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MEDIA-ASSISTED VOCABULARY LEARNING: PHONIC CARDS Hesty Puspita Sari 1 ; Azza Jauhar Ahmad Tajuddin 2



1st International Conference on English Language Teaching ISSN: 2962-1445 29-30 June 2022


automaticity for developing the cognitive ability (Schoepp, 2016). Fitria Andriani (2015) developed English learning materials for grade VII students at SMPN 5 Blitar. She found that there are some problems related to the English learning materials especially for grade VII students at SMPN 5 Blitar.

Then she conducted research entitled “The Effectiveness Of Using Vocabulary Flashcard To Improve Achievement For The First Grade Students At SMPN 5 Blitar In The Academic Year 2015/2016.

Aschurotun Nadziroh (2010) developed English vocabulary materials for madrasah Ibtidaiah students.

He found that vocabulary materials for madrasah Ibtidaiyah students can help the students to learn English easily. It happened because the students need material to study English. Then he conducted research entitled “The Use Of Flashcards To Improve Vocabulary Mastery (A Classrrom Action Research For The Fourth Year Students of MI Duren Bandungan In The AcademicYear Of 2009/2010.

In that research, he focuses on vocabulary building.

Surprisingly, there is little research available on developing Phonic card as vocabulary learning assistance for young learners. Siregar et al., (2021) shown that because they are taught utilizing animated movies that may display both written words and visuals, children are able to recognize the supplied words with ease.Syaeful Rizki et al., (2013) concluded the study, using picture games made the kids joyful, which increased their motivation and academic performance.Based on observation has done by researchers to teacher and students in class VI on 28th-29th March 2022 in SMPN 4 Blitar concluded that students have difficulty in memorizing the vocabulary. Besides that, teacher is commonly used text book for learning vocabulary in the form of synonym, antonym, meaning, and description. This situation make the students feel bored and lazy to improve their vocabulary. Then, the researcher gave the questionnaire of students level of vocabulary mastery. From the questionnaire distributed by researches, it can be concluded that the difficulties of students in the way of memorizing the vocabulary. Therefore, teachers should choose and use the right learning media so that learning is successful and faster a spirit of learning for students in memorizing vocabulary (Sari, 2008; Sari et al., 2018; Yenawine, 2013)

Therefore, the researcher tried to apply for Phonics cards as media-assisted in learning vocabulary.

Researcher choose Phonics cards because it is the easiest and most familiar media for students so that students are unconfused in teaching the functioning the of Phonics cards as a media-assisted to improve students’ ability of vocabulary and memory. The researchers are interested in doing research on the topic of developing phonic card as a learning medium to improve the student’s vocabulary mastery. The researchers want to prove whether or not the phonic card as media assisted for vocabulary learning are effective to improve student’s vocabulary mastery. Therefore, the title of the research is “MEDIA-ASSISTED VOCABULARY LEARNING: PHONIC CARDS”. The researchers are interested in doing research on the developing media for teaching vocabulary to young learners.


The purpose of this study was to create Phonics Cards, which would serve as media-assisted vocabulary instruction for seventh graders. Research and development is the most suitable design that the researcher used to support the study (R and D). Through restricted experimentation, the researcher hoped to gather ideas for model development. As a result, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this study. To assess the data, the researcher combined qualitative and quantitative methods. To determine the efficacy and make suggestions about the product, the results of an interview, an observation, and a field note were presented in a descriptive manner. Pre- test, post-test, and the validation experts apply in quantitatively while the results of the questionnaire given to the seventh grade children.. It tends to what Sugiyono, (2008, 2013) says that the form of research data is numbers and the purposes of the research to trial the hypothesis that have been set.

Research and development guided the design of this study (R and D). The goal of this research is to create a new product that will be used in a learning environment. Research and development is a research methodology that is used to manufacture a specific product and evaluate that product's

1st International Conference on English Language Teaching ISSN: 2962-1445 29-30 June 2022


efficacy, according to Richey & Klein (2014) and Sugiyono (2013). This definition is appropriate for the research that will be done. The item was created to address the demands of the industry (school).

Phonic Cards, resources designed to teach vocabulary to seventh-grade pupils, were the final output.

Based on the suggested model, the researcher created the materials. However, due to the limited scope of this study and the objectives of the research, several modifications to Sugiyono's framework were made.

Figure 1. Research Framework Adopted from Sugiyono (2016-297)

Because of the limited time of research in this study researcher used eight procedures to develop the product; 1)finding potential problems, and solution, 2) data collection 3) design and development, 4) experts validation, 5) product revision, 6) trial (experiment), 7) evaluation by experts and revision, 8) final product.

Potential is anything that if utilized will have an added value to the product under study.Problemscan also be used aspotential, if we can use the. After the potential and problems can be factually billed, then further information needs to be collected that canbe used as material for planning certain product that can overcome the problem. Products produced in research and development research products vary. The final results of this activity consists if the design of a new product complete with specifications. Design validation is anactivity process to assess whether the product design, in this case the new work system will be rationally more effective than the old or not.After the product design is valited through discussion by experts, the weakness will be known. These weakness are then tried to be reduced by improving the design according to the advice of experts. The task of improving the design is reseachers who want to produce the product. The product testing will do if the researcher has done to revise the product design revision. It steps to know the quality and implement the product in real English lesson. This stage is to revise the product based on the feedback after testing in real English lessons and validation from the expert. After the revision the final product is finish to develop and it can will be use in teaching and learning media for vocabulary achievement.

The research instrument as shown in table below:

Data Instruments Contents Subject

Observation (questionnaire and interview)

Media Expert Validation Material Expert Validation

Questionnaire Form

List interview Questionnaire Form

Questionnaire Form

Student’s Need Student’s Problem

Seventh grade students Expert Expert Design Validation Analysis of

Potential and Problems

Data Collection Product Design

Design Revision Product Trial


Evaluation Mass


1st International Conference on English Language Teaching ISSN: 2962-1445 29-30 June 2022



The research result consists of Potential Analysis and Problems Solutions, Initial Product Design and Development, Product Design Validation, Product Design Revision, Product Trial/Try Out, Product Evaluation, Product Improvement, Publication. The initial product design and development is a Phonics Cards. The production began with the process guided by the design of the display that has been made. The steps for making the product are as follows:

1) The researcher open and access the Microsoft Word.

Picture 4.1 The first product design 2) The researcher make a table and gave the colour.

Picture 4.2 The second product design

1st International Conference on English Language Teaching ISSN: 2962-1445 29-30 June 2022


3) The researcher gave a letter about initial the vocabulary.

Picture 4.3 The third product design 4) Then, the researchergave the vocabularies based on picture

Picture 4.4 The fourth product design

5) After the researcher finished all of cards. The researcher converted to PDF file.

Picture 4.5 The fifth product design

1st International Conference on English Language Teaching ISSN: 2962-1445 29-30 June 2022


6) The last, the researcher arranged the card for ready to give a spiral.

Phonics cards products are developed based on the result of needs analysis. It takes about 4 weeks to make a phonics cards. The process is to find the appropriate curriculum subject, select the image that corresponds to the match a vocabulary. In this phonics cards there are 5 parts, namely 1) Cover, 2) Main menu, 3) Vocabulary about professions, 4) Vocabulary about thing around us, 5) Vocabulary about Indonesia, 6) Back Cover.

The phonic card has been validated to some validators:

No Item Value

Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 ∑ Score

1 1 4 5 4 13

2 2 4 4 4 12

3 3 4 4 4 12

4 4 4 5 4 13

5 5 5 4 4 13

6 6 4 5 4 13

7 7 4 5 4 13

8 8 4 5 3 12

9 9 4 5 3 12

10 10 5 5 4 14

11 11 4 5 4 13

12 12 4 4 4 12

13 13 4 4 4 12

14 14 4 5 4 13

15 15 4 5 4 13

16 16 4 5 4 13

17 17 4 5 3 12

18 18 5 5 4 14

Total 229


Score 270

Precentage 84,82%

Table 4. The result of media expert validation

Based on table 4.4 the assessment of the media validator has a total 229 and a percentage of 84,82%. This value is included in the very veasible category. So that the Phonics Cards media in terms of a feasibility of the material is said to be very worthy.

1st International Conference on English Language Teaching ISSN: 2962-1445 29-30 June 2022


To know whether the media of phonic card affect the students or not, there was pre-test and post test. The students did the the pre- test with 30 questions about the material in second semester.

Most of the students felt difficult in doing the pre-test. The result of pre- test was shown in the following chart:

Chart 5 Pre-Test Result After giving trearment, the reseracher gave psot test :

Chart 5 Post-Test Result

The result of the t-test explained below:

𝑠 = √ 1

𝑛 − 1{∑ 𝐷2−(∑ 𝐷)2 𝑛 }

𝑠 = √ 1

30 − 1{∑ 13260 −(−594)2 30 } 0

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

1 3 5 7 9 1 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29