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Assertive acts used by protagonist characters in Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief's movie.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel



Nur Fitri Yana

Reg. Number A33213071






Yana, Nur Fitri. 2017. Assertive Acts Used by Protagonist Characters in Percy Jackson&The Olympian: The Lightning Thief’s Movie. English Department, Faculty of Arts And Humanities. State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The advisor: Murni Fidiyanti, M. A.

Key words: Speech act, Assertive acts, Assertive verbs, Protagonist, Movie

This research entitled “Assertive Acts Used by Protagonist Characters in

Percy Jackson&The Olympian: The Lightning Thief’s Movie” reveals 3 problems that are what are types of assertive acts used by protagonist characters, what are assertive verbs used by protagonist characters and the differences between Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase in applying assertive acts. The aims of this research are to describe the types of assertive acts that used by protagonist characters, to analyze the assertive verbs that used by protagonist characters and to explain the differences between Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase in applying assertive acts.

The writer uses Searle’s theory in analyzing the types of assertive acts and uses Leech’s Theory in analyzing the assertive verbs. Qualitative content analysis and descriptive research designs are selected to conduct thist research. The writer herself becomes the only instrument – human instrument. Reading and selecting the entire movie script of Percy Jackson & The olympians: The Lightning become the steps of data collection. Then, the procedures of data analysis contain identifying, classifying and elaborating the data. Drawing the conclusion is also the last step required.

The result of this research is Percy Jackson applies 5 types of assertive acts and 4 kinds of assertive verbs. While, Annabeth Chase applies 6 types of assertive acts and 4 kind of assertive acts. The differences between Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase in applying assertive acts are Percy prefers to use disagree type and Deny type of assertive acts and prefers to use publicly assertive verbs. While, Annabeth prefers to use confirm type of assertive acts and prefers to use confidently assertive verbs.



Yana, Nur Fitri. 2017. Assertive Acts Used by Protagonist Characters in Percy Jackson&The Olympian: The Lightning Thief’s Movie. Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

The advisor: Murni Fidiyanti, M. A.

Key words: Ujaran, Tindak tutur asertif, Jenis deskripsi asertif, Protagonis, Film

Penelitian ini berjudul “Assertive Acts Used by Protagonist Characters in

Percy Jackson&The Olympian: The Lightning Thief’s Movie” mengangkat 3 masalah yaitu jenis tindak tutur asertif apa yang digunakan oleh karakter protagonis, jenis deskripsi asertif apa yang digunakan oleh karakter protagonis dan perbedaan antara Percy Jackson dan Annabeth Chase dalam mengaplikasikan tindak tutur asertif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tipe tindak tutur yang digunakan oleh karakter protagonis, untuk menganalisis jenis deskripsi asertif yang digunakan oleh karakter protagonis dan untuk menjelaskan perbedaan antara Percy Jackson dan Annabeth Chase dalam mengaplikasikan tindak tutur asertif.

Penulis menggunakan teori dari Searle dalam menganalisis tipe tindak tutur asertif dan menggunakan teori dari Leech dalam menganalisis jenis deskripsi asertif. Analisis isi kualitatif dan desain penelitian deskriptif dipilih untuk melakukan penelitian ini. Penulis sendiri menjadi satu-satunya intrumen – instrumen manusia. Membaca dan memilih seluruh naskah film Percy Jackson&The Olympians: The Lightning Thief menjadi langkah pendataan. Kemudian, prosedur analisis data berisi identifikasi, klasifikasi dan perincian data. Menggambar kesimpulan juga merupakan langkah terakhir yang dibutuhkan.

Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Percy Jackson mengapplikasikan 5 tipe dari tindak tutur asertif dan 4 jenis deskripsi asertif. Sedangkan, Annabeth Chase mengaplikasikan 6 tipe dari tindak tutur asertif dan 4 jenis deskripsi asertif. Perbedaan antara Percy Jackson dan Annabeth Chase dalam mengaplikasikan tindak tutur asertif adalah Percy lebih cenderung menggunakan tipe tidak setuju dan menyangkal dari tindak tutur asertif dan lebih cenderung menggunakan jenis deskripsi asertif yang mempublikasikan secara umum. Sedangkan, Annabeth lebih cenderung menggunkan tipe memastikan dari tindak tutur asertif dan mengumumkan secara percaya diri.



Inside Cover Page………....…...i

Inside Title Page………...…...ii

Declaration Page………..……….…...iii


Dedication Page………..……...v

Thesis Advisor’s Approval Page………..……...vi

Thesis Examiners’ Approval Page………...….vii


Table of Contents…………..………...…x




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study……….……….…1

1.2Research Problems………...….5

1.3Research Objectives………...…………...5

1.4Significance of the Study………...6

1.5Scope and Limitations………...6

1.6Definition of Key Terms………..7



2.1 Pragmatics...8

2.2 Speech Acts and Its Classification...10

2.2.1 Locutionary Act...11

2.2.2 Illocutionary Act...11

2.2.3 Perlocutionary Act...13

2.3 Assertive Acts...13

2.4 Assertive Verbs...15

2.5 Percy Jackson&The Olympian: The Lightning Thief Movie...16

2.6 Review of Previous Studies...16


3.2 Subject of The Study...20

3.3 Data and Data Sources...21

3.4 Research Instrument...22

3.5 Technique of Data Collection...22

3.6 Technique of Data Analysis...23


4.1.1 Types and Assertive Verbs of Assertive Acts...24 Inform...28 Informing Publicly...28

(10) Informing Confidently...31 Informing Privately...34 Informing Tentatively...36 Suggest...37 Suggesting Tentatively...38 Agree...39 Agreeing Confidently...39 Agreeing Privately...41 Disagree...42 Disagreeing Publicly...43 Dissgreeing Confidently...44 Disagreeing Privately...46 Confirm...48 Confirming Confidently...49 Confirming Privately...51 Deny...52 DenyingPublicly...53 Denying Confidently...55

4.1.2 The Differences between Percy Jackson and Annabeth In Applying Assertive acts...56 Inform...57 Suggest...59

(11) Agree...60 Disagree...61 Confirm...62 Deny...63

4.2 Discussion...64


5.2 Suggestion...70




This chapter describes background of study, research problems, research

objectives, significance of the study, scope and limitation of this study and

definition of the key terms.

1.1 Background of Study

Communication is the main part of human life. When somebody

communicate with other people, it makes an interaction automatically. In an

interaction, someone usually communicates with other people is to deliver what

are they think, belief, want and etc. Languange as the tools of communication has

some functions such as asking, thanking, asserting, expressing and etc. Thus, the

writer aims to analyse about how someone asserts someone else in a

communication that can be analyzed through the language.

There are many sciences of language that used to analyze about language

function in a communication. Pragmatics is one of the branches of linguistic fields

which studies about the purpose of language in human communication as decided

by the situation of context (Mey, 2001:22). To strengthen the meaning of

pragmatics, Yule (1996:3) states that Pragmatics is intended to the study of

meaning as communicated by the speaker and interpreted by the listener.

Essentially, Pragmatics is the study that focus to the meaning in communication

(language use) based on the context of interaction that utter by the speaker and



Speech act is one of the topics that discussed in Pragmatics. According to

Searle (1969:16) speech act is a basic or small units of linguistic communication

which generally as the production of the symbol or word or sentence in the

performance of the speech act. To make it clear, Mey (2001:109) states that

speech acts are produced in actual situations of language use by people having

something in mind. From the actual situations of speech, Austin states that

Speech act as an identification of the present speech situation with the speech

situation indicated by performative sentence (Austin, 1962:13). From the

statements above, The writer relates each other statements that speech act is the

way speaker speaks something that influence to the listener’s act which is need a

process of listener to interprets what the hidden meaning of the speaker’s say. To

interprete the speech, it can be indicated by the time of speech is take place, where

the situation and context may influence the meaning of the speech itself.

According to Austin (1962:13) there are 3 branches of speech act:

Locutionary act, Illocutionary act and perlucotionary act. From the branches of

speech act, Searle has done to do a research which focuses on illocutionary act, in

his research, he classified the illocutionary acts into some parts. Searle (1999:148)

classifies the branches of illocutionary act, such as: Assertives, commisives,

directives, expressives and declatives. Then, the writer wants to analyze one of the

branches of illocutionary act. In this research, the writer analyzes about assertive

acts which focuses on the use of assertive act that uttered by protagonist



Talking about Assertive Act, Smith (1991:18) states that assertive is a

statement when the speaker presents a proposition to representing the actual states

of affairs of the world. Another statements about assertives, Dick (1993:208)

argues that assertive has function to provide faithful representations of facts. The

writer concludes that both of them are exactly same in giving a notion of assertive

which the meaning is about the way someone propose someone else about

representing the fact or belief. Thus, the writer thinks that assertive is an act where

the speaker tells or says about truth without interfere other people right which has

aimed to make the hearer believes to its truth.

Research about Assertive has been done in some fields, such as: In

education (Hasanzadeh and Mahdinejad, Vol.22, No.1;Muthumanickam and

Asokan, M. 2013;Rathee, 2015). In social (Eskin, 2003). In Psychology (Manesh

et al, 2015., Krist, 2011., Elliot et al, 1990). In leadership (Lazenby, 1998).

Knowing about this fact, the writer tries to do a research in linguistic field.

In linguistic field, there are some researches which analyze in some topics,

such as: in speech (Fitriana, 2014;Putri, 2016). In debate setting (Yuyun, 2014).

From both of them, they were analyzing in spoken text. Then, the writer tries to

do a research which the data is obtained from written text. Thus the writer chooses

a movie script as the object of analysis.

The writer finds two researches which used movie script as the object of

analysis (Andriansyah, 2015;Viajeng et. al., 2015). From those two researches,



gaps between those two researches, the gaps are depicted on the problem that the

writer wants to reveal and the character that the writer chooses. in this research,

the writer analyses the types of Assertive Acts used by protagonist character, the

assertive verbs used by the protagonist and the differences between those two

protagonist character. The reason why the writer analyses about the types is she

wants to know what the most types are used by the protagonist character, because

it indicates the way of protagonist character in speak about the truth. Then, the

writer wants to know what is assertive verbs are used by the protagonist that

indicates the status of those assertion. After knowing the classification of types

and its verbs, the writer wants to know what the differences between those two

protagonist characters when applying assertive acts.

Thus, The writer finds that assertive is an interesting subject if it is used by

protagonist character. Because commonly, protagonist character always speaks in

a good utterances. So, it is about how if protagonist speaks the truths or their

beliefs without interfere other people’s belief. Another uniqueness of this research

is about the protagonist characters itself whom they are a demi god. As a

protagonist and as a demi god, commonly, they speak well and polite. The

problem which the writer reveals is to know how protagonist convinces their

belief about the truth to other characters which can be indicated by the types and

the assertive verbs of assertive Acts that the protagonist character used the most.

From this issues, the writer wants to know what types of Assertive Acts are

mostly used by Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson that is suitable with his and



when applying assertive acts. So, this research is conducted to examine about the

used of Assertive Acts by protagonist characters.

1.2 Research Problem

The research is conducted to answer the problems which formulated into

two following questions:

1. What are types of Assertive Acts used by protagonist character in Percy

Jackson & The olympians: The Lightning Thief’s Movie?

2. What are assertive verbs used by protagonist character in Percy Jackson & The

olympians: The Lightning Thief’s Movie”?

3. What are the differences between Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase in

applying assertive acts in Percy Jackson & The olympians: The Lightning Thief’s


1.3 Research Objective

Based on the research problems above, the objectives of the study have

aims to:

1. To describe what types of assertive acts that frequently used by protagonist

characters in Percy Jackson & The olympians: The Lightning Thief’s Movie

2. To analyze about the assertive verbs that used by protagonist character in Percy



3. To explain about the differences between Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase in

applying assertive acts in Percy Jackson & The olympians: The Lightning Thief’s


1.4 Significance of The Research

In this study, the writer hopes this study can be able to help the readers in

understanding about assertives acts and gives some informations about its relation

between protagonist and assertive.

The significance of this research is analysis of Assertive acts, whereas it is

one of the kinds of illocutionary acts. Thus, by doing this research, the writer

hopes can make the reader enrich the knowledge especially in Assertive Acts

which included some types and verbs which relates to the protagonist character

and the writer hopes this study can be useful for the readers as a reference for

conducting further study.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research is about assertive acts which is one of the

branches of Illocutionary acts. The writer limits the analysis just focus on the

types of assertive acts, the assertive verbs and the differences between protagonist


The writer limits the object of analysis is only on Percy Jackson&The

olympians: The Lightning Thief movie because as far as the writer know that



protagonist characters in Percy jackson&The Olympians: The Lightning Thief’s

movie, but the writer chooses two major characters in protagonist character. They

are Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. The reason is because Percy Jackson and

Annabeth Chase have different characteristics.

1.6 Definition of Key Term

The writer gives some definition of key term to make clear and to avoid


1. Assertive: Kinds of Illocutionary Act that states what the speaker believe to be

the case or not (Yule, 1996:53)

2. Acts: a major division in a play that do through a behaviour (Cuddon, 1999:7)

3. Verbs: it deals with the event description or status of an assertion (Leech,


4. Protagonist: A protagonist is the main character in any story, such as a literary

work or drama who can affect the main characters’ decisions. Protagonist usually

gives greater variety to the dialog and action (Cuddon, 1999:706)

5. Character: Person in a play, novel, movie and etc. (Cuddon, 1999:126)

6. Percy Jackson & the olympians: The lightning thief’s movie: It is a first serie

from Percy Jackson serial movie that directed and produced by Chrish Colombus.

This movie is taken from the Percy Jackson novel series which is written by Rick




In this chapter, the writer presents about some theories that related to the

research entitled “Assertive Acts Used by Protagonist Characters in Percy

Jackson&The Olympian: The Lightning Thief’s Movie”. Those are the

explanation of Pragmatics, Speech Act and Its Classification, Assertive Acts,

Assertive Verbs, Percy Jackson&The Olympian: The Lightning Thief Movie and

Related Studies.

2.1 Pragmatics

Pragmatics is a field of linguistics studying communication. Mey

(2009:43) states that Pragmatics embrace a perspectives in language user, the

language use and contexts of use in a communication. Concerning to the language

use, Pragmatics seem to be a theory which focuse to the meaning of sentence or

utterance which relates to the speaker and the motif of the speaker says about. In

this case, Pragmatics can be seen as theory of language use which is considered to

the who the speaker is, where the speaker takes place and what the speaker intends


Later on, Thomas (2003:18) argues that pragmatics focuse on the

application of a language which consider to the context of a language is used. It is

regarded to the contexts of use and its meaning. In the application of pragmatics,

there are two scopes where the pragmatics is concerned to. The scopes are macro



where the pragmatics is used for, but the whole concept of pragmatics is intended

to the use of language based on context

Paltridge (2006:33) adds that pragmatics is the study of meaning in

relation to the context of speaking or writing. The context itself can be classified

such as; social situational context, textual context and background knowledge

context. In case of context, it is can not be separated with the speaker says and

what the hearer gets because context influences the meaning of its utterance.

Some explanations about context are explained by the expert. Sowa

(1995:86) states that context is such a complex of related ideas, in an idea can be

contained some information in a package. In order to make it clear, He adds a

statement about the notion of context as a concept of type motion, whose referent

field contains more than one conceptual ideas that state the motion.

The other notion of context is stated by (Bosco et. all., 2004:467) that

commonly, context is as same as with a related factors that contributes to the

reconstruction of understanding about the intended meaning of what the speaker

says. From all of the notions of context above, the writer gets the point that

context is such an image of thought which contains some information within those

thought that the hearer should be understood in the way to interpret the speaker

wants or talks about. The notion of context can help the writer to do an analysis

about the meaning under the utterances which the writer can relate based on the

context in its movie to find the assertive verbs that the protagonist characters are



To respon the Paltridge’s statement that context has a main role in

communication to the way of understanding what the speaker says about. Yule

(1996:3) states in Permana (2014:8) that generally, Pragmatics is the study of

contextual meaning, the study of how more gets communicated than is said, and

the study of the expression of relative distance (closeness in physical, social, or

conceptual). So, the writer concludes that pragmatics is a theory that has function

to criticized about the meaning of a communication between the speaker (the

writer) and the hearer (the reader) whether it is spoken or written.

2.3 Speech Act and its classification

Yule (1996:231) states that speech act emerges in Austin’s observation.

Before stating about speech act, Austin provides a case of problem which provoke

the appearances of speech act theory. Austin (1962:8) states that a sentence

commonly used to state of affairs or state some facts, either it is true or false, But

some sentences arise has not intended at all, has intended in a part or impart

straight forward information about the fact. Thus, from these statement can be

meant that a sentence seems as a form that might be contained an intended


Knowing about the fact that within a sentence might be contained some

meanings. Then, The notion of speech act appears as the action performed in

saying something (Austin, 1962:15). Austin (1962:107) classifies three distinct

levels of action beyond the act of utterance itself; Locutionary Act, Illocutionary



2.3.1 Locutionary Act

Paltridge (2006:34) states that locutionary act refers to the literal

meaning of the actual words. To strengthen the meaning of locutionary

act, Yule argues that locutionary act is the basic act of utterance (Yule,

1996:48). From this notion of locutionary act, the writer concludes that

locutionary act is the act of meaning conventionally. It is the first level to

indicates the meaning.

2.3.2 Illocutionary Act

According to Leech (1983:199) illocutionary act refers to an action

of speak in saying something. From this statement, Tsohatzidis (1994:11)

tries to makes it clearer about the notion of Illocutionary act. He states that

illocutionary act is a performance of a speaker in uttering a sentence of his

language that is essentially for knowing what the speaker meant in uttering

that sentence. Thus, the writer concludes that illocutionary act is

concerned to the meaning of what the speaker’s utterance.

Futhermore, John R. Searle, An American Philosopher, has been

done to do a further developed research in speech act. He did a research

which focuses on Illocutionary act. Searle (1979:12) classifies the

illocutionary act into 5 classes; Representative or assertive, directive,

commisive, expressive and declarative. the explanation of each classes are



Representative or Assertive: the point of this category is to

commit the speaker to say something truth that it fits to the

world based on the verity. For Example: “the sun rises in the

east”. (word to world)

Directive: it is such an act of the speaker in uttering something

that has a sense to make the hearer to do something that suits

with the speaker utterance (world to word)

Commisive: the point of this category is about the speaker is do

to something in future action, such as: promising, offering and

Etc. In case of commisive, the speaker commits to do

something that necesarrily needs intention. (the speaker acts

something by her/himself)

Expressive: it is about the way a speaker expresses their

psychological states or feelings in the sincerity condition that

has propositional content, such as: thanking, apologizing,

condole and Etc.

Declarative: the point of this category is about the succesful

performance of one of its member that says about the

propositonal content that fits to the reality. In this case,

declarative point is to change the world via utterances.



2.3.3 Perlocution Act

According to Paltridge (2006:34) Perlocution acts refers an effect

of the speaker utterances. The effect can be seems by the hearer doing

something or the hearer gets something (thought) which match to the

speaker wants. it is such a result that caused by the speaker utterances

(Devitt&Hanley, 2006:158)

2.4 Assertive Act

Assertive is one of the illocutionary act’s branches. It is the important

point in communication because assertive act is available when it is necessary to

make a commitment about the truth. In a movie, the argument of protagonist

character usually denied whether it is true or false. In this problem, the protagonist

character can use assertive act to make the other characters believe about the truly


According to Leech (1983:205) assertive acts refers to the condition when

the speaker speaks about the truth based on the reality whether it is true or false.

Smith (1991:18) supoorts the Leech’s statement that assertive is a statement when

the speaker presents a proposition to representing the actual states of affairs of the

world. The directions is word to world. It can be concluded that saying a word

should be suited with the world or reality. According to Searle in Tarigan



Inform: this type is used when the speaker inform something

Ex: she was busy last night

From this example, the speaker inform about the truth that she was busy

last night

Suggest: it is used when the speaker gives a solution, suggest or advice

Ex: knowing you are tired, you should take a rest for a while

The example above can be seen that suggest is such a type of giving

advice to someone based on the reality that he/she is actually tired.

Agree: this type used when someone agree to the opini of someone

else. It is usually used when the other opini is as same as what the

speaker perception

Ex: yaps, that’s right. She is the laziest girl in room.

It can be seen that the speaker is agree with someone’s opini. The speaker

agrees because he/she knows that the actual fact says the truth.

Disagree: it is used when someone in the different opinion or different


Ex: I disagree with you. She does not do anything. She does not steal



Here, the speaker commits that the speaker disagree to the someone’s


Confirm: this type is used when the speaker clarifies something

Ex: Honestly, i dont like his attitude, but, i know they are a kiddos then i

should understand them.

The speaker understand it eventhough the actual fact says different,

because some condition or term that needs to be understood.

Deny: it is used in condition when the speaker refuse something

Ex: i really dissapointed with you. I never trust you anymore. Because I

said A and you said b to him. Why ?

The speaker dissapointed to someone else, because the speaker know the

truth about something.

2.5 Assertive Verbs

Assertive verbs is about the status of the assertion. It refers to the event

description (Leech, 1983:223) in Leech book, he distinct into some categories.

The categories is explained below:

Publicly assertive verbs: It is used when the speaker speaks the

assertion which is publicly known. The assertive acts are used; declair,



Privately assertive verbs : It is used when the speaker speaks the

assertion privately and obliquely known. The assertive acts are used;

intimate, hint, imply

Confidently assertive verbs: It is used when the speaker confidently

assert, the assertive acts might use, such as; affirm, aver, avouch,

confirm, certify

Tentatively assertive verbs: It is used when the speaker asserts the

tentative assertion, the assertive acts are possibly used, such as; suggest,

hypothesize, postulate

2.6 Percy Jackson&The Olympians: The Lightning Thief Movie

Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief’s movie is a first

serie from Percy Jackson serial movie that is directed and produced by Chrish

Colombus. This movie is taken from the Percy Jackson’s novel series which is

written by Rick Riordan.

This movie tells about a protagonist character named Percy Jackson as the

son of Poseidon who accused as the thief of Zeus’s masterbolt. As a protagonist

character, Percy needs to persuade and convince other characters to stop blaming

on him, because the reality says that he does not the thief of the masterbolt. But at

the end of this movie, Percy Jackson found the lost masterbolt and succesfully to



2.7 Review of Previous Studies

There are some previous studies that related to this study. The first is a

study entitled “The Study on The Assertive Illocutionary Acts of The Main

Character in My Sister’s Keeper Movie” by Indraswuri et. all (2015). The aim of

this study is to explore what is the act of assertives that is used by the main

character and what is the intended meaning of the utterances of the main character

in My Sister’s Keeper movie. In order to do their research, they used qualitative

method as their research design. The result of the first problem is shown on the

categories of assertive acts that is used by the main characters. The most category

that is used by the main characters is asserting and the less category is suggesting.

From the finding of the categories, the they analyze the intended meaning by

relating those categories with the context that tightly influence the intended

meaning of assertive sentence. The intended meaning shows how Anna as the

main character straightly tells about the truth condition of herself who must

donate her kidney to her sister. She clearly asserts her mother to convince that

there is no one needs to be sacrificed for her sister’s life.

The second previous study is from Andriansyah (2015). The tittle of his

study is “Representative and Directive Acts in The Baytown Outlaw’s Movue”.

Representatives here is the synonim of assertive. The problem thatb Andriansyah

reveals are to find out what representative illocutionary force are used by Brick

Oodie and Mcqueen Oodie and the purpose of using those representative acts. In

analyzing the problems, Andriansyah applied qualitative method while analyzing



shown in this movie are stating, claiming, asserting, predicting, suggesting,

concluding, describing. The purposes of using representative in this movie are to

inform news, to state curiosity, to relaxe, to thank, to discuss and to convince

someone. In order to convince someone, Brick Oodie and Mcqueen Oodie mostly

used representative is to negotiate other person to belief in them just because to

get what Brick Oodie and Mcqueen Oodie wants.

The third previous study is from Putri (2016) with the title

“Representatives Illocutionary Acts that Used by Barack Obama in Presidential

Election Debate 2008-2012 Period”. The problem that she reveals is about the act

of representative that is shown by Barack Obama and the function in using those

kinds of representative acts. The result is shown by the diagram that Inform as one

of the kinds of representative acts becomes the type that is mostly used by Barack

Obama in his speech. The function that Barack Obama mostly used is to assert the


From all previous studies above, the writer finds the differences which

makes this research is different than others. It is about the problems that the writer

reveals. From those previous studies above, most of them are finds what the

purpose and the intended meaning in assertive acts that is used by the main

character. Thus, in this research, the writer interested to find out the types of

assertive acts and the assertive verbs that is used by protagonist characters. The

other difference is about the object of analysis. Most of them chose movie as the

object of analysis but they do not consider the relation of those movie with




This part discusses the methodology of the research. It consist of research

design, research instrument, subject of the research, data and data source, data

collection and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

Research design was the conceptual structure within which research was

conducted. The conceptual structure can be seen as an outline of the writer in

which she arranged the procedure and technique that was used for gathering

information. According to Khotari (1990:27) Research design is such a plan to do

a research and such a brief foundation to do a research. Thus, the writer implied

that research design was a procedural step to do research which was importantly

needed by every researcher before doing a research.

Knowing that research design was a brief arrangement of plan. It meant

that resarch design should be suitable with the problems that the study would be

analyzed. Considering about that, the purposes of this study are to find out what

types of assertive acts that used by protagonist characters, to analyzed about what

assertive acts are used by protagonist characters and to described the differences

between Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase in applying assertive acts in Percy

Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief’s movie. Thus, the suitable

rsearch design which related to to the purpose of this study is qualitative content



Qualitative content analysis is a method for systematically describing the

meaning of qualitative data (Schreier, 2012:170). Qualitative data is less of

numeral and statistical but it is mostly in word, text and so on. Then, content

analysis is an analysis which focusing to the interpreting the data within the

content of such text. Thus, the writer used qualitative content analysis because the

main data of this study is a movie script which included to the kinds of text and

the analysis was interpreting the content within a text.

In the way the writer formulated the answer of the problems of analysis,

the writer also used descriptive research design to depicted and to described the

precise illustration of what the analysis is. As the name of the approach,

descriptive research dealed with describing variables. Thus, descriptive research

design was importantly used to describe the result of analysis is about.

3.2 Subject of The Study

The subject of this study is protagonist character. There are some

characters which included to protagonist character, but the writer chooses two

major characters only. They are Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. Those two

characters are the major protagonist characters in Percy Jackson&The Olympians:

The Lightning Thief Movie. The reason why the writer chooses those two

characters because the different characteristic of Percy Jackson and Annabeth

Chase. The differentiation appeared in the way Percy and Annabeth speak. The



find out what types of assertive acts and assertive verbs are used by those two


The second reasons why the writer chooses percy jackson as the subject of

analysis is because Percy Jackson were accused as the thief of Zeus’s masterbolt.

But in fact, he did not steal the masterbolt. This is suitable to the problem that the

writer revealed, because the writer wanted to know how Percy Jackson convinced

other character about the fact. The writer chose Annabeth Chase because she

believed that Percy did not still the masterbolt and she helped him to convince

other character to believe the reality.

3.3 Data and Data Sources

The data source of this research was taken from movie script of Percy

Jackson&The Olympians: The Lightning Thief’s Movie. This movie was

produced in 2010 which directed and produced by Chris Colombus. This movie is

the first serie of Percy Jackson serial movie. Percy Jackson&The Olympians: The

Lightning Thief’s Movie was adopted from the percy jackson novel which written

by Rick Riordan. The movie script is available in 122 pages. The writer have the

PDF file that help the writer wrote the analysis without retyping.

http://screenplayexplorer.com/wp-content/scripts/The_Lightning_Thief.pdf is the

link where the writer downloaded the movie script. It was downloaded on

December, 13rd 2016. The writer also has the printed file to help the writer

accurately analyzed. The data of this research was taken from the utterances of



3.4 Research Instrument

Qualitative studies tend to use human instrument rather than otehr tools or

machines (Litosseliti, 2010:29). Thus, the instrument of this research was the

researcher herself by finding, analyzing and classifying the types of assertive acts,

the assertive verbs and the differences between Percy Jackson and Annabeth

Chase in applying assetive acts in Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The

Lightning Thief’s movie. The other instrument was the movie script of its movie

and also laptop to helped the researcher watched the movie.

3.5 Technique of Data Collection

The data collected from the utterances of Percy Jackson and Annabeth

Chase along the movie. There are some steps that the writer used to collect the


1. Downloading the movie entitled “Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The

Lightning Thief”

2. Downloading the movie script and print it out

3. Selecting of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase’s utterances

4. Classifying into two major classes; Percy Jackson’s utterances and Annabeth



3.6 Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the data into some steps:

1. underlining Percy Jackson utterances and Annabeth Chase utterances

2. calculating the total of each utterances

3. classifying Percy Jackson utterances and Annabeth Chase utterances into the

six types of assertive acts

4. classying those utterances which contains of assertive acts into the four kinds of

assertive verbs

5. turning the classifying into the table

6. defining the relation of each into the analysis

7. explaining the differences between Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase in

applying assertive acts.




This chapter depicts the results of the research analysis which is

mentioned as Findings. Afterward, there is also the discussion of the research


4.1 Findings

This chapter where all of the data are processed. The writer divides this

chapter into two points. The first point contains of the finding of this research by

answering the first and the second research question. The first research question is

what are types of assertive acts used by protagonist characters in Percy Jackson &

The olympians: The Lightning Thief’s Movie and the second research question is

what are assertive verbs used by protagonist characters in Percy Jackson & The

olympians: The Lightning Thief’s Movie. Meanwhile, the second point contains

the findings of this research by answering the third research question that is what

are the differences between Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase in applying

assertive acts in Percy Jackson & The olympians: The Lightning Thief’s Movie.

4.1.1 Types and Assertive Verbs of Assertive Acts

In this point, the types of assertive acts is analyzed by using Searle’s

Theory. While, the assertive verbs of assertive acts is analyzed by using Leech’s

Theory. Based on the data analysis, the writer finds132 data of Percy Jackson’s

utterances and Annabeth Chase’s utterances which contains of types and assertive



two diagrams below. The two diagrams below show the data of Percy Jackson’s

utterances and Annabeth Chase’s utterances which contains of types and assertive

verbs of assertive acts. The types of assertive acts are divided into six types based

on Searle’s Theory and the assertive verbs of assertive acts are divided into four

classes based on Leech’s Theory. The diagrams are below:

Figure 1: Types and Assertive Verbs of Assertive Acts that Used by Percy Jackson



The diagrams above shows about the finding of types and assertive verbs

that is used by protagonist characters. The first diagram shows Percy Jackson’s

utterances which contains of assertive acts. According to Searle in Tarigan

(2015:107) types of assertive acts are able in six types, such as: inform, suggest,

agree, disagree, confirm and deny. Meanwhile, the assertive verbs has four

classes, such as: publicly, confidently, tentatively and privately (Leech,

1983:223). From the first diagram, the inform type has four assertive verbs, they

are informing publicly, informing confidently, informing tentatively and

informing privately. The suggest type has no assertive verbs. The agree type has

two assertive verbs, agreeing confidently and agreeing privately. The fourth type

is disagree type. The first diagram shows that disagree type has three assertive

verbs, they are disagreeing publicly, disagreeing confidently and disagreeing

privately. The next type is confirm type. It has one assertive verbs, it is

confirming confidently assertive verbs. The last type of assertive acts that is

shown by the first diagram is deny type. The deny type has two assertive verbs,

they are denying publicly and denying confidently.

The second diagram shows the types and assertive verbs that is used by

Annabeth Chase character. The first type is inform type. It has four assertive

verbs, they are informing publicly, informing confidently, informing tentatively

and informing privately. The second type is suggest type. It has one assertive

verbs, it is suggesting tentatively. Then, the third type is agree type. It has two

assertive verbs. They are agreeing confidently and agreeing privately. Disagree



disagreeing publicly, disagreeing confidently and disagreeing privately. The next

type is confirm type. it has two assertive verbs. They are confirming confidently

and confirming privately. The last type that is used by Annabeth chase is deny

type. This type has one assertive verbs. It is denying confidently.

In the first diagram, Percy Jackson uses more informing publicly as the

type and assertive verbs of assertive acts in the way he asserts someone else than

other types and assertive verbs of assertive acts. The total amount of informing

publicly is 39 data that out of 71 data. The second number of rank is Disagreeing

confidently which consists of 7 data out of 71 data. The third number of rank are

denying publicly and informing confidently which shows 5 data out of 71 data.

The forth number of rank is confirming confidently shows 4 data out of 71 data.

The fifth number of rank is informing tentatively which has 3 data that out of 71

data. The sixth number of rank consist of agreeing confidently and denying

confidently. Each of them are available in 2 data that out of 71 data. The last

number of rank are informing privately, Agreeing privately, disagreeing publicly

and disagreeing privately which each of them has one data that out of 71 data.

The second diagram shows the Annabeth Chase’s utterances. the first

number of rank in Annabeth Chase’s diagram is as same as with the first number

of rank of Percy Jackson’s diagram. It is informing publicly type. Then, the

second number of rank is informing confidently type which has 9 data out of 61

data. The third number of rank is confirming confidently type. It has 7 data that

out of 61 data. The fourth place is informing privately type that consists of 6 data



disagreeing confidently type. Each of them have 3 data out of 61 data. The sixth

number of rank are agreeing confidently type, denying confidently type and

confirming privately type. each of them have 2 data out of 61 data and the last

number of rank are agreeing privately, disagreeing publicly, suggesting tentatively

and disagreeing privately which each of them has 1 data out of 61 data.

The types and assertive verbs of assertive acts that is used by protagonist

character are explained in detail below. Inform

Inform type is the most type that is used by Percy Jackson and Anabeth Chase. The writer finds 89 informing utterances from both of them. Percy Jackson

has 48 data that out of 71 data and Annabeth Chase has 41 data that out of 61


This type is used by the speaker when the speaker wants to inform

something, to tell about the truth or to give explanation about the important

things. In Percy Jackson’s utterances and Annabeth Chase’s utterances, inform

type has four assertive verbs. They are informing publicly type, informing

confidently type, informing tentatively type and informing privately type. The

assertive verbs of this type are explained below. Informing Publicly

Informing publicly type is used by the speaker when the speaker



Publicly assertive verbs is measured by the way the speaker informs it.

The speaker commonly declairs or proclaims or announces something that

based on the truth condition. Then, Publicly assertive verbs also can be

measured by the situation of context of the speaker takes place. In

informing publicly type, the writer finds 39 utterances that out of 71

utterances of Percy Jackson’s utterances and 23 utterances from 61

utterances of Annabeth Chase’s utterances. The detailed data is in

appendix. Here the writer serves 3 data that to be presented below.

Data 1:

Percy : My name is Percy Jackson. Until a few months ago, i was a student here at Yancy Academy. The kind of place where parents send their “troubled” kids when no one else will take them. (PJ/P.1/C.3)

The types of assertive acts that is used in this data is inform type.

This data is found in the early talk of Percy Jackson when Percy informs to

the hearer about who is he and tell the truth about the reason why he

moves to Yancy Academy.

The assertive verbs that is used in this data is publicly assertive

verbs. Publicly assertive verbs can be used when someone or the speaker

proclaims something, declares the truth or announces the important thing.

It is shown by the sentence“My name is Percy Jackson.” this sentence

depicts when the speaker declairs his name to the hearer in the beginning

of movie. The same data which depicts an informing publicly type is



Data 2:

Percy : good Stuff. What is it?

Annabeth : Ambrosia and nectar. Food of God (AC/P.23/C.1)

The data 2 describes when Annabeth gives a drink to Percy that

purposely to improve Percy’s condition that after 3 days of being sick.

Then, Percy feels better than before. He asks to Annabeth about what that

stuff is. Then, Annabeth informs Percy that the drink is a food of god that

made by ambrosia and nectar.

Based on the Annabeth’s utterance in the data 2, the writer

classifies it into inform type of assertive acts and publicly assertive verbs

because the speaker informs something true to the hearer by declairing to

the hearer that ambrosia and nectar are obviously the kinds of food of god.

The next point serves a data of Percy Jackson’s utterances.

Data 3:

Annabeth : Surrender...

VOICE (V.O) : Go to the water, Percy... The water...

Percy : You drool when you’re impressed. Wipe your mouth.



This data tells about a scene when Annabeth hurts Percy’s body

until bleeding. This scene is such a proof about the true story that Percy is

a son of Poseidon. Then, the distant voice comes again and says that Percy

should move to the water. After hearing that voice, Percy moves to the

water. Amazingly, all the injuries in his body are recovery soon. So, Percy

believes and declares that he is a son of poseidon, a god of water. The

writer indicates this data that the data is included to inform type of

assertive acts. It can be seen from this utterance “POSEIDON!” in which

Percy tells the truth that he is a demigod whom son of Poseidon, a god of


The utterance “POSEIDON” that is said by Percy Jackson. It is

included to publicly assertive verbs. The writer indicates by the way the

speaker utters this utterance. The speaker (Percy) declairs who he really is.

Thus, it can be such an indication of publicly assertive verbs which

publicly assertive verbs can be measured from the way the speaker says

about the truth or from the situation of where the utterance takes place. Informing Confidently

Inform type is one of the types of assertive acts which has a

meaning of a condition when the speaker tells about something to the

hearer. Then, confidently assertive verbs is the second kinds of assertive

verbs where the speaker speaks something which is espoused by the notion



the speaker says the truth. Usually, confidently assertive verbs can be

detected when the speaker affirms or confirms or certifies about the truth.

Thus, Informing confidently is used when the speaker informs something

about the truth while giving such a notion or confirmation about the truth.

Informing confidently type occupies in the third place of Percy

Jackson’s diagram and the second place of Annabeth Chase’s diagram.

The writer found 5 data of Percy Jackson’s utterances that out of 71 data.

Meanwhile, Annabeth Chase has 9 data that out of 61 data. Here, the

writer gives 2 data which depicted the informing confidently utterances.

Data 4:

Annabeth : HELLHOUNDS!

Grover : How did they get in?

Annabeth : I dont know... The camp is under a veil of protection against underworld forces...

Someone must have lifted it... (AC/P.39/C.3)

The types of assertive acts that is used in this data is inform type. It

can be indicated from the word “Someone must have lifted it”. This

quotation indicates that Annabeth informs to Grover that everybody should

cross the veil of protection before entering the camp.

The assertive verbs that is used in this data is confidently assertive

verbs. It is shown when Annabeth gives a notion about the camps

protection which not everyone can cross it easily. The confidently



protection against underworld forces”. Those quotation is such a notion

and an affirmation of the true condition about the camp. Then, the writer

classifies this data into the informing confidently type because the speaker

informs something true that based on the real condition and gives a notion

about that condition.

Data 5:

Percy : You both need to wake up! You’re in some kind of trance... I was too... Now listen to me! Focus! We’re trapped. In the land of lotus easters. (PJ/P.88/C.3)

This data tells about a scene when Annabeth and Grover is in

drunk condition after eat a lotus flower. Lotus flower is a dessert which is

given freely from the bellhop that has an effect to make the person who

eats those lotus flower become unconciously having fun forever at Lotus

Casino. Lotus Casino is a place where there is full of gamble. Thus,

Annabeth, Grover and Percy become unconcious with their own condition.

But, Poseidon reminds Percy to wake up and out from lotus casino

quickly. Then, Percy awakes and he reminds Annabeth and Grover too.

From the story line above, the writer classifies this data into inform

type of assertive acts and confidently assertive verbs. Inform type is

indicated by this sentence “You’re in some kind of trance”. From these

quotation, the writer analyzes that the speaker (Percy) informs Grover

and Annabeth that they are in a condition of trance. Meanwhile, the



speaker certifies about the truth condition to the hearer. The speaker

affirms about what kind of trance that they were. Then, the speaker

confidently certifies what kind of those trance that happen to the hearer by

giving a confirmation that they were in trapped, located at Lotus Casino or

Lotus Easters. Informing Privately

Informing privately type is used when the speaker informs

something while gives a hint about the object of information. The speaker

does not inform directly but the speaker implies to something else which

still has correlation with the true information is about. Privately assertive

verbs can be indicated by the way the speaker asserts the hearer, the

speaker may intimate, hint or imply about the information is about.

The writer finds the data of informing privately type in Annabeth

Chase utterances and in Percy Jackson utterances. Informing privately type

places in the forth number of rank in Annabeth Chase’s diagram which has

6 data out of 61 data and places the last number of rank in Percy Jackson’s

diagram which has 1 data out of 71 data. The writer serves one fragment

of informing privately type. The detail data of informing privately can be

found in appendix.

Data 6:



The data above occurs when Annabeth wants to assert Percy in a

battle race about who Annabeth actually is. In this situation, Percy is a

new comer in the half blood camp whom knows nothing about everyone in

this camp. So, Annabeth tells Percy about who is she and about her ability.

Thus, at this moment, Annabeth warns Percy that she can not accept any

insulting about her battle ability.

The type of assertive acts that is used in this data is Inform type. It

can be seen by the utternaces “My mother is the goddess of wisdom and

battle strategy”. Those utterance shows that the speaker informs the hearer

about who her mother truly is. Thus, The writer classifies it into inform

type of assertive acts.

The assertive verbs that is used in this data is privately assertive

verbs. it is shown by the utterance “You know what that means? I never

lose”. Those utterances show how Annabeth asserts Percy that purposely

to meke him believe that she never lose but Annabeth does not assert

directly. She gives a hint in the sentence “You know what that means?”

That refers to the sentence “I never lose”. In the other word, Annabeth

wants to assert Percy to make him believe that she always win and never

lose in a battle race. From the analysis, the writer classifies this data into


36 Informing Tentatively

Informing tentatively type is used when the speaker asserts

something to the hearer by informing the fact. In the way the speaker

informs about the truth, the speaker hypothesizes or suggests the hearer.

The writer finds that the informing tentatively type occurs in Percy

Jackson’s utterances and Annabeth Chase’s utterances. The writer gets the

data of Informing tentatively type around 6 data that out of 132 data. Each

of Percy and Annabeth has the same amount of data. It has 3 data of each

of them. The writer gives two data that represent the informing tentatively


Data 7:

Annabeth : Do you even know how to get there? Percy : If i had to guess, I’d say: Down


The types of assertive acts that is used in this data is Inform type.

The writer indicates the inform type from the sentence “I’d say: Down”.

In this sentence, the way the speaker asserts the hearer is by informing

something. Percy as the speaker, answers the Annabeth’s question by

informing about the way to go to meet hades. It is by going down.

The assertive verbs that is used by the speaker is tentatively

assertive verbs. The writer classifies this data into tentatively assertive



indication of suggestion or hypothesis in the way the speaker asserts the


Data 8:

Percy : Once Zeus finds out I’m not the lightning thief, word will spread fast. Then hades will kill my mother.

Ares : True... (PJ/P.72/C.2)

The data describes about a scene when Percy Jackson answers

Ares’ question about how if Percy fails to convince Hades. Then, Percy

informs to Ares that Hades will kill his mother. Thus, the writer classifies

this data into inform type of assertive acts.

The writer analyzes that from the word “will”, it can indicate a

tentatively assertive verbs because the speaker hypothesizes about what

the speaker will do for the next. Suggest

Suggest type is the second type of assertive acts. It places in the last

number of rank in the Annabeth Chase’s diagram. As the last number of rank, the

writer finds 1 data out from 61 utterances which is included to suggest type of

assertive acts. But, the writer does not find any data of suggest type in Percy

Jackson’s utterances.

As the last number of rank in Annabeth Chase’s diagram. It means that

Annabeth Chase uses this type is lower than other type of assertive acts. Annabeth



someone else. Suggest type is used by the speaker that purposely to make others

believe in the speaker’s opinion by giving a solution, suggest or advice. The

writer found that suggest type has 1 assertive verbs. It is suggesting tentatively

assertive verbs. It is described in the following point. Suggesting Tentatively

Suggesting tentatively assertive verbs is used when the speaker

suggests something to the hearer by giving a hypothesize, advice or

suggestion. Tentatively assertive verbs can be indicated by the way the

speaker asserts someone else, the speaker suggests, hypothesizes or

postulates to make the hearer believe in what the speaker says about. The

writer finds 1 data which is included to suggesting tentatively type. The

data is below.

Data 9:

Percy : Where am I?

Grover : The infimary, You’ve been unconciousness for three days.

Annabeth : Drink this, It’ll make you feel better.

Percy sniffs it, not sure. (AC/P.22/C.7)

The data 9 tells about a scene when Percy awakes from his coma

around three days after he fights with Minotaur. Then, Annabeth gives a

solution and advice that make Percy feels better by giving a drink. The

drink is made of ambrosia and nectar. Thus, by the way Annabeth gives a



of assertive acts. Meanwhile, the assertive verbs that is used by Annabeth

Chase is tentatively assertive verbs. the writer indicates it from the

sentence “It’ll make you feel better” that represents a suggestive sentence

to make the hearer believe in what the speaker says about. Agree

Agree type is the third type of assertive acts which occupies the last

number of rank in Annabeth’s diagram and the forth number of rank in Percy

Jackson’s diagram. The writer finds 6 data that out of 132 utterances. In Percy

Jackson’s utterances, the writer finds 3 data out of 71 data. Meanwhile, In

Annabeth Chase’s utterances, the writer finds 3 data that out of 61 data.

Agree type is the infrequently type that is used by Percy Jackson. while,

Annabeth Chase uses it more frequent than Percy Jackson in the way she asserts

someone else. Agree type is used when the speaker convinces the hearer by giving

an approval of someone’s opinion. The speaker agrees the other opinion that

based on the fact. In this type, agree type has two assertive verbs from Percy

Jackson’s utterances and Annabeth Chase’s utterances. They are agreeing

confidently and agreeing privately. The assertive verbs of this type are explained

below. Agreeing Confidently

Agreeing confidently type is used when the speaker agrees to



speaker confirms about the information by giving such an explanation,

affirmation or confirmation which is included to the indication of

confidently assertive verbs. Confidently assertive verbs can be indicated

by the speaker asserts someone else. The speaker affirms, confirms,

certifies or aver about the information.

Based on the data, agreeing confidently type has 2 data of Percy

Jackson utterances and has 2 data of Annabeth Chase utterances. Here, the

writer serves 2 data of agreeing confidently type.

Data 10:

Annabeth : you drank the ambrosia ...

Percy : But you didn’t know that when you gave it to me

Annabeth : women’s intuition

Percy : Intuition?, you bet my life on intuition? Percy : I get the sense that you don’t like me very


Annabeth : It’s possible, I mean... Our parents hate each other (AC/P.38/C.6)

From the data above, Annabeth shows that she agrees with Percy’s

opinion that she does not like him very much. It is shown by the sentence

“It’s possible”. Knowing about this, the writer classifies these utterance

into the agree type of assertive acts. After that, in the next sentence,

Annabeth affirms her statement that her parent and Percy’s parent were


Figure 1: Types and Assertive Verbs of Assertive Acts that Used by Percy Jackson
Table 4.1 The Comparison between Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase in


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