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Feminism ideas as reflected through the major character`s reaction toward patriarchal society in Escape by Carolyn Jessop - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 044214141






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 044214141








First of all I dedicate my greatest gratitude to Jesus Christ for his love, protection, forgiveness and blessing in my whole life, and also for his guidance, so that I could accomplish my thesis. I also thank mother Mary for her encouragement when I felt hopeless and desperate.

I believe that I would never accomplish my thesis without the help from others. In this occasion, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Mrs. Adventina Putranti S.S, M.Hum For all of the attention, patience, advice, guidance throughout the process of this thesis writing. I also thank Miss M. Luluk A.W, S.S as my co-advisor for the suggestions toward this thesis. Then I would also thank my beloved father and my beloved brother, for being my best supporter in finishing my thesis. To Bu Agustine, Mbak ana, Ines, Clara, thank you for being spirits in my life. I also dedicate my special gratitude for my mother and my brother, Abi Narmodo, who has been in heaven, for every support, unforgettable and beautiful memory with you in my life. I love you.

I also thank my beloved family in Giyanti: Ibu and Bapak Bambang, Mbah kakung and Mbah putri Prayit, Yoga Sengkuni, Mas Anton, Luluk, Astri, Iyus Durna for all supports and prayers. Then I am thankful to my best friend Iin for the whole time of our share and togetherness. To my friends in Kamboja 1: Ari, Nico, Isus , Tiyok, Wiki, Felix, Peter, thank you for everything since we lived together.

Finally, the last gratitude is for all whose names are not listed here, it does not mean that I forget, my grateful thank is for you all. Thank you




A. Background of the Study ………. 1

B. Problem Formulation……… 4

C. Objectives of the Study ……….... 4

D.Definition of Terms ……….. 5


A. Review of Related Studies ………... 9

A. Character and Characterization of Carolyn Jessop ……….. 44

1. Carolyn’s Character Seen by Another ………. 48

2. Carolyn’s Character Seen by Speeches ………... 50

3. Carolyn’s Character Seen by her Past Life ……….. 53

4. Carolyn’s Character Seen by her Reaction toward FLDS Rules……….. 55

B. Description of Patriarchal Society in Escape ……….. 56

1. The Setting and Society in Escape ……….. 57

2. Patriarchal Society (FLDS community) ………... 59



C. The Reflection of Feminism Ideas through Carolyn Jessop’s Reactions toward

Patriarchal Society (FLDS) ………... 81

1. Carolyn’s Reactions toward Male Domination ………... 82

2. Carolyn’s Reaction toward Women’s Oppression ……….. 90

3. Carolyn’s Reaction toward Polygamy ………. 101





DHESTI FITRI SETYANINGRUM. Feminism Ideas as Reflected through the Major Character’s Reactions toward Patriarchal Society in Escape by Carolyn Jessop.

Yogyakarta: Department of English letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2010

The novel “Escape” by Carolyn Jessop, a true story written in 2007, is worth studying because the center of the story is the major character’s experiences as a woman who lives in patriarchal community. Her experiences give insight description of the existence of feminism idea.

There are three objectives of this research that has been formulated. The first objective is to see the characteristics of the major character. The second objective is to show the patriarchal society in which the major character lives in. The last objective is to show the feminism ideas through major character’s reactions toward patriarchal society.

This study is library research. The writer uses most of the main references from the library and also other supporting references from the internet. This research shows the impacts of patriarchal society and its rules toward the development of the major character’s personality and also the major character’s reactions toward patriarchy system in her community. Feminism theories are applied in the research, in order to see the feminism ideas through major character’s reaction against patriarchal society.




DHESTI FITRI SETYANINGRUM. Feminism Ideas as Reflected through the Major Character’s Reactions toward Patriarchal Society in Escape by Carolyn Jessop.

Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma

Novel berjudul “Escape” oleh Carolyn Jessop, sebuah kisah nyata, 2007, sesuai untuk dianalisis dengan menggunakan feminisme perspektif karena cerita dari novel tersebut berpusat pada pengalaman hidup tokoh utama yang menyiratkan keberadaan ide-ide feminisme.

Dalam penelitian ini terdapat tiga tujuan yang telah dirumuskan. Tujuan yang pertama adalah untuk mengetahui karakter dari tokoh utama. Kedua, menunjukan pengaruh masyarakat terhadap karakter tokoh utama. Tujuan yang terakhir adalah untuk memperlihatkan ide feminisme yang tersirat dari reaksi-reaksi tokoh utama terhadap masyarakat patriarkal dan peraturan-peraturannya.

Penulisan skripsi ini adalah sebuah penelitian pustaka. Penulis menggunakan sebagian besar referensi-referensi dari perpustakaan dan beberapa referensi yang didapatkan dari internet. Penelitian ini menunjukkan pengaruh masyarakat patriarkal dan peraturannya terhadap perkembangan karakter tokoh utama yang menghasilkan reaksi-reaksi terhadap system patriarki. Teori–teori feminisme digunakan untuk melihat ide-ide feminisme yang terdapat pada reaksi-reaksi yang ditunjukkan oleh tokoh utama dalam perjuangannya melawan masyarakat patriarkal.



A. Background of the Study

Escape is a novel which is based on true story of a woman who experiences

polygamist marriage. It happened in FLDS society, FLDS stands for The Fundamentalist church of Jesus Christ of Letter-Day Saint. The FLDS emerged in the 1930s as a fundamentalist offshoot of the Mormon Church, it believes that God suggested polygamy and more clearly, they believe that it is a requirement for anyone who wishes to get the highest level of heaven. Most men eventually have at least three wives. Some of the leaders are believed to have fifty, sixty, or even one hundred wives. Carolyn Jessop is one of the women in the community who live in the strict rules of FLDS. She is one of the whole women in the community who fight for her freedom as a woman and as human being; finally she decided to escape from the community as the last effort to get freedom. The basic interest of the writer to choose the novel as the study is because the story is centered on Carolyn’s character, the novel is her writing about her experiences in polygamist culture. In 2007, she co-authored her book Escape with Laura Palmer and chronicled her life in the FLDS organization, her adulthood and disillusionment, and her eventual flight. It was published by the Broadway division of Random House.



woman in radical polygamist culture. How hard it is to escape from FLDS, with this novel, she gives spirit to other who is in polygamist culture to struggle for their life. That statement gives the writer insight description of the existence of the feminism point of view, it also includes the story of the novel which shows about women’s life in the patriarchal society. The story describes some feminism ideas through the major character’s reaction toward her society.

The rise of American feminist literary theory has great influence to the study of feminism; there is a clear aim of the feminism movement in literary theory as stated by Deborah L. Madsen:

Feminist literary theory had three aims: to expose the workings of the ubiquitous patriarchal power structure; to promote the rediscovery of women’s historical achievements (including literary history; and to establish a feminine perspective on critical, literary, political, scientific, philosophical (and other) theories of the cultural forces that shapes our lives. The intended aim was to change the sexist bias of traditional educational and social practices (Madsen, 2000: 14)

The feminism goal is to change the stereotyped in the society about the bias of traditional education and social aspect toward one sex, in this case is male, that achievement can be included in the literary study. Considering the feminism achieve and started with the purpose of the author that is written in the last page, the writer tries to get deeper analysis about feminism perspective seeing major character’s reactions toward the rules in the community through the novel.


happens. Most of feminist theories are about woman’s life related with the society. The novel also talks about women’s life facing her role in the society so that the writer chooses feminism perspective to analyze the novel.


B. Problem Formulation

1. How is the character of Carolyn Jessop described in Escape by Carolyn Jessop?

2. What kind of patriarchal society does Carolyn live in?

3. How do the reactions of Carolyn Jessop toward patriarchal system in FLDS reflect feminism ideas?

C. Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to answer the questions in the problem formulation. Firstly, in order to lead the research to the reactions of the major character. The writer starts to question the characteristics of the major character in order to analyze the character and the characterization of the main character in the story.

Then the second problem formulation is to know the setting and the society condition. Setting and the society in the story is the starting point to find out the culture background and the religious life in that society. Another reason is to see how the rules of FLDS are applied in the community. Then, it is also to find the application of patriarchy system in FLDS. When it is found it also will help to understand the influence of the setting and the society toward the characteristics of the major character especially her reactions toward the society.


aspects in the community. Then, the research will continue to answer the third problem formulation. It is to find out how the reactions of Carolyn Jessop toward the rules in FLDS community show feminism ideas. The writer will try to show if the aspects of the characteristics of the major character and her reactions toward the society reflect feminism idea.

D. Definition of Terms

There are some terms that have to be explained in order to have clear understanding of the terms, as mention bellow:

1. Character

According to M. H Abrams in his book A Glossary of literature Terms. He defines two meanings of character:

a) The character is a literary genre: a short and usually witty, sketch in prose of distinctive type of person


2. Setting and society

According to Richard Abcarian, Marvin Klotz and Peter Richardson in Seventh edition literature reading and writing the human experience. Any consideration of setting should include the time, when a story takes place, and the social situation set in the story as well as the physical location of the events. Another definition of setting is from M.J Murphy, he said that the setting of the novel is the background against which the characters live out their lives. In some novels, the setting is important, whilst in others it is too less so. The setting can be concerned with the place in which the characters live and also the time in which they live. These have a great effect upon the personalities, actions and way of thinking of the characters. (Murphy, 1988: 141)

According Richard Gill a word is necessary on just how broad a term ‘setting’ is. It can be used to cover:

• The places in which characters appear

• The social context of characters, such as their families, friends and class

• The customs, beliefs and rules of behavior that give identity to a society

• The particular location of events

• The atmosphere, mood and feel that all the above elements create. (Gill, 1995: 148-149)

3. Feminism

According Andrew Edgar and peter Sedgwick in cultural theory, the key concepts, and the core of feminism is the belief that women are subordinated to men in


is fully inclusive of women’s desires and purposes. There are many different kinds of feminism theories but they all have these goals in common. Where they differ is in the particular visions of what such a reconstructed society would look like and in the strategies they employ to achieve it (Edgar, 1999:143). The point is that feminism is a belief that in the patriarchal society women becomes the inferior side and men is classified as the superior. The feminists’ achieve is to break that stereotyped and the effort to break it is in various way.

Some kinds of feminism theories, however, share some assumption and concepts that constitute a common ground for the diverse ways that individual critics explore the factor of sexual difference and privilege in the production, the form and content, the reception, and the critical analysis and evaluation of works of literature (Abrams, 1981:234-235):

1. The basic view is that western civilization is pervasively patriarchal (ruled by the father)-that is, it is male-centered and controlled, and is organized and conducted in such a way as to subordinate women to men in all cultural domains: familial, religious, political, economic, social, legal, and artistic. Women themselves are taught, in the process of their being socialized to internalize the reigning patriarchal ideology (that is the conscious and unconscious presuppositions about male superiority), and so are conditioned to derogate their own sex and to cooperate in their own subordination


the omnipresent patriarchal biases of our civilization. In his way, the masculine in our culture has come to be identified as active, dominating, adventurous, rational, creative; the feminine, by systematic opposition to such traits, has come to be identified as passive, acquiescent, timid, emotional, and conventional

3. The further claim is that this patriarchal (or “masculine” or “andocentric” ideology pervades those writings which have been considered great literature, and which until recently have been written almost entirely by men for men.



A. Review of Related Studies

Escape is a novel which comes in the modern era of 21 century. Carolyn Jessop,

the author, told about her life in the novel. The writer tries to analyze the novel with feminism point of view. In order to know more about this research, the writer tries to see some people’s studies about patriarchal society and also other studies that has similar field with this research. There are some quotations about some studies as the references of this research.

One of the studies about patriarchal society is written by Michael Bosco Kellen titled Inge’s revolts Against Patriarchal Society in Angelika Fremd’s Heartland

what inge does on the heartland is very interesting since her struggle is not only against men but against women. Inge in Angelika fremd’s heartland demonstrates not only the struggle of woman against men with their domination that has bring them into gender discrimination from time to time, and but also demonstrates the struggle of a woman against their womenfolk who has becomes the victim of the oppression in patriarchal society, the unliberated women which is produced by patriarchal society. (Kellen, 2005: 3-4)


Another study about feminism is from Hana Surya Dewi, the title of her study is a feminist study of the major character in Margaret Landon’s Anna and the King of Siam: Anna’s protest against gender injustice in patriarchal society.

Since the novel discuses about the portrait of an English woman’s life in 1860’s, the writer concerns to explore the idea of feminism described in the major character, Anna, through her character, the writer would like to explicate how the different cultures affect her attitude as a woman which then will give reasons why she is worthy to be considered as feminist in that era. (Dewi, 2005: 11)

The research is focused on major character’s protest against gender injustice in the patriarchal society. The focus is on the major character’s characteristic which is built by the culture. Anna, as the major character in the story is the center to be analyzed and classified as a feminist from that era, she is against gender injustice in her society in the novel.

The study from Deesis Edith Mesiani also talked about patriarchal society as seen in her study; the struggle of an independent woman against a conservative patriarchal society in Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind (gender study).

Women emancipation which was lead by R.A Kartini tried to break this tradition. As the result, women in this modern era have the chances to study high and to work. However, the opinion that women’s job is in the house still remains, especially in villages. There are many women who marry in their young age. The other forms of gender in equalities that I want to study in this thesis are stereotypes of men and women as the impact of gender differences between men and women. These stereotypes often give negative impacts to women. (Mesiani, 2001: 2)


independent woman over the patriarchal society. The independent woman is the center character who against the stereotypes


B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theories of Character and Characterization

Roger B. Henkle stated a theory of character; he said that Characters are categorized into two ways, major character and minor character. Major characters can be the center of the story. Usually the acts of the story are focused on this character from the beginning to the ending part. The core of the story is highlighted to this character’s experiences. Roger B. Henkle wrote that the major characters are the most complex characters in a story. They can be described as such characters through the complexity of their characterization (Henkle, 1977:87), Meanwhile Henkle stated that Minor characters appear in a certain setting just necessarily to become the background for the major characters. Their roles are less important than the major character (Henkle, 1977:97)

Another theory that is developed from the previous theory by Henkle about character is a theory from E. M Foster in his book Aspects of Novel (1927). Foster’s theory completed Henkle’s theory, because it analyzed a character, deeply. According to Foster, there are two popular new terms for an old distinction by discriminating between flat and round characters (Forster, 1927: 46-48)

1. A flat character (also called a type, or “two-dimensional”), Foster says, is built around “a single idea or quality” and it is presented without much individualizing detail, and therefore can be fairly adequately described in a single phrase or sentence.


After we knew the definition of the character, we can continue the analysis with the relation of the character and other aspects in the novel. Foster also gives explanation about the relation of character to the other aspect of the novel, the last point- the relation of characters to the other aspects of the novel- will form the subject of a future inquiry. At present we are occupied with their relation to actual life. There is bound to be a difference. If a character in a novel is exactly like queen Victoria – not rather like but exactly like, then it actually is Queen Victoria, and the novel, or all of it that the character touches, becomes a memoir. A memoir is history, it is based on evidence. A novel is based on evidence + or – x, the unknown quantity being the temperament of the novelist; and the unknown quantity always modifies the effect of the evidence, and sometimes transforms it entirely. (Forster, 1927: 31)

The way to recognize the character is called characterization. After we knew some types of character, the characterization will become the next discussion. To have a clear explanation, there are some theories about characterization. One of those theories is from Abrams, he stated that a broad distinction is frequently made between alternative methods for characterizing (i.e, establishing the distinctive characters of) the persons in a narrative: showing and telling. In showing ( also called “ the dramatic method”), the author presents characters talking and acting and leaves the reader to infer what motives and dispositions lie behind what they say and do. In telling, the author intervenes authoritatively in order to describe, and often to evaluate, the motives and dispositional qualities of the characters. (M.H Abrams, 1981: 23-24)


presented in the novel in which the author attempts to make his or her characters understandable to, and come alive for, his reader.

1. Character as seen by another.

Instead of describing a character directly the author can describe him trough the eyes and opinions of another. The reader gets, as it were, a reflected image.

2. Speech

The author can gives us an insight into the character of one of the persons in the book through what that person says. Whenever a person speaks, whenever he is in conversation with another, whenever he puts forward an opinion, he is giving us some clue to his character.

3. Past Life

By letting the reader learn something about a person’s past life, the author can gives a clue to events that have helped to shape a person’s character. This can be done by direct comment by the author, though the person’s thoughts, through his conversation or through the medium of another person.

4. Reactions

The author can also give us a clue to a person’s character by letting us know how that person reacts to various situations and events.


2. Theories of Setting and Society

The second discussion that will be explained is about the setting and background society of the novel. The first intrinsic element in the novel which becomes the starting point to the analysis of the society is setting. The analysis of the setting at least will give us explanation about the time and place. The condition of the society itself also includes in the analysis of setting, so that the knowledge about the setting will give us some information of the society. The theories of setting and the society are the tools to analyze the social background of the society in the novel.

A theory of setting that stated by M.J Murphy in his book Understanding Unseen can becomes the basic tools to have deep analysis about the society. Murphy said that there are three points to consider as far as setting is concerned: time, place and atmosphere (Murphy, 1972: 143-146).

1. Time

a. Present Time

A writer may choose to write a book about his own time, about the things that are happening around him.

b. Past Time.

A writer may choose to go backwards in time, to write about historical events, to attempt to illuminate the past to his readers.

c. Future Time


d. No specific time.

A writer may choose to give his readers no indication of the time in which his story takes place. It takes place, as it were, in no time or anytime.

2. Place

a. Familiar place

A writer may choose to set his story in a place which he considers is familiar to most of his readers, either from experience or by close acquaintance.

b. Unfamiliar Place

A writer may choose to set his novel in a place that is likely to be fairly unfamiliar to many of the readers of his own nation.

3. Atmosphere

Thus we can talk of the atmosphere of a novel or of part of it as being: gloomy, somber, terrifying, evil, cheerful, happy, sordid, pessimistic, optimistic and so on.


weather in order to convey his or her particular feelings and views about life. (Gill, 1995: 153)

Stanton supported the theory of setting and society with touching the society itself in her theory. It stated that in a novel the world is a compound values, laws, forces, possibilities, and problems just large enough to contain, to give meaning to, the specific characters and events and scenes that the novel describes (Stanton, 1965: 48). Stanton tries to come to the deep analysis of the setting; the setting is not more less talk about the place and time but also the condition of the society. The world in the novel consists of the values, laws etc which shows the complete situation of the society surrounding the characters.


individuals and society in such a way that the most admirable characters are most subject to destruction since their best qualities, rather than setting them apart from society’s inimical values, leave them more vulnerable. (Longland, 1984: 12)

3. FLDS (Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Letter-Day Saint)


society, at the first there are some rules that come from the ancient leader and the purpose of the rule is to get peaceful life in the community but latter on it becomes an individual interest of some people who has power on the community. The book gives fact that in modern time many women fight for their life and nowadays they get their equality life with man, still there are some women who can’t enjoy the respectable life for women. In the book, Carolyn Jessop, a sixth-generation polygamist describes her life as the fourth wife of Merril Jessop, who ran the recently raided Texas compound. Carolyn left Merril in 2003, before he moved to Texas, but her memoir sheds light on the man and on the beliefs and practices common within the insular community. It is not easy to escape from FLDS because FLDS has power to rule their people but Carolyn Jessop get her freedom. There are some people who were tried escape from FLDS but not all of them get freedom even their life getting worse in FLDS. Escape is Carolyn Jessop’s confession of her experience when she was in FLDS


The FLDS' U.S. organization is centered in the twin cities of Colorado City, AZ and Hildale, UT. Prior to the year 1890, plural marriages in which one male Mormon married multiple wives were a treasured component of the culture of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). That year, the fourth president of the Church,


Unfortunately there is little precise information about the FLDS available to outsiders. By all accounts, the FLDS is run as a dictatorship under Jeffs and has not given interviews to non-FLDS members. He allegedly even refused a request to meet with Mark Surtleff, the Attorney General of Utah. As a result, most of the information comes from critics of the FLDS or from ex-FLDS members who have left the group. These can be unreliable sources.

Jeffs has allegedly:

• Forbidden members to use television sets, VCRs, video games or to have connections to the Internet.

• Banned boating, fishing and other water activities.

• Instructed parents to throw away most children's books including the Bible and

Book of Mormon storybooks.

• Terminated community and holiday celebrations, such as observing the birthdays of previous leaders and Pioneer Day.

• Stopped dances, socials and other get-togethers.

• Warned members that laughter causes the spirit of God to leak from their bodies. He based this belief on an obscure statement by Joseph Smith.

• Expelled many men and reassigned their wives and children to other men.

• Expelled large numbers of teenage boys from his areas of control in order to artificially increase the ratio of females to males. Only by discharging young males does polygyny become possible.


"The [FLDS] church teaches plurality of wives as a general requirement for the highest

eternal salvation of men. It is generally believed in the church that a man should have [a minimum of] three wives to fulfill this requirement. Critics of this belief say that its practice leads unavoidably to bride shortages and likely to child marriages, incest, and child abuse. The church currently practices 'The Law of Placing' under which all marriages are assigned by the prophet of the church. Many outside of the church, and some inside, view this practice as unduly authoritarian though it helps address by edict the problem of wife shortages. Under the Law of Placing, the prophet elects to give or take wives to or from men according to their worthiness."

Typically, the husband will have only his first marriage registered with the state. Subsequent wives receive only religious marriages that are not registered. These "sister wives" present themselves as single women and apply for welfare. This is known as "bleeding the beast" -- the beast being the government.

Wikipedia reports that Roulon T Jeffs, the second leader of the group, is alleged to have had 22 wives and more than 60 children. Adams wrote that the current leader, Warren Jeffs:

"...is estimated to have around 40 wives, at least a dozen of whom were formerly married to his father, and about 56 children. Most of his time is spent managing church affairs, but he also is described as an accomplished singer/songwriter."


Marrying so many wives of his late father would produce some complex family relationships. A person can be one's half-brother one day and one's step-father on the next day.

Benjamin Bistline spent part of his childhood among polygynists in Short Creek, AZ -- now called Colorado City. He has written a book about his experiences. He has observed that:

• Older men are urged to take child brides before the girls are attracted to boys of

their own age.

• Male youths are driven out of the community so as to leave a surplus of


• Plural wives are expected to apply for government assistance as single mothers.

• Men who lose favor with the leader are often evicted from their homes. Their wives and children are reassigned to another man or men.

• Members are afraid to disobey the leader, because they fear they will lose their salvation.


The rules which are posted in their official web will show the basic rules of FLDS. There are some rules that become the basic way of life of FLDS community, it is approve by Joseph Smith, one of the prophet of FLDS. The rules are:

1. We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.


3. We believe that through the atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

4. We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Lying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. 5. We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on

of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.

6. We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.

7. We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.

8. We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

9. We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.


11.We claim the privilege of worshiping the Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

12.We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

13.We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul--We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.


Other rules that also exist in FLDS belief is Doctrine and Covenants 131. The rules are: 1. In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees;

2. And in order to obtain the highest, a man must enter into this order of the 3. Priesthood [meaning the new and everlasting covenant of marriage]; And if he

does not, he cannot obtain it.

4. He may enter into the other, but that is the end of his kingdom; he cannot have an increase.


4. Patriarchal Society

The next theories that will be discussed are about Patriarchal societies and the problems that happen in Patriarchal society. The discussion of patriarchal society is a common topic for the feminists. It is because patriarchy system becomes the problem that had been struggle for by the feminists. These are some perspectives of patriarchal society that we can use to analyze the novel. These are some feminism perspectives of patriarchal society that we can use to analyze the novel.

The characteristics of patriarchal society can be seen through some aspects in the society itself. The shape of patriarchal society will be shown in Kate Millet’s theory. She stated about the characteristics of patriarchal society in U.S and Europe in her Theory of sexual politic. According to Kate Millet there are six aspects that can be used as the point


a. Ideology (the ideology of the patriarchal system in the society)

Kate Millet said that the term of ‘politics’ shall refer to power-structured relationships arrangements whereby one group of persons is controlled by another (Humm, 1992:62). Sexual politic obtains consent through the “socialization” of both Sexes to basic patriarchal polities with regard to temperament, sex role, and status. Patriarchal society has three basic forms of its ideologies,

The first is temperament; it involves the understanding of the society along with stereotyped line about sex category which divided into “masculine” and “feminine” it is the starting point to find the characteristics of patriarchal society.


However, muted its present appearance may be, sexual dominion obtains nevertheless as perhaps the most pervasive ideology of our culture and provides its most fundamental concept of power. This is so because our society, like all other historical civilizations, is a patriarchy. The fact is evident at once if one recalls that the military, industry, technology, universities, science, political office and finance- in short, every avenue of power within the society, including the coercive force of the police, is entirely in male hands. (Showalter, 1971: 290-291)


In the ideology of patriarchal society there is tendency to go to the case of superiority of male toward female. The superiority of men toward women is including the term of power which becomes the main equipment to oppress women as the inferior side. Because of that, the terms of power will be explained in some theorists’ statement.

According to Ruth Trocolli, Most power terms are active, implying the ability to do something: to have self determination, control a situation, or get things done. Power

in western society “is commonly equated with domination and control over people or things (Sweely, 1994:51). For men the power is the tools to control women. Men has ability to do everything to women, it leads to the male domination which form male-dominated society because it already lives in the society as a permanent rules.

Power in discourse is to do with powerful participants controlling and constraining the contributions of non-powerful participants. It is useful to distinguish broadly between three types of such constraints on

• Contents, on what is said or done, the case is men’s superiority toward women and they have power to control women as the inferior.

• Relations, the social relations people enter into in discourse. The social relation which occurs between men and women is the patriarchal system which already becomes the law in the society.

• Subjects, or the ‘subject positions’ people can occupy. The subject who becomes the inferior is women and the superior is men.


b. Biology vs. Culture

According the understanding of patriarchal society, the different of the sex category; sex role and status are biological. It means that the different of male and female’s roles and status is because of the natural difference and it has been existed for long ago. Some anthropologists have other opinion about it. They said that the distinction between sexes is not biological but it is cultural. Then Male supremacy, like other political creeds, does not finally reside in physical strength but in the acceptance of a value system which is not biological. The understanding of that distinction is cultural thought among the society. As Kate Millet stated in her Theory of sexual politic that Yet if as some anthropologists believe, patriarchy is not primeval origin, but was preceded by some other social form, we shall call pre-patriarchal, then the argument of physical strength as a theory of patriarchal origins would hardly constitute a sufficient explanation- unless the male’s superior physical strength was released in accompaniment with some change in orientation through new values or new knowledge (Showalter, 1971: 293). It must be admitted that many of the general understanding distinctions between the sexes in the more significant areas of role and temperament, not to mention status, have in fact, essentially cultural, rather than biological, bases. (Showalter, 1971: 294)


The Cultural process of the distinction of men and women results the conceptualizing process of women’s body. The ways in which women conceptualize their bodies and their sexual and reproductive functions are intricately linked to their cultural environments. Then, it can be found that the female psyche can be studied as the product of cultural forces (Lodge, 2000: 321). Those theory supported by Gilligan and Chadorow, they stated that gender identification is a product of the social environment, specifically of a mother’s nurturing style, rather than an inborn response (Atkins, 1989: 185).

Other theory about the characteristics through biology vs. culture aspect is Madsen. It is said that Women position is considered as the ignored group, it causes theorists ask how specific cultural values are tied to male interests: such as the oppositions between rational (male) and emotional (female), nature (female) and civilization (male) – which position women as the defining opposite or ‘other’ of men. Women are defined as ‘other’ or they are ignored, rendered invisible and silent, if they do not fit the patriarchal scheme. (Madsen, 2000: 18) Another theory about the roles of men and women is according to Ruth Trocolli. She said that “Woman” in western culture is a construct based on biological priority and role expectations, where “women” should be passive, nurturing, domestic, affective, and so on. Until relatively recently, these “feminine” properties were considered immanent, non-negotiable, permanent, essential, global, and regarded as natural (Sweely, 1994: 54).

c. Sociology


practice of patriarchal society. Patriarchy’s chief institution is the family. It is both a mirror of and a connection with the larger society; a patriarchal unit within a patriarchal whole (Showalter, 1971: 299). The patriarchy system has been supported by the institution in the society, so that it is easily learned by the society itself. There are further reinforced of patriarchy learning through peers, schools, media, and other learning sources, formal and informal. While we may niggle over the balance of authority between the personalities of various households, and one must remember that the entire culture supports masculine authority in all areas of life and - outside of the home - permits the female none at all (Showalter, 1971: 301). Other Millet’s theory about the socialization of the patriarchy in the society is through the function of class or ethnic. Those mores in patriarchy is largely a matter of how overtly displayed or how loudly enunciated the general ethic of masculine supremacy allows itself to become. (Showalter, 1971: 303) Historically, most patriarchies have institutionalized force through their legal systems. (Showalter, 1971: 310)


There is classification of the role of men and women in the house, which results women’s oppression case.

d. Economy and Education

The characteristic of patriarchal society also can be seen in economy and education. In traditional patriarchy, women, as non-persons without legal standing, are permitted no actual economic existence as they could neither own nor earn in their own right (Showalter, 1971: 306). Then, other rule in Traditional patriarchy is that women are permitted occasional minimal literacy while higher education was closed to them. While modern patriarchies have, fairly recently, opened all educational levels to women, the kind and quality of education is not the same for each sex. (Showalter, 1971: 309)


preserve his own peace, scold the servants, and go to church in clothes made of the best materials (Showalter, 1971: 22). Women are considered as servant who only has value from her work as a wife. Men respect women because their important role in men biological pleasure and also because women are treated as servant who will be paid if they did their job perfectly in their household.

e. Anthropology: Myth and Religion

Patriarchal myth typically posits a golden age before the arrival of women, while its social practices permit males to be relieved of female company. Sexual segregation is so prevalent in patriarchy that one encounters evidence of it everywhere. Nearly every powerful circle contemporary patriarchy is a men’s group. But men forms groups of their own on every level. Women’s groups are typically auxiliary in character, imitative of male efforts and methods on a generally trivial or ephemeral plane. They rarely operate without recourse to male authority of a cleric, political groups to male legislators, etc. (Showalter, 1971: 315-316). Myth and religion has great influence toward women’s position in patriarchal society because both have live in society. It becomes a kind of law in the society so that some society which closed to myth and religion has some belief which usually talk about women, women becomes inferior in that case otherwise men is the superior side. Patriarchy as an institution is a social constant so deeply entrenched as to run through all other political, social or economic forms, whether of caste or class, feudality or bureaucracy, just as it pervades all major religions, it also exhibits great variety in history and locale (Humm, 1992: 64).


about polygamy. Polygamy is a controversial thing, and it appeared in the novel, so that it also will be discussed in the analysis. First, we will see the general definition first. According to Oxford dictionary, polygamy is a custom of having more than one wife at the same time. (Oxford dictionary, 2003:332)

Wollstonecraft stated her opinion about polygamy. Polygamy is another physical degradation; and a plausible argument for a custom, that blasts every domestic virtue, is drawn from the well attested fact, that in the countries where it is established, more females are born than males. This appears to be an indication of nature, and to nature apparently reasonable speculation must yield. A further conclusion obviously presents itself; if polygamy be necessary, woman must be inferior to man, and made for him. He added that The woman who is faithful to the father of her children demands respect, and should not be treated like a prostitute; though he readily grant, that if it be necessary for a man and woman to live together in order to bring up their offspring, nature never intended that a man should have more than one wife. (Showalter, 1971: 26)

Another opinion about polygamy is from Effi Setyawati in her book titled nikah sirri. In a quotation from Setyawati’s book, it stated that polygamy has close relation


f. Psychology

In the aspect of psychology, the female is continually obliged to seek survival or advancement through the approval of males as those who hold power. She may do this either through appeasement or through the exchange of her sexuality for support and status (Showalter, 1971: 322). Women are forced to understand that her survival way is to support patriarchy system in the society. Psychologically, the patriarchy is accepted and becomes the belief for women as the way of their life, and women think that it supposed to be like that. Patriarchal society force also relies on a form of violence particularly sexual in character and realized most completely in the act of rape (Showalter, 1971: 311). The form of rape in the patriarchal society is because the existence of the domination of men which lead to a violence toward women. Psychologically women become the inferior side who are being forced to live harmonize with men.


the extent to which rape is created by masculine social power (Humm, 1992: 70). Brownmiller considered rape as the masculine social power which oppresses women. Women are easily becomes the victim of rape. Rape itself is the part of male domination.

5. Feminism Ideas

The theory of gender identification which comes from cultural process is supported by Kate Millet’s theory In Feminist Theory and Literary Practise. It said that the concept of cultural process of exclusion, through representation which suggests that women’s inferior social status is cultural phenomenon, not a biological condition (Madsen, 2000: 14-16). Those theories become the basic theories to understand that the effort to struggle for the freedom and equality.

The characteristics of Patriarchal society and those problems that appeared in patriarchal society that has been explained in the part of patriarchal theories are the main problems that are opposed by feminism ideas. Starting with the theories of cultural process of women’s inferiority, it also can be found the motivation to do the effort to gain freedom and equality for women. There are some feminism theories that also struggle to break the problems of Male domination, women’s oppression and polygamy that is appeared in patriarchal society. Those feminisms ideas of Freedom and Equality will be explained in this part. There are some feminism theories that talk about Freedom and Equality

a. Freedom


from Simone de Beavoir. According to her, a woman must break the bonds of her partriarchal society and define herself if she whises to become a significant human being in her own right and defy male classification as the other. (Madsen, 2000: 182). Women must realize that they have freedom to be a significant human being not inferior human being. Supporting Simone de Beavoir about women’s refusal to the patriarchy Julia Kristeva also stated her opinion. The tradition of patriarchal has been attacked by critics such as Julia Kristeva’ as ‘the discourse of the hysteric’. She said that Hysteria is the women’s simultaneous acceptance and refusal of the organization of sexual under patriarchal capitalism. It is simultaneously what a woman can do both to be feminine and to refuse femininity, within patriarchal discourse (Lodge, 2000: 389)

Other theory that supports women to demand their right is from Stanton and Blatch who stated the meaning of freedom. They said that Personal freedom is the first right to be proclaimed, and that does not and can not now belong to the relation of wive, to the misstress of the isolated home, to the financial dependent (Stanton and Blatch, 1969, vol.2: 70). It must become the basic idea that must be applied in women’s life. Personal freedom is the important thing for human being includes women.


have to forsake ‘the wisdom of the heart’ and become ‘men’ (Humm, 1992:230). Then it is supported by Lodge, Lodge describes the women as the mother who becomes the person that is important for all people he said that we have to be careful about one other thing: we must not once more kill the mother who was sacrificed the origins of our culture. We must give her a new life, new life to that mother, to our mother within us and between us. We must refuse to let her desire be annihilated by the law of the father. We must give her right to pleasure, to jouissance (carries a clear sense of erotic bliss), to passion, restore her right to speech, and sometimes to cries and anger. (Lodge, 2000: 421).

b. Equality

The point of freedom is to be equal with men. Women must have same position and freedom as men. A theory from Sara Evans in her book Personal Politics stated about the equality. According to her, the roots of women’s liberation in the civil rights movement and the new left: Men and women shall have equal rights throughout the United States and every place subject to its jurisdiction (quoted in hum, 1992, 3)


Meanwhile Lucy bland also support the term of equality for women and men. She defines “new woman” as “a young woman of principle who concerned to reject many of the conventions of femininity and women must live and work on free and equal terms with the opposite sex. She added that the distinctive characteristics of new woman are personal freedom, individualism and the making of independent life organized around work, living in rented accommodation rather than family home. (Cherry, 2000: 93)

Catherine Maude Nichols has an opinion that men and women still have different role to play in the world but freedom and equality must exist in the relationship men and women. She stated that while men have all the power they make laws in their own favor, still they have different parts to play in the world, only you can not draw a hard and fast line. It is certainly a good thing if women’s interests should be looked after. (Madsen, 2000: 6) the freedom and equality between men and women should be in daily life. Men and women has different parts to play in the world, but men should look after women’s interest and it is a must that there are freedom and equality.

C. Theoretical Framework

The research will analyze the reflection of feminism idea through the reaction of major character toward patriarchal society. To conduct the clear analysis, the writer applies some theories. They are theories of character and characterization, setting and society, theories of patriarchal society and Feminism theories. The explanation of FLDS community is also included as the admitted reference. Those theories and reference will help the research to gain the answer from the problem formulation.


through her society life. Then theories of setting and society will be used in order to identify the setting and society aspect in the story, includes the rules, the beliefs, the environment surrounding the major character. The theories of patriarchal society are used to analyze the problems that happen in patriarchal society such as male domination, women’s oppression and polygamy. The data about FLDS also added, the purpose is to give clear explanation about the belief of FLDS, the society who live in FLDS community and also the patriarchal system which lives in FLDS.



A. Object of the Study

The research analyzes Carolyn Jessop’s novel titled Escape. She was co-authored by Laura Palmer, Jessop’s friend. Carolyn Jessop is a woman who was born in Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (FLDS), and they believed in polygamist culture. It is a novel which based on a true story that happened to Carolyn Jessop who becomes the major character in her own novel. The novel is published by Broadway Books. A hard cover edition of the novel was originally published in 2007 and in 2008; it came with a new epilogue by the author.

The novel is a story of Carolyn Jessop who lives in polygamist culture and decided to leave the community in 2003. It deals with some characters that have close relation with Carolyn Jessop. There are some characters that often appear on the story. Such as Carolyn Jessop’s children from her polygamy marriage to Merril Jessop; they are Arthur, Betty, Luanne, Andrew, Patrick, Merilee, Harrison, and Bryson. Other characters in the story are Carolyn Jessop’s family. There are also some people who help her to escape from polygamist culture. The novel has created its mark as a New York Times Bestseller.

B. Approach of the Study


Edgar in the Cultural Theory, the key concept, the core of feminism is the belief that women are subordinated to men in western culture. Feminism seeks to liberate women from this subordination and to reconstruct society in such a way that patriarchy is eliminated and a culture created that is fully inclusive of women’s desires and purposes (Edgar, 1999:143). The approach is used because it emphasizes on women movement, and it is appropriate to see the novel from the feminism perspective. The choice of using feminism is based on the study which will focuses on the Carolyn Jessop’s reaction toward the society. In this case there is polygamist culture and some rules in the society which oppresses women and the study will focuses on the major character’s reaction facing patriarchal society.

C. Method of the Study

The method of the study is library research. There are some data that are used in the research. The main data is the novel itself titled Escape by Carolyn Jessop. Some other references that is needed the research are some theories that are collected from other books and the studies on FLDS. Those theories are character and characterization theories, setting and society theories, and feminism theories; they are collected from the library. There are also other references from some books that related to the study, the purpose is to support and help the study to get better analysis.


the first problem formulation by using theories of character and characterization; it will help the writer to start the study through the major character. The analysis to answer the first problem formulation is includes in order to find the major character’s characteristic. Then, the setting and society theories are used to answer the second problem formulation. It is to show the setting of the novel and also the condition of the society in the FLDS. The last problem formulation uses some feminism theories to support the study that focuses on the feminism perspective sees the major character’s reaction toward the society.



A. The Character and Characterization of Carolyn Jessop

Escape is a novel that is centered on the major character. The major character in

the story is Carolyn Jessop. She is one of the FLDS members; she grows up in Polygamist culture. She was born as Carolyn Blackmore. Carolyn is the center of the story, from the beginning until the end of the story. The novel consists of some experiences of the major character. Based on Henkle’s theory, the major character is the most complex character in the story (Henkle, 1977:87). Carolyn Jessop is complex character. It can be seen in the development of her character.

Seeing from the development of the character, according to E.M Foster there are two types of characters, it is a flat character and round character (Abrams, 1981:23-24). Carolyn is a dynamic round character because in her character there are temperament and motivation and those are represented with subtle particularity (Abrams, 1981: 23). Her character develops and changes in her long time experiences in polygamist culture. At the first, she is a loyal believer of FLDS because basically she was born in FLDS community as the sixth generation. All her way of life is based on the FLDS rules. The following quotation is the explanation of her life in FLDS includes her belief as a FLDS member.


threw things. I never saw that at my home. One day I heard my mother say how much better my father was treating her since he married Rosie.(Jessop, 2007: 44)

In her writing, it can be concluded that Carolyn believes on plural marriage which is one of the FLDS rule. It is influenced by her family because her father also has two wives and her grandmother also lives in the plural marriage. Most of the members in community live in plural marriage and it influences Carolyn’s belief about plural marriage.

At eighteen, Carolyn has to marry Merril Jessop. She still holds her belief in plural marriage but in her deepest heart, she has a desire to be free to get her dream come true. Actually she misses freedom so that we can say that Carolyn is a person who is not easy to give up. We can see it in the quotation bellow.

By the time I was eighteen, my secret dream was still to become a pediatrician. I didn’t know any woman in the FLDS who had done something so ambitious, but I was determined to try. (Jessop, 2007: 72)

In the quotation, Carolyn wants to be a pediatrician. Through her dream, it can be seen that as a woman she also has a dream, it means that she wants freedom to choose her future. Carolyn is aware of her oppression that she can not do what she wants, but in this level, she is still not realize that she has rights to get her dream.

In the development of her life, she feels that her thought toward FLDS has changed and some people in the family called her act as rebellion because of her different thought. The rebellion thought starts from her opinion toward her family especially her husband but she still believes in her religion.


still believed in my religion, but I knew Meril wasn’t following it the way he should. I knew the way he treated me and his other five wives was wrong, and yet he was powerful man in the FLDS. I felt frustrated and confused. (Jessop, 2007: 158)

She starts to realize that her marriage life is different from what she has believed through her learning from her father’s family. Merril’s attitude toward her is not appropriate with what she has learned from her father’s family. Merril can not act as a husband who supposed to love his wives and all his children. He lives in his ambition of power. From that point, Carolyn realizes that she has to do something, because it is going wrong and different from what she believes in plural marriage.

The will to escape is stronger and stronger. It becomes a desire to do what she believes now, something that is true and realistic in her life. The last decision is to go out from FLDS because Carolyn thinks that only in the outside, she can save her life and her children’s life. Before she escapes, she still confuses and frightens on what she has been decided, but she realizes that it is her turning point in her life to be free. It can be seen in her thought about her decision.

The choice was freedom or fear. I was thirty-five and desperate to flee from polygamy. (Jessop, 2007: 1)

Carolyn starts to realize that she has to flee from FLDS. Her desperate feeling of the escape is the reason for her to be brave to escape. Confuse and fear is the first symptoms to have a big courage for Carolyn to escape. It is because those symptoms are the important process to decide her life.


I had seconds to decide. Do I leave one behind to save seven? No it had to be all or nothing. I ran inside and found Betty crying and furious in her room (Jessop, 2007: 6)

It can be seen in the quotation that Carolyn has to decide whether she leaves with all her children or only seven children. It is because her daughter, Betty, refuses to escape with her. But Carolyn stays with her decision that all her eight children must escape include Betty. We can say that Carolyn is a brave woman and she is not a selfish mother because she wants all her children will escape with her. It means that she also fights for her children’s freedom. Even she has to force Betty to come with her, she still struggles for her children. She understands the reason why Betty does not want to come, but she has more experiences than Betty and she knows and hopes that outside is better for her and Betty as a woman.

The conclusion of that character development is that Carolyn’s character is dynamic round character as said by Foster. Carolyn’s character develops and changes from the beginning up to the end of the story. At first, Carolyn is seen as a woman who believes and obeys to FLDS rules. She is an obedient woman depend on FLDS. But afterward she starts to doubt her belief. She is aware that all the rules oppress women in the community include her. From her awareness of her condition, Carolyn builds up her self in order to escape from that oppression and tries to get protection of her life and her children’s life from the State.


The story of Escape focuses on Carolyn Jessop’s experiences and this part of analysis also will get into the Carolyn characterization stated by Murphy.

1. Carolyn’s Character as Seen by Another

The characteristics of Carolyn can be seen in her conversation with other character in the story. The characteristics of the major character can be described trough the eyes and opinions of other characters. The conversation that shows other’s opinion about Carolyn Jessop can also be found when she worked in one of Merril’s motel in Caliante. She meets James and there is a conversation between them as seen in the following quotation.

James was undeterred. “You are very smart girl. You’ve been to college, but there was one class you should have taken” I looked perplexed.

“You should have taken a class on domestic violence. You are in over your head in a domestic violence situation.” (Jessop, 2007: 255)

James states clearly that Carolyn is a smart girl but she is not smart enough about her condition. James also says about domestic violence. In her life, Carolyn is never aware that Merril’s behavior to her is categorized as domestic violence. She does not know about emotional violence as part of domestic violence, she has been blinded by her religion. She can not see the abuses that she already faced. She has been made by the community to be a passive creature.

When Ruth, one of Merril’s wives, is going mad, Carolyn tries to talk to Merril but he does not respond seriously. From the conversation, we focus on the Merril’s opinion about Carolyn. He thanks Carolyn for her care about Ruth’s condition.

“Then you know she’s extremely ill and somebody needs to do something for her. I found her downstairs, crying and shaking all over.”


It gives us clue that Carolyn is a person who cares with others, even Ruth never helped Carolyn in the house to do the household or to care Carolyn’s children but Carolyn still wants to help her to get medical treatment.

Another speech from the other character that shows Carolyn’s characteristics is from Dan Fisher, a prominent dentist and former FLDS.

“Carolyn, listen to me. Of all the women I’ve helped, you are in the best shape of any of them”

I wasn’t sure what he meant. It seemed impossible to believe that this was true. “It might take some time to get on your feet,” Dan said. “But at least you have a college education and you’re very intelligent. Most of the women I see have less than a seventh-grade education and no life skills. You’re in a different category altogether” (Jessop, 2007: 346)

Dan Fisher is someone who helps Carolyn after her escape. She already helped other women who flee from FLDS. With analyzing the Dan Fisher’s speech, we can say that Carolyn is intelligent enough to escape. She is different from other women who flee from FLDS because Carolyn has her college education and skills to survive after her escape. She uses her intelligent to face FLDS authority and to protect all of her children. She does not only want freedom for herself but also tries to get freedom for her eight children.


looking other women’s experience toward FLDS rules. She cares other women in the community which experience oppression. Then, she uses her brain to get freedom for herself and her children.

2. Carolyn’s Characteristics Seen by Speeches

The major character’sspeeches are one of the clues that we can use to analyze the characteristics of the main character. As said by Murphy that the author can give us an insight into the character of one of the persons in the book through what that person says. When, Linda, Carolyn’s sister, wants to escape from FLDS. She talks to Carolyn who on that time is still believes that the outside people are evil. FLDS has brainwashed her to have bad opinion about outsider. It can be seen from Carolyn’s conversation with Linda, it is one of her speech.

“Why are you doing that? How can you trust people you don’t even know?” (Jessop, 2007: 54)

It shows that Carolyn also has a strong opinion that outsider is bad, and the best or the chosen people are the people in the community. She is still becomes a good and loyal follower of FLDS.

Then, other speech of Carolyn that is showed in the story is when she talks to Audrey about her opinion of Audrey’s marriage, as seen in the fallowing quotation:

“Audrey,” I said, “I would have loved to have married nobody who was my age or someone younger. I envy what you have. At least Merlin acts like he does love you. You can have a relationship with him if you decide to. I will never have a relationship with a man in my entire life and this will never change. Even if I wanted to, Barbara would never allow it. At least no one is trying to sabotage you and make you a bad person.” (Jessop, 2007: 99)


shows that she is a person who pessimist of her life on that time because she only knows anything based on her belief. It is influenced by her belief that makes her to do what the rules says even she does not want to do it. Then it also shows that Carolyn is a wise person. She tries to suggest Audrey to thank God because Audrey’s husband is on her age and he acts as he loves Audrey. Those are different to Carolyn’s life. Carolyn is forced to marry the older man and he never loves her. And she knows that her life can not be changed. Carolyn uses her experience to advice Audrey about marriage.

One of speeches of Carolyn that shows her characteristics is when she talks to Arthur, her brother. She said that she felt desperate to flee from FLDS.

Arthur was home when I called, “Arthur, if I do it tonight, I can get out. Will you help me?”

“Carolyn” he said, “I’ll do everything I can to help you, but even if I leave right now, the soonest I can be there is five in the morning”.

“Will you do it?” I tried not to sound as desperate as I felt. We were three hundred mile away. He would have to drive all night.

“I’ll be there,” he said. (Jessop, 2007: 4)

From the conversation, Carolyn shows her desperate feeling to flee. Even she frightens on what she’s going to do but she assures herself and makes it strong in her words. She also has strong eager to flee and in her desperate feeling, there is a little optimistic thinking that she will succeed to go out from the house and see Arthur as seen in her speech:

“If I don’t show up, come looking for me” I said “I may have no way out of town, but please don’t leave without me” (Jessop, 2007: 4)


When Carolyn and her children escape, Betty is one of the children who strongly refuse to go and the speech of Carolyn in the conversation between them in that moment to escape gives us another clue about Carolyn’s characteristics:

“Mother, there is something you’re doing that’s wrong! Why doesn’t father know what you’re doing?” (Jessop, 2007: 6)

I grabbed her arm. She fought back, struggling to break free. I pulled hard. “Betty, I’m not leaving you behind. You are coming with me.” (Jessop, 2007: 7)


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