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The analysis of Indonesian-English code mixing used in Raditya Dika novel entitled Manusia Setengah Salmon - Digital Library IAIN Palangka Raya


Academic year: 2018

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In this chapter,the writer explained how to analyze the data of Indonesian-English code mixing used in manusia setengah salmon novel. The writer clasified the data based on the problem of the study.

A. The Word Classes of Indonesian-English Code Mixing Used in Raditya Dika Novel Entitled Manusia Setengah Salmon

There are six forms of code mixing, they are insertion of words, insertion of phrases, insertion of clauses, insertion of idioms, insertion of hybrid, and insertion of word reduplications.

In this part, the writer focused one of forms of code mixing (Insertion of Words). Sometimes, it occurred when Indonesian utterances contain different words from the other language, especially English

Word is a smallest unit of language that carries meaning and consists of one or more morphemes that are linked more or less tightly together. In this novel, the word tyfe code mixing is a sentence in Indonesia, which mixed an English single word as a piece.

1. Noun


abstract nouns, concrete nouns, uncountable nouns, plural nouns. There were 65 sentences that included English nouns.

Below are the sentence containing English nouns. 1) Pada suatu pagi ketika gue lagi sarapan cereal. P.4

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 2) Gue jadi jarang bisa ngelakuin kegiatan seperti main game atau bahkan

sekadar lari sore bersama. P. 13

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun 3) ... Follower twitter gue banyak bertanya dan meminta nasihat seputar

ujian ke gue. P.15

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by two morpheme. Follow is free morpheme and ‘er’ is bound morpheme. Based on the classification of the

data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 4) Dia mengajak gue ketemu di sebuah cafe. P.22


The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of abstract noun.

6) Pacar gue atau lebih tepatnya mantan pacar memanggil pelayan, membayar bill. P.23

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 7) Gue sedang tidak bisa diajak bicara, karena well gue baru aja putus. P.26

The bold word is a noun as a single word of English since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of abstract noun.

8) Gue ingat mantan pacar gue pernah bikin surprise bawain kue gede banget. P.31


The bold word is a noun as a single word of English since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of abstract noun.

10)Jemput dia di rumahnya dengan memakai costume power ranger pink. P.39

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 11)Biasanya cowok yang bayar dinner, tetapi aku tau kita tak biasa. P.40

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 12)Jika kalian berencana nonton film Harry Potter, pakai baju hitam-hitam.


The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 13)Jangan lupa supaya kelihatan elite cari tempat yang kebarat-baratan.



and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 15)Ada sopir yang pacaran sama babysitter adik gue. P.47

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 16)Baru saja gue akan melanjutkan apa yang mau dibicarakan, handphone

Sugiman berbunyi. P.53

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 17)Di perjalanan gue sempat ngelewati billboard iklan masyarakat. P.54

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 18) Gue jadi teringat adegan-adegan di film hollywood. P.55


19) Kalau harus ngasih deodorant sewaktu Sugiman ulang tahu, gue keburu meninggal. P.58

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 20)Enak gak sih tinggal di tempat sampah? Terus dia bilang gak enak mom,

soalnya bau. P.59

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 21) Wah ini problem gue dengan Sugiman. P.61

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 22) Dia tahu di airport harus nunggu di mana. P.67

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 23)Mcd delivery, ada yang bisa saya bantu? P.70


and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 25) Restoran enak di Venice hasil rekomendasi website wikitravel menurut

situs itu juga harganya tidak terlalu mahal bernama La Bitta. P.74

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 26) Maka gue langsung mencari alamatnya melalui software GoogleMaps di

hape gue. P.74

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 27) Gue ngecek Blackberry membuat notes dan membaca alamatnya. P.75


28) Tadi kenapa bilangnya harus belok kiri? Feeling aja bang, kata Yudith, kalem. P.79

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of abstract noun

29) Makanan berbahan dasar durian yang paling gue suka adalah pancake durian. P.84

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 30)Gue lagi duduk di lobby hotel Gajah maja tempat gue nginep di Malang.


The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun

31) Dimata gue mereka terlihat seperti seorang superhero yang mencari jati diri. P.92


and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 33) Tanya si Jepang sambil membuat gesture seakan-akan Monas tumbuh di

selangkangannya. P.95

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 34) Karena panik grammar jadi berantakan. P.95

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 35) Restaurant boleh punya makanan yang enak, tetapi kalau tempatnya gak

enak pasti pengunjungnya jadi gak nyaman. P. 96

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 36) Pertama-tama mereka duduk appetizer datang. P.97


37) Dan pada akhirnya dessert disajikan. P.97

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 38) Terakhir kali mendengar orang berkata seperti itu kepada orang lain

yang hendak makan adalah di film thriller rumah Dara. P.100

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 39)Di depan outlet Burber king Rizky menyalakan rokok. P.113

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. It is including translation process of adaptation. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun.

40) Loe mau ke flat gue di Utrech atau mau jalan-jalan ke Amsterdam. P.113 The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme It is including translation process of adaptation. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun.


42) Gue dan Rizki memesan satu buah sandwich besar berisi ayam. P.117 The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 43) Gue berkenalan dengannya ketika dia menghampiri gue yang sedang beli

cola-cola di vending machine. P,122

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 44) Makanya aku juga ragu-ragu untuk bawa sepeda ke campus. P.123

The bold word is an noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one word. the bold word is the type of countable noun.

45) Udara yang dingin membuat gue harus menaikkan seleretan jumper. P.124


The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 47) Posture tubuhnya tak terlalu tinggi dan sedikit gempal. P.124

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of concrete noun. 48)Ia mengenakan sweater warna biru muda dan stocking hitam. P.125

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun 49) Ia mengenakan sweater warna biru muda dan stocking hitam. P.125

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 50) Ditangannya ada tas jinjing yang berisi textbook kuliah. P.125

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 51)Seorang lelaki telanjang yang memegang piringan semacam frisbee di


52) Emang ketahuan orangnya gimana Cuma dari timeline twitter nya doang? P.149

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 53)Sudah banyak paper yang saya terbitkan selama saya mendalami ilmu

jomblonology. P.167

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of uncountable noun. 54) Product juga mengacu pada kemasan yang baik. P.172

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 55)Orang akan berlomba untuk mendapatkan anda karena ada prestige

tersendiri buat dapetin anda. P.178


The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of uncountable noun. 57) Nyokap sedang memegang remote televisi. P.183

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 58)Ketika ada tawaran untuk menjadi host program televisi bela diri

tradisional pada pertengahan tahun 2011. P.209

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 59)Ketika ada tawaran untuk menjadi host program televisi bela diri

tradisional pada pertengahan tahun 2011. P.209

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 60)Gue mencoba tidur di kamar dengan wallpaper winnie the pooh tersebut.



62)Kadang juga menghidupkan motornya berbunyi kayak mutant bebek. P.241

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun 63)Segala cara sudah gue lakuin, mulai dari mendengarkan musik-musik jazz

yang lembut sampai kepada meditasi kecil-kecilan. P.239

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of uncountable noun 64)Dia masih single dan belum punya pacar. P.254

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Constructed by one morpheme. Based on the classification of the data, the bold word is the type of countable noun. 65)Kerjaan dia sekarang selain bekerja dari adalah melakukan baby sitting.

P. 254


The writer idenfified the code mixing as English noun used in Raditya Dika Novel as follows:

1. Countable nouns there were 56 sentences. 2. Uncountable nouns there were 3 sentences 3. Plural nouns there were 1 sentences 4. Abstract nouns there were 4 sentences 5. Concrete nouns there were 1 sentences

B. The Meaning of Indonesian-English Code Mixing Used In Raditya Dika Novel Entitled Manusia Setengah Salmon

In this part, the writer disscused about the meaning of code mixing used in Raditya Dika Novel entitled Manusia Setengah Salmon. The writer focused on two kinds of meanings category. They are lexical meaning and contextual meaning.

Lexical meaning is meaning that is explained and described in dictionary. In this study, the writer used oxpord dictionary to found the meaning of code mixing words.

Contextual meaning is the meaning which is determained by its relationship with the other words in a sentence. Sometimes, one word has several dissimilar meaning when it is used in different contexts.


and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of borrowing. Cereal means a kinds of food made from grain of cereals, often eaten for breakfast with milk.

2) Gue jadi jarang bisa ngelakuin kegiatan seperti main game atau bahkan sekadar lari sore bersama. P. 13

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of literal. Game means a form of usually competitive play or sport with rules.

3) ... Follower twitter gue banyak bertanya dan meminta nasihat seputar ujian ke gue. P.15

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Follower is a person who follows somebody or something a suporter of a particular person.

4) Dia mengajak gue ketemu di sebuah cafe. P.22


5) Gue punya dua pilihan disini sok cool atau melakukan tindakan extreme. P.22

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of borrowing. Extreme means a feeling, condition as not ordinary or usual, serious.

6) Pacar gue atau lebih tepatnya mantan pacar memanggil pelayan,

membayar bill. P.23

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of literal. Bill means a written statement of money owed for goods or services supplied.

7) Gue sedang tidak bisa diajak bicara, karena well gue baru aja putus. P.26 The bold word is a noun as a single word of English since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, It is including translation process of adaptation. Well means expresing of satisfactory.

8) Gue ingat mantan pacar gue pernah bikin surprise bawain kue gede banget. P.31


including translation process of adaptation. Flashback means a part of story that shows a scene in past.

10)Jemput dia di rumahnya dengan memakai costume power ranger pink. P.39

The bold word is a adjective as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of borrowing. Costume means clothes worn by people from a particular place or during a particular historical period.

11)Biasanya cowok yang bayar dinner, tetapi aku tau kita tak biasa. P.40 The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of literal. Dinner means the main mean of the day, taken either around midday or in the evening.

12)Jika kalian berencana nonton film Harry Potter, pakai baju hitam-hitam. P.40


13)Jangan lupa supaya kelihatan elite cari tempat yang kebarat-baratan. P.43

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, It is including translation process of borrowing. Elite means a group considered to be the best or most important because their power, talent, wealth.

14)Aku hamil atau Nenekku jago striptease lho. P.43

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Striptease means a form of entertainment. For example, in a theatre, bar or club, in which a performer removed their clothes in a sexually exciting way in front of an audience. 15)Ada sopir yang pacaran sama babysitter adik gue. P.47

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Babysitter means to look after a child for a short time while the parents are out.

16)Baru saja gue akan melanjutkan apa yang mau dibicarakan, handphone Sugiman berbunyi. P.53


including translation process of adaptation. Biilboard means a large outdoor board for advertisement.

18) Gue jadi teringat adegan-adegan di film hollywood. P.55

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Hollywood means a form of genre film from foreign.

19) Kalau harus ngasih deodorant sewaktu Sugiman ulang tahu, gue keburu meninggal. P.58

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of borrowing. Deodorant means a substance that removes or hides unpleasant smells, especially those of the body. 20)Enak gak sih tinggal di tempat sampah? Terus dia bilang gak enak mom,

soalnya bau. P.59

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of literal. Mom means a mother


The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of borrowing. Problem means a thing that is difficult to deal with or understand.

22) Dia tahu di airport harus nunggu di mana. P.67

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Airport means a large area where civil aircrapf land and take off, usually with facilities for passengers, goods and customs.

23)Mcd delivery, ada yang bisa saya bantu? P.70

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Delivery means a delivering of food to somebody or an instance of this.

24)Apa daya face jadi kayak mau pup. P.72

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of literal.Face means the bfront part of the head from the forehead to the chin.


to the internet, where a company, organization puts information that can be found on the Would Wide Web (WWW).

26) Maka gue langsung mencari alamatnya melalui software GoogleMaps di hape gue. P.74

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Software means programs used in handphone.

27) Gue ngecek Blackberry membuat notes dan membaca alamatnya. P.75 The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of literal. Notes means short piece of witing to help you remember something.

28) Tadi kenapa bilangnya harus belok kiri? Feeling aja bang, kata Yudith, kalem. P.79


29) Makanan berbahan dasar durian yang paling gue suka adalah pancake durian. P.84

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Pancake means a flat round cake made with flour, eggs, and milk, fried on both sides.

30)Gue lagi duduk di lobby hotel Gajah maja tempat gue nginep di Malang. P.85

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of borrowing. Lobby means a large area insede the main entrance of a public building leading to other rooms. 31) Dimata gue mereka terlihat seperti seorang superhero yang mencari jati

diri. P.92

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, It is including translation process of adaptation. Superhero means a super person who is admired for good qualities.

32) Si Jepang menunjuk ke arah kami sambil bertanya, apa kalian couple? P.95


selangkangannya. P.95

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Gesture means a movement of a part of the body.

34) Karena panik grammar jadi berantakan. P.95

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Grammar means a rules in a language for changing the form of words, and combining them into sentences.

35) Restaurant boleh punya makanan yang enak, tetapi kalau tempatnya gak enak pasti pengunjungnya jadi gak nyaman. P. 96

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of borrowing. Restaurant means place where meals can be bought and eaten.

36) Pertama-tama mereka duduk appetizer datang. P.97


including translation process of adaptation. Appetizer means small amount of food or drink that you have before a meal.

37) Dan pada akhirnya dessert disajikan. P.97

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Dessert means the sweet course eaten at the end of a meal.

38) Terakhir kali mendengar orang berkata seperti itu kepada orang lain yang hendak makan adalah di film thriller rumah Dara. P.100

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Thriller means film with an exciting story.

39)Di depan outlet Burber king Rizky menyalakan rokok. P.113

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, It is including translation process of adaptation. Outlet means shop that sells made by a particular company or of a particular type.


including translation process of borrowing. Desainer means a person whose job is to decide how clothes, buildings, will look by making drawings, plans.

42) Gue dan Rizki memesan satu buah sandwich besar berisi ayam. P.117 The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Sandwich means two slices of bread with meat, bread, and salad.

43) Gue berkenalan dengannya ketika dia menghampiri gue yang sedang beli cola-cola di vending machine. P,122

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Vending machine means machine from which you can buy cigarettes, drinks, etcetera by putting coins into it.


45) Udara yang dingin membuat gue harus menaikkan seleretan jumper. P.124

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of borrowing. Jumper means a knitted jersey like a jacket.

46)Dan menutupi kepala dengan hoodie. P.124

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of borrowing. Hoodie means jacket with a hood.

47) Posture tubuhnya tak terlalu tinggi dan sedikit gempal. P.124

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of borrowing. Posture means a position of the body.

48)Ia mengenakan sweater warna biru muda dan stocking hitam. P.125 The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of borrowing. Sweater is a knitted woollen or cotton piece of clothing for the upper body.


pair of thin coverings for a woman’s feet and legs.

50) Ditangannya ada tas jinjing yang berisi textbook kuliah. P.125

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Textbook means book that teaches a particular subject, used in schools, college.

51)Seorang lelaki telanjang yang memegang piringan semacam frisbee di tangannya. P.130

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Frisbee means a light plastic disc , shaped like a plate which is thrown between players in a game. 52) Emang ketahuan orangnya gimana Cuma dari timeline twitter nya

doang? P.149

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. timeline is period of time during which something must be done.


The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaption. Paper means an article or essay. 54) Product juga mengacu pada kemasan yang baik. P.172

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of borrowing. Product means result of process, that is grown or produced usually for sale

55)Orang akan berlomba untuk mendapatkan anda karena ada prestige tersendiri buat dapetin anda. P.178

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of borrowing. Prestige means respect based on good reputation, past achievement.

56)Suster memasukan alat suction ke mulut gue. P.182

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Suction means the process of causing a vacuum.

57) Nyokap sedang memegang remote televisi. P.183


tradisional pada pertengahan tahun 2011. P.209

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of adaptation. Host means person who entertains guest in their house.

59)Ketika ada tawaran untuk menjadi host program televisi bela diri tradisional pada pertengahan tahun 2011. P.209

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of borrowing. Program means ceremonial. 60)Gue mencoba tidur di kamar dengan wallpaper winnie the pooh tersebut.


The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of borrowing. Wallpapaer means paper with a coloured design on it used for covering the walls of a room.

61)Mereka berkumpul kadang nyanyi lagu medley. P.240


including translation process of adaptation. Medley means a piece of music consisting of passages from other musical works.

62)Kadang juga menghidupkan motornya berbunyi kayak mutant bebek. P.241

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of borrowing. Mutant means a living thing that differs physically from its parents as a result of genetic change.

63)Segala cara sudah gue lakuin, mulai dari mendengarkan musik-musik jazz yang lembut sampai kepada meditasi kecil-kecilan. P.239

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is incluidng translation process of borrowing. Jazz means type of music with strong rhythms, created by African American musicians.

64)Dia masih single dan belum punya pacar. P.254

The bold word is a noun as a single word of english since it has meaning and can be used on its own. Based on the classification of the data, it is including translation process of literal. Single means one only, in not a pair, group, not married.

65)Kerjaan dia sekarang selain bekerja dari adalah melakukan baby sitting. P. 254


translation process used in Raditya Dika Novel as follows: 1. Borrowing there were 25 sentences.

2. Literal there were 12 sentences. 3. Adaptation there were 28 sentences.

C. The Reason Of Using Code Mixing Used In Raditya Dika Novel Entitled Manusia Setengah Salmon

In this part, the writer is going to answer the last problem of the study based on the result of this data analysis that used in Raditya Dika novel entitle Manusia Setengah Salmon. The writer identified the reason of using code mixing in Raditya Dika Novel as follows :

1. Need feeling motive

This purpose occurs since there is no proper word or expression in the language being used. According Ohoiwatun theory that need feeling motive happens because need feeling, speaker use it as if they could not find words that have similar meaning in the language they speak. Nababan claims need feeling motive is a motive when the speaker cannot find the words that have similar meaning in their language. This theory consistent with Holmes’s theory says that


concept or describe in the language they are using. There are some data to supported this reason.

a) Gue punya dua pilihan disini sok cool atau melakukan tindakan extreme. P.22

b) Jika kalian berencana nonton film Harry Potter, pakai baju hitam-hitam. P.40

c) Ada sopir yang pacaran sama babysitter adik gue. P.47

d) Baru saja gue akan melanjutkan apa yang mau dibicarakan, handphone Sugiman berbunyi. P.53

e) Gue jadi teringat adegan-adegan di film hollywood. P.55

f) Restoran enak di Venice hasil rekomendasi website wikitravel menurut situs itu juga harganya tidak terlalu mahal bernama La

Bitta. P.74

g) Maka gue langsung mencari alamatnya melalui software GoogleMaps di hape gue. P.74

h) Makanan berbahan dasar durian yang paling gue suka adalah pancake durian. P.84

i) Restaurant boleh punya makanan yang enak, tetapi kalau tempatnya gak enak pasti pengunjungnya jadi gak nyaman. P. 96 j) Di depan outlet Burber king Rizky menyalakan rokok. P.113 k) Ada satu temen gue yang bekerja sebagai desainer grafis. P.116 l) Gue dan Rizki memesan satu buah sandwich besar berisi ayam.


o) Ia mengenakan sweater warna biru muda dan stocking hitam. P.125

p) Ia mengenakan sweater warna biru muda dan stocking hitam. P.125

q) Product juga mengacu pada kemasan yang baik. P.172 r) Nyokap sedang memegang remote televisi. P.183

s) Ketika ada tawaran untuk menjadi host program televisi bela diri tradisional pada pertengahan tahun 2011. P.209

t) Ketika ada tawaran untuk menjadihost program televisi bela diri tradisional pada pertengahan tahun 2011. P.209

u) Gue mencoba tidur di kamar dengan wallpaper winnie the pooh tersebut. P.238

v) Mereka berkumpul kadang nyanyi lagu medley. P.240

w) Segala cara sudah gue lakuin, mulai dari mendengarkan musik-musik jazz yang lembut sampai kepada meditasi kecil-kecilan. P.239

2. Prestige Feeling Motive


According to Ohoiwatun said prestige feeling motive choose by the writer to appear their educational status. There are some data to supported this reason.

a) Gue sedang tidak bisa diajak bicara, karena well gue baru aja putus. P.26

b) Karena panik grammar jadi berantakan. P.95

c) Makanya aku juga ragu-ragu untuk bawa sepeda ke campus. P.123

d) Ditangannya ada tas jinjing yang berisi textbook kuliah. P.125 e) Sudah banyak paper yang saya terbitkan selama saya mendalami

ilmu jomblonology. P.167 3. Asserting status, pride and power.

This purpose is done by mixing another code which is considered more prestigious. It is make also superiority expression which will increase the speakers status and power. In this case, confidence and pride may also trigger the mixing codes. According to Holmes adds the word confidence refering to this purpose. This purpose usually trigger a speakers to swich and mix codes which are more prestigious, in which they cannot obtain when using their previous code. The mixing word usually is not related specifically to the topic where is always a word to subtitute it in the first language. There are some data to supported this reason.


d) Pacar gue atau lebih tepatnya mantan pacar memanggil pelayan,

membayar bill. P.23

e) Biasanya cowok yang bayar dinner, tetapi aku tau kita tak biasa. P.40

f) Jangan lupa supaya kelihatan elite cari tempat yang kebarat-baratan. P.43

g) Dia tahu di airport harus nunggu di mana. P.67

h) Gue ngecek Blackberry membuat notes dan membaca alamatnya. P.75

i) Gue lagi duduk di lobby hotel Gajah maja tempat gue nginep di Malang. P.85

j) Pertama-tama mereka duduk appetizer datang. P.97 k) Dan pada akhirnya dessert disajikan. P.97

l) Terakhir kali mendengar orang berkata seperti itu kepada orang lain yang hendak makan adalah di film thriller rumah Dara. P.100 m) Loe mau ke flat gue di Utrech atau mau jalan-jalan ke Amsterdam.

P.113 4. Making jokes


formality of coversation. An example in Paraguay shows that Guarani, the low variety is considered more appropriate for joking and hummorous anecdotes. In other hands, the more often occurance of making jokes, the less formal the conversation. There are some data to supported this reason.

a) Jemput dia di rumahnya dengan memakai costume power ranger pink. P.39

b) Aku hamil atau Nenekku jago striptease lho. P.43

c) Kalau harus ngasih deodorant sewaktu Sugiman ulang tahu, gue keburu meninggal. P.58

d) Apa daya face jadi kayak mau pup. P.72

e) Dimata gue mereka terlihat seperti seorang superhero yang mencari jati diri. P.92

f) Tanya si Jepang sambil membuat gesture seakan-akan Monas tumbuh di selangkangannya. P.95

g) Posture tubuhnya tak terlalu tinggi dan sedikit gempal. P.124 h) Seorang lelaki telanjang yang memegang piringan semacam

frisbee di tangannya. P.130

i) Kadang juga menghidupkan motornya berbunyi kayak mutant bebek. P.241

5. Being more informative


wishes to be accurate words are important. There are some data to supported this reason.

a) ... Follower twitter gue banyak bertanya dan meminta nasihat seputar ujian ke gue. P.15

b) Gue ingat mantan pacar gue pernah bikin surprise bawain kue gede banget. P.31

c) Ketika flashback masa lalu kita terlintas di depan mata. P.31 d) Di perjalanan gue sempat ngelewati billboard iklan masyarakat.


e) Wah ini problem gue dengan Sugiman. P.61 f) Mcd delivery, ada yang bisa saya bantu? P.70

g) Si Jepang menunjuk ke arah kami sambil bertanya, apa kalian couple? P.95

h) Gue berkenalan dengannya ketika dia menghampiri gue yang sedang beli cola-cola di vending machine. P,122

i) Emang ketahuan orangnya gimana Cuma dari timeline twitter nya doang? P.149

j) Orang akan berlomba untuk mendapatkan anda karena ada prestige tersendiri buat dapetin anda. P.178


l) Dia masih single dan belum punya pacar. P.254

m) Kerjaan dia sekarang selain bekerja dari adalah melakukan baby sitting. P. 254

6. Expressing self emotion

This purpose occurs when a code mixing is concluded to express a speaker self emotion, such as sadness and happiness. Sometimes a speaker can even switch in opposite direction. Holmes stated that from the high variety, is often to express disapproval, so a person may switch language because they are angry. But the a speaker ussually uses regional dialects to express sadness and happiness. There are some data to supported the reason.

a) Tadi kenapa bilangnya harus belok kiri? Feeling aja bang, kata Yudith, kalem. P.79

b) Enak gak sih tinggal di tempat sampah? Terus dia bilang gak enak mom, soalnya bau. P.59

The writer idenfified the reason using code mixing used in Raditya Dika Novel entitled Manusia Setengah Salmon as follows:

1. Need feeling motive there were 23 sentences. 2. Prestige feeling motive there were5 sentences.

3. Asserting status, pride and power there were13 sentences. 4. Being more informative there were 13 sentences.

5. Making jokes there were 9 sentences.


uncountable nouns, 1 sentence used plural noun, 4 sentences used abstract nouns, and 1 sentence used concrete noun. Furthermore, the writer found 87.69% of countable nouns, 3.08% of uncountable nouns, 6.15% of abstract nouns, 1.54% of concrete nouns and 1.54% of plural nouns. According the result of the study showed that countable nouns used more dominant than others.

The writer also specified the data based on the kinds of translating prosess of Indonesian-English code mixing used in Raditya Dika Novel entitle Manusia Setengah Salmon, as in the following graph.


process more dominant used thatt others.

Futhermore, the writer also analysed about the purpose of using code mixing. Based on the theory in chapter II page 41 explained about six purpose why people using code mixing, they divided into: need feeling notive, prestige feeling motive, asserting status, pride and power, being more informating, making jokes and expressingg self emotion. The writer displayed into the following table:

Table 1.2 The Presentage of The Purpose Using Code Mixing No The Purpose Using Code Mixing Frequency Presentage

1 Need feeling motive 23 35.385%

2 Prestige feelng motive 5 7.692%

3 Asserting status, pride and power 13 20%

4 Being more informative 13 20%

5 Making jokes 9 13.846%

6 Expressing self emotion 2 3.077%

Total 65 100%


using needed feeling motive 23 sentence or utterance with the presentage in 35.385%. It occurred because when ths speaker cannot find words that have similar meaning in the language they speak, so the speaker often mixed their language into other language. The speaker hope that the interlocutor can understand the message that conveyed.

E. Discussion

Based on the data findings and analysis found that Indonesian – English code mixing words in Raditya Dika Novel entitled Manusia Setengah Salmon. The writer found there were 65 sentences that used English nouns. In this part, the writer only focused on the form of code mixing (Insertion of words) especially nouns. Based on the result, the writer found English nouns more dominant than other words. Code mixing in Raditya Dika novel entitled Manusia Setengah Salmon is the existence of English words together with Indonesian words which are equivalent in meaning.


forms of code mixing have six classification, they are insertion of words, insertion of phrase, insertion of clauses, insertion of idioms, insertion of hybrid and insertion of word reduplication. But, in this study the writer only focused in one form that used more dominant than other forms.

The writer also found the meaning of all code mixing words. In this study, the writer used lexical meaning and contextual meaning. The meaning presented by oxford dictionary and appropriate with the context of the sentence used in Raditya Dika Novel entitled Manusia Setengah Salmon.

Based on the data finding, the writer found three kinds of translating process, they are borrowing, literal and adaptation. According to the theory in chapter II page 47 explained that there were 7 technical devices in deep structure. According to the result, in this study the writer only found 3 kinds, they are borrowing, literal and adaptation. And the kinds of translation process in technical devides in deep structure such as translation, transliteration, transposition, modulation was not found by writer.



Table 1.2 The Presentage of The Purpose Using Code Mixing


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