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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English and Literature Department Faculty of Languages and Arts UNIMED as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



NIM 2101220012







Thankful to God for blessings, mercy, guidance, strength, and help which have been given to her so she can finish this Thesis well.

This Thesis was written in order to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain the degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Department of Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

In the completion of this Thesis, the writer was greatly indebted to many people which without their help; she will not be able to complete this Thesis properly. Therefore, on this occasion the writer would like to express her gratitude and appreciation to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si. as the Rector of State University

of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum. as the Dean of Faculty of Languages and

Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd. as the Head of English Department, Rika, S.Pd., M.Hum. as the Secretary of English Department, Dra. Meisuri, MA. as the Head of Non-Educational English Program, and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed. as the Head of Educational English


Drs. Elia Masa Gintings, M.Hum. as the Writer’s Thesis Supervisor and Academic Counselor. Sisters Siti Rasyida Nur., for their endless love, support, encouragement, motivation, prayers, and laughter shared during the writer’s life. She loves them so much. Also her great family for the support during the completion of this thesis.

 The writer’s special alphabet: Agatha Cyip, Donna Manalu,

Muhammad Zia Ansari, Mariati Sembiring Meliala, Meirani Debora Ginting and Ali Muis Dongoran, for the friendship, love, helps, laughter



All of the writer’s friends in Applied Linguistics A and B 2010, thank

you for the love and having a great time studying. She will be missing those memories.

Maam Euis, Mr. Kurnia Hendra Putra, S.E, M,Si, Mr. Pantes for

helping the writer in preparing the files for the purposes of this thesis.  dr. M. Risky Ramadhan Hasibuan, SH, MARS as the head of PT.

Radio Indah Suara 96,5 Fm for permitted to finishing this thesis and for

Station Manager of PT. Radio Indah Suara 96,5 FM Dian Zulkarnain

Lubis S.farm for permitted to finish this thesis. Friends in PT. Radio

Indah Suara that always giving support, motivation ; Sartika Dewi,

Sudharmawan and Dhifa Ario Bima.

Thank you for people she loves and dearest to her that she can’t mention one by one, no other words that can describe it all.

The writer recognize there are many flaws in this thesis. So, please

suggestions and constructive criticism to repair this thesis in the future.




Siti Nurhayati. NIM 2101220012. Code-Mixing in Break Out Music Program on NET.TV A Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan 2014.

This research aims to get information of sociolinguistics about code mixing in Break Out Music Program on NET.TV by the presenters. The objectives of the study are to find types of code mixing, and the most dominant type. The research on this thesis was carried out on descriptive qualitative design. The source of data was the whole script of the utterances by the two presenters. The data were the scenes that have code mixing in its dialogue. The data were analyzed based on Muysken theory, there are 104 code mixing used by the two presenters which consists of three types of code mixing which is alternation (62) with total percentage 59,7 %, insertation (34) percentage 32,7 %, and congruent lexicalization (8) 7,7 %. The most dominant type of code mixing used by two presenters of Break Out Music Program on NET.TV is alternation with percentage 59,7 %.



F. The Differences Between Code-Mixing and Code-Switching 18

G.Broadcaster ... 18

H.Language of Broadcaster ... 19




B. The Data Analysis ... 29

C.Insertation of Type of Code Mixing Use4d by BW ... 31

D.Alternation of Type of Code Mixing Used by BW ... 32

E. Congruent Lexicalization Used by BW ... 32

F. Insertation of Type of Code Mixing Used by SS ... 34

G.Alternation of Type of Code Mixing Used by SS ... 35

H.Congruent Lexicalization Used by SS ... 35

I. The Recapitulation of Data Used by The Presenters ... 36





Table 4.1 The Percentage of Code Mixing that used in Break Out Music Program by

BW ... 30





Appendix 1 Data of Informants ... 43





A. The Background of The Study

Nowadays people develop some knowledge and ability in a second language

and so become bilingual. Spolsky (1998:45) defines the bilingual is a person who has

some functional ability in second language. In bilingual communication, two or more

languages are often use along together. Sometimes the language is mixed or they are

switched to another one. These are known as code-mixing and code-switching. The

phenomena of code-switching and code mixing of languages have long intrigued

scholar who have examined what triggers such occurrences (Muysken, 2000). One of

the bilingual phenomena is code mixing.

Foreign language often use many words from their old language in their new

language, because many of the people speak to now both languages. In situations like

this, bilinguals often develop a mix (Spolsky, 1998:51).

In bilingual and multilingual societies, people may produce certain codes.

They produce some codes because they want to communicate with others smoothly

and as a result, the communication can run well.

Code is a term for any variety of language. There are two kinds of code

namely code-mixing and code-switching. (Jendra, 2010) Code-switching and code

mixing is different. If utterance is switched from one language to another language



utterance, either phrase or clause, consist of a clause or phrase does not support a

distinctive function, it is called code-mixing..

According to Muysken (2000), Code-mixing has three types which are found

in bilingual speech communities. They are insertation, alternation, and congruent

lexicalization. In insertation types, the lexical item or constituent from one language

takes place of a comparable item in the other language; but it is inserted into the

structure of the other language. In alternation pattern, both languages can occur

alternately with their structure. It seems that halfway through the sentence, one

language is replaced by the other. Congruent lexicalization concerns with mixes

where lexical material from their languages occurs in a shared grammatical structure.

People often mix their language especially mixed with English. They do this

for some reason such as bilingual societies, for the sake of prestige, even habitual to

impress other people. People often use code-mixing when they do their job or just

talking with others who also use it. This condition also happens on broadcasting job.

Some broadcaster are supported to use code mixing to support their performance, to

help them easier to share information globally. People usually mix their language

with English and then utter it with their own version.

Nowadays, many people using code-mixing in their informal conversation not

as a form language death or language change, they use code-mixing as a

modernization and prestige to show that they are ability to speak with many language.



Indonesia) will not make they forget their traditional or their mother language. Using

code-mixing just as a situational condition where they are.

Actually, the writer interested with this case because, in this case is different

with others, why? Break Out Music Program is one of music program in Indonesia, it

is different because in that program, two presenters halfway through using English in

their conversation. So that’s why break out music program differ with others.

Bell (1991:1) says that media of communication can vary in form. It can be in

the sound form, such as radio, written form, newspaper, for instance and sound,

written and visual form like television. Television is among the most famous and

sophisticated media. It has revolutionized from time to time to meet the viewer’s


The number of television channels and television programs has increased

rapidly. Consequently, the high demand of the good and interesting programs. On the

other hand, has made the producers of television use many different strategies to win

the competition. Here is the utterances of code-mixing between two presenters in

Break Out :

Boy: Anyway, tadi lagunya dari justin bieber yang udah kita medle buat kalian

yang merupakan satu dari lagunya justin yang paling hits di search

banyak orang di youtube.

Sheryl: But before that, kita mau bilangin kalau misalnya after this show kita



From those utterances, we can see that the problem of code-mixing by two

presenters are they use two process of code-mixing in their conversation. The first

process is insertation. And the second process is alternation. And from those

utterances, the writer can describe what dominantly process of code-mixing that used

by Boy William and Sheryl in Break Out Music Program on NET.TV with using the

Muysken’s Theory.

B. The Problems of The Study

The problems of the study are formulated as following:

1. What types of code-mixing occurred in the Break Out music program?

2. Which type of code-mixing is dominantly used in the Break Out music


3. In what contexts is such a type of code-mixing dominantly used?

C. The Objective of The Study

Based on the problems of the study, the objectives of this study are :

1. To describe the types of code-mixing occurred in the Break Out music


2. To explain the type code-mixing dominantly used in the Break Out music


3. To find out a type of code-mixing dominantly used in the Break Out music



D. The Scope of The Study

This study is limited to the analysis of the types of code-mixing used by both

of the music presenters. The program is Break Out music program, which is

broadcasted by NET. TV from 4 p.m until 5 p.m.

E. The Significance of The Study

It is expected that findings of the study contribute theoretically to the

development of Sociolinguistics, especially in code-mixing and to provide a basis for

further researches of different phenomena. The findings are also expected to enrich

knowledge and horizontals of the producers of interactive music program to improve

or create better program. Practically, the findings are expected to be useful for

English teachers and students who want to study code-mixing in television program,





A. Conclusions

Having collected and analyzing the data, some conclusions were given


1. All types of code mixing used in Break Out music program namely :

insertation, alternation, and congruent lexicalization. It consists of 34

utterances (32,67%) insertation of code mixing, 62 utterances (59,61%)

alternation of code mixing, and 8 utterances ( 7,69%) lexicalization of

code mixing.

2. The result showed that the most dominant type of code-mixing used by

Break Out Music Program is alternation

3. Alternation was the most dominant in script Break Out music program

because the presenters speak English too much in their conversation than

constituent from one languages take place of a comparable item in the

language or just mixes lexical material from either usage occurs.

B. Suggestions

Having conducted a research about an analysis of violation maxim, it is

useful to consider the following suggestions:

1. Understanding of the code mixing would help people when conducted a

conversation whether as speaker or hearer. To everyone who are talking or

speaking especially in a formal situation should give complete, clear, true



2. It is suggested for the researchers who want to research about code mixing

more clearly, make it be detail and easy to understand about code mixing


Table 4.1  The Percentage of Code Mixing that used in Break Out Music Program by


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