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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

Alhamdulillah, praise and gratitude the authors say to ALLAH SWT who gave strength and fluency so that the author can complete the Job Training (KP) activities at PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) well. On-the-job training is one of the activities to be taken in the Communication Science study program that aims to apply the knowledge gained in lectures to the work environment. The author realizes that the implementation of CP activities and the writing of this CP report can be completed thanks to the support and assistance of various parties.

To all employees of PT RAPP Pangkalan Kerinci, especially in Workers' Cooperative (KOPKAR) who cannot be mentioned one by one. Friends of the State Polytechnic of Bengkalis, especially the International Business Administration Study Program, thank you for your support and cooperation in completing this internship report. Therefore, the author expects criticism and suggestions to improve the shortcomings of the author's report.

Figure 3.17  Process of Welcoming Guests .......................................................................
Figure 3.17 Process of Welcoming Guests .......................................................................

Background of the Apprenticeship

Where APRIL itself is one of the leading pulp and paper companies in the world. Members of KOPKAR PT.RAPP are an employee and partner of the company within PT RAPP. This is why all members are involved at the same time, agree on the AD ( bylaws ) / ART ( bylaws ) of the cooperative.

This symbol is also a representation of the body (the shield) as well as the heart (the star). A customer service must be able to build a good relationship with the customers in the company where he works. Customer service must be able to give a positive impression, because it will be a reflection of the company in the eyes of customers.

This form consists of 7 sheets starting with the attachment of the loan requirements, to the table of administrative costs. RAPP where there is not much work to do this week but the writer is assigned to make a presentation at the end of the practical work.

Purpose of the Apprenticeship

Significances of the Apprenticeship

Students have the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge and concepts acquired during the lectures in the real world of work. There is a collaboration between the world of education and the world of industry/companies, so that academics and companies recognize alternative candidates for employees who are known for their quality, dedication and reliability. Bengal State Polytechnic receives feedback from companies regarding curriculum development and learning processes for students who participate in Internships, which can improve the quality of their graduates through practical work experience.


  • Company Profile
    • PT.Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper Profile
    • KOPKAR Profile
  • Vision and Mission
  • Kind of Business
  • Organization Structure
  • The Working Process
  • Document Used for Activity

The image placed at the top of the cooperative's logo is a symbol of hard and sustained efforts. This means that only working people can become potential members of the cooperative as long as they meet certain requirements. Placed to the left of the banyan tree, the chain indicates strong family ties, unity and friendship.

It is hoped that each member of the cooperative will be able to follow the values ​​of faith and belief (first principles, divinity in one God) according to their inner voice. In general, the organizational structure of the company is an arrangement that contains the division of roles and duties of each person based on the position he holds in the company. Mandatory savings, main savings, voluntary savings if any and SHU, checked based on the year when he first became a member of the cooperative.

The final stage is to call the customer to collect the letter and ask for a photocopy of the passbook for the transfer process. In figure 2.11 is a loan repayment form, the customer pays at the beginning of the month every 1-5.

Figure 2.2 Logo KOPKAR PT.RAPP  Source: Processed Data, 2022
Figure 2.2 Logo KOPKAR PT.RAPP Source: Processed Data, 2022

Descirption Activities of the Appreticenship

Systems and Procedures

Here the writer is tasked with managing the loan schedule file and member loan files. For the first activity, the author is invited to visit the UIR campus first, which is located in the city of Pekanbaru to leave around 09.30 WIB while the distance between Kerinci and Pekanbaru is 1 hour and a half. At the beginning of the practice, the author lacked accuracy in entering data and arranging the display so that there were some errors in the work so that it was re-examined by employees.

For practical work, the author is placed in the Business Unit KOPKAR PT.RAPP, specifically in Customer Service. On Wednesdays and Saturdays, the author is tasked with doing hands-on work at the Cooperative Mart, while his duties are cash register, importing goods, checking SO and displaying goods. To implement this Job Training, the author has conducted a Job Training in PT.

Author gives some suggestions for different parties, namely for the author himself, for students or younger siblings who will do practical work in the coming period, for companies and for the State Polytrecnic of Bengkalis. The fourth week of March, the author does the same activities as the third week of March. However, on the fourth Wednesday of the week, the author was invited to a KOPMART mini market to display incoming goods, which the head of the store had taught him.

The second week of April, the writer performed the same activities as the first week's activities, but this week the writer was tasked with photocopying the purchase receipt, arranging the loan form, organizing the utility expense form and arranging the case for the members to resign 2021 This week is different from other weeks where the author is assigned practical work in the SHR (Stakeholder Relations) department, while his job is to score incoming proposals and provide an assessment of the proposal. This week the author was given several different tasks, namely to create an order letter for the RAT (Annual Members Meeting) which was used as a guide for the event and was also tasked with creating a RAT proposal.

This week, the author was invited to visit one of the factory locations, namely KCN 2, an acacia tree nursery, where the visit was accompanied directly by the president of PT. There are several different works during the week, and the author is invited to visit the factory locations, namely RAK, KCN, Riau Paper, where these locations are the paper-making area and the acacia tree nursery. For the next few days, the author was given the task of arranging and packing the gifts into the provided bags.

Figure 3.2  Entry Data  source: Process Data 2022
Figure 3.2 Entry Data source: Process Data 2022

Obstacle and Solution


The tasks performed are entering data, arranging forms, escorting visits, printing documents, serving customers, repeating data, sorting data about employees who have resigned, and attending of meetings. The obstacle that the author encountered while doing practical work at the PT.RAPP Employee Cooperative was that there were some documents that were printed the results were not so clear and faded, so the author had to read more carefully so that there was no mistakes were not .


Figure of Job Description

Appreticeship Acceptance Letter

Appreticeship Statement Letter

Appraisal Form


List Attendance

In the first week of practical work activities, the writer was taught how to serve customers, organize forms and learn how to photocopy the document for consumption shopping receipts belonging to KOPKAR PT.RAPP's mini market and not so the work learned this week not. In the third week of April, the writer performed the same activities as the previous week's activities. On a week, there is nothing different from other weeks, namely doing work that usually starts with entering data, serving customers, arranging forms, checking shop sub-units and printing documents.

In the given week one of the various tasks, namely to make a letter of mandate for the Annual Meeting of Members held by the Employees' Cooperative. This week we are still doing the same work and nothing different from the other jobs, but a lot of work is being done this week. And the day after the annual meeting of the members which is held once a year, the author is assigned to welcome the guests and at the same time he asks the members to fill the guest book, become leaders, in addition, he is also given the task. of giving gifts to incoming members.

A lot of work has been done this week, such as just entering data, checking data and organizing forms.

Table 3.4 is the fourth  week  of  March , the  author does the same thing activities such as  the  third  week  of  March
Table 3.4 is the fourth week of March , the author does the same thing activities such as the third week of March


Figure 2.1 PT. Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper  Source: Processed Data, 2022
Figure 2.3 Organizational Structure of KOPKAR PT. RAPP  Source: Processed Data, 2021
Figure 2.4 Loan form for the KOPKAR PT. RAPP  Source: Processed Data, 2022
Figure 2.5 Motor Vehicle Loan Terms And Conditions Form  Source: Processed Data, 2022


Dokumen terkait

Employee expenditure credit report Chief of Store KOPKAR Mart Source: Processed Data 2022 The following is the display of the work report in week 4 four, namely, day/date, activity