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Handling Difficulty in Teaching English To A Student of Grade 3 at Paulus Elementary School Who Has Special Needs.


Academic year: 2017

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Maranatha Christian University


Pada waktu saya melakukan proses magang di SDK Paulus, saya menemukan kesulitan dalam mengajar anak dengan kebutuhan khusus. Ada beberapa penyebab yang merupakan penyebab saya sulit mengajar anak dengan kebutuhan khusus seperti tidak memiliki pengalaman mengajar seorang anak dengan kebutuhan khusus, saya tidak mendapatkan arahan dari guru senior pada awal magang dan saya tidak cukup tegas di dalam kelas.

Dari analisis masalah, terdapat tiga solusi: saya akan melakukan pendekatan secara pribadi dengan anak tersebut sesudah selesai kelas, kedua saya akan berkomunikasi dengan orang tua dan ketiga yaitu saya akan mencari informasi tentang anak berkebutuhan

khusus dari buku dan internet. Dari ketiga solusi itu hanya dua solusi yang digunakan dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut, pertama



Maranatha Christian University





TABLE OF CONTENTS ……….……..…..iv


A. Background of the Study B. Identification of the Problem C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution E. Method of Study F. Limitation of the Study G. Organization of the Term Paper CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS ………...6








Jenny : Selamat siang bu, boleh saya minta waktunya sebentar ?

Bu efrata : Siang, boleh jenn.

Jenny : Bu saya mau nanya , menurut ibu apakah kita wajib mendapatkan arahan dari guru senior sebelum mengajar anak dengan kebutuhan khusus?

Bu efrata : Ya tentu saja.

Jenny : Alasannya apa bu ? bisa ibu jelaskan ?

Bu efrata : mm.. jadi begini, dalam mengajar anak dengan kebutuhan khusus , setiap guru khususnya guru yang baru atau belum mempunyai pengalaman sebelumnya perlu untuk mendapatkan arahan dari guru senior yang sudah mempunyai pengalaman dalam mengajar anak dengan kebutuhan khusus. Karena dengan begitu, guru tersebut bisa mempunyai pegangan atau bisa mengetahui berbagai informasi mulai dari cara

mengajar maupun sifat anak tersebut dari guru senior yang sudah mempunyai banyak pengalaman.

Jenny : Ohh,berarti hal tersebut sangat perlu ya bu?

Bu efrata : Ya , sangat perlu seperti yang tadi saya jelaskan.

Jenny : Baik bu,trima kasih untuk waktunya.

Bu efrata : Sama-sama

Name of interviewees : Ibu Efrata

Day + date + time of interview : 25 April 2013

Place of interview : SDK Paulus




Jenny : Selamat siang bu,maaf menggangu saya boleh minta waktunya sebentar?

Bu imel : Boleh.ada apa ya?

Jenny : Jadi begini bu, saya mau mewawancarai Ibu, ada beberapa hal yang ingin saya tanyakan kepada ibu .

Bu imel : Ohh,silahkan,mau nanya apa ?

Jenny : begini bu, saya ingin bertanya apakah dalam mengajar anak berkebutuhan khusus harus mempunyai pengalaman ? bisa di jelaskan ?

Bu imel : Baik, dalam mengajar anak dengan kebutuhan khusus , guru harus mempunyai pengalaman mengajar sebelumnya, ya walaupun hanya sebagai asisten pengajar, setidaknya dari pengalaman tersebut dia bisa belajar banyak hal dan itu akan sangat berguna ketika dia mengajar anak dengan kebutuhan khusus, karena dengan pengalamannya tersebut.

Jenny : Bagaimana kalo tidak mempunyai pengalaman dalam mengajar ?

Bu imel : Itu akan sulit bagi guru dalam melakukan proses belajar

mengajar. Dia akan merasa bingung dan mungkin saja canggung karena sebelumnya belum menghadapi hal seperti ini, apalagi dengan anak berkebutuhan khusus.

Name of interviewees : Bu Imel

Day + date + time of interview : 29 April 2013

Place of interview : SDK Paulus


Jenny : Baik bu , terus kalo dalam mengajar anak berkebutuhan khusus apakah itu akan berpengaruh ke waktu mengajar kita ? misalnya waktu pulangnya jam 10 jadi jam 10 lebih.. itu gimana bu ?

Bu imel : Sebenarnya sih tergantung, tapi dalam kelas kan kita tidak bisa fokus ke satu anak saja, tapi lebih dari satu orang anak dan itu akan menghabiskan waktu yang lama, akibatnya pelajaran akan berakhir terlambat.




1. I did not have any experience in teaching students who have special needs.

2. I did not get some direction from the teacher when I first did my internship.

3. I was not assertive enough in the class.


I had difficulties in teaching English to a student of grade 3 at Paulus elementary school who has special needs.


1. The other students in the class became very noisy. 2. I could not focus on my


3. The lesson ended later than it should be (ended late).

Potential negative effects :

1. The student might feel annoyed. 2. I have to spend extra time after class.

Potential solution I : I will make a personal approach with the student after the class.

Potential positive effects : 1. I can be close with the


Potential negative effects :

1. I have to arrange a certain time to talk with the parents.

2. There might be some

misunderstanding between me and the parents.

Potential solution II :

I will communicate with the parents.

Potential positive effects : 1. I will understand

more about the student’s needs. 2. I can collaborate with the parents.

Potential negative effects : 1. I need special time to find the

books or to find from the Internet 2. I might need to spend some money

to buy the books.

Potential solution III :

I will find some source of information from books or Internet about student with special needs.



Maranatha Christian University



A. Background of the Study

Based on t he art icle sev ere or Mult iple Disabilit ies, “ children w it h

special needs are t hose w ho hav e cognit iv e difficult ies, phy sical or

sensory difficult ies, em ot ional and behav ioral difficult ies, and

difficult ies, w it h speech and language” ( 1) . When I did my internship in

SDK Paulus, I taught English to 3rd grade students English. In the class

there was a student who has special needs. The student could not behave

well during the teaching-learning process. He always ran in class, and

interrupted me by asking questions, because of his behavior, I could not

focused on my teaching and tried to stop his action with the hope that he

could return to his seat and I could continue the teaching process.

However, the result is not as I expected. The other students in the class

became noisy and the lesson lasted longer than usual. This happened

many times, therefore I will do a research on the problem in order to be



Maranatha Christian University

B. Identification of the Problem

There are some questions that I use in analyzing this problem :

1. Why did I have difficulties in teaching a student with special needs at 3rd

grade SDK Paulus?

2. How did this problem influence the teaching process and other students

in class ?

3. How can I overcome my difficulties in teaching a student with special

needs at 3rd grade SDK Paulus?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

The objective of the study is to identify the causes and effects of the

difficulty in teaching a student with special needs and find the right

solutions to solve the problem. The benefit of the study for the readers is,

they will know how to solve the problem of teaching students with special

needs. The study is also beneficial for the teacher of the institution as well

as anyone who will be a teacher in the future when they teach students

with special needs. For me, this study also has an advantage because I

will be able to know how to teach children with special needs if I become a



Maranatha Christian University

D. Description of the Institution

Based on Reuni Akbar dan Gelar Seni SD Kristen Paulus in the year

book published by Sekolah Dasar Kristen Paulus, (henceforth called

SDKP) SDKP in early 1950 was called Helmers-School. It was located in

the helmserswegor what we known at present as Jl. Dr. Rajiman. The

school was managed by the Dutch until about April 1953. The education

provided at the time was granted by the Dutch education regulations.

At the time there were two school buildings, the one on the left was for

the students who wanted to continue their education in Indonesia, while

the one on the right was for students who wanted to continue their

education at HBS in Holland. The students who studied at the left building

used Indonesian language and the students who studied at the right

building used Dutch. After that SDK Paulus was divided into two schools,

namely SDK Paulus 1 & 2 located on Jl. Dr. Rajiman. The school has two

buildings with four floors for kindergarten / playgroup, elementary, junior

high school and senior high school and was led by Ms. Metha Ratnawati

Subrata until July 2009 , then replaced by Ms. Mariana Tamaela Yohana,

who serves as the principal of SDK Paulus until today.

The first principal was Mijnheer Van Verdoren. Before he left Indonesia

he handed the position to Mr.Makaliwy who eventually changed the name



Maranatha Christian University

E. Methods of the Study

The data for this analysis in the term paper is taken from the internship

journal written during my internship at SDK Paulus. The data in the journal

is based on the evaluation I wrote every day. In addition to the journal, I

also took some data from books, Internet and interviews with the teacher.

F. Limitation of the study

The study is focused on me as a teacher at SDK Paulus. My observation

was done during my internship from March 20 until April 20 at grade 3,

SDK Paulus, Jl. Dr. Rajiman.

G. Organization of term paper

The term paper is divided into four chapters. Chapter one is Introduction

which consists of the Background of the study, Identification of the

problem, Objectives and benefits of the study, Description of institution,

Method of study, Limitation of the study, and Organization of the term

paper. Chapter two is Problem Analysis which contains the analysis of the

problem I faced during my internship. Chapter three is the Potential

Solutions that describes the solutions which are used to solve the

problem. These solutions also include their potential positive and negative

effects. Chapter four contains conclusion which is the conclusion of the

analysis of the previous chapters. The last part of this term paper is a



Maranatha Christian University



In this chapter I would like to explain about the problem that I had when

I did my internship at SDK Paulus. I have difficulties in teaching English to

a student of grade 3 at Paulus elementary school who has special needs. I

find three causes of the problem.First, I did not have any experience in

teaching student with special needs; second, I did not get some direction

from the teacher when I first did my internship and third, I was not

assertive enough in the class. The problem also has three effects, which

are the other students in the class became very noisy, I could not focus on

my teaching and the lesson ended later than it should be. To solve this

problem, I have three potential solutions, the first potential solution is I will

make a personal approach with the student after the class. The second

potential solution is I will communicate with the parents, then the third

potential solution is I will find some source of information from books or

Internet about students with special needs.

The best solution to help teachingstudents with special needs is the



Maranatha Christian University will combine making a personal approach with the student after the

class and find some source of information from books and Internet about

students with special needs. I choose these solutions because both of

them are the most effective solutions and can be applied easily. By making

personal approach with the student after the class, I will know more about

the student personality. Moreover, if I can get more information from books

or Internet about students with special need, I can know more about the

student’s personality and can teach him well.I do not choose the second

solution, which is communicating with the parents because this solution

may cause misunderstanding between the teacher and the parents.

My expectation from this paper is the other teachers can use these

solutions(make a personal approach with the student after the class and

find some source of information from books or Internet about student with


Maranatha Christian University


Printed source

Reuni Akbar dan Gelar Seni SD Kristen Paulus , Bandung, 20 Oct. 2010.

Electronic source

Approaches difficult students



Derrick Meador. About.com Guide. Qualities of an Effective Teacher.


Erica Loop. Barriers to communication with parents.


Geraldine O’Neill and Tim McMahon University College Dublin.

Student-centered learning


Maranatha Christian University Good Source of Information Books or Internet. 2010


Heather Skipworth Craven. Getting to Know Your Students. 2013


ing_of_the_school_year/getting_to_know.html>.Helping Teacher Focus

on Learning



Ideas for Teacher



Jerry Webster. Communicate With Special Education Parents



Kathryn Stout. Strategies for Teaching Kids with Special Needs.

December 2004


Merrill Harmin. 1995. Inspiring Discipline. Washington, D.C. NEA

Professional Library. Approaches to Better Discipline



Maranatha Christian University <http://www.ldakw.on.ca/posparent.htm>.

Sara Ipatenco. List of Factors that Inhibit Parental Involvement in



Saving and Spending. 1999



Severe or Multiple Disabilities


Special Needs


Sue Watson. Differentiated Instruction and Assessment


Teaching Children with ADHD. 2011


Teaching Children with Special Needs. 6 June 2011


Teach for America 7 January 2010




Maranatha Christian University <http://theparentacademy.dadeschools.net/pdfs/Effective_Communicati



Efrata. Personal interview. 25 April 2013.


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