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Academic year: 2017



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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of The Degree of

Magister Humaniora



Registration Number: 8136111056





Allamdulillahi Robbil alamin, Allahumma sholli Ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad.

All praises to Allah the lend of the universe who has given me the opportunity to finish this thesis. Thank you so much dear lord. It is also impressible to be finished without the guidance and the help of really people.

Firstly I would like to express my deep and sincere gradual to my adviser Dr. Hj. Siti Aiysah Ginting M.Pd and Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd. who have special previous this for correcting this thesis and giving some value advice and guidance.

I also. I would like to every my gratitude o the head English applied linguistics study program, Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed. and his secretary Prof. Dr. Minda Murni M.Pd. and all lecture that had given me a lot of experience and knowledge. Specially Prof Dr. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph. D (Reviewer I), Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed (Reviewer II) and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M. Hum (Reviewer III).

I would like to express my gratitude whole to Mandailingnese families in Bandar Khalipah Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan. For their kind Kantor Kepala Desa help me to get data.

Then, the most important people special in my life. I would like to express thank you very much to beloved parents: they are to my parents, Siti Warni Siregar and Nasaruddin Pulungan, who endlessly support and pray for his success. Special thanks also goes to his beloved brother Nawaruddin Pulungan, sister Roslina Wati Pulungan, Aminah Pulungan and the last Deni Sari Pulungan. And also to my Friends LTBI A1 and all LTBI unimed. Then, my friend Damri Batubara S.PdI, M.A. Who we given me their respect, sprite friendship and moral support during complete this thesis.

Medan, 3 May 2016

The writer



2.2 Dimension in Language shift study ... 11

2.3 The Factors of language Shift ... 12

2.31Bilingualism ... 12

2.7 Mandailingnese in Bandar Khalipah ... 26


2.9 Relevant Studies ... 29

2.10 Conceptual Framework ... 31

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Design ... 33

3.2 The Data and Source of Data... 33

3.3 The Technique of Data Collection ... 34

3.4 The Technique of Data Analysis ... 36

3.5 Trustworthnisess of Study ... 37

CHAPTER IV. ANALYSIS DATA 4.1 The Data and Data Analysis ... 40

4.2 Factors language shift of Mandailingnese in Desa Bandar Khalipah Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan. ... 41

4.21 Bilingualism ... 43

4.22 The Migration ... 44

4.23 Economic and Social factors ... 45

4.24 Demographic ... 46

4.25 Atitudes and Values ... 47

4.3 The Pattern of Mandailing language shift occurred in Bandar Khalippah Kec. Percut Sei Tuan………. ... 48

4.4 The reason language shift occur in Desa Bandar Khalipah ... 50

4.41 Status ... 54

4.42 Prestige Reason ... 55

4.43 Political Reason ... 56

4.5 Findings ... 57



5.1 Concussion ... 62

5.2 Implication ... 62

5.3 Suggestion ... 54




Figures pages



Appendix pages

Appendix I questionnaire for teenegars/ students ...68

Appendix II questionnaire for Adults/ Married ...71

Appendix III Interview of Teenagers/ Students ...73

Appendix IV Interview of Adults ...74





1.1 The Background of the Study

Indonesia consits of many ethnic groups. Every ethnic groups has a particular language. Language is very important. Language is considered an important symbol of a minority group’s identity for maintain ( Holmes: 2001). For example Mandailingnase language is a part of culture. John said “Language as sentences and speech acts, as an extension of the more biologically fundamental forms of intentionality that we have in belief, desire, memory and intention, and to see those in turn as developments of even more fundamental forms of

intentionality, especially, perception and intentional action”.

Mandailingnese language was used by Mandailingnese people. Mandailingnese language used in regency of Mandailing Natal ( MADINA). Mandailingnese spreaded and moved the land in Medan . One of the destination was Bandar Khalipah located in Medan. They make their own community for years. It was proved by many people speak mandailingnese language in the era. When mandailingnese live Bandar Khalipah, They use their vernacular language to each other by using mandailingnese language. Although Mandalingnese community live side by side with Javanese. Javanese is one of the bigest population and Mandailingnese in Bandar Khalippah, followed by Mandailingnese.

Mandailingnese people who live in Bandar Khalipah ever used mandailing language to Mandailingnese people. But now mandailingnese people can not used



it anymore. It is proved which the next generation especially teenagers can not used it anymore. According to Abrams & Strogatz (2003) language shift as a competition process in which the numbers of speakers of each language vary as a function both of internal (as the net outcome of birth, death, immigration and emigration rates of native speakers), and of gains and losses owing to language shift . Weinreich (1968:79) defines language shift as the change from the habitual use of one language to that of another. It is shifted and it affects to the existances of mandailingnese language itself. In this cases, not only occur with teenagers but it is also undergone by another teenagers surround of them, especially it occurs with Mandailingnese people.

Bandar Khalipah has 15 ethnics groups such as Acehnese, Bataknese, Mandailingnese, Niasese, Malay, Minang, Betawi, Sundanese, Madura, Bali, Banjar, Dayak, Chinese, and Ambon. The two biggest majorityy ethnics in Bandar Khalipah are Javanese 61, 2% and Mandailingnese 17.7 % of the population. Now the young generation of mandailingnese can not use and speak Mandailing language. They perceive that language is not up to date, not proud of language, not suitable and old fashion in this era. However, the teenagers feel so proud if they master and speak foreign language such as English.



To show the percentage of Mandailingnese in Bandar Khalipah, the following table 1.1 presented.

Table 1.1

Eg: The Ethnic in Bandar Khalipah Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan 2014/2015

The ethnic Male Female Totality(X)

1. Javanese 11763 11770 23532 2. Mandailingnese 3471 3329 6800

Based on table 1.1 above, a table clear that Mandailing people who live in Bandar Khalipah are second rank of majority ethnics in this area. They communicate, interact and socialize with other ethnics. It is so much possible to cause mandailingnese language is shifted and oftenly use Indonesian language to each other. Preliminary data that had shown situation Language shift of Mandailingnese in Bandar Khalipah Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan.

Based on data above, it is supported by the data below: Rusman (12 years old)

Researcher : Ulang sai na manonton ho Rusman.

Respondent : Ulang itu kak diulangi lagi?, dan sai itu apa kak?( what does it mean Ulang and sai? )

Researcher : Jangan menonton lagi rusman (Rusman, please don’t watching) Respondent : ooooo, itu artinya, jangan menonton. (That is mean)

(The Conversation at home, 1: 2015) The other people speak mandailingnese (adult 34 years old)

Regar ;Ro do rohangku si Polan ancogat tu son.

Respondent : Ngomong apa nya Tulangmu bere? (What talking about your tulang bere?)



Respondent : itulah tulangmu suka kali bahasa kampung. Uda tau tak bisa lagi

awak bahasa itu (yeah, your Tulang is very like in mandailing language, he is know I cannot speak mandailing language anymore). (The Conversation a clarify 2: 2015. respondent and researcher)

Based on the primary data above, a teenagers and adults who were mentioned above, shifted mandailingnese language, because they never used mandailing language any more. They are dominant using Indonesian language in School, friends and with parents. Next a girl ( Fitri. 21th). The other primary data example:

Researcher: Fitri muda kehe hamu ancogot to Pajak tabusi ma diau kele Binder

da. U ganti pe epengnai, oke. (Fitri, if you going to the market tomorrow would like buy binder for me, I will give the money. Oke).

Respondent : Apa kak? Ngomong indonesia aja lha! Aku ngak ngerti ( what you say kak, I don’t understand. Please speak Indonesia language).

(The Conversation in request 3: 2015. Respondent and researcher)



1.2 The Problems of the Study

Based on the background of this study, the problems of the study are formulated as follows.

1. What factors influence Language shift of Mandailingnese in Bandar Khalipah?

2. How is the pattern of Mandailingnase language shift in Bandar Khalipah? 3. Why does Mandailingnese language shift occur in Bandar Khalipah?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are formulated as in the follows.

1. To find out factors influence language shift of Mandailingnese in Bandar Khalipah Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan?

2. Describe the pattern of Mandailingnese language shift in Bandar Khalipah? 3. To find out reason Mandailingnese language shift occur in Bandar Khalipah?

1.4 The Scope of the Study



information. In terms language interest in communication and ethnic, perceptions about Bandar Khalipah kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan in context, images associated with language shifted in mandailing, language one of them skills, and important in dialect in sociality.

1.5 The Significances of the Study

The findings of this research are significant in three respects, factors or describe the pattern and reason why Mandailingnese language shift of Mandailingnese. Theoretically, the study considered to enrich the theory of language planning especially language shift in Bandar Khalipah. The factors influence Mandailingnese language shift in Bandar Khalipah. The pattern of Mandailingnese language and the why Mandailingnese shifted in to Dominant Indonesian language.





5.1 Conclusion

Based on research findings presented in the previous chapters, the conclusion of the study can be stated in the following which according to the answer of the research problems in chapter I.

1. Factors of Language shift in second generation are bilingualism, migrant, economic & social, demographic, attitude & value and the last a regulation was make of by Deli king in Era XXIV.

2. The pattern of language shift of Mandailingnese in Bandar Khalipah were family dominant, friendship, religion, education, and work place done through of mandailingnese language to Indonesian language in the second generation of Mandailingnese in Bandar Khalipah Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan.

3. The reason of language shift of mandialingnese. They were Status of Indonesian language is nationality Indonesian, Prestige Reason and political reason.

5.2 Implication

Based on research finding and discussion, there are some implications that can be generated in order to develop mandailing language in Bandar Khalipah Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan, as follows:

1. Mandailing family should always speak mandailingnese language at home 2. When there are ceremonies, such as wedding, Akekah no problem speak

mandailing language a bit or do more.



3. Parents should talk history or situation interesting in Mandailingnese. 4. Parents should always to act loved ethic and symbol Mandailingnese 5. Mandailing family are often to listen a sing a song of Mandailingnese

6. Parents One of them motive power to act and describe a rich of ethnic & variety, identity of language Indonesia.

5.3 Suggestion

A researcher conclude in thesis, support to some individual, government and social or pubic.

1). It is suggestion particularly to the parents of mandailingnese in Bandar Khalipah Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan to keep speaking at home or family mandailingnese language to the children, so the children can learn speak more mandailingnese language in their communicate especially in family dominant to keep maintain of mandailingnese language.

2). A suggestion to the parents speak mandailingnese language at home, so that the children participant following her/ him.

3). Mandailing family listen to music/ sing a song Mandailingnese more better then music other.

4). Parents of Mandailingnese to act history, a rich to the children.

5). To parents mandailingnese should love of costume, and mandailingnese language.



7). second generation teenagers/ students and adults. As they have to, user, learn it. For this, there are seminars, discussions, forums and articles, urging the masses to do their part for their language.

8). To government should always to action and to meet traditional culture and to motivation in every ethic so that maintain.


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Figure 4.1   .....................................................................................................
Table 1.1 Eg: The Ethnic in Bandar Khalipah


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