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Handling The Problem Of 18 Second-Grade Students At SDK Paulus With The Lack Of Ability To Write English Words In The Right Spelling.


Academic year: 2017

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I Maranatha Christian University


Pada waktu saya melakukan magang sebagi pengajar di kelas 2 SDK Paulus, saya menemukan bahwa 18 murid kelas 2 SD tidak dapat menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan ejaan yang benar. Penyebab murid-murid tidak dapat menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan ejaan yang benar adalah

mereka tidak memperhatikan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris selama pelajaran berlangsung di dalam kelas dan mereka kurang berlatih di rumah. Hal ini menyebabkan murid-murid kelas 2 SD tidak dapat menuliskan kata-kata Bahasa Inggris dengan ejaan yang benar dan mendapat hasil yang buruk dalam ulangan.

Solusi untuk masalah tersebut adalah mereka harus mencatat kosa kata yang sudah saya ajarkan pada saat di kelas, saya mengajar mereka dengan menggunakan gambar sehingga dapat membuat mereka menjadi lebih fokus terhadap pelajaran, dan saya memberikan mereka banyak latihan menulis pada saat di kelas. Ketiga solusi tersebut apabila digabungkan akan menjadi solusi terbaik karena dapat membantu murid-murid kelas 2 SDK Paulus dapat menulis dalam bahasa Inggris dengan ejaan yang benar.



Maranatha Christian University






CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION………...1-5 A. Background of the study

B. Identification of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution

E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study

G. Organization of the Term Paper








1. The students do not pay attention to me during the lesson.

2. The students are lack of writing practice at home

1. The lesson which has been planned cannot be finished on time because the students need almost one hour to write the notes.

2. The teacher needs extra time to correct the students’ notes to make sure they write correctly.

I teach the students to write using words with

2. The teacher needs extra time and energy to give the students additional exercises after class.

1. It can help the students to remember the words more easily by writing them down. 2. The notes they have taken in class can help them increase their understanding of how to write the words taught correctly.

1. They can remember how to write the words easily if the teacher uses pictures in teaching them.

2. They will be more focused on the lesson when the teacher teaches them in class.

1. They will feel bored. 2. The students cannot finish doing the exercises. more in class when they do the writing exercises. Problem

Causes Effects

Potential (-) Effects Potential Solution I Potential (+) Effects

Potential (-) Effects

Potential Solution II Potential (+) Effects

Potential (-) Effects

Potential Solution III Potential (+) Effects

1. I instruct the students to always copy notes while I am explaining the lesson. 2. I teach the students to write using words with pictures. 3. I give them more writing exercises such as dictation, filling in the blank, tracing words, and matching words with pictures.



Maranatha Christian University



A. Background of the Study

I did my internship at SDK Paulus (henceforth, called SDKP). SDKP is a school that realizes the importance of English; therefore, they provide English lessons for the students.



Is very influential in learning because as Hairani states that, “Writing is one of language skills which are important for students in learning English” (par. 1). Therefore, writing is very important in learning English.

I am interested in analyzing such problem to find the solutions and help the students to write English words with the right spelling. Based on my internship experience, I found that teaching English for students who had difficulty in writing English words with the right spelling is quite difficult. Therefore I should find the best way to teach the students so that they are able to write English words with the right spelling. Therefore, I do a research of how to solve this problem.

B. Identification of the Problem

The following are some questions used to analyze the problem : 1. Why did 18 students in the second grade at SDKP lack of ability to

write English words with the right spelling?

2. How would this problem influence the teacher and the students who could not write English words with the right spelling?

3. How should the teacher help the students to write English words with the right spelling?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study



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problem of students at SDKP who could not write English words with the right spelling and to find the best solution to enable the students at SDKP to write English words with the right spelling. The benefits of the study are, for the readers, they will know how to solve the problem of students who cannot write English words with the right spelling; and for the institution, especially the teachers at SDKP, they can handle the students if they get the same problem as me; and then for me, I can make use of the best solution that I find to help the students who cannot write English words with the right spelling if I

become a teacher in the future.

D. Description of the Institution

Based on Reuni Akbar & Gelar Seni SD Kristen Paulus in the year book published by SDKP, SDKP was established in early 1950 with the name "Helmers-School". The school was located at JL. Dr. Rajiman no. 11,



only 2 classes. Now, Sekolah Kristen Paulus has 3 classes for Kindergarten, 10 classes for Elementary School, 6 classes for Junior High School, and 6 classes for Senior High School. Sekolah Kristen Paulus has vision and

mission. The vision is become an excellent school to produce people who are intelligent and love each other. The missions are first to give Christian

education service that has good quality and competence; second, to give management service with prime service standard (3).

E. Method of the Study

The data for this analysis of the term paper is taken from the internship journal, printed sources, and electronic publication. I wrote the journal based on my teaching experience during my internship at SDKP. The period of my internship is one and a half months from July 21, 2011 until September 23, 2011.

F. Limitation of the Study

This term paper is focused on second grade students of SDKP at Jl. Dr. Rajiman no. 11, Bandung. I taught them English twice a week every

Wednesday and Friday. The students’ age is between 7 to 8 years old. There



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learning English in the classroom and the students’ behavior in the learning


G. Organization of the Term Paper

The Term Paper contains four chapters. Chapter one is the Introduction that contains the Background of the Study, Identification of the Problem, Objectives and Benefits of the Study, Description of the Institution, Method of the Study, Limitation of the Study, and Organization of the Term Paper. Chapter two is the Problem Analysis that analyzes the causes of the problem and also the effects of the problem in the classroom when I did my internship. The observation result and data that support the analysis will be used in this chapter. Chapter three is the Potential Solutions that describes three





In this chapter I would like to explain about the problem that I have during my internship at SDKP. My problem is 18 students of primary school in

second grades at SDKP could not write English words with the right spelling. I found two causes. First, the students did not pay attention during the lesson, and the seconds, they lacked writing practice at home. The problem also has two effects, which are the students get a bad mark and the teacher need extra time and energy to give the students additional lesson after class.



Maranatha Christian University

This chapter will present the chosen solution to help the students in second grade at SDKP write English words correctly. The combination of the three potential solutions is the best solution. If I only chose the first potential solution which is instructing the students to always copy the notes while I am explaining the lesson, it will not completely help the students to be able to write the words with the right spelling. The students in the second grade need more writing exercises in class, so they will be trained in writing English words correctly. Moreover, if teachers are creative in teaching the students in class such as teaching the students to write using words with pictures, it can make the students pay more attention in class and be more interested in learning English words. Therefore, the combination of the three potential solutions will help the students in second grade in writing English words with the right spelling. As Celce-Murcia states that teaching students writing by asking them to take notes, explaining the words with pictures, and giving more writing exercises can help students in writing the words correctly (212, 213, 225). By teaching students using these three potential solutions will help them in writing the words with the right spelling.




Maranatha Christian University


Printed Sources

Celce-Murcia, Marianne. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 2006.

Doff, Adrian. Teach English. Cambridge: The British Council, 2007.

Sekolah Dasar Kristen Paulus. Reuni Akbar & Gelar Seni SD Kristen Paulus. Bandung, 2007.

Electronic Sources

Arnold, Lesley. “Thoughts on Teaching Writing”. 2012. 12 April 2012.


Colorado, Colorin. “Improving Writing Skills”. 2007. 12 June 2012.


Dowshen, Steven. “Taking Notes in Class”. 2012. 6 June 2012. <http://kidshealth.org/kid/feeling/school/studying.html> .

Great Schools Staff. “Your Second Grader and Writing”. Great Schools Inc.


Hairani, Siti. “Improving Students Writing Skill in Narrative Text Through Blog”.

2011. 11 April 2012. <http://universityofibnkhaldunbogor-

indonesia.blogspot.com/2011/02/improving-students-writing-skill-in.html>. “Help Your Children Learn Writing” About.com. 2012. 15 April 2012.


James, Joseph. “Creative Writing Exercises for Kids.” ABC Article Directory.

April 2012. 20 April 2012.

< http://www.abcarticledirectory.com/Article/Creative-Writing-Exercises-For-Kids/1355605>.

Lombardi, Esther. “Why Take Notes?” About.com. 2012. 26 March 2012. <http://classiclit.about.com/cs/articles/a/aa_takenotes.htm>.

Lorcher, Trent. “Teaching Students How to Review Notes.” Bright Hub Inc.

2012. 12 April 2012 < http://www.brighthubeducation.com/teaching-middle-school/6565-teaching-students-how-to-review-notes/ >.

Miles. “Kids Should Not Get Homework.” ForandAgainst. 2012. 7 May 2012.


Ridner, Adrian and Wilson. “Third Grade Writing Ideas for Parents and

Teachers.” American Library Association. 2012. 26 April 2012.


Sriyulianti, Nopi. “Teach Students Using Picture”. 2011. 15 April 2012.


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Szynalski, Tomasz. “You Can Damage Your English by Writing and

Speaking.” Antimoon.com. 2012. 13 April 2012.

<http://www.antimoon.com/how/mistakes-damage.htm>. “Teaching Kids to Write.” Buzzle.com. 2012. 13 April 2012.

<http://www.buzzle.com/articles/teaching-kids-to-write.html>. “Thinking Teachers Teaching Thinkers.” TeachersFirst.com. 2012.

7 March 2012. <http://www.teachersfirst.com/lessons/writers/writer- 3.php>.

Ziegler, Alan. “Fiction Writing.” About.com. 2012. 25 July 2012.


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