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Hafifah, Mutia. Reg. No 8146112026. Constative and Performative Utterances in Jokowi’s Speeches. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Post Graduate School, State University of Medan, 2016.

This study deals with constative and performative utterances in Jokowi’s speeches. It was aimed at investigating the types of constative and performative utterances in Jokowi’s speeches, to describe the realization of constative and performative utterances in Jokowi’s speeches and to state the reason why constative and performtive utterances used in Jokowi’s speeches. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research were the utterances of Jokowi’s speeches held on 10 January 2016 in Jakarta about “Pembangunan Nasional semesta Berencana untuk Indonesia Raya” and Jokowi’s speech held on 17 February 2016 in San Fransisco with theme “Diaspora Indonesia”. The sources of data of this study were taken from Jokowi’s speeches videos downloaded from youtube. Based on the data analysis, there are eleven types of constative used by Jokowi in his speeches; affirming, allegging, announcing, answering, concuring, disclosing, identifying, informing, predicting, reporting and stipulting. In performative utterances, Jokowi used all types of performative utterances; verdictives, exertives, commisives, behabitives and expositives. In the realization of constative utterances, Jokowi used the form of indirect speech act. In performative utterances, he used direct and indirect speech act. Jokowi used constative and performative utterances to persuade the listeners to participate in the improvement of Indonesia.



Hafifah, Mutia. NIM. 8146112026. Constative and Performative Utterances in Jokowi’s speeches. Thesis. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan, 2016.

Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan ujaran constative dan performative pada pidato Jokowi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki tipe-tipe ujaran constative dan performative pada pidato Jokowi, faktor- faktor mengapa tindak ujar tersebut digunakan pada pidato Jokowi dan alasan mengapa tipe-tpe ujaran sonstative dan performative digunakan pada pidato jokowi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data penelitian ini adalah ujaran dalam pidato Jokowi yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 Januari 2016 di Jakarta dengan tema “Pembangunan Nasional semesta Berencana untuk Indonesia Raya” dan pidato Jokowi di san Fransisco dengan tema “Diaspora Indonesia” yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 17 Februari 2016. Sumber penelitian ini diunduh dari youtube. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, sebelas tipe ujaran constative yang digunakan pada pidato jokowi, seperti affirming, allegging, announcing, answering, concuring, disclosing, identifying, informing, predicting, reporting and stipulting. Dalam ujaran performative, Jokowi menggunakan semua tipe ujaran performative, yaitu verdictives, exertives, commisives, behatives and expositives. Pada realisasi ujaran constative, Jokowi menggunakan tindak ujar tidak langsung. Dalam ujaran performative, Jokowi menggunakan tindak ujar langsung dan tidak langsung. Jokowi menggunakan ujaran constative dan performative untuk menagajak pendengar untuk ikut serta dalam pembangunan Indonesia.


iii thankfulness for the generous guidance and assistance which has been rendered to her by many people. It would be impossible to list all names but on this very special opportunity the writer would like to express her gratitude to the following people.

First of all, the writer deepest appreciation and gratitude is dedicated to Dr. Siti Aisyah Ginting, M.Pd her first adviser for the guidance, comments, criticisms, suggestions and special notes for the improvement of the thesis from the very beginning up to the end of this thesis.

Next, her deepest appreciation is addressed to Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed, her second adviser for her available time spent for consultation, guidance, comment, encouragement, special notes for improvement of the thesis, and full support in shaping this thesis.



administrative assistance and administrative requirements during the process of conducting this study and completing this thesis.

Sincere gratitude also to her reviewers and examiners, Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A, Ph.D, Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum and Dr. I Wayan Dirgayesa, M.Hum, for their valuable inputs to be included in this thesis. She would like to express sincerest gratitude are addressed to her inspiration, Yuanda Yudhistira Ginting, S.H for his amazing support, love and motivation for the writer to finish this thesis soon.

She also would like to express her thankfulness for her beloved friends on LTBI B-2 and B-1 UNIMED 2014 who can not mention one by one for their love, support and help to finish this thesis. She offers her regards and thanks to Brother Farid, who has helped her in providing the academic administration.

Medan, August 2016 The writer,

Mutia Hafifah



2.3 Constative and Performative Utterances ... 12

2.3.1 Types of Constative ... 16

3.3 The Technique for Collecting Data ... 37

3.4 The instrument of Data Collection ... 38

3.5 Trustworthiness of the Study ... 38




4.1 Data Analysis ... 44

4.1.1 Types of constative and performative utterances used in Jokowi’s speeches ... 45

4.1.2 The realization of Speech Acts in Constative and Performative utterances in Jokowi’s speeches ... 46

4.1.3 The Reason why Constative and Performative Utterances are used in the ways they are ... 49

4.2 Findings ... 50

4.3 Discussion ... 51


5.1 Conclusion ... 53

5.2 Suggestion ... 54












1.1. Background of the Study

Speech act is an action performed via utterances and speech act is concern

with the speaker‟s communicative intention in producing an utterance. It is

defined by the purpose for which the speakers use the language, for example to

make a request, to apologize, and to report. (Yule, 1996:54) based on the

statement, the study of speaker‟s intentions and what the speakers mean when

they use the particular linguistics in context.

Based on some opinions about meaning of speech act, it can be concluded

that speech act is a process when a speaker utters something, sometimes not only

just an utterance, but it is also has a meaning outside the context. The people have

to interpret the meaning of communication, in communication what speaker said,

the hearer identified what speaker mean and when the hearer is doing an act.

Speech act can be divided for some parts. Austin (1962) states that

communicating a speech act consist of three elements: the speaker says something,

the speaker signals an associated speech act, and the speech act causes an effect

on her listeners or the participants. First, Locutionary act is the literal meaning of

what is said or by which meant as the act of saying something that makes sense in

a language. Example: It‟s hot in here, second, Illocutionary act, the action

intended by the speaker, or the uses to which language can be put in society,


open the window because is cold or a complaint implying that someone should

know better than to keep the windows closed and third perlocutionary act

concerned with what follows an utterance: the effect of what is said or „take-up‟

of an illocutionary act. Example: „It‟s hot in here‟, could result in someone

opening the windows.

Shiffrin (1994) also says that Austin in his early thinking about speech act,

he began this theory by distinguishing the types of declarative sentences into what

he called “performative utterance” from “constative utterance.” So, constative and

performative are part of speech act theory. He identified a constative as an

utterance which states a fact that is true or false. Meanwhile, performative seems

not to describe anything in the world at all, and so seems not to be true or false.

Instead, it seems to perform an action in saying utterances.

Beck (1985) states that constatives are a class of “fact-stating” utterances,

which “constate” something true or false. This includes reports, statements,

descriptions, assertions, predictions etc. A simple example is “that books are

white and blue”. Meanwhile, a performative utterance is doing something rather

than saying something. It is not true or false but felicitous (happy) and infelicitous

(unhappy). Besides, he divides performative into explicit performative that have a

specific linguistic structure, such as the normal form (NF) for performatives: first

person singular, present tense, active, and allows the use “hereby”. Then, implicit

performative that does not have the normal form (NF) of a performative can


Beck (1985) states that constative and performative are used to understand

the intended meaning of all utterances, especially in oral communication. Its very

important to be used because its help us to understand what the speaker really

means, whether the speaker just says or states something of fact or he does

something than says something. For example the utterance “Smoking is

dangerous”. By using constative and performative, we will understand clearly

whether the speaker states a report or an information of fact that smoking is

dangerous or the speaker performs an action such as warning or advising to avoid

smoking because smoking is dangerous.

On Wednesday, July 9th, 2014 Indonesia held a presidential election that

was won by Ir. H. Joko Widodo as one of the candidates of the Indonesia to

become the 7th president of Indonesia. The inauguration of Joko Widodo as the 7th

president and H. Muh. Jusuf Kalla as vice president took place on July, 20, 2014.

Following his victory in Indonesia presidential election, 2014, then president elect

Jokowidodo gave his victory speech at the Pensi Ship Jakarta, in front of an

estimated crowd of his supporter.

Joko Widodo comes from Solo, he has a good personality, he has become

a phenomenal public figure since he proclaimed himself as the candidate of

presidential election collaborated with H. Muh. Jusuf Kalla as vice president.

Although Joko Widodo is a newcomer to the presidential political scence, he is

familiar to Indonesian public eye. Joko Widodo had served as Mayor of Solo

since 2005, and was already well known as having a good reputation and success


spirit of Java and successfully make the city to become a member of the

Organization of World Heritage Citties (Yew- Foong et.al, 2012).

Unfortunately, not all speakers or listeners have sufficient knowledge and

understanding about this utterances type. Some people may not understand well

what types of utterances they produce or listen, whether the speaker describes

about something or performs an action with his words, as a consequence they

cannot interpret and understand the intended meaning of all utterances well (Beck,


For example in Jokowi‟s speech :

- “Saya akan berdiri di bawah kehendak rakyat,”( I will stand up under the will

of the people), some of listeners may interpret this sentences to be a constative

utterance because the speaker is describing or stating the reality about the

position of the speaker, but actually this is a performative sentence because the

speaker not only say something but also performing an action of promising to

help society to be better.

-Bensin, premium disini sekarang harganya berapa? Kurang lebih Rp.7.000

tetapi, coba kita lihat di Wamena Jaya harganya sekitar Rp.60.000-Rp.70.000,

inilah ketimpangan wilayah yang harus kita kejar,”(Gasoline, premium,how

much it costs here now? ApproximatelyRp.7.000 but, let's a look at Wamena

Jaya the price is aboutRp.60.000-Rp.70.000. This inequality in the region that

we must pursue). The speaker use interrogative sentence in his utterance, it

does not mean the speaker did not know the price of gasoline and premium, but


resources. Some listeners may interpret this sentence to be a constative

sentence because the speaker is stating the truth or fact about the price of

gasoline and premium in the remote area but actually this is a performative

utterance because the speaker is performing an action to solve the problem in

the distribution of natural resources.

- “Tantangan yang kedua adalah kemiskinan di depan mata kita” (The second

challenge is poverty in front of our eyes). Some listeners may interpret this is a

constative utterance because the speaker stating the truth about the poverty in

Indonesia but, thi is the performative utterance because that speaker persuade

the listeners to eradicate poverty in the society.

According to Allan (1986) uttering a constative is „saying something‟ that

has the property of being either true or false. So, the constative includes all

descriptive utterances, statements of fact, definitions and so forth: utterances

which report, inform and state. But, the examples above, Jokowi used constative

utterances to perform or doing something. Jokowi in his speech, used declarative

and interogative sentences to persuade listeners to do something to the

development of Indonesia. Jokowi in his speech persuades peoples by face the

fact of Indonesia situation but the meaning of his speech is doing action to the

development of Indonesia.

Other researchers have conducted researches on performative utterances.

Ariko, Rina & Hardi (2013) found that the main character in Da Vinci Codenovel

use three types of performative utterances namely, directives, declaration, and


that in O‟neil‟s Beyond The Horizon drama there are four types of performative

utterances; those are representatives, directives, commisives, and expresives. The

declarative act was not found in the dialogues as there are no speech situation and

speech event that requires this illocutions. Based on the previous results above,

researcher conclude that performative utterances are very important to be

investigated. Even less, the previousresearchers have not conducted a research on

constative and performative utterances in Jokowi‟s speeches because they only

focused on the types of performative utterances. Therefore, researcher interested

in analyzing constative andperformative utterances in Jokowi‟s speeches.

Based on the phenomena of Jokowi‟s speech, the researcher interested in

analyzing two types of utterances namely constative and performative utterances

which are proposed by Austin. Hence, the present study would like to find out

Jokowi‟s intention act performed in his speech by using Pragmatic approach. By

using constative and performative in analyzing Jokowi‟s speeches, people will

know comprehensively about what is actually the meaning of Jokowi‟s utterances

in his speech, just to show the truth (constative) or perform an action


1.2 The problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problems of the study are

formulated as the following.

a) What are the types of constative and performative utterances in Jokowi‟s


b) How are the constantive and performative utterances realized in


c) Why are constative and performative utterances used in Jokowi‟s speeches as

the way they are?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems mentioned above, the objectives of the study are:

a) To describe the types of constative and performative utterances in Jokowi‟s


b) To elaborate the realization of constative and performative utterances used in

Jokowi‟s speeches.

c) To state the reason of using constative and performative utterances as way

they are.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

This study investigated constative and performative utterances and speech

acts that utilized in Jokowi‟s speeches. The main aspects observed are the types of

constative (affirming, alleging, announcing, answering, concurring, denying,

disclosing, identifying, informing, predicting, reporting, and stipulating) and

performative utterances (verdictives, exercitivies, commisives, behabitives and

expositives), the realization of constative and performative utterances (direct or


1.5. Significance of the Study

Findings of the study are expected to give some relevant constribution


a) Theoretically, to enrich the theories of pragmatics in terms of linguistic,

specifically give a better understanding about the basic concept of constative

and performative utterances in speech act theory.

b) Practically, this study provide the reader on how Jokowi convey his programs

in the speech and it is useful for the learners who would like to analyze about

constative and performative in any speech. This study equips the learners with

the knowledge and skill to comprehend constative and performative which is

cohesive in its learning. It also useful for the lectures as one of their references

in analyzing of constative and performative utterances, further, it is useful for

the community as political to get more information on Jokowi speeches





5.1 Conclusion

After the data was analyzed, it was written and scrutinized in the previous

chapter. It was discovered that constative and performative have a role to deliver

an understanding of information conveyed in the speech to the listeners. So, it is

important to kwon about constative and performative utterances, especially in the

speeches. The important of understanding of constative and performative

utterances research upon the Jokowi’s speeches has been done and the result can

be conclude as the following.

a. There are eleven types of constative used by Jokowi in his speeches, such

as affirming, alleging, announcing, answering, concuring, disclosing,

identifying, informing, predicting, reporting and stipulating. Reporting

dominantly is used in Jokowi speeches. Denying can not found in jokowi

speeches, because the speaker did not use deny utterances in his speeches.

In performative utterances, Jokowi used all types of performative

utterances, such as verdictives, exertives, commisives, behabitives and

expositives. Commisive dominantly is used in Jokowi speeches.

b. The realization of constative and performative utterances in speech acts

used in Jokowi speeches. Jokowi used the form of indirect speech acts in

constative. In performative utterances, Jokowi used direct and indirect



c. Jokowi used constative and performative utterances to persuade the

listeners to participate in the improvement of indonesia.

5.2 Suggestions

The study of constative and performative acts are interesting to be

discussed because it gives knowledge and deep understanding for the readers who

intend to build their ability on a good communicative competence. So, the

researcher offers some suggestion as follows:

a. It is suggested that the lectures of pragmatics should develop the theory of

constative and performative utterances used by exemplifying the theory

with the speeches discourse by which the lectures can be enlived and

student’s interest in research can be aroused.

b. Other researchers who are interested in investigating the same field to fill

the gap especially on denying as a type of constative that cannot be found

and fulfilled in this research.

c. The researcher will hopefully give more attention to constative and

performative utterances because it can help the audience in understand and


Table 4.1. The percentage of Constative and Performative Utterances ................45
Figure 1. Interactive Model of Drawing Conclusion Process  ........................


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