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INTRODUCTION Teaching Reading Comprehension Using Numbered Heads Together To The Third Year Student Of SMP Negeri 2 Boyolali.


Academic year: 2017

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A. Background of the Study

Language is one of important needs of human being. Language is the tool for communication which plays an important role to reveral the invention to somebody else. It is also almost impossible to communicate well with others without language. It can be said that language is essential in almost all aspects of life. The language can be expressed in spoken and written form. There are some elements in communication, such as speaker, hearer, and the media that are used in communication.

The first foreign language in Indonesia is English. It is taught from elementary school up to university. Because of the position of the language in Indonesia, English therefore is only as medium of international communication and an instrument to improve some fields particularly in science and technology for Indonesian development.

English language is not only taught and learned, but also it is used as a habit. English reading is taught in all junior high school in Indonesia. The students should be taught how to read. The aspects of the English reading competence that should be given and studied in English reading class are pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, accuracy, and comprehension.


explained them, then the teacher gave example and exercise. This is not an effective technique because most of the students are bored and need much time to be able to master English especially in reading competence.

Reading is one of the complex ways in learning English. It is such kind of activity to comprehend the writer‟s ideas or the way the writter communicates with the readers by way of the written or printed words. Reading is important for everybody in order to cope with new knowledge in the changing world of technological age. The important existence of reading will hopefully continue to increase in the years to come.

Teaching reading is the instaneous recognition of various written symbol, simultaneous association of these symbols with existing knowledge and comprehension of the information and comunicative ideas.

The goal of English teaching process using numbered head together for the third year students at SMP Negeri 2 Boyolali is to develop the reading competence in English which involves the four language skills, speaking, listening, reading and writing.


The problem faced by the teacher of SMP Negeri 2 Boyolali in teaching reading to third year students is the student fell bored with the conventional or traditional method used by teacher to teach them in reading subject. Conventional method usually makes students get bored because the method is monotonous and the students are not active so this method is not effective enough to promote language learning. As the first year students tend not to listen the explanation given by the teacher, they are less motivated to learn in the classroom. This situation may affect students‟ acheivement in learning language. So the writer chose one of methods in cooperative learning method with numbered head together. It is seen as an active learning process, because students will learn more through a process of constructing and creating working in a group and sharing knowledge or information.

A good reading will improve the student‟s ability in gathering ideas to

communicate. To improve the students‟ ability, the teacher should use appropriate method. The method should be interesting to students in teaching learning process. One of the methods is cooperative learning method.


B. Research Problem

In the research, the researcher states the following problems:

1. What are the strategies in teaching reading comprehension using numbered heads together at the third year of SMP Negeri 2 Boyolali? 2. What are the problem faced by the students at the third year of SMP

Negeri 2 Boyolali?

3. How does the teacher solve the problem faced by the students at the third year of SMP Negeri 2 Boyolali?

C. Objective of the Study

Based on the above problem statement, the objectives of the study are as follows:

1. To describe the strategies in reading comprehension using numbered heads together at the third year of SMP Negeri 2 Boyolali.

2. To describe the problem faced by the third year student of SMP Negeri 2 Boyolali.

3. To describe the solution made by the teacher of SMP Negeri 2 Boyolali.

D. Limitation of the Study


E. Benefit of the Study

In this research, there are two kinds of benefits, there are: 1. The academic benefit:

The result of this research can be used to improve the quality on teaching-learning reading.

2. The practical benefits are:

a. The result will help the teachers in increasing the students‟ reading comprehension.

b. The result will help the students in using reading comprehension that are appropriate for their own purposes.

c. The result will help the students in selecting reading comprehension to be most effective for discovering, understanding, and relating the information, so they can interpret the major concepts of reading passage.

F. Research Paper Organization

In this research, the writer constructs the research paper into five chapters. Chapter I is Introduction, consists of background of the study, problem statement, objective of the studey, limitation of the study, benefit of the study, and research paper organization.


Chapter III discusses research method. It covers type of research, subject of the study, object of the study, data and data source, the method of collecting data and technique for analyzing data.

Chapter IV discusses the research finding and discussion. In this chapter, the writer describes the strategies in reading comprehension using numbered heads together, the problem faced by the teacher, and describe the solution made by the teacher. Discussions are concerned with the research findings.


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