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an undergraduate thesis - IAIN Repository

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Academic year: 2023

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IMPROVING THE SPEAKING ABILITY OF STUDENTS THROUGH THE TECHNIQUE OF SITUATION GAMES IN THE SEVENTH CLASSES. The results of the research showed that the implementation of the use of the game in the process of teaching and learning speaking was believed to be effective in improving students' speaking skills. Furthermore, the research result also showed that the improvement in the teaching and learning process affected the improvement of students' speaking skills.

The students' speaking skills were measured quantitatively by comparing the mean score of pre-test and post-test. This showed that the average score of the students' speaking skills increased from 59 in the pre-test to 66.28 in post-test I and 72.57 in post-test II. At Junior High School, students can use English as a means of communication, both spoken and written.

The guessing game is one of the alternative techniques used in teaching speaking, which is expected to involve students actively in the speaking class activity. The guessing game, adapted from the television and radio game, can create a teaching and learning situation based on the student's enthusiasm for the game. This means that the students' speaking ability is low because they lack English subject or they lack vocabulary and students.

In addition, students will be more interested in learning English, especially in learning to speak.

The Identification of Problem

Based on the statement, the researcher inspired to know in detail the speaking ability of the students through Guessing Game Technique. The reason for using guessing games is to give students more opportunities to take turns in speaking during the allotted time.

The Limitation of Problem

The Problem Formulation

Referring to the background of the problem above, the author tries to state the problem raised from this research as follows: "Can the guessing game technique improve the students' speaking skill at the seventh grade of MTs Ma'arif NU 5 Sekampung East Lampung ? ".

Objectives of Research

Benefit of Research

THEORITICAL REVIEW A. The Concept of Speaking Skill

  • Definition of Speaking Skill
  • Function of Speaking
  • Types of Classroom Speaking Performance
  • Problems in Speaking
  • Assessing Speaking Skill
  • How to Give Feedback in Speaking
  • The Measurement of Speaking

Speaking is one of the skills that students must master in learning English. Speaking is much more complicated than this and that it involves a mastery of certain skills and several different kinds of knowledge".1 Speakers speak to the listener not only to express what is on her mind, but also to express what he needs is information. the service. So it is important that everything we want to say is conveyed in an effective way, because speaking is not only the production of sounds, but also a process of achieving goals that involves the transfer of messages.

Talk as a performance tends to be in the form of a monologue rather than a dialogue, often follows a recognizable format (e.g. word of welcome), and resembles written language rather than conversational language. The types of speaking expected to be performed in the classroom are as follows:3. a) Imitation. At one end of the continuum of speech performance types is the ability to simply imitate (imitate) a word or phrase or possibly a sentence.

Although this is a purely phonetic level of oral production, many prosodic, lexical, and grammatical features of language can be incorporated into the performance of the measure. Another type of speech often used in assessment contexts is the production of short stretches of spoken language designed to demonstrate ability in a narrow band of grammatical, phrasal, lexical or phonological relationships (such as prosodic elements – intonation, stress, rhythm, conjunction). . The difference between responsive and interactive speech is the length and complexity of the interaction, which sometimes involves multiple exchanges and/or multiple participants. e) Extensive (monologue.

Students who do not learn conversational contractions can sometimes develop a stifled, bookish quality of speech that in turn stigmatizes them. One of the advantages of spoken language is that the process of thinking while speaking allows you to manifest a certain number. For example, in English "thinking time" is not silent; we insert some "fillers" like ub, um, well, you know, i mean, like, etc. one of the most prominent differences between native and non-native speakers of a language is in their hesitation phenomena. e) Spoken language.

When performance emphasizes accuracy, it is part of the teacher's job to point out and correct mistakes that students make. Mostly effective use of vocabulary for the task with a few examples of inappropriate. Some errors in the use of sentence structures and grammatical forms, but these do not interfere with understanding.

The use of interactive strategies is generally adequate, but sometimes has some difficulty in keeping the interaction consistent. From the above text, the researcher concludes that there are some indicators for measuring speaking skills.

Definition of Game

Types of game

Advantages of Using Games

Guessing Games

Definition of Guessing Games

For example, one student who has a flashcard cannot show it to others, but must instead imitate it to others, and then other students must guess the word from his or her actions. 17. Based on the definition, it can be concluded that guessing games is a game in which a person or participant knows something and competes individually or in a team to identify or figure it out.

Types of Guessing Games

The students' things of an object or a person whose name the class knows and the other asks questions, raising his hand waiting to be called. Once such a game has been successfully played by the class as a whole, it can be played in groups or even in pairs. The student who has thought of something can be questioned by one member of another, to keep the whole class active.

Guess Who am I? What is my name?

Guessing isn't too difficult, but it shouldn't be too easy (eg we can't say if it's Shakespeare. I lived in Stratford-on-Avonand and wrote Hamlet) 3) Guess what's in my bag today.

Guess where it is?

And the owner of the bag says: No, there is no ... or Yes, there is one ... and takes it out and maybe asks what color it is?.

Benefits of Use Guessing Game

A Category Guessing Game

Implementation of Guessing Games

Conceptual Framework

In the previous chapter, the researcher narrowed down the identified problems and considered one main problem. The researcher would implement the use of talking guessing games in the teaching and learning process at the stage of production. The use of speaking guessing games in the teaching of speaking provides some activities that encourage and support the students to speak and to express their ideas.

The researcher would also observe the classroom activity during the implementation of the actions and find some improvement after the implementation of the actions. By implementing the action, which is the use of guessing speech games to teach speaking, the researcher hopes that there will be some improvements in the students' speaking skills.


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