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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Bachelor Degree

in English Department


ASIH MARSELINA A 320 050 204






A.Background of the Study

As an effort to develop the education in Indonesia, government of Indonesia decides the Government Regulation No. 19/2005 about the national standard of education. It is the minimum criteria about the education system in Indonesia. The content is about the standard of content, process, graduated competence, teacher, and materials for education, cost, and evaluation. It has function as a basic of planning, action and controlling the education to reach good quality of education. It has purpose to ensure the national quality of education with educate the society and create prestige of Indonesian nature.

In order to the general purpose can be reached, the directions are broken down into the curriculum in each level of education. In education context of English, it has function as media to communicate in order to get information. And in daily activity, English language has function as a media to build the interpersonal relationship, exchange the information, and also to get aesthetic of language in an English culture.

English lesson has three major functions. Firstly, English develops the communicative skill either written or orally. Communicative skills involve listening, speaking, writing and reading skill. Then, it is to raise the conscious of learners about the nature and the important of English language as one of the foreign language that become the main media in learning process. And the last


function is to develop the understanding of learners about the relationship of language and culture.

Because of the function of la nguage, a curriculum of language must able to prepare the learners to get the competence. It will make the learners able to reflect their experience and the other experiences reveal the idea and feeling and also to understand many kind of language situation. The competence is called by Communicative Competence. Savignon (1983: 10) states:

The notion of communicative competence goes beyond narrowly defined linguistics and learning psychology to the fields of anthropology and sociology. It looks at language not as individual behavior but as one of many symbolic systems that members of a society use for communication among themselves.

They state that language is a communication and not only a rule. Therefore, the implication is that the language model of competence as a model that prepares the learners to communicate using language in the social environment. Celce draws the competence into:

Strategic Competence Discourse competence Socio-cultural competence

Actional Competence Linguistic


Picture 1: Communicative Competence Model from Celce-Murcia, et al.

This picture shows that the main competence is discourse competence. It means that when a people communicate to other people either written or orally, they must involve in a discourse, an event of communication that caused by the topic that communicated, interpersonal relationship and the culture of communication.

Discourse competence will be gotten by learners if only the y get the supporter competence. They are linguistic competence, actional competence, socio cultural competence and strategic competence. All the competence must be had by learners in order to they can make a good result of learning. For example in writing process, that the purpose is to reveal some meaning (interpersonal, ideational and textual) in a written form that include the goal of communication, structural of text and certain linguistic. As Christie ( 1999: 759) states that “the functional nature of language is theorized in three metafunction: ideational, interpersonal and textual”. Ideational is grammar for representing the world. The interpersonal is grammar for enacting social relationship such as asking, request, asserting control, or ordering. Thus interpersonal is very much about interaction between human beings, society and culture. Textual is grammar for binding linguistic elements together into broader text.


also communicate in writing language. It is one of reasons why the people need to master writing skill well.

Basically, in writing, learners are not only realizing information message or idea in a sentence in correct grammatical but also they must be packed in text formulation that conventionally have been agreed by the society. So that, the reader or audience will more easily understand the content in the texts. As for the criterion is (1) purpose, (2) rhetorical structure, (3) linguistic realization or grammatical pattern. (Pardiyono, 2007: 2). In other word, as consideration of the effectiveness of using language, each written text should include these.

Mastering writing skill is not easy. Problem may rise since studying writing. Tribble (1996: 12) says that learning writing skill is difficult. His statement as follows:

“Learning to write in either a first or second language is one of the most difficult tasks a learner encounters. Many native speakers leave school with a poor command of writing. Learning to write is a difficult and lengthy process. One of that is induces anxiety and frustration in many learners. Learning to write is not just a question on developing a set of mechanical “orthographic skill”. It also involves learning a new set of cognitive and social relation.”


this concept, the pattern of language use is also explaining especially about tenses and sentence pattern. ( Pardiyono, 2008: 2). So that, by using genre-based approach, the learners will be easier and directed to write a text. Now a days, the genre text are learned in a concept that called by Genre Based Approach.

According to Pardiyono ( 2008: 2) “genre is defined as the type of text that have function as the frame of reference so a text can be written effectively that seen from the right purpose, choosing and composing elements text and also the right of grammatical pattern use”. The Genre Based Approach is used as approach to teach English language in Senior and Junior high school that have been included their curriculum.

Genre based approach have 2 cycle. They are oral cycle and written cycle. In oral cycle, it focuses on the students’ ability in produce the language orally (spoken). Whereas in written cycle focuses on the students’ ability in writing. The last product of students is about written product. Genre-based in writing cycle, is concerned with what learners do when they write. An understanding of the concept allow the teachers to identify the kind of text that students will have to write in their target occupational, academic or social contexts and to recognize their courses to meet these needs. The concept of genre enables teacher to look beyond content, composing process, and textual forms to see writing as attempt to communicate with readers-to better understand the ways that languages patterns are used to accomplish coherent, purposeful prose.


the example of the text. Next stage is joint construction of text. In this stage, teacher asks to the students to work together with their friend. The last stage is individual construction of the text. in the last stage is the stage to measure the students ability.

Because of genre is the new approach that implied in teaching English language, the writer is interested to measure how far the implementation of teaching English especially in teaching writing. So the writer make a research with title “ THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TEACHING WRITING USING GENRE-BASED APPROACH: A NATURAL STUDY AT SMP AL-AZHAR 21 SOLO BARU”. This research focuses on how the implementation of teaching writing that done by the teacher that is based on Genre-based approach. It involve s the teaching learning process that happens in the classroom.

B.Problem Statement

The problem of the study is “How is the implementation of teaching writing using Genre based approach at the SMP N Al-Azhar 21 Solo Baru?”. I raise subsidiary research questions, they are:

1. What are the stages in teaching writing using genre-based approach? 2. What are the activities in each stage?

3. What are the types of procedure in teaching writing using Genre Based Approach?


C.Limitation of the Study

In order this research is focused, the writer limits this research as follows: 1. The subjects of this research are limited to the first year students SMP Al- Azhar

21 Solo Baru. The subject of this research just the first students because in this school just have one class.

2. The object of the research is the teaching learning process in teaching writing using genre-based approach at SMP Al-Azhar 21 Solo Baru in the second semester in 2008-2009 academic years. The object of the research are focused only in the process of teaching writing using genre, because the genre based approach is new approach in teaching English so the writer want to now how far this approach is implemented by teacher.

D.Objective of the Study

This study aims to describe the implementation of teaching writing using Genre-Based approach at SMP Al- Azhar 21 Solo Baru. The research also:

1. Describes the stages in teaching writing using genre-based approach. 2. Describes the activities in each stages.

3. Describe the procedure of teaching writing using genre-based approach, and 4. Describes the problem that faced by teacher in teaching writing using

genre-based approach.


The writer really hopes that this research has some benefits. The benefit can be distinguished into two benefits:

1. Theoretically, the finding of this research can develop the method of teaching English as foreign language especially in writing skill.

2. Practically, the finding of this research will add the English teacher knowledge about activity that can be used in teaching writing using genre. From this research describes the difficulties that faced by teacher so the English teacher know the difficulties firstly and they can anticipate its problem before teach.

F. Research Paper Organization

The organization of this research consists of five characters as follows:

Chapter I is introdution. It covers the background of the study, problem statement, limitation of the study, objective of the study, benefit of the study, and research paper organization.

Chapter II presents related theories or concept of underlying theories which covers previous study, the notion of writing, the teaching writing, the notion of genre, genre based approach in teaching writing, type text genre, procedure in teaching genre, and the advantages of teaching writing based on genre.

Chapter III is research method. It deals with the research method covering the type of research, data and data source, subject and object of the study, method of collecting data and method of analyzing data.


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