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45Perusahaan juga melihat adanya peluang untuk

Dalam dokumen Final PT Bakrieland AR 2014 (Halaman 49-51)

mengembangkan proyek-proyek dalam skala menengah dan kecil di beberapa wilayah Indonesia. Beberapa proyek Perusahaan yang telah dan akan berjalan sebagai realisasi dari rencana tersebut antara lain pengembangan apartemen di daerah Bintaro, apartemen & condotel di Yogyakarta,

townhouse di Yogyakarta, hotel dan resor di

Lampung dan Kalimantan, theme park di Jawa



Untuk meningkatkan manfaat dari penerapan prinsip-

prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik (Good

Corporate Governance/GCG), Perusahaan secara bertahap melengkapi diri dengan berbagai perangkat pendukung GCG. Selain visi, misi dan nilai-nilai Perusahaan yang telah ditetapkan sejak awal berdiri, Bakrieland memiliki Pedoman Perilaku, Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran, Panduan Pelaksanaan Tata Kelola Perusahaan, Peraturan Perusahaan, Pedoman

Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, serta berbagai Standard

Operating Procedures (SOP).

Semua ini merupakan kesatuan sistem yang menunjang tercapainya keberhasilan penerapan GCG di lingkungan Perusahaan. Pelaksanaan GCG

di Perusahaan menggunakan pendekatan top-down,

dengan memperhatikan peraturan perundang-

undangan yang berlaku, best practice, dan budaya

Perusahaan. Seluruh unsur di dalam Perusahaan dilibatkan mulai dari tahap persiapan, internalisasi, implementasi hingga evaluasi.


Perusahaan menyadari bahwa sumber daya manusia (SDM) merupakan aset dan ujung tombak terpenting dari proses bisnis Perusahaan. SDM yang handal dan berkualitas akan membantu Perusahaan mewujudkan visi dan misinya untuk menjadi perusahaan properti terintegrasi terdepan di Indonesia yang senantiasa

menghantarkan quality living product bagi bangsa.

Sebagai aset Perusahaan, SDM juga dituntut untuk mampu menjunjung tinggi dan menunjukkan sikap kerja yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai inti Perusahaan yaitu: integritas, responsif, disiplin, adaptif, inovatif, jaringan yang luas dan kerja sama yang erat dan saling menghormati.

Untuk itulah, pengembangan kompetensi karyawan merupakan salah satu prioritas bagi Perusahaan. Hal ini dilakukan melalui pemberian berbagai pelatihan

the Company also views the potential of other projects which are small to medium-scale in various areas in Indonesia. Some of the Company’s projects which have been and will be realized based on the plan, including the development of an apartment in Bintaro, apartment and condotel in Yogyakarta, townhouse in Yogyakarta, hotel and resort in Lampung and Kalimantan, as well as the theme park in East Java.


To increase the benefits of the application of the principles of good corporate governance (GCG), the Company will gradually equip itself with a variety of GCG supporting devices. In addition to the Company’s vision, mission and values which have been formulated since the beginning the Company’s establishment, Bakrieland possesses a Code of Conduct, Violation Reporting System, Corporate Governance Implementation Guidelines, Company Regulations, Guidelines for the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, as well as a variety of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

All of this is an integrated system that supports the achievement of successful implementation of GCG in the Company. GCG implementation uses the top-down approach, with due regard to the legislations in force, best practices, and corporate culture. All elements in the company are involved in the preparation, internalization, implementation and evaluation.


The Company realizes that human resources (HR) are the most important asset and the spearhead of the Company’s business processes. Reliable and qualified human resources will help the Company to achieve its vision and mission to become the leading integrated property company in Indonesia that always delivers quality living products for the nation.

As the Company’s assets, human resources are also required to be able to uphold and demonstrate the appropriate attitude based on the Company’s core values, which are: integrity, responsiveness, discipline, adaptability, innovativeness, extensive networks, close cooperation and mutual respect.

For this reason, the development of the employees’ competence is a priority for the Company. This is done through the provision of a variety of continuous training,

yang berkesinambungan, baik yang bersifat teknikal dan fungsional maupun peningkatan kualitas kepemimpinan, serta adanya jenjang karir yang terbuka secara vertikal maupun horizontal, baik di dalam satu entitas maupun antar entitas.

Salah satu upaya dalam mengembangkan kompetensi karyawan khususnya di industri properti adalah dengan membangun The Jungle Property Institute (TJPI) pada bulan Juni 2012 sebagai wadahnya. Pada TJPI telah disusun program-program pengembangan pengetahuan, kemampuan, serta kepemimpinan

karyawan yang meliputi: project management,

business development, legal, risk management, sales & marketing, human capital, serta public relations dan

corporate social responsibility, yang harus dijalankan oleh peserta selama 18 (delapan belas) bulan. Peserta TJPI adalah karyawan internal yang disaring melalui proses rekrutmen khusus, demikian juga dengan mentor/fasilitator TJPI adalah pimpinan/

industry expert di Bakrieland. Melalui proses seleksi pendidikan yang ketat, 16 (enam belas) dari 25 (dua puluh lima) peserta TJPI Batch I saat ini telah ditempatkan sebagai pimpinan madya di berbagai pembangunan proyek baik yang sedang berjalan maupun pembangunan proyek baru.

Terkait dengan penyelarasan di lingkungan Perusahaan, sistem penilaian kinerja juga akan dilakukan penyeragaman antara entitas induk dengan entitas anak. Di lingkungan entitas induk, sejak tahun 2012 sudah diterapkan sistem penilaian dengan

metode Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA). Melalui sistem

ini, parameter yang menjadi ukuran adalah process

management, people management, dan result management. Dengan dukungan Human Resources Information System (HRIS), karyawan akan mendapatkan penilaian yang objektif dari Manajemen. Sistem yang sudah berjalan di entitas induk ini akan diterapkan pada seluruh entitas usaha di lingkungan Perusahaan. Proses konsolidasi dan penyelarasannya sudah berjalan sejak tahun 2014.


Pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility/CSR) merupakan komitmen untuk ikut membangun masyarakat dan lingkungan. Perusahaan menyadari bahwa kegiatan operasional yang dijalankannya dapat memberikan dampak ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan bagi

Laporan Direksi

Report by the Board of Directors

both technical and functional as well as improving the quality of leadership, along with the presence of vertically or horizontally opened career paths, both within an entity and between entities.

One of the efforts to develop employees’ competence, especially in the property industry is in establishing The Jungle Property Institute (TJPI) in June 2012. The programs developed in TJPI include the development of knowledge, skills, and leadership of the employees include: project management, business development, legal, risk management, sales & marketing, human capital, public relations and corporate social responsibility, which should be performed by the participants for 18 (eighteen) months.

TJPI participants are the internal employees filtered through a special recruitment process, and the TJPI mentors/ facilitators are the leaders/ industry experts in Bakrieland. Through a rigorous selection, 16 (sixteen) of 25 (twenty five) TJPI Batch I participants are currently placed in middle-level management positions on various development projects both with the on- going projects and the new project development.

Associated with the alignment in the Company, the performance appraisal system will be unified in the parent entity and the subsidiaries. Since 2012 the Company has already applied in the parent entity the assessment system using the method of Plan- Do-Check-Act (PDCA). Through this system, the parameters measured include process management, people management, and result management. With the support of the Human Resources Information System (HRIS), employees will obtain an objective assessment from the management.

This system is already applied in the parent entity and will be applied throughout all of the business entities within the Company. The process of consolidation and harmonization has been carried out since 2014.


The Company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the Company’s commitment to help build the community and the environment. The Company realizes that its operations can provide economic, social, and environmental impacts on the communities surrounding the Company’s projects. In addition, this

PT Bakrieland Development Tbk Annual Report 2014


Dalam dokumen Final PT Bakrieland AR 2014 (Halaman 49-51)