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Resume Assessment Of Implementation Of good Corporate governance In BTDC During 2012


Kami telah melakukan assessment penerapan Good Corporate Governance (GCG) pada PT. Pengembangan Pariwisata Bali (Persero), yang mencakup lima aspek governance yaitu: Hak dan Tanggung Jawab Pemegang Saham/RUPS, Kebijakan GCG, Penerapan GCG, Pengungkapan Informasi, dan Komitmen.

We have made an assessment of the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (Good Corporate Governance) at BTDC, which covers five aspects of governance, namely: Rights and Responsibilities of Shareholders / General Meeting of Shareholders, Policy Good Corporate Governance, Good Corporate Governance implementation, Information Disclosure, and Commitment.

Berdasarkan assessment terhadap penerapan GCG pada PT. Pengembangan Pariwisata Bali (Persero) yang dilaksanakan sejak tanggal 14 Maret s.d. 20 April 2012 untuk periode tahun 2011, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kondisi penerapan GCG mencapai skor 81,46 dari skor maksimal 100 atau 81,46 %. Capaian skor tersebut berada pada kategori “Baik”.

Based on the assessment of the implementation of Good Corporate Governance in BTDC conducted from 14 March to 20 April 2012 for the period of 2011, it can be concluded that the conditions for the implementation of Good Corporate Governance achieved a score of 81.46 from a maximum score of 100 or 81.46%. The achievement scores in the category of "Good".

Jika dijabarkan per aspek governance, secara garis besar capaian skor tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:

If defined by aspects of governance, achievement scores are broadly as follows:

No Aspek Penilaian Bobot (%) Capaian % Aspects of Assessment

1 Partisipasi Pemegang Saham 9 6,57 73,00 Shareholder Participation

2 Kebijakan GCG 8 7,14 89,27 GCG policy

3 Penerapan GCG : 66 53,20 80,60 GCG implementation:

a) Komisaris 27 22,20 82,22 Commissioner

b) Komite Komisaris 6 5,46 91,00 Commissioner Committee

c) Direksi 27 21,67 80,26 Management

d) SPI 3 2,37 78,87 SPI

e) Sekretaris Perusahaan 3 1,50 50,00 Company Secretary

4 Pengungkapan 7 6,22 88,93 Disclosure

5 Komitmen 10 8,33 83,34 Commitment

Jumlah 100 81,46 81,46% Total

Dari capaian nilai aktual tersebut menunjukkan masih terdapat beberapa praktik-praktik terbaik (best practices) penerapan GCG yang memerlukan upaya perbaikan / penyempurnaan (area of improvements).

The actual value of the performance shows there are still some Good Corporate Governance implementation efforts that for best practices that require repair / improvement.

Kondisi yang memerlukan penanganan segera oleh organ perusahaan adalah sebagai berikut:

Conditions that require immediate action by the the company are as follows:


1. RUPS memberikan pengesahan Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP)

1. The Annual General Meeting validates the Corporate Long-term Plan.

2. Pemegang saham/RUPS menetapkan sistem dan melaksanakan proses pemilihan Dewan Komisaris secara transparan melalui mekanisme fit and proper test

2. The Annual General Meeting establishes and implements the process to transparently select the BOC through a fit and proper test

3. RUPS menetapkan paling sedikit 20% dari anggota komisaris berasal dari kalangan luar BUMN dan Pemerintah (komisaris independen)

3. The Annual General Meeting mandates that at least 20% of the commissioners are recruited from outside state-owned enterprises and the government (independent directors)

4. RUPS menetapkan sistem penilaian kinerja Komisaris dan Direksi secara individual

4. The Annual General Meeting sets performance appraisal system for individual commissioners and directors.





Kondisi yang memerlukan penanganan segera oleh organ perusahaan adalah sebagai berikut:

Conditions that require immediate action by the company are as follows:

1. Perlu adanya kebijakan teknologi informasi yang mengatur tentang tata kelola teknologi informasi

1. Need for information technology policies governing information technology governance.

2. Revisi/pembaharuan SPI Charter perlu mendapat pengesahan direksi.

2. Revisions/updates to Internal Audit Unit Charter directors have to be approved.

3. Perlu adanya kebijakan mengenai hak-hak dan kewajiban perusahaan kepada kreditur

3. There needs to be a policy regarding the rights and obligations of the company to creditors

4. Pedoman Perilaku agar memuat hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan: 4. Code of Conduct for matters relating to:

a. Nilai-nilai (values) perusahaan a. Corporate Values.

b. Benturan kepentingan diantaranya yang terkait dengan perilaku insan perusahaan serta mekanisme penanganan dan pelaporan

b. Conflict of interest related to employee conduct as well as the company's management and reporting mechanisms.

c. Etika yang terkait dengan stakeholders, misalnya masyarakat, pegawai, pemasok, pelanggan, dan kreditur (termasuk perlindungan terhadap hak-hak mereka)

c. Ethics associated with stakeholders, such as communities, employees, suppliers, customers, and creditors (including the protection of their rights).

3. PENERAPAN GCG 3. Good Corporate Governance Implementation

Kondisi yang memerlukan penanganan segera oleh organ perusahaan adalah sebagai berikut:

Conditions that require immediate action by the company are as follows:

1. Komisaris 1. Commissioner

a. Program pengenalan bagi Komisaris baru dilengkapi dengan petunjuk teknis pelaksanaan program dan dilaksanakan dengan terstruktur

a. Program for the structured orientation of new commissioners including technical guidance for program implementation.

b. Komisaris menyusun rencana kerja setiap tahun yang memuat sasaran / target yang ingin dicapai dan mengkomunikasikan hasilnya kepada pemegang saham

b. Commissioners prepare a work plan each year that includes goals / targets to be achieved and communicating the results to shareholders.

c. Komisaris mengkaji kelayakan visi dan misi perusahaan serta memberi masukan perbaikan

c. Commissioners assess the feasibility of the vision and mission of the company and give feedback and suggestions for improvements.

d. Komisaris memberikan arahan dan masukan tentang sistem teknologi informasi yang digunakan korporasi

d. Commissioners to provide direction and input on the use of information technology in the company.

e. Komisaris menetapkan kriteria mengenai jenis-jenis informasi yang dapat diberikan komisaris kepada stakeholder

e. Commissioners determine criteria regarding the types of information that can be provided to stake-holders by the commissioners.

f. Komisaris melakukan penilaian terhadap kinerja komisaris atau Komite Komisaris (self assessment)

f. Commissioners assess the performance of the Board of Commissioners (self assessment).

g. Uraian tugas (job description) bagi Sekretariat Komisaris mendapat penetapan dari Komisaris Utama

g. Job description of the Commissioner Secretariat are set by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners.

2. Komite Komisaris 2. Commissioner Committee

a. Komite Audit melakukan reviu terhadap Program Kerja Pemeriksaan Tahunan SPI

a. The Audit Committee reviews the Annual Inspection Program.

b. Kesesuaian pelaksanaan pertemuan rutin Komite Audit dengan rencana/agenda

b. Conforms the implementation of regular meetings of the Audit Committee with an agenda.

c. Komite Audit melakukan evaluasi pencapaian target kinerja Komite Audit (self assessment)

c. The Audit Committee evaluates the achievement of the performance targets of the Audit Committee (self assessment).

d. Risalah rapat mencantumkan dinamika rapat. d. Minutes of the meeting include the dynamics of the meeting.

3. Direksi 3. Directors

a. Panduan/pedoman program pengenalan bagi Direksi baru dilengkapi dengan petunjuk teknis pelaksanaannya

a. Guidelines for the introduction of the new Board of Directors program include technical implementation guidelines.

b. Program pengembangan (knowledge dan skill) dalam RKAP diperinci lebih lanjut dalam kegiatan pengembangan bagi Direksi.

b. Knowledge and skill development programs within Work Plan and Budget are detailed further in the development activities for the Board of Directors.

c. Struktur organisasi yang baru dilengkapi uraian tugas pokok dan fungsi (job description)

c. The new organizational structure includes job descriptions.




d. Direksi memiliki rencana suksesi bagi manajer / pejabat kunci (key managers) korporasi dengan dasar yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dan melaporkannya ke Komisaris

d. Directors have a succession plan for corporate key managers which can be accounted for and reported to the Commissioner

e. RJPP sebagai dasar penyusunan RKAP direvisi untuk disesuaikan dengan kondisi perkembangan usaha perusahaan

e. The Company Long-term Plans are the basis for the preparation of Work Plan and Budget revised to suit the conditions of the development of the company's business.

f. Mengesahkan revisi SPI charter f. Endorse the revised Corporate Charter

g. Direksi melakukan cascading KPI ke unit kerja dibawahnya

g. Directors compile key performance indicators cascading into work units below

h. Asersi mengenai penerapan pengendalian internal secara efektif yang diberikan Direksi didukung dengan evaluasi atas efektivitas pengendalian intern yang memadai

h. Assertions regarding the implementation of effective internal controls given the Board of Directors are supported by an evaluation of the effectiveness of internal control is adequate.

i. Pedoman kebijakan dan pelaporan sistem teknologi informasi

i. Policies and reporting guidelines for information technology systems.

j. Risalah rapat mencantumkan dinamika rapat dan menunjukkan adanya pemantauan terhadap pelaksanaan keputusan hasil rapat sebelumnya

j. Minutes of the meeting include the dynamics of the meeting and indicate the presence of monitoring the implementation of the decisions of the previous meeting.

4. Satuan Pengawasan Intern (SPI) 4. Internal Audit Unit (IAU)

a. Pelaksanaan pengujian keandalan sistem pengendalian intern

a. Implementation of the internal control system reliability testing.

b. Memberikan masukan terhadap manajemen risiko perusahaan

b. Provide input on enterprise risk management.

c. Memberikan masukan terhadap upaya pencapaian strategi bisnis perusahaan

c. Provide input on the achievement of the company's business strategy.

d. SPI memberikan masukan atas prosedur dan pengendalian proses-proses bisnis perusahaan

d. Internal Audit Unit provides input on procedures and control business processes.

5. Sekretaris Perusahaan 5. Corporate Secretary

Pada saat pelaksanaan assessment, PT. Pengembangan Pariwisata Bali (Persero) belum mengangkat Sekretaris Perusahaan walaupun dalam struktur organisasi yang baru sudah dicantumkan. Dengan demikian terdapat beberapa indikator yang tidak dapat diterapkan (not applicable).

At the time of assessment, BTDC has appointed a Corporate Secretary, though there is provision for one within the new organizational structure. Thus there are several indicators that not applicable.

6. Pengungkapan Informasi 6. Disclosure of Information

a. Penyediaan media untuk mengkomunikasikan pedoman perilaku kepada stakeholder diluar perusahaan (seperti misalnya sosialisasi, pencantuman pedoman perilaku pada menu website korporasi)

a. Provision of media to communicate the code of conduct to stakeholders outside the company (such as inclusion of a code of conduct on the corporate website)

b. Penyajian informasi berikut dalam laporan tahunan perusahaan: jumlah rapat dan tingkat kehadiran anggota komisaris dan direksi, uraian mengenai jaminan perusahaan atas hak stakeholders serta pengungkapan kepemilikan saham oleh Komisaris dan Direksi beserta keluarganya pada korporasi lain.

b. Presentation of information following the company's annual report: the number of meetings and attendance of commissioners and directors, a description of the company's guarantee of the right of stakeholders as well as the disclosure of share ownership by the Commissioner and the Board of Directors and their families in other corporations.

7. Komitmen 7. Commitment

a. Penandatanganan Pernyataan kepatuhan terhadap Pedoman Perilaku yang diperbaharui secara berkala (setiap tahun).

a. The signing of the Declaration of compliance with the Code of Conduct that is updated annually.

b. Perusahaan membentuk atau menunjuk Tim yang menangani ketaatan aturan GCG dan secara berkala melaporkannya kepada Komisaris dan Direksi

b. Companies establish or designate team that handles compliance and corporate governance rules periodically report to the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors.