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The effectiveness of using games to improve students' vocabulary (a quasi-experimental study at the tenth grade students of SMA Nusantara 1 Tangerang)


Academic year: 2017

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STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY A Quasi-Experimental Study at the First

Grade Students of


Nusantara 1 Tangerang, Skripsi of English Education

at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training of State Islamic University

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014.


: Vocabulary, Noun, Games

In Indonesia, English is considered as one of foreign language that

becomes a compulsory subject in every level of education. There are four

skills of English; listening, reading, speaking and writing. It also has some

components; vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. Vocabulary is one of

basic components in learning a foreign language. Learning vocabulary is

important, but some students have some difficulties in understanding

vocabulary. Hence, in teaching vocabulary, teachers need some good


The aim of this research is to find out whether the use of games is

effective to improve students’ understanding of noun. To reach this goal, the

writer used a quasi-experimental research consisting three classes of research:

two classes as the experiment classes and one class as the controlled class.

The research was begun by giving pre-test question in each class, treatment

manipulation in both experimental classes and a post-test to know is there any

increasing score before and after treatment in the end of meeting. The

population of this research is first year students and the sample of this

research are X-1 and X-3 as the experimental classes, while X-2 as the

controlled class. There were 38 students in each class. The writer used cluster

random sampling to get the samples.



STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY, Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,

Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014.


: Vocabulary, Noun, Games

Di Indonesia, bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa asing yang wajib di

pelajari seluruh siswa di setiap tingkatan kelas. Bahasa Inggris memiliki 4

skill berbahasa, yaitu: mendengarkan, membaca, berbicara dan menulis.

Bahasa inggris juga memiliki beberapa komponen, yaitu: vocabulary

(kosakata), grammar (aturan membuat kalimat) dan pronunciation

(pengucapan). Vocabulary atau kosakata adalah salah satu komponen yang

paling mendasar dalam mempelajari bahasa asing. Mempelajari vocabulary

(kosakata) menjadi sangat penting, namun beberapa siswa memiliki kesulitan

dalam memahami kosakata. Oleh karena itu, dalam mengajar kosakata, guru

perlu menggunakan teknik mengajar yang baik.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah apakah penggunaan games efektif untuk

meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap kosakata bahasa Inggris. Untuk

mencapai tujuan ini, penulis menggunakan metode eksperimental yang terdiri

dari tiga kelas penelitian: dua kelas eksprimen dan satu kelas kontrol.

Penelitian ini dimulai dengan memberikan pre-test kepada ketiga kelas,

manipulasi perlakuan pada dua kelas eksperimen, dan post-test di akhir

pertemuan di masing-masing kelas. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah siswa

kelas X (Sepuluh) SMA dan sample yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini

adalah kelas 1 dan kelas 3 sebagai kelas eksperimen, sedangkan kelas

X-2 sebagai kelas kontrol. Terdapat 38 siswa pada masing-masing kelas. Penulis

menggunakan metode cluster random sampling untuk menentukan kelas

eksperimen dan kelas kontrol.





All praises be to Allah, the Lords of the world who has given His grace and

blessing upon the writer in finishing her last assignment. Peace and salutation

be upon the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companions and his


First of all, on this occasion, the writer would like to express her deepest

gratitude to her beloved parents (Sagimun, S.Pd and Sukarmi) for all the love

and support all the time, it means a lot for her, also her only one brother (Imam

Muzhaffar Najib) who always helps and cares about her.

The writer also would like to express her really great honor and deepest

gratitude to her advisors, Dr. H. M. Farkhan, M.Pd and Teguh Khaeruddin,

MAppLing who have guided and given their time for consultation, suggestions,

correction and patience during the process in finishing this



The writer’s gratitude also goes to:


All lectures, especially in Department of English Education, who have

taught some new knowledge and educated the writer during her study at

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.


Drs. Syauki, M. Pd., as the Head of English Education Department.


Dra. Nurlena Rifa’i, MA, Ph.D., as the Dean Faculty of Tarbiya and

Teachers’ Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.


Hesti Yuniasih, S.E, M. Pd, the principal of


Nusantara 1




Special thanks for Ikrima Nur Endah, Yona Erviani, Wiwin Winingsih,

Ahmad Subhan, Mahmud Badaruddin, Allen Subekti, Restu Esa Putra,

M. Noor Afdillah, for all of the sweet memories, supporting the writer

when got stuck, helping the writer done this


and cheering the

writer up when getting down.


Danar Mulyadi S.I.Kom who has provided time, support and motivation

during finishing the




All friends in Bees United, for the sweet friendship more than 4 years.


To Sapta Hidayat Guntur, who has never stopped encouraging and

motivating the writer to finish this




Also all people who have given their contribution in finishing this


that writer could not mention one by one.

The words are not enough to express and appreciate their dedication. May

Allah SWT, the Merciful, bless them all. Finally the writer realizes that this


is not perfect yet, therefore the writer would humbly accept some

suggestions from everyone who reads this



Tangerang, June 17





Abstract in English ... ii

Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia ... iii

Acknowledgment ... v

Table of Contents ... vii

List of Tables... xi

List of Appendix ... x


A. Background of the Research ... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ... 4

C. The Scope and Limitation of the Problem ... 4

D. The Formulation of the Problem ... 5

E. The Objective of the Research ... 5

F. The Significance of the Research ... 6


A. Vocabulary ... 7

1. Definition of Vocabulary ... 7

2. Vocabulary Division ... 8

3. Noun ... 9

B. Teaching Vocabulary ... 11

C. Games ... 13

D. How Games Help Learning ... 14

E. Teaching Common Noun by Using Games ... 18

F. Thinking Framework ... 20




A. The Place and Time of the Research ... 22

B. Research Design ... 22

C. Population and Sample ... 25

D. Technique of Data Collection ... 26

E. Technique of Data Analysis ... 26


A. Description of Data ... 30

1. Pre-test Score ... 30

2. Post-test Score ... 32

3. Gained Score ... 36

B. Analysis of Data ... 38

1. Experiment Class A and Controlled Class ... 38

2. Experiment Class B and Controlled Class ... 42

C. The Test of Hypothesis ... 46

D. Interpretation of Data ... 47


A. Conclusion ... 48

B. Suggestion ... 48



Table 4.1 The students’ scores of pre-test of experiment class A (X-1),

experiment class B (X-3), and controlled class (X-2) ... 30 Table 4.2 The students’ scores of post-test of experiment class A (X-1),

experiment class B (X-3), and controlled class (X-2) ... 32 Table 4.3 The students’ gained scores of experiment class A (X-1),

experiment class B (X-3), and controlled class (X-2) ... 36 Table 4.4 The Comparison score of each student of Experiment Class A

and Controlled Class ... 38 Table 4.5 The Comparison score of each student of Experiment Class B



List of Appendix

Appendix 1 Teaching Plan ... 53

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan of Experiment Class ... 58

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan of Controlled Class ... 79

Appendix 4 The Test Specification of Pre-test Instrument ... 100

Appendix 5 The Test Specification of Post-test Instrument ... 106

Appendix 6 The Research Instrument: Pre-test Question ... 112

Appendix 7 The Research Instrument: Post-test Question ... 117

Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ... 123

Surat Izin Penelitian ... 124




Background of the Research

Vocabulary is one of English components which links the four skills of English. Without vocabulary, students will not be able to read, to write, to speak even to listen in English. It means they cannot follow the teaching and learning process of English subject well. If this happened, consequently the goal of English subject in the curriculum that has been arranged by the Ministry of Education cannot be reached. It is stated on the KTSP curriculum that the objective of English subject is to emphasize the development of communicative competence covering linguistic competence, discourse competence, socio-cultural competence, and strategic competence. Linguistic competence, in particular, includes such components as grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.1 In short, the mastery of vocabulary will influence on students’ performance in English because it links the four English language skills.

In addition, some research findings found that the acquisition of good vocabulary makes students more creative in their spoken and written competence rather than who have short understanding in vocabulary. Unfortunately, many teachers keep teaching English in the same way, they talk in front of the class formally; explain about the material then give the students an exercise to do, while teacher explaining the material, students do not have time to participate, they just watching and listening to the teacher. So the teaching and learning process run bored for them. It is why many students still face the difficulties in remembering English vocabulary and still have limited vocabulary.




Furthermore, based on the observation about teaching and learning vocabulary in the class, in MAN 11 Jakarta, (22 February 2013), the writer found that the process of teaching and learning vocabulary in that class make students bored. The methods that teacher used were too old, the teacher only asked to the students to read some kind of text, then he wanted the students to deliver what is told by the text and answer the question available below the text. If students found some words that they have not known before, they only asked to the teacher and the teacher will translate the word. It was so different with the concept of teaching and learning vocabulary that was stated by Jeremy Harmer “Translation is a quick and easy way to present the meaning of words but it is not always easy to translate words and in the second place, even where translation is possible, it may make it a bit easy too easy for students by discouraging them for interacting with the words.”2 The statement showed that translating the words like usually done by English teacher is not always good for students for remembering new words in English vocabulary.

Vocabulary is not only translating word per word. It is divided into verb, adjective, noun and adverb. Each of categories is also divided into some parts, for example verb is divided into regular and irregular verb, noun is divided into concrete and abstract, countable and uncountable, and etc. There is needed long explanation to discuss about noun word. For example countable and uncountable noun have a singular and plural form. If the teaching and learning process of vocabulary run like the writer explained before, the students could not know vocabulary division; it is why teaching vocabulary is not as simple as translating word per word.

According to the discussion above, the writer concerned about vocabulary improvement and decided to hold a research about noun words. It is said that the concrete noun is easier for children to remember rather than the abstract noun. As stated in “Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education” by Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, there is considerable evidence that words


for concrete, tangible, physical objects are learned more successfully than the other types of noun.3 The research will be focused on the introduction of noun in English. Noun is very basic knowledge of vocabulary but students seem feel difficult of those forms because of the materials and the way teacher delivered the materials made students lost interest in learning vocabulary. Considering to this situation, the writer thought to use game, so that teaching vocabulary in English teaching will be fun. Students have to enjoy the teaching and learning process, so that they can understand the materials, in this case learning vocabulary.

The use of games in teaching vocabulary has become more widely used recently. As it is stated in “Teaching Vocabulary” by Michael J.Wallace, language games are used probably for two main reasons; First, an increasing emphasis on the importance of motivation and of the appropriate kind of positive affective atmosphere in the classroom. Second, an increasing emphasis on the importance of ‘real’ communication. If a game is working properly, it very often supplies a genuine desire to communicate in the target language, even within the artificial confines of the classroom. Vocabulary is a teaching topic which lends itself very easily to the games approach, and there are literally hundreds of vocabulary games ranging from elementary to advanced level.4 It is obviously stated that the use of games in teaching vocabulary help students to increase their motivation in learning vocabulary, it can also be the stimulus for their response in target language, so that the writer thought to use certain game to teach vocabulary. Games also give students an opportunity to participate during the teaching and learning process, students can compete each other in a team in order to win the games, and the scoring system should be easy to be scored and quite fair for them.

Referring to the several paragraphs before, the writer also has done an observation in SMA Nusantara 1. On that occasion, she asked to the English

3 Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998) p.220.



teacher and some students about the process of teaching and learning English in that school. She found that the process of teaching and learning English in Nusantara 1 Senior High School is quite same with what happened in MAN 11 Jakarta. Based on that situation, the writer decided to choose SMA Nusantara 1 as the place to do the research. The writer found that the students there have limited vocabulary, especially in first year students, they faced some difficulties when they making a sentence in English or getting the information from an English text.

The writer chose first grade students in SMA Nusantara 1 as the subject of the research. They have lack of English vocabulary, so they could not follow English subject well. In this research, the reason why the writer concern to use games in learning vocabulary is because students like games, no matter what they learned they will enjoy when they learned through games. Games are recommended to be used in teaching vocabulary, because games make students have their own experience about some certain words and it will help them to be easy in remembering the words.

This is the reason why the writer decided to choose the title of the paper The Effectiveness of Using Games to Improve Students’ Vocabulary (A Quasi Experimental Study at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Nusantara 1 Tangerang).


Identification of the Problem

Based on the discussion above, the writer found some problems for students in learning English:

1. Students are often seen difficult to understand English texts and to make English sentences, because they have limited vocabulary. 2. It can be caused by teacher’s methodology in teaching vocabulary; the


3. Students have low motivation in learning English vocabulary.


The Scope and Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem above, the writer wants to make vocabulary learning in class fun with the certain game. Then, this research focused on the effectiveness of using vocabulary match-up, word grid and bingo games in understanding English vocabulary at the first grade students of SMA Nusantara 1 Tangerang, especially in term of noun vocabulary. The scope of this research was limited only on the implementation of those games in the class during the teaching and learning process and the result of students’ understanding of noun of English vocabulary after the treatment.

The implementation of those three games can be described as the best technique in teaching and learning process to encourage students in understanding English noun vocabulary. The differences of the result of students’ work after the treatment can be seen in the end of the treatment by using an evaluation test.


Formulation of the Problem

To make this study is easy to be understood, the writer formulates the question to represent the problem above as “Are the Games Effective to Improve Students’ Understanding of Noun?”


The Objective of the Research




The Significance of the Research

Hopefully, the significance of this research can be useful for the students itself, the teacher and also for the next researcher, as follows:

a) For the students, this study is expected not only to increase their motivation in learning English, but also can help them to have more English vocabulary. By using games, Students can avoid boredom in a classroom, so the material can be easily accepted by them.

b) For the teacher, this study is hoped to be one of some alternatives in teaching vocabulary through implementing some vocabulary games. c) For the other researcher, it is hoped that this study could be one of the





A. Vocabulary

1. Definition of vocabulary

Vocabulary is very basic knowledge for students in Indonesia in learning English as a foreign language. It has been introduced to the students from very beginning level of school. Students at least must understand the meaning of the words, so they will get what is conveyed by the text or what is spoken by someone. The more students have sufficient vocabulary, better sentences they could create. For this reason, it is clear that vocabulary is very basic knowledge which can be used as the foundation to construct better English for students. There are several versions of the definition of vocabulary. According to Oxford dictionary, vocabulary is all the words that a person knows and uses.1 Another definition comes from Kridalaksana that was stated in Vocabulary 1 that vocabulary is a component of language that contains all of information about meaning and using a word in a language.2 “Vocabulary is defined as all the words in a particular language” that was the statement about vocabulary of Wehmeier, et al, it was stated on The Teaching of EFL Vocabulary in the Indonesian Context: The State of The Art, TEFLIN Journal.3

Based on the definition above, the writer can conclude that vocabulary is all the words that usually used whether in spoken or written in a certain language. Students who want to learn a foreign language should understand the words of the language. Vocabulary has

1 A.S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 1506.

2 A.M. Zainuri, Vocabulary 1 (Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta, 2003), p. 1.



an important role in learning a foreign language, in this case learning English. They could build their skills in English if they could master the vocabulary. The more vocabulary they have, it could facilitate them to develop their four English skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing).

2. Vocabulary Division

There are many opinions about the division of vocabulary. Jo Ann Aebersold classified the vocabulary into active and passive vocabulary: a. Active vocabulary refers to items which the learner can use

appropriately in speaking or writing and it is also called as productive vocabulary.

b. Passive vocabulary refers to language to items that can be recognized and understood in the context of reading or listening, and it is also called as receptive vocabulary.4

While based on Haycraft that was stated on Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education by Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, he defined the division vocabulary into two terms as receptive vocabulary is words that the student recognizes and understands when they occur in a context, but which he cannot produce correctly. Productive vocabulary is words which the student understands can pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing.5 For emphasizing the particular features of vocabulary, Fries divided vocabulary into two parts:

1. First, there is the “function words”, those words which, although some of them may have also full-word meaning content, primarily or largely operate as means of expressing relations of grammatical

4 Zainuri. loc. cit.


structure. These include the so-called auxiliaries, prepositions, conjunctions, interrogative particles, the articles, etc.

2. The large body of “content words”, these words that functions as symbols for the phenomena which we react upon as the world of reality about us. Content words can be divided into three classes: a. Class 1, the words for “things” that we called as nouns. b. Class 2, the words for “action” that we called as verbs.

c. Class 3, express judgments, and the precise meanings shift with the various “things” to which the “quality” word is attached as a “modifier”. We called it as adjectives and adverbs.6



In learning a foreign language, children are always easy to remember the words which they can see the things (concrete). Therefore, the learning of foreign language is better if we start from the acquisition of the concrete things. “Children may begin their lexical development by using features that vary along perceptual dimensions (e.g., texture, shape, sound).”7 In another book, Allen stated that the success in learning often depends on the number of senses which are used in the learning process. When students can touch something, in addition to hearing and seeing the word that names it, there is a stronger chance that the word will be learned.8 It is clear that children acquire some nouns earlier than another word class, such as verb, adjective or adverb.

Based on the explanation above, the writer has an intention to discuss more about noun. It is because noun is one of concrete object that can be understood by students in their foreign language learning.

6 Charles C.Fries, Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language (USA: The University of Michigan, 1945), p. 47.

7 Evelyn hatch and Cheryl Brown, op. cit., p. 218.



Rodgers found that nouns are easiest to learn, following by adjectives; on the other hand, verbs and adverbs were most difficult. That opinion is also supported by Ellis and Beaton still in the same book; they confirmed that nouns are easier than verbs, because learners can form mental images of them more readily.9

Firstly, the writer wants to identify the noun itself and kinds of noun. A noun, or substantive, is the name of a living being or lifeless thing: Mary, horse, hat, London.10 Another definition about nouns commonly defined as words that refer to a person, place, thing, or idea. Following are the kinds of noun:

 Concrete and abstract nouns – concrete nouns are they can be perceived by our senses; they are things that we can see, hear, smell, taste or touch. Those nouns that are not concrete are abstract. Ex: newspaper (concrete), love (abstract).

 Singular and plural nouns – singular refers to one thing, while plural represents more than one thing. Ex: box (singular), boxes (plural).

 Animate and inanimate nouns – animate are nouns that refer to the alive things, inanimate are nouns that refer to things that are not alive. Ex: lizard (animate), postcard (inanimate).

 Count and noncount nouns – there are some nouns that can be counted, so we can use a or an with them and can also make them plural. These nouns are called, appropriately, count nouns. There are other nouns that typically are not counted. These nouns are called, appropriately, nouncount nouns. Ex: store (count nouns), dust (noncount nouns).

9 John Read, Assessing Vocabulary, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000) , p. 40.


 Proper and common noun – nouns that are actual names are called proper nouns. Noun that are not names are called common nouns. Ex: tissue (common noun), Disneyland (proper noun).11


Teaching Vocabulary

The need of teaching vocabulary is obviously important. For many years, vocabulary was not seen as the main focus of English language learning. The teaching of English language was only emphasized on the grammatical knowledge. Linguist David Wilkins stated that “without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”12 this is how he described the importance of vocabulary learning. Students who have sufficient vocabulary can develop their grammatical acquisition, as Ellis said that “the main reason for believing that vocabulary knowledge can help grammar acquisition is that knowing the words in a text or conversation permits learners to understand the meaning of the discourse, which in turn allows the grammatical patterning to become more transparent.”13 Therefore, language teachers are hoped to have some knowledge on how to manage foreign language learners’ classroom, in order to increase the success of vocabulary learning.

Teaching vocabulary is clearly more than just presenting a new word14, according to Michael Wallace, teachers should consider some principles on which such learning is to be based:

1. Aims

First, the teacher has to be clear about his or her aims in their vocabulary teaching; what is to be taught, which words, how many.

11 Evelyn P.Altenberg and Robert M. Vago, English Grammar: Understanding the Basics, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010), p. 3.

12 Scott Thornburry, How to Teach Vocabulary, (England: Pearson Education Limited, 2002), p. 13.

13 Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 143.



2. Quantity

Secondly, the teacher has to decide on the number of vocabulary items are to be taught. Learners may get confuse and low motivation in learning vocabulary if they get so many words to be learn at a time. Therefore, teachers should choose the words that are easy to be understood by the students.

3. Need

In any case, one would hope that the choice of vocabulary will relate to the aims of the course and the objectives of individual lessons. Therefore, teachers should choose the words that students really need in communication.

4. Frequent exposure and repetition

There has to be a certain amount of repetition until there is an evidence that the student has learned the target word. It means that, teacher should give much practice on repetition, so the students can master the words well and they can use the words in their spoken or written.

5. Meaningful presentation

Meaningful presentation means teacher should present the target language as well as the form of the word itself. This requires the words that presented are perfectly clear and unambiguous.15

From the explanation above, I summarized that teachers should consider some principles above in teaching vocabulary before teaching the students. In addition, those factors make the teaching and learning vocabulary in a classroom run systematically. Teaching vocabulary can be said systematic because the teacher considers the goal of the teaching then determine what materials and technique should be used.




As have been mentioned in the previous chapter, most of senior high school students admitted that they are usually bored in vocabulary learning. They have never changed their learning habits, they just have to find out some word that they think it is unfamiliar word, asked to the teacher, and let the teacher translated the word. It makes them learn passively, because they have no time to interact with the new word. In addition, translating is not always an effective way in introducing the new word to the learner. In this study the writer tried to use certain games in order to increase students’ motivation in learning vocabulary. In teaching vocabulary, an English teacher should prepares some materials that will be learned by the students, they also have to prepare what technique will be used in the classroom, so students can understand the material. One of teaching technique that widely used recently is using games. According to Oxford Advance Dictionary, game is an activity or a sport with rules in which people or teams compete against each other.16 Another definition of game is expressed by Hornby that game is an activity that you do to have some fun.17 Since games can present fun and enjoyment in a classroom, thus it can be a good technique in language learning.

Furthermore, there are many opinions supporting the idea of using games in teaching vocabulary. Games are helpful because they can make students feel that certain words are important and necessary.18 Besides, the use of game can increase students’ motivation in learning vocabulary. According to Lee that was stated on a article, the title is Learning Vocabulary through Games, written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen, he listed several main advantages when games are used in the

16 A.S. Hornby, Oxford Advance Learners’ Dictionary, Sixth Edition, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 553.

17 Ali Sorayaie Azar, The Effect of Games on EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Learning Strategies, International Journal of Basic and Applied Science, Vol. 01, No. 02, Oct 2012, p. 253.



classroom, including "a welcome break from the usual routine of the language class", "motivating and challenging" "effort of learning", and "language practice in the various skills."19 The benefits of games are also stated by Andrew Wright in his book:

1. Games can help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest and work.

2. Games also help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful.

3. Games make the students want to take part in order to be more understand what others are saying or have written.

4. Games can be found to give practice in all the skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking).20

There is no doubt for the writer to conduct a research about teaching vocabulary by using games. It has many advantages, not only for the students to increase their motivation in learning, but also for the teacher to make them more creative in their teaching. This situation definitely makes the teaching and learning process becoming more fun.


How Games Help Learning

There were some research findings proved that games are suitable in vocabulary teaching. Based on Michael J. Wallace “the basic aim of vocabulary games and vocabulary exercises are usually very similar: to develop the students’ vocabulary, perhaps by extending his vocabulary or perhaps by giving him practice in using what he already knows receptively, and so on. In the vocabulary game there will be the additional aim of adding an element of fun, relaxation and enjoyment

19 Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen, Learning Vocabulary through Games: The Effectiveness of Learning Vocabulary through Games, Asian EFL Journal, p. 5.


to the lesson.”21 There were several studies proved that the use of games in learning vocabulary is effective.

A study entitle The Effectiveness of Using “Card Game” Technique in Introducing New Vocabulary had been done by Dian Khairunnisa, a scholar of Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University in Jakarta. This research was conducted to know that teaching new vocabulary using the use of “card game” as the teaching technique is effective to improve students’ achievement in learning vocabulary. This study was hold in 2012 with population taken is two classes. In this study, the author tried to use certain game, namely, “Card Game” in introducing a new vocabulary to the students at the eleventh grade of Darul Ma’arif Senior High School. She implemented two kinds of Card Game; they are Giving a Message and Collect Your Word.22 This research was proven that using Card Game is effective to introduce new English vocabulary to students in senior high school. Both of the games are very useful for students in remembering their new English vocabulary, because to win the game, students need to remember the word or sentence that has been given by the teacher. Students have to compete with other teams to be the winner.

Another study has the title Reinforcing Students’ Vocabulary through Puzzles’ Game written by Zaini Rahman. This research is aimed to make significant result in students’ vocabulary achievement by using puzzle. The study was hold from May 16th May to 25th of August 2009. The author of this research has selected three of puzzles games; they are Word Search Puzzle, Crossword Puzzle and Scramble Letters Puzzle to be his techniques in reinforcing students’ English vocabulary.23 After the implementation of the technique, the author

21 Michael J. Wallace, op. cit., p. 104.

22 Dian Khoirunnisa, The Effectiveness of Using “card game” Technique in Introducing New Vocabulary, Jakarta, 2012, p. 22.



had seen the changes of students’ score; he also had calculated students’ score from pretest and posttest. It can be seen that teaching by using puzzle in vocabulary subject has reinforced students’ ability in memorizing the vocabulary. Games can create some new situation in a classroom, so students feel fun when they are learning and the important thing is that students can easily retrieve the vocabulary in different way of learning.

There is an article; the title is Learning Vocabulary through Games written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen. To assess the effectiveness of learning vocabulary through games in the classroom, the author want to know how students' experiences help with their learning and what progress they gain.24 On that article, the author tried to apply different kinds of games in English lessons. He implemented the games to know how students’ reacted through the games. Another way to gather the data, the author also interviewed the students to know what are their problem and their progress during the process. In early step of the research, the author has designed a simple questionnaire to help students understand clearly about the study. After collecting the data, the author got the result of the study. The result was divided into three subsections; i) students' expectations and attitudes, (ii) students' progress and iii) unanticipated problems.

i) Students’ expectations and attitudes

It was found that all of students expressed their wish to learn vocabulary in interesting ways than the traditional way as usual. Most of the learners (17 out of 20) were exciting to join the games and they said they would try their best to win the game. They said that games bring new atmosphere in their classroom, so that they enjoyed the teaching and learning process.

ii) Students’ progress


Games are not only for pleasure, but it also has to gain learners’ vocabulary progress. After the implementation of several games in their class, most of learner answered teachers’ question quickly, even though there were still some students cannot answer the question, they could learn from their friends’ answer. Most of students agreed that games can help them to learn vocabulary easily than the traditional way.

iii)Unanticipated problems

Using games in teaching and learning process is not always success. Sometimes it could be fail due to the lack of cooperation between members of the class. Another reasons related to the issue of using games in teaching and learning process is students usually used their first language while playing the games. It impeded the acquisition of the target language they learned.

The use of games in teaching and learning foreign language has a great effect for teachers and students. Teachers should be creative in choosing and implementing the game in a classroom. They have to know the aim of the lessons first, the level of their students, students’ need and how to convey the purpose of the game that will be played. There are many advantages for students in learning foreign language using games. One of the advantages is; games can increase students’ motivation in learning a foreign language. Mccallum emphasizes this point by suggesting that “games automatically stimulate student interest, a properly introduced game can be one of the highest motivating techniques”. It was stated in an article; the title is The Effectiveness of Using games in Teaching Grammar to Young Learners written by Gulin Yolageldili.25

According to the explanation about the effectiveness of using games in teaching vocabulary, the writer has an intention to implement



some games in vocabulary teaching in the huge classes. Since so many schools having the huge classes, consist of more than 30 students, and many students only know the meaning of some English vocabulary in their first language. The writer is curious whether games are still effective to improve students’ vocabulary.


Teaching Common Nouns by Using Games

In the previous discussion of this research, the writer has explained the reason of using games as a technique in teaching common noun for senior high school students. The further explanation about games also has been also discussed earlier in this chapter. This section will only concern about the application of the games in teaching nouns in the classroom.

The use of games in teaching common noun is to help students to reduce their boredom in learning a language. The games that have been selected by the writer, such as vocabulary match-up, word grid and bingo are the games that frequently used in teaching vocabulary. The goal of those games is to make learning vocabulary become more competitive; students need to cooperate with their own team to defeat other teams. This situation raises students’ motivation in learning vocabulary. The writer tries to implement the games in teaching vocabulary in experimental classes.

The implementation of the games in experimental classes will be different in each meeting:


and fun way to practice students’ vocabulary and other skills.26 To do matching games there are several procedures; Write some vocabulary words on the board. One by one, have students pick up a definition and place it under the correct word. The student says the word and definition, and the next student continues the activity. Extra challenge: After all definitions are placed, the students will create their own sentences with the words, and share with the class.27

2. The other game was word grid. The purposes of this game are to check how many words and definition that students have remembered and to know how well students build the sentence with the word. This is an activity which is found useful to highlight the problem of students who still feel difficult in creating a sentence and to move students' knowledge of the word on to beyond what the word means. The preparation before implementing the game is simple; Collect together a list of words that students have learnt recently and some quick definitions of the word. Draw a large grid on the board. The size will depend on the number of students, but limit to a maximum of twenty as beyond this their concentration is likely to lapse.28

3. In the last meeting, to review the words and definition that have been memorized by the students, the writer used another game that is Bingo game. Vocabulary Bingo is a game for the whole class that encourages students to study and review their vocabulary words. The objective is to be the first student to get bingo by

26 https://www.englishclub.com/esl-games/matching.htm accessed on September 10th 2014 at 10.40.

27 http://esl.about.com/u/ua/esleflteachingtechnique/lmh_gvocab.htm accessed on October, 24 2013 at 10:59.



matching the definition given by the teacher to the vocabulary word on their bingo card.29

There are many techniques in teaching vocabulary; the use of game is one of them. It is not only to entertain the students, but games also make language teachers become more creative. As stated in Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary that teachers are responsible for creating conditions which encourage vocabulary expansion, and a well-chosen game can help the students acquire English words.30


Thinking Framework

As it has been mentioned before, many students still have problem in learning vocabulary. Memorizing and understanding English vocabulary are the major problem. They often found unfamiliar word, it can be said that students have lack of vocabulary. They also often get bored when they cannot find the meaning of certain word. They tend to ask their teacher if they found some difficult words rather than to find out the words by themselves and memorize the words.

To help students memorizing English vocabulary, the writer thought to begin with the most concrete word, like noun. In teaching common noun, teachers should provide interesting teaching technique. Using games can be the one of teaching technique to help students easier to remember the words. Games are more effective than translation method usually used. It can increase students’ motivation in memorizing the word. In short, games can give good improvement in their vocabulary achievement especially in understanding the common noun.

Among so many games usually used in learning English vocabulary, the writer has chosen three of them, they are vocabulary


http://www.wafbla.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Vocab-Development-VOCABULARY-BINGO.pdf accessed on November 1st 2013 at 6.17 pm.


match-up, word grid and bingo, the use of those games is to create a different condition in learning English vocabulary, especially in learning common noun. It is purposed that students can work together to find the right answer to win the game, it is also hoped that students could know the meaning of the word. Students can be motivated to compete with each other in order to win the game. According to the consideration above, the writer assumes that the games could be effective to improve students’ understanding in learning common noun.

Based on the statements above, the writer can say that using games could improve students’ understanding and memorization of common noun. Games are also considered to be one of effective teaching techniques in teaching vocabulary especially common noun at first grade students of SMA Nusantara 1 Tangerang.



1. Ho (Null hypothesis) = Games are not effective to improve students’ vocabulary.






The Place and Time of the Research

The writer conducted the research on March 28


2014 and the

research run for six meetings, consisted of giving the pre-test in the

beginning of the research, implementing the technique, and giving the

post-test in the end of the meeting. The research took place at SMA

Nusantara 1 Tangerang which is located on Jl.Cisadane V Tangerang.


Research Design

In this research the writer used an experimental study. An

experimental study is the only type of research that can test hypotheses to

establish cause-effect relations. In experimental research the researcher

manipulates at least one independent variable, controls other relevant

variables, and observes the effect on one or more dependent variables.



means that an experimental research is one of research design which is

done to collect information whether or not a technique or media has an

effect to the students in their learning.

In this research, there were two variables; the independent variable

was games and the dependent variable was students’ understanding of

common noun of English vocabulary. This arrangement was to know

whether the technique as the independent variable influenced the result of

the research or the dependent variable. In an experimental study, the group

that receives the new treatment is called the experimental group, and the

group that receives a different treatment or is treated as usual is called the


control group.


In order to generalize the data, the writer decided to use

three classes; two classes as the experimental classes and the other class as

the controlled class. In the experimental class, the writer used games as

the technique in teaching noun, while in the controlled class, it did not

receive any treatment, but it was treated as usual.

The research was done for six meetings:


In the first meeting, the teacher introduced the general concept of noun

and its’ types. The explanation about noun was also followed by some

examples of sentence in both classes. After that, the teacher gave the

students a test, which was called pretest in order to know students’

performance in understanding the noun.


Second meeting, the teacher divided the class into six groups, she

distributed some narrative texts, and each group had a text and asks

the students to identify the noun from the text. After listing some

nouns from the text, the teacher prepared the class to play a vocabulary

match-up game. In this game, students had a duty to match the words

with its definition by guessing based on the context of the text.


Third meeting, the teacher gave the same text from the previous

meeting to the students and asked students to identify the noun from

the text, when the students have gathered with their own group; the

vocabulary match-up game was started.


Fourth meeting, the teacher gave an instruction to the students to

gather with their own groups, while students were looking for their

groups, teacher took time to prepare for playing a word grid game.

After playing the game, the teacher asked to the students to make

some sentences from different words that have been learned. The rules

of this game are:




Teacher reads out the definition of the words.


Let the representative of the group guess what the word which has

the particular definition.


After getting the correct word, the teacher writes down the word

on the board in one of the spaces on the grid.


To make the game more interesting, the teacher gives an awarding

point for whichever of the group that can guess most of the correct



Teacher keeps reading out the definitions and getting the students

to guess the words until the grid is completely full of words.


Ask the students to choose some words and make some different

sentences from the words.



Fifth meeting, the teacher arranged a bingo game to review of what

have been learned from the former meetings. Bingo has several rules

as follows:


A week before playing the game, teacher has asked the students to

study all the words that have been learned in some former



When the game takes place, the teacher draws some grids on the

white board.


Teacher reads out some definitions of the particular words.


Students have to match the definition with the words. If they can

match the word and the definition correctly, they could put one

letter from the word BINGO on the free space of the grid.


The students highlight the word that matches the definition. When

students have five across, diagonally, horizontally or vertically

they yell out "Bingo!” The first student to get bingo wins! To be


more interesting, all the groups should compete to each other to

win the game. The more all of the member of a group remember

the word and its definition, they have a big chance to be the



Six meeting, the teacher reviews what have been learned by the

students about noun, at the end of this meeting the teacher held a test

called posttest, it is purposed to know how far students’ understanding

about some common noun that have been learned and to know

whether the use of games as the technique of teaching noun is


In short, the experimental study is one of research design which is done to

know whether the use of games has a causal effect to the students’

understanding in noun of English vocabulary.


Population and sample



is a cluster.


Hence, the writer chose X-1 and X-3 as the experimental

classes and X-2 as the controlled class.


Technique of Data Collection

The technique of data collecting in this research used quantitative data.

The quantitative data used pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was given before

the treatment took place and then post-test was held after the treatment.

The pre-test was purposed to measure how far students’ understanding of

noun at first. Meanwhile, the post-test was given in order to know

students’ understanding of noun between the experiment and controlled

class. Each of the tests was arranged in the multiple choice form and

consists of 30 questions.


Technique of Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the writer compared students’ score of pretest and

posttest between the experiment class and also the controlled class. In the

technique of data analysis, the writer used t-test formula to prove the

hypothesis of the research.

“Tes t adalah suatu tes statistik yang

dipergunakan untuk menguji kebenaran atau kepalsuan hipotesis nihil

diantara dua buah Mean Sample dari populasi yang sama.”


There were

two hypotheses to be tested; null hypothesis (Ho) and alternative

hypothesis (Ha). The t-test was used to examine those hypotheses. There

were several statistical procedures which contained of several steps in

which the writer did that lead into the hypothesis testing. The formula of

t-test is:

4 L.R Gay, Geoffrey E. Mills and Peter Airasian, op. cit., p. 129.

5 Anas Sudjiono, Pengantar Statistis Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2008),


to =

− −


: Mean of post-test of Experiment Class


: Mean of post-test of Controlled Class


: Standard Error of Experiment Class


: Standard Error of Controlled Class

The procedures of the calculation as follows:



First, to know students’ scores on the test of noun. The writer tries to

seek the average of students’ post test scores in the experiment class as

a variable X with the formula used is:

MX =


MX : Mean of Post-Test of Experiment class

∑X : Sum of frequency multiply the student’s score

NX : Number of students of experiment class


After getting the average of students’ post test score, the writer has to

determine the Standard Deviation score of experiment class (variable

X) with formula used is:


∑ 2

SDX = Standard deviation score of Experiment class



= Sum of squared of frequency multiply the student’s score


Determining Standard Error Mean of experiment class (variable X),

with formula:





SEX = Standard Error mean of experiment class

SDX = Standard deviation of experiment class


Next, to know the difference of students’ post test score between

experimental and controlled class, the writer also determines students’

score of controlled class (variable Y), with the formula used is:

MY =


= Mean of post-test of Controlled class


= Sum of frequency multiply students’ score of controlled class


= Number of students of controlled class


Determining Standard Deviation Score of controlled class (Variable

Y), with the formula used:


∑ 2

SDY = Standard deviation score of controlled class

∑Y = Sum of squared of frequency multiply student’s score


Determining standard Error of Mean of controlled class (Variable Y),

with formula:




Determining standard Error of Difference of Mean of Variable X and

Variable Y, with formula:





+ (





= Standard error mean squared of experiment class



= Standard error mean squared of controlled class


Determining tₒ with formula:

to =

− −


Determining t-table in significance level 5% and 1% with degree of

freedom (df) :

df = (N1 + N2) – 2

df = Degree of freedom






Description of Data

Before doing the further calculation, the writer tries to present the data of students’ pre-test, post-test, and gained scores of two experiment classes and a controlled class. The data is illustrated into two tables as follows.


Pre-test score


The pre-test scores of two experiment classes and a controlled class are described in table 4.1. The table consists of four columns; the first column shows the students’ identification number. Each of class contained of 38 students. The second column shows the pre-test scores of students in experiment class A. The third column shows the pre-test scores of students in experiment class B. The last column shows the scores of students in controlled class.

Table 4.1

The students’ scores of pre-test of experiment class A (X-1), experiment class B (X-3), and controlled class (X-2)

Students’ Identification


Experiment Class A

Experiment Class B

Controlled Class

1. 50 33 40

2. 63 70 76

3. 56 80 53

4. 60 76 76


6. 80 76 66

7. 83 20 70

8. 60 56 63

9. 43 30 66

10. 33 33 80

11. 66 80 66

12. 60 76 63

13. 76 70 70

14. 53 73 60

15. 56 50 63

16. 63 80 73

17. 43 76 73

18. 70 73 83

19. 66 70 60

20. 56 70 76

21. 56 73 73

22. 60 66 66

23. 76 73 66

24. 60 46 60

25. 63 50 66

26. 56 33 33

27. 43 53 40

28. 43 46 20

29. 56 43 36

30. 60 33 73

1770 1731 1876

Mean 59 57.7 62.5

Min 33 20 20

Max 83 80 83



Modus 60 33 66

The table above showed the pre-test score of experiment class A, experiment class B, and a controlled class. The test was given at the very beginning meeting before the treatment took place. Based on the table, it is known that the lowest score of experiment class A is 33, experiment class B is 20, and the lowest score in the controlled class is 20. The mean scores in experiment class A is 59, experiment class B is 57.7, and controlled class is 62.5. The median scores in experiment class A and experiment class B are 60 and 68, while in the controlled class is 66. The mode scores in experiment class A, experiment class B, and in the controlled class are 60, 33, and 66. Seeing the calculation on the table above, it can be concluded that the pre-test scores between those three classes were quite similar.


Post-test score


The description of students’ post-test scores in experiment class A, experiment class B and in controlled class are presented on the following table. The test was given in the last meeting after all of the treatments were done. The table shows the comparison of the students’ post-test scores between the three classes, each of class has the same number of students. The total students of the three classes are 115 students.

Table 4.2

The students’ scores of post-test of experiment class A (X-1), experiment class B (X-3), and controlled class (X-2)

Students’ Identification


Experiment Class A

Experiment class B

Controlled Class

1. 53 63 50


3. 66 86 60

4. 76 80 90

5. 80 76 70

6. 83 83 76

7. 86 53 73

8. 56 73 70

9 60 53 73

10. 70 76 70

11. 76 86 70

12. 76 86 73

13. 73 83 73

14. 76 76 76

15. 80 76 76

16. 83 80 73

17. 73 76 76

18. 83 76 83

19. 73 86 76

20. 70 83 70

21. 73 80 53

22. 76 76 66

23. 86 80 66

24. 73 63 70

25. 53 63 70

26. 73 43 53

27. 70 66 53

28. 53 60 43

29. 63 66 43

30. 76 53 73

2165 2174 2048



Min 53 43 43

Max 86 86 90

Median 73 76 70

Modus 76 76 70

The table showed students’ post test scores among experiment class A, experiment class B, and controlled class. Based on the table, it can be known that there is an increasing score from pre-test to post-test score of some students in those three classes. The total score of experiment class A is 2165, the total score of experiment class B is 2174 and the total score in controlled class is 2048. The mean score of experiment class A and B are 72.1 and 72.4, and the mean of controlled class is 68.2. If the post-test scores is compared between the experiment class A, experiment class B and the controlled class, the gained score will be 117 between experiment class A and the controlled class, while between experiment class B and the controlled class the gained score will be 126. It can also be seen that the median of experiment class A is 73, the median of experiment class B is 76, and the median of controlled class is 70. The mode score of experiment class A and B are 76, and the mode score of controlled class is 70.


Diagram 4.1

Box and Whisker Chart for Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test Scores

From the chart above, it is known that the median of pre-test score of students in experiment class A, experiment class B and the controlled class are quite close to each other. It can be meant that the students’ understanding of common noun vocabulary of those three classes is same before the treatments were given. Even though there are students who got the lower and the highest score, the distribution in the first and third quartile showed that 50% students of each class have their score were about 40 and 70.



higher. The conclusion also straight to the purpose of this research that teaching common noun vocabulary by using games is effective.


Gained score


After showing the comparison of students’ pre and post-test scores, the writer tried to present the gained score among those three classes. The gained score can be seen from the increasing score of students’ pre-test scores compared with students’ post-test scores. The data of gained score will be presented on the table below.

Table 4.3

The students’ gained scores of experiment class A (X-1), experiment class B (X-3), and controlled class (X-2)

Students’ Identification


Experiment Class A

Experiment Class B

Controlled Class

1. 3 30 10

2. 13 3 4

3. 10 6 7

4. 16 4 14

5. 20 53 4

6. 3 7 10

7. 3 33 3

8. -4 17 7

9. 17 23 7

10. 37 43 -10

11. 10 6 4

12. 16 10 10

13. -3 13 3

14. 23 3 16


16. 20 0 0

17. 30 0 3

18. 13 3 0

19. 7 16 16

20. 14 13 -6

21. 17 7 -20

22. 43 10 0

23. 10 7 0

24. 13 17 10

25. -10 13 4

26. 17 10 20

27. 27 13 13

28. 10 14 23

29. 7 23 7

30. 16 20 0

422 443 172

Mean 14.06 14.76 5.73

Min -10 0 -20

Max 43 53 23

Median 13.5 13 5.5

Modus 10 13 0



controlled class is 0, this happened because the gained score of controlled class was not as much as in the experiment classes. Therefore, it can be concluded that all classes have the gained scores.


Analysis of Data

In this part of the chapter, the writer would like to answer the research question whether using games is effective to improve students’ understanding of noun. In analyzing the data of the students’ gained scores from both experiment classes and a controlled class, the writer used the statistic calculations of the t-test with 5% degree of significant. Since the writer used two experiment classes and a controlled class in order to generalize the result of the research, the writer decided to compare each of experiment class and a controlled class by doing some calculation to make sure that the result is consistent.


Experiment class A and controlled class


The following are the statistic calculations of experiment class A and a controlled class.

Table 4.4

The Comparison score of each student of Experiment Class A and Controlled Class

Students (N)




(XA -MXA)2


1. 3 10 -11 4 121 16

2. 13 4 -1 -2 1 4

3. 10 7 -4 1 16 1

4. 16 14 2 8 4 64

5 20 4


Table 4.1 The students’ scores of pre-test of experiment class A (X-1),
Table 4.1 The students’ scores of pre-test of experiment class A (X-1), experiment
table. The test was given in the last meeting after all of the treatments were
Table 4.3 The students’ gained scores of experiment class A (X-1), experiment class B


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