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Drug induced liver injury

Drug Induced Liver Injury Tipe Kolestasis Akibat Rifampisin

Drug Induced Liver Injury Tipe Kolestasis Akibat Rifampisin

... TB paru merupakan masalah kesehatan utama di Indonesia. Pemberian OAT dengan strategi DOTS diharapkan mampu menurunkan prevalensi TB paru. Pemberian OAT tidak terlepas dari risiko hepatotoksik sehingga dapat menimbulkan ...


Analogue Insulin Response for Uncontrolled Type II Diabetes Mellitus with Anti Tuberculosis Drug Induced Liver Injury

Analogue Insulin Response for Uncontrolled Type II Diabetes Mellitus with Anti Tuberculosis Drug Induced Liver Injury

... tuberculosis drug induced liver injury can complicate blood sugar control in type II ...with liver disorders is analogue ...tuberculosis drug induced liver ...


High frequency of NAT2 slow acetylator alleles in the Malay population of Indonesia: an awareness to the anti-tuberculosis drug induced liver injury and cancer

High frequency of NAT2 slow acetylator alleles in the Malay population of Indonesia: an awareness to the anti-tuberculosis drug induced liver injury and cancer

... Background: Arylamine N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) polymorphism was previously reported to have association with the risk of drug toxicities and the development of various diseases. Previous research on the ...


Penggunaan Kelompok Obat Penginduksi Kerusakan Hati pada Pasien Rawat Inap Penderita Penyakit Hati di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Bekasi.

Penggunaan Kelompok Obat Penginduksi Kerusakan Hati pada Pasien Rawat Inap Penderita Penyakit Hati di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Bekasi.

... Drug induced liver injury (DILI) is a serious human health ...Pre-existing liver dysfunction (LD) are risk factor of drug induced liver injury ...of ...


Peggy Rahmat Syahputra 22010113120027 Lap.KTI BAB 1

Peggy Rahmat Syahputra 22010113120027 Lap.KTI BAB 1

... Amerika Serikat, sekitar 2000 penyakit hati akut terjadi setiap tahun dan lebih dari 50% disebabkan oleh obat (39% disebabkan parasetamol, 13% reaksi idiosinkratik terhadap obat lainnya). Parasetamol, obat Human ...


The prevention of curcumin against rat liver mitochondrial swelling induced by tert-butylhydroperoxide

The prevention of curcumin against rat liver mitochondrial swelling induced by tert-butylhydroperoxide

... BuOOH induced permeability transition due to oxidation of pyridine nuckleotides 21 was refuted by novel ...t-BuOOH induced mitochondrial swelling on deenergized mito- ...


Fagraea racemosa leaf extract inhibits oxidative stress-induced liver damage in Wistar rats

Fagraea racemosa leaf extract inhibits oxidative stress-induced liver damage in Wistar rats

... at low or moderate doses. 11 Damage on cell membran induce hydropic degeneration on hepatocyte. Lipid peroxidation induce the damage to mitochondria, decreased ATP prod uction, and damage to the sodium pump, thereby ...


Apoptosis In Sepsis | Humardewayanti | Acta Interna: The Journal of Internal Medicine 3874 11601 1 PB

Apoptosis In Sepsis | Humardewayanti | Acta Interna: The Journal of Internal Medicine 3874 11601 1 PB

... Activation of the pro-apoptotic proteins Bax and Bak occurs through conversion of Bid to tBid by caspase-8 or- 10 and through activation of PUMA, Noxa, or other BH3 initiator proteins when p53 is induced by DNA ...


Uji Efek Antihiperurisemia Ekstrak Etanol Daun Pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.) Pada Mencit Jantan

Uji Efek Antihiperurisemia Ekstrak Etanol Daun Pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.) Pada Mencit Jantan

... Gnanapragasama, A., Yogeeta, S., Subhashini, R., Ebenezar, K.K., Sathish, V., Devaki, T. (2007). Adriamycin induced myocardial failure in rats: Protective role of Centella asiatica. Molecular and Cellular ...


A deterministic and stochastic approach to analyze carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats | Ngadikun | Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala ilmu Kedokteran) 4150 6829 1 SM

A deterministic and stochastic approach to analyze carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats | Ngadikun | Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala ilmu Kedokteran) 4150 6829 1 SM

... of liver fibrosis in animal ...tetrachloride- induced reactive free radicals initiate cell damage through two different mechanisms of covalent binding to the membrane proteins and cause lipid ...


The effect of lecithin on liver function of white rats (Rattus norvegicus) induced carbon tetrachloride

The effect of lecithin on liver function of white rats (Rattus norvegicus) induced carbon tetrachloride

... in liver disorders ...The liver is an organ that plays an important role in the metabolism and ...enhance liver damage . Potential liver damage because it is the first organ of the ...


Anthropometry, Fatty Liver, Plasma Lipid, and Adipose Tissue on Rat Wistar Induced Low-Protein Diet

Anthropometry, Fatty Liver, Plasma Lipid, and Adipose Tissue on Rat Wistar Induced Low-Protein Diet

... Lower food intake and protein intake in the rat have an effect on weight loss. It makes rat in kwashi- orkor condition lead to fatty liver in rats. Rats in kwashiorkor condition will increase fatty acid serum ...


Hubungan Skor Grace Dengan Kejadian Contrast Induced Nephropathy (Cin) Pada Penderita Sindroma Koroner Akut Yang Menjalani Tindakan Intervensi Koroner Perkutan Di RSUP H Adam Malik Medan

Hubungan Skor Grace Dengan Kejadian Contrast Induced Nephropathy (Cin) Pada Penderita Sindroma Koroner Akut Yang Menjalani Tindakan Intervensi Koroner Perkutan Di RSUP H Adam Malik Medan

... Liu YH, Liu Y, Tan N, Chen JY, Chen J, Chen SH, et al. Predictive value of GRACE risk scores for contrast-induced acute kidney injury in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction before ...


Gizi Kurang sebagai Faktor Risiko Hepatitis Drug Induced karena Obat Anti Tuberkulosis

Gizi Kurang sebagai Faktor Risiko Hepatitis Drug Induced karena Obat Anti Tuberkulosis

... Some anti tuberculosis drugs were used in combination to treat tuberculosis. Appropriate therapy shows good outcome, however, anti tuberculosis drugs can cause hepatotoxicity. The previous study suggests that ...


Influence Dried Flower of Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn Infusion on Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase (SGPT) Level against Paracetamol Induced Liver Injury in Rats

Influence Dried Flower of Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn Infusion on Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase (SGPT) Level against Paracetamol Induced Liver Injury in Rats

... Negative control group have a significant difference (p <0.05) from normal control group. This was a prove that the administration of paracetamol 2.5 g/kg BW in male Wistar albino rats were able to raise the level of ...


Efek Hepatoprotektif N-Asetilsistein dalam Mencegah Drug-Induced Liver Injury Akibat Obat Antituberkulosis: Laporan Kasus Berbasis Bukti

Efek Hepatoprotektif N-Asetilsistein dalam Mencegah Drug-Induced Liver Injury Akibat Obat Antituberkulosis: Laporan Kasus Berbasis Bukti

... (drug-induced liver injury, DILI), yaitu menurunnya fungsi liver beberapa saat setelah pasien mulai mengonsumsi ...fungsi liver kembali normal secara klinis dan ...


Polymorphism of PXR gene associated with the increased risk of drug-induced liver injury in Indonesian pulmonary tuberculosis patients - Repository Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Polymorphism of PXR gene associated with the increased risk of drug-induced liver injury in Indonesian pulmonary tuberculosis patients - Repository Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

... antituberculosis drug-induced liver injury (AT-DILI) is approximately 10% among Indonesian tuberculosis patients who used standard fi xed combination regimens during the intensive phase of ...


Hepatoprotective Effect of Trigona spp. Bee Propolis against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Injury in Rat | Amelia | Althea Medical Journal 861 3299 1 PB

Hepatoprotective Effect of Trigona spp. Bee Propolis against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Injury in Rat | Amelia | Althea Medical Journal 861 3299 1 PB

... solution. The liver tissues were processed for paraffin embedding and sections (5 µm thick) were taken in a microtome. After staining with hematoxylin and eosin, slides were examined under the microscope (400x) ...


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