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and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta 2015.

In this research, the writer concerns with translation study, that is, the translation complex sentence in an analysis of translation complex sentence in novel Mirror Image by Danielle Steel. The translation text was translated by Ade Dina Sigarlaki.

The objectives of the research are: (1) To identify the types of complex sentences used in novel Mirror Image translated into Indonesian which become other types of sentence in the target language. (2) To find out the translation procedures applied to complex sentence from source language into target language. The method of research that the writer used is qualitative method based on the relevant theories and data from other supporting theories. The steps for analyzing data technique of this research are; (1) Reading the entire contents of the novel Mirror Image and its Indonesia translation (2) Giving a sign on the sentence that contain complex sentence in the novel Mirror Image and its Indonesian translation (3) Interpreting the complex sentence that contained in the novel Mirror Image and matches with its Indonesian translation (4) Classifying the sentences based on the type of complex sentences (5) Concluding the data.



by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for

the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of

higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in text.

Jakarta, May 28th 2015




In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

All praises belong to Allah, the lord of the worlds, the master of the day

after, who has awarded his blessing to all of the humankind in this universe. The

writer will never be able to finish this thesis without his bless. Peace and

salutation be upon the greatest prophet Muhammad Saw, his family, and his

companions who have brought people from the darkness into the lightness.

The writer also wants to give her gratitude to Mr. Moh. Supardi, S.S.,

M.Hum. and Mr. M. Agus Suriadi, M.Hum who has guided her patiently in the

process of writing this thesis. “Thank you so much for all time that you have spent

to read and to correct any kind of mistakes that done by the writer”.

The writer would like to express her appreciation to the following people:

1. Prof. Dr. Sukron Kamil, M.Ag, the Dean of Letters and Humanity Faculty,

State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta;

2. Mr. Dr. H. Farkhan, M.Pd, the Assistant of Dean of Letters and Humanity

Faculty, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

3. Mr. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd, the head of English Letters Department

and Ms. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum, the Secretary of English Letters


4. All lecturers of English Letters Department who have influenced and

inspired the writer to keep the spirit alive in the process of studying and



5. My beloved family; the patient and beautiful mother, Mrs. Sumayyah

(ibu), the coolest Dad, Mr. Hori (ayah) who have educated and taught me

many lessons of life. They were the most inspiring people in the writer`s

life. The writer`s deep gratitude also dedicated to her beloved sister and

brother for her supports during her study. Thank you so much for being a

good brother and sister even though sometimes annoying; special thanks to

my boyfriend Khairon who never be bored of giving advices and supports

to the writer to keep optimistic on her way of reaching dreams.

6. To all people and friends who are not mentioned yet, “thank you so much


May Allah SWT always bless, protect, and give many easier of life for them.

Finally the writer hopes this thesis will be useful for those who read it.

Jakarta, May 2015











A. Background of the Research ... 1

B. Focus of the Research ... 5

C. Research Question ... 5

D. Objective of the Research ... 6

E. Research Methodology... 6

1. Method of the Research ... 6

2. Technique of Data Analysis ... 6

3. Instrument of the Research... 7

4. Unit of Analysis ... 7

5. Time and Place of the Research ... 8




2. Types of Sentence ……….13

D. Complex sentences ... 15

1. Definition ... 13

2. Type of complex sentence clause……..………….16

E. Procedures of Translation ... 19

F. Type of Procedure Translation ... 20


A. Data Description... 26

B. Data Analysis ... 28


A. Conclusion ... 45

B. Suggestion ... 46




A. Background of study

Translation is now becoming an important issue in this globalization era.

Without a media of translation, people, especially for ones who do not have

knowledge about certain foreign languages, may not be able to understand

something written in it and automatically they will not get the message of certain


The translation itself means the process of transferring message from the

source language to another language. So, one cannot only translate the text from

source language to target language, but also transfer their message. Nida and

Taber say that: “Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the

closest natural equivalent of the source message, first in terms of meaning and

secondly in terms of style”.1

Generally, the translator tries to make a good

translation in translation process.

Translation is not only applied in legal and science text but also applied in

literary text such as Novel. According to Sayogie, there are three problems in

translating the novel, they are: translating a title, choosing personal pronoun

pronominal, translating metaphor and idiom.2 Nida mentions four different

constraints in translation process, they are: language, social culture, religion


E.A Nida and Taber C, The Theory and Practice of Translation. Helps for Translator (Denhaag: Brill, 1974), p. 12.



culture and material culture.3 It means, the translator must understand both source

language and target language.

In translated novel, the translator must understand both source language

and target language. It is not only from the language and the culture, but also from

the meaning, especially the complex sentences. The complex sentence is one of

the important things in translated novel. Sometimes, there are sentences that must

be translated in complex sentences. To obtain the complex sentences, the

translator should have ability in knowing some of the meaning and how to

translate it. A good translation not only overcomes the different language system

and culture but also explains the complex sentences. All language has

grammatically forms which are obligatory, but languages differ in what is


To translate complex sentences, the translator should be able to recognize

the independent clause and the dependent one. Moreover, a translator may not

translate it into the same form as it in (ST). It depends on the system of the target

language, accuracy and acceptability level of the target readers. He/she may

change it into two or more simple clauses, or into compound sentences. It happens

also in translating a literary work, especially in a novel.

The novel entitled “Mirror Image” is one of literary works. It is written by

Danielle Steel, one of the most famous mystery writers in the world. The novel

has been translated into Indonesian with same tittle “Mirror Image” by Ade Dina

Sigarlaki. The reasons of taking the Novel as the data source of this study because




of the figure of detective Sherlock Holmes, created by Danielle Steel, is very

popular among the society in the whole world. Over his entire live, Danielle Steel

had published many literary works in the form of novels. And `the Mirror Image`

is one of his greatest novels. However, there are some problems in translating the

novel, especially in translating complex sentence. The researcher found many

problems related to the translation of complex sentences in the Novel.

Example 1:

SL: “I have nothing more to say, Mr. Holmes, except that I was angry with

my wife that night for having held me back when I might have caught that

skulking rascal”.

TL: “Tak ada yang perlu dikatakan lagi Mr. Holmes. Hanya saja saya

sangat marah pada istri saya malam itu, karena kalau saja dia tak menghalangi

langkah saya, saya pasti sudah menangkap bajingan yang mengendap-endap itu”. At the example 1, the SL is one full complex sentences because there is an

independent clause and dependent clause (SL : “I have nothing more to say, Mr. Holmes, except that I was angry with my wife that night for having held me back when I might have caught that skulking rascal”). Different with the TL,

the writer finds one simple sentence and one complex sentence. The simple

sentence because have only one independent clause and a drop mark after name of

someone (TL: “Tak ada yang perlu dikatakan lagi Mr. Holmes). The complex sentence because there is independent clause (TL: Hanya saja saya sangat marah

pada istri saya malam itu,) and two dependent clause (TL: karena kalau saja dia


mengendap-endap itu.) With relative clause and conjunction (that and for

translated into hanya saja and karena) connecting the independent clause and the dependent clause. In this example, the writer finds the modulation procedure in

complex sentence change into other sentences. In the sentence held me back is translated into menghalangi.

Example 2:

SL: “You don`t think that it might have been two shots fired almost at the

same instant?”

TL: “Atau mungkin, itu suara dua tembakan sekaligus?”

At the example 2, the SL is one full complex sentence because there is

independent clause and dependent noun clause (SL: “You don`t think that it might have been two shots firedalmost at the same instant?”). With noun clause (that is translated into itu) connecting the independent clause and the dependent clause in SL complex sentence. Different with the TL, the translator translated the

TL into one simple sentence. Because have only one independent clause (TL:

“Atau mungkinkah itu suara dua tembakan sekaligus?”). in this example, the

writer finds the couplets (reduction and modulation) procedures in complex

sentence change into other sentences. In the sentence you don`t think that it might have been two shots fired almost at the same instant istranslated into

Atau mungkin, itu suara dua tembakan sekaligus.

Considering the phenomena related to the translation of English complex

sentences, the researcher is interested in analyzing the procedures chosen by the



there are some phenomena in the translation of complex sentence, the researcher

limited the analysis only on complex sentence used in source language and target

language. Based on the explanation above, the writer entitles thesis is an analysis

of complex sentences translation in of novel Mirror Image from English into


B. Focus of the Study

There are various sentences in the novel “Mirror Image” such as simple

sentence, complex sentence, compound sentence, and simple compound. Based on

the background of the problem above, the focus of the research is on the

translation of complex sentences in the novel Mirror Image by Danielle Steel.

Which change the type of sentences (to simple or to compound sentence).

C. Research Question

Based on focus of the study above, the writer intends to propose the research

questions below:

1. What are types of complex sentences used in the novel Mirror Image

translated into Indonesian which become other types of sentences in the

target language?

2. How is the translation procedures applied to the complex sentences in the novel Mirror Image from the source language translated into target


D. Objective of the Study

The goals of the research are as follows:

1. To identify the types of complex sentences used in novel Mirror Image

translated into Indonesian which becomes other types of sentences in the

target language.

2. To identify the translation procedures of complex sentence in novel Mirror

Image from source language into target language.

E. Research Methodology 1. Method of the Research

The method that is used in this research is qualitative method. Qualitative

method is research which relies on verbal data and non-numerical in the same

manner as the basic of analyze and creative problem solving of the research.4 The

writer will describe the data and the results obtained from this research is a form

of verbal data words or phrases containing an unknown concept in the novel

Mirror Image by Danielle Steel.

2. Technique of Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the writer uses descriptive analysis technique that is

supported by the relevant theory, and the researcher uses the following steps:

1) Reading the entire contents of the novel Mirror Image and its Indonesia





2) Giving a sign on the sentence that contain complex sentence in the novel

Mirror Image and its Indonesian translation.

3) Interpreting the complex sentence that contained in the novel Mirror

Image and matches with its Indonesian translation.

4) Classifying the sentences based on the type of complex sentences.

5) Concluding the data.

3. Instrument of the Research

In this study, The instrument is the writer herself as the main instrument to

obtain qualitative data about the methods translation of complex sentences and

equivalence of meaning by reading and analyzing the novel Mirror Image by

Danielle Steel and also from other sources that can provide useful information for

this research. However, in conducting this study, the writer was supported by

some equipment such as the supporting library of the research and internet.

4. The Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis in this study is novel Mirror Image by Danielle Steel, and

its translation with the same title, Mirror Image translated by Ade Dina Sigarlaki.

The original novel that the writer used published in New York 1998 and the

translation published in 2008 and the publisher is PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

5. Time and Place of the Study


research can be classified as library research. Therefore, this research can be

implemented in various places, especially in the various college libraries in




A. Previous Research

This is not the only research of complex sentences because the writer found

other relevant researches. They are; An Analysis of Indonesian Translation of

Complex Sentences in The Short Story Entitled “Sherlock Holmes: The Dancing

Men” By Arthur Conan Doyle by Rahman (2006), Analisis Terjemahan Kalimat

Majemuk Bahasa Indonesia ke dalam Bahasa Inggris dalam Roman Belenggu

Versi Bahasa Inggris Terjemahan John H. Meglyn by Rananingsih (2004).

The first study is entitled An Analysis of Indonesian Translation of Complex

Sentences in The Short Story Entitled “Sherlock Holmes: The Dancing Men” By

Arthur Conan Doyle by Rahman (2006). The focus is on analyzed the accuracy

and strategy in English Complex Sentences. Translation at the novel entitled

“Sherlock Holmes : The Dancing Man”. On his research, he included that there

are 36% of complex sentences found in the novel (50) are translated into simple

sentences, 22% are translated into two simple sentences or more, 20% are omitted,

4% are translated into compound sentences, and the rest (2%) are translated into

compoundcomplex sentences. Rahman look on discussion that 58% among 50

data in the novel are translated correctly, and 42% of them are translated

incorrectly by the translator. The important result that are found in her thesis are

the translator does not have enough capability to translate the complex sentences


used “good” harmony with the principle of Indonesian. Sometimes, the usage of

prefix, conjunction, and second singular personal pronoun in that translation is not

appropriate. In addition, the translator sometimes throws the important word a

way in translating the sentences. Consequently; the translation loses its meaning.1

The second is entitled Analisis Terjemahan Kalimat Majemuk Bahasa

Indonesia ke dalam Bahasa Inggris dalam Roman Belenggu Versi Bahasa Inggris

Terjemahan John H. Meglyn by Rananingsih (2004). The focus is on uses 50%

from the population or 75 complex sentences from population as her sample to

answer her problem statement. The important result are found from research are :

Most of the data are translated by free translation (there are 48 sentences = 64%

from the data), and the residues are translated by word-for-word translation (there

are 27 sentences = 36% from the data). Then she finds that the structural changes

occurred here. From her data, are a lot of complex sentences which change their

structure in the TL. But she concludes that it does not influence the meaning that

wants to be conveyed by writer of the SL to the readers. It means that almost of

data are translated correctly (97,3% ) and just 2,7% from the data are translated


While, the writer has similar analyzing but the data and data source is

different. In this research, the writer focuses on the analysis of complex sentences

translation and uses the data as the data source.

1 Rahman, An Analysis of Indonesian Translation of Complex Sentences in The Short Story Entitled

“Sherlock Holmes: The Dancing Men” By Arthur Conan Doyle, (UNY,2006), P. 7,



B. Translation

1. The Definition of Translation

Translation is “related parties in reproducing in the receptor language the

closest natural equivalent of the source language massage, first in terms of

meaning and secondly in terms of style”.3 It means, the first focus of translation is

transferring message of the source language to the target language. Moreover,

transferring message is same with doing communication receptor language word

like in the statement above has meaning that translation consists of

communication activity.

Similar to statement above, Larson said that “translation focusing on

transferring meaning of source language to target language by the semantic


It means that the important thing in translation is transferring

meaning, in order to make the reader of the target language easy to understand.

So, doesn`t matter if the original form of the source language is changed.

Statements below are definition about translation from other authorities,

there are:

1. “A process if finding a TL (target language) equivalent for an SL (source

language utterance”.5

2. “An act of communication which attempts to relay, across cultural and

linguistic boundaries, another act of communication (which may have


Eugine A. Nida and Charles R. Taber. The Theory and Practice of Translation (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1969), p. 12

4 M. L. Larson “Meaning-Based Translation. A guide to cross-Language Equivalence,” in Frans Sayogie, Teori dan Praktek Penerjemahan Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia (Tanggerang: Pustaka anak negeri, Tanggerang, 2009), p. 8.



been intended for different proposes and different readers/hearers”.6

3. “Sebuah bentuk umum yang mengacu pada pemindahan pemikiran dan ide

dari satu bahasa (sumber) ke bahasa yang lain (sasaran), baik bahasa itu

dalam bentuk tertulis ataupun dalam bentuk lisan, baik bahasa itu telah

disusun secara ortografi ataupun belum standar, ataupun baik satu atau dua

bahasa itu berdasarkan tanda, seperti bahasa isyarat untuk orang yang


Based on the definitions above, the writer concludes that translation

involves two languages; there are the source language and the target language

(receptor language). Moreover, translation is effort to transfer message or idea of

the source language that equivalent to the target language.

C. Sentence

1. Definition of Sentence

Sentences are made up of two parts subjects and predicates. According to

Frank there are two definition of sentence in traditional grammar theory:

1. By meaning: sentence is a `complete though`.

2. By function: sentence consists of a subject and a predicate.”8

Meanwhile, according to Dwight the traditional definition of sentence is

the minimum part of language that expresses a complete thought, and certainty

6 Ibid, p. 9.


Ibid, p. 9



some sense of completeness is essential to it.9

Hadumo said a sentence is a unit of speech constructed according to

language dependent rules, which is relatively complete and independent in respect

to content, grammatical structure, and intonation. 10

From all of the definition above sentence is a full predication containing a

subject plus a predicate with a finite verb and then sentences there are differences

between the deep and surface structure. The structure of a sentence is it`s

grammatical form, while the deep structure is understood as its meaning.

2. Types of Sentence

A sentence is a group of words that (a) contains at least one subject and

one verb. And (b) expresses a complete thought. There are four kinds of sentences

in English: simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, and

compound-complex sentences.11 First, Jet`s learn about simple sentences.

a. Simple sentence

A simple sentence has one subject-verb pair. The subject tells who or what

did something. The verb tells the action (jump, work, think) or condition (is, was,

seem, appear). A simple sentence can have one of several possible "formulas."

Here are four possibilities. The subjects in each sentence are underlined with one

line. The verbs are underlined with two lines.12


Bolinger, Dwight. Aspects of Language, 2nd Edition (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975), p. 156.


Hadumo Bussmann, Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics (Trans: by Lee Forester et al. Routledge, 1996), p. 112.


Alice oshima Ann Hague, The Longman Introduction to Academic Writing-3rd ed (America: Pearson Education, Inc. 2007), p. 22.



1 . The Star Wars movies were international hits. (S+V)

2. Young people and adults enjoyed them. (S+S+V)

3. The films entertained and thrilled audiences everywhere. (S+V+V)

4. Luke Skywalker and his friends battled evil and made us laugh at the same

time. (S+S+V+V)

That the subject in a simple sentence may have two or more items (sentences 2

and 4). The verb may have two or more items (sentences 3 and 4). These are all

simple sentences because there is only one subject-verb pair.

b. Compound sentence

Another kind of sentence is a compound sentence. A compound sentence has

two or more subject-verb combinations. A compound sentence is composed of at

least two simple sentences joined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction.

There are seven coordinating conjunctions in English: and, but, so, or, for, nor,

yet, or so as well as.13 An easy way to remember these coordinating conjunctions

is FANBOYS. Have your child create his own FANBOYS poster to help him


Example: The gold disappeared with the mice, so the greedy man got nothing.


c. Complex sentence

A complex sentence is a combination of one independent clause and one (or

more) dependent clauses.15

Example: Anna left the party early because she was tired.


Ibid, p. 41

14 Jimmie (http://jimmiescollege.com) that accesed in February, 11th 2015 at 19:25 o`clock. 15




Hold the cat's mouth closed while you count to ten. (Indep.Clause+Dep.Clause)

d. Compound-complex sentence

A compound-complex sentence consists of a combination of a compound

sentence and a complex sentence. Complex-compound sentences are made up of

two independent clauses and at least one or more dependent clause.16

Example: Because grammar is easy, I learned it quickly, but it took me several

years to master writing.

D. Complex Sentences

1. Definition of Complex Sentence

According to Comma Rule In a complex sentence, when the dependent

clause comes first, separate the clauses with a comma. When the independent

clause comes first, do not separate them. 17Meanwhile, Quirk and friends stated

that “complex sentence as, a simple sentence in that it consists of only one main

clause, but unlike simple sentence it has one or more subordinate clauses

functioning as an element of the sentence.”18

It means complex sentence is a developed simple sentence, in which

consist of one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses (subordinate

clause), and the relation between them is very tight. The dependent clause usually

is introduced by a subordinateconjunction like who, which, that, whom, because,


Ibid, p. 113

17 Comma Rule, The Longman Introduction to Academic Writing-3rd

ed (America: Pearson Education, Inc. 2007), p. 112.


and so on.

2. Types clause of complex sentence

a. Complex sentence with adjective (relative) clause

According to Hopper and Traugott the definition of adjective clause is

Language exhibit different degrees of integration and interlacing relative clause,

ranging from clauses which are placed outside the nucleus to clauses which are

closely attached to a head noun inside the nucleus.19

According to Alice “adjective clauses are dependent clauses. They are called

adjective clauses because, like adjectives, they modify nouns and pronouns. They

begin with the words who, whom, which, and that, among others. These words are

called relative pronouns, and adjective clauses are also called relative clauses. An

adjective clause joined to an independent clause makes a complex sentence.20

Adjectives clauses can be necessary or extra information. Use the same

comma rule. Use commas to separate an extra information adjective clause from

the rest of the sentence. Do not use commas with necessary adjective clauses.

Example of Necessary: Every culture in the world has special days that people observe with traditional food, customs, and events.

In this sentence, the clause that people observe with traditional food, customs,

and events is an adjective clause modifying the noun days. Since it is necessary to

identify which days the writer is discussing, the clause is necessary and commas

19 Hopper, J. Paul and Elizabeth C. Traugott. Gramaticalization (Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, 1985), p. 190.



are not used. That always introduces a necessary clause.

Example of Extra Information: Another example of a modern holiday with

pagan origins is Halloween, which is on October.

In this sentence, the clause which is on October 31 is an adjective clause

modifying the noun Halloween. The clause is unnecessary to identify Halloween;

it merely gives extra information about it. Therefore, commas are used. Which,

who, and whom introduce extra information clauses.

b. Complex sentence with Adverb clause

Adverb clause is a clause which explains sentence. There are nine types of

adverb clauses:21

1. Adverb of time. Example: “I was studying when John came in.”

2. Adverb of place. Example: “I will meet you where we meet yesterday.”

3. Adverb of clause or reason. Example: “Since there is no fruit here, I will go to

the market.”

4. Adverb of condition. Example: “Only if you finish the work, he will give you

the money.”

5. Adverb of concession. Example: “John came to school although he had a cold.”

6. Adverb of contrast. Example: “The train never appears while many people wait

for it.”

7. Adverb of result. Example: “John was so lazy that many people hate him.”

8. Adverb of comparison. Example: “Fenny sings more beautifully than Amga




9. Adverb of manner. Example: “Denny speaks as though he were unhappy.”

c. complex sentence with noun clause

Noun clause is a clause which functioned as noun. The functions of noun

clause are divided into four, they are:22

1. Noun clause as subject. Example: “What you did yesterday made other people


2. Noun clause as object. Example: “I know where she lives.”

3. Noun clause as complement. Example: “The fruit is what I need.”

4. Noun clause as preposition’s object. Example: “Based on what all of you said

just now, we can conclude it.”

E. Complex Sentences from Indonesian

1. Definition Complex Sentence in Indonesia language (Kalimat Majemuk Bertingkat)

Different complex sentences in English. Complex sentences in Indonesian

called kalimat majemuk bertingkat. According to Chaer “kalimat majemuk

bertingkat sebagai kalimat luas bertingkat yang dibentuk dari dua buah klausa

yang digabungkan menjadi satu, dengan menggunakan kata penghubung (sebab,

kalau, meskipun, dan sebagainya).23

Meanwhile, according to Suparman “kalimat majemuk bertingkat akan

terbentuk jika sebuah unsur kalimat sumber (kalimat tunggal) dibentuk menjadi

sebuah kalimat, dan kalimat bentukan itu digabungkan dengan kalimat

22 Ibid, p. 1260




sumbernya.24 There are many manners to make Indonesia translation of complex

sentence (kalimat majemuk bertingkat)

a) Transformation sentence: a process to change simple sentence to be complex sentence, and also from complex sentence to simple sentence.

Example: a). kami tidak berangkat. b). Kami takut kehujanan.

Kami tidak berangkat, sebab kami takut kehujanan.

b) Extension one of simple sentence element: used relative pronoun yang, bahwa, etc. and also the dependent clause use direct sentence and question


Example: a). digadaikan baru saja. b). yang dipakainya setiap hari raya.

Yang dipakainya setiap hari raya digadaikan baru saja.

c) Dependent Relative Clause: according to Suparman “anak kalimat

relative adalah aposisi yang diubah menjadi sebuah klausa dengan kata

yang sebagai subjeknya. Kata yang tergolong kata ganti penghubung,

Bahasa inggrisnya relative pronoun. Dari kata relative pronoun lahirlah

istilah Anak kalimat relatif.25

Example: Penjual obat yang dikerumuni orang itu tertawa terbahak-bahak (S+AKR+P)

F. Procedures of Translation

1. Definition of Translation Procedure

Based on Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary, procedure is “a formal

24 Suparman, H. Sintaksis Jilid 1, 2 (Singaraja: FKIP Unud Singaraja, 1981). p. 64 25


or official order or way of doing things, especially the usual or correct way”.26 In

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), procedure refers to “tahap kegiatan

untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah; metode langkah demi langkah secara

pastidalam memecahkan suatu masalah”.27 There are also other forms for

translation procedures like Molina-Albir, based on their identifying, they

mentions eighteen translation techniques as procedures to analyze and classify

how translation equivalence works.28 The other definition is “rencana yang

cermat mengeai kegiatan untuk mencapai sasaran khusus”.29

Newmark state “While translation methods relate to whole text, translation

procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language.30 From the

definition above, the writer decides to use the translation procedure because

translation procedures applicable to sentences and smaller units of language such

clauses, phrases, and words. Newmark suggest nineteen procedures:31

a) Literal Translation, just as word for word translation, is a method of

translation in which the text in SL is translated into TL one by one, out of

the context, but the grammatical constructions in SL are converted into

their nearest equivalents in TL.

b) Transference is the processes of transferring a SL text to a TL text as a

translation procedure.


A.S. Hornby, Oxford Advanced Leaner`s Dictionary of Current English (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), p. 022.


Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia: Edisi Keempat (Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2008), p. 1106.


Lucia Molina and Amparo. H. Albir, “Translation Techniques Revisited: A Dynamic and

Functionalis Approach”, Meta: Translator Journal. Vol. 47 no. 4 (2002), pp509-511. 29

Ibid. p. 1340

30 Peter Newmark, A Text Book of Tanslation (London: Centre for Translation and Language Studies University of Surrey, 1988), p. 5.



c) Naturalization, this procedure adapts the SL word first to the normal

pronunciation, then the normal morphology (word-forms) of the TL.

d) Cultural Equivalent, this is an approximate translation where a SL cultural

word is translated by a TL cultural word.

e) Functional Equivalent, it is an equivalent modified by explaining the

function of the SL words.

f) Descriptive Equivalent, it is an equivalent modified by describing the

source language word.

g) Synonymy, it is near TL equivalent to SL word in a context, where a

precise equivalent may or may not exist. This procedure is used for a SL

word where there is no clear one-to-one equivalent, and the word is not

important in the text, especially for adjectives or adverbs of quality.

h) Through Translation, it is the literal translation of common collocation,

names of organizations, the components of compounds and perhaps


i) Shift or Transposition, A shift (Catford`s term) or transposition is a

translation procedure that changes the grammar from SL into TL.

j) Modulation, it entails a change in lexical elements, a shift in the point of

view, Newmark divided modulation into two types. The firs is standard

modulation; it is used when word, phrase, or structure is not having

equivalence meaning in TL, the second type is free modulation is used by

the translator when a translator disprove literal translation.


official or the generally accepted translation of any institutional term.

l) Translation Label, this is a provisional translation, usually of a new

institutional term, which should be made in inverted commas, which can

later be discreetly withdrawn.

m) Compensation, it occurs when loss of meaning, sound-effect, metaphor or

pragmatic effect in one part of a sentence is compensated in another part,

or in a contiguous sentence.

n) Componential Analysis, it means comparing a SL word with a TL word

which has a similar meaning but it is not an obvious one-to-one

equivalent, by demonstrating first their common and then their differing

sense components.

o) Reduction and Expansion, these are rather imprecise translation

procedures, which you practice intuitively in some cases. Duft`s explained

reduction is part of the source language expressiu=on is reduce, even


p) Paraphrase, this is an amplification or explanation of the meaning of a

segment of the text.

q) Other procedures, Vinay and Darbelnet also give

1) Equivalence, an unfortunately named term implying approximate

equivalence, accounting for the same situation in different terms.

2) Adaptation, use of a recognized equivalent between two situations.

This is a matter of cultural equivalence.



s) Notes, notes are additional information in a translation.

According to theories above, the writer suggest the best procedure to an analysis

of translation complex sentence that are six procedures, namely:

1. Modulation, it entails a change in lexical elements, a shift in the point

of view, Newmark divided modulation into two types. The firs is

standard modulation; it is used when word, phrase, or structure is not

having equivalence meaning in TL, the second type is free modulation

is used by the translator when a translator disprove literal translation.

Example 1:

SL: gerakan non-blok dituntut peranannya.

TL: The role of the non-aligned movement has been pursued.

Example 2:

SL: we all suffer from the consequence of environmental degradation.

TL: kita semua menderita karena (adanya) penurunan mutu lingkungan

2. Literal Translation, just as word for word translation, is a method of

translation in which the text in SL is translated into TL one by one, out

of the context, but the grammatical constructions in SL are converted

into their nearest equivalents in TL.


SL: I have quite a few friends.

TL: saya mempunyai sama sekali tidak banyak teman.

3. Shift or Transposition, A shift (Catford`s term) or transposition is a



SL1: He is playing with my sheep

TL1: Dia sedang bermain dengan domba-dombaku

SL2: Bingung aku

TL2: I`m confused

4. Reduction and Expansion, these are rather imprecise translation

procedures, which you practice intuitively in some cases. Duft`s

explained reduction is part of the source language expressiu=on is

reduce, even omitted.


SL: The proposal was rejected and repudiated.

TL: Usulnya ditolak.

5. Notes, notes are additional information in a translation.


SL: They get to hit Dorothy with apples.

TL: Mereka mendapat kesempatan untuk melempari Dorothy dengan


6. Naturalization, this procedure adapts the SL word first to the normal

pronunciation, then the normal morphology (word-forms) of the TL.


SL: Strategy, method

TL: Strategi, metode



suggested by the writer are the appropriate solution in analysis of translation

complex sentence. In translating from one language into another language,

something that is needed is a right way in solving the problem, such as



A. Data Description

In data description, the writer tabulates the selected data of complex

sentence which are taken from novel Mirror Image. She analyzes the types of


complex sentence translation in SL become other types of sentences in TL.

Table 1: The Data Complex Sentences Translation of Adjective Clause

No Source Language (complex Sentences) Target Language (Other Language) Translation Procedures Type Translation of Sentences 1.

It is the car that I have dreamedfor many years ago. (p. 66)

Mobil ini yang saya impikan sejak beberapa tahun lalu. (p. 60)

Transposition Simple sentence


You`re a woman who

deserves to be in exotic places. (p. 47)

Wanita sepertimu pantasnya tinggal di tempat-tempat eksotik. (p. 42)

Modulation Simple sentence


The woman, whom

you saw last night, is my sister. (p. 88)

Wanita yang kamu lihat tadi malam adalah saudara saya. (p. 85 )

Literal Translation

Simple sentence


The man whose car is antique works as a lecturer. (p. 168)

Lelaki yang punya mobil antik itu bekerja sebagai dosen.(p. 162) Couplets (literal translation & naturalization) Simple sentence 5.

`We could dare them to guess which one is the bride. (p. 232)

“Kita bisa menantang

mereka untuk menebak siapa pengantinnya. (p. 229) Couplets (literal translation & modulation) Simple sentence 6.

She tossed her hat high in the air when

they reached their hotel room. (p. 214)

Setibanya dikamar hotel, Victoria langsung melempar topinya tinggi-tinggi ke udara. (p. 208)




Victoria was riveted to the spot where she stood, staring at Toby. (p. 217)

Victoria tetap bergeming sambil memandang Toby dengan nanar. (p. 11)


Modulation Simple sentence

Table 2: The Data Complex Sentences Translation of Adverb Clause

No. Source Language (Complex Sentences) Target Language (Other Sentence) Translation Procedures Type Translation of Sentences 1.

Olivia had tears in her eyes when she spoke. (p. 144)

Mohon Olivia dengan air mata berlinang. (p. 104)

Modulation Simple sentence


I`m even not sure

where she is right now. (p. 413)

Aku bahkan tak yakin dia sekarang ada dimana. (p. 420)

Modulation Simple sentence


It`s been two years

since he lost his

wife… it`s time. (p.


Istrinya sudah dua tahun meninggal, sudah waktunya Charles memulai hidup baru. (p. 288)


Compound sentence


Olivia will come to my party only if you accompany her. (p. 354)

Olivia akan datang kepesta saya jika kamu mau menemaninya. (p. 351) Couplets (literal translation & addition) Simple sentence 5.

The firs dinner she ordered for them,

although they tried to be polite, but they could barely eat it. (p. 281)

Pertama kalinya ia mengatur menu makan mereka, walaupun mereka berusaha bersikap sopan. (p. 284)

Reduction Complex



`I`ll suggest it to Charles while

they`re here. (p. 186)

“aku akan

mengusulkannya pada Charles bila mereka dating.” (p. 179) Couplets (literal translation & modulation) Simple sentence 7.

The woman says that he keeps the house just for that purpose.` (p. 131)

Kata si pembantu, Toby menyediakan rumah itu khusus

untuk berkencan.” (p.


Modulation Simple sentence


Toby`s lure was far

more powerful than

her sister`s caution. (p. 89)

Rayuan Toby jauh lebih kuat dari peringatan kakaknya. (p. 81)



`I`m sorry,`he said softly, as though she understood all that he hadn`t said and was thinking. (p. 207)

“aku menyesal,” ujar

Charles lembut. Olivia hanya tersenyum dan bersandar lagi sambil memejamkan

matanya. (p. 537)


Simple sentence & Complex



Table 3: The Data Complex Sentences Translation of Noun Clause

No. Source Language (Complex Sentences) Target Language (Other Language) Translation Procedures Type Translation of Sentences 17.

What would she do

then it made her heart beat faster just

thinking of it. (p. 100)

Apa yang akan

dilakukannya, Hatinya berdebar kencang. (p. 91)

Reduction Simple sentence


Victoria still had no idea where they would put her. (395)

Victoria tak tahu di mana ia nanti tidur. (p. 401) Couplets (modulation & reduction) Simple sentence 19.

The doctor had assured them that she`d be all right eventually. (p. 154)

Akhirnya dokter mereka memastikan bahwa Victoria akan sembuh. (p. 289)

Modulation Simple sentence


I have no idea what you`re talking about,`Victoria said primly. (p. 62)

“Aku tak tahu apa

yang kau maksud,”

kata Victoria tegas. (p. 259)

Modulation Simple sentence

B. Data Analysis

From the tabulated data above that contains 20 complex sentences, the

writer tries to classify and analyze the selected complex sentences by using the

relevant theories. These are explanation from each data above:

Complex Sentences Translation of Adjective Clause 1. Necessary from relative pronoun `That`



sentence) sentence) Procedure

It is the car that I have dreamed for many years ago. (p. 66)

Mobil ini yang saya impikan sejak beberapa tahun lalu. (p. 60)


At the data 2 part (a), the SL is one full complex sentence of necessary or

restrictive relative clause, because there is an independent clause and dependent

adjective restrictive clause (SL: It is the car that I have dreamed for many years ago). With relative pronoun (that is translated into yang) connecting the independent clause and the dependent clause in SL complex sentence. Different

with the TL, the writer find one full simple sentence in TL. Because it has only

one independent clause (TL: mobil ini yang saya impikan sejak beberapa tahun

lalu). In this data the writer finds transposition procedure in complex sentence

change into other sentences. This translation case shows a structural change ADV

+ N into N + ADV in the sentence it is the car that I have dreamed is translated into mobil ini yang saya impikan.1 The translator changed grammatical pattern from SL into TL when translating the sentences above, to make same sense and


2. Extra Information from relative pronoun `Who` Source Language (complex


Target Language ( simple sentence)

Translation Procedure

You`re a woman who deserves to be in exotic places. (p. 47)

Wanita sepertimu pantasnya

tinggal di tempat-tempat

eksotik. (p. 42)


At the data 2 part (b), the SL is one full complex sentence of extra

information or non-restrictive relative clause, because there is an independent



clause and dependent adjective non-restrictive clause (SL: You`re a woman

who deserves to be in exotic places) with relative pronoun (who is translated into di) connecting the independent clause and the dependent clause in SL complex sentence. Different with the TL, the writer finds one full simple

sentence in TL. Because it has only one independent clause (TL: Wanita

sepertimu pantasnya tinggal ditempat-tempat eksotik). In this data the writer

finds the modulation procedure in complex sentence change into other

sentences. In Indonesia you`re a woman has it`s equivalence with kamu adalah seorang wanita2 but the translator translated into Wanita sepertimu. The translator should translates the sentence above to make the reader will be

easier to read the text without review the text before.

3. Extra Information from relative pronoun `Whom`

Source Language (complex sentence)

Target Language (simple sentence)

Translation Procedure

The woman, whom you saw last night, is my sister. (p. 88)

Wanita yang kamu lihat tadi malam adalah saudara saya. (p. 85 )

Literal Translation

At the data 2 part (c), the SL is one full complex sentence of extra

information or non-restrictive relative clause, because there is an independent

clause and dependent adjective non-restrictive clause (SL: The woman, whom you saw last night, is my sister) with relative pronoun (whom is translated into

yang) connecting the independent clause and the dependent clause in SL complex sentence. Different with the TL, the writer finds one full simple sentence in TL.




Because it has only one independent clause (TL: Wanita yang kamu lihat tadi

malam adalah saudara saya). In this data the writer finds the literal translation

procedure in complex sentence change other sentences. In the sentence the woman, whom you saw last night, is my sister is translated into wanita yang kamu lihat tadi malam adalah saudara saya.3 The sentences above use literal translation procedure because the target language has the same grammatical with

source language.

4. Extra Information from relative pronoun `Whose`

Source Language (complex sentence)

Target Language (simple sentence)

Translation Procedure

The man whose car is antique works as a lecturer. (p. 168)

Lelaki yang punya mobil antik itu bekerja sebagai dosen. (p. 162 )

Couplets (literal translation & naturalization)

At the data 2 part (d), the SL is one full complex sentence of extra

information or non-restrictive relative clause, because there is an independent

clause and dependent adjective non-restrictive clause (SL: The man whose car is antique works as a lecturer). With relative pronoun (whose is translated into

yang) connecting the independent clause and the dependent clause in SL complex sentence. Different with the TL, the writer finds one full simple sentence in TL.

Because it has only one independent clause (TL: Lelaki yang punya mobil antik

itu bekerja sebagai dosen). In this data the writer finds the couplets (naturalization

& literal translation) procedure in complex sentence change into other sentences.


Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia: Edisi Keempat


From the first case literal translation, the writer adds the sentence the man whose car is antique works as a lecturer is translated into lelaki yang punya mobil antik itu bekerja sebagai dosen.4 The second is procedure naturalization in the phrase antique is translated into antic.5

5. Extra Information from relative pronoun `Which`

Source Language (complex sentence)

Target Language (simple sentence)

Translation Procedure

`We could dare them to guess

which one is the bride. (p. 232)

“Kita bisa menantang mereka

untuk menebak siapa

pengantinnya. (p. 229 )

Couplets (literal translation &


At the data 2 part (e), the SL is one full complex sentence of extra

information or non-restrictive relative clause, because there is an independent

clause and dependent adjective non-restrictive clause (SL: `We could dare them to

guess which one is the bride) with relative pronoun (which is translated into

siapa) connecting the independent clause and the dependent clause in SL complex sentence. Different with the TL, the writer finds one full simple sentence. Because

it has only one independent clause (TL: Kita bisa menantang mereka untuk

menebak siapa pengantinnya). In this data the writer finds the couplets (literal

translation & modulation) procedure in complex sentence change into other

sentences. From the first case literal translation procedure, the writer adds the

sentence `we could dare them to guess which one is the bride is translated into


Ibid. pp. 255-470




“kita bisa menantang mereka untuk menebak siapa pengantinnya.6 The

second is procedure modulation. In indonesia phrase dare is translated into

berani7 but the translator translated into menantang. The translator should translates the sentence above to make the reader will be easier to read the text

without review the text before

6. Extra Information from relative pronoun `When`

Source Language (complex sentence)

Target Language (simple sentence)

Translation Procedure

She tossed her hat high in the air when they reached their hotel room. (p. 214)

Setibanya dikamar hotel, Victoria langsung melempar topinya tinggi-tinggi ke udara. (p. 208 )


At the data 2 part (f), the SL is one full complex sentence of extra

information or non-restrictive relative clause, because there is an independent

clause and dependent adjective non-restrictive clause (SL: She tossed her hat high

in the air when they reached their hotel room) with relative pronoun (when is translated into setibanya) connecting the independent clause and the dependent clause in SL complex sentence. Different with the TL, the writer finds one full

simple sentence. Because it has only one independent clause (TL: Setibanya

dikamar hotel, Victoria langsung melempar topinya tinggi-tinggi ke udara). In this

data the writer finds the transposition procedure in complex sentence change into

other sentences. This translation case shows a structural change S + V + O into O

+ S + V in the sentence she tossed her hat high in the air when they reached


John M. Echols and Hasan Shadily, Kamus Inggris-Indonesia, (Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1976), pp. 125-355



their hotel room is translated into setibanya dikamar hotel, Victoria langsung melempar topinya setinggi-tinggi ke udara.8 The translator changed grammatical pattern from SL into TL when translating the sentences above, to

make same sense and feel.

7. Extra Information from relative pronoun `Where`

Source Language (complex sentence)

Target Language (simple sentence)

Translation Procedure

Victoria was riveted to the spot

where she stood, staring at Toby. (p. 217)

Victoria tetap bergeming

sambil memandang Toby

dengan nanar. (p. 11 )


At the data 2 part (g), the SL is one full complex sentence of extra

information or non-restrictive relative clause, because there is an independent

clause and dependent adjective non-restrictive clause (SL: Victoria was riveted to

the spot where she stood, staring at Toby) with relative pronoun (where is translated into sambil) connecting the independent clause and the dependent clause in SL complex sentence. Different with the TL, the writer finds one full

simple sentence. Because it has only one independent clause (TL: Victoria sambil

bergeming sambil memandang Toby dengan nanar). In this data the writer finds

the modulation procedure in complex sentence change into other sentences. In

Indonesia Victoria was riveted to the spot where she stood has it`s equivalence with Victoria masih mengelilingi sorot dimana dia berdiri 9but the translator translated into Victoria tetap bergeming sambil memandang Toby dengan nanar. The translator should translates the sentence above to make the reader will


Ibid. pp. 178-440




be easier to read the text without review the text before.

Complex Sentences Translation of Adverb Clause 1. Adverb of time

Source Language (complex sentence)

Target Language (simple sentence)

Translation Procedure

Olivia had tears in her eyes

when she spoke. (p. 144)

Mohon Olivia dengan air mata berlinang. (p. 104)


At the data 3 part (a), the SL is one full complex sentence adverb of time,

because there is an independent clause and dependent adverb clause (SL: Olivia

had tears in her eyes when she spoke) with adverb clause (when is translated into

dengan) connecting the independent clause and the dependent clause in SL complex sentence. Different with the TL, the writer finds one full simple sentence.

Because it has only one independent clause (TL: Mohon Olivia dengan air mata

berlinang). In this data the writer finds the modulation procedure in complex

sentence change into other sentence. In Indonesia Olivia had tears in her eyes when she spoke has it`s equivalence with Olivia mempunya air mata di kedua matanya saat dia berbicara10 but the translator translated into Mohon Olivia dengan air mata berlinang. The translator should translates the sentence above to make the reader will be easier to read the text without review the text before.

2. Adverb of place Source Language (complex


Target Language (simple sentence)

Translation Procedure

I`m even not sure where she is right now. (p. 413)

Aku bahkan tak yakin dia sekarang ada dimana. (p. 420)

Literal translation



At the data 3 part (b), the SL is one full complex sentence adverb of place,

because there is an independent clause and dependent adverb clause (SL: I`m even

not sure where she is right now) with adverb clause (where is translated into

dimana) connecting the independent clause and the dependent clause in SL complex sentence. Different with the TL, the writer finds one full simple sentence.

Because it has only one independent clause (TL: Aku bahkan tak yakin dia

sekarang ada dimana). In this data the writer finds the transposition procedure in

complex sentence change into other sentence. In the sentence I`m even not sure

is translated into Aku bahkan tak yakin. The sentences above use literal translation procedure because the target language has the same grammatical with

source language.

3. Adverb of clause or reason Source Language (complex


Target Language (compound sentence)

Translation Procedure

It`s been two years since he lost his wife… it`s time. (p.


Istrinya sudah dua tahun meninggal, sudah waktunya Charles memulai hidup baru. (p. 288)


At the data 3 part (c), the SL is one full complex sentence adverb of clause

or reason, because there is an independent clause and dependent adverb clause

(SL: it`s been two years since he lost his wife… it`s time) with adverb clause (since is translated into sudah) connecting the independent clause and the dependent clause in SL complex sentence. Different with the TL, the writer finds

one full compound sentence. Because there are two simple sentences joined by a



waktunya Charles memulai hidup baru). In this data the writer also finds the

addition procedure in complex sentence change into other sentences. In the add

sentences Charles memulai hidup baru. The sentences above use addition procedure to make same sense and feel.

4. Adverb of condition Source Language (complex


Target Language (simple sentence)

Translation Procedure

Olivia will come to my party

only if you accompany her. (p. 354)

Olivia akan datang ke pesta saya jika kamu mau menemaninya. (p. 351)

literal translation

At the data 3 part (d), the SL is one full complex sentence adverb of

condition, because there is an independent clause and dependent adverb clause

(SL: Olivia will come to my party only if you accompany her) with adverb clause (only if is translated into jika) connecting the independent clause and the dependent clause in SL complex sentence. Different with the TL, the writer finds

one full simple sentence. Because it has only one independent clause (TL: Olivia

akan datang ke pesta saya jika kamu mau menemaninya). In this data the writer

finds the literal translation procedure in complex sentence change into other

sentences. In the sentence olivia will come to my party only if you accompany her is translated into olivia akan datang ke pesta saya jika kamu menemaninya.11 The sentences above use literal translation procedure because the target language has the same grammatical with source language.

5. Adverb of concession

Source Language (complex Target Language (complex Translation



sentence) sentence) Procedure

The first dinner she ordered for them, although they tried to be polite, but they could barely eat it (p. 281)

pertama kalinya ia mengatur

menu makan mereka,

walaupun mereka berusaha bersikap sopan. (p. 284)


At the data 3 part (e), the SL and TL is one full complex sentence adverb

of concession, because there is independent clause and dependent adverb clause

(SL: The first dinner she ordered for them, TL: pertama kalinya ia mengatur menu

makan mereka,) and two dependent clause in source language (SL: although they tried to be polite, but they could barely eat it. Different in target language the translator only use one dependent clause TL: walaupun mereka berusaha bersikap

sopan). With adverb clause (although and but is translated into walaupun) connecting the independent clause and the dependent clause. In this data the writer

finds the reduction procedure in complex sentence change into other sentences. In

the sentence but they could barely eat it in SL it doesn`t translated by translator. The sentences above use reduction procedure to make same sense and feel.

6. Adverb of contrast Source Language (complex


Target Language (simple sentence)

Translation Procedure

`I`ll suggest it to Charles while they`re here. (p.186)

“Aku akan mengusulkannya

pada Charles bila mereka

datang.” (p.179)


At the data 3 part (f), the SL is one full complex sentence adverb of

contrast, because there is an independent clause and dependent adverb clause (SL:



sentence. Because it has only one independent clause (TL: “Aku akan mengusulkannya pada Charles bila mereka datang). In this data the writer finds

the modulation procedure in complex sentence change into other sentences. In

Indonesia here has it`s equivalence with disini12but the translator translated into

datang. The translator should translates the sentence above to make the reader will be easier to read the text without review the text before.

7. Adverb of result Source Language (complex


Target Language (simple sentence)

Translation Procedure

The woman says that he keeps the house just for that purpose.` (p.131)

Kata si pembantu, Toby

menyediakan rumah itu

khusus untuk berkencan.” (p. 121)


At the data 3 part (g), the SL is one full complex sentence adverb of result,

because there is an independent clause and dependent adverb clause (SL: The

woman says that he keeps the house just for that purpose) with adverb clause (that is translated into itu) connecting the independent clause and the dependent clause in SL complex sentence. Different with the TL, the writer

finds one full simple sentence. Because it has only one independent clause

(TL: Kata si pembantu, Toby menyediakan rumah itu khusus untuk

berkencan“). In this data the writer finds the modulation procedure in complex

sentence change into other sentences. In Indonesia the woman & purpose has it`s equivalence with wanita & maksud13but the translator translated into si pembantu & berkencan. The translator should translates the sentence above


Ibid. p. 378



to make the reader will be easier to read the text without review the text


8. Adverb of comparison Source Language (complex


Target Language (simple sentence)

Translation Procedure

Toby`s lure was far more powerful than her sister`s caution. (p. 89)

Rayuan Toby jauh lebih

kuat dari peringatan

kakaknya. (p. 81)


At the data 3 part (h), the SL is one full complex sentence adverb of

comparison, because there is an independent clause and


Table 1: The Data Complex Sentences Translation of Adjective Clause
Table 2: The Data Complex Sentences Translation of Adverb Clause
Table 3: The Data Complex Sentences Translation of Noun Clause


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