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An Analysis grammatical interferrence in interview session of puter Indonesia 2009 on miss Universal contest 2010


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DEWI PERMATA SARI 107026001180








A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1)


DEWI PERMATA SARI 107026001180








Dewi Permata Sari, An Analysis of Grammatical Interference in Interview Session of Puteri Indonesia 2009 on Miss Universe Contest 2010. Thesis: Letters and Humanities Faculty. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2011.

In this research, the writer discusses language interference from the grammatical aspect. It is one of bilingualism aspect that occur on the level of the structure and cultural sense whether oral or written, especially when somebody is learning his/her second language. In this case is Indonesian to English in interview session of Puteri Indonesia 2009 on Miss Universe contest 2010 as the unit of analysis of this research. It is chosen because the interviewee sometimes uses her Indonesian language that often contains error in her conversation.

The purpose of the study is to find out the types of grammatical interference and the factors cause grammatical interference in the interview. The writer focuses the study on the interview of Puteri Indonesia 2009 on Miss Universe Contest 2010. In this research, the writer uses qualitative method of content analysis, explains some theories that related to grammatical interference, and then collects the data of the interview. Based on the theories, the writer selects some sentences included grammatical interference from the interview and analyzes them one by one.

As a result of the research, the writer concludes that not all sentences spoken by the interviewee are fulfill the English Standard. It shows that there are many grammatical errors due to language interference that influence bilingual’s speech. In other words, her sentences are interfered by her mother tongue, namely Bahasa Indonesia and those caused by the interviewee did not master English grammar.






A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1)

Dewi Permata Sari


Approved by:

Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M. Pd







iii NIM : 107026001180

Title : An Analysis of Grammatical Interference in Interview Session of Puteri

Indonesia 2009 on Miss Universe Contest 2010

The thesis entitled has been defended before the Letter and Humanities

Faculty’s Examination Committee on May 25, 2011. It has already been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Strata 1.

Jakarta, May 25, 2011

Examination Committee

Signature Date

1. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd (Chair Person) _________ _________ 19640710 199303 1 006

2. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum (Secretary) _________ _________ 19781003 200112 2 002

3. Dr.H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd (Advisor) _________ _________ 19650919 200003 1 002

4. Drs. H. Abd. Hamid, M.Ed (Examiner I) _________ _________ 150 181 922

5. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd (Examiner II) _________ _________ 19640710 199303 1 006



I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my

knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by

another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for

award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher

learning, except where due to acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Jakarta, May 18, 2011



All praises to Allah SWT, Almighty and Merciful, The Great Creator

and The Lord of Universe, for guiding the writer amazingly and mysteriously

during the process of this research. Peace and salutation are upon the greatest

prophet, Muhammad SAW, his family, and his companions.

The writer would like to give her sincerest gratitude to her beloved

parents, her father, for giving advice, understanding, and financial encouragement

during the process of her thesis, also her mother, for her everlasting love and her

every-time-prayers. It makes the writer realize that she would have never finished

her study without their support.

The writer also would like to express her deepest gratitude to the

individuals for helping her finishing this thesis and for their contribution in the

process of writing until it had become a complete work. They are as follows:

1. Dr. Abd. Wahid Hasyim, M.Ag, the Dean of Letters and Humaties


2. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd, the Vice Dean of Letters and

Humanities Faculty and also as the writer’s advisor of for guiding and suggesting her in making a good thesis from the beginning until the end

of writing.

3. Drs. A. Saefuddin, M.Pd, the Head of English Letters Department and



5. All the staff of library and academic of Adab and Humanities Faculty

and State Islamic University.

6. The writer’s beloved brother Praka Nanang Nur Anhar along with his wife, Rita Anita Sari, for becoming inspiration of her success and always

give her support; financially, morally and spiritually.

7. The writer’s friends: Yasir Mubarok, Ka’ Nopita and Ka’ Denny, for help and support in making this thesis; Esa Yolanda, Nur Izma, Putri

Martanti, Nurul Laily, and Cici Puput for the wonderful friendship and

for the help in the process of writing; Sohibussirri, Sangkawentar,

Hendri Aditia, for laughs and every funniest things they brought.

8. All fellows at English Letter Department especially Linguistics class

who cannot be mentioned one by one.

May Allah SWT, The Almighty and The Merciful, bless them all. The

writer realizes that this paper is not fully perfect. Therefore, the writer would like

to accept any constructive suggestion to make this paper better.

Jakarta, April 15, 2011



ABSTRACT ………... i

APPROVEMENT ……….... ii






A. Background of Study ………...1

B. Focus of the Study ……….. 5

C. Research Question ………5

D. Objective of the Research ……….. 6

E. Significance of the Research ………. 6

F. Research Methodology ………6

1. Method of the Research ……… 6

2. Data Analysis ………. 7

3. Instrument of the Research ……….. 7

4. Unit of Analysis ……… 7

5. Time and Venue ……… 8


A. Grammar ………... 9

1. The Definition of Grammar ………. 9

2. Types of Grammar ………... 12

B. Grammatical Interference ……… 13

1. The Definition of Grammatical Interference ……… 13

2. Types of Grammatical Interference ……….. 16



Interference ………..

D. Error Analysis ... 22

1. Morphological Error ... 22

2. Syntax Error ………... 23


A. Data Description ……….…24

B. Data Analysis ………. 28


A. Conclusion ... 46

B. Suggestion ………..…… 47



1 A. Background of Study

Language is always changing, evolving, and adapting to the needs of its

users. These happening exist because of social, economic, and cultural contact. As

an integral part of culture, language cannot be separated from the problem

mentioned above. People cannot avoid the language interplay, especially in an

open speech community, which has a relationship with another one. The

communities will have a contact language with all linguistic events as


If the same speaker uses two or more languages interchangeably, it

means that the language is in a state of contact. The language contact between first

language and second language will create interplay. As a result, many language

problems arise in human life, either oral or written.

People speaking divergent languages populate many areas of the world.

This diversity often comes as a classic problem in human communication.

Therefore, a language may become a lingua franca to ease communication among

people based on understanding among them.1 English has become “the lingua

franca of the world” to substitute Latin in the previous time.2

As an international

language, English is widely used in every corner of the world, either as a native


Abdul Chaer dan Leonie Agustina, Sosiolinguistik: Suatu Pengantar (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1995), p. 109.



language or a second language and almost information on any subject presented in

English, so that the rest of the world knows what is new. For this reason, scholars

and educated people need to be able to use English.

In Indonesia, English is used mostly as the first foreign language.

Considering this status, English is acquired only through learning and teaching

activity design and conducted as well as possible. Nowadays, many Indonesian

people are able to speak English, but not all of them speak the language in the

right way and base on Standard English. When they speak, their English are often

interfered with Indonesian structure as their native language. It is occurred

because they think that the main purpose of their communication is just

understanding, then the communicators can catch what they say even its grammar

is neglected. This phenomenon happens in bilingual or multilingual countries,

either in the movie dialogues, interview, newspapers, books, and magazines, or

even in the high-class contest, such as Miss Universe. If their sentences are

analyzed one by one, there are some errors reflecting the structure of Indonesian

language. Some sentences may not contain any grammatical errors, but it

sometimes sounded uncommon and awkward in English.

Indonesian people sometimes transfer the structure of their first language

into another one, in this case, Indonesian who knows English. If these two

language structures were same, it would not be an important problem, because it is

helpful based on alignment and similarity. It is mentioned as positive transfer.3



However, the opposite case would happen if the two systems were

different then the chaos begins. This transfer is known as negative transfer.

Negative transfer occurs when a speaker adopts the system of his/her native

language on the target language that was not the same language, for example,

Indonesian language has defined-define (DM) pattern, but in contrast English has

define–defined (MD) pattern. Therefore, when they translated a phrase new house

into English, their translation would be house new that should be new house.

Aware or not, bilingual speakers often do this kind of transfer that more

recognized as language interference4.

How far this language interference comes about, of course, depends on

how far bilinguals master their target language. If they do not understand even

master the target language, they will mostly transfer their source language

structure into target language. The similar case happened to Qori Sandioriva, the

winner of Puteri Indonesia 2009. She got a lot of criticism in public through her

speech in interview session on Miss Universe 2010, which is „so indigenous”. She

made lots of error when she answered several questions from interviewer, so her

English sounded awkward because she broke the rules of Standard English.

Errors occurs on various aspects of language and happens both on oral

and written5. Therefore, the awkward and uncommon sentences often come up.

Weinreich says, “Interference is the occurrence of these deviations which occur in


Ibid, p. 15.



the speech of bilinguals as a result of their familiarity with more than one

language and language contacts.”6

The language interference also occurs on various aspect of language,

such as phonology, syntax, morphology, and lexical. Interference happened at

level of morphology and syntax is called grammatical interference. It happened

when Puteri Indonesia 2009, Qory Sandioriva, stated her opinions in interview

session on Miss Universe Contest 2010, which took place in Las Vegas, United

States on August 17, 2010. She mostly transferred the structure of Bahasa

Indonesia into English without realizing that this transfer led her into error due to

language interference. This situation attracted the writer to analyze them further.

In the interview session, Qory still adopted the structure of Bahasa

Indonesia when she was answering some question in English. As quoted from the

video, when the interviewer asked, “Being a woman, what piece of advice would you give to a man?” Qory replied “I think when you down, your woman can make you up”. Maybe she wanted to say that when men feel upset, women can cheer them up, but the message becomes ambiguous because it

deviates from Standard English grammar. The absence of auxiliary verb (are) and

ambiguous sentence form bad sentence. Instead, good sentences suppose to

appropriate with Standard English grammar and does not create double meanings,

such as “When you fall down, your woman can raise you up.”

Based on description above, the writer is interested to learn about how

source language do interfere target language in English conversation. In addition,



the writer also wants to find out why and what factors that cause the grammatical

interference in interview session of Puteri Indonesia 2009 on Miss Universe

Contest 2010. As a hypothesis, grammatical interference creates errors in using

target language and it occurs because the lack of competance leads her to transfer

the structure of Bahasa Indonesia as her source language into English as the target

language uncontrollable. As a result, her English sounds awkward because it

deviates from Standard English.

B. Focus of the Study

Based on the background of study above, this research will be focus on

grammatical interference in English Sentences of interview session of Puteri

Indonesia 2009 on Miss Universe Contest 2010. Here, the writer tries to analyze

the sentences that sound awkward and uncommon in English spoken standard

based on linguistics theories that related to this research.

C. Research Question

According to the focus of the study, the writer proposes two questions

that will be interesting to discuss as follows:

1. What types of grammatical interference that occur in English sentences of interview session of Puteri Indonesia 2009 on Miss Universe Contest


2. What are the factors that cause grammatical interference in English sentences of interview session of Puteri Indonesia 2009 on Miss


D. Significance of the Research

The writer hopes this thesis can be useful to enrich the writer‟s

knowledge about linguistics, especially in the field of grammar, to find out the

factors of grammatical interference. Moreover, the writer also hopes that this

thesis can be helpful to understand how far source language interfere someone

when using target language in communication. Beside that, the writer hopes this

thesis can be benefit for readers as bilingual users in order to minimize and

anticipate the mistakes in their English speech and writing because of interference

of grammar.

E. Research Methodology

1. Objective of the Research

The objective of the research is to analyze the types of grammatical

interference in English sentences of Puteri Indonesia 2009‟s interview session on

Miss Universe Contest 2010 by identifying every element of the sentences. Then,

the writer tries to know the factors that cause grammatical interference in English

sentences of the interview.

2. Method of the Research

The available data in this study are the sentences of Qory Sandioriva in

the interview session on Miss Universe 2010 contest. Then, to analyze every

sentence in the interview, the writer tends to use the qualitative method of content

analysis to analyze them and solve the problems that will be studied further in this


3. Data Analysis Technique

In this study, the data that have been recorded and expected contain

grammatical interference will be classified in several categories of grammatical

interference. Then, it will be compared and analyzed based on English standard as

described in the theoretical framework. Further, the writer will fix the errors that

appear in the English sentences with Standard English grammar by using the

theory of error analysis by Carl James about grammatical errors that include

morphology and syntax errors. The analysis will prove whether the sentences are

in accordance with the rules of Standard English grammar or out of the rules.

4. Instrument of the Research

The instrument of this research is the writer herself who analyzes the unit

of analysis by downloading the video of Puteri Indonesia 2009 on Miss Universe

Contest 2010 interview from youtube7, quoting the sentences that contain

grammatical interference, then analyzing those important data using the theory

described previously. The writer also uses many books to support the research as


5. Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis in this research is the video in interview session of

Puteri Indonesia 2009, Qory Sandioriva, on Miss Universe Contest 2010 in

August 17, 2010, which took place in Las Vegas, United States. The data source,

which takes 3:46 min, was downloaded from www.youtube.com.


Official Miss Universe, Miss Indonesia Universe 2009. Accesed on December 6, 2010,


6. Time and Venue

This research started on seventh semester of academic year 2010-2011, at

English Letters Department, State Islamic University Jakarta and at certain

libraries in Jakarta that provide information and references about this material.


9 A. Grammar

1. The definition of Grammar

Nowadays, the study of grammar plays a significant role to form good

sentences. Without grammar, the spoken and the written language will be useless

and difficult to comprehend. In other words, grammar facilitates the learners to

understand what people said or written both in native and in target language


People associate grammar with errors and correctness but knowing about

grammar also helps them to understand what makes sentences and paragraphs

clear, interesting, and precise. Moreover, knowing about grammar will find out

that all languages follow grammatical patterns or not.

Every language has its own distinct grammar. Either Indonesia or English

has its own unique grammar. Both languages have different patterns, for instance

word order phrase, which word defines and which word is defined. This pattern is

“to show which of two collected substantives in secondary and which in


In Bahasa Indonesia, the defined word (primary) of a nominal sentence

is put in the first position, but it is placed in the second on English.



In Bahasa Indonesia: rumah baru

primary secondary

In English: new house

secondary primary

However, both languages also have a common pattern in sentence

structure, for example, Subject-Predicate-Object in:

Human needs water

Manusia butuh air


According to the structuralist point of view, grammar is the study of the

rules governing the use of a language. “For British linguist, such study is called

syntax, but for American linguist, it is named as a grammar.”9

The word grammar

is used in many different senses. Most people are familiar with grammar both as a

subject they studied in school and as a kind of language etiquette.

Different from the previous understanding, Veit defines grammar as “a

person‟s subconscious language knowledge.”10

Someone use his/her grammar

whenever he/she speak or write to understand someone else‟s speech or writing.

The subconscious knowledge must include some system, some set of principles

for putting words together into sentences in grammatical way. These principals

are called as grammatical rules; rules that people follow in order to create

sentences and these rules are important component of grammar.

Producing and uttering sentences are important part of how people make

sense of the world. “In traditional terms, grammar has been discussed in terms of


Muhammad Farkhan, An Introduction to Linguistics, (Jakarta: Lembaga Penelitian UIN Jakarta, 2006), p. 71.



morphology and syntax; the former handling structure and the latter handling

structures „larger‟ than the word.”11

Fromkin and Rodman define syntax as “the part of the grammar that

represents a speaker‟s knowledge of sentences and their structures.”12


incorporates the grammar of phrase, clause, and sentences.

The smallest unit in syntax is sentence. According to Frank, “a sentence

consists of a subject and a predicate.”13

This definition is more satisfactory,

because it is possible to identify the structural functions of subject and predicate in

a sentence.

As stated before, grammar is not only about syntax but also morphology.

Morphology is how people form words. Carstair-McCarty states, “The area of

grammar concerned with the structure of words and with relationship between

words, involving the morphemes that compose them is technically called


Two basic divisions in morphology are lexical morphology (word

formation) and inflectional morphology (conjugation and declination).

People ability to arrange words in different ways allow them to produce

on infinity of grammatical sentences, but since not all arrangements are

grammatical, their grammar must consist of rules to arrange them. Violations of

the rules result in ungrammatical sentences. From the statement above, grammar


Carl James, Error in Language Learning and Use: Exploring Error Analysis, (New York: Longman Inc, 1998), p. 154.


Victoria Fromkin, An Introduction to Language: 7th edition (Boston: Heinle Thomson Co., 2003), p. 117.


Marcella Frank, Modern English: A Practical Reference Guide, (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc, 1972), p. 1.



plays a significant role to make someone clearly understand what people said or

wrote. Grammar helps a person to speak and to write well because it enables

people to comprehend and produce language.

2. Types of Grammar

Linguists recognize a number of types of grammar in linguistics studies:

a) Prescriptive grammar

Prescriptive grammar attempts to legislate what grammar should be. This

grammar is usually called as the role of various parts of speech. It attempts to tell

the users of the language how to use it in order to speak correctly. This grammar

was a formative influence on language attitudes in Europe and America during the

18th and 19th centuries. Prescriptive grammarians lay out rules about what they

believe to be the correct or incorrectuse of language. “They wished to prescribe

rather than describe the rule of grammar, which gave rise to the writing of

perspective grammars.”15

Some linguist even called this grammar as traditional


b) Descriptive grammar

Descriptive grammar refers to the structure of a language that is actually

used by speakers and writers. It observes and records how language is used in

function, and advocates teaching the function of grammatical structure. It does not

tell the learners how they should speak but it describes the learners‟ linguistic

knowledge or capacity of its speakers. “It explains how it possible for someone to

speak and understand what the learners know about sounds, words, phrases, and



sentences of learners‟ language.”16

Descriptive grammarians generally advise

people not to be overly concerned with matters of correctness in a language;

which one is good or bad.

c) Universal Grammar

Linguists investigate thousands of languages of the world and describe

the ways in which they differ from each other, the more they discover that these

differences are limited. There are linguistics universals that pertain to each of the

parts of grammars, the way in which these parts are related and the forms of the

rules. These principles comprise universal grammar, which defines the basis of the

specific grammars of all possible human languages and constitutes the innate

component of the human language faculty that makes normal language

development possible and shared by all human languages.17

B. Grammatical Interference

1. The Definition of Grammatical Interference

When using target language, learners sometimes gets influence from their

native language, for instance, when Indonesians speak in English, they tend to

transfer the structure of Bahasa into English. It is shown that Bahasa interfere

their English. If these two language structures were same, it would not be an

important problem, because it is helpful based on alignment and similarity. This

transfer is called as positive transfer. However, the opposite case would happen if


Ibid, p. 14.



the two systems were different then the chaos begins, and this confused transfer is

known as negative transfer.18

Negative transfer occurs when a speaker adopts the system of his/her

native language on the target language that was not the same language, for

example, Indonesian language has defined-define (DM) pattern, but in contrast

English has define–defined (MD) pattern. Therefore, when they translated a

phrase new house into English, their translation would be house new that should

be new house. Bilingual speakers, aware or not, often do this kind of transfer that

more recognized as language interference.19

Alwasilah defines interference as “the interplay between languages.”20

The definition is based on the view that aware or not, a language is always

changing as long as the language is still used. One of these language changes

happens due to the influence of other languages. The influence of the system or

pattern of the learners‟ native language on the language they are learning.

Robert Lado and Sunyono, as quoted by Aslinda, express another

opinion that has not much difference, that “such effect is could be a product of

habitual influence of the first language speakers who have mastered the target


However, Weinreich tells that language interference also causes

deviations. On his book, Language and Contact, he argues “those instance of

deviation from the norm of either language which occurs in the speech of


Henry Guntur Tarigan, Pengajaran Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa (Bandung: Angkasa, 1988), p. 14.


Ibid, p. 15.


Chaedar Alwasilah, Sosiologi Bahasa (Bandung: Angkasa, 1985), p. 132.



bilinguals as a result of their familiarity with more than one language, will be

referred to as INTERFERENCE phenomena.”22

Language interference commonly occurs in an open society, either in

bilingual or multilingual countries, such as Indonesia. At a glance, language

interference is similar to code mixing or code switching, but actually these two

language problems have their own different perspective.

In the process of interference, Chaer and Agustina stated “there are three

elements that take significant role”23

, namely:

a) The source language; is a source of interference. A language that give or affects other languages as dominant language in a society, so that the elements of language are often borrowed for the purposes of communication between members of the community. It is normally the learner‟s native language.

b) The target language or recipient language; is that in which communication is being attempted. In the case of a learner, it is the language he/she learning when uses it. This language receives the source language elements, and then aligns the rules of pronunciation and writing into the target or recipient language.

c) The elements of importation; are the elements given in another language and then switch from a foreign language into the target language. That is the deviant linguistic system actually employed by the learner attempting to utilize the target language.

Interference occurs at many aspects of language, such as phonology,

morphology, syntax, and lexicon. Interference on morphology and syntax is called

grammatical interference. The grammatical interference happens when a bilingual

speaker transfers his/her source language system gradually into his/her target

language at many linguistics parts, such as word order, subject-verb agreement,

and so on.


Uriel Weinrich, Language in Contact (New York: Mouton Publishers, 1953), p. 1.



2. Types of Grammatical Interference

Weinreich as quoted by Heine, distinguished three types of grammatical

interference, namely:

a) “Interference relates to transfer of morphemes from the source

language to the recipient language.”24

This interference occurs because the

transfer of morphemes or words of the source language into the target language

usage, for example, An American Yiddish says not he but I which has been

transferred from his source language /nit er bΛt ix/.25 It should be not him but I.

The morpheme he in the source language belongs to subject or object, but in the

target language (English) it is only used as a subject and never be an object.

b) “Interference relates to the grammatical relations, in particular

word order.”26

This kind of interference is an application of the source language

structure (Ls) into the target language (Lt). Weinreich, as quoted by Heine, prefer

to call the terms “source and recipient” language as “model and replica”

language.27 This interference occurs in the term of syntax, in particular word

order. This type of interference is the most common interference in bilingual

speech. A sentence in English, I and my friend told that story to my father as a translation of Aku dan temanku menyampaikan cerita itu kepada ayah. In the sentence appeared the use of Indonesian structure into an English sentence.

Instead, the best translation of the sentence is My friend and I told that story to my father.


Bernd Heine and Tania Kuteva, Language Contact and Grammatical Change (Cambridge: The Press Syndicate of The University of Cambridge, 2005), p. 2.


Uriel Weinreich, (1953), op.cit., p. 30


Bernd Heine and Tania Kuteva (2005), loc. cit.



Weinreich has his own opinions deals with this interference. He divided

this interference associated with syntax into three types, namely:

1) “The replica of the relations of another language explicitly conveys an unintended meaning, for example, a German speaker says in English, This woman loves the man on the model of German, intending to communicate the message The man loves this woman, but producing the opposite effect.

2) The replica of the relations of another language violates an existing relation pattern, producing nonsense or a statement which is understandable by implication, for example, an Indonesia speaker says in English, the hat red on the model of Indonesian topi merah, meaning the red hat.

3) The replica of the relations of another language which constitutes interference only theoretically, consists in the unnecessary imposition of a relation to a language where no obligatory relations exist in the equivalent domain, for example, a native Indonesian speaker were to maintain the Indonesian-type word order of Subject + Predicate + Object in English speech, What are you doing?. This would not violate English grammar, but it would be superfluous monotonous.”28

c) “Interference relates to functions or meaning of grammatical


This interference is associated with grammatical function or meanings

of languages, which occur when a speaker identifies a morpheme or a word of the

source language grammatical then, use it in the target language. In this case, this

interference occurs when an Indonesian speaker who knows English, for instance,

involved in a conversation. He/she likes to transfer English words into Bahasa

without awareness, for example, Planningku setelah lulus sarjana adalah

melanjutkan sekolah lagi. The word planning is put as a subject although it is used

as a verb in English.


Uriel Weinreich, (1953), op.cit., p. 37



According to a theory of language acquisition, the transfer or language

interference of source language into target language will always happen in

communication.30 Interference that occurs in speech events can not be eliminated,

but the amount can be overcome. Higher education and knowledge people have,

less interference will be produce.

C. Causes of Grammatical Interference 1. Bilingualism and Multilingualism

To be able in using two different languages, people have to master those

languages. The first is their mother tongue or source language, and the second is

another language that becomes target language. Generally, a person who uses both

languages is called a bilingual and “the ability to use them distinctively is termed

as bilingualism; while the ability to use three or more languages refers to


and a person who has ability in using more than two language

is multilingual Beside language contact as described previously, bilingualism

comes up as another common factor that causes grammatical interference.

Bloomfield in his book “Language” said that the competence of a

bilingual must be equal in using the two languages “…bilingualism, native-like

control of two languages.”32

However, the Bloomfield concept of bilingualism had become a

controversial theory among linguists because it was rare to find a speaker who

mastered two different languages equally well. It means that the person has the


Abdul Chaer, Psikolinguistik: Kajian Teoritik (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta., 2003), p. 261


Muhammad Farkhan, An Introduction to Linguistics (Jakarta: Lembaga Penelitian UIN Jakarta, 2006), p. 138.



same opportunity to learn and use both languages. Therefore, other linguists had

heavily modified this concept.

Robert Lado as quoted by Chaer and Agustina, gives different limitation

of the Bloomfield concept, that in using target language, they do not need to

master both languages equally well but less was allowed.33 From the discussion

above, it can be concluded that bilingualism is one‟s knowledge of two or more

languages that can lead to the situation of interference.

2. Types of Bilingual Competence

Alwasilah distinguish three categories of bilingualism, they are

Compound bilingualism, Coordinative bilingualism, and Sub-ordinative

bilingualism. 34

a) Compound bilingualism

The compound bilingualism indicates that speakers‟ ability to speak a

language is better than other languages. Speakers of this type attach most of their

linguistic elements to the same concept. A bilingual competence of both

languages is still standing on its own.

b) Coordinative bilingualism

The coordinative bilingualism is formed when the experience mastered

two languages are different, because rarely interchangeable in use. It means he/she

almost has the same ability in using both languages. This type of bilingual speaker

usually belongs to the competence of a bilingual.


Abdul Chaer and Leonie Agustina(1995), op.cit. p. 114.



c) Sub-ordinative bilingualism

Sub-ordinative bilingualism is a concept of bilingualism which indicates

the transfer of source language when using target language interchangeably. A

bilingual on this type, generally can not distinguish the term as separate things.

When they speak or write an idiom for instance, they tend to translate the source

language into the target language word by word.

Speakers who have equal bilingual abilities will face no difficulties, so

there will be no language interference in their communication, and vise versa. If

the writer tracks it deeper, the cause of interference is mostly depend on the ability

of speakers in using a particular language. Thus, their source language influences

their communication in using target language. People who did not master a

language well will create language interference all the time they speak because

their target language still in contact with his source language aware or not.

3. Other Factors Related to Grammatical Interference

Beside language contact and bilingualism, there are two main factors

causing grammatical interference, they are structural and non-structural factor.

1) Structural Factor

Structural factor are those which stem from the organization of linguistic

forms into definite system. The structural factors related to grammatical

interference are the non-congruent systems; complicated functions and

morphemes; and conflict with existing relation pattern.35



2) Non-structural Factor

Non-structural factor are derived from the contact of the system with the

outer world.36 The non-structural factors related to grammatical interference are:

a) Loyalty to source language

It leads the speaker to neglect the rule of the recipient language and to

transfer some elements of the source language uncontrollable. Then, interference

emerges because of using them in both written and oral.

b) Individual traits of bilingual speaker

It means that individual competence is important to use both languages

distinctively. The very different pattern in the systems of languages has to be

concerned. If it does not so, it will lead a bilingual to grammatical interference.

c) Circumstances in the speech situation

This factor relates to psychological state of the bilingual speaker.

Inconvenient circumstance can lead a speaker to make errors in speech.

d) Socio-cultural context of the language contact (prestige)

If one language is endowed with prestige, the bilingual is likely to use a

word which can display the social status. Sometimes bilinguals consider the

prestige of one language to show off their ability in using it.

e) The element of time and length of contact

Longer time a speaker live in overseas, more skills of language he gets.

In this case, the element of time and length of contact with different language

systems are important in mastering both languages distinctively.



D. Error Analysis

English as the first foreign language in Indonesia is an important language

to learn. Learning the target language is clearly different from learning first

language. The learners inevitably will make errors in the process of first foreign

language learning, but natives sometimes make mistakes in the process of


At a glance, there is no difference between mistakes and errors as stated

by Hornby, they are recognized as synonymous words, sometimes the terms used

interchangeably.37 Instead, they are technically used differently as in some source.

According to Corder, mistake refers to performance errors, while the term

error refers to competence errors, the systematic errors of a learner from which

the source people are able to reconstruct his/her knowledge of the language.38

Errors are classified into vocabulary (lexical error), pronunciation (phonological

error), word formation (grammatical error) and misunderstanding of a speaker‟s or

meaning (interpretive error).39

According to James, there are two types of grammatical errors:

a) Morphology Errors, the failure to comply letter and word in supplying any part of any instance of the word classes.40 Morphology is the identification,

analysis, and description of the structure of words. In English, there are five

lexical words classes; noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and preposition.


A.S. Hornby, Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary, (Oxford: Oxford University press, 2003), p. 543.

38 S.P. Corder, “The Significance of Learners‟ Errors,”

Error Analysis :Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition, ed. Jack C. Richards (London: Longman, 1974), p. 25.


Carl James, (1998), op.cit. p. 13.



Morphology Errors are usually seen in plurality, genitive, and tense, such as

six book*, *bringed, and aboli*shment (√-tion).

b) Syntax Errors, errors that affect texts larger than the word.41 Syntax is the former handling structures larger than the word. These errors happen in phrase

structure, clause structure, sentence structure and intersentence errors

(cohesion), for example, Give *[NP] to the dog.

Grammatical error happens because of competence factor. Learners do not

understand the rule of the target language, so they do transfer of grammatical rules

of their native language into it. This creates an error both in oral and written.

Errors are sign of learning failure and not to be willingly tolerated. It must

be analyzed what kinds of errors that happen to learners. “The fact that learners do

make errors and that these errors can be observed, analyzed, and classified to

reveal something of the system operating within the learner, led to a surge of

study of learners‟ errors, called error analysis.”42

From several definitions above, it can be said that error analysis is the

technique of finding the errors that learner made in speaking and writing using

any principles and procedures provided by linguistics. It is the technique that is

mostly used in many researches.


Ibid, p.156.



24 A. Data Description

Language interference occurs when two languages in different

grammatical systems come into contact. The language contact produces some

errors, like grammatical errors that ultimately allow some awkward sentences in

target language. For that reason, in this research, the data are several sentences

that may be containing grammatical errors.

The section looks further into samples taken from Miss Universe 2010

Interview Session. The sentences spoken by the interviewee who uses English as

her first foreign language or target language are estimated containing grammatical

interference. The writer gives the number for the collected data to make easier to

analyze. The data were taken from a video of Puteri Indonesia 2009 in interview

session on Miss Universe Contest 2010 as follows:

1. Morphological Error a) Agreement

1) Singular – Plural Agreement

No. Corpuses Types of Grammatical Interference

Correct Sentences Min.

a. Q: What is the best gift you have ever received?

A: It have a sounds, a beautiful sounds that makes me love a music.

Interference relates to

function or meaning of

grammatical forms.

It has a sound, a beautiful sound that makes me love the music.


b. Q: What is the best gift you have ever received?

A: I love a music now.


c. Q: What is the worst date you have ever been on?

A: So he have three girlfriend including me, but before that I know that they have more than

one hundred girlfriend.

So he has three girlfriends including me, but before that I know that he has had

more than one

hundred girlfriends.


2) Subject – Verb Agreement

No. Corpuses Types of Grammatical Interference

Correct Sentences Min.

a. Q: What is the best gift you have ever received?

A: It have a sounds, a beautiful sounds that makes me love a music.

Interference relates to

transfer of morphemes.

It has a sound, a beautiful sound that makes me love the music.


b. Q: What is the worst date you have ever been on?

A: So he have three girlfriend including me, but before that I know that they have more than one hundred girlfriend.

So he has three girlfriends including me, but before that I know that he has had

more than one

hundred girlfriends.


3) Tense Agreement

No Corpuses Types of Grammatical Interference

Correct Sentences Min.

a. Q: What is the best gift you have ever received?

A: The best gift

somebody ever given to me is the one box, but the case is not good or beautiful.

Interference relates to

function or meaning of

grammatical forms.

The best gift

somebody ever given to me was a box, but the case was not good or irrelevant.


b. Q: What is the best gift you have ever received?

A: Now, I‟m a singer and

I’m study at singer for jazz, for classical, and of course for pop.

Now, I‟m a singer

and I’m studying to be a singer for jazz, for classical, and of course for pop.


c. Q: What is the best gift you have ever received?

A: That is makes me know what I want to do.

That makes me know what I want to do.


d. Q: What is the worst date you have ever been on?

A: That is the day that I know he is a playboy.

That was the day that I know he was a playboy.


e. Q: What is the worst date you have ever been on?

A: He always protect


He always protects



f. Q: What is the worst date you have ever been on?

A: So, he never touch

me, you know, like a playboy, but he always make me comfortable beside him.

So, he never touches

me, you know, like a playboy, but he always makes me comfortable beside him.


g. Q: What is the worst date you have ever been on?

A:It‟s a very bad, bad

date, but he inspiring me

to be a taught woman.

It‟s a very bad, bad

date, but he inspired me to be a taught woman.


4) Active – Passive Voice

No. Corpuses Types of Grammatical Interference

Correct Sentences Min.

a. Q: Being a woman, what piece of advice would you give to a man?

A: I think that woman

can be said that “I have advice for you”.

Interference in

particular word order.

I think that woman can says “I have

advice for you”.


2. Syntax Error a) Redundancy

No. Corpuses Types of Grammatical Interference

Correct Sentences Min.

a. Q: What is the best gift you have ever received?

A: The best gift somebody ever given to me is the one box, but the case is not good or beautiful.

Interference in

particular word order.

The best gift

somebody ever given to me was a box, but the case was not good or irrelevant.


b. Q: What is the best gift you have ever received?

A: That makes me know what I love it.

That is makes me know what I love.


c. Q: What is the worst date you have ever been on?

A: It‟s very bad, but I

know the good is now he always care for me, and can be a best friend

for me.

It‟s very bad, but I

know the good is now he always care, and can be a best friend

for me.


b) Pronoun – Antecedent Agreement

No. Corpuses Types of Grammatical Interference

Correct Sentences Min.

a. Q: What is the worst date you have ever been on?

A: So he have three girlfriend including me, but before that I know that they have more than one hundred girlfriend.

Interference relates to

transfer of morphemes.

So he has three girlfriends including me, but before that I know that he has had

more than one

hundred girlfriends.


b. Q: What is the worst date you have ever been on?

A: So, he never touch me, you know, like a playboy, but he always make me comfortable beside her.

So, he never touches me, you know, like a playboy, but he

always makes me comfortable beside



c) Parallel Structure

No. Corpuses Types of Grammatical Interference

Correct Sentences Min.

a. Q: What is the best gift you have ever received?

A: That makes me know what jobs or what kind activity that I love it.

Interference in particular

word order.

That makes me know

what kind of job or what kind of activity that I love.


d) Ambiguity

No. Corpuses Types of Grammatical Interference

Correct Sentences Min.

1. Q: Being a woman, what piece of advice would you give to a man?

A: I think, when you down, your woman can make you up.

Interference in particular

word order.

I think, when you fall down, your woman can raise you up.


B. Data Analysis

The collected data will be analyzed through qualitative method of content

analysis. The writer rewrites sentences containing grammatical interference

collected from a video of Puteri Indonesia 2009 in interview session on Miss

Universe Contest 2010. Then, she categorizes the compiled data into several

categories of grammatical interference. Next, she analyzes the sentences based on

the English Standard and corrects them into good sentences. Lastly, she analyzes

the factors that cause grammatical interference. From the data description above,

they could be analyzed as follows:

1. Types of grammatical interference a) Agreement

English grammar has given some categories including number, person,

tense, voice, and gender in rule.43 These categories can be discussed in isolation,

but their role in describing language structure becomes clearer when the writer



considers them in terms of agreement, for example, in the sentence Alice loves her

dog, the verb loves“agree” with the noun Alice.

1) Singular – Plural Agreement

This agreement is partially based on the category of person, whether the

noun is singular or plural. To minimize errors in singular-plural agreement, a

speaker must correctly identifies and determines whether the subject or the object

is singular or plural.

In English, the vast majority of words become plural simply by adding a

morpheme -s. The plural of words ending in s, sh, ch, z, and x, however, is formed

by adding -es. Different from English, Bahasa Indonesia does not distinguish

singular and plural form, instead using reduplicated form to denote plurality.44

Besides, in Bahasa Indonesia there is no rule about “to be” that can change

depending on the noun in English grammar. As a result, most plural forms are

uttered in English singular form.

Some speakers speak a dialect which does not observe the agreement

convention, so their speech mostly contain interference that relates to function or

meaning of grammatical forms. In other words, this interference causes several

errors due to abandonment of different language system that is the function of

morpheme in singular-plural agreement, which produces morphology errors in

target language.

Datum a: Q: What is the best gift you have ever received?

A:It have a sounds, a beautiful sounds that makes me love a music.”



In English, the subject must be concord with the verb in a sentence. In the

sentence above, there are several discrepancies in determining which noun is

singular and which noun is plural. The word “sounds” should be in singular form

agreement for word “a” denotes singular form. Therefore, the word “sounds”

should become “sound” in order to agree with the previous word. Besides, the

word “music” actually refers to the sound that comes out from the box, then,

definite pronoun is used. Thus, the correct sentence is It has a sound, a beautiful sound that makes me love the music.

Datum b: Q: What is the best gift you have ever received? A:I love a music now

Noun in English grammar is also divided into uncountable noun and

countable noun. Most countable nouns are words for separate things that can be

counted, but uncountable are usually words for things as a quantity or mass, such

as sugar and coffee. In this case, music belongs to uncountable noun because it is

categorized as quantity. Therefore, it does not need any number to count. So the

word “a” should be omitted because uncountable noun is never preceded by

indefinite article, like “a/an”. Thus, the correct sentence is I love music now.

Datum c: Q: What is the worst date you have ever been on?

A: “So he have three girlfriend including me, but before that I know that they have more than one hundred girlfriend.”

As explanations in the previous section, a speaker must correctly identifies

and determines whether the subject or the object is singular or plural. Generally,

the plural form is formed by adding final morpheme –s or –es in the singular


phrase that comes after it must follow the plural agreement by adding the

morpheme –s. Thus, grammatically, the word “girlfriend” should become

“girlfriends”. Therefore, the correct sentence is So he has three girlfriends

including me, but before that I know that he has had more than one hundred girlfriends.

2) Subject – Verb Agreement

This agreement is based on the category of person, which covers the

distinctions of the first person, the second person, and the third person. In

Standard English grammar, a verb agrees with its subject in person. If the subject

is the first person singular (I), the verb is the first person (am, was, do, have), if

the subject is the second person singular (you), the verb is the second person (are,

were, do, have) and if the subject is the third person (he, she, it), the verb must be

in the third person too (is, was, does, has). Interference on this section is

categorized as interference relates to transfer of morphemes because there is no

such agreement in the source language.

Datum a: Q: What is the best gift you have ever received?

A:It havea sounds, a beautiful sounds that makes me love a music.” In the sentence above, the interviewee translates a verb “punya” into

English “have” without following the subject–verb agreement. The third person

singular “it” should be followed by third singular verb “has”, not “have”, instead

“have” is used after the second person subject. Therefore, the appropriate phrase

is “it has” wherein the verb has following the subject it. This error happens


correct sentence of it is It has a sound, a beautiful sound that makes me love the music.

Datum b: Q: What is the worst date you have ever been on?

A: “So he have three girlfriend including me, but before that I know that they have more than one hundred girlfriend.”

In the sentence above, the third person singular “he” should be followed

by the third person singular verb “has”, not “have”, instead “have” is used for the

third person plural. So that, the appropriate phrase is “he has”. Therefore, the

appropriate verb following the subject is has. This error happens because Bahasa

Indonesia has no rule about this agreement. Thus, the correct sentence of it is So

he has three girlfriends including me, but before that I know that he has had more than one hundred girlfriends.

3) Tense Agreement

Learning to use verbs correctly will help someone to communicate clearly,

what action is occurring and when it occurred. Verbs indicate the time of an action

by their form. The form tells whether the action is in the past, the present or the

future. In English, these variations of verb to indicate time differences are called


Every native speaker of English knows the tense patterns. There are six

principal tenses used: Present Tense, Past Tense, Future Tense, Present Perfect

Tense, Past Perfect Tense, and Future Perfect Tense.



English rules are reflection of the way the educated people using the

language. The rule is simple enough in theory, but in practice, foreigners,

especially Indonesian, sometimes ignore the rules for some reasons. Ignoring the

tense pattern occasionally produces awkward sentences.

Different from English, Bahasa Indonesia does not classify its verb into

specific time. It is only noted by adverb of time, like sedang, sudah, sekarang, etc,

for example, I study English means Saya belajar bahasa Inggris, and I studied

English yesterday means Saya sudah bealjar bahasa Inggris kemarin in Bahasa

Indonesia. The verb “belajar” is never change in active voice. Therefore, when

Indonesian bilinguals speak in English, they sometimes forget to use appropriate

tenses in their sentences. For this reason, an Indonesian bilingual needs to master

English tenses to make obvious sentences.

Interference on this section belongs to interference relates to function or

meaning of grammatical forms because inexistence of tenses in source language

leads the bilingual speaker to juxtapose sentence in the target language. This

interference causes several errors, such as using wrong tense and using double

verb (auxiliary and main verb).

Datum a: Q: What is the best gift you have ever received?

A:“The best gift somebody ever given to me is the one box, but the case

is not good or beautiful.”

Statements about the experience of a person‟s life is normally shared in the

past tense. The past form will not have a helping verb. Grammatically, if a past

tense clause comes in the beginning sentence, it is not allowed to switch another


the sentence above, the interviewee tries to tell her story but she uses different

tense in one sentence. She utters her first clause in the past tense but continues it

in the present tense. It creates ungrammatical sentence and confuse the

interlocutors about the time when she gets her gift. Furthermore, the choice of

word “beautiful” is not suitable for describing the case. It will be better if she uses

a word “irrelevant” Thus, the correct sentence is The best gift somebody ever

given to me was a box, but the case was not good or irrelevant.

Datum b: Q: What is the best gift you have ever received?

A: “Now, I’m a singer and I’m study at singer for jazz, for classical, and of course for pop.”

By using tenses, the speaker indicates the time of an action. The present

progressive in a sentence is always preceded by auxiliary verb be (am, are, is,

was, were, be, been) and its verb must be followed by –ing form. In the sentence

above, the interviewee tends to use present progressive tense, but she uses

inappropriate verb because the verb in the sentence is not followed by –ing form.

So that, the correct sentence is Now, I’m a singer and I’m studying to be a singer

for jazz, for classical, and of course for pop.

Datum c: Q: What is the best gift you have ever received? A:That is makesme know what I want to do”

Looking at the sentence above, the writer can see that the subject is

followed by auxiliary verb and main verb, whereas it should be ended by -s at the

main verb. Actually, the sentence is verbal, so the auxiliary verb does not need to

come out because it is not in continues form. Thus, the verb that appropriate in the


simple present is used. For that reason, the good sentence is “That makes me know what I want to do.”

Datum d: Q: What is the worst date you have ever been on? A:“That is the day that I know he isa playboy.”

As stated in the previous analysis, a statement about experience of a

person‟s life is normally uttered in the past tense. In the sentence above, the

interviewee uses present tense, whereas she is telling about her worst date that she

has ever been on. Thus, the correct sentence is that was the day that I know he was

a playboy.

Datum e: Q: What is the worst date you have ever been on?

A:He always protect me.

The sentence above shows the present form. It may, or may not, has

auxiliary verb. In the simple present tense above, there is no auxiliary verb, so the

main verb must be added by –s morpheme to follow the rule of simple present.

This rule is simply enough but Indonesian bilinguals sometimes forget to use it

properly. Thus, the correct sentence in simple present is He always protects me.

Datum f: Q: What is the worst date you have ever been on?

A:So, he never touch me, you know, like a playboy, but he always make me comfortable beside him.”

As stated before, the verb in a sentence must agree with its subject; but the

sentence above does not do so. It is simple present form that the main verb should

be added by –s or –es to make the sentence clear. However, the sentence above


verb. Thus, the good sentence is So, he never touches me, you know, like a playboy, but he alwaysmakes me comfortable beside him.

Datum g: Q: What is the worst date you have ever been on?

A: “It’s a very bad, bad date, but he inspiring me to be a taught woman.”<


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