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A Study of Deixis in the Interview between Barack Obama and Chuck Todd in “Meet the Press”.


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A Study of Deixis in the Interview between Barack Obama and Chuck Todd in “Meet the Press”


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of

English Department Faculty of Humanities UIN SunanAmpel Surabaya

By: Widya Lestari Reg. Number: A03211033




A Study of Deixis in the Interview between Barack Obama and Chuck Todd in “Meet the Press”


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

By: Widya Lestari Reg. Number: A03211033


Dr. Dzo’ul Milal, M.pd. NIP: 196005152000031002





Lestari, Widya. 2015. “A study of Deixis in the interview between Barack Obama and Chuck Todd in “Meet the Press”. English Department, Faculty of Humanities, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The research investigated the types of deixis, the types of reference and the reference meaning that used by Barack Obama and Chuck todd in “Meet the

Press” interview. The data were classified based on Levinson’s theory of Deixis

which is divided into five types, namely Person deixis, spatial deixis, temporal deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis. In this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative method.

The result of the research showed that the total of the use of deixis used by

Barack Obama and Chuck todd in “Meet the Press” was 372 from 84

conversation. The mostly types of deixis that obtained in this interview is person deixis 237 words (63,7%), it can be classified into 108 first person, 55 second person, and 74 third person. Then, the second types mostly obtained is discourse deixis 87 words (23,4%). Next, temporal deixis that obtained in this interview are 27 words (7,3%). Next 19 words (5,1%) for spatial deixis, and the least types of deixis that apllied in this interview is Social deixis which is only 2 words (0,5%).

While for types of reference that mostly applied in this interview is anaphora reference which the pronoun always explained before. In this case, the mostly types of deixis that obtained in this interview are the use of word I and We

derived from Barack Obama. The word I in this interview refers to President Obama himself, while the pronoun We are refers to President Obama and his Government. Whereas, For Chuck Todd as a Host in this speech events, the mostly types of deixis that he used the second pronoun You which refers to President Obama as the addressee in this speech events, the second person deixis is the first Pronoun I which refers to himself (Chuck Todd).



Lestari, Widya, A03211033. 2015. Mempelajari tentang deixis dalam interview antara Barack Obama dan Chuck Todd dalam acara “Meet the Press”, Tesis : Sastra Inggris, Fakultas adab, UIN Sunan Ampel, Surabaya.

Penelitian ini, meneliti tentang macam – macam deikis, macam – macam referensi dan makna referensi yang digunakan oleh Barack Obama dan Chuck

Todd dalam “Meet the Press” interview. data yang didapat diklasifikasikan sesuai

dengan theory dari Levinson, dimana terdapat lima macam deixis yakni persona deikis, tempat deiksis, waktu deiksis, wacana deiksis dan sosial deiksis. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif.

Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 372 kata dalam 84 percakapan yang digunakan Barack Obama dan Chuck Todd dalam interview. macam deixis terbanyak yang digunakan adalah persona deiksis yakni sebanyak 237 kata (63,7%), deiksis kedua terbanyak yakni wacana deiksis sebanyak 87 kata (23,4%). Selanjutnya yakni deiksis waktu terdapat 27 kata (7,3%), selanjutnya, deiksis tempat sebanyak 19 kata (5,1%) dan yang paling sedikit adalah sosial deiksis yakni hanya ada 2 kata (0,5%) yang digunakan dalam interview ini.

Sedangkan untuk macam – macam referensi, referensi terbanyak yang digunakan adalah referensi anaphora dimana referensinya selalu dijelaskan sebelumnya. Dalam hal ini, penggunaan macam deixis terbanyak adalah kata I dan

We yang digunakan ole Barack Obama. Kata I dalam interview ini merujuk kepada Obama sendiri sebagai pembicara, sedangkan kata We merujuk kepada Obama dan dan pemerintahannya. Sedangkan untuk Chuck Todd sebagai host dalam acara ini, dia menggunakan kata ganti orang kedua You yang meujuk kepada President Obama sebagai pendengar, dan juga ata ganti orang pertama I yang meujuk pada dirinya sendiri.



Cover Page ... i

Declaration Page ... ii

Dedication Page ... iii

Motto ... iv

Thesis Advisor’s Approval Page ... v

Thesis Examiners’ Approval Page ... vi

Acknowledgements ... vii

Table of Contents ... ix

Abstract ... xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statements of Problems ... 5

1.3 Objective of the Study ... 6

1.4 Scope and Limitation ... 6

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 6

1.5 Definition of the Key Term ... 7

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Theoretical Framework ... 8

2.1.1 Pragmatics ... 8

2.1.2 Deixis Theory ... 9

2.1.3 Types of Deixis ... 10

1 Person Deixis ... 11

2 Spatial Deixis ... 13

3 Temporal Deixis ... 14

4 Discourse Deixis ... 15

5. Social Deixis. ... 16

2.1.4 Reference ... 16

2.2 Previous Studies ... 18

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Approach ... 20

3.2 Data Source. ... 21

3.3 Data ... 21

3.4 Data Collection ... 21

3.5 Research Instrument ... 21

3.6 Data Analysis ... 22


4.1.1 Types of Deixis ... 23

(9) Spatial Deixis ... 28 Temporal Deixis ... 29 Discourse Deixis ... 30 Social Deixis ... 33

4.1.2 Types of References and their reference ... 34 Anaphora Reference ... 34 Cataphora Reference ... 36

4.2 Discussion ... 47






This chapter presents the background of the study, the statement of

problems, objectives of study, significance of the study, the Scope and

Limitations, and the definition of key terms. All sections which have been

mentions will be discussed as follows:

1.1Background of Study

In our daily life, communication becomes the important thing in human

life. By communicating or interacting with other people we can get some

information or some education from it. As a human being, weneed other people

to help us, so to deliver our intended we need a language to communicate with

other people. Therefore, language is also one of the important functions in

human life. It can be the way of someone to express their thought and to share

some information with other people. It based on (kreidler, 1998:19) states that

Language is used to communication with other people in daily life. When we

are talking about language, it was directly relating with linguistic. It means that

linguistic concerns with identifying the meaningful elements of specific

language. For example English word, like paint and happy and affixes like the

–er of painter and –un of unhappy. (Kreidler, 1998:3). Linguistic also deals

with the meaning expressed by modulations of speaker’s voice and the process



they already have. There are many sub fields of structure focused on linguistic,

one of the fields is pragmatic.

Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a

speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or readers).in other word,

pragmatic is the study of speaker meaning which relates to the utterance

situation (Yule, 1996: 3). Levinson (1983:9) also states that pragmatic is the

study of those relationships between languages and context that are

grammaticalized or encode the structure of the language. Therefore, pragmatics

deals with the situation of speech and context. Jacob L. Mey states that the

context as a part that cannot be separated with pragmatics discussion. Mey

argued that Context is a dynamic, not a static concept: it is to be understood as

the continually changing surroundings, in the widest sense, that the enable the

participants in the communication process to interact, and in which the

linguistic expressions of their interaction become intelligible. (Mey,

2001:39).So, by knowing the context or the background of the utterance, it can

help the people easier to understand the meaning of the utterance. Deixis also

deals with context which we know that it always presents in every

communication in our daily life. And the purpose is to pointing something such

he, here, now, etc.

Deixis is the words which the referents always change depending on the

context. The study of Deixis also has relation with the study of pragmatics. The

discussion of deixis has the meaning of pragmatics because deixis is a part of



in which the relationship between language and context is reflected in the

structures of language themselves. Levinson also categories the deixis into five

kinds, they are person deixis , spatial deixis, temporal deixis, discourse deixis

and social deixis. Forexample:

Mr. President, welcome back to your 12th appearance on Meet the Press

In the sentence above, the words “Mr. President” refers to thesocial deixis

because it shows the status of the speaker. The word “your”refers to person

deixis as a second person. It also refers back to Mr. President, and the word

On Meet the Press” indicate a place deixis where the participant in the speech


Deixis appears in spoken language and written language. In this

research,the researcher wants to explain about the usage of deixis in spoken

language. In spoken language, people can recognize the person, place and time

of deixis because the one who is being talked about by the speaker is also

known by the hearer and the time when the speaker utters some utterances.

In studyingdeixis, we know that the use of words refers to thing or people

and it would help them easy to understand what other people said. But

sometimes we also face a misunderstanding; we do not know what it exactly

means and how it could be. It means that the words are not referring to

anything. So, to avoid the misunderstanding, we have to know about reference.

According to Yule (1996:17), Reference is an act in which a speaker, or writer



Reference is clearly tied to the speaker goals and the speaker’s beliefs in the

use of language. Reference also divided into two types, they are endophora

reference and exophora reference. Endophoric reference divided again into two

types they are anaphora and cataphora. Anaphora is which look back in the text

for their interpretation. Whereas cataphora is which look forward in the text for

their interpretation. For example:

Anaphoric: look at the sun. It’s going down quickly. (“It” refers back to

“the sun”)

Cataphoric: it’s going down quickly,the sun. (“It” refers forwards to “the


Interview is one of the examples of a formal conversation between two or

more people to get some information. Meet the Press is a weekly American

television news/interview program that is broadcast on NBC. Based on the

information in Wikipedia.com, this kind of program is the longest running

program that was debuted on November 6th, 1947 and also delivered a

specializes interview with national leader which talked about politics,

economics, foreign policy, etc. in this case, the object in this thesis will discuss

about the interview between Barack Obama and the host Chuck Todd in “Meet

the Press” that held on September, 7th

2014. So, that’s why it will be interested

to analyze this interview by using the deixis theory. There are several reasons

why the researcher chooses deixis theory to analyze the interview transcription.



analyses using deixis theory. And interview is also one of the examples of

literary works. That’s why the researcher wants to analyze it because in the

previous study, the object of the research mostly a novel, song, poem, article,

etc. secondly, the researcher interest with the events, because Meet the Press is

one of the longest entertainment that had been held America. The topics of the

speaking or interview is always interesting because it directly updates the

newest news around the United States, and also invites the significant people

such, in this interview they invited Barack Obama as their guest stars.

This research emphasized to a study of deixis in the interview between

Barack Obama and Chuck Todd in “Meet the Press”. This study deals with

every utterance that related with the deixis. There will be three fields will be

elaborated in this research. First, the analysis focuses on the kinds of deixis

proposed by Stephen. C. Levinson used by Barrack Obama and Chuck Todd in

“Meet the Press”. Second, the researcher focuses on the kinds of reference that

appears in the “Meet the Press” interview. Third, the researcher also analyzed

the reference of those deixis in the “Meet the Press” interview.

1.2 Statement of problem

Based on the background of study above, this study is undertaken to

answer the following question:

1. What are kinds of deixis used in the interview between barrack



2. What are types of reference used in the interview between Barrack

Obama and Chuck Todd in “Meet the Press”?

3. What is the referent of those deixis that used in the interview

between Barack Obama and Chuck Todd?

1.3 Objective of the study

Based on the problem above, the objective of this study are as follows:

1. To describe what kinds of deixis are used in the interview between

Barrack Obama and Chuck Todd in “Meet the Press”.

2. To describe what types of reference are used in the interview between

Barack Obama and Chuck Todd in “Meet the Press”.

3. To analyze the referent meaning of those deixis in the interview between

Chuck Todd and Barack Obama.

1.4Scope and limitation

The scope of this research is focused on deixis theory based on Stephen

C.Levinson which consist of five types of deixis namely person deixis, place

deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis. And also two types of

endophora reference namely anaphora reference and cataphora reference.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The researcher hopes that the study would have both theoretical and

practical values. Theoretically, the results of the study are expected to give



analysis of deixis in the interview between Barrack Obama and Chuck Todd

in “Meet the Press”. The researcher expects that it will give new knowledge

and understanding about kinds of deixis that used in this interview.

Practically, this study is expected to give valuable information about the

deixis theory, especially in the further research it also expected to give

inspiration addition for the readers who are interested in this study and it will

be alternative reference for the readers who are interested in researching this


1.6 Definition of Key Terms

1. Deixis: is referring expressions in which the interpretation of utterance depends on the context of utterance.

2. Reference: is the words that refers to another words, it usually pronoun and noun.





These chapter reviews of several theories related to this research. Those

are definition of Pragmatic, definition of deixis, types of deixis which consist of

five kinds, as follows person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, discourse deixis and

social, social deixis, and also types of references that consist of anaphora and

cataphora, and also related studies to support the analysis.

2.1 Theoretical Framework

2.1.1 Pragmatics

Pragmatics is the study of meaning in relation to the context in which a

person is speaking or writing. It also includes social situational and textual

context (Paltridge, 2006:53). In this case pragmatic also assumes that when

people communicate with each other they normally follow some kind of co-

operative principle. It means that to make an understanding about the language

they have to share what they now about how they co-operate their


While according to Yule (1996:3) Pragmatics is a study of speaker

meaning. It is concerned with a study of meaning as communication by a

speaker (a writer) and interpreted by a listener (a reader). Levinson (1985:9)

also argues that pragmatics is a study of those relations between language and



also states that pragmatics is the study of relation between language and

context that are basic to an account of language understanding (1985:21).

From the explanation above, pragmatic can be defined as the study of

meaning that concerns to interpret the meaning of someone’s utterance in order

to understand the intended meaning of it. Pragmatics is also concerned the use

of these tools in meaningful communication by knowing the context of the


2.1.2. Deixis Theory

Deixis is actually the way in which a relationship between language and

the context. Deixis is a technical term (from Greek) for one of the most basic

things we do with utterances (Yule, 1995:9). It means ‘pointing’ via language.

Any linguistic form used to accomplish this ‘pointing’ is called ‘deictic

expression’. Deictic expressions are also sometimes called indexical. They are

among the first form to be spoken by very young children and can be used to

indicate people via person deixis (I, you), time or temporal deixis (now,

yesterday), location or spatial deixis (here, there), discourse deixis and social


Levinson (1983:54) also states that deixis concerns the ways in which

languages encode or grammaticalize features of the context of utterance or

speech events. And thus also concerns ways in which the interpretation of

utterance depends on the analysis of that context of utterance. He also adds that



The referent of deixis will be easily known if the speaker and hearer know

the context. In addition, context gives a comprehensive explanation about the

participants, setting (time or place) and the end of conversation. It is believed

that there are no languages without deixis because language is full of such

deictic terms. To give a clear picture about deixis, these are two examples of


a. “Iam terrible in dance”

b. “I found thisthing at the yard”

In the first utterance (a), the word “I” is used to refer to the speaker who

utters it, but it is used to refer to another speaker when someone else utters it.

Thus, it can be seen that even the word “I” in (a) does not change but the

referent enable to changes depending on who utters it. In example (b), there

are two deixis in one utterance. The first word “I” is used to refer to the

speaker who utters it and the second word “this” refer to a certain thing that

has found by the speaker who utters it. Thus, in this utterance the speaker and

the thing are able to change depend on the context.

2.1.3 The Types of Deixis

From the explanation above, deixis also divided into five types, there are;

person deixis, Spatial deixis (place), temporal deixis (time), discourse deixis,



1. Person Deixis

Person deixis clearly operates on the basic of three part divisions,

exemplified by the pronoun of the first person ( I ), second person (you), and

the third person (he, she or it). Levinson (1983:62) states that person deixis

concerns the encoding of the role of participants in the speech of event in

which the utterance in question is delivered. He also categories the person

deixis into three, as follows:

1) First person deixis (I)

First person is grammaticalization of the speaker’s reference to

himself.First person deixis is deictic reference that refers to the speaker. It also

can be expressed in singular pronoun (I, me, myself, mine), and plural pronouns

(we, us, ourselves, our, ours). For singular pronoun I narrated by one person

which is represents as a speaker. While for the plural pronoun We, it can be

indicates as a group of speaker or it can refers to one or more people in the

speech events.

2) Second person deixis (You)

Second person is the encoding of the speaker’s reference to one or more

addressees.This kind of person deixis referred to the person being addressee.

This kind of pronoun can be used both singular and plural. Here, The example



3) Third person deixis (He, she, it)

Third person is the encoding of reference to person and entities which are

neither speakers nor addressees of the utterance in question.Third person deixis

is deictic reference to a referent not identified as the speaker or addressee in the

speech event. It also can be singular and plural. The example of singular

pronoun such as he, his, him, himself, she,her, hers, herself. Whereas for plural

pronoun such as they, them, themselves, etc. Such as he, himself, she, herself,

they, them, themselves, him, her, etc. The pronoun He/ she can be indicated as

gender distinctions in which He is represents as male while the pronoun She

represents as female.

Here, the table of the person deixis based on Azar (2002:132) as follows:

Subject pronoun Object Pronoun Possessive pronoun Possesive adjective SINGULAR I

You She, he, it

Me You Her, Him, It

Mine Yours Hers, his, its

My name

Your name

Her, his, its



You They Us You Them Ours Yours Theirs

Our names

Your names



Based on the table above, the form of the pronoun can be as subject,



132), Subject pronoun are used in subject of sentence. For example: John have

a car, He drives to work. From this sentence above, the subject of the sentence

is the pronoun “He”. Next, Object pronouns are used as object of verb, or it can

be used as object of preposition. For example: I talk to him every day. In this

case the pronoun “Him” identified as object pronoun. Next, the used of

Possessive pronoun are stand alone, they do not followed immediately by a

noun. For example: that book is hers. The word “hers” in this sentence

identified as possessive pronoun which is refers to someone. The last is the

used of possessive adjective which followed by noun, because they cannot

stand alone.

In other words, person deixis is described as expressions in which refers to

person who the speaker intend to refer.

2. Spatial or Place Deixis

Place or space deixis concerns the specification of locations relative to the

participants in the speech events. There are thought some pure place deictic

words notably in English the adverbs here and there, and the demonstrative

pronouns this and that. For example: I’m waiting to say I’m having a

marvelous time here.

The usage of here on the example can be glossed as ‘the pragmatically

given unit of space that includes the locations of the speaker at CT (Levinson,



The demonstrative pronoun are perhaps more clearly organized in a

straightforward proximal-distal dimensions, whereby thiscan mean ‘the object

in pragmatically given area close to the speaker’s location at CT. and that ‘the

object beyond the pragmatically give area close to the speaker’s location at CT

(Levinson, 1983:81). For example: this is it! That’s it!

Briefly, place deixis is an expression used to show the location of the

participant in the speech event.

3. Temporal Deixis or Time

Levinson (1983:62) states that time deixis concerns the encoding of

temporal point and spans relative to the time at which an utterance was spoken

(or a written message inscribed). Temporal deixis is commonly grammatical

zed in the adverb of time, such as now and then, yesterday, etc. but all above in


According to Yule (1996:14), English has only two basic forms, the

present and the past. The present tense is the proximal form and the past is

distal form. For example:

Present: I live here now.

Past : I lived there than.

So, from the explanation, time deixis is an expression of the certain period



4. Discourse Deixis

Discourse or text deixis concerns the use of expression within some

utterance refers to some portion of the discourse that contains the utterance

(Levinson, 1983:85). The deictic word used here are the demonstrative this and

that. For example:

 I bet you haven’t heard this story (‘this’ refers to an upcoming

portion of the discourse).

That was the funniest story I’ve ever heard (‘that’ refers to a

prior portion of the discourse).

Discourse deixis deals with “the encoding of reference to portions of the

unfolding discourse in which the utterance (which include the text referring

expression) is located (Levinson, 1983:62). Discourse deixis, somehow, is

often related with anaphor. But we have to note that both of them are different.

Levinson (1983:85-86) added that discourse deixis should be distinguish with

anaphor. He stated that anaphor concern the use of (usually) pronoun refers to

the same referents as some prior term. For example: Harry’s a sweet heart;

he’s so considerate. While discourse deixis is refers to linguistic expression or

part of the discourse itself.

So, in other words, discourse deixis is an expression used to refer to the

certain discourse that contain an utterance and have the relation with the



5. Social Deixis

Social deixis is refers to the level of the relationship between person and

the information. Levinson (1983: 89) states that it concerns with the aspect of

sentence which reflect or establish by certain realities of the social situation in

which the speech act occurs. He also adds that there are two basic kinds of

socially deictic information that to be encoded in language around the world,

they are relational and absolute.

a. Relational social deixis is a deictic reference to some social characteristic

of referent apart from any relative ranking of referents or deictic reference

to a social relationship between the speaker and addressee. For example:

my husband, teacher, etc.

b. Absolute social deixis is a deictic reference usually expressed in certain

forms of address which will include no comparison of the ranking of the

speaker an addressee. For example: your honored, Mr. President.

2.1.4 Reference

According to Yule (1996:17) reference is an act in which a speaker, or

writer uses a linguistic form to enable a listener, or reader to identify

something. The word linguistic forms can be called as referring expression

which can be proper nouns (‘Shakespeare’, ‘Hawaii’). , noun phrase or

definite (The author, the island, the singer), indefinite (a man, a women, a cat),



referring expression. While pronoun are termed secondary referring expression

(Kreidler, 1998:130). From the example above it can be said that reffering

expression is a piece of language, a noun phrase, that is used in an utterance

and is linked to something outside language, some living or dead, or imaginary

entity or concept or group of entity or concept (Kreidler, 1998:130).

Halliday and Hasan (1976:31) also argue that reference is the identity of

the particular thing or class of things that is being referred to. According to

halliday and hasan (1976), in textual cohesion inenglish, he classify reference

into two types, they are exophoric reference and endophoric reference.

exophoric reference can be called as situational, while endophoric as a textual

(1976:33). Exophoric reference is looks outside the text to the situation in

which the text occurs for the identity of the item being referred to. While

endophoric is the use of a word or phrase to refer to something either

preceding it or following it within a text or discourse. Endophoric reference

also establishes itself in two different ways:

a. Anaphora

Anaphora is a process of continuing to identify exactly the same entity as

denoted by the antecedent (Yule, 1996:23). Or it can said that the use of word

to introduce someone or something already mention. For example: An old man

was limping towards us. He slowly came into view.



b. Cataphora

Cataphor is the use of a word (typically a pronoun) to introduce someone

or something that is more fully identified later (Yule,1996:127). For example:

He slowly came into view. An old man was limping towards us.

By that example above we can see that the word “He” refers forward to “An old Man”.

2.2 Previous Studies

There were some analyses discussing deixis previously. The first research

is written by Dwi setyawati (2013) from state institute for Islamic study

Salatiga. She had conducted research about deixis analysis under the title “The

Analysis of Deixis of the Novel ‘Emma’ by Jane Austin”. In this research, she

only focused on four types of deixis and using a descriptive qualitative method.

From the findings she got 195 person deixis, 32 spatial deixis, 42 temporal

deixis, and 40 discourse deixis.

The second research is written by ZuhriyatulAfiyah (2014) from State

Islamic University of SunanAmpel Surabaya. She also had conducted research

about deixis analysis by the title “An Analysis of Deixis in Ernest

Hermingway’s A Farewell to Arms”. In this research, she used a descriptive



finding, she found five types of deixis, and the mostly types are appears in the

novel is person deixis.

The third research is written by Deaisgoentiar (2012) from University of

Padjajaran. She conducted research about Deixis under the title “Deixis in

Charlotte’s Web Novel written by E.B. White : A pragmatic study. In her

research, she explains the type of deixis and the type of reference in

conversation found in Charlotte’s Novel and using descriptive analysis method.

In the finding, she found three types of deixis that appears on twenty six

analyzed data. and the most found type of deixis in this analysis is person

deixis and the most found in type of reference is anaphora.

Then this research was different from previous research, since the object

that analyzed was an interview. Analyzing deixis in the interview was rarely used

that mostly deixis theory was analyzed in novel, song and magazine such in the

previous studies above. Therefore, the researcher wants to explore that Deixis can

be found in daily life communication, especially in the interview. Since Barrack

Obama was a very important person, thus, his speech in such an interview was

very interested to be analyzed.




This chapter discusses the method used in the study which includes

research approach, research instrument, data source, data, technique of data

collection and technique of data analysis

3.1 Research approach

This research used descriptive qualitative method. It means that data is

explained in words, sentence, and table, and interprets the meaning by

interpretative analysis. Qualitative research was done by describing the

phenomenon found out in the data, then continued with general conclusion.

According to litosseliti (2010:52) Qualitative research is concerned with

structures and patterns, and how something is.

In this research, the researcher described the five types of deixis, they are

person deixis, spatial or location deixis, time or temporal deixis, discourse

deixis and social deixis and also the types of reference, and they are anaphora



3.2. Data source

The data source of this research is an interview transcription between

Barrack Obama and NBC’s chuck Todd in “Meet the Press” on September 7th



3.3. Data

The data in this research only focuses on the utterances of Barack Obama

and Chuck Todd that contain the Types of deixis, the types of reference and

reference meaning of those deixis that used by Barrack Obama and Chuck

Todd in the interview.

3.4. Data Collection

In collecting the data, the researcher used some steps as following: first,

the researcher tried to look for and watched the video about the interview.

Second, the researcher looked for the transcription related with video. After

getting the transcript the researcher read many times to understand the whole

contain of the interview. After that, the researcher selected the data by selecting

the sentence in the interview transcription that includes five categories of

deixis theory and also categorizes two types of reference.

3.5. Research Instrument

Research instrument is one of the important things in doing a research

because it is the tools used by the researcher to collect the data. In this



text, but to make an easier in analyzing the research, the researcher also

needed some supporting instrument such as computer, and the transcription of

the interview.

3.6. Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the next step was analyzing the data from

interview between Barrack Obama and Chuck Todd in “Meet the Press”, in this

case, the researcher taked some point:

1. Identifying the data based on deixis and reference in the conversation that

appeared in the interview between Barrack Obama and Chuck Todd in

“Meet the Press”.

2. Categorizing the data based on the types of deixis, namely person deixis,

place or spatial deixis, time or temporal deixis, discourse deixis and social

deixis and also the types of reference, they are anaphore and cataphor.

3. Analyzing how deixis used by Barack Obama and Chuck Todd in “Meet

the Press” interview. And finding what types of reference that they certain

used and also the reference meaning of those deixis.

4. Drawing a conclusion of the whole data analyzed to answer the research





This chapter presents research findings and Discussions of Deixis and

reference in the form of sentence in the Interview between Barack Obama and

Chuck Todd in “Meet the Press”. The analysis the data includes the table of data,

and the analysis based on Deixis and Reference Theory in each data as follows:

4.1 Research Finding.

4.1.1 Types of Deixis

There were five kinds of deixis that found in the interview between

barrack obama and Chuck todd, they are Person Deixis, spatial deixis,

temporal deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis. Person Deixis

Person deixis is concerned the encoding of the participant in the

speech events. In which the utterance is delivered. Person deixis is generally

known as pronoun. Here are the example of the conversation that used by

Barack Obama and Chuck Todd in the “Meet the Press” interview;

Data 2



how to do. We've been dealing with terrorist threats for quite some time. (P.1, No.4).

(The script of interview can be seen in appendix)

The sentence above is President obama as the speaker, he tried to answer

the question that Mr. Chuck todd gave to him . This sentence explains about

the preparation that Mr. President obama did for his country to face the threat

from ISIL.

From the sentence above, there is a word deixis that used by Obama. It

seems in the first sentence. The word “I”, it refers to someone and speaker.

According to Levinson the word “ I” was categorized as a singular pronoun

of the first person deixis. The word “I ” refers to the role of person deixis in

which the utterance narrated by one person. So, it is tied to the speaker of the

interview named President Barack Obama. He was the one of the guest star in

the interview event.

The second there was a word “We” also can be categorized as plural

pronoun of the first person deixis. it also can be indicated as a group of

speaker because the word “We” is to point their self. “We” refers to the

country of United States. It can be represented of President Barack Obama

and his society in United States.

Data 15

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I've-- I've said this before, Chuck. You know, if you asked me back in August what I want for my birthday, I'd say, "Give me a loyal opposition that has some common sense and is willing to work on some



In the conversation above is talked about President Obama’s expectation

on his birthday that will be held in August. As the speaker, president Obama

explained that he wanted a loyal opposition that has some common sense in

his birthday.

In that sentence, there are some deixis word “I”, “Me”, “My”. Based on

the Levinson theory, the word “I”, “Me”, and “My” can be categorized as

First Person deixis singular. It seems in the first, “I” refer to someone or a

speaker which identified the utterance narrated of one person. The next is the

word “Me” And “My”, the word “Me” in that sentence is an object Pronoun

and it also indicates that the speaker used it to pronounce speaker self while

the word “My” indicates as possessive adjective which is followed

immediately by a noun, they cannot stand alone. So, it seems in this sentence

that the word “My” is followed by a noun “Birthday”. Either “Me” or “My” is

a pronoun “I” and to represent the speaker; it can be seen in the sentence

above. And in this case, the word “I” is tied to the speaker in this interview is

President Obama.

Data 3

CHUCK TODD: What are you asking of the American people on Wednesday? You say you're giving a speech. That's the type of thing, I assume, you're preparing the country for something. What are you asking of them? What do you want--what do you want the American people to receive? (P.1, No.5)



The sentence above is the second Question that Chuck Todd gives for

President Obama. Chuck todd as the host, after Mr. President gave the

explanation about the preparing of his country to face the threat from ISIL, he

try to ask again about what will Obama wants to receive after he deliver his

speech in front of his citizen.

On that sentence, there are some words “You” that used by Chuck Todd

to point someone. Here the word “you” is refers to person identified as

addressee, which is observable in the conversation between President Obama

and Chuck Todd. According to Levinson, the word “You” can be categorized

as second person deixis.

Data 11

PRESIDENT OBAMA: So, our attitude towards Assad continues to be that you know, through his actions, through using chemical weapons on his own people, dropping barrel bombs that killed innocent children that he-- he has foregone legitimacy. But when it comes to our policy and the coalition that we're putting together, our focus specifically is on ISIL. It's narrowly on ISIL. (P.8, No. 36)

(The script of interview can be seen in appendix)

From the utterance above, it can be seen that President Obama as the

speaker explained about the assad’s action which he started brutalized his

people, how they used chemical weapons and bombs until they killed an

innocent children. So, to face this situation, the American governments have



On the sentence above there are some of deixis terms, they are “He”,

“His”, and “It”. Based on theory of Levinson both of them identified as third

singular person deixis. The word “He” and “His” is used to considering the

gender of addressee especially for male. “His” is indicates as possessive

pronoun “He” which is refers to the addressee.

Data 8

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, I think that it is absolutely true that we're going to need Sunni states to step up, not just Saudi Arabia, our partners like Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey. They need to be involved. This is

their neighborhood.(P.6, No.28).

(The script of interview can be seen in appendix)

The sentence above, the speaker is President Obama. He agreed with

the statement that Chuck Todd question about the email from one of the

casual viewer which is states that United State gives a lot of military aid to

Saudi Arabia. Because he thinks that the United States need some states as

their partner, such Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc.

In the first, it seems that President Obama uttered words “They” and

“Their”. According to Levinson, “they” indicated the plural third person

deixis and refers to the addressee in the previous sentence while the word

“their” is representing to something. “Their” also indicates as possessive


28 Spatial Deixis

Spatial or place deixis concerns the specification of locations relative to

the participants in the speech events. It also notably as adverb here and there.

In the interview between Barrack Obama and Chuck Todd also used a spatial

deixis to shows the location in the speech event. Here are the examples of the

utterance, as follows:

Data 17

PRESIDENT OBAMA: As usual. And we're going to have to get U.S. military assets just to set up, for example isola-- isolation units and-- and equipment there, to provide security for public health workers surging from around the world. If we do that, then it's still going to be months before this problem is controllable in Africa. (P. 9, No. 48)

(The script can be seen in appendix)

From the sentence above, President Obama as the speaker, he

explained the efforts of U.S to build some health infrastructure in Africa,

such isolation units and some equipment that African people needs to face

their problem, because over there, they had faced an Ebola disease and

they do not have an enough public health.

In this sentence there is a word “there”. Based on Levinson’s

theory it can be categorized as spatial deixis which is it encodes the spatial

locations relative to the location of the participants in the speech event.



distance. In the sentence above, the deictic word “there” explained the

condition of African people who faced the Ebola disease. Temporal Deixis

Time deixis concerns the encoding of temporal point and spans relative to

the time at which an utterance was spoken (or a written message inscribed). It

also can be called adverb of time, such as now, yesterday, then, etc.

Data 19

PRESIDENT OBAMA: We just yesterday announced the fact that we had taken out the top leader of Al-Shabaab the terrorist-- organization in Somalia.(P.1, No.4)

(The script of interview can be seen in appendix)

That sentence is the utterance of President obama, on that case

President obama announce that his country have already prepared for the

threat from a terrorist especially from ISIL group. Obama also explained

that he had already grasp the leader of al-Shabaab terrorist in Somalia last


From the sentence above, it seems the word deixis “Yesterday”,

which is indicates as adverb of time. “Yesterday” used by the speaker to

show the situation that happens in the past time. Based on the Levinson



encoding the time of the utterance, was spoken. It seems in the context that

President Obama states. The sentence above shows that the announcement

that President Obama held is already happen.

Data 27

CHUCK TODD: Well, I think I need to pre-book you for next week, because I got another 35 questions.(P.15, No. 83).

(The script of interview can be seen in appendix)

The sentence above is the last conversation between Chuck Todd and

President Obama. In the sentence above, Chuck Todd as a speaker have a

plan to invite President Obama again in this Meet the Press event.

From the sentence above, there is the deixis “next week” that obtained in

the data. Based on levinson’s theory “next week can be categorized as

temporal deixis which is it encoding of temporal point and spans relative to

the time at which an utterance was spoken (or a written message inscribed).

This type of deixis also can be called as adverb of time. In this case, “Next

week” can be interpreted as on the week after this week when Chuck Todd

will be planned to invite President Obama again in this Meet the Press,

because Chuck Todd as a Host in this event, have So many question on their

mind. Discourse Deixis

Discourse or text deixis concerns the use of expression within



utterance, the deictic words that used here is demonstrative this and that,

these and those.

Data 30

PRESIDENT OBAMA: This speech will allow Congress, I think, to understand very clearly and very specifically what it is that we are doing but

also what we're not doing. We are not looking at sending in 100,000

American troops. (P.3, No.10).

(The script of interview can be seen in appendix)

Based on the context above, the speaker of this event is President

Obama, he explained that as a president he need to protect his society

from the threat, and he think that he need to deliver his speech to make the

congress knew and understand very clearly about the government plans

that they will do and they didn’t do.

In the sentence above, it seems in President Obama’s utterance in

the first there is word “This”. Based on the theory of Levinson, it can be

categorized as discourse deixis which is to talk about people or things near

us. In this sentence the word “this” followed by noun to show proximity.

Data 31



Based on the context above, the speaker is Chuck Todd. As the host of this

event, he gave a question to President Obama again. On that case they are

talking about the terrorism, President Obama had explained before, that there

so many organization that focused on primarily local. And when his society

thought about terrorism, they will directly think that they are Osama bin

Laden and 9/11. And by hearing that explanation, Chuck Todd try to asking

again that when he and his society thought about that, so, it was directly that

they, especially President Obama didn’t believe with both of the terrorist.

From the sentence above, the word “these” is indicates as discourse

deixis. It refers to some portion of the discourse that contains that utterance

(including the utterance itself). The word “these” identified to point more

than one object nearby (plural). And the use of “these” refers to “people”.

Based on the context Chuck Todd used “these” stressed what president

Obama states in the previous statement. In the case, they are talking about

terrorism, Osama bin Laden and 9/11.

Data 32

CHUCK TODD: Did you see those messages they sent to you, naming you,

when they-- when they-- when they beheaded those American

journalists?(P.6, No.29).

(The script of interview can be seen in appendix)

Based on the sentence above, the speaker is Chuck Todd. As the host, he

gave a question again to President Obama as the guest star. In his question,



to President Obama. Did Obama see the entire message that sent to him


From the sentence above, there are two words “those” which is to point

something far from us. It refers to more than one things or it can be called as

plural of “that”. Based on the theory, it identified as Discourse deixis. The

first “those” above refers to upcoming portion of the discourse “messages”

while the second “those” refers to “American journalist”. It seems in the

context above that the word “those” here represented something more than

one message that deliver for president obama and also more than one

American journalist. Social Deixis

Social deixis refers to the level of the relationship between person and the

information. It also divided into two basic kinds of socially deictic

information that to be encoded in language around the world, they are

relational and absolute.

Data 36

CHUCK TODD: Well, I think I need to pre-book you for next week, because I got another 35 questions. So with that, I'm going to leave it there, Mr. President. But thank you very much.(P.15, No. 83).

(The script of interview can be seen in appendix).

The sentence above is the last conversation between Chuck Todd and



plan to invite President Obama again in this Meet the Press event. In the last

sentence Chuck Todd called Obama with saying “Mr. President”.

The word “Mr. President” based on Oxford Dictionary; President is the

leader of a Republic, especially United States. According to Levinson, there

are two types of social deixis there are relational and absolute. Relational

social; deixis is where the form of word used to indicate the relative social

status of the addressee. By contrast absolute deixis is a deictic reference

usually expressed in certain forms of address which will include no

comparison of the ranking of the speaker and addressee. So, by the sentence

above Mr. President can be categorized as Absolute social deixis.

4.1.2 Types of References and Their referent.

In the interview between Barack Obama and Chuck Todd in “Meet the

Press” also consist of two types of reference; they are anaphora reference and

cataphora reference. As follows; Anaphora Reference

Anaphora is a process of continuing to identify exactly the same entity as

denoted by the antecedent. Or it can be said that the use of word to introduce

someone or something already mention. Here the example as follows;

Data 1



(The script of interview can be seen in appendix).

The sentence above is the opening of the interview. Chuck Todd as a

speaker or host, he starts to greet his guest star, Mr. Obama by welcoming his

appearance in Meet the press.

That sentence can be categorized as anaphora reference. It based on the

Yule theory which is used to introduce someone or something that already

mention before. And in the sentence above, there is the word “Your” refers

to the addressee whom we know in this conversation the addressee of this

event is President Obama. It seems in the first utterance Chuck Todd said

“Mr. President”. So, the word “Your” is refers back to Mr. President to

represent the addressee based on the context of utterance.


CHUCK TODD: I've got a few other topics. Ebola, there's some anxiety in the country about it. (P.8, No. 39)

(The script of interview can be seen in appendix)

From that sentence, it can be seen that the speaker is Chuck Todd. In

this case, he tries to asking about the other topic which he asking about Ebola

disease that has been booming in Africa. As the host in this event, Chuck

Todd asks to the president Obama about it.

The example of sentence above can be categorized as anaphora



before. It can be seen in the first, Chuck used the words “I” which is refers to

Chuck Todd himself as the speaker or host in the speech event. He also used

the word “it” which refers to something. So, based on the context of

utterance, the word “it” refers back to “Ebola” as the next topic in this

conversation. Cataphora Reference

Cataphor is the use of a word (typically a pronoun) to introduce

someone or something that is more fully identified later. Here the example as


Data 16

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, Americans shouldn't be concerned about the prospects of contagion here in the United States, short term. Because this is not an airborne disease. (P.8, No. 40)

(The script of interview can be seen in appendix)

In the conversation above, president obama as the speaker. he explained

about what American people concerned about an Ebola disease that African

people suffer now. But president obama had inform that E bola is an airborne

disease so, they do not need to worry about that.

The word “Here” in the sentence above contains as adverb of place,

which used for demonstrating such place that relatively close to the speaker.

According to Yule, The sentence above can be identified as cataphora

reference, which we know that it used to identify someone or something that



the word “here” and followed the United States to give the information that

the location of the speaker in the speech events is in the United States. So

from the explanation, it will be clear that the adverb of place “Here” refers to

the United State based on the context of utterance.

Data 29.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: That included taking air strikes to ensure that towns like Erbil were not overrun, critical infrastructure, like the Mosul Dam was

protected …” (P.1, No. 4)

(The script of interview can be seen in appendix)

Based on the context above, the speaker is president obama, He explained

what he did of the last several months and also make a plan to face the threat

from ISIL.

Based on the context above, “that” can be categorized as cataphora

reference which based on Yule theory it used to identify someone or

something that mention later. In this case, it seems that president obama point

something by using the word “that” and identify which towns that he point.

So, it will be cleared that the word “that” refers to the “town where it had

mention forward based on the context of utterance.

After finding the data and analyzed it based on the theory of Levinson.

Here, the following sample of data in the interview between Barack Obama



 Person Deixis





1. Mr. President,

welcome back to

your 12th

appearance on Meet the Press. (1)

Anaphoric Reference

Your refer to Barack

Obama/ Mr.


2. I'm preparing the

country to make sure that we deal with a threat from ISIL. Keep in mind that this is something that we know how to do. We've been dealing with terrorist threats for quite some time. 4

Anaphora reference

I refer to Barack Obama  We refer to

the Barack obama and country

3. What are you asking

of the American

people on

Wednesday? You

say you're giving a speech. That's the type of thing, I

assume, you're

preparing the

country for

something. What are you asking of them? 5

Anaphoric reference

 You refer to President Obama

 I refer to

Chuck Todd  Them refer to

American People

4. I am going to be

asking Congress to make sure that they

understand and

support what our

plan is. And it's going to require some resources, I

suspect, above what

we are currently

doing in the region. 8

Anaphoric Reference

I refer to

President Obama.

They refer to American people

Our refer to US

administration (the country)  It refers to the




We refer to the country.

5. We are going to be

helping to put

together a plan for

them, so that they

can start retaking territory that ISIL had taken over. 10

Anaphoric reference

We refer to the country

Them and

they refer to Iraqi troops and Kurdish troops.

6. Because I think a lot of us, when we think about terrorism, the model is Osama bin Laden and 9/11. 14

Anaphora Reference

Us and We refers to President Obama and his country.

7. And I'm curious,

have you only ruled

them out simply for domestic political reasons? 19

Anaphoric Reference

 I refer to

Chuck Todd  You refer to

President Obama

 Them refer to ISIS

8. They need to be

involved. This is

their neighborhood. 28

Anaphoric Reference

 They and their

refers to

Jordan, United

Emirates and Turkey.

9. They sent messages

addressing you

personally. Did you

watch 'em? 31

Anaphoric Reference

 They refer to ISIL

 You refer to President Obama

 Them refer to Message

10. It’s not so much how

it affects me

personally. 34

Anaphoric reference

 It refer to the message

 Me refer to

President Obama

11. So, our attitude

towards Assad

continues to be that

Anaphoric reference



you know, through

his actions, through

using chemical

weapons on his own

people, dropping

barrel bombs that

killed innocent

children that he-- he

has foregone

legitimacy. But

when it comes to our

policy and the

coalition that we're putting together, our

focus specifically is

on ISIL. It's

narrowly on ISIL. 36

obama and his

administratio n

You refer to Chuck Todd His and he

refers to Assad

It refers to Assad’s actions

12. And we've got to be able to reach to

them, find a military

and political

structure that'll allow

them to express

themselves. 38

Anaphoric reference

We refer to President Obama and his country. Them and

Themselves refer to millions of descent. 13. I've got a few other

topics. Ebola, there's some anxiety in the country about it. 39

Anaphoric Reference

 I refer to

Chuck Todd  It refers to


14. The American public

says, "Why are we wasting money on them? 48

Anaphoric reference

 We refer to

American People



15. I've-- I've said this before, Chuck. You know, if you asked me back in August what I want for my birthday, I'd say, "Give me a loyal opposition that has some common sense and is willing to work on some basic issues that didn't used to be partisan issues."

Anaphoric Reference

 I refer to President Obama

 You refer to Chuck Todd

 Me and my

also refer to President Obama.

 Spatial Deixis





16. Well, Americans

shouldn't be

concerned about the

prospects of

contagion here in the United States, short term. 40

Cataphora reference

 Here refers to

the United


17. As usual. And we're

going to have to get U.S. military assets just to set up, for

example isola--

isolation units and-- and equipment there, to provide security for public health workers surging from around the world. If we do that, then it's still going to be months before this

problem is

controllable in

Cataphora reference

 There refers




18. Because the

possibility of a

jarring contrast given the world's news, is

always-- there's

always going to be

some tough news

somewhere-- is going to be there.82

Anaphora reference

 There refers

to a vacation

 Temporal or time Deixis





19. We just yesterday

announced the fact that we had taken out the top leader of Al-Shabaab the terrorist-- organization in Somalia. 4

 Yesterday

20. So what I have done

over the last several months is, first and foremost, make sure that we got eyes on the problem, that we shifted resources, intelligence,

reconnaissance. 4

 The last several months

21. And I'm optimistic

that next week, we should be able to get that done. And I will

then meet with

congressional leaders

on Tuesday. On Wednesday, I'll make a speech and describe

 Next week

 Then

 On Tuesday

 On



what our game plan's going to be going forward. 4

22. And I was very

specific at that time. 16

 At that time

23. And now we're going

to have to deal with 16

 Now

24. It's gone through the

week during your trip to Wales. 19

 The week

25. And that's part of the

conversation that

John Kerry's going to be having this week. 28

 This week

26. Sunni extremism, as

represented by ISIL, is the biggest danger

that they face

rightnow. 28

 Right now

27. Well, I think I need to

pre-book you for next week, because I got another 35 questions. 83

 Next week

 Discourse deixis





28. I'm preparing the

country to make sure that we deal with a threat from ISIL. Keep in mind that this is something that we know how to do. We've been dealing with terrorist threats for quite some time.

Anaphora reference



This administration has systematically dismantled Al Qaeda in the FATA.

29. That


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