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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial fulfillment and the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


MARUDUT SITANGGANG Register Number 082188330083






A Thesis By






This Thesis was examined on 27th June 2013 by the Board Examiners.

Approved by : Adviser Commission

Adviser I Adviser II.

Prof.Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd Prof.Dr. Berlin Sibarani,M.Pd. NIP. 19610425 198601 2 001 NIP. 19570615 198203 1 005

The Head of English Applied The Director of the Postgraduate School Linguistics Study Program



This Thesis was examined on 27th June 2013, by the Board of Examiners

Board of Examiners

Prof.Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd. --- NIP. 19610425 198601 2 001

Prof.Dr. Berlin Sibarani,M.Pd. --- NIP. 19570615 198203 1 005

Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning,M.Pd.

NIP.19590412 198403 1 001. ---

Dr. Siti Aisyah Ginting ,M.Pd. --- NIP. 19570521 198403 2 002-




A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial fulfillment and the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


MARUDUT SITANGGANG Register Number 082188330083





Marudut Sitanggang. Kesesuaian Strategi Guru dalam mengajar Reading Comprehension dengan Sillabus dan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran ( RPP ). Sebuah studi kasus di SMP Negeri 2 Delitua. Universitas Negeri Medan. 2013.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan kesesuaian strategi Guru dalam mengajar Reading Comprehension dengan Silabus dan RPP di SMP Negeri 2 Delitua. Penelitian ini meliputi : 1. Menemukan bagaimana Guru Bahasa Inggris mengembangkan silabus kedalam RPP mereka dalam proses mengajar Reading Comprehension. 2. Menemukan bagaimana Guru Bahasa Inggris mengaplikasikan RPP mereka dalam proses mengajar Reading Comprehension. 3. Menemukan bagaimana Guru Bahasa Inggris mengaplikasikan strategi – strategi dalam mengajarkan Reading Comprehension di SMP Negeri 2 Delitua. 4. Menemukan bagaimana strategi- strategi Guru memiliki kesesuaian dengan silabus dan RPP dalam mengajar Reading Comprehension.

Subjek Penelitian ini adalah 7 orang Guru Bahasa Inggris di SMP Negeri 2 Delitua Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Instrumen- instrument yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data adalah Observasi dan Interview serta metode penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini menunjukkan : (1). Guru – guru melaksanakan pembelajaran tidak berdasarkan Silabus dan RPP. Hal ini maksudnya semua Guru tidak mengikuti RPP dan Silabus ketika mereka sedang melaksanakan pembelajaran. (2) Semua Guru tidak mengikuti langkah – langkah dalam Sillabus dan RPP ketika proses Pembelajaran sedang berlangsung. (3) Mereka melakukan strategi mereka sendiri dalam mengajar karena mereka tidak memliki pengetahuan bagaimana cara mengajar Reading Comprehension yang baik. Semua mereka menggunakan strategi Pemaparan dalam mengajar Reading Comprehension. (4) Strategi semua Guru tidak sesuai dengan strategi dalam mengajar Reading Comprension.



Marudut Sitanggang, The Relevancy of Teacher’s Strategies on Teaching Reading Comprehension with Syllabus and Lesson Plan. A Case Study on SMP N.2 Delitua : State University of Medan, 2013.

This study aims to describe the relevancy of teacher strategies on teaching reading comprehension with syllabus and lesson plan on SMP N2 Delitua, it covers: ( 1). To find out how the English - teacher’s elaborate the syllabus into their lesson plan in the process of teaching Reading Comprehension. (2). To find out how the English - teacher’s apply their lesson plan in the process of teaching Reading Comprehension (3) To find out how the English - teacher’s apply the strategies in teaching Reading Comprehension at SMP Negeri 2 Delitua. (4) To find out how the teacher’s strategies have any relevancies with syllabus and syllabus and lesson plan when they do the teaching learning process..( 3) They do their own strategies in teaching because they do not have knowledge how to teach reading comprehension well. All of them use expository reading strategy. (4) The strategies of the teachers are not relevance with the strategy in teaching reading comprehension.




First of all, Praise the Lord the Almighty Father. The writer would like to thank him

for all His blessing guidance , guidance and opportunity to Him to undertake this study from

the beginning until the completion of his thesis.

He would like to express his deepest gratitude to Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing,M.Pd, his

adviser for encouragement to begin the research and for insight, guidance and patient during

the writing of his thesis. He is also indebted to Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani,M.Pd , his second

adviser, for his guidance , input and constructive critics to produce an excellent academic

writing without the excellent supervision of both them, he is very sure that this academic taste

will not have been completed. He is really cherished the difference of perspective they have

shared to the process of writing this thesis.

He is grateful to render his special thank to the following examiners of Applied

Linguistics Study Program for the valuable knowledge and advice they have transferred to

him : Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning,M.Pd, Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan.M.Hum, Dr. Siti Aisyah

Ginting,M.Pd., who had helped him by correcting his thesis during his viva.

He would like to express his deepest thankful for his beloved wife, Riama

Simanjuntak , his beloved father, Victor P. Sitanggang for their prayer who strengthened the

writer in accomplished this thesis. He is also very grateful to all of his children Alex Pratama.

Josua Pranata and David Pranajaya and also his sister Jenny.B.Sitanggang for their reminder

in finishing this project. This is a very grateful on your accompanied along the difficult time.

He is very grateful for his friends for their motivation, supports and advice to

strengthen him in finishing this thesis. There was no colorful day in accomplishing this thesis



Finally, the writer must admit that the content of this thesis is still far from being

perfect but he is warmly welcome any constructive ideas and critics that will improve the

quality of the thesis. He also hopes that this thesis would be useful for those who read it,

especially majoring in Englsih.

Medan, 2nd July 2013.

The writer



2.3 The Process Reading Comprehension……… 14

2.4 Reading Comprehension Strategies ………. 19

2.5 Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies ……….…. 21

2.5.1 Pre Reading Stage……… 23

2.5.2 While Reading Stage……… 24

2.5.3 Post Reading Stage……….. 25

2.6 The Principles in Teaching Reading Comprehension…. 26 2.7 SYLLABUS……… 27



2.7.2 Syllabus design………. 31

2.8 LESSON PLAN………. 34

2.8.1 Definition……….. 34

2.8.2 The steps of Managing the Lesson Plan………... 36

2.8.3 Lesson Plan Form……….. 45



3.1 The design of the Study………... 49

3.2 The Subject of the Study……… 49

3.3 The Object of the Study ……… 49

3.4 The Technique of Collecting Data……….. 50

3.5 The Technique of Analyzing Data……….. 50

3.6 The Trustworthiness of the Study ……….. 51


4.1 Data Analysis………... 53

4.1.1 The teacher’s strategies in teaching reading Comprehension……… 53

4.1.2 The teachers’ apply their lesson plan in the process of teaching learning………. 73

4.1.3 Factors Underlying the application of lesson plan the way they do in teaching Reading Learning Process.. 78

4.1.4 The Relevance of the Strategies applied by the teachers with syllabus in teaching Reading Comprehension.. 81



4.3 Discussions……… 85


5.1 Conclusion……… 88

5.2 Suggestions……….. 89






1.1. The Background of the Study

Language is a means of communication as well as a systematic means of

communication by using sound or conventional symbols. It is a code used to

express and communicate all purposes that needed by the language users. In

addition Alwasliah (1993) says that language is a purely human and non

instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotion and desires by means of a

system of voluntarily produced symbols , commonly symbols are represented by

words. Based on the definition above, it seems that there is an emphasis on the

components of language such as vocabulary, reading, listening and aspects of

language. Therefore, the language would be very useful if it is communicated

with others to get the meaning of language itself.

To understand the language, It can be said that one must be able to

comprehend the text. The language users have to invent the meaning of the

words as many as possible either in a sentence at least. And by knowing the

meaning of the words, one would be able to get the idea from the reading text.

An English teacher should be able to manage a strategy in teaching

reading comprehension in order to help the students understanding the reading

text as Herrell and Jordan (2004:05) defines that strategy as a way that can be

used across curricular areas to support the learning students. It means that it is

very important for teachers to apply planned strategies to maintain effective



Although many previous research reports have given a comprehensive

portrait on teaching Reading Comprehension strategies, the researcher think that

it is important to explore the relevancy of the teacher’s strategy on teaching Reading Comprehension with syllabus and lesson plan. In this case, this study

focused on to examine the seven English teachers strategies whether their

strategies had any relevancies with their syllabus and lesson plan while they

execute the process of teaching learning on Junior high school.

In the English curriculum, the government has regulated how to treat

English as a foreign language, which must be mastered well by all students. More

over Gurning(2010) states in his journal that the development of curriculum

should take into account the kind of literacy. Therefore In the teaching and

learning process , the teachers are also expected to be able to teach English well

and the students are expected to learn and practice English fluently, good at

listening, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore English teacher should have

good performance in teaching English so that the students would understand what

he / she is going to teach at that time. The performance of a teacher plays an

important role in the teaching and learning process because as a teacher he / she

has many functions in education. He / She would be acted as an educator, a

manager of the class, a guide or a facilitator, a motivator and a stimulator and

also a researcher or as an informant. A teacher could be a producer because he /

she products a lesson plan which is arranged based on the syllabus stated by the

government and he / she must be able to manage the teaching learning process,

facilitates the students in learning and guide them to use many supported learning



willingness of students. It can be said that the teacher should serve the students as

sincerely as possible. It is connected with the motivation of the teacher what

goals that they want to achieve : as Gardner states motivation presents a

schematic representation of this model. There are four sections, external

influences, individual differences, language acquisition contexts, and outcomes.

In the socio-educational model, motivation to learn the second language includes

three elements. First, the motivated individual expends effort to learn the

language. Second, the motivated individual wants to achieve a goal. Third, the

motivated individual will enjoy the task of learning the languages. ( 2001 ). As a

language teacher, he / she must make decisions at all time. Some of the decisions

made are relatively minor ones should be assigned that particular day, for

instance other decisions have more preformed implications. What should be the

goal of language instruction ? Which language teaching method will be the most

effective in reaching it? What is the best means of evaluation to see if it has been

reached? There is no a single correct answer for those questions. It is believed

that a teacher should be informed about some of the possibilities to make better


There are some conditions found in the reality as the reasons for

analyzing the relevancy of teacher’s strategies in teaching Reading

Comprehension, as follows : (1) the English National Examination consists of

short texts, (2) the students mostly failed to answer the questions in grasping the

main idea of the text, (3) most of the students do not know what they want to

know from a text. Therefore in teaching- learning process, a teacher should know



to predict and to divide the time in the process of learning-teaching.

Sihombing,(2010) In Her writing, she concludes that teachers are agent of

changing the weakness of their students’ cognitive achievement into the better one , changing students’ bad manner into the educated one and improving

students’ less skill into the more accepted one. To do all of them teachers should

be skillful enough.

At least there are three factors which make the teaching- learning process

not developed well in every school. (National Education Department 2000 :1,2)

namely :

1. Education production function input – output analyses are not done consequently.

2. The application of education is done bureaucratically and centrally.

3. The role of society, parents in doing education is very poor.

To overcome the above problems, the government has made some efforts for

example by upgrading the teachers giving the new methods and performances in

the process of teaching learning in the class and by revising the hardware and

software of education. And it can be seen by the autonomy declaration, which is

stated by Laws No. 22 and 25 , 1999. It influences the planning , application, and

evaluation in education as Sidi ( 2010 : 10 ) says that :

There are four issues that should be realized in educations :

1. The effort in improving education’s quality which has been done by determining the aim and education competence, which are realized in

an agreement of government and society.



management of school based management, by giving the chance to the

school to manage all the resources in that school in order to gain the

successful education.

3. The improvement of the education quality is based on community and

teachers’ education. In this case, the role of parents and society are very important in decision - making and operational level , which is

done by school committee. This committee consists of the headmaster,

teacher and student representative , parents and the society.

4. Education should be given to all the students in Indonesia without

making any discrimination. It relates with the fund of education that

should be handled well and transparent.

While for the sake of English teaching learning process, the general

objectives of teaching English of education as stated by the Minister of

Education and Culture ( Curriculum 2006 ) are to :

a. enable the students to read books and other library materials.

b. understand lectures delivered by English speaking lectures.

c. take notes.

d. communicate orally with English speaking people.

However many teachers mostly do not care about the relevance of the

teacher’s performance with syllabus and lesson plan while they are teaching in

the classroom . They just think that their duty is just to finish the contents of the

curriculum instructed by the government, therefore some students cannot grasp



In fact as a good teacher , he/ she should prepare their lesson plan well in

order to support their performance in the process of teaching learning especially

when the teacher wants to teach reading He or she should arrange the lesson plan

well because in teaching reading the students need to master the vocabulary and

to grasp the main idea of the text so that the students get information as much as

possible through reading itself.

As we know that Lesson plan is a teacher’s guide to do the learning

process in class, laboratory and every teaching learning take place. A lesson plan

has a basic competence. Because of that, all points that have been written down

in lesson plan covers directly the learning activity in order to achieve the basic

competence mastering. Every teacher should make a plan and arranged their

teaching and learning before he / she teaches the students. Planning is an

anticipatory decision making. It involves deciding what to do, how to do and

when to do something. By making the lesson plan, the teacher would have some

advantages in the teaching learning process such as :

1. The aim of the lesson which is identified and maintained.

2. The lesson material which is selected and arranged in a logical


3. An instructional method and technique which is selected appropriate

to the learning task and the needs of the students.

4. The students who are involved largely in the teaching learning




Before the teacher arranges the lesson plan, he / she should arrange school

syllabus based on the Content Standard ( Standar Isi ), Competence Standard

(Standar Kompetensi ) , the material , the procedure of teaching learning process,

indicators, assessment , time allocation and the source. Therefore , a syllabus

would cover :

a. The student’s competence which appropriate to the students.

b. The materials to be discussed and learned to fulfill the content


c. The performance that should be done by the teacher to influence the

students interaction with the learning source.

d. The indicators that should be formulated to achieve the basic

competence and competence standard.

e. The students’ achievement based on competences which is elaborated into indicators as the criterion to determine kind and aspect of


f. The time used for achieving the content standard.

g. The source that would be used due to the competence standard. (

based on Curriculum 2006 )

The syllabus is elaborated by the teacher himself/herself or done by the

same lesson in that school or done by the teachers from many different schools

but have the same vision and the unity of subject matter .It cannot be said that a

student has mastered English if he / she had good score in grammar if he / she

could not be able to apply English as their tool to communicate among them.



vocabulary is an important point in communicating in English. The teacher is the

key agent to apply the syllabus become a lesson plan as authentic program. The

best teacher should arrange and prepare the lesson plan well, so that the process

of teaching learning would be relevance with the teacher’s performance.

Relevance as an Explanation of Communication. Lawrence D. Roberts defines

that There are three kinds of relevance, they are : 1. the relevance of an

assumption to a context 2. The relevance of an assumption to an individual and 3.

The relevance of phenomenon to an individual. ( Roberts D Lawrence, 45 )

However many teachers teach the students without preparing the tools of the

process teaching learning and it can also occur at SMP Negeri 2 Delitua.

1.2.The Problems of the Study

Based on all ideas presented above there must be action to apply particularly

to settle the problems available dealing with the teaching learning process. The

problems of this research are formulated as the following :

(1) What are the teachers’ strategies used in the process of teaching Reading Comprehension ?

(2) Do the teachers apply their lesson plan in the process of teaching


Comprehension at SMP Negeri 2 Delitua?

(3) Why do they apply the Lesson Plan the way they do in the teaching of

Reading Comprehension at SMP Negeri 2 Delitua ?

(4) Are the strategies applied by the teachers relevance with the strategy in



1.3.The Objectives of the Study

Based on the research questions above, the main purposes of this research

are to find out the following:

(1) To find out how the English - teacher’s elaborate the syllabus into their lesson plan in the process of teaching Reading Comprehension.

(2) To find out how the English - teacher’s apply their lesson plan in the process of teaching Reading Comprehension

(3) To find out how the English - teacher’s apply the strategies in teaching Reading Comprehension at SMP Negeri 2 Delitua.

(4) To find out how the teacher’s strategies have any relevance with syllabus and lesson plan in teaching Reading Comprehension.

1.4.The Scope of the Study

The research is limited to the relevance of English teacher’s strategies with syllabus and lesson plan in teaching Reading Comprehension at SMP N 2

Delitua. The application of syllabus and lesson plan will be based on National

Education Minister Rule No.41 / 2007 about Process Standard. These process

contain the activity and the strategies connected with the teachers performance in

the teaching Reading Comprehension at SMP Negeri 2 Delitua.

1.5.The Significance of the Study

The results of this research are expected to be significant theoretically

and practically for education field. Theoretically the result of the research can



conceptual knowledge about the significance of lesson plan in the process of

teaching Reading comprehension.

While practically, after conducting the research, the researcher hopes that

the research could contribute to the English teacher as a pattern to develop their

lesson plan and self reflection to consider the importance of contribution of

syllabus and lesson plan in the teaching reading comprehension so that it has

relevance with the performance of English teachers. More over the principal of

the school could easily develop his / her teachers’ knowledge to arrange the

syllabus and lesson plan that stated by the government. And as the supervisors of

the education would be more easily to observe the teachers’ activity and could

help the teachers to reconstruct the teachers’ performance and to improve the

qualified lesson plan so that there is a gradual improvement of the quality of the

teaching learning process. As for the National Educational Department of Deli

Serdang as the education administrator, the research would result a contribution

to strength the teachers’ skill and in managing the lesson plan by organizing the






This chapter puts forward the conclusions as the answer of the research

problems and some suggestions for some relevant purposes. The conclusions are

developed on the basis of research analysis and findings which previously taken

from the result of observation, interview and questionnaire. Then, the suggestions

are directed to those who responsible , interested and willingly to carry on the

further study on the same field with the present study.

5.1. Conclusions

From the above interpretation presented in the previous chapter, the

conclusion that can be made related to the limitation of the research problems are

following :

1.All the teachers dominate in the process of teaching and learning and the center

of the teaching learning process. Therefore, we can conclude that the teachers use

the expository strategies in teaching reading comprehension.

2.The teachers do not apply all the steps in lesson plan even though they have

been arranged in their syllabus or in the other words the teachers taught the

students based on the teachers’ way without following the lesson plan and

syllabus. The teacher simply taught what the teacher liked to teach.



3.The teachers did their own strategies in teaching as they like because of the

lack of knowledge of how to teach reading comprehension well even they did

not try to find out or to look for the best strategy in teaching reading

comprehension. The teachers did not follow the theory of teaching reading

comprehension. They just applied expository strategy in teaching reading

comprehension . This strategy is not suitable for teaching reading comprehension.

4. All of the strategies for teaching reading comprehension applied by all the

teacher are not relevance relevance with the syllabus and lesson plan.


Based on the conclusions above, the suggestions are addressed to the

following :

1. For Teachers

a. The Teachers should apply the suitable strategy in teaching reading

comprehension in order to increase not only their teaching quality but

also their students’ achievement in Reading Comprehension.

b. The teacher should make their lesson plan by their own selves not to

copy paste from the internet because every school will have its own

needs based on the students’ common background.



execute the materials in their reading comprehension process.

d. They are suggested to enlarge their knowledge by learning some

relevant theories which considered as the strategies for teaching

reading comprehension.

e. They are also suggested to have some teaching trainings in order to get

ideal strategies for teaching the several kinds of text.

f. They are suggested to make framework of teachers’ strategies for

appropriate texts before teaching practice.

g. In applying the framework, it is suggested to expose some instructions

about the strategy that the teachers will use in teaching reading in order

to understand the activity and the reading selection

2. For The Principles.

a. They are suggested to help the teachers to get some references related

to the theories of teaching Reading Comprehension in order to enlarge

the teachers’ knowledge.

b. They are suggested to conduct the training activity for these seven



c. They are suggested to complete the teaching aids, especially for

teaching reading comprehension.

3. For the Superintendents.

a. They have to explain to the teachers the best strategies used in teaching

reading comprehension.

b. They are suggested to guide the teacher in arranging the lesson plan.

4. For the Other Researches.

The findings of the study can be informed other researchers who want to

carry out another research in the same field. It means that the findings can be

used by other researchers as the inputs in conducting another investigation with

the similar field of this study. And for the Theories’ Enrichments, the results of

the study can be used to enrich the theories of teachers’ strategies in teaching

reading comprehension. It can be as an additional input although many theories

have been conducted by some experts in the area of teaching reading



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