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an undergraduate thesis - IAIN Repository - IAIN Metro

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan metode CIRC (cooperative integrated reading and writing) terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa kelas VIII SMP Darul 'Ulum Sekampung. Artinya ada pengaruh yang signifikan penggunaan metode CIRC (cooperative integrated reading and writing) terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa kelas 8 SMP Darul 'Ulum Sekampung tahun pelajaran 2017/2018. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan penggunaan metode cooperative integrated reading and writing terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa kelas VIII SMP Darul „Ulum Sekampung.

In this research carried out a quantitative, in the form of experimental research; the characteristic of this research is correlated to eight degree of SMP Darul „Ulum Sekampung. Then, in the post-test, there are 71.42% students who can meet the minimum mastery criteria (MMC), and the mean value of the post-test is 72.1. ​​This means that there is a significant impact of using the collaborative integrated reading and composition method on the students' reading comprehension at eight grade levels at the junior high school Darul „Ulum Sekampung in the academic year 2017/2018.


I truly dedicate this undergraduate thesis to

My beloved almamater of The State Institute for Islamic Studies of Metro


List of Figures

List of Appendices


Problem of Identification

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the research and problem identification above, the researcher formulates the problem in this research: "Is there any positive a significant influence of the use of CIRC (cooperative integrated reading and composition) method towards the students reading comprehension in the eighth grade of junior high school Darul "Ulum Sekampung".

Objective and Benefit of the Research 1. The Objective of the Research

Concept of Reading Comprehension 1. The Concept of Reading

  • Paradigm

Based on the above quotations, we can conclude that reading comprehension is an activity that requires the reader to read carefully in order to understand the full meaning of the reading selection. Reading comprehension is important for students in the classroom because with reading comprehension a lot of information that has been taken from the text. Reading comprehension is an activity that requires the reader to read closely in order to understand the full meaning of a reading selection.

Strong reading comprehension skills help in all other subjects and in personal and professional life. But if the CIRC method is bad, so are the reading comprehension grades.

Figure of Paradigm 1
Figure of Paradigm 1

Hypothesis Formulation

An operational definition is "a definition based on characteristics of the thing to be defined that can be observed or measured". Evelyn Hatch says, “The independent variable is the main variable you want to investigate. Evelyn Hatch says, "The dependent variable, on the other hand, is the variable that you observe and measure in order to determine the effect of the independent variable."25 Furthermore, Douglas Brown argues that reading comprehension is primarily a matter of developing appropriate, effective. comprehension strategies.

The dependent variable (Y) of this research is reading comprehension, which can be defined as the ability to identify text such as: main idea, theme, and others. Therefore, the researcher used several ways to measure students' reading comprehension based on text assessment.

Population and Sampling Technique 1. Population

Also, based on the theoretical review, the indicators of reading comprehension in the teaching process of the eleventh grade of SMP Darul Ulum Sekampung in the academic year 2017/2018. The population of this research is the entire eighth grade of SMP Darul Ulum Sekampung in the academic year 2017/2018. The sample is "best representative of a large population".28 The samples of this research are eighth grade students made up of one class.

The sample of this research was the students of VIII1 which consisted of 21 students (13 girls and 8 boys). Therefore, the students in the eighth grade consist of only 21 students, their average is less than 44 students, so the writer takes all the students for the sample and it is taken using total sampling.

Data Collection Method

The post-test is held to know the students' reading comprehension after having gone through collaborative integrated reading and composition. The post-test is done after the treatments, to know if this method is effective or not in influencing the students'. Documentation as the method used to get information from written language or documents (for example: Books, Magazine, Note, Rule and others).30 The author used this method to support and get detailed information about data from observation such as . data from English teacher at SMP Darul Ulum Sekampung on method in English classroom.

In this research, the author used the non-participant observation because the author just observed and noticed. The author directly observed the location of the research, the condition of the students to get the data.

Research Instrument

The instrument that will be used in the test in research, it includes the pre-test and post-test on English learning outcome. Test form using multiple choices consisting of 20 items, these are multiple choice tests consisting of four options (A, B, C, D). Multiple choice was used to give the correct answer from the questions given by the test.

Data analysis Technique

32 . PNS di SMP Darul Ulum Sekampung; 2) Dokumentasi siswa SMP Darul Ulum Sekampung; 3) Dokumentasi struktur organisasi SMP Darul Ulum Sekampung.

General Description

Sukiman, the development of Darul 'Ulum Junior High School is getting better, so at the beginning of 2006, SMP Darul' Ulum can take the State Exam at its own place with the recognized (accredited) SMP. Vision and Mission are the signs used as a reference step SMP Darul 'Ulum which must then be implemented by the Head assisted teachers and other devices. 14 Wiwik Khoiriyah, S.Pd.I Female Islamic Teacher 15 Zainul Mubtadi'in, M.Pd Male Islamic Teacher 16 Agustiyan Wicaksono, S, Pd Male Sports Teacher.

In order to know the students' pre-treatment ability of non-collaborative integrated reading and composition in reading comprehension, the students took a pre-test which has to be taken individually. To measure students' reading comprehension of English materials, the writer tested students by presenting them with multiple-choice English materials about descriptive text. Further, based on the frequency distribution table above, it can be concluded that out of 21 students as a research sample, only about 7.

In summary, from the results of the pre-test, the researcher concluded that the students' problem was the use of ineffective methods in the teaching process. After considering the pre-test score of multiple choice reading comprehension, the researcher conducted integrated reading and composition treatment in collaboration to help students better understand reading comprehension. Be careful of this, the researcher identified the students' comprehension difficulties and provided the integrated collaborative reading and composition method to know if it had a positive and significant impact.

In addition, after the students in this class received the Collaborative Integrated Reading and Composition method, they had. Student Post-Test Results Circle Method Towards Reading Comprehension of Students in Eighth Grade SMP Darul 'Ulum Sekampung. Source: Grammatical Cohesion in Essay Writing Scores Documentation, collected on November 24, 2017.

Hypothesis Testing

  • Getting the data into the formula of chi-square ( )
  • Getting the data into the formula of t-test

Then, to know the critical value of chi-square, the researcher first counted df, which stands for degrees of freedom. It meant that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) explaining that "there is a positive and significant influence of the use of cooperative integrated reading and writing on learner reading comprehension" was accepted and Ho was rejected. To find out whether there was a positive and significant influence of the use of cooperative integrated reading and writing on the reading comprehension of the eighth grade student of SMP Darul „Ulum Sekampung.

The researcher prepared the table and put the data into the t-test formula below to get t_observed. The result of pre-test and post-test results of collaborative integrated reading and composition towards the student's reading comprehension at eighth grade SMP. To be known, t_observed was 7.828 as a result of counting using the t-test formula above.

Meanwhile, the critical value of t-test (t_table), the researcher first counted df, df is the degree of freedom.

Table 11  Testing of The Data  Sel:
Table 11 Testing of The Data Sel:


This research was conducted only on the eighth grade of SMP Darul Ulum Sekampung with the purpose of seeing if there was any positive and significant influence of using cooperative integrated reading and composition method towards students' reading comprehension.




Westwood, Peter, What Teachers Need To Know About, Australië, Acer Press.2008 Zina O'leary.The Essential Guide to Doing Research, Sage Publications, London.2004.

Lesson Plan

  • Kompetensi Inti (KI)
  • Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
  • Tujuan pembelajaran
  • Materi Pembelajaran
  • Metode Pembelajaran
  • Media dan sumber belajar
  • Penilaian Hasil Bealajar

Siswa dapat menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melakukan fungsi sosial teks deskriptif dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan deskripsi orang, binatang, dan benda, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. Siswa dapat menyusun dan menulis teks sederhana untuk menggambarkan suatu benda, orang atau tempat. Descriptive text adalah mendeskripsikan sesuatu seperti orang, benda atau tempat (teks yang mendeskripsikan atau menjelaskan sesuatu seperti orang, tempat atau benda).

Salam ramah kepada siswa saat memasuki ruang kelas (nilai-nilai terpelajar: santun, peduli) “Assalamualaikum”, selamat pagi, apa kabar pagi ini?”.

Tabel Penilaian Aspek Keterampilan:
Tabel Penilaian Aspek Keterampilan:

Pre test Name

On Sunday, they usually go to places like the beach, the mountain, or simply go to a restaurant. On the first day of the trip, the guide told them to check their passports and their traveler to check his foreign cash.

Key Answer of Pre-Test

Student score of pre test

Post test

The maoke mountains run from west to east and contain the province's highest paek, puncak jaya (5,030 m/16,503 ft), which is also the highest mountain in Indonesia. Every now and then he shows them all his beauty, only to be enveloped in a veil of fog a minute later. There are more than 200 species of frogs and there are 100,000 species of insects, including many beetles and spiders.

Birdwing butterflies are found in many areas and more than 600 bird species have been identified, including the brush turkey, bowerbird, cassowary and the spectacular birds of paradise.

Key Answer of Post Test

Student Score Of Post Test


Figure of Paradigm 1
Table 11  Testing of The Data  Sel:
Table 14  Critical Value of t _table  Degrees of Freedom  Level of Significant
Tabel Penilaian Aspek Keterampilan:


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