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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


DEWI WULANDARI Registration Number 8126112009





A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


DEWI WULANDARI Registration Number 8126112009





DEWI WULANDARI. Problems Encountered in Translating Indonesian Proverbs into English. Postgraduate School of the State University of Medan. 2014.

This study aims to find out the problems that the students encounter in translation

Indonesian proverbs into English. Error analysis was used to analyze the data in this study. The result of the students’ translation considered as the primary data and the result of interview was as the secondary data. There were 50 Indonesian

proverbs which consist of 10 Maxims, 10 Sayings, 10 Parable, 10 Idioms and 10

Slogan. Cultural problem was the most problems in translating Indonesian

proverbs into English. The problem occurred because the students translated the

proverbs literally and could not find the equivalence of the Indonesian proverbs in

English. Therefore, it is suggested for the students to master grammatical and



DEWI WULANDARI. NIM : 8126112009. Problems Encountered in Translating Indonesian Proverbs into English. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan 2014.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui masalah yang dihadapi oleh mahasiswa

dalam menerjemahkan peribahasa bahasa Indonesia kedalam bahasa Inggris.

Analisis kesalahan digunakan untuk menganalisis data dalam penelitian. Hasil

terjemahan mahasiswa merupakan data utama dan hasil interview adalah data

kedua. Ada 50 peribahasa Indonesia yang terdiri dari 10 Bidalan, 10 Pepatah, 10

Perumpamaan, 10 Simpulan dan 10 Pameo. Masalah budaya merupakan masalah

yang paling dominan dalam menerjemahkan peribahasa bahasa Indonesia kedalam

bahasa Inggris. Masalah terjadi dikarenakan mahasiswa-mahasiswa

menerjemahkan peribahasa secara literal dan tidak dapat menemukan persamaan

persamaan peribahasa bahasa Indonesia kedalam bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu

diharapkan mahasiwa menguasai kompetensi bahasa dan budaya untuk mengatasi



A very deepest gratitude is primarily expressed to Allah SWT for all

blessings and Mercy that have enabled the writer to finish writing this thesis. It is

also impossible to be finished without guidance and the help of many people.

Foremost, the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to her advisers Dr.

Syahron Lubis, M.A and Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum, for the continuous support,

patience, motivation, and suggestions so that the writer could finish this thesis.

Then, the writer would like to thank Prof. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd as the

Head of English Applied Linguistics Study Program and his secretary, Dr. Sri

Minda Murni, M.S, and all the lecturers that have given me encouragement and a

lot of experience and knowledge.

Also, the writer thanks to Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A, Ph.D, Dr. Didik

Santoso, M.Pd and Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S as the examiners for the valuable

suggestions that have shaped up this thesis.

And for all my classmates who always support me to finish this thesis,

especially for Lasyuli Simbolon and Hijri Rizki. Thanks a lot for all favor that you

gave to the writer. The writer wishes that our friendship will be ever lasting. Best

friend forever.

Last, the writer would like to express deep thankful to her lovely parents,

Anwar S and Rabiah, my brother and my sisters who have given spirit in my live


At the end the writer would like express appreciation to her beloved

husband, Aulia Rahman, S.T who always encourages the writer to finish this

thesis as soon as possible.

Thank you for all love and attention that have been given to the writer.

May Allah SWT always blessed. Amin ya robbal ‘alamin.

Medan, Juli 2014

The writer,



2.2.1 The Function of Indonesian Proverb... 15

2.2.2 The Types of Indonesian Proverbs…… 17

2.3 The Previous Studies……….. 21


3.1 Research Design ……… 26

3.2 Subject of the Study ………... 27

3.1 Data and Data Source ……… 27

3.4 Technique of Data Elicitation and Data Collection 27 3.5 Technique of Data Analysis ………... 28

3.6 Trustworthiness ………... 29


4. 2 Research Findings ……… 56

4.3 Discussion ……….… 57


5.1 Conclusion ………..,… 61

5.2 Suggestions ……….…. 61





4.1 The result of Students’ Translation of Maxim 32

4.2 The result of Students’ Translation of Saying 39

4.3 The result of Students’ Translation of Parable 43

4.4 The result of Students’ Translation of idiom 47

4.5 The result of Students’ Translation of Slogan 50




Appendix 1 The Result of Students’ Translation of Maxim 67

Appendix 2 The Result of Students’ Translation of Saying 71

Appendix 3 The Result of Students’ Translation of Parable 74

Appendix 4 The Result of Students’ Translation of Idiom 77



1.1 Background of the Study

Translation is the process of turning an original or source text into a

target text which the purpose of translation is to produce a readable and

comprehensible text for readerships. Newmark (1988: 5) states that translation is

used as a means of communication. As a means of communication, translation is

used for multilingual notices. For instance, translation is used for instructions

issued by exporting companies; for tourist publicity; for official documents; for

reports, papers, articles, textbooks to convey information. In brief, translation is

used in every branch of knowledge.

Therefore, it is important for the students to master the translation

particularly someone who are interested in working as a translator or interpreter.

As a translator, someone has a responsibility to produce a good and

comprehensible translation which could be understood well by the readerships.

For producing a good or the best translation, there are three requirements which

are required by a translator.

The first requirement is the use of the normal language forms of the target

language in translation. The use of normal language forms in translation will make

easier to readerships for understanding the translation. The second one is the

communicative translation. A communicative translation is easy to understand by

the readership due to the simple language used not monotone language. Then the


It means that the translation is presented in such a way that the translation will

evoke the same response as the source text attempted to evoke.

Although the three requirements have been fulfilled, there is a situation

where a translator has a difficulty to translate a text, particularly a text which

contains some cultural expressions. This difficulty will become a serious problem

for a translator. Moreover, if the aspects of target language are immensely

different from the aspects of source language such semantics, phonology,

morphology, syntax and pragmatics.

The difference aspects from the source language to a target language

caused frequently by the translation equivalence. It is not rare that the translation

equivalence will become the problems in the incomprehensible translations. The

case occurs in translating cultural expressions from Indonesian as the national

language of the Republic of Indonesia into English which has role as an

international language. To translate the cultural expressions from Indonesian to

English is not an easy work. Moreover, Indonesia is famous for its variety of

ethnic groups which has many cultures. The cultures influence Indonesian people

whether consciously or unconsciously and automatically also influence the

process of cultural expressions translation from Indonesian into English.

One of Indonesian cultural expressions is proverbs. In Indonesia,

proverbs are believed to contain the wisdom of the elders or ancestors in the

society because proverbs often evolve from traditional lore, history and religion.

Ashipu (2007:521) views proverbs as a dominant means of

communication in the unlettered culture and are quoted constantly when folks


in a discourse by folks who have unlettered culture. Meanwhile, the folks consider

that the use of proverbs is the best way to express the feeling or the desire such as

quipping someone.

Therefore, it can be concluded that proverbs are not only wise sayings, but

also a medium which is considered to be able to express the feeling or the desire.

Though proverbs can be used as a medium to express the feeling or

desire and constitutes cultural expressions and also taught at schools, but it is not

an easy work to translate proverbs as the cultural expressions. Frequently,

students fail to translate the proverbs from the source language to a target

language. Based on the data obtained which comprises of ten proverbs translated,

it was found that seven proverbs were not translated into to the English ones. Here

are the proverbs which had been translated by the students:

1. Tak kenal maka tak sayang.

2. Ada udang dibalik batu.

3. Dimana langit dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung.

4. Habis gelap terbitlah terang.

5. Malas pangkal miskin.

6. Sekali mendayung dua tiga pulau terlampaui.

7. Nasi sudah menjadi bubur.

8. Air susu dibalas dengan air tuba.

9. Karena nila setitik rusak susu sebelanga.


The result of data shows that only three proverbs which were translated well.

The proverbs are:

- Tak kenal maka tak sayang. (unknown, unloved)

- Dimana langit dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung. (When you are in Rome, act

like Roman)

- Nasi sudah menjadi bubur. (No use to cry over the split milk).

The rest, seven proverbs were not translated by the students. There is not a

certain reason why the students can not translate the proverbs.

Meanwhile, Dweik and Suleiman (2013) conducted a research about

“Problems Encountered in Translating Cultural Expressions from Arabic into

English”. This research aimed at investigating the problems that Jordanian

graduate students majoring in the English language faced when translating

culture–bound expressions. The results of the research revealed that graduate

students encounter different kinds of problems when translating cultural

expressions. These problems are mostly related to: 1) unfamiliarity with cultural

expressions 2) failure to achieve the equivalence in the second language, 3)

ambiguity of some cultural expressions, 4) lack of knowledge of translation

techniques and translation strategies.

Based on the previous study, researcher conducts a research to entitled

“Problems Encountered in Translating Indonesian Proverbs into English”. This

study aims to find out the problems that the students of English Applied


1.2 The Problems of the Study

The problems of the study are formulated as the following:

1. What are the problems that students encounter in translating Indonesian

proverbs into English?

2. How do students’ problems occur in translating Indonesian proverbs into


3. Why do the problems occur in translating Indonesian proverbs into English?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

In accordance with the problems of the study, the objectives of the study are:

1. to find out the problems that students encounter in Indonesian proverbs into


The scope of the study focuses on the problems which are encountered

by the Postgraduate students of State University of Medan who attend the course

of Translation Studies 1 in translating appropriate proverbs of Indonesian and

English. The researcher also wants to find out how the problems occur in

translating Indonesian proverbs into English and also to find out why the


Indonesian proverbs are used as the data of the study which comprises ten of

maxim, ten of sayings, ten of parable, ten of idioms and ten of slogans.

1.5 The Significance of the Study

The findings of the study are expected to be relevant and significant

theoretically and practically. The findings could give the contribution to all

readers for those who are concerned with this field. In the following significances

of the study are stated theoretically and practically.

a. Theoretically

Theoretically, the usefulness of the findings is described as the following.

1. The students can enrich their knowledge about translation particularly in

translating Indonesian Proverb into English.

2. The study improves the implication of translation theories from source

language to the target language

b. Practically

Practically the usefulness of the findings is the following.

1. By knowing the translation problems, it is expected for the translators

will learn more about proverbs so that the translators will not find the

problems in translating the Indonesian proverbs into English.

2. For the students, the study encourages and motivates them to be a good

translator particularly in translating proverbs from the source language to


3. For the lecturers and teachers, the study can give contribution to the

translation course, particularly at Postgraduate program of State




5.1 Conclusions

After analyzing the data, the conclusions are drawn as the following:

1. The problems that students encounter in translating Indonesian proverbs into

English are linguistic and cultural problems. Linguistic problems occurred

when the students put the wrong lexical word or meaning to translate the

Indonesian proverbs into English.

2. The students’ problems occur when the students found the difficulty in translating Indonesian proverbs into English. The students could not find the

equivalence of the Indonesian proverbs in English so that the students

translated the Indonesian proverbs literally.

3. The problems occur in translating Indonesian proverbs into English due to the

lack of knowledge about proverbs. The students could not find the equivalence

of the Indonesian proverbs in English because the students did not memorize

all the proverbs

5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusions, suggestions are stated as the following:

(1) For Students

It is advised that the students should master three competences namely

grammatical and linguistic competence both in English and Indonesian. And


(2) For Lecturers

It is suggested that lecturers help the students to overcome the translation

problems by providing the text which not only concern to the linguistic

aspects but also concern to cultural aspects.

(3) For Researchers

It is recommended that the next researchers find the translation strategy,

translation method and translation technique which can be used to overcome



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