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DISINI exam2005


Academic year: 2017

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University of South Carolina

January 29, 2005

1. Tim buys apples at three for $1. He resells them at ve for $2. Assuming

he resells every apple that he buys, how many apples must Tim buy in

order to make a prot of $10 ?

is a point on CA suh that BD is perpendiular to


6. What are the last three digits of 2005 ?

(a) 025 (b) 125 () 375 (d) 625 (e) 875

7. How many dierent real-valued pairs (x;y) satisfy the system of two

equations below?




j x yj= 1



= xy

(a) 2 (b) 3 () 4 (d) 5 (e) 6

8. Suppose aand bare positiveintegers suhthat(a+2b)(a b) = 10. What

is the value of 2a b ?

(a) 1 (b) 2 () 3 (d) 4 (e) 5

9. Suppose m andn arepositive integerswith mn = 40000. Suppose further

that neither m nor n is divisible by 10. What is the value of m +n ?

(a) 650 (b) 660 () 689 (d) 691 (e) 695

10. If log




y = 7, then what is the value of log

y x


+ (log

x y)



(a) 40 (b) 43 () 45 (d) 47 (e) 49

11. Whih of the ve numbers below is the largest?

(a) log


3 (b) log


5 ()


2 (d)

3 p

3 (e)



The faster partile moves at a onstant speed of R feet per seond, and

the slower partile moves at a onstant speed of r feet per seond. If the

partiles meet every 50 seonds, then what is the value of R r in feet

per seond?

(a) 6 (b) 8 () 10 (d) 12 (e) 14

13. Let m be a onstant. The graphs of the lines y = x 2 and y = mx+3

interset atapointwhose x-oordinate andy-oordinate areboth positive

if and only if

(a) m = 1 (b) m < 1 () m > 3=2

(d) 3=2 < m < 0 (e) 3=2< m < 1

14. Let f(x) be a funtion suh that, for every real number x,

f(x)+2f( x) = sinx:

15. What is the largestnumber ofirles of radius1that antinside airle

of radius 2:4 with no two of the irles of radius 1 having any ommon


(a) 2 (b) 3 () 4 (d) 5 (e) 6

16. Suppose 4ABC has area p

of \ACB (in degrees)?


N = 123456789101112424344

What is the remainder when N is divided by 45 ?

(a) 4 (b) 9 () 14 (d) 18 (e) 19

18. What is the value of the following produt?


point on the x-axis or the y-axis, then what is the least valuefor the sum

of the distanes PA and PB ?

(a) 9 (b) 10 () 11 (d) 12 (e) 13

20. Eah ar of a ve-ar train must be painted a solid olor. The only olor

hoies are red, blue, and yellow. If eah of these olors must be used for

at least one ar, then how many ways are there to paint this train?

(a) 100 (b) 125 () 150 (d) 175 (e) 200

21. If integers m, n, a, and b satisfy the equation 36ma 2

6nb 2

= 1008, then

what is the greatest integer that an divide both a and b ?

(a) 1 (b) 2 () 3 (d) 6 (e) 8

22. What is the number of distint real numbers x whih have the property

that the median of the ve numbers x;6;4;1;9 is equal to their mean?


23. Whih one of the following integers does not divide 2 1 ?

25. Suppose4ABC isan equilateraltriangle withA = ( 1;0)and withboth

points B and C onthe right half ofthe hyperboladened by the equation


26. A point (x;y) is alled integral if both x and y are integers. How many

points on the graph of


27. Four triangular gardening plots form a square as in the

gure shown. A gardenerwill plant owers so that eah

plot ontains one kind of ower, and owers in plots

whih share a ommon edge are dierent. How many

hoies does the gardener have if the owers an be

roses, arnations, daisies, lilies, or tulips?






solution whih is a permutation of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Five

ontestants in a math tournament were asked to solve this system, but

they were only able to provide the following partial answers before the

end of the allotted time:

Amy: z = 1, u = 2 Bob: y = 3, v = 2 Cathy: z = 5, u = 3

Dave: x = 4, v = 2 Eva: x = 4, y = 1

In their partial answers above, eah of the ontestants had found the

orret value of exatly one unknown. What is the value of x+ z+v ?

(a) 6 (b) 7 () 8 (d) 9 (e) 10

29. In 4ABC, AB = 20, BC = 7, and CA = 15.

Side BC is extendedtopoint D sothat4DAB

is similar to 4DCA. What is DC ?








(a) 9 (b) 10 () 11 (d) 12 (e) 13

30. Let f(x) = x 4

+ax 3

+bx 2

+x+d, where a, b, , and d are real numbers.

Suppose the graph of y = f(x) intersets the graph of y = 2x 1 at

x = 1, 2, and 3. What is the value of f(0)+f(4) ?


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