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Academic year: 2017



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A Thesis

Submitted to the Biology Education Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Magister of Biology Education

By :

SUKMAWATI SUNDARI SIREGAR Registration Number. 8136173016





Sukmwati Sundari Siregar. NIM. 8136173016. The Effect of Project Based Learning and Cooperative Learning Group Investigation on Student’s Concept Mastery, Scientific Attitude and Creative Thinking Skill in Respiratory System At SMA Negeri 3 Medan. Tesis. Program Pendidikan Biologi, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan. Medan. 2015.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Project-Based Learning and Group Investigation terhadap penguasaan konsep, sikap ilmiah, dan keterampilan berfikir kreatif. Penelitian quasi eksperimen ini menggunakan desain penelitian pre-test and post-test control group design. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI MIA SMA Negeri 3 Medan T.A. 2014/2015. Jumlah populasi penelitian adalah 108 siswa. Sample dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive cluster random sampling dan dibagi menjadi tiga kelas yakni kelas eksperimen dan kontrol. Pembelajaran Project-Based Learning dan Group Investigation dibelajarkan pada kelas eksperimen, sedangkan pembelajaran konvensional dibelajaran pada kelas kontrol. Soal pilihan ganda digunakan untuk mengukur penguasaan konsep siswa. Angket didistribusikan keapda siswa untuk mengukut sikap ilmiah siswa, dan essay test digunakan untuk mengukur keterampilan berfikir kreatif. Uji persyaratan menunjukkan bahwa data terdistribusi normal dan homogen. Data dianalisis menggunakan Anava satu jalur dan Anacova, dilanjutkan dengan Uji Tukey pada taraf signifikansi α = 0.05 dengan bantuan SPSS 19.00. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa: (1)Terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran terhadap penguasaan konsep siswa. Siswa yang diajarkan dengan Project-based learning secara signifikan berbeda dengan siswa yang diajarkan dengan Group Investigation (P= 0.000) dan pembelajaran konvensional (P = 0.000). (2)Terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran terhadap sikap ilmiah siswa. Siswa yang diajarkan dengan Project-based learning secara signifikan berbeda dengan siswa yang diajarkan dengan Group Investigation (P= 0.000) dan pembelajaran konvensional (P = 0.000); (3) Terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran terhadap sikap ilmiah siswa. Siswa yang diajarkan dengan Project-based learning secara signifikan berbeda dengan siswa yang diajarkan dengan Group Investigation (P= 0.000) dan pembelajaran konvensional (P = 0.000). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa project based learning lebih baik daripada Cooperative Learning Group Investigation dan Pembelajaran Konvensional. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa pembelajaran dengan project based learning dapat memberikan pengaruh terhadap penguasaan konsep, sikap ilmiah, dan berfikir kreatif siswa.



Sukmawati Sundari Siregar. Regisration Number: 8136173016. The Effect of Project Based Learning and Cooperative Learning Group Investigation on Student’s Concept Mastery, Scientific Attitude and Creative Thinking Skill In Respiratory System At SMA Negeri 3 Medan. A Thesis. Biology Education Program, Postgraduated School, State University of Medan. 2015.

This study was aimed to find out the effect of Project-Based Learning and Group Investigation learning model toward student’s conceptual mastery, scientific attitude, and creative thinking skill. The design of the study was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test control group. The population of this research was students in grade XI Science of SMA Negeri 3 Medan Academic Year 2014/2015. The total number of population of this research was 108 students. It was selected using purposive sampling technique and divided into three classes: the experiment classes and the control class. On the experimental group, project-based learning and group investigation model were applied, whereas in the control group, a conventional learning model was applied. Multiple choices was used to measure student’s concept mastery.A questionnaire was administered for measuring student’s scientific attitude, and essay test was given to measure the student’s creative thinking. The statistical assumtion test revealed that the data were normally distributed and homogenous. The data were analyzed by using one way Analysis of Variances (ANOVA) One way and Analysis of Covarians (ANACOVA) at significance level of 0.05 followed by Tukey’s test assisted by SPSS 19.00. The results of the research are: (1) There were an effect of learning models to student’s concept mastery. Students who were taught by Project-based learning model had significantly different from those of Group Investigation (P= 0.000) and conventional learning model (P = 0.000). (2) There was an effect of learning models to student’s scientific attitude. Students scientific attitude who were taught by Project-based learning model, were significantly different from those of Group Investigation (P=0.000) and conventional learning model (P = 0.000) ; (3) There was an effect of learning models to student’s creative thinking skill. Students whoe were taught by Project-based learning model has significantly different from those of Group Investigation (P= 0.000) and conventional learning model (P = 0.000). The result shows that project based learning model was better than cooperative learning models and conventional learning. It proves that learning process with project based learning affects student’s concept mastery, scientific atitude, and creative thinking.





Thanks to Allah the Almighty and Most Beneficial for without his Guidance

and Mercy, this thesis would not have been completed. Shalawat and salam for the

Prophet Muhammad who brings us from darkness to the brightness. The writer also

would like to say her special humble acknowledgment to the following people.

First, she would like to express her best sincere gratitude to Rector of State

University of Medan, Bapak Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd, and Director of

Postgraduated School, Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Muin Sibuea, M.Pd. She would also like

to express her best sincere gratitude to Ms. Dr. Hj. Ely Djulia, M.Pd, and Mr. Dr.

Hasruddin, M.Pd as the first and second adviser for their valuable advice, guidance,

constructive comments and precious time spent on supervising and commenting

the process of writing until it comes to its present form. Second, her special

gratitude goes to the head of Biology Education Program, Mr. Dr. Hasruddin, M.Pd,

who has generously encouraged her in completing this study, all lectures, for the

valuable knowledge and instruction they have imparted to her during the years


My deepest gratitude goes to Mr. Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si,

Mrs. Dr. Fauziyah Harahap, M.Si, and Mr. Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed as her

reviewers and examiners for their valuable suggestions and corrections of the draft

of thesis during seminars and examination.

The writer would also like to say thanks to Mr. Dr. Sahlan Daulay as the

Head Master of SMA Negeri 3 Medan who permitted her to conduct the research

there. The entire teachers, especially Mrs. Tetty Hariani Hutasuhut, M.Si who gave

all the data that the writer needed. Thanks for your permision in using your class

during the treatment. Also to all students of XI Science class in 2014/2015 academic

year, thank you for your cooperation and attention, and also the school

administration staff.

Then, a very special debt of gratitude is directed to her beloved parents,

Barani Yakub Siregar, and Elli Wati Rambe, together with her brothers, Ahmad



Atikah Ghassani Abdiah Siregar, Nikmat Nur Siregar for their full love, care, prays,

and never ending spritual support.

Her endless special gratitudes are specially addressed to her best friends and

brother, Chandra Kurniawan Zendrato M.Si and Halim Simatupang, M.Pd for his

full understanding, support, and love. The great one is you, my last but not least, to

all my friends in Regular Biology Education Class-A, Raja Novi, Mbak Dina, Siska,

Bang Al Khudri, Kak Erlia, Dera, Dewi, Kak Dian dan Mahfuzah, Bang Jhonas,

dan Amrullah, Kak Elena for your friendship and cooperation. I will do miss all

about us, and my best friend (Ubur-ubur) in Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI).

Finally, the writer admits that this thesis is still far from being perfect so any

constructive ideas and critics to improve this thesis are warmly welcomed. She

hopes this thesis will always be beneficial for the readers.

Medan, June 30th 2015

The writer,

Sukmawati Sundari Siregar













1.1. The Background of Study 1

1.2. The Problems Identification 6

1.3. The Problems Limitation 6

1.4. The Research Questions 7

1.5. The Objectives of Research 8 1.6. The Research Significance 8


2.1. Theoritical Framework 10

2.1.1. Constructivsm 10

2.1.2. Concept Mastery 12

2.1.3. Scientific Attitude 15

2.1.4. Creative Thinking Skills 17 2.1.5. Project Based Learning 19 Pricinple of Project Based Learning 22 Syntax of Project Based Learning 24 Advantage and Disadvantage of Project Based Learning 26 2.1.6. Cooperative Learning Group Investigation 28 2.1.7. Conventional Learning 30

2.2. Relevant Studies 33

2.3. Conceptual Framework 35

2.4. Hypotheses 39



3.1. Time and Location 41

3.2. Population and Sample 41

3.2.1. Population 41



3.3. Variables 44

3.4. Research Design 42

3.5. Operational Defenition 42

3.6. Research instrument 44

3.7. Research Procedure 47

3.8. Control of Treatment 54

3.9. Instrument Validity 55

3.10. Technique of Analyzing Data 59


4.1. Result 60

4.2. Discussion 81

4.3. Research Limitation 95



5.1. Conclusions 96

5.2. Implications 97

5.3. Suggestions 97






Table 1.1. The Score of Students Examination on Respiratory System 4

Topics at SMA Negeri 3 Medan

Table 2.1. Dimension of Scientific Attitude 16

Table 2.2. A comparison of Project Based Learning and Conventional 31


Table 2.3. A comparison of Group Investigation and Conventional Learning 32

Table 3.1. Pretest-Postest Control Group Design 42

Table.3.2. Aspects of Cognitive Level 44

Table 3.3. Dimension Aspects of Student’s Scientific Attitude 46

Table 3.4. Indicators of Creative Thinking Skill 47

Table 3.5. Syntax of Project- Based Learning 49

Table 3.6. Syntax of Group Investigation 50

Table 3.7. Syntax of Conventional Learning 51

Table 3.8. Category of Reliability Test 57

Table 3.9. Catergory of Difficulty Index 58

Table 3.10.Category of Discrimination Indices 58

Table 4.1. Description of Student’s Concept Mastery Pretest 60

Table 4.2. Description of Student’s Concept Mastery Posttest 61

Table 4.3. Description of Creative Thinking Skill Pretest 75





Figure 3.1. Flowchart of Research Procedure 53

Figure 4.1. Effect of Learning Models to Student’s Concept Mastery 62

Figure 4.2. Effect of Learning Models to Student’s Concept Mastery of C4 65

Figure 4.3. Effect of Learning Models to Student’s Concept Mastery of C5 67

Figure 4.4. Effect of Learning Models to Student’s Scientific Attitude 69

Figure 4.5. Effect of Learning Models to Student’s Curiosity 70

Figure 4.6. Effect of Learning Models to Student’s Respect for Evidence 71

Figure 4.7. Effect of Learning Models to Student’s Flexibility 72

Figure 4.8. Effect of Learning Models to Student’s Critical Reflection 73

Figure 4.9. Effect of Learning Models to Student’s Sensitivity to 74


Figure 4.10. Effect of Learning Models to Student’s Creative Thinking Skill 77

Figure 4.11. Effect of Learning Models to Student’s Flexibility 78

Figure 4.12. Effect of Learning Models to Student’s Elaboration 79





Appendix 1. Lesson Plan of Project-Based Learning Class 106

Appendix 2. Lesson Plan of Group Investigation Class 116

Appendix 3. Lesson Plan of Conventional Learning Class 125

Appendix 4. Learning Matter of Respiratory System Topics 131

Appendix 5. Concept Mastery Test 141

Appendix 6. Questionnaire of Scientific Attitude 148

Appendix 7. Creative Thinking Test 150

Appendix 8. Rubric of Creative Thinking Skill 152

Appendix 9. Student’s Worksheet 153

Appendix 10. Validity, Reliability, and Difficult of Concept Mastery Test 157

Appendix 11. Discrimination Indices of Concept Mastery Test 159

Appendix 12. Research Result 160

Appendix 13. Data Analysis using SPSS 19.0 163

Appendix 14. Data Analysis using SPSS for Each Indicators of Variables 176




1.1.The Background of Study

Tobacco consumption is increasing in Asia as transnational tobacco

companies continue their aggressive expansions into the region, particularly

targeting their marketing and production activities in the emerging markets of

ASEAN’s developing countries.

WHO (2011) reported that more than 6 million people die because of

smoking behaviour. Indonesia has been ranked 2nd for highest number of smoker.

It shows the lack of public awareness about the dangers of smoking. This behavior

has already widespread in society, including elementary school teenagers.

Smoking behavior in teenager associated with their knowledge, attitude about

smoke and health education.

Studies have found that nearly all first use of tobacco takes place before

high school graduation. The Global Youth Tobacco survey of 2006, found that

among students aged 13-15, 24 per cent of all boys and 4 per cent of girls smoked.

Among those who had ever tried smoking, around 1 in 3 boys and 1 in 4 girls had

tried smoking for the first time before age 10 (WHO, 2009). While the age is still


Based on the observation and interview that was done on SMA Negeri 3

Medan showed that students at SMA Negeri 3 Medan had become smoker since

before they were took a senior high school. The students data was obtained from

counseling teacher stated that about 0.6% students of class X, 2.6 % students of



class XI, and 4 % students of class XII on Academic Year 2013/2014 had ever

smoke around the school environment.

Such condition showed that there was no changes of students attitude

toward smoking behaviour. Actually, respiratory system topic had been taught to

students since junior high school. Thus, they should realize what the impact of

smoking. It will damage their respiratory system.

Respiratory system topic is closely related to human body. It discuss about

major organs of respiratoy system and function of each, the mechanism which is

responsible for the exchange of gases during internal and external respiration, the

mechanical process of expiration and inspiration, etc. Meaningful learning

expected to encourage students to learn well so that they can master the concepts

of the respiratory system topics in order to take the measures to maintain

respiratory system topics, and to get long term-memory of it. Biology learning

does not only provide sufficient theories, but also need to provide examples of

solving of real projects. Today, people who can think, solve problems, and make

decisions based on evidence and reasoning are needed.

Generally, conventional learning were used by teacher in classroom. This

statement suppported by several previous studies. First observation did by

Susilowati (2013), showed that teacher-centered was mainly used by teacher of

SMP N 4 Ungaran. It caused the low student’s low activities in doing discussion,

and affect the student’ learning outcome. Dewi et al (2012) found on their firts

observation on SMA N 2 Seragen that teacher-centered caused low student’s

activities. Another survey did by Santi (2011) on college students who took plant



50% scored 70. It can be concluded that their understanding of plant physiology is

still far from achieving all understanding aspects.

Based on the observation and interview made by researcher on teacher and

Biology learning of grade XI at SMA N 3 Medan, it was revealed that tend to use

conventional (lecturing) method. Even the teacher does involved her students in

doing discussion session but they also has lack activity especially in expressing

opinion, asking questions, and giving suggestions. There are only about 3-5 of the

total 47 students who responded to questions.

Such learning model do not apply the scientific activities which engage

student’s concept mastery, and scientific attitude. Fakhruddin et al., (2010) stated

that low student’s scientific attitude of SMAN 1 Bangkinang caused by learning

model used by teacher. Teacher centered does not develop student’s scientific

attitude. Students only acts a passive learner, which listen the whole information

from teacher (teacher-centered), and rote the concept.

Rote learning and reception learning makes the low ability of students in

masterying the matter and connecting the pre-existing concepts. So, They just

remember the facts with less ability to connect the concepts that have been

studied. Students who have scientific attitude will show their activities in solving

Biology problems enthuasiastically, asking, and questioning the findings, etc.

The task/exercise given by teacher doesn’t engage student’s creative

thinking skill. Student’s creativity shown from their ability to generate ideas,

solutions, questions, etc. Dewi et al., (2012) stated that teacher centered only

focused on understanding and remembering the respiratory system topics. So their



easier for teachers to implement but do not always succeed in Biology. It is

characterized by the low average Biology scores of students, particularly in

masterying the respiratory system topics, in last three years as show in Table 1

(source of Teachers of Biology).

Table 1.1 The score of students examination of respiratory system topics at SMA Negeri 3 Medan

No Academic Year Minimum Passing Grade Average 1 2 3 4 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 75 75 75 75 73.8 71.7 70.0 67.0

It is important to improve students achievement in respiratory system

topics. The low achievment is caused by many factors. Others factors can be how

the learning applied in classroom. When students is taught in monotone way or

using the same model of learning, students will feel boring and they do not

concentrate in class. The result is that students does not respond to the subject that

they have learned.

According Munandar (Arvyati et al., (2015), the optimal development of

creative thinking ability is closely related to the way teachers teach. Creative

thinking abilities will grow well if students given the confidence to think

creatively and explore all the ability that was in him, and dare to put forward new


In effort to solve this problems, teachers should try to make learning of

Science to be an enjoyable experience, the one that students will remember for a

life time as Science is an on-going process and it will continue even when they

have stepped out of school (Narmadha, and Chamundeswari, 2013).

Project Based Learning and Group Investigation are the meaningfull



scientific attitude, and creative thingking skill is Project Based Learning (PjBL)

and Cooperative Learning Group Investigation (GI). Both Project Based Learning

and Group Investigation is a constructivist pedagogy in which students takes an

opportunity for doing in–depth investigation and involved in constructing their

own knowledge. Student will be trained to be creative and innovative in learning.

Some previous research showed Project-Based Learning and Cooperative

Learing Group Investigation gave the positive effect on students concept mastery,

scientific attitude, and creative thinking skill, namely: Mihardi et al., (2013) stated

that Project-Based Learning actually is effective to increase student creative

thinking process as indicated by student increase of positive activity. Lindawati et

al., (No Year) stated that that Project-Based Learning can enhance the students

creativity of MAN 1 on Physcis. Masitoh, L’s research (2013) stated that almost

all of the students had positive responses about the instruction that enable them to

improve their problem solving skills and concepts mastery skills. Sastrika, et al.

(2013) stated that there was difference between understanding concepts and

critical thinking skills as impact of project-based model and conventional model.

Astawa, W. et al., (2015) stated that Project Based Learning could develop

the student’s scientific attitude and students’ self concept. Both the student’s

scientific attitude and self concept differ significantly between PBL (Project

Based Learning) with CL (Conventional Learning). Suartika, et al., (2013) said

that there were differences in understanding of concepts and creative thinking skill

of students who took group investigation with cycle learning model. Nasruddin,



student activity in learning science, thinking skills and scientific attitude students

in learning science.

1.2. The Problem Identification

Based on the elaboration of the background of the study, the problems are

identified as followed:

1. Conventional model tend to be used by the teacher in delivering the matter.

Teacher dominate the classrom and students act a passive learner.

2. The low achievment of students in respiratory system topics showed their low

ability in masterying the respiratory concepts.

3. Conventional learning does not develop student’s scientific attitude. Students

only acts a passive learner, and get used to rote and reception learning.

4. Learning process does not develop student’s creative thinking ability. The

task/exercise given by teacher doesn’t engage student’s creative thinking skill.

It just focused on understanding and remembering the concepts.

1.3. The Problems Limitation

By considering the constraints of time, funds, and the ability of researcher,

this study is focused to:

1. Learning model on this research is Project-Based Learning (PjBL), Group

Investigation (GI), and Conventional Learning (CL).

2. This study limited to understand whether the use of learning models can

improve students’ concept mastery, scientific attitude, and creative thinking



3. Student’s concept mastery were examined by giving multiple choices test

based on Bloom Taxonomy of cognitive avility in respiratory system topics for

grade XI MIA.

4. Students’ attitude were measure by the Klopfer classification of students

attitude developed by Harlen (1985) which consist of some aspects namely

curiosity, respect for evidence, flexibility, critical reflection, and sensitivity to

living things or human. This research was focused on the student’s scientific

attitude towards respiratory system topics.

5. Creative thinking skills limited on the student’s ability answering the verbal

creativity test. The test consist of some aspects for example fluency, flexibility,

originality, and elaboration.

6. Research subject was limited to grade XI-MIA academic year 2014/2015.

7. Research topic is about respiratory system topics which were curriculum 2013

for Biology at grade XI-MIA at second semester.

8. The project of this research were paper, poster, and prototype.

1.4. The Research Question

Based on the backgrounds, identifications, and problem limitation then the

study focuses on the following questions:

1. Is there any effect of learning model {Project-Based Learning (PjBL), Group

Investigation (GI), and Conventional Learning (CL)} on student’s concept

mastery of respiratory system topics at grade XI-MIA SMA Negeri 3 Medan?

2. Is there any effect of learning model {Project-Based Learning (PjBL), Group

Investigation (GI), and Conventional Learning (CL)} on student’s scientific



3. Is there any effect of learning model {Project-Based Learning (PjBL), Group

Investigation (GI), and Conventional Learning (CL)} on student’s creative

thinking skills of respiratory system topics at grade XI-MIA SMA Negeri 3


1.5. The Objective of Research

This study was conducted:

1. To find out the effect of learning model {Project-Based Learning (PjBL),

Group Investigation (GI), and Conventional Learning (CL)} on student’s

concept mastery of respiratory system topics at grade XI-MIA SMA Negeri 3


2. To find out the effect of learning model {Project-Based Learning (PjBL),

Group Investigation (GI), and Conventional Learning (CL)} on student’s

scientific attitude of respiratory system topic at grade XI-MIA SMA Negeri 3


3. To find out the effect of learning model {Project-Based Learning (PjBL),

Group Investigation (GI), and Conventional Learning (CL)}on student’s

creative thinking skills of respiratory system topics at grade XI-MIA SMA

Negeri 3 Medan.

1.6. The Research Significance

The result of this study will be useful both theoritically and practically.

1. The theoretical significance

This research was expected to give an information and contribution for

teacher or educational institutions to know the effect of Project Based Learning



attitude, and creative thinking skill in Biology topics. It can be a reference for

other researcher who wants to continue and develop the next research. This

research was expected to encourage teachers to initiates scientific approach in

class, especially Project Based Learning, and Group Investigation.

2. The Practical Significance

This research was expected to serve as an input for teacher in delivering the

respiratory system topics to students. Teacher can consider the use of Project

Based Learning or Group Investigation for increasing students’ concept mastery,

scientific attitude, and creative thinking skill. This research also provide

information for making an interesting learning process, active and meaningful





5.1. Conclusions

Based on the findings and discussion, it can be concluded that project

based learning has succesfully improve the concept mastery, scientific attitude,

creative thinking skill. It showed from the data analysis that:

1. There was an effect of learning models (Project Based Learning, Group

Investigation, and Conventional Learning) on student’s concept mastery on

respiratory system topics. Based on the average score of student’s concept

mastery. it showed that Project-Based Learning (80.05 ± 4.23) increases for

about 8.5% to student’s concept mastery compared to cooperative learning

(73.75±5.96), and about 15.6 % to conventional learning (70.78 ± 5.56).

2. There was an effect of learning models (Project Based Learning, Group

Investigation, and Conventional Learning) on student’s scientific attitude. on

respiratory system topics. Based on the average score of student’s scientific

attitude showed that Project-Based Learning (79.97±5.5) increases for about

3.8% to student’s concept mastery compared to cooperative learning (

77.04±5.6), and about 16.5 % to conventional learning (70.16 ± 4.53).

3. There was an effect of learning models (Project Based Learning, Group

Investigation, and Conventional Learning) on student’s creative thinking skill

on respiratory system topics. Based on the average score of student’s creative

thinking skill showed that Project-Based Learning (81.95 ± 4.7) increases for

about 6% to student’s creative thinking skill compared to cooperative



learning (77.30±5.32), and about 8.7 % compared to conventional learning

(77.06 ± 4.84).

5.2. Implications

The findings of this study gives implication for students who want to

improve their concept mastery, scientific attitude, and creative thinking ability,

and for teachers who want to develop students skills when learning and teaching

process takes place in the classroom. This study has examined two learning

models i.e. Project Based Learning (PjBL) and Group Investigation (GI). They

were applied to students in order to know which model of learning is more

suitable for improving their concept mastery, scientific attitude, and creative

thinking skills. Both to learning models is a constructivism approach which

demand the students actively construct their knowledge.

5.3. Suggestions

As a result of this study, in which the effects of learning models on

student’s concept mastery, scientific attitude, and creative thinking skill of

students toward Biology were examined, the following suggestions can be

suggested depending on the findings obtained in the study:

1. Biology teacher were recommended to use Project Based Learning and Group

Investigation learning models because this learning models help students in

finding, understanding, and construct concepts, especially the concepts of



2. Best preparation should be considered in implementing the Project-Based

Learning and Cooperative Learning Group Investigation to get an optimal

learning process.

3. Teachers should pay attention to the number of students on class so that the

students can be organised in doing their projects.

4. Teacher should choose a suitable learning models in increasing student’s skill

and enggage them actively in learning process.

5. Similar researches can be carried out in other lessons and institutions such as




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Table 1.1 The score of students examination of respiratory system topics at SMA Negeri 3 Medan


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