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Ezra Saragih

Academic year: 2024



Teks penuh



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas /Semester : XI / Gasal - Genap

Tahun Pelajaran : 2023/2024

Disusun Oleh

Emi Kusumawati, S.Pd.

NIP. 19760812 201101 2 008

Unit Kerja

SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta

Jl. LU. Adisucipto No. 33 Manahan, Banjarsari, Surakarta Telp. 0271-714901 Fax. 0271-727001

e-mail : info@smkn2solo.sch.id

Tahun 2021



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Tingkat/Fase : XI/F

Semester : Gasal - Genap

Tahun Pelajaran : 2023/2024

Nama Guru Mapel : Emi Kusumawati, S.Pd.

NIP : 197608122011012008

Surakarta, Oktober 2023


Kepala SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta Guru Mata Pelajaran

Sugiyarso, S. Pd., M. Pd. Emi Kusumawati, S.Pd.

NIP. 19701205 200312 1 002 NIP. 19760812 201101 2 008

SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta

Jl. LU. Adisucipto No. 33 Manahan, Banjarsari, Surakarta

Telp. 0271-714901 Fax. 0271-727001


e-mail : info@smkn2solo.sch.id Tahun 2022


1. Informasi Umum Informasi Umum

- Nama Sekolah - Nama Guru - Tahun disusun - Mata Pelajaran - Jenjang Sekolah - Kelas

- Materi Pokok - Deskripsi aspek - Alokasi Waktu

: SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta : Emi Kusumawati, S.Pd.

: 2023

: Bahasa Inggris : SMK

: XI

: Explanation Text

: Kemampuan memahami, menggunakan, dan merefleksi teks sesuai tujuan dan kepentingannya.

: 3JP

Kompetensi Awal : Peserta didik telah mampu mengidentifikasi informasi rinci yang tersurat pada teks eksplanasi (explanation text).

Profil Pelajar Pancasila - Beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa serta berakhlak mulia

- Berkebhinekaan global - Gotong royong

- Mandiri - Bernalar kritis - Kreatif

Sarana dan Prasarana - Buku pegangan siswa - Akses internet

Target Peserta Didik : Peserta didik kelas XI

Model Pembelajaran : Pembelajaran tatap muka (PTM) , menggunakan model Problem based learning.


2. Komponen Inti

Tujuan Pembelajaran Peserta didik mampu:

- Mengidentifikasi informasi rinci pada suatu teks berbentuk eksplanasi

- Menemukan kata ganti (reference) yang tepat sesuai dengan konteks pada sebuah teks eksplanasi.

- Memprediksi persamaan makna kata yang sesuai dengan konteks pada sebuah teks eksplanasi - Menyimpulkan dengan sederhana tentang informasi

tersirat dalam teks eksplanasi.

- Menulis dan menghubungkan antar kalimat dengan menggunakan kata penghubung (Connective Word).

Pemahaman Bermakna Manusia mendapatkan informasi lebih banyak jika mereka banyak membaca dan memahaminya.

Pertanyaan Pemantik - Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang teks eksplanasi?

- Apa yang kamu sukai ketika kamu membaca teks eksplanasi?

Persiapan Pembelajaran - Guru melakukan asesmen diagnostik

- Guru menyusun Langkah-langkah pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Pertemuan-1 Pendahuluan

1. Guru bersama peserta didik saling memberi dan menjawab salam dan saling memberikan kabar.

2. Berdoa bersama-sama dipimpin ketua kelas pada PTM, atau oleh peserta didik yang join meeting paling awal pada PJJ

3. Peserta didik dicek kehadirannya oleh guru dengan cara melakukan presensi kehadiran.

4. Peserta didik diberi pertanyaan pemantik tentang:

- Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang teks eksplanasi?

(What do you know about explanation text?)

- Apa yang kamu sukai ketika kamu membaca teks eksplanasi?

(What do you like when you read explanation text?)

5. Peserta didik menerima penjelasan dari guru mengenai tujuan pembelajaran dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang akan dilakukan


Kegiatan Inti


Dengan bimbingan dan pengamatan guru, peserta didik melakukan kegiatan sebagai berikut :

 Peserta didik menyimak kelompok kata kata yang dipakai dalam menuliskan teks Eksplanasi dengan teliti.

 Peserta didik menyimak contoh teks Eksplanasi dengan teliti, cermat dan bertanggung jawab.

 Peserta didik mengamati fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan, maupun format penulisannya.

 Peserta didik belajar menemukan gagasan utama, informasi rinci dan informasi tertentu dari teks Eksplanasi.

 Peserta didik menirukan contoh-contoh kalimat yang dibacakan guru dengan tepat.


 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, peserta didik

menanyakan antara lain arti kalimat yang dibacanya dengan sopan

 Peserta didik mempertanyakan fungsi, tujuan, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaannya dengan sopan

 Peserta didik menanyakan kata penghubung (Connective Word) dalam sentence pattern yang digunakan pada teks eksplanation dengan sopan.

Mengumpulkan data/informasi

 Peserta didik mencari informasi tentang explanation text dari sumber yang lain

 Peserta didik berdiskusi tentang contoh-contoh explanation text yang mereka temukan

 Peserta didik mendiskusikan tentang fungsi, tujuan, struktur teks dari sumber yang lain dan didiskusikan

 Peserta didik dapat menemukan semua informasi tentang explanation text


1. Dengan bimbingan guru, peserta didik membuat simpulan tentang pelajaran hari ini

2. Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran.

3. Guru menyampaikan tugas yang harus diselesaikan oleh peserta didik “Buku Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK Kemendikbud hal 2-5”

4. Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran selanjutnya

5. Guru mengakhiri kegiatan pembelajaran dengan berdoa Bersama-sama dan salam


Pertemuan-2 Pendahuluan Guru melakukan : Orientasi

 Menyiapkan peserta didik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran seperti berdoa, absensi, menyiapkan buku pelajaran

 Mengecek kerapian dan kebersihan kelas

 Mengecek dan memeriksan kerapian berpakaian peserta didik

 Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik dalam mengawali kegiatan pembelajaran baik PJJ daring dan atau tatap muka.

 Guru memberikan perintah kepada peserta didik dalam program literasi membaca di kelas kurang lebih 10 menit sebelum pembelajaran


 Mengaitkan materi tentang explanation text yang akan dipelajari dengan pengalaman peserta didik.

 Sebagai apersepsi, untuk mendorong rasa ingin tahu dan berfikir kritis, peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan guru mengenai kemampuan dasarnya tentang explanation text.


 Memberi motivasi peserta didik untuk aktif mengikuti pelajaran.

 Memberikan gambaran tentang manfaat mempelajari pelajaran yang akan dipelajari dengan materi Explanation text

 Apabila materi ini dikuasai dengan baik, peserta didik diharapkan mampu membedakan explanation text dan jenis text lain yang sudah pernah dipelajari

 Peserta didik menerima informasi tentang kompetensi yang akan dipelajari, tujuan, materi, langkah- langkah pembelajaran serta teknik penilaian yang akan dilaksanakan.

Kegiatan Inti



Dengan bimbingan dan pengamatan guru, peserta didik melakukan kegiatan sebagai berikut:

Mengumpulkan informasi/mengekplorasi ( sesi 2 )

 Peserta didik menganalisi struktur teks dari teks eksplanasi dengan teliti dan benar.

 Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan tentang teks eksplanasi dengan benar.

 Peserta didik menuliskan jawaban di buku catatannya dan melaporkan di depan kelas.


 Peserta didik dibagi dalam kelompok terdiri dari empat siswa untuk mencari contoh teks eksplanasi

 Peserta didik menganalisis teks sesuai dengan struktur teksnya dengan cermat dan benar.

 Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan dari teks eksplanasi dengan benar

 Peserta didik melaporkan hasil kerja diskusinya di depan kelas.

 Peserta didik dari kelompok lain memberi tanggapan dengan santun dan bertanggung jawab.


 Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran;

 Melakukan kegiatan tindak lanjut dalam bentuk pemberian tugas individual untuk membaca melalui internet contoh explanation text yang lain

 Menginformasikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan berikutnya

 Memberikan tugas individual mengerjakan dari “Buku Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK Kemendikbud hal 28-31”

Pertemuan 3 Pendahuluan Guru melakukan : Orientasi

 Menyiapkan peserta didik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran seperti berdoa, absensi, menyiapkan buku pelajaran

 Mengecek kerapian dan kebersihan kelas

 Mengecek dan memeriksa kerapian berpakaian peserta didik


 Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik dalam mengawali kegiatan pembelajaran

 Guru memberikan perintah kepada peserta didik dalam program literasi membaca di kelas kurang lebih 10 menit sebelum pembelajaran Apresiasi

 Mengaitkan materi tentang explanation text yang akan dipelajari dengan pengalaman peserta didik.

 Sebagai apersepsi, untuk mendorong rasa ingin tahu dan berfikir kritis, peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan guru mengenai kemampuan dasarnya tentang explanation text


 Memberi motivasi peserta didik untuk aktif mengikuti pelajaran.

 Memberikan gambaran tentang manfaat mempelajari pelajaran yang akan dipelajari dengan materi explanation text.

 Apabila materi ini dikuasai dengan baik, peserta didik diharapkan mampu membedakan antara description dan explanation text

 Peserta didik menerima informasi tentang kompetensi yang akan dipelajari, tujuan, materi, langkah- langkah pembelajaran serta teknik penilaian yang akan dilaksanakan.

Kegiatan Inti


 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan bagaimana suatu proses tersebut terjadi, dengan menggunakan kata penghubung (Connective Word) sesuai konteks kalimatnya.

 Menyusun teks explanation tertulis dengan strutur teks yang benar

 Peserta didik menuliskan permasalahan dalam bahasa Inggris tentang Teks Explanation dalam jurnal belajar ( learning journal )

Formative & Sumative Penutup

 Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran.

 Melakukan kegiatan tindak lanjut dalam bentuk pemberian tugas individual


untuk membaca melalui internet berbagai Contoh Explanation text

 Menginformasikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan berikutnya

 Memberi tugas tugas Kelompok “mengerjakan Active Conversation hal 40- 41 Buku Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK Kemendikbud”


Asesmen diagnostik

- Asesmen diagnostic kognitif - Asesmen diagnostic non-kognitif Asesmen formatif

Penilaian performa eksperimen Asesmen sumatif

Test tertulis

Pengayaan dan Remidial - Pengayaan diberikan kepada peserta didik yang memiliki nilai diatas rata-rata untuk mendapatkan tambahan materi dan pengetahuan.

- Remidial diberikan kepada peserta didik yang memiliki nilai dibawah rata-rata untuk mendapatkan ulang penjelasan terkait materi yang dibahas.

Refleksi Peserta Didik & Guru - Apakah ada kendala pada kegiatan pembelajaran?

- Apakah semua peserta didik aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran?

- Apa saja kesulitan peserta didik yang dapat diidentifikasi pada kegiatan pembelajaran?

- Apakah peserta didik yang memiliki kesulitan ketika berkegiatan dapat teratasi dengan baik?

- Apa level pencapaian rata-rata peserta didik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran ini?

- Apakah seluruh peserta didik dapat dianggap tuntas dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran?

- Apa strategi agar seluruh siswa dapat menuntaskan kompetensi?



1. ASESMEN DIAGNOSTIK Asesmen Non-Kognitif

Informasi apa saja yang ingin digali? Pertanyaan kunci yang ingin ditanyakan Aktivitas peserta didik selama belajar di rumah 1. Apa saja kegiatan yang kamu lakukan

selama belajar di rumah?

2. Apakah kamu memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk belajar?

3. Adakah kesulitan yang kamu alami selama kamu belajar dari rumah? Sebutkan kesulitan itu

4. Sebutkan hal yang menyenangkan selama


kamu belajar dari rumah!

5. Apa harapan dan impianmu?

Aktivitas di rumah yang mendukung minat dan bakat peserta didik

1. Apakah hobimu?

2. Apakah hobimu berkaitan dengan

kemampuan kamu dalam berbahasa Inggris?

3. Apakah kamu pernah diminta untuk berpendapat/mengemukakan opini?

Langkah-langkah apa saja yang akan dilakukan?

Alat bantu apa yang dibutuhkan?

Persiapan Menyiapkan lembar kertas untuk menjawab.


1. Beri penguatan atau pertanyaan lanjutan untuk menggali lebih dalam

2. Mengarahkan langsung menjawab pertanyaan peserta didik

3. Memberikan waktu kepada peserta didik untuk menjawab pertanyaan

Tindak Lanjut :

1. Jika peserta didik menyampaikan permasalahan, maka ajaklah mereka berdiskusi untuk mendapatkan solusi 2. Berkomunikasi dengan orangtua/wali

peserta didik jika diperlukan

3. Lakukan asesmen diagnostik non-kognitif secara Berkala

Asesmen Kognitif

Waktu Asesmen Setelah peserta didik mempelajari mengenai mengidentifikasi informasi tersurat pada teks eksposisi didalam kelompok

Durasi Asesmen 10-15 menit

Identifikasi materi yang akan diujikan

Pertanyaan Kemungkinan Jawaban

Skor (Kategori)

Rencana Tindak Lanjut Peserta didik mampu

mengidentifikasi informasi tersurat pada teks eksposisi didalam kelompok.

1. Berdasarkan teks eksposisi berbahasa Inggris berjudul: The Necessity of Mobile Phone,

Benar semua Paham utuh Penjelasan dapat dilakukan ke sub materi berikutnya


When do you usually use mobile phone?

Salah semua Belum paham

Memberikan pembelajaran remidial 2. Berdasarkan

teks eksposisi berbahasa Inggris berjudul: The Necessity of Mobile Phone, what is the advantages of mobile phone in our life?

Benar semua Paham utuh Penjelasan dapat dilakukan ke sub materi berikutnya

Salah semua Belum paham

Memberikan pembelajaran remidial 3. Berdasarkan

teks eksposisi berbahasa Inggris berjudul: The necessity of Mobile Phone, What do we need in operating mobile phone?

Langkah-langkah apa saja yang akan dilakukan? Alat bantu apa yang dibutuhkan?


1. Menyusun jadwal pelaksanaan

2. Mengidentifikasi materi uji yang sesuai dengan pembelajaran

3. Menyusun teks eksposisi

- Kertas atau link untuk mengerjakan tes - Akses internet


Asesmen diberikan kepada seluruh peserta didik secara daring

- Kertas atau link untuk mengerjakan tes - Akses internet

Tindak lanjut:

1. Melakukan pengolahan hassil asesmen dan hitung rata-rata kelas.

2. Bagi peserta didik yang memperoleh nilai rata- rata keatas akan mengikuti pembelajaran sub bab selanjutnya.

3. Bagi peserta didik yang memperoleh nilai dibawah


rata-rata akan memperoleh remedial teaching dan bantuan dari guru.

4. Ulangi proses asesmen diagnosis sesuai dengan kebutuhan kelas

2. ASESMEN FORMATIF Penilaian Performa Eksperimen Indikator Pencapaian


Teknik Penilaian

Bentuk Penilaian Instrumen 1. Mengidentifikasi

informasi rinci pada teks Eksposisi

Pengamatan Predikat (A,B,C,D), bisa dikonversi ke angka


2. Menemukan kata ganti

(reference) yang tepat pada

teks Eksposisi

Observasi Predikat Lisan

3. Memprediksi persamaan

makna kata yang sesuai dengan konteks pada sebuah

teks Eksposisi

Pengamatan Predikat Tertulis

4. Menentukan makna tersurat

dan makna tersirat.

Predikat Predikat Tertulis

The First Meeting

Read the following text and answer the questions!

Almost everyone very likes a natural phenomenon called the rainbow. To the extent that a lot of people create an art work like song, cake, and the other work after seeing the beautiful colors of the rainbow. But, do you know how the phenomenon of the appearance of the rainbow happens?

Rainbow occurs because of the refraction of light. The sunlight that shines in between the rain drops is refracted by the rain drops. This process separates the white light of the sunlight into a spectrum of different colors.

The spectrum of colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Or what we often memorize as the abbreviation "ROY G BIV / mejikuhibiniu.” Then the colors reflect in the back drops of rain, resulting the light which looks arched and becomes the rainbow

1. What type of the text above?

2. Why does rainbow occur?

3. What tense is mostly used in the text?


4. What we usually call the last paragraph as?

5. What is the purpose of the text?


1.Explanation text, 2.Because of the reflection of light, 3.Simple present tense, 4.Closing, 5.To tell the readers how the rainbow occurs..

The Second Meeting

Read the following text, pay attention to the “ the connective word (kata penghubung) We all know that rain is primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world, providing suitable condition for diverse ecosystems. Rain is water that descends from the sky through several processes until the rain occurs. Do you know how does rain happen?

The phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. The concept of water circle includes the sun heating the Earth’s water surface and causing the water surface to evaporate. Earth’s water includes water from lake, river, and ocean. Then, the water vapor experiences condensation and becomes condensed vapor. Condensed vapor is formed from droplets so that when the air temperature is higher, it makes the droplets gather, condensed and formed into clouds. The presence of winds helps clouds move and gather in other places that have lower temperatures. At that time, the droplets become heavier and unstoppable and cause the droplets to fall so that there is rain.

If the droplets drop in an area with very cold temperatures, the droplets will drop as snow.

However, not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while falling through dry air. This is called Virga, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert regions.

1. What type of the text above?

2. How does rain occur?

3. What connective words are used in the text?

4. What tense usually used in the text?

5. What is the purpose of the text?


1.Explanation text, 2. Water circle includes the sun heating the Earth’s water surface and causing the water surface to evaporate. 3. And, then, at that time, so that, when,...etc.

4.Simple present tense, 5.To tell the readers how the rain occurs.

The Third Meeting.

Read one more and answer the questions!

To grow into an adult, butterflies go through 4 stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. Depending on the type of butterfly, the life cycle of a butterfly may take anywhere from one month to a whole year.

A butterfly starts life as a very small, round, oval or cylindrical egg. The egg hatches and the young one called larvae or caterpillar comes out of the egg. The caterpillar first feeds on the egg shell from which it is born. It then starts feeding on the leaves and starts to grow. Its exoskeleton (skin) does not stretch or grow, so it grows by “molting” (sheding the outgrown skin) several times while it grows. As soon as a caterpillar is done growing and it has reached its full length/weight, it forms itself into a pupa, also known as a chrysalis. The pupa remains motionless in the chrysalis. In the


chrysalis, the pupa undergoes a series of changes. After about 15 days, a beautiful adult butterfly emerges out of the chrysalis. When the butterfly comes out, it’s wings are small and wet, then the butterfly pumps fluids into them to make them strong and to expand. After a few hours, the wings become strong enough and the butterfly is able to fly.

1.What type of the text above?

2.What stages do butterflies go through ? 3.How does metamorphosis of butterflies?

4.What connective words are usually used in the text?

5.What is the purpose of the text?


1.Explanation text. 2.There are 4 stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. 3.Depending on the type of butterfly, the life cycle of a butterfly may take anywhere from one month to a whole year. 4. And, or, then, after, when,....etc. 5.To tell the readers how metamorphosis of butterflies occur.

1. Essay

Setiap nomor jawaban benar skor = 2 Jumlah skor maximum = 15 x 2 = 30 Nilai akhir = 30:2 = 10

Rubrik Assesmen Essay

No. Pedoman Penilaian Skor

1 Jawaban benar, lengkap, sempurna 5

2 Jawaban benar namun kurang lengkap/ benar sebagian saja 4

3 Jawaban Kurang benar 3

4 Jawaban salah 2

5 Tidak menjawab, hanya menulis soal 1

Teks Explanation 1

Recycling is a collection, processing, and reuse of materials that would

otherwise be thrown away. Materials ranging from precious metals to broken glass, from old newspapers to plastic spoons, can be recycled. The recycling process reclaims the original material and uses it in new products.

In general, using recycled materials to make new products costs less and requires less energy than using new materials. Recycling can also reduce pollution, either by reducing the demand for high-pollution alternatives or by minimizing the amount of pollution produced during the manufacturing process.

Paper products that can be recycled include cardboard containers, wrapping paper, and office paper. The most commonly recycled paper product is

newsprint. In newspaper recycling, old newspapers are collected and

searched for contaminants such as plastic bags and aluminum foil. The paper goes to a processing plant where it is mixed with hot water and turned into pulp in a machine that works much like a big kitchen blender. The pulp is screened and filtered to remove smaller contaminants. The pulp then goes to a large vat where the ink separates from the paper fibers and fl oats to the surface. The ink is skimmed off, dried and reused as ink or burned as boiler fuel. The cleaned pulp is mixed with new wood fibers to be made into paper again.


Experts estimate the average office worker generates about 5 kg of

wastepaper per month. Every ton of paper that is recycled saves about 1.4 cu m (about 50 cu ft) of landfill space. One ton of recycled paper saves 17

pulpwood trees (trees used to produce paper).

1. The following things can be recycled, EXCEPT….

A. Precious metals B. Broken glass C. Old newspapers D. Plastic spoons

E. Fresh vegetables and fruits

2. Which of the following is NOT the benefit of recycling?

A. It costs much money for the process of recycling B. It costs less to make new products

C. It requires less energy D. It can reduce pollution

E. It reduces the demand for high-pollution alternatives 3. What is the third step of recycling paper products?

A. Collect and search for contaminants such as plastic bags and aluminium foil

B. Mix the paper with hot water in a blender which turns it into pulp C. Screen and filter the pulp to remove smaller contaminants

D. Put the pulp to a large vat to separate the ink from the paper fibres E. Mix the pulp with new wood fibres to be made into paper again

4. We can make use of the ink after being separated from the paper fibres by doing the followings, EXCEPT….

A. Skim it off B. Dry it

C. Reuse as ink

D. Burn as boiler fuel E. Mix it with the pulp Teks Explanation 2

Human body is made up of countless millions of cells. Food is needed to built up new cells and replace the worn out cells. However, the food that we take must be changed into substances that can be carried in the blood to the places where they are needed. This process is called digestion.

The first digestive process takes place in the mouth. The food we eat is broken up into small pieces by the action of teeth, mixed with saliva, a juice secreted by glands in the mouth. Saliva contains digestive juice which moisten the food, so it can be swallowed easily.

From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus (the food passage) into the stomach. Here, the food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the stomach for several hours. Then the food enters the small intestine. All the time the muscular walls of the intestine are squeezing, mixing and moving the food onwards.


In a few hours, the food changes into acids. These are soon absorbed by the villi (microscopic branch projections from the intestine walls) and passed into the bloodstream.

5. What is the text about?

A. The digestive system B. The digestive juice

C. The method of the digestive system D. The process of intestine work E. The food substances

6. How can we swallow the food easily?

A. The food changes into acids absorbed by the villi.

B. The food must be digested first through the process.

C. The food is directly swallowed through esophagus into the stomach.

D. The food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the stomach.

E. The food we take must be changed into substances carried in the blood to the places.

7. From the text above, we imply that ….

A. a good process of digestive system will help our body becoming healthier.

B. no one concerned with the process of digestive system for their health.

C. the digestive system is needed if we are eating the food instantly.

D. every body must conduct the processes of digestive system well.

E. the better we digest the food we eat, the healthier we will be.

8. “Human body is made up of countless millions of cells.” (Paragraph 1) The phrase “made up”

means ….

A. produced B. managed C. arranged D. completed E. constructed Teks Explanation 3

Have you ever wondered how people get chocolate from? In this article we’ll enter the amazing world of chocolate so you can understand exactly what you’re eating.

Chocolate starts with a tree called the cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial regions, especially in places such as South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The cacao tree produces a fruit about the size of a small pine apple. Inside the fruit are the tree’s seeds, also known as cocoa beans.

The beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun and then shipped to the chocolate maker. The chocolate maker starts by roasting the beans to bring out the flavour. Different beans from different places have different qualities and flavor, so they are often sorted and blended to produce a distinctive mix. Next, the roasted beans are winnowed. Winnowing removes the meat nib of the cacao bean from its shell. Then, the nibs are blended. The blended nibs are ground to make it a liquid. The liquid is called chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter. All seeds contain some amount of fat, and cacao beans are not different. However, cacao beans are half fat, which is why the ground nibs form liquid. It’s pure bitter chocolate.

9. The text is about … A. the cacao tree


B. the cacao beans C. the raw chocolate D. the making of chocolate E. the flavour of chocolate

10. The third paragraph focuses on … A. the process of producing chocolate B. how to produce the cocoa flavour C. where chocolate comes from D. the chocolate liquor

E. the cacao fruit

3. ASESMEN SUMATIF Pedoman penilaian pengetahuan

Instrumen Penilaian Pengetahuan

Tujuan Pembelajaran Materi Pokok Stimulus Indikator Soal No Soal

1. Peserta didik dapat

mengidentifikasi informasi rinci pada teks Eksposisi

Explanation Text Mengidentifikasi

informasi rinci pada teks Exposition.

1,5,8,9,1 0

2. Peserta didik dapat menemukan kata ganti reference) yang tepat pada teks Exposition.

Explanation Text Menemukan kata ganti (reference) yang tepat pada teks Exposition.


3. Peserta didik dapat memprediksi persamaan makna kata yang sesuai dengan konteks pada sebuah teks Exposition

Explanation Text Memprediksi persamaan makna kata yang sesuai dengan konteks pada sebuah teks Exposition


4. Peserta didik dapat menentukan makna tersurat dan makna tersirat.

Explanation Text Menentukan makna tersurat dan tersirat


butir Soal Pengetahuan



o Soal Kunci

Jawaban Skor Text 1

The Necessity of Mobile Phone

I strongly believe that mobile phones are necessary.

My reasons for this belief are that these phones are convenient for business people who travel a lot, and they are handy for emergencies.

To begin with, mobile phones are necessary in the case of emergencies. For instance, if you fall down a set of stairs in a building and are badl

y injured and can’t reach a pay phone, it is handy to have one to use. Or, if your car breaks down in the middle of the night in a strange neighbourhood, it would be dangerous to leave it in search of a public phone booth.

My other main reason is that mobile phones are convenient for business people. For example, if you are out of the state or even overseas and you have to contact a client to do some important work, it is useful to have one to use. By using a mobile phone, important information can be received. People can’t stay in an office all day waiting for their phone to ring. Some people have to go and do jobs or they will go out of business. You can even send faxes or

messages and use the internet with your mobile.

In conclusion, I believe that mobile phones have now become a necessary part of every day life. Instant communication will ensure that information can be passed on with a simple press of a button. Whether this is to do with business or personal information or emergencies, it goes to show that they are necessary in the new millennium.

1. How many reasons are used to support the writer’s opinion?

A. One reason B. Two reasons C. Three reasons D. Four reasons

2. Why are mobile phones very convenient for bussines people?

A. They can contact clients

B. They can do some important works

C. They can receive some important information D. They can run bussines by staying in and out office 3. What is the main idea of the second parragraph?

A. The advantages cellular phones during the emergencies

B. The solution to do when your car breaks down C. The danger to leave a mobile phone in the car D. The differences of a mobile phone and a pay phone







o Soal Kunci

Jawaban Skor 4. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To persuade readers about the necessity of mobile phone

B. To explain the characteristics the necessity of mobile phone

C. To inform readers about the necessity of mobile phone

D. To describe the necessity of mobile phone 5. What tense is mostly used in the text?

A. Simple past tense B. Simple present tense C. Simple perfect tense D. Present continuous tense Text 2

Learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyablE. You can mix pleasure with learning when you listen to a song and exploit the song as a means to your English progress. Some underlying reason can be drawn to support the idea why we use songs in language learning.

Firstly, “the song stuck in my head” Phenomenon (the echoing in our minds of the last song we heard after leaving a restaurant, shopping malls, etc) can be both enjoyable and sometimes unnerving. This phenomenon also seems to reinforce the idea that songs work on our short-and-long term memory.

Secondly, songs in general also use simple

conversational language, with a lot of repetition, which is just what many learners look for sample text. The fact that they are effective makes them many times more motivating than other text.

Although usually simple, some songs can be quite complex syntactically, lexically and poetically, and can be analyzed in the same way as any other literary samplE.

Furthermore, song can be appropriated by listener for their own purposE. Most pop songs and probably many other types don’t have precise people, place or time referencE.

In addition, songs are relaxing. They provide variety and fun, and encourage harmony within oneself and within one group. Little wonder they are important tools in sustaining culture, religion, patriotism and yeas, even revolution.

Last but not least, there are many learning activities we can do with songs such as studying grammar, practicing selective listening comprehension,

translating songs, learning vocabulary, spelling and culturE.




o Soal Kunci

Jawaban Skor From the elaboration above, it can be concluded that

learning through music and songs, learning English can be enjoyable and fun.

6. The type of the text above is ………

A. Analytical exposition B. Hortatory exposition C. Narrative

D. Discussion E. Explanation

7. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

A. To tell the reader about the songs B. To entertain the reader with the songs C. To show the reader the use of songs D. To explain above the songs

E. To persuade the reader to use songs in learning language

8. The generic structures of the text are ….

A. Thesis – arguments – recommendation B. General statement – sequential explanation

C. Newsworthy events – background events – sources D. Thesis – arguments – reiteration

E. General statement – arguments 9.What is the text about ….

A. Learning songs B. Very enjoyable music C. The phenomenon D. Music listeners

E.Using songs in language learning

10. “They provide variety and fun, and encourage harmony within oneself and within one group.” The they word refers to …….

A.Groups B.Learners C.People D.Songs E. Activities

Pedoman Penskoran


Pilihan Ganda

Setiap nomor benar skor = 2 Skor maksimum =10 x 2 = 20 Jawaban

benar Skor

1 2

2 4

3 6

4 8

5 10

6 12

7 14

8 16

9 18

10 20

LEMBAR KERJA (Format sesuai Kebutuhan masing-masing) Nama :

Kelas :


Rubrik Penilaian



Kelompo k

Aspek yang dinilai Skor

Kesesuaian alat pada bahan

Ketrampilan menggunakan



Waktu Ketepatan hasil Peroleha n

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

4. Bahan Bacaan Guru & Peserta didik : Explanation Text

1).Definition of Explanation Text

Explanation is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific and cultural phenomena. Explanation text is to say ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the forming of the phenomena. It is often found in science, geography and history text books.

2).Generic Structure of Explanation Text – General statement

General statement; stating the phenomenon issues which are to be explained.

– Sequenced of explanation

Sequenced explanation; stating a series of steps which explain the phenomena.

3).Purpose of Explanation Text


– Explanation is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific, and cultural phenomena.

– To explain how or why something happens.

According to Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson (1997: 82) says that the explanation text type is often used to tell how and why thing (phenomena) occur in nature.

4).Language Features of Explanation Text

In an explanation text, there are lvisibleinguistic features as below :

– Using simple present tense – Using abstract noun (no noun) – Using Passive voice

– Using Action verbs

– Containing explanation of the process ....

5).Language Features of Explanation Text

In an explanation text, there are linguistic features as below : – Using simple present tense

– Using abstract noun (no visible noun) – Using Passive voice

– Using Action verbs

– Containing explanation of the process ..

Examples of Explanation Text :

How A Fuel Light Works Many cars, motorcycles and other modern vehicles have fuel warning light devices. the warning light is usually red which switches on automatically when the level of fuel in the tank is very low. The warning light gives the driver information about the amount of petrol in the tank. When the light switches on red, it tells the driver that the petrol in the tank is almost empty.

Therefore he have to put more fuel into the tank. However do you know how the fuel warning works?


Well this is the way the fuel warning light work and gives the driver information about the accurate amount of the petrol in the tank. When the level of the fuel falls, the float inside the tank moves downwards. When this condition happens, the arm also moves downwards and it make the lever touch an electrical contact. This switches on the fuel light in the car dashboard.

The red light which appears in the fuel panel of the dashboard tells the driver that he needs more petrol for his car. When he pours more petrol into the tank, this condition makes the fuel level rise and it pushes the float upwards. In return it disconnects to the electrical contact and makes the red light switch off.


- Explanation text adalah sebuah teks yang menjelaskan tentang terjadinya suatu proses

- Tujuan: untuk menjelaskan berbagai fenomena sosial, alam dan juga budaya

- Judul: untuk memberi tahu apa isi yang dituliskan dalam sebuah tulisan

- Pernyataan Pembuka: menyertakan bukti penelitian/data untuk memperkuat informasi valid dan bersifat fakta.

- Sequencing: menyambungkan paragraf dengan hubungan sebab- akibat dari fenomena yang sedang ditulis.


7).Daftar Pustaka

- http://englishadmin.com/2018/11/50-contoh-soal-analytical- exposition-dan-jawaban.html

- https://www.kompas.com/skola/read/2020/10/16/212144769/analyt ical-exposition-text-definition-generic-structure-language-features - buku Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK, Kemendikbud RI 2014


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