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Analysis of Code Switching in The Novel 'Doing Java' By Niels Mulder.


Academic year: 2017

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Dalam Tugas Akhir ini, saya menganalisa code switching yang terjadi sekarang ini. Akhir-akhir ini, orang menggunakan code switching dalam percakapan mereka. Hal ini disebabkan oleh orang-orang yang belajar bahasa manca negara. Dengan mempelajari bahasa asing, acapkali mereka menggunakan bahasa tersebut dalam keseharian hidup mereka. Kadang kala mereka mencampurbaurkan bahasa mereka dengan bahasa asing. Hal ini pun terjadi di Indonesia. Orang Indonesia mencampurkan bahasa Indonesia dengan bahasa Inggris ataupun dengan bahasa yang lainnya. Masalah ini dalam ilmu linguistik disebut dengan code switching.

Code switching adalah percampuran dua bahasa dalam satu kalimat. Code switching dapat berupa kalimat ataupun kata-kata. Beberapa alasan untuk menggunakan code switching antara lain adalah untuk menekankan tujuan penutur kepada lawan tutur, untuk menunjukkan perasaan penutur terhadap lawa tutur dan untuk menunjukan rasa persahabatan dalam suatu komunitas tertentu.



PREFACE………...……… i



CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Background of the Study………. 1

Statement of the Problem……… 4

Purpose of the Study………... 4

Method of Research……… 4

Organization of the Thesis……….. 4







Table of Analysis

No Sentence Functions

1 …Then sends them home with the advice to swallow some salt-white, pure with- air putih, ‘white’ water, pure water, because…


2 …We are merdeka!, independent!… Reiteration 3 you need to perform the ritual with body and

mind. Without concentration, it doesn’t result in pahala, merit


4 …but are also hired to carry anything else, like becak tricycle taxis that are the main means of transportation across town


5 …before the isya evening prayer, the meaning of prayer is explained

Reiteration 6 Pak Astar belongs to the economics faculty, not

quite my field, but that I am his trophy’

Designation 7 Imagine, if I am no virgin, no longer suci, I’ll have

lost my chances of marrying


8 …too often bagaimana? Worse than that, I am beginning to reproduce mannerism.

Emphasis 9 As a result, their contact is not with God but with

Satan, and what they hold to be kebatinan is no better than klenik, black magic, occultism


10 …and so it was appreciated that we were joined by a busload of sarong-kebaya dressed, old Chinese ladies who had come all the way from Jakarta.


11 I had to explain that I had come to do research on the aliran, on the religious diversity that set the framework for organizational life in parties, association, clubs and other groupings.


12 This policy, however, bared the rift between santri (rule-abiding Muslims) and the laxer….


13 To assist in these endeavours, they do sujud, resignation to God, which may mean variety of exercises…


14 … is to throw a slametan, a ceremony including prayer organized around a communal meal serving to restore or reaffirm order.


15 Body and soul should simply be surrendered to God until God can intuited by means of the rasa, the indwelling fine feeling that is our personal link to the spiritual realm that is his


16 At night, one heard the gamelan, its percussion and lyrics inducing a calm, meditative mood


17 I find small, coarse wayang puppets, some ceramic animals, running stick with a tin for a wheel


18 … At night, all of us watch the movie sembilan, in which nine heroes, everyone of them dressed in a different ethnic costume, quest for their origin and destiny


19 Whatever the choice of viands, one was a constant: a conspicuous jar of red-hot sambal (chili sauce) to add fiery spice to deliciously seasoned food.’

Reiteration and Parenthesis

20 There was hardly a single bhikkhu (monk-priest) from Indonesia, in contrast to a sizable delegation of monks who had come all the way from


Reiteration and Parenthesis

21 …the famed sate (shish kebab) shop … Reiteration and Parenthesis 22 Pak Gondo thought it very funny, ‘Oh’, he laught,

‘besok yang akan datang’! (a tomorrow that will come)

Reiteration and Parenthesis

23 well- she likes to start her sentences on a fat “well”- he’s cute, touching. I loved it when he said, “saya cinta saudari” it is so awkward and yet so moving, so sincere’

Quotation and Emphasis

24 In that sense, the practice of religion, agama, is merely the practice of outer man

Substitution and Reiteration 25 Most memorable among them is the fat Balinese,

who keeps assuring his companions, ‘saya lapar dan haus’ (I am hungry and thirsty), a phrase I now fully understand.


26 that is white magic, and thus wrong. ‘I practise medicine; I am not a dhukun’(shaman).

Parenthesis, Reiteration and Emphasis

27 That’s where we keep the kris, the pusaka (heirloom) protecting this house.

Untranslatability parenthesis, and Reiteration 28 No, the abangan messes, those who live

accordingly to the deep-Javanese (kejawen) heritage, were not really interested.

Parenthesis, Substitution and Untranslatability 29 To him, there was no doubt that I was a londo, a


Designation, Reiteration, and Emphasis

30 to him, the Nu is a big brotherhood, a family woven together of personal ties that Cluster around the leader-teacher, or kiai, of pondok-pesantren (Islamic boarding schools)

Designation, Substitution, Untranslatability,




Background of the Study

Language is very important for people to communicate with one another for the reason that language is a method of communication conducted by human beings in describing their experiences <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/language>. One way of communicating is by having a conversation with other people. In a conversation, a foreign language may be used because we sometimes interact with foreigners who speak a different language from that of ours. As a result, people may speak in two languages. It is called bilingual. ‘Bilingual is using or capable of using two languages’ (Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary, 1979:182).


The third reason is that the speaker would like to express the solidarity with the listener. (Holmes, 2001:36)

This topic is interesting to be discussed because this phenomenon occurs in all countries; for example, in the United States of America. In the particular country, there are a lot of immigrants coming from different background. It can be seen when a Spaniard learns English. People sometimes mix the language between Spanish and English in their daily conversation. Hence, I would like to find out why people do code switching from one language to another. This phenomenon occurs because of several reasons or conditions. There are several functions that a speaker uses in code switching with depends on its purposes. By analyzing code switching, I can understand why people use code switching.

Code switching also happens in Indonesia. Since English has become an international language, a lot of indonesian people learn English as their second or foreign language. Therefore, they often mix Indonesian language with English. This phenomenon may occur in daily conversation, movies or novels.


I choose this particular novel because it is interesting to study how a foreigner writes a novel in two languages; particularly because the second language is Indonesian. Besides, I would like to find out why Mulder chooses to keep using the Indonesian words instead of changing them into the English words although he is capable of doing so. Throughout the novel Doing Java, there are a lot of codes switching from English to Indonesian.

In analysing my data, I use Sociolinguistics as my approach. ‘Sociolinguistics is concerned with the relationship between language and the context in which it is used’ (Holmes, 2001:1). In particular, I use code switching theory to support my analysis.

I analyse why the writer in the novel uses code switching in their daily conversation. Since the code switching theory reveals the functions of code switching. They give some information that explains why people use code switching. According to Koziol, there are fourteen functions of code switching, namely personalization, reiteration, designations, substitution, emphasis, clarification, objectivization, untranslatability, mitigating message, parenthesis, aggravating message, quotation, topic shift. (Koziol, 2000: 29-38) There are some purposes behind the use of those functions.


Statement of the Problem

In this thesis I would like to analyse some research questions which are: 1. What are the utterances containing code switching in the novel Doing


2. What are the functions of code switching that occur in the particular novel?

Purpose of the Study

In this thesis I purpose to answer the questions from the statement of the problem which are:

1. To find out the utterances that contain code switching in Doing Java. 2. To find out the functions of code swiching that occur in the novel.

Method of the Research

The method of research used in this thesis follows this procedure. Initially, I read the novel by Niels Mulder entitled Doing Java, which provides me with the data needed for the analysis. The data that I have collected contain code switching. After I have found the data, I classify them into the functions of code switching. Lastly, I analyse the data by using some theory from textbooks and electronic websites

Organization of the Thesis




In this chapter, I would like to present my conclusion based on my discussion in the previous chapter. As I have mentioned in my discussion a foreign language may be used in our conversation. Therefore, people use two or more languages in their daily activities. Because of that, people mix their language in their daily conversation. Sometimes people switch between their language and a foreign language.


would like to express the solidarity with the listener.

According to Koziol, there are fourteen functions of code switching, namely personalization, reiteration, designation, substitution, emphasis, clarification, objectivization, untranslatability, mitigating message, parenthesis, aggravating message, quotation, and topic shift. Those functions explain why people switch their language.

Code switching also occurs in the novel Doing Java. The writer writes this particular novel in two languages, which are English and Indonesian. It happens because the writer tells about the Indonesian customs. There are a lot of functions of code switching appearing in the novel, such as reiteration, designation, substitution, emphasis, untranslatability, parenthesis and quotation. However, reiteration, substitution, and untranslatability are the functions that are easy to find in the novel Doing Java.

The second type of code switching that appears in the novel is reiteration. Reiteration is that the same words are written in two different languages. This function is easy to find in the novel Doing Java. The writer uses this function because the writer wants to make the reader know the word in English. For example in the word sambal, the writer writes the same word but in English. Therefore, the reader knows the meaning of sambal because in English sambal is known as chilli sauce.


Substitution is one of the code switchings that occurs in the novel. Substitution is used to give some information about nouns or pronouns. The writer uses it to give some explanation about the particular word. In the novel, the writer uses substitution which after the noun. However, there are code switchings give some information to explain those words. For example; for the word …leader-teacher, or kiai,…, the writer gives an explanation for a particular word. Because of the explanation, the reader will understand that leader- teacher is kiai.

Emphasis is used to make the listener fully understand the particular word. In the novel Doing Java, it appears in the word suci. The writer wants to emphasize the most important thing for a woman is being virginity until she gets married. In Indonesia, women must be virgin if they want to get married. If they are not longer virgin, it will be hard for them to find a husband.

In novel Doing Java, the most common function of code switching is untranslatability. Untranslatability is usually used for objects that are hard to be expressed in English. In the novel Doing Java, there are a lot of words that cannot be replaced by any other words. Therefore, the reader will know that those words are related to the Indonesian customs. Usually this code switching is followed by the explanation or information. Most of the code switching in the novel Doing Java are untranslatability. For instance, Sarong-kebaya is untranslatability because it is one of the traditional custom of Indonesia. Therefore, the writer writes it in an Indonesian language.


find the form of parenthesis, such as, sambal (chilli sauce) as these words are found in the parenthesis.

The speaker quotes directly what someone has said to give the reference of the speaker. The writer quotes someone’s utterance to make the reader know that it is not his utterance. In the novel Doing Java, there are several sentences which are quoted from someone else’s utterance. It is used to give information that the sentences are from another speaker. Saya lapar dan haus is a quotation. The writer quotes the Balinese woman’s utterance from the movie. Therefore, the reader will know that those are sentences from the movie.

In the novel, there are two functions of code switching, namely reiteration, and untranslatability. It occurs because the novel tells about the customs in Indonesia, especially Javanese’s custom. Because of the customs, there are some words that cannot be replaced by any other words. Therefore, the writer writes the words in the original words (Indonesian). It is used to suggest that the words are related to the Indonesian customs.




Webster New Twentieth Century Dictionary. America: New World Dictionaries/ Simon and Schuster, 1979

Holmes, Janet. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Pearson Education, 1992.

Electronic Publications

Code switching. Wikipedia. March 2006.


Code switching between Spanish and English in the Contemporary American Society. Koziol, Jessica Marie. May 2000. St. Mary’s College of Maryland. March 2006.


Functions of Code Switching in Schoolchildren’s Conversations. Reyes, Iliana.

Bilingual Research Journal, 28: 1 Spring 2004. University of Arizona.

March 2006.

<http://google_codeswitching.> language. wikipedia. March 2006.


Sociolinguostics. Wikipedia. March 2006


Primary Source



Table of Analysis


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