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Academic year: 2017

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Gospel Lyrics and Background Images Retrieval

System Based on Reflection Topics

James Wijaya1,2

1Information System Department

1Universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya

Surabaya, Indonesia james.wijaya@uph.edu

Hartarto Junaedi2

2Informatics Engineering Department

2Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Surabaya

Surabaya, Indonesia

hartarto.j@gmail.com, aikawa@stts.edu

Abstract—This paper presents a prototype of lyrics retrieval system that enables users to browse lyrics that relevant with the reflection topics and pictures that relevant with the lyrics. In this research, we use Christian Reflection from Santapan Rohani (http://santapanrohani.org). Santapan Rohani is the translation of Our Daily Bread (formerly RBC) devotional publications into Indonesian Language. There are many Gospel (Christian) songs that could be relevant with the topics of devotion. The lyrics that use in this research from hymn books used in Church services in Indonesia (Kidung Jemaat-KJ, Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat-PKJ, and Nyanyikanlah Kidung Baru-NKB). The text processing done in this research is tokenization, word transformation, stop words removal, and stemming. The methods used in this research are TF-IDF form term weighting, and Cosine Similarity for similarity measure. From the experiments, the precision of information retrieval must be improved. When threshold similarity=0.2 with query expansion using scripture/bible reference verses of the day, precision=16.82%, and without query expansion, precision=17.59% when threshold similarity=0.25

Keywords—information retrieval system; tf-idf, cosine similarity


As one of the elements in the liturgy of devotion, Congregational singing is an appreciation that is considered the most expressive and communicative to express faith, heart, and feelings (readiness, confession, forgiveness, thanksgiving, invoking God’s blessing, etc.) [1]. There are so many Gospel Lyrics for praise and worship that could be use in a devotion, but it is very hard to remember, search, and choose the relevant lyrics for devotion topics. In this case, we use Gospel Lyrics in Indonesian Language from hymn books, e.g.: Kidung Jemaat (KJ), Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat (PKJ), and Nyanyikanlah Kidung Baru (NKB). In this research, we proposed a prototype to find the relevant lyrics based on reflection topics from Santapan Rohani. Santapan Rohani is one of the guiding devotional or reflection in Indonesia Language for (morning) devotion at the one place. It is the translation of Our Daily Bread (formerly RBC) devotional publications. Santapan Rohani is available in online (http://santapanrohani.org) and printed version. Moreover, we also thought to help to search related background images that used as background for displayed lyrics.

We therefore propose a lyrics and background images retrieval system that could assist to find relevant or related lyrics for reflection topics, and relevant background images for

the lyrics. Search for Relevant Gospel Lyrics is ranked by the maximum level of relevance, where the keywords for this lyrics retrieval system are the formulation from some parts of Santapan Rohani (e.g.: title, bible verses of the day, key verse, poem or short invocation, and inspire thought). Moreover, the keywords to search background images of lyrics are the formulation from the title and content of lyrics.

On paper [2] and [3], the research are about query by singing/humming (QBSH) system to find the match or relevant songs by using melody and lyrics information. Paper [3] is the improvement from Paper [2] where applied different procedures to take the advantage of the lyric information from singing input. In our research, we try the different way to find the relevant lyrics with the reflection topics. The input for our lyrics retrieval system is text-based that used to formulate the query into the system. Paper [4] does the automated music slideshow based on lyrics. The automated music slideshow is generated from the selected images from the site of online image collection like flickr where the query to the site comes from lyric extraction to search the candidate images that support to show relevant image to the lyrics.

The methods are used in this research to develop a prototype information retrieval system that support to search relevant lyrics & background images that are:

• Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency

(TF-IDF): used for term weighting.

• Cosine Similarity: used for similarity measurement

based on the formulation query.

The prototype of information retrieval system that develop in this research need the lyric collections, so the lyrics are stored in the database as the one part of this system. The lyric collections could get from http://alkitab.mobi that contain the online version of lyrics from hymn books (KJ, PKJ, NKB). All of lyrics are fetched from that place and stored in local disk to facilitate the search of relevant lyrics to the devotional topics for next retrieval process.

The overall of this paper organized as follow: the introduction and output of this research on section 1. In section 2 we present the brief explanation of the used method that support this research, such as: text operations & indexing, TF-IDF, query formulation, Cosine Similarity. The system architecture of our prototype on section 3. In section 4 we




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