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an undergraduate thesis - IAIN Repository - IAIN Metro

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Academic year: 2023

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The purpose of this research is to find out the impact of using the story map strategy on the reading comprehension skills of eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Trimurje in the academic year 2018/2019. It means that there is a positive and significant impact of using the story map strategy on the reading comprehension ability of students among the eight classes of SMP N 2 Trimurje in the academic year 2018/2019.

Background of the Study

Referring to the table above, it can be concluded that students' reading comprehension skills are lacking. From the above explanation, the writer wants to know if the Story Mapping Strategy gives the positive impact of the students' reading comprehension skills in the eighth grade of SMPN 2 Trimurjo.

Problem Identification

The researcher conducted the research with the title "The impact of using the story map strategy on the reading comprehension ability of students in the eighth grade of SMP N 2 Trimurjo in the academic year of.

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Objective and Benefit of The Study 1. Objective of The Study

Prior Research

The Concept of Reading Comprehension a. The Definition of Reading Comprehension

Douglas Brown argues that "reading comprehension is primarily a matter of developing appropriate, efficient comprehension strategies". Based on the above quotes, it can be assumed that reading comprehension is looking for the information suggested from the text or written language, the readers understand the total meaning of the reading text selection.

The Concept of Reading Comprehension Skill a. The Definition of Reading Comprehension Skill

Explain to students the meaning of each element of the story map and how to complete the story map. To help students understand how the elements of the story map are connected by asking some questions.

Theoretical Framework and Paradigm 1. Theoretical Framework


If the grade of the students' story map is high, the grade of the students' reading comprehension will be too. If the grade of the students' story map is fair, the grade of the students' reading comprehension will be as well. If the grade of the students' story map is low, the grade of the students' reading comprehension will be too.


Hypothesis Formulation


Research Design

Total pupils VIII. There are 30 students in class D, the researcher conducts the examination, pretest and posttest. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the "Story Map" strategy can have a significant effect on students' reading comprehension skills by comparing pre-test and post-test scores. First, the researcher administers a pre-test to the students to determine their reading comprehension ability.

Then the writer takes a post-test to determine their post-treatment reading achievement using the “Story Map”. However, if the post-test score is higher than the pre-test score, this indicates that the Story Map strategy may be influencing students.

Population, Sample and Sampling Technique 1. Population

  • Sample
  • Sampling Technique

The researcher chose random sampling as a technique in selecting the sample because what the researcher needs to select the intact group. The sample of this research is the eighth grade of SMPN 2 Trimurjo in the academic year 2018/2019.

Operational Definitions of Variables

  • Independent variable
  • Dependent Variable

Before reading, the teacher should show students a copy of the story map to be used in the lesson and discuss each element on the map. In addition, to measure this variable, the author uses multiple choice tests to know about students' reading comprehension. The dependent variable is the largest variable measured or observed to determine how and if it is affected by the presence of the independent variable.

The researcher gives a test to students by giving different texts and they have to answer the multiple choice question based on the text. The students can find the title, characters, setting, problem and solution of the text. This variable can be measured using a written test, especially the multiple choice test type.

Students get ten points if they answer the question correctly and zero for wrong answer. Also, to measure students' reading comprehension, the researcher used a scale of 0-100. The scale used in the pre-test and post-test score of reading comprehension consisting of 10 questions, where each question has 10 points if answered correctly and zero for wrong answer.

Data Collecting Technique

Post-tests were done in the last meeting after treatment to find out if the treatment had an effect on the students. The author uses this kind of method to get the details of students' reading comprehension skill that their teacher has previously mastered. The author uses the documentation method to know the detailed condition of the school, students, teacher and history of SMPN 2 Trimurjo in the academic year 2018/2019.

Research Instrument

The teacher shows students a copy of the story map that will be used in the lesson and talks about each element on the map. During reading, the teacher can model with the story map while you read the story aloud. Students can find the title, characters, setting, problem and solution.

Instrument is the scale of measurement used to decide the instrument standard to be used. From the quote above it can be deduced that instrument calibration is scale of measurement that will be used for screening or examination of items instrument made by researcher. To know whether the test has good quality or not, the researcher needs to know what the validity of the test is.

Validity is another critical aspect of measurement that must be considered as part of an overall measurement strategy.44 "Validity focuses on what the test or measurement strategy measures and how well it does it".45 In this research, the researcher attempts to measure validity and reliability. Reliability refers to "the consistency or reliability of a measurement technique, and it is about the consistency or stability of the score obtained from a measurement or assessment over time and across settings or conditions".46 In other words, whether it is consistent predictability and accuracy. From the above statement, the writer can conclude that reliability is the accuracy of the measurement result.

Data Analysis Technique

General Description

  • Description of The Research Location a. History of SMP Negeri 02 Trimurjo
  • Description of The Research Data a. Pre-test Result

To do this, the principal of SMP Negeri 02 Trimurjo is assisted by the school committee, official employee, deputy student, head of general and head of curriculum. Pre-test score of students towards reading comprehension in a text in the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 02 Trimurjo. Source: Narrative Reading Comprehension pre-test score documentation, collected on August 30, 2018.

Pretest score of students towards reading comprehension in narrative text in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 02 Trimurjo. After examining the pre-test score of a multiple choice reading comprehension text, the researcher conducted the story concept mapping treatment to help students better understand the narrative text. Moreover, after the students in this class were given the problem-based learning strategy treatment and they already understood it, the researcher gave the post-test to measure their narrative text in multiple reading comprehension.

Post-test score of students towards reading comprehension in narrative text in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 02 Trimurjo. Source: Narrative text multiple choice reading comprehension post-test score documentation collected on August 30, 2018. Students' post-test score towards narrative text reading comprehension in the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 02 Trimurjo.

Table 5: Condition of Teachers and Employers
Table 5: Condition of Teachers and Employers

Hypothesis Testing

  • Getting the data into the formula of chi-square ( )
  • Getting the data into the formula of t-test

To summarize, the post-test result was categorized into sufficient categories, even though several students still lacked problem-based learning strategy on the students' reading comprehension, but overall there was certain influence to help the students gain better understanding. The contingency table of the expected frequencies of the results of students' pre-test and post-test. Then, to know the critical value of chi square, the researcher first counted df which stands for degrees of freedom.

Therefore, the degrees of freedom table values ​​are 9.488 at the 5% level and 9.488 at the 1% level. To determine whether there was a positive and significant influence of the problem-based learning strategy on students' reading comprehension of a narrative text in the eighth graders of SMP Negeri 02 Trimurjo. The researcher prepared a table and entered the data into the t-test formula below to get t_observed.

The scores of pre- and post-test results of reading comprehension in narrative text at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 02 Trimurjo. To be known, t_observed was 184.43 as a result of scoring using the t-test formula above. Meanwhile, the critical value of t-test (t_table), the researcher first counted df, df is degree of freedom.



Therefore, it could be concluded that "there was a positive and significant influence of the use of a problem-based learning strategy on the students' reading comprehension in narrative text in the eighth graders of SMP Negeri 02 Trimurjo". In other words, there was a positive and significant influence of using the story map strategy on the students' reading comprehension in narrative text in the eighth graders of SMP Negeri 02 Trimurjo. More precisely, problem-based learning as an alternative strategy taught the students how to create a narrative text when learning English.

More precisely, there is a positive and significant influence of the use of story map strategy on the students' reading comprehension in narrative text after treatment. The fact showed that there was a change in the number of students who got lower scores. At the end, they were able to implement their result of narrative text, especially on reading comprehension skill.

Finally, the story map strategy could be a solution for teaching the learning process, especially in reading, because it made students more active during learning. By using this strategy, the teaching and learning process was made more interesting, enjoyable and fun as it involved visual skills and creativity among the students so that they could better cooperate during the learning process.




Douglas, Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to language Pedagogy San Francisco State University, Second Edition, 2000. Dia Putri Herizona, Teaching Reading Narrative Text by Combining Story Cards and Beach Ball Strategies for Middle School. Rahmat Andresta. Teaching Reading Narrative Text by Combining Story Map and Soaps (Speech, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Topic) Strategy, (STKIP) PGRI Sumatera Barat, 2000.

The effect of using the story mapping technique on the reading comprehension achievements of eighth grade students at Mts.



Table 5: Condition of Teachers and Employers
Table 6: Recapitulation of Students in SMP Negeri 02 Trimurjo
Table 7: Recapitulation Facilities in SMP Negeri 02 Trimurjo
Table of frequency distribution of students’ post-test result towards  reading  comprehension in narative text at the eighth graders of SMP Negeri 02


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