence the text; (9) the fact or the truth is being described; and

(10) the subjective view of the translator or translation assumption

with the text.

It can be concluded that basically translation is transferring

the meaning from one text into another text with the change of the

form; form of source language (SL) is replaced by the form of

target language (TL). There should not be extraneous information,

change of meaning, or distortion of the fact of the source text.

Translation is regarded as field of research that needs a skill ti

practice. A process of translation is related to the term of source

language (SL) and Target Language (TL). The main skill to

practice translation is the ability to process the data or information

in source language then transfer it to target language.

2. The Meaning of Translation

Meaning is an essential thing in the process of translation


process. A translator should be able to analyze a discourse or text to get

suitable meaning of the whole discourse (Nababan, 1999: 47).

The meaning of translation is described as follows:

a. Lexical Meaning

Lexical meaning is the meaning of the language elements as a

symbol or event. It can also said that lexical meaning of the language

elements as written in dictionary, for example the word house means

rumah, bangunan, parlemen. The meaning will be seen if the whole sentence has known.

b. Grammatical Meaning

It is the meaning that is inseparable with the context. Moreover,

Grammatical meaning is the relation between language element in

bigger unit, such as the relation between a word and the other ones a

phrase or sentence. For example word book means buku, pesan or

memesan, look the sentence below: - You have a book.

- You book a room in the hotel.


c. Situational or Contextual Meaning

It is a meaning related to the element or surrounding it. Each word of

language has meaning based on the situation or context. It can be

seen in wordfire: - Fire! ( kebakaran!)

- Fire? (butuhapi/korek?)

- Fire! (tembak!)

d. Textual Meaning

Textual meaning is meaning that correlates to the discourse or its

subject matter. For example the word interest; in common it means

menarik,but in economics it meansbunga.

e. Socio-cultural Meaning

This is a meaning that has closed relation with the social culture of

the language user. A word of this kind often does not have the same

concept of the source language and target language. For example,

when we find the world Halloween, it will be better we write it as the

Halloween not the other because we couldn’t find the best word in

Indonesia and it’s to avoid misinterpreting of the reader.

All aspects will be taken from the result of translation test.

3. Process in Translation

Translation process can be defined as a series of activity

done by translator when he transfers message from SL into TL.


(Suryawinata in Nababan, 1999: 25). It can be seen in the following


Figure 2

Process in Translation

The first step is source language analysis; the translator should read

the source language text. Comprehension on the text content

requires understanding on linguistics and non-linguistics element of


minds. The last is restructuring, it means destroying the message

transfer becomes an equivalence stylistic form of target language.

4. The Principle of Learning Translation

To learn translation, a student should understand the kind

of the text or the subject matter of the text. Besides, a student should

be familiar with the equivalent words and have good sense in

analyzing the text.

Using media can help a learner learn something. Hopefully,

personal vocabulary notes can help a learner in learning process.

Having personal vocabulary notes helps one memorize the

vocabularies easily and familiar with words, then help them do the

translation process easily.

B. Vocabulary

1. The Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a list or set of words for a particular language

or a list or set of words that individual speakers of a language

might use (Brown, 1995: 1).

Mulbar (2007: 8) gives some definitions bellow;

a) Vocabulary is the content function words of language, which


understanding, spelling and the letter reading and writing


b) Vocabulary is the words having meaning when heard or seen

even though not produced by individual himself to

communicate with other.

From the statement above the researcher take conclusion

that anything words which has a meaning in communication, not

only in speaking communication but also in writing

communication that the other person can understand the meaning

it could be a vocabulary.

2. Kinds of Vocabulary

Harmer (1993: 159) distinguishes two kinds of vocabulary,

namely active vocabulary and passive vocabulary.

a Active vocabulary refers to all words the students have learnt

and which can be used in communication.

b Passive vocabulary refers to all words which students will re

cognize them when they see them in communication.

3. The Four Aspects of Vocabulary

Harmer (1993: 156-158) explains four aspects of

vocabulary that the students need to know about. The four aspects


a. Word Meaning

One word may have more than one meaning. The

meaning of a word depends on the context in which that the

word occurs. Therefore in the teaching of vocabulary, words

taught to students should be presented in variety of context to

show various meaning.

b. Word Use

The meaning of a word can be changed, stretched, or

limited by how it is used, and this is something that students

need to know about in relation to word use, Harmer (1993:

157) states that students need to recognize such as idiomatic

use, metaphorical use, and word collocation.

1) Idiomatic Use

Word meaning is frequently stretched through the use of

idiom (idiomatic expression). Such “Cats and Dogs”, can

be put into such a fixed phrase as it’s raining cats and

dogs, it means very heavy rain.

2) Metaphorical Use

Metaphor is the use of word to indicate something, which

is different from its literal meaning. Such as the word

‘hiss’ which describes the way people talk as in “Don’t


3) Word Collocation

Word meaning is also governed by collocation, that is,

which words go with each other. For example, such a word

‘wrist’ can collocate with ‘sprain’ as in ‘sprain wrist’, but

it cannot collocate with the word ‘head’. So it can not be a

collocation as ‘sprain head’. On the country, the word

‘ache’ can collocate wit ‘head’ as in ‘headache’, but it

cannot collocate with the word ‘wrist’. So, we cannot have

such a collocation as ‘wrist ache’.

c. Word Formation

Word formation refers to word forms and how they are

formed. Some words are nouns, some words are adjectives,

some words are verbs, etc. A student need to know how to form

adjectives from nouns, how to form nouns to adjectives, how to

form verbs to nouns, or from adjectives and etc. For example,

beauty (noun) changed into beautiful (adjective), or beautify

(verb) (Chew and Kaur in Mutmainnah, 2006: 11)

d. Word Grammar

Word grammar refers to such thing as the way words are


Harmer can summarize four aspects of vocabulary in the

following figure;

Figure 3

Aspects of Vocabulary

C. Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN)

Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) is a way of developing students’

vocabulary in a personalized way while encouraging them to become


Making PVN is a simple activity, but not all the students are interested

in making it as their habit. To make the PVN, the students should have a book

to record vocabulary items. They may write all the new vocabularies in

English then translate it. They may also write the words in their native

language that they do not know how to say in English. Having PVN, the

students will increase their vocabulary more and more. To keep the

vocabulary, the students should try to memorize it. To understand better, they

should write sentences using their PVN. So, the students’ English can be

progress by having PVN.

The Advantages of PVN:

1. Motivation

Students are usually much more motivated to remember

their PVN than they are a set of vocabulary items they have

received from a textbook or teacher.

2. Students’ Need

PVN addresses individual student needs by encouraging

students to find the vocabulary they need to communicate and talk

about their experiences.

3. Contextualized Vocabulary Learning

The teacher is able to address a great deal of complexity

and richness without having to invent a context as the context is

already created by the student.


Especially, in large multilevel classes PVN provides the

teacher with a time-efficient way of giving attention and feedback

on language to individual students.

5. Vocabulary Awareness

PVN gives students a much deeper sense of what it is to

learn vocabulary and know a word as they get contextualized

feedback on words they are using.

6. Dictionary Skills

PVN provides a motivating context for teaching dictionary

skills again because students are researching their own words.

7. Material for a Variety of Other Skill Activities

Once student have a set of PVN the teacher can use their

vocabulary to teach many other points such as circumlocution

skills, pronunciation (ex. Word stress), grammar (ex. Parts of


D. Basic Assumptions

To learn translation, the students should understand well with the

kind of the text or the subject matter of the text. Besides, the students

should familiar with the words equivalent and have good sense in


Personal vocabulary notes makes one’s vocabulary increased

more and more. Moreover, when we make vocabulary notes from many

sources, we can familiar with many new vocabularies and understand

the sentence in textual or contextual meaning.

It means that having a habit in making personal vocabulary notes

will help the learners in language learning, especially for their


E. Hypothesis

The writer proposes a hypothesis that there is significant

correlation between personal vocabulary notes and the translation


Figure 1The Dynamic Translation
Figure 2Process in Translation
Figure 3Aspects of Vocabulary


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