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165Seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direks

Dalam dokumen Final PT Bakrieland AR 2014 (Halaman 169-171)

Bakrieland telah menandatangani Surat Pernyataan Benturan Kepentingan untuk masa jabatan tahun 2014


Seluruh anggota Direksi Bakrieland tidak ada yang menjabat sebagai Direktur, Komisaris di perusahaan lain, di luar PT Bakrieland Development Tbk dan anak perusahaan/afiliasi. Hal ini dinyatakan dalam Surat Pernyataan Rangkap Jabatan yang telah ditandatangani oleh seluruh Direksi untuk masa jabatan tahun 2014.


Bakrieland telah memiliki Kebijakan Pemilihan Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) untuk Penugasan Audit Tahunan sejak tahun 2011. Kebijakan ini menjadi pedoman pokok dalam melakukan pemilihan KAP yang melakukan audit atas laporan keuangan tahunan untuk menjamin transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan independensi atas proses tersebut. Kebijakan mengatur siapa saja pihak yang terkait dalam proses pemilihan, aspek penilaian beserta persyaratan dan kriterianya.

Kebijakan disusun sesuai dengan Peraturan OJK dan Menteri Keuangan RI yang mengatur mengenai independensi akuntan yang memberikan jasa audit di pasar modal, laporan keuangan yang disampaikan kepada OJK wajib diaudit oleh akuntan yang terdaftar di OJK, serta jasa Akuntan Publik. Pada tahun 2012 dilakukan penyempurnaan untuk lebih meningkatkan objektivitas proses pemilihan KAP.

Secara prosedur, penetapan KAP diawali melalui mekanisme Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham yang memberikan wewenang kepada Dewan Komisaris untuk menunjuk KAP serta remunerasinya. Dalam prosesnya, Dewan Komisaris menetapkan proses pemilihan dengan sistem tender.

Komite Seleksi memberikan penilaian atas kandidat KAP. Setelah itu, Komite Audit merekomendasikan KAP yang dipilih kepada Dewan Komisaris serta

All members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors of Bakrieland have signed the Statement of Conflict of Interest for the period of 2014


All members of the Board of Directors of Bakrieland do not serve as Director, or Commissioner in other companies outside PT Bakrieland Development Tbk and its subsidiaries/ affiliates. This is stated in the Statement of Concurrent Position signed by the entire members of the Board of Directors for the period of 2014.


Bakrieland established a policy on the Selection of Public Accounting Firm (KAP) for the Assignment of Annual Audit since 2011. This policy becomes the principal guidelines in the selection of Public Accounting Firm that will audit the annual financial statements in order to ensure transparency, accountability, and independence over the process. The policy regulates the parties that shall be involved in the selection process, aspects of assessment and the requirements and criteria.

The policy was prepared in accordance with the Regulation of the FSA and the Minister of Finance of RI concerning the independence of the accountants who provide audit services in the capital markets, the financial statements submitted to the FSA must be audited by a registered accountant in the FSA, as well as the services of the Certified Public Accountants. In 2012, enhancement was performed to further ensure the objectivity of the selection process of the Public Accounting Firm.

In the procedure, the determination of the Public Accounting Firm begins through the mechanism of the General Meeting of Shareholders authorizing the Board of Commissioners to appoint the Public Accounting Firm as well as its remuneration. In the process, the Board sets the election process with the tender system.

The Selection Committee provides an assessment of the candidates of Public Accounting Firm. Then the Audit Committee will recommend the selected Public

besaran remunerasinya. Selanjutnya, persetujuan Dewan Komisaris diserahkan kepada Direksi untuk ditindaklanjuti.

Bagan Proses pemilihan Kantor Akuntan Publik untuk Penugasan Audit Tahunan

Chart of Selection Process of Public Accounting Firm for Annual Audit Assignment



Dewan Komisaris

Board of Commissioners

Menetapkan KAP terpilih untuk melakukan audit tahunan

To determine the Public Accounting Firm to Perform annual audit

Melakukan seleksi dan penilaian atas kandidat KAP

To perform selection and assessment on the Public Accounting Firm candidates

Memberikan wewenang kepada BOC untuk menunjuk KAP dan menetapkan remunerasinya

To give authority to the BOC for appointing Public Accounting Firm and its remuneration

Dewan Komisaris

Board of Commissioners

Menetapkan proses pemilihan apakah penunjukan langsung atau tender

To determine the selection process by direct appoinment or tender

Komite Audit

Audit Commitee

Merekomendasikan kepada BOC atas kandidat KAP beserta besaran remunerasinya

To recommend the BOC on the Public Accounting Firm candidates and its remuneration Komite: Seleksi KAP +

Direktur + Komite Audit

Commitee: PAF Selection + Director + Audit Commitee



Melakukan seleksi dan penilaian atas kandidat KAP

To perform selection and assessment on the Public Accounting Firm candidates

Direktur + Komite Audit Director + Audit Commitee Direktur Director

Membuka penawaran jasa audit tahunan

To open an offering of annual audit services

Untuk tahun 2014 ini, akuntan yang ditunjuk sudah 4 kali melakukan audit Laporan Keuangan. Sedangkan besaran biayanya adalah Rp3.604.500.000.


Bakrieland memiliki Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang dan/ atau Jasa untuk menciptakan suatu sistem pengadaan yang handal dimana barang dan/atau jasa diadakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan operasional, proses yang berlaku, dilaksanakan tepat waktu, terkendali dan dengan biaya yang wajar. Kebijakan ini berlaku efektif sejak tahun 2011.

Tujuan penyusunan kebijakan ini adalah agar menjadi panduan bagi karyawan Perusahaan dalam



Corporate Governance

Accounting Firm as well as the amount of remuneration to the Board of Commisioners. Furthermore, the approval of the Board of Commissioners is submitted to the Board of Directors for further actions.

In 2014, the accountant appointed by the Company performed financial statements audit as many as 4 times. The fee for the audit work was Rp3,604,500,000.


Bakrieland’s policy on the Procurement of Goods and/ or Services was established to create a reliable procurement system where goods and/ or services are provided according to the operational needs, the applicable process, and timely execution, controlled as well as at a reasonable cost. This policy became effective in 2011.

The purpose of the establishment of this policy is to be the guideline for employees in implementing and

PT Bakrieland Development Tbk Annual Report 2014


Dalam dokumen Final PT Bakrieland AR 2014 (Halaman 169-171)