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Gemilang Makmur .P

Academic year: 2023



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Title :"THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DIARY WRITING IN TEACHING REPORT TEXT ON 8TH CLASS OF SMP NEGERI 2 GEMOLONG IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2019/2020". The Effectiveness of Diary Writing in Teaching Narrating Text at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Gemolong in the Academic Year 2019/2020. Researcher limits the problem with the point about “The effectiveness of diary writing in teaching Recount text at eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Gemolong (Sragen District) in academic years.

How is the application of Journal Writing in teaching the recount text in the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Gemolong in the academic year. To know the application of Journal Writing in teaching the recount text in the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Gemolong in the academic year.


  • Limitation of the Problem
  • Problem Statement
  • Objective of the Study
  • Benefit of the Study
  • Definition of Key Terms

When a teacher writes to a class and says, “You can write to me on any topic and I will respond, but don't worry, I won't show it to anyone else,” the students know that. At the end of the learning process in the classroom, the teacher asked the students to write a recount text. When giving the score for the writing test, the researcher processes the results of the students' tests.

The teacher explained the learning purpose and component of writing a diary, which the students use in the learning activity. There is a significant difference in the achievement of students who were taught before journaling and after journaling in the teaching of narrative text.


Review on Writing

At the end of the teaching-learning process in the classroom, the teacher asked the students to write a retelling text and practice writing a diary (as their homework). The next day, the teacher recounted the student texts and diaries and gave feedback. After the test, the researcher gave marks to the writing test papers of the students.

Homogeneity test is used to know whether the data of the students' performance is homogeneous or not. There is no significant difference in the students' performance in the teaching of retelling text that was taught before the use of diary writing and after the use of diary writing.

Table 2.2  Previous Study
Table 2.2 Previous Study

Review of Genre

Review on Recount Text

According to Anderson (1997:48) a recount is talking or writing about past events or a piece of text that recounts past events, usually in the order they happened. A recount text is a type of written text that tells the researcher's experience that happened in the past by focusing on the chronological sequence of the experience. These nouns and pronouns are used to identify the people and places involved in the story.

As defined by betty, the simple past or past tense is used to talk about past activities or situations that also started and ended in the past, such as yesterday, last night, two days ago. Which is intended to summarize or conclude the story told in the record of events.

Review on Diary

Journaling contributes to a student's general writing improvement in the same way that training improves an athlete's performance: it gets them fit. Maybe one day you just aren't in the mood to write it, but for some reason you are compelled to write. However, most students are hesitant and self-confident when they have to write about something in the classroom.

In the technique in the activities, use diary writing technique in the teaching of narrative text placed in the modeling of the stage step. For the exercise, the teacher asks students to write their past experiences in the diary form.

Review on Lecturing Technique

Data from a student text recount trial for a class taught Journal Writing (experimental trial class). Data from the students' pre-exam in the text recount for the class taught by Technology (pre-exam control class). Data from the posttest of the students in the text recount for the class taught by Technology (posttest control class).

The data from students' pre-test in retelling text was taken before the class which was taught using Diary writing. In this part, the data was taken from students' post-test in retell text after the class was taught using Diary Writing.

Previous Study


Ho: there is no significant difference between students' performance in the teaching of retelling text taught through the use of diary and that taught through the use of lecture technique at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Gemolong in the academic year 2019/2020 not. Ha: there is a significant difference between students' performance in teaching retelling text taught by using diary and that taught by using lecture technique at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Gemolong in the academic year 2019/ 2020. Retell text: A classroom action research with Grade Eight students of SMPN 2 Juwana Pati in the academic year of Rika Isnawati).

Improvement of the writing students, writing skills in rewriting text at SMA N 1 Ngemlak in academic year 2014 (Nofi Yulianti).


  • Location and Time of the Research
  • Population, Sample and Sampling
  • Data Collection Technique
  • Technique of Validity and Reliability Data
  • Data Analysis Technique
  • Hypothesis Testing

Data from a pre-test of students' text revision for a class taught by Dairy Writing (pre-test pilot class). The data of the pre-test of the students in repeating the text were taken from a class that taught using the lecture technique. The students' post-test data on text repetition were taken from a class that taught using the lecture technique.

At the end of the class, students had to hand in their final writing project. The use of diary writing to teach writing Telling text (a case of the tenth graders of SMA AL-Adzkar Kota Tangerang Selatan).

Table 3.3  Research Schedule
Table 3.3 Research Schedule


Data Description

Meanwhile, the histogram of the data is shown in Figure 4.1. Descriptive statistics of pre-test in experimental class.

Table Percentage of Scoring
Table Percentage of Scoring

The Implementation of Diary Writing in Recount Text

For the implementation of journal writing in teaching writing, for the first the teacher explained the model of the implemented learning journal. Then, the teacher started her teaching activity by explaining the specific learning objectives to guide the students in achieving the goal of the lesson. Next step, the teacher explained the course material, which was about the recount text.

At the end of the class, the students must hand in their final product of writing. Before closing the class, the teacher reflects on the learning process by asking the students what they have learned. After opening the class, the teacher explained about the learning narrative text and the essential components of diary.

Students had to find the topic, details, and transition signal used in the passage. Before closing the class, the teacher reflected on the learning process by asking the students what they had learned. The teacher asked the students a number of display questions related to the topic discussed. This was intended to activate students' background knowledge and paragraph writing skills.

After they have successfully activated their background knowledge and awakened their attention to the topic discussed, the star teacher then applies the journal writing to the teaching of the narrative text. Students had to find the topic, details and transition signal used in the passage. Before closing the class, the teacher reflected on the learning process, asking the students what they had learned.

Data Analysis

The teacher also asked them if they were happy and enjoyed the lesson or not.

Hypothesis Testing

To analyze the data the researcher using SPSS 19 Version, the result can be seen in the table as below. Based on table 4.9, it shows that there are two classes, it was experimental class and control class. First trial class, show N cells that are 32, mean of scores trial class (65.69), standard deviation of trial class (9.924) and standard error of trial class (1.754).

From the above result, it can be concluded that there is a big difference in the mean scores of the students between those who learn by journaling and those who do not. From the independent sample test data in Table 4.7, the statistical hypothesis of this study is shown. Since the population data were normally distributed, the assumed equal variances were 2.060 and the unassumed equal variances were 2.056 with Sig.


Berlatihlah menulis kembali teks recount berdasarkan struktur umum dan struktur kalimat yang benar dalam buku harian. Berlatih menulis teks recount kembali berdasarkan struktur generik dan struktur kalimat yang benar pada Communicating diary. Bersama guru, siswa mendiskusikan struktur kalimat teks menceritakan kembali. siswa untuk menanyakan apa yang belum mereka ketahui terkait dengan gambar recount text.

Berlatihlah menulis ulang teks Anda lagi berdasarkan generik dan struktur kalimat yang benar. dan tampilan teks yang ditulis siswa. Bersama guru, siswa mendiskusikan struktur kalimat teks narasi. bertanya kepada siswa apa yang mereka tidak ketahui tentang narasi teks. Siswa dalam setiap kelompok mengidentifikasi teks narasi berdasarkan ciri kebahasaan dan langkah retorika teks narasi tersebut.

Sekali lagi, berlatihlah menulis cerita ulang berdasarkan struktur keseluruhan dan struktur kalimat yang benar untuk berkomunikasi. Siswa pada setiap kelompok mengidentifikasi teks recount berdasarkan ciri-cirinya. langkah linguistik dan retoris dalam menceritakan kembali teks. Siswa membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan berbagai teks narasi pendek dan sederhana tentang kegiatan, kejadian, dan peristiwa yang dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber tersebut di atas.



The discussion of data from research findings indicates that teaching and learning to retell text by using Diary writing technique is effective towards students' ability to retell text. It was shown that the students' ability to retell text is performed better than the students who did not have diary writing treatment. Furthermore, it can happen because the students have to convey their ideas, so it can be printed so that the students can easily retell the text in class.


Materi pokok: Teks lisan dan tulis menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang terjadi pada masa lampau. Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/peristiwa. dilakukan/terjadi di masa lalu Fungsi sosial. Siswa membandingkan ungkapan penyebutan dan pertanyaan tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang dilakukan/terjadi di masa lalu yang telah dipelajarinya.

Students’ Score

Homogeneity Test

Lesson Plan of Experimental Class

Lesson Plan of Control Class


Writing Instruction




Table 2.2  Previous Study
Table 3.3  Research Schedule
Table 3.4  Assessment of Writing
Table Percentage of Scoring


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