Bayi berat lahir rendah ialah bayi yang lahir dengan berat 2.500 gram atau kurang tanpa memerhatikan usia kehamilan. Setiap tahun di dunia diperkirakan lahir sekitar 20 juta bayi berat lahir rendah. Dalam laporan WHO yang dikutip dari State of the world’s mother 2007 dikemukakan bahwa 27% kematian neonatus disebabkan oleh berat bayi lahir rendah. Terdapat sebanyak 149 kasus BBLR di RS Santa Elisabeth Medan dari tahun 2009-2013.
Untuk mengetahui karakteristik ibu yang melahirkan bayi BBLR dilakukan penelitian deskriptif dengan desain case series. Populasi dan sampel sebanyak 149 data (total sampling). Data dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan uji Chi-Square dan Kruskall Wallis.
Proporsi berdasarkan sosiodemografi tertinggi pada kelompok umur 20-35 tahun 79,2%, pendidikan akademi/perguruan tinggi 52,3%, pekerjaan ibu rumah tangga 39,6%, daerah asal Kota Medan 62,4%. Proporsi berdasarkan mediko obstetri tertinggi terdapat pada umur kehamilan 26-36 minggu 47,0%, paritas nullipara 49,0%, frekuensi pemeriksaan >4 kali 90,6%, riwayat kehamilan baik 81,2 %. Lama rawatan rata-rata 13,38 hari, keadaan ibu saat pulang sembuh 91,9%, keadaan bayi saat pulang sembuh 75,2%, cara persalinan seksio caesaria 55,7%. Tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara umur ibu berdasarkan kategori BBLR (p=1,000), frekuensi pemeriksaan kehamilan berdasarkan kategori BBLR (p=0,615), riwayat kehamilan berdasarkan kategori BBLR (p=0,167). Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara umur kehamilan berdasarkan kategori BBLR (p=0,0001), lama rawatan rata-rata bayi dengan keadaan sewaktu pulang bayi (p=0,0001).
Diharapkan kepada pihak rumah sakit untuk melengkapi pencatatan rekam medik yang berkaitan dengan BBLR seperti umur kehamilan, paritas, frekuensi pemeriksaan kehamilan, kadar Hb, dan riwayat kehamilan. Meningkatkan pelayanan dan manajemen khususnya untuk penatalaksanaan medis bagi bayi yang lahir dengan berat badan lahir rendah sehingga dapat mengurangi tingginya angka kematian yang disebabkan BBLR.
Kata kunci : Berat badan lahir rendah, Karakteristik ibu
Low birth weight babies are babies that born with weight 2.500 g or less regardless of gestational age. Every year in the world about 20 million babies are estimated born with low birth weight. Based on report by WHO quoted from the State of the World's Mother in 2007 stated that 27% of neonatal deaths are caused by low birth weight. There are 149 cases of LBW in Santa Elisabeth Hospital Medan from year 2009 to 2013.
Descriptive study with case series design are conducted in order to know the characteristics of mothers that gave birth to babies with low birth weight,. Population and samples as much as149 data (total sampling). Data were analyzed descriptively using Chi-Square test and Kruskal Wallis.
The highest sociodemographic proportion in the age group of 20-35 years 79.2%, education academy / university 52.3%, occupation housewives 39.6%, stay in Medan 62.4%. The highest proportion based on medico obstetric are gestational age 26-36 weeks 47.0%, parity nullipara 49.0%, antenatal care > 4 times 90.6%, obstetric history 81.2% with good obstetric history. The average length of stay 13.38 days, mother who discharged as recovered 91.9%, baby who discharged as recovered 75.2%, Caesaria section 55.7%. There is no significant difference between maternal age by LBW categories (p = 1.000), between frequency of antenatal care by LBW categories (p = 0.615), between obstetric history based on LBW categories (p = 0.167). There is a significant difference between gestational age based on LBW categories (p = 0.0001), between the average length of stay of the baby based on the babies state when discharged (p = 0.0001).
The hospital are expected to complete the medical record, especially relevant to low birth weight such as gestational age, parity, frequency of pregnancy examination, Hb, and obstetric history, and also to improve the service and management specifically the medical treatment for babies born with low birth weight to reduce the high mortality rate that caused by LBW.
Keywords: Low birth weight, Mother’s characteristic