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Indeks Konten Sesuai GrI G4 Core

GRI Content Index for ‘In Accordance’ - Core

Indikator Indicator uraian Description halaman Page PeNGuNGKaPaN STaNdar umum


Strategy and Analysis

G4-1 Sambutan direktur utama

Message from President Director 20

Proil Organisasi

Organizational Proile

G4-3 Nama organisasiOrganizational proile 32

G4-4 Produk dan jasaProducts and services 32

G4-5 lokasi kantor pusat organisasi

Location of the organization’s headquarter 32

G4-6 Wilayah operasiOperational area 32

G4-7 Kepemilikan dan bentuk hukum

Nature of ownership and legal form 32

G4-8 Pangsa pasarMarket share 32, 52

G4-9 Skala organisasi

Scale of the organization 32

G4-10 distribusi pegawaiEmployees distribution 32


Persentase jumlah pegawai yang tercakup dalam perjanjian perundingan bersama

Percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements


G4-12 rantai pasokanSupply chain 48

G4-13 Perubahan signiikan selama periode pelaporanSigniicant changes during the reporting period 11 G4-14 Pendekatan dalam penerapan prinsip pencegahanPrecautionary approach of principle 152, 166 G4-15 Prakarsa internasional yang didukung atau diadopsiEndorsed or adopted international initiatives 53

G4-16 Keanggotaan dalam asosiasi industri

Memberships of associations 54

aspek material dan batasan

Identiied Material Aspects and Boundaries

G4-17 daftar perusahaan anakList of subsidiaries 8, 9, 50

G4-18 Proses penetapan konten dan batasanProcess for ceining the report content and the aspect boundaries 11, 13 G4-19 Daftar identiikasi aspek materialList of identiied material aspects 14

G4-20 daftar batasanList of aspect boundary 15

G4-21 batasan di luar perusahaan

Aspect boundary outside the organization 15


efek penyajian ulang informasi di laporan sebelumnya Efect of any restatements of information provided in previous




Perubahan signiikan ruang lingkup dan batasan

Signiicant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope and

aspect boundaries

11 Keterlibatan Pemangku Kepentingan

Stakeholder Engagement

G4-24 daftar Pemangku KepentinganList of stakeholders 16-17

G4-25 Basis pengidentiikasian Pemangku KepentinganBasis for identiication and selection of stakeholders 16 G4-26 Pendekatan hubungan dengan Pemangku KepentinganApproach to stakeholders engagement 16-17 G4-27 Topik yang dibahas dengan Pemangku KepentinganKey topics and concerns discussed with stakeholders 16-17 Proil Laporan

Report Proile

G4-28 Periode pelaporanReporting period 6

G4-29 Penerbitan laporan tahun laluDate of most recent period (if any) 6

G4-30 Siklus pelaporanReporting cycle 6

G4-31 Kontak personalContact person 6

G4-32 opsi ‘In accordance’ option, content index, and assurance‘In accordance with’, indeks konten, dan pemastian 7

G4-33 Pemastian eksternalExternal assurance 6, 18

Tata Kelola Governance

G4-34 Struktur organisasi

Organizational structure 147, 152, 154

etika dan Integritas Ethics and Integrity

G4-56 Nilai-nilai perusahaanCorporate values 36, 166

Indikator Indicator uraian Description halaman Page

Indikator Indicator


Description halamanPage


CATEGORY: ECONOMIC aspek: Kinerja ekonomi Aspect: Economic Performance

G4-dma Pengungkapan pendekatan manajemen

Disclosures on management approach

62 G4-eC1 Nilai ekonomi langsung yang dihasilkan dan didistribusikan

Direct economic value generated and distributed


G4-eC3 manfaat pensiun karyawan

Employee pension beneit 73

aspek: Keberadaan di Pasar Aspect: Market Presence

G4-eC5 rasio upah standar pegawai pemula (entry level) menurut gender dibandingkan dengan upah minimum regional di lokasi-lokasi operasional yang signiikan

Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared

to local minimum wage at signiicant locations of operation


aspek: dampak ekonomi Tidak langsung Aspect: Indirect Economic Impacts

G4-eC8 Dampak Ekonomi Tidak Langsung yang Signiikan,

Termasuk besarnya dampak

Signiicant Indirect Economic Impacts, including the Extent

of Impacts 66-67 KaTeGorI: lINGKuNGaN CATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTAL aspek: energi Aspect: Energy

G4-eN3 Konsumsi energi dalam organisasi

Energy consumption within the organization

107-108 aspek: air

Aspect: Water

G4-eN8 Total pengambilan air berdasarkan sumber

Total water withdrawal by source

110 G4-eN9 Sumber air yang secara signiikan dipengaruhi oleh

pengambilan air

Water sources signiicantly afected by withdrawal of water


G4-eN10 Presentase dan total volume air yang didaur ulang dan digunakan kembali

Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused

aspek: Keanekaragaman hayati Aspect: Biodiversity

G4-eN15 emisi gas rumah kaca (GrK) langsung

Direct greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions

112 G4-eN16 emisi gas rumah kaca (GrK) energi tidak langsung

Energy indirect greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions

112 G4-eN17 emisi gas rumah kaca (GrK) energi tidak langsung lainnya

Other energy indirect greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions


G4-eN18 Intensitas emisi gas rumah kaca (GrK)

Greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions intensity


G4-eN19 Pengurangan emisi gas rumah kaca

Reduction of greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions

112 G4-eN20 emisi gas rumah kaca (GrK) energi tidak langsung lainnya

Other energy indirect greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions

113 Aspek: Eluen dan Limbah

Aspect: Eluents and Waste

G4-eN22 Total air yang dibuang berdasarkan kualitas dan tujuan Total water discharge by quality and destination

114 G4-eN23 bobot total limbah berdasarkan jenis dan metode


Total weight of waste by type and disposal method


G4-eN24 Jumlah dan volume total tumpahan signiikan

Total number and volume of signiicant spills 139 KaTeGorI: SoSIal


Sub Kategori: Praktik Ketenagakerjaan dan Kenyamanan bekerja Sub-Category: Labor Practices and Decent Work

aspek: Kepegawaian Aspect: Employment

G4-dma Pengungkapan pendekatan manajemen

Disclosures on management approach

80 G4-la1 Jumlah total dan tingkat perekrutan karyawan baru dan

turnover karyawan menurut kelompok umur, gender, dan wilayah

Total number and rates of new employee hires and employee turnover by age, group, and region

33, 81

aspek: hubungan Industrial

Aspect: Labor/Management Relations

G4-la4 Jangka waktu minimum pemberitahuan mengenai

perubahan operasional, termasuk apakah hal tersebut tercantum dalam perjanjian bersama

Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes,

including whether these are speciied in collective


82 Indikator



Sub Kategori: hak asasi manusia Sub-Category: human Rights

aspek: Kebebasan berserikat dan Perjanjian Kerja Sama Aspect: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

G4-hr4 Operasi dan pemasok teridentiikasi yang mungkin melanggar atau berisiko tinggi melanggar hak untuk melaksanakan kebebasan berserikat dan perjanjian kerja bersama, dan tindakan yang diambil untuk mendukung hak-hak tersebut

Operations and suppliers identiied in which the right to

exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining

may be violated or at signiicant risk, and measures taken

to support these rights


aspek: Pekerja anak Aspect: Child Labor

G4-hr5 Operasi dan pemasok yang diidentiikasi berisiko tinggi melakukan eksploitasi pekerja anak dan tindakan yang diambil untuk berkontribusi dalam penghapusan pekerja anak yang efektif

Operations and suppliers identiied as having signiicant

risk for incidents of child labor, and measures taken to

contribute to the efective abolition of child labor


aspek: Pekerja Paksa atau Wajib Kerja Aspect: Forced or Compulsory Labor

G4-hr6 Operasi dan pemasok yang diidentiikasi berisiko tinggi melakukan pekerja paksa atau wajib kerja dan tindakan untuk berkontribusi dalam penghapusan segala bentuk pekerja paksa atau wajib kerja

Operations and suppliers identiied as having signiicant

risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor, and measures to contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor


aspek: hak adat Aspect: Indigenous Rights

G4-hr8 Jumlah total insiden pelanggaran yang melibatkan hak-hak masyarakat adat dan tindakan yang diambil

Total number of incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples and actions taken


Sub Kategori: masyarakat Sub-Category: Society aspek: masyarakat lokal Aspect: Local Communities

G4-So1 Persentase operasi dengan Pelibatan masyarakat lokal, asesmen dampak, dan Program Pengembangan yang diterapkan

Percentage of Operations with Implemented Local Community Engagement, Impact Assessments, and Development Programs

77, 95

G4-So2 operasi dengan dampak negatif aktual dan potensial yang signiikan terhadap masyarakat lokal

Operations with signiicant actual and potential negative

impacts on local communities

77 Indikator



Indikator Indicator


Description halamanPage

aspek: anti Korupsi Aspect: Anti-corruption

G4-So3 Jumlah total dan persentase operasi yang dinilai terhadap risiko terkait dengan korupsi dan risiko signiikan yang teridentiikasi

Total number and percentage of operations assessed

for risks related to corruption and the signiicant risks identiied


G4-So4 Komunikasi dan pelatihan mengenai kebijakan dan

prosedur anti-korupsi

Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures


aspek: anti Persaingan

Aspect: Anti-competitive Behavior

G4-So7 Jumlah total tindakan hukum terkait anti persaingan, anti- trust, serta praktik monopoli dan hasilnya

Total number of legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices and their outcomes

101, 181

aspek: Kepatuhan Aspect: Compliance

G4-So8 Nilai moneter denda yang signiikan dan jumlah total sanksi non-moneter atas ketidakpatuhan terhadap undang- undang dan peraturan

Monetary value of signiicant ines and total number of

non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations

101, 181

aspek: mekanisme Pengaduan dampak terhadap masyarakat Aspect: Grievance Mechanisms for Impacts on Society

G4-So11 Jumlah pengaduan tentang dampak terhadap masyarakat yang diajukan, ditangani, dan diselesaikan melalui mekanisme pengaduan resmi

Number of grievances about impacts on society iled,

addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms


Sub Kategori: Tanggung Jawab atas Produk Sub-Category: Product Responsibility aspek: Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Pelanggan Aspect: Customer health and Safety

G4-Pr1 Persentase kategori produk dan jasa yang signiikan yang dampaknya terhadap kesehatan dan keselamatan yang dinilai untuk peningkatan

Percentage of signiicant product and service categories

for which health and safety impacts are assessed for improvement

G4-Pr2 Total jumlah insiden ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan dan kode sukarela terkait dampak kesehatan dan keselamatan dari produk dan jasa sepanjang daur hidup, menurut jenis hasil

Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services during their life cycle, by type of outcomes


aspek: Privasi Pelanggan Aspect: Customer Privacy

G4-Pr8 Jumlah total keluhan yang terbukti terkait dengan

pelanggaran privasi pelanggan dan hilangnya data pelanggan

Total number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data

98 Indikator



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