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Academic year: 2019



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Submitted as A Partial Requirements

for the Undergraduate Degree in English Education Department


Marlena Eka Ambar Arum SRN. 143221283





(IAIN Surakarta)

My parents

(Mr. Yuwono Purwanto and Mrs. Sugiyatmi)

My sisters

(Marleni Dwi A. and Noviana Alya Salsa B.)



“Being busy working on thesis paper is good, but finishing thesis paper is

faraway better. Finally, a good thesis paper is the thesis paper which is totally


(Anis Baswedan)

“Keep believing in yourself. If you don’t, who will?

(The researcher)



Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, the single power, the Lord of the universe, master of the day judgement, Allah SWT, for all blessings and mercies

so the researcher was able to finish this thesis entitled “The Implementation of

Scientific Approach in Teaching English Notices and Its Implication the Students’

Daily Life at SMPN 2 Tawangsari”. Peace is be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, the great leader and good inspiration of world revolution.

The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed without the helps, supports, and suggestions from several sides. Thus, the researcher would like to express her deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and suggested her during the process of writing this thesis. This goes to:

1. Dr. H. Mudofir, S.Ag, M.Pd the Rector of the State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.

2. Dr. H. Giyoto, M.Hum as the Dean of Cultures and Languages Faculty. 3. Dr.Imroatus Solikhah, M.Pd as the Head of English Education Department. 4. Dr. Hj. Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd as the advisor for her precious advice,

corrections and help to revise the mistake during the entire process of writing this thesis.

5. Drs. Agus Witanto, M.SI as the headmaster of SMPN 2 Tawangsari. Thanks

for giving permission for the researcher’s research.

6. Mr. Sri Hartono, S.Pd and Mrs.Haryani, S.Pd as the English teacher of SMPN 2 Tawangsari. Thanks for helping the researcher’s research.



Marlena Eka Ambar Arum. 2019. The Implementation of Scientific Approach in

Teaching English Notices and Its Implication on the Students’ Daily Life at

SMPN 2 Tawangsari in 2018/2019 Academic year. Thesis: English Education Department of Cultures and Languages Faculty.

Advisor : Dr. Hj. Woro Retnaningsih, M. Pd

Key words : Scientific Approach, Teaching Notices in English Subject, Implication on Students’ Daily Life

Scientific approach is a teaching strategy using scientific steps in teaching

subject matter having the characteristics of “doing science” that allows teachers to

improve the process of learning. The researcher is aimed at describing (1) How is the implementation of scientific approach in teaching English notices on the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Tawangsari, (2) What implication on the

students’ daily life at SMPN 2 Tawangsari.

This study used qualitative research. The source of data in this research was the process of teaching learning. The data in this research is the result of observations of the teaching activity and result of interview with the English teacher of the eighth grade of SMPN 2 Tawangsari.The data was collected from the observation and interview. The observation which supported Sudaryanto theory include Basic Technique Simak Bebas Libat Cakap (Non-Participate Observation Technique), Teknik Rekam (Recording Technique), and Catat (Taking Note Technique). The researcher did four observation in the class with different teacher. The data were analysed by reducing, analysing, and concluding. The research findings are (1) the implementation of scientific approach in teaching English notices at eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Tawangsari by the teachers have expected among implementation in accordance with the existing permendikbud, because in Permendikbud No. 81 A Tahun 2013 it is explained as teachers implementation scientific approach. Two teachers have different technique in first until the last meeting to implement scientific approach in teaching activity process. Scientific approach have been applied by teachers in SMPN 2 Tawangsari (Mrs. H and Mr. S) who have used phases of scientific approach in teaching learning activities, namely at 5M (observing, questioning, communicating, associating, and experimenting). It means that English teachers of SMPN 2 Tawangsari had implemented scientific approach based on 2013 curriculum on Permendikbud No 81 Tahun 2013. (2) the implication on students daily life at SMPN 2 Tawangsari students learning notices in classroom was obeyed. Based on these findings, the researcher has suggestion for teachers : The teacher should prepare special media not only LCD but also special media like card, game, so the students have no difficult in learning English. The teacher should encourage all of the students to participate actively in learning English, such as always motivate students. The students must obey to school notice so that in their daily live students can apply it well.



TITLE ... …….i




MOTTO ... v








CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ... 4

C. Limitation of the Problem ... 4

D. Problem Statement ... 5

E. The Objectives of the Study ... 5

F. The Benefits of the Study ... 5

G. Definition of Key Terms ……….7

CHAPTER II: REVIEWON RELATED THEORIES A. Theoretical Description………...……….. 9

1. Review on ELT (English Language Teaching)………..9


2. Review on Curriculum………...10

3. Scientific Approach………17

4. The Steps of Learning by Scientific Approach………..19

5. Teaching Notice……….24

5. Trustworthiness of Data ……….………...36

6. Technique of Data Analysis ……….……….37


1. The Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching English Notices………...39

2. The Implication of the Teaching on the Students Daily Life………...63

B. Discussion...65

1. The Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching English Notices...65



Summary of finding in Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching Notice by Teacher………..47

Summary of finding in Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching Notice by Teacher………..52

Summary of finding in Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching Notice by Teacher………..57

Summary of finding in Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching Notice by Teacher………..62

The Similarities and Differences Teachers in Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching Notice………...63

Implication on Students Daily Life………...65



Picture 2.1 The Type of Notice (Command)…...………….…………...27

Picture 2.2 The Type of Notice (Caution)………..27

Picture 2.3 The Type of Notice (Prohibition)………28



Appendix 1. The Data in the Observation…………...75

Appendix 2.Documentation………...83

Appendix 3. The Material………..88

Appendix 4. Syllabus………...89

Appendix 5. Lesson Plan ………..90


1 A.Background of the Study

School as a formal education institution, systematically had planned various environments, that is the educational environment, which provides a variety of opportunities for students to gain experience of education in order to

encourage the students’ growth and development. The environment is

organized into the curriculum and teaching methods (Hamalik, 2004: 79-80). The process of education at school cannot be apart from the output of education itself. One of the educational substance which has the important role to determine the graduation quality is curriculum. So, the good quality of the graduation depend on the curriculum as the guidance in education.


every teacher has to understand and follow the current curriculum before planning and developing a kind of teaching-learning process and the materials for the teaching-learning process.

The new curriculum is called 2013 curriculum. The 2013 curriculum for education system in Indonesia has been gradually implemented since the beginning of 2013/2014 academic year. As an effront to improve the national education quality, the new curriculum placed science and civic education integrated with religious and moral education. The government develops 2013 Curriculum for some reasons, (1) the need to increase the competency, (2) to improve communication skills, (3) to enhance the ability to think critically, and (4) to consider the moral aspects of the students (Kemendikbud, 2013).

The 2013 curriculum provides a new approach in teaching process as a demand in 21st century. It provides scientific approach to develop the

students’ skill, knowledge and attitude. Moreover, the scientific approach in

2013 curriculum focuses on the productive, creative, innovative and affective students through integrated skills, attitudes, and knowledge. This goals can be achieved by designing the effective and meaningful instruction to the students. Hence, the teacher was supposed to use scientific approach in teaching and learning.


involved in developing their potentials to be learning competencies. These two things demand the teacher change their teaching paradigm. Based on the regulation of National Education Ministry no 5, year 2014, scientific approach consist of five stages, they are: observation, questioning, experimenting, associating and communicating. In this approach the teacher is required to apply any types of teaching methods and /or models that focus on the students known as learner centered which can lead students to think critically such as cooperative learning, problem based learning, inquiry based learning, project based learning, and so on (Kemendikbud, 2013). Consequently, the teacher must adjust herself to the changes.

The implementation of scientific approach in teaching English challenging since this approach is usually used in science. Scientific approach has been implemented for elementary and high schools in Indonesia with the enactment of 2013 curriculum. SMPN 2 Tawangsari is one of Junior High School which implements the curriculum 2013 which uses scientific approach.

Based on the writers’ observation and interview with English teacher at SMPN


creative to use media in learning activity start from how they plan and do the English teaching learning process until how they evaluate the students based on

2013 curriculum objectives and implication on students’ daily life.

Based on this explanation, the researcher is going to conduct this study with title “The Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching

English Notices and Its Implication on the Students’ Daily Life at SMPN 2


B.Identification of Study

Identification of the problem helps the researcher to limit the research that will be researched. The identification of the study can be stated as follows: Whether implementation of scientific approach in teaching English, whether the students of SMPN 2 Tawangsari follow the scientific approach, whether 2013 curriculum set for the students in SMPN 2 Tawangsari, whether students can reach the purpose of learning notice in English subject and whether the students can apply the purpose of learning notice in daily life.

C.Limitation of the Study


researcher focuses on the implementation of scientific approach in teaching

English notices and implication on students’ daily life.

D.Problem Statement

The problems discussed in this research can be stated as follows: 1. How is the teachers implementation of scientific approach in teaching

English notices to the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Tawangsari ?

2. What implication does the teaching have on students’ daily life at SMPN 2 Tawangsari?

E.The Objectives of the Study

The study is aimed at finding the answers to the question stated in the statement of the problem. Therefore, the objective of this study is to describe : 1. The teachers implementation of scientific approach in teaching English

notices to the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Tawangsari


F. The Benefits of the Study

Since the researcher decided to carry out the research under theme the implementation of scientific approach in teaching English by teacher, it is expected that:

1. Theoretical Benefits

a. Hopefully the study will be effective in the area of teaching English. This research will help the teachers in order to implement scientific approach in teaching learning.

b. The result of this research will be useful to the readers who are interested in analyzing teaching English to the eight grade students.

c. To find implication notice on students’ daily life.

2. Practical Benefits a. For the Students

This research is hopefully important for them. The students can achieve the materials which are tough in teaching learning process based on the objectives of Curriculum 2013.

b. For the Teachers


c. For the School

The school will make a right follow up for applying curriculum which is going to be used to make teaching learning process successfully. The school prohibits students who do not yet have the utilities from

carrying a vehicle and always supervises their students and provides

special guidance intensively so that students can obey. If there is a

violation for students to be deterred by bringing the student's vehicle to

the nearest post and only the student's parents can take it from here, the

apparatus can provide the parents with a sack and socialization.

d. For the Readers

By reading this thesis, the readers will get more information about increasing public awareness especially parents will the importance of supervision and attention to children so as not to commit acts of social


G.Definition of Key Terms

The following definitions are given to make readers have the same understanding or perception for some terms used in this study. With reference to the title of this thesis, there are terms that need to be defined in order to avoid various misinterpretation. The researcher considers the key terms on this research as follow:


According to Usman (cited in Rini Hadiyanti, Implementasi Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 8 Tahun 2003 Tentang Pedoman Organisasi Perangkat Daerah Pemerintah Kota Samarinda, 2013), implementation is activity, but it talks about planned activity and to reach the goal of it.

2. 2013 Curriculum

Curriculum is a curriculum which considers character education, comprehension, and skill, students demanded for understand material, active in discussion and presentation, and have tall discipline politeness (Kemendikbud, 2013)


Gulo (2002: 8) defined teaching as an effort to create appropriate environment system in organizing the optimal teaching and learning activity.

4.Scientific Approach

Scientific approach is a teaching strategy using scientific steps in teaching subject matter at senior high school in Indonesia. Scientific

approach has the characteristics of “doing science” that allows teachers to

improve the process of learning. 5. Notice




A.Theoretical Description

1. Review on ELT (English Language Teaching) a. Definition of ELT

English Language Teaching (ELT) is based on the idea that the goal of language acquisition is communicative competence. It adopts concepts, techniques and methods in classroom for recognizing and managing the communicative needs of the language learners. English language teaching may refer to either:

1) Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL)

TEFL refers to teaching the English language to students with different first languages. TEFL can occur either within the state school system or more privately, at a language school or with tutor. TEFL can also take place in an English-Speaking country for people who have immigrated there. TEFL teachers may be native or non-native speakers of English.

2) Teaching English as a foreign language in Indonesia

The first initiative to establish TEFL in Indonesia was taken by IKIP Jogjakarta in a meeting attended by representatives from the English Department of IKIP and Universities in central Java at the Sayidan campus (former STC building) in 1970. TEFL in was born


not without labour and teething problems. For two years there were no seminars (1976-1978) and in 1983, it was accused of undermining PGRI for want of information (Ramelan, 1986: 3). At one time the Minister of Education himself took Mr. Ramelan, to task for establishing TEFL Indonesia, he must have been misinformed by uniformed people. The accusation was simply based on hearsay.

ELT in Indonesia is not confined to school under the Ministry of Education only, it is also conducted in other Ministries as well. Numerous courses have been held in house as well as outside the Ministries, but the trend now is to have in house course.

From the theories that has been described above, it can be concluded that the English language teaching is concepts, techniques and methods in classroom for recognizing and managing the communicative needs of the language learners.

2. Review on Curriculum a. Definition of Curriculum

Etymologically, term of “curriculum” come from Greek

language, namely: curir that the meaning is runner and curere that has meaning raced placed. Furthermore in France, the term of curriculum

come from word “curier” that the meaning was to run. Curriculum means


According to Beauchamp (1975: 2), A curriculum is a written document which may contain many ingredient, but basically it is a plan for the education of pupils during their enrollment in given school. According to Taba (1962:3),A curriculum is plan for learning, therefore, what is known about the learning process and the development of the individual has bearing on the shaping of curriculum.

In Indonesia, definition of curriculum found in Pasal 1 butir 19UU No. 20 th. 2003 about National Education system, that Curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements about the purpose, content, teaching materials and methods used to guide the implementation of learning activities to achieve specific educational goals (Imas, 2014:3).

Table 2.1 Definitions of Curriculum Expert Definition of Curriculum John Franklin

Bobbit (1918)

Curriculum as an idea, has its roots in the Latin word for race-course, explaining the curriculum as the course of deeds and experiences through which children become the adult they should be, for success in adult society.

Casswell and Campbell (1935)

Curriculum is all of the experiences children have under the guidance of teacher. Edward A. Krug


Curriculum consists of the means used to achieve or carry out given purposes of schooling.

Hilda Taba (1962) A curriculum is a plan for learning Source: Ruhimat (4-5, 2011)


is a device that used as a reference in developing a learning process that

contains students‟ activities to achieve a specific learning objectives and

purpose of education in general.

b. 2013 Curriculum

Curriculum 2013 is improves mindset, strengthens governance curriculum, deepens, and expands the material, reinforces learning, and adjusts learning load in order to ensure compatibility between what is desirable to what produced (Permendikbud, 2013: 81A). Curriculum 2013 according to Daryanto (2014: 1) is an educational response to the needs of society and language in developing the nation youth. In pedagogical, education curriculum is designed to give learners the

opportunity to develop students‟ potential in a fun learning environment and in accordance with his ability to have the desired quality of the community and nation. In juridical, the curriculum is a public policy that is based on the philosophical foundation of the nation and judicial decisions in the field of education.


c. The Implementation of 2013 Curriculum

The implementation of Curriculum 2013 is based on competency and character based curriculum, that give the students with various attitudes and ability agree with period and technology expansion (Mulyasa, 2014: 6).According to Daryanto (2014: 12) Implementation of the curriculum at the elementary school (SD/MI), a junior high school (SMP/MTs), senior high school/Madrasah Aliyah (SMA/MA), and the Vocational School (SMK/MAK) carried out in stages starting 2013/2014 school year. The implementation of curriculum in SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, and SMK/MAK using the PERMENDIKBUD No.81Ain 2013 which include:

1) Guideline for the Management of Education Unit Level Curriculum.

2) Guidelines for Development of Local Content. 3) Guidelines for Extracurricular Activities. 4) General Guidelines for Learning.

5) Guidelines for Curriculum Evaluation.

According to Daryanto (2014:12-13)Guideline for the Management of Education Unit Level Curriculum aims to:

1) Became operational reference for principals and teachers in developing and managing curriculum optimally in the education unit. 2) Became operational reference for education departments or ministries


supervision of the preparation and management of the curriculum in any educational institution. The purpose of school education is a picture of the level of quality to be achieved by each school in accordance with the characteristics and/ or uniqueness of any educational institution in accordance with the legislation. Self-development is an activity that provides an opportunity for learners to develop and express themselves through a variety of extracurricular activities (Daryanto, 2014: 13).

d. Principles of Learning 2013 Curriculum

Daryanto (2014: 16-19) defines the implementation of learning on the implementation of the 2013 curriculum has different characteristics from the implementation of the 2006 curriculum. Based on the analysis of the expected conditions are then obtained fourteen key principles of learning that teachers need apply. The fourteen principles are:

1) From the students were told to the students to finds out.

2) From the teacher as the sole source of learning into a variety of learning-based source.

3) From a textual approach to the process as strengthening the use of the scientific approach.


6) From learning that emphasizes a single answer to the truth of learning with multi-dimensional answer.

7) Verbal learning to applicable skills.

8) The increase and the balance between the physical skills (hard skills) and mental skills (soft skills).

9) Acculturation and learning that promotes the empowerment of students as lifelong learners.

10) Lessons that apply to the values of exemplary members (ingngarso sung tulodo), and develop the creativity of students in the learning process (Tut WuriHandayani).

11) Learning takes place at home, at school, and in the community.

12) Learning to apply the principle that anyone who is a teacher, anyone who is a student, and in which alone is class.

13) Utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning.

14) Recognition of individual differences and cultural back ground of students, the ideals, family background, how was educated at home, perspectives, way soft learning, ways of thinking, different students' beliefs.


communicating-creating. There are principles of learning with scientific approach (kemendikbud, 2014 ) as follows:

1) Students center, it means that the students should be active in building the meaning or understanding the concept and principle during the teaching learning process.

2) Building “student’s self concept”, it means that the students should build a concept based on their own understanding.

3) Giving the students opportunities to assimilate and accomodate a concept and principle.

4) Encouraging the students’ ability in thinking 5) Increasing the students’ motivation in learning.

6) Giving the students opportunities to practise their communication ability.

7) Involving the science process in constructing the concept and principle. 8) Involving the potential cognitive process in stimulating intellectual

development, especially high thinking level ability of the students. 3. Scientific Approach

a. Definition of Scientific Approach


1) Individuals learn and develop his mind only when he uses his mind. 2) By doing cognitive processes in the discovery process, students will gain

sensation and intellectual satisfaction which is an intrinsic reward.

3) The only way that a person can learn the techniques of doing discovery is that it has the opportunity to conduct discovery.

4) By making the discovery will strengthen memory retention.

According to Piaget theory, Baldwin (in Daryanto,2014: 52), states that the study related to the formation of developmental schema (plural schemata). The scheme is a mental structure/ her cognitive structure a person intellectually adapts and coordinates the surrounding environment. The scheme has never stopped changing; child schemata will develop into adults. The process which led to the adaptation program called schemata. The process of formation of this adaptation can be done in two ways: assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation is the cognitive process in the presence of someone who can be a stimulus to integrate perception, concepts, laws, principles or experience scheme existing in the mind. Accommodation may include the formation of a new scheme that can match the characteristics of the existing stimulus or modifying an existing scheme that matches the characteristics of existing stimulus. In the learning, it is necessary to balance or equilibrate between assimilation and accommodation.


tasks were still within the range of abilities or tasks that are in a zone of proximal development area is located between the current level of child development are defined as a problem-solving abilities under the guidance of an adult or more capable peers.

Based on the explanations above, scientific approach is a student center and the teacher as a facilitator. There are three theory that has been described above, it can be concluded that scientific approach. Students active in the class.

b. The Objective and the Principles of using Scientific Approach

There are six learning objectives of scientific approach by Daryanto (2014: 54), they are:

1) To improve the ability of intellect, especially high-level thinking skills of students.

2) To establish the ability of students to solve a problem systematically. 3) The creation of the conditions of learning in which students feel that

learning is a necessity.

4) Obtaining a high learning result.

5) To train students in communicating ideas, especially in writing a scientific article.

6) To develop students’ character.

Whereas, the principles of Scientific Learning Approach by Daryanto (2014: 58) are:


b) Built students self concept learning. c) Avoid verbalism learning.

d) Provides opportunities for students to assimilate and accommodate the concepts, laws, and principles.

e) Learning leads to increase students' thinking skills.

f) Lessons improve student motivation and motivate teachers to teach. g) Provide an opportunity for students to practice abilities in


h) The existence of process validation of concepts, laws, and principles that students constructed in cognitive structure.

4. The Steps of Learning by Scientific Approach

Those are five stages in implementing scientific approach by Permendikbud No. 81a in 2013:

a. Observing


According to Permendikbud No.103/2014 the description of the learning observation the students doing observation by using five senses (reading, listening, watching, and so on) with or without tools.

b. Questioning

Questioning in learning activities as presented in Permendikbud No. 81a in 2013, is asking questions about information that is not understood from what is observed or questions to get additional information about what is observed (starting from factual questions to the questions that are hypothetical) (Daryanto, 2014: 65). In Permendikbud No. 103/2014 the students formulate and propose questions about information which are not understood related to the topic or what the students observe or questions to gain an additional information about what the students observe. (Beginning from factual questions to the hypothetical questions).

c. Experimenting

According to Daryanto, (2014: 78) to obtain the result of real or authentic learning, learners have to try or experiment, especially for material or substance that is appropriate. Application of the experimental method is intended to develop various domains of learning objectives, namely attitudes, skills, and knowledge. The learning activities are:

1) Determine a theme or topic in accordance with the basic competencies according to the demands of the curriculum.


3) Studying the relevant theoretical basis and the results of previous experiments and observe the experiment.

4) Observing phenomena occur, analyze, and present data. 5) Drawing conclusions on the results of the experiment.

6) Create reports and communicate the results of the experiment.

Permendikbud No.103/2014 in this step the students explore,try, discuss, demonstrate, imitate form/ movement, do an experiment, read other sources except text book, collect data from informants/ questionnaire/interview.

d. Associating

Associating in learning activities as presented in the Permendikbud as No. 81a in 2013 is to process the information that has been collected both from the results of the limited collecting/ experiments and observe the results of the activities and information gathering activities (Daryanto, 2014: 70).

In the Permendikbud No.103/2014 the students process the data/information that have been collected, analyze the data, associate or connect phenomena/ information to find out a pattern/system and making a conclusion.

e. Communicating


intrapersonal skills, interpersonal skills, and organizational skills (social) (Ridwan, 2014: 71).


Table 2.2 The Linkage Scientific Approach with the Learning Activities and Meaningfulness (Permendikbud 81A 2013) Aspect of Scientific

4. Viewing or Sensing (without or with tool) Questioning 1. Asking questions about the information that is

not understood from what is observed

2. Asking questions to gain additional information about what is observed

3. Asking questions that is from fact 4. Asking questions that is from concept

5. Asking the questions that is from hypothetical Experimenting 1. Conducting experiments

2. Reading of sources other than books 3. Observing objects/events

4. Activities (learner activity) 5. Interviews with resources persons

Associating 1. Finding links between the various information collected

2. Finding patterns of relatedness of the various information collected

3. Summing up of the sharing pattern found 4. The information is processed to add breadth

and depth of knowledge

5. Processing of information collected for search of solutions from a variety of sources that have different opinion

6. Processing information collected for search of solutions from variety of source that contradict Communicating 1. Deliver the result of observations orally, in

writing or other media

2. Deliver the conclusion based on the analysis of oral, written or other media


teacher do not always show the five stages in one meeting, because limited time. The teacher continue the stage in next meeting.

5. Teaching Notice

a. Types of Notice, Generic Structure, and Purposes of Notices

Notice is one type of short functional text that contains a brief and simple information in the form of writing or symbols to give instructions or warnings to the public, usually in the form of signs. While other forms of Notice are some of them, namely warning and caution.

Prohibition is a text that contains information in the form of a warning that is shown to many people. Usually associated with dangerous things. And if ignored the consequences can be fatal.

Caution this text is almost the same / similar to a warning that is equally warning about something but for the caution the rate is lower than the warning. Because the consequences that caused not a fatal warning

There are types of notices : 1) Command Notice


Picture 2.1 Command

The notice above clearly commands someone to keep the door closed whether one is in or out the room. The notice is easy to understand and easy to read. It is also written by using simple words and concise that makes everyone who reads the command will understand it easily.

2) Caution notice

Caution is used to warn someone to be careful or aware of somethingrelated to the caution.For example is the following caution.

Picture 2.2 Caution

The notice above implicitly warns the visitors of the building or hotel a message informing about something dangerous or serious so that people can avoid it. The visitors should avoid the wet floor so that they do not fall down.


Notice prohibition informs people that they are forbidden to do what is written.

Picture 2.3 Prohibition

Based on the context of notice above, the visitors know that only the staff of the company or office who allowed entering the room. It instructs everyone who is not the staff forbid to come in the room. Staff only means only for the clerks.

Notice or is short and simple information addressed to someone else. Notice should be easily understood and easy to read, so usually notice or notification always using simple words, written in a simple, and large font. And it is usually placed in public places. Notice can also be signs. Notice has three generic structures, namely attention gather (optional), information, and closure (optional).

There are many language feature of notice text using imperative mood (imperative sentence), using declarative reference, not necessarily sequenced in time and the notice spoken or written language feature.


people, to give direction, to ask or advice/suggest/ recommended people, to remind and to warn or to give warning to the people.

From the explanations about noticed that has been concluded that noticed is symbol in a public place that contain an information about something that has been allowed or has not been allowed. There are three type of notice command, caution, and prohibition. Because of the above functions, that’s why in the notice, people use a simple word with a simple font which is written in a placard or notice board.

B.Previous Related Study

The researcher found another previous study that is relevant with research study to prove the originally of the research. The first research related

to the study entitled “Implementation of Scientific Approach to Teach English

at Senior High School in Indonesia” by M. Zaim(2016 ). He is the student of

University of Padang. The researcher mainly describes the implementation of scientific approach to teach English in Indonesia and to describe the problems of teaching and learning in implementing scientific approach at Senior High School. The difference of the study from previous research is the researcher focus on the implementation of scientific at Senior High School in Indonesia.

The second research is conducted by Reni Trisnawati (IAIN

Surakarta, 2015) entitled “The Implementation of Scientific Approach in

Teaching English Speaking (A Descriptive Study to the Seventh Grade


researcher mainly describe the implementation of scientific approach in teaching English speaking and to describe the strength and weaknesses of implementing scientific approach in teaching English speaking at seventh grade students of SMP Nurul Islam Ngemplak in academic year 2014/2015. The difference of the study from previous research is that the skill of the research. At previous research, it used speaking skill, while in this research it using general skill with theme noticed.

The third research is conducted by Han Usman Idris Gwarjiko

(2014)entitled “English as a Second Language Teachers’ Perception of new

English language curriculum in Niger State, Nigeria” The researcher uses qualitative method. The research sought answers to the five research questions to guide the study. The method was used a questionnaire designed. Questionnaire was established on analyses of result using test-retest method on ten rendomly selected experienced secondary school English language teacher. The result relevant that the English teachers’ perception of the curriculum objectives and content items was favourable. Others findings are that professional English teachers were inadequate in number and in preparation to implement the new curriculum.

The fourth research is conducted by Indy Putra Darana Hariyanto

(University of Muhammadiyah Malang, 2015) entitled “A Study on The

Implementation of Scientific Approach used by English Teacher in Teaching

English to Low Level Students at SMP in Malang”. In this research used


implementation of scientific approach used by English teacher in teaching English to low level students at SMP in Malang. The difference of the study from previous research is the researcher focus on the problem faced by the teacher in implementation of scientific approach and to find out the teacher’s solutions of the problems in implementing the scientific approach in teaching English to low level students at SMP in Malang.


Table 2.3 Previous Related Study

No Title Similarities Differences




A.Research Design

As explain in the previous discussion, the research method taken by the research is qualitative research. The research entitled “The Implementation of Scientific Approach on Teaching English Notices and Its Implication on the Students’ Daily Life at Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 2 Tawangsari” uses qualitative approach. It was chosen because it concerned with subjective assessment of attitudes, opinion and behaviour that occurred in natural condition which is explained through detail description of specific situation using interviews, observations, and documents reviews (Khotari, 2004: 5).

Along with qualitative approach used qualitative descriptive. Moleong (2005: 6) states that descriptive data are collected in the form of word or pictures instead of numbers. In qualitative, researchers interact with people in natural setting because researcher try to get deeply involved in the world of people being studied. Whereas, according to Sutopo (2002: 35) qualitative research is the research that the collected data are words, sentences or picture which have more meaningful than number frequency. The researcher emphasized on the notes to describe the original situation to support the presentation of data. On the other words, descriptive qualitative research only describe the result of research concerning sentences according to the original situation in the field. The researcher applied some methods to collecting the


data by Sudaryanto (1993). They are Simak Bebas Libat Cakap (Non-Participate Observation Technique),Teknik Rekam(Recording Technique), and Catat (Taking Note Technique).

B.Setting of the Study 1. Place of the Study

This research was conducted at SMPN 2 Tawangsari in academic year 2018/2019. This school is located in Kateguhan, Tawangsari, sub district Sukoharjo. There are three grades study in this school seventh grade, eighth grade, and ninth grade. There are 7 classes at eighth grade.

2. Time of the Study

This research was carried out in the first semester of 2018/2019 academic year. Time of the study such as:

Table 3.1 Research Schedule

No Agenda Month

Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug 1. Pre- Observation

2. Proposal draft and consultation 3. Proposal draft

seminar 4. Observation 5. Analyzing the data


3. Subject of the Study

The subject of the research was eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Tawangsari that consisted of 7 classes, 8A until 8H. The researcher was observed the teaching learning process until 4 times in the class 8C that consists of 32 students and class 8A that consists of 32 students. The teachers who teach in eighth grade Mr. S and Mrs. H. The researcher observed the whole process of teaching learning in the classroom during the research.

4. Data Collection

In collecting the data for this research, the researcher use observation with uses simak method in collecting data Sudaryanto (1993: 133-136) states that simak method is a method of collecting data by understanding the language usage, both oral and written language.Sudaryanto stated that four are some techniques to carry out this method. Some of the are:

1. Teknik Simak Bebas Cakap (Non-Participate Obvservation Technique) Refers to a technique in which the researcher observes language used in a certain context or discourse without getting involves in the

conversation. Consider the technique, that’s the researcher only acts as an


observe the teaching learning process in implementing scientific approach by the teachers in the class. How the teachers conversation, how the teachers explanation about the material in teaching noticed from first meeting until the last meeting. The researcher focus on language that use by teachers while they teach the students about noticed in teaching learning process in the classroom.

2. Teknik Rekam (Recording Techniques)

Sudaryanto (1993: 135) explains that rekam techniques is recording the conversation with recorder media: tape, camera, or digital recorder. In this case the writer recorded the conversation of English teacher in teaching English.


3. Teknik Catat (Note Taking Technique)

The researcher will carry stationery, such as pen, pencil, paper, etc. Refer to a technique in which the writer takes down some notes of the conversation right after observes the conversation. The researcher take note when the teacher doing the activities in the classroom. When the teachers open the teaching learning process (greeting), explain the material about noticed in main activity of teaching learning process that use scientific approach (observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating) and the last closing the teaching learning process. Then after the researcher take note those activities that has been doing by teacher in her book of observation, the researcher also take notes when the students gave the question about the material.

It can be concluded that, after the researcher done in teknik simak bebas cakap (Non-participate observation technique), rekam teknik (recorded technique) the researcher uses this technique in the transcript formation and then the transcript is used by the researcher as data in this research.

5. Trustworthiness of Data


technique of examining the trustworthiness of data by using something excluding the data to check or to compare the data.

Denzim in Moleong (2000: 178) divides triangulation into four kinds, they are: triangulation by using sources, triangulation by using methods, triangulation by using investigator, and triangulation by using theories.

1. Triangulation by using the sources means that the research will compare and check the credibility of information found in the observation with the data of interview and compare it with the related documents.

2. Triangulation by using methods, there are two strategies, (1) the researcher check the credibility of the data of the research and the data resources by using several data collection techniques and (2) the researcher check the credibility of the data by analyzing them with the same methods.

3. Triangulation by investigator is that the researcher will recheck the credibility if this data by his own research or other researcher.

4. The last techniques used in triangulation by using theory. It is a techniques of examining data by finding standard of comparison from an analysis explanation as a supporting data to get a valid evidence of the research result.


6. Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the process of analyzing the data began when the researcher collected the data. Analysis of the data when the data collection is done in a way to sort out which data is important or not. The measure of whether the data is important or not refers to the contribution in answering the research focus (Gunawan:209). In fact, Creswell said that qualitative researchers should already think and analyze when the qualitative research begins. (Herdiansyah:164)

The steps which are conducted by researchers to analyze the data are as what expressed by Miles & Huberman, named:

1. Data reduction

Data reduction is an activity of summarizing, choosing subject matter, focusing on things that are important, and looking for themes and patterns. The researcher summarize the things that are important in teaching learning process in implementing scientific approach in teaching English noticed by the teachers in the classroom. The data in teaching process while the teacher teach noticed is important. It is occurred according to collect the data among data reduction, data display, and verification/conclusion. However, all of the steps occur according to simultaneous.

2. Data Display


research data is short notice text. Looking at displays help the researcher to understand what is happening and to do something-further analysis or caution on understand. The research data is short notice the material which the teacher teach on the eighth grade students and the teacher implementing scientific approach in teaching learning process. The data display is structure words which systematic and logical sentences that can be easy to read.

3. Conclusion Drawing/ Verifying

Conclusion drawing/ verifying is an activity of formulating research result that answer the focus of research based on data analysis result. Conclusions are presented in a descriptive form of the research object based on the research study. (Gunawan:212)




A.Research Findings

1. Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching English Notices Based on the data, the schedule of English for VIII grade can be described in Table 4.1 below.

Table 4.1 The Schedule of English Teaching for VIII Grade of SMPN 2 Tawangsari

a. The First Teacher in First Meeting

The results of observation for class VIII C that hold by Mr. S on July 30th 2018, at 10.10-12.10 can be explained as bellow. Mr. S was teaching notices. The material can be shown on the appendices. There are 32 students in the classroom when the teaching process.

1) Opening


At 10.10 pm bell rang, the teacher go to the VIII C class followed by the researcher. The teacher opened the class by saying

“Assalamu’alaikumWr. Wb, good morning, students” followed by

asking the students condition and the students replied eargerly. The teacher then checked the absence. On that day, no one was absent.

After that the teacher give brainstorming with simple game

named “Simon says”. The rule of the game if the teacher write a word

in whiteboard and the students commanded to write it in the paper.

The teacher takes some words if the teacher said “Simon says” so the

students doing like the teacher say but when the teacher takes a

sentence and not said “Simon say” then do not do it, if the students is

wrong so there is a punishment. Then the teacher reminds the game and made a relation with the material will be learn. The teacher gives apperception and introduces students to the material to be learnt. Thus, such as quotation below:

“anak-anak gimana gamenya seru tidak? Ditempat mana saja kalian dapat menemukan sentence

tersebut? … kira-kira apa jenis sentence tersebut? nah hari ini kita akan belajar tentang notice text, are

you ready? … “(Teacher apperception)


2) Main activity

The main activity consisted of five steps, namely observing, questioning, associating, experimenting and communicating. Those activities were followed by the students, and the teacher implemented them by using certain method and technique.

a) Observing

In this step observing, the teacher asked students to write a sentence related with the sentence they were made in game before. Then the teacher, asked students to observe the words that were often used in notices is called instruction word, for example close, open, shout, and put. It was expected that the students more easily learnt the notices. After that, the teacher asked to the students to observe the picture in page 48.

b) Questioning

In the step questioning, the teacher invited the students to ask something about notices text. However, there were no students who asked something about the material. Then, the teacher gave questions for all of the students.

“Ada berapa jenis notice yang sudah kalian baca di handout anak-anak?”(asked by the teacher)

“Those are command notice, caution, and prohibition mom.” (answered by the students)


explains in notices divided into three types, there are command notice, caution notice, prohibition.

After explaining the material, then the teacher confirm the students whether understand to the material or not as below:

“Do you understand students?”

“Any question?” (Asked by the teacher) “Yes sir” (students respond)

Then, the teacher continue to explain the material again with different example, it make the students easier to understand the material.

c) Experimenting

In the step experimenting, the teacher asked the students to discuss with their friend.

“Discuss bersama teman sebangkuya.” “Yes sir.” (students answered)

Then, the teacher asked them to observe the picture of notice on handbook carefully, while asking them to remember again how to make notice and the students must made some notice with their friend. The teacher also asked the students to discuss what kind of notice. The teacher as a facilitator in this phase. d) Associating


were the students that discussed each other, there were also students that searched the meaning of the noticed by open dictionary.

e) Communicating

In this step of communicating, the teacher asked to the groups to come forward and answered the questions based on the noticed after all of the groups finished answered the questions.

The teacher asked to answer the question by own groups. It was expected that all of the group understand about this material. There were some of the students come forward and answered the questions. After all of the questions have been answered, then the teacher asked all of the students to correct the answer together and also the teacher asked the students to correct the wrong answer. 3) Closing

In the closing phase, the teacher confirm their understanding about the material that has been learned. Then, the teacher asked to the students to make a summary and conclusion about the material that has been learned if there was no question from the students that felt difficult with the material. Before the teacher closed the lesson, the teacher gave homework to the students for made three types of noticed in task book. The teacher closed the lesson by giving

thank/thankfulness for the student’s attention and said


Based on the opening, main activity, and closing can be concluded that: On this activity, the entire five developments of

students’ activities based on the 2013 curriculum were complete.

Table 4.2 Summary of the Finding in Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching Notices by Teacher

No Opening Yes No

1. Teacher greets the students, started learning activities by praying together, and checks the

student’s attendances

2. Teacher give the motivation to the students 

3. Apperception: Teacher make relation between the last material with the material will be learn

4. Teacher give the information to the students about the purpose the lesson

5. The teacher introduces the material to be learned

No Main Activity Yes No

1. Teacher provide the picture

2. The students gave questions to the teacher related with the material (questioning)

3. The students collecting the data (experimenting) 

4. Associating 

5. The students present the result in front of the class (communicating)

No Closing Yes No

1. Teacher and students conclude the result of learning process

2. Student reflecting on the learning activities on the learning activities that they have been carried out


3. Teacher give a task related with the material that have been learnt

4. Teacher and students are implementing common prayer for terminate the learning process

Based on the opening, main activity, and closing can be concluded that: On this activity, the entire five developments of

students’ activities based on the 2013 curriculum were complete. But,

in the teaching and learning process, the student was silent only if the teacher did not give question or instruction for them. The teacher gave treatment such as attention and guidance during the teaching and learning process.

b. The First Teacher in Second Meeting

For the next result observation for class VIII C that hold by Mr. H on August 2nd 2018, at 07.00- 9.00 can be explained as bellow. At the time, Mr. H was continuing teaching noticed. The material can be shown on the appendices.

1) Opening


“….Is there any homework today? Apakah hari ini ada

PR?” (Teacher asked) “ Yes Mr.(Students)

Then, the teacher asked the students to collect their task.

Then, the teacher gave brainstorm to check student’s understanding

about the material yesterday. 2) Main activity

The teacher asked some questions related with the topic. Some students were enthusiastic to answer the teachers’ questions, but the others only kept silent.

a) Observing

In this step observing, the teacher divided the students into four groups. After each group receive a paper, the teacher asked them to observe the picture of notice on the handbook. b) Questioning

In this step questioning, the teacher said if they don’t

know the command they could to ask him. After the students observe the notice, the students have to write down how to describe the notice on the paper and the students must to answer what the notice meaning and what kinds of the notice.

c) Experimenting


minute to do it. The teacher asked the students to make some notice with their group. Then, the teacher asked the students to observe and find out the examples of notice and where the students can find this notice.

d) Associating

In this step associating, the teacher asked each group to answer the questions following the notice text after all of the groups observe the noticed text to measure level of students understanding.

“OK, after you observe it. Each group answer the questions!” (asked by teacher)

“Yes, sir.” (answered by the students)

In the process of working the assignment, there were the students that discussed each other, there were also students that searched the meaning of the noticed by open dictionary.

e) Communicating


After finished, the teacher and the students discussed the questions. Sometimes the students asked the difficult word and the kind of noticed. The teacher gave some explanation about noticed, and the teacher asked the students to assess their friend on the paper and then gave the solution for their self. The teacher gave some homework for the students and submitted in the next meeting. Then, the students prepared to go home. They put their book in their bag and be silent to start praying.

3) Closing


Table 4.3 Summary of the Finding in Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching Notices by Teacher

No Opening Yes No

1. Teacher greets the students, started learning activities by praying together, and checks the

student’s attendances

2. Teacher give the motivation to the students  3. Apperception: Teacher make relation between the

last material with the material will be learn

4. Teacher give the information to the students about the purpose the lesson

5. The teacher introduces the material to be learned

No Main Activity Yes No

1. Teacher provide the picture

2. The students gave questions to the teacher related

with the material (questioning)

3. The students collecting the data (experimenting) 

4. Associating 

5. The students present the result in front of the class (communicating)

No Closing Yes No

1. Teacher and students conclude the result of learning process

2. Student reflecting on the learning activities on the learning activities that they have been carried out

3. Teacher give a task related with the material that have been learnt

4. Teacher and students are implementing common prayer for terminate the learning process


Based on the opening, main activity, and closing can be concluded that: On this activity, the entire five developments of

students’ activities based on the 2013 curriculum were complete. But, in the step questioning, the students did not give questions but the teacher asked. The students were silent only if the teacher did not give the question or instruction for them.

c. Second Teacher in First Meeting

The results of observation for class VIII A that hold by Mrs. H, S.Pd on August 7th 2018, at 08.00-10.00 can be explained as bellow. Mrs. H was teaching noticed. The material can be show on the appendices. 1) Opening

At 08.00 pm bell rang, the teacher go to the VIII A class followed by the researcher. The teacher opened the class by saying

“Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb, good morning, students” followed by

asking the students condition and the students replied generally. The teacher used LCD as the media to help the teacher. The teacher began to explain the material about noticed. The teacher, then, told the students that they were going to discuss about notice.

“…. Students now we are going to learn about short notice. Are you ready ?” (asked the teacher)

“Yes, mom. I’m ready” (answered the students)


2) Main Activity

In the main activity consisted of five steps namely observing, questioning, associating, experimenting and communicating. Those activities were followed by the students, and the teacher implemented them by using certain method and technique.

a) Observing

In the step of observing, the teacher showed power point in LCD about short notice (the material showed in appendix). Then the teacher, asked students to observe the picture about notice and the teacher asked students to observe the difference about notice, warning and caution. It was expected that the students more easily learnt the noticed.

b) Questioning

In the step of questioning, the teacher invited the students to ask something about the picture after they observe it. As usual, there were not one of the students gave the questions.


material, then the teacher confirmed the students whether understood to the material or not as below:

“Do you understand students?” “Any question?” ( asked the teacher)

“Not yet mom” (students respond)

The teacher said that short notice is a sign in a public place giving information or instructions. The teacher also explains the different of notice caution and warning. The teacher said that short notice is if the sign doesn’t obeyed, it will not occur accident and

warning is if the sign doesn’t obeyed, it will occur accident. Then,

the teacher gave examples of notices and the students must read it. c) Experimenting

In the step of experimenting, the teacher showed the video about kinds and examples of short notice (show in appendix). The teacher asked to students read the meaning of notice. The teacher asked students to read carefully, while asking them to remember again how the way the teacher read the notice, about how the teacher pronounced. The teacher also asked them to find where the notice found.

d) Associating


asking students to answer the question following the material. After that, the teacher divide the students into 8 groups. One group content 4 students, then the teacher given some question in paper. Every groups match the notice with the correct place, the teacher given 5 minutes to work the assignment, there were the students that discussed with their groups. The teacher came to each group to confirm the understanding of them, whether understand to the material or not. The student attention what the teacher said. They began to do it. They looked focus with their assignment.

e) Communicating

In the step communicating, after all of the questions has been answered, then the teacher asked all of the students to collect their assignment in front of the class and the teacher returned the paper in a random with the different group then the teacher asked the students to correct the answer together.

3) Closing


in google then the teacher asked to print the task, it is as a group assignment.

After that the teacher gave information that the material for next meeting was notice also but in specific notice. The teacher closed

the lesson by giving thank/thankfulness for the student’s attention and


Table 4.4 Summary of the Finding in Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching Notices by Teacher

No Opening Yes No

1. Teacher greets the students, started

learning activities by praying together, and

checks the student’s attendances

2. Teacher give the motivation to the students

3. Apperception: Teacher make relation between the last material with the material

will be learn 

4. Teacher give the information to the students about the purpose the lesson

5. The teacher introduces the material to be

learned 

No Main Activity Yes No

1. Teacher provide the picture

2. The students gave questions to the teacher related with the material (questioning)

3. The students collecting the data (experimenting)

4. Associating 

5. The students present the result in front of the class (communicating)

No Closing Yes No

1. Teacher and students conclude the result of learning process

2. Student reflecting on the learning activities on the learning activities that they have been carried out

3. Teacher give a task related with the material that have been learnt

4. Teacher and students are implementing common prayer for terminate the learning process

Based on the opening, main activity, and closing can be concluded that: On this activity, the entire five developments of the

students’ were activities based on the 2013 curriculum were complete.


Table 2.1 Definitions of Curriculum
Table 2.2 The Linkage Scientific Approach with the Learning
Table 2.3 Previous Related Study
Table 3.1 Research Schedule


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