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Prosiding Udayana Universty International Symposium, Hospital Based Geriatric Service.


Academic year: 2017

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Nutrition In Elderly : The Role Of Vit D Suplementation In The Healthy Aging 1 R A Tuty Kuswardhani

Hazzard’sInfectionIn Elderly 8

R A Tuty Kuswardhani

Vaccination TravelIn Elderly 15

R A Tuty Kuswardhani

Introduction Of Plant Based Diet Therapy for Hospital Based Geriatric Service 23 Naemi Kajiwara

Elderly Care In Netherlands Hospital 29

Maddy Stienstra Liem

Hospital Accreditation For Quality Improvement Hospital Based Geriatric Service 36 N P Arysta Kusuma Dewi

Research Article

Correlation Between Depression And Cognitive Impairment At Elderly People In Denpasar City 42 Ib Aditya Nugraha, R ATutyKuswardhani ,IgpSuka Aryana

Association Between Sleep Quality And Frailty Syndrome Among Geriatric Patients 48 At Geriatric Polyclinic Sanglah General Hospital

Adrian Tri Sutjahjo, TutyKuswardhani, I.G.P.Suka AryanaNyomanAstika, I.B.Putrawan,RaiPurnami

Correlation Of Visceral Fat Level And Poor Cognitive Function Among Elderly Population 55 In Denpasar

Erick Lios, R A TutyKuswardhani, IgpSuka Aryana

Correlation Between Hypertension And Cognitive Impairment In Elderly People In Denpasar 61 Made Arie Dwi Winarka, R.ATuty Kuswardhani ,Igp Suka Aryana

Albumin Level And Charlson Comorbidity Index Score In Predicting Length Of Hospitalization 67 In Geriatric Patients


Nutrition of Elderly in Healthy Aging

RA Tuty Kuswardhani

Geriatric Division of Internal Medicine of Udayana University / Sanglah General Hospital /

Udayana University Teaching Hospital


Data from Central Bureau of Statistics stated that in 2011, 49% of human being population in the

world are more than 65 years old and be predicted increase to 59% in 2025.

Old people experience decrease of physical, psychological, social - environment adaptation

Frail reserves of physiologis , frailty increase disease and exponential death correlate with

impairments /14 ( inanition,vision,isolation)

In 2015, demography of elderly population in the world is istimated 7 billion, In Indonesia: 36

million Metropolitan City: Surabaya > 10 % of 4 million Bali island: 10,6% from 3,6 million

Population India: 17.5 % of 290 million USA :≥ 13,5% of 322,583,006 people (World Health

Organization, 2005; Kuswardhani, 2015).

WHO Paradigma, 2005, Healthy Aging, Physical, Psychology and Social – Spiritual, no

Handicap, no Disabillity (World Health Organization, 2005; Kuswardhani, 2015).

Aging definition is a changes in physical & cognitive abilities including, age related to Changes

Physical including: declining stress tolerance,reduced physical endurance, increased risk of

injury especially musculoskeletal & Bone disorders (Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis) eyes (Cataract,

Glaucoma) (Law of Republic Indonesia, 1998).

Elderly population certainly experiences changes in their: health, decrease visual, auditory

abilities & changes in their abilities to move from place to place (Darmodjo, 2009)


Environment for Elderly

The meaning of environment expects elderly to be independent and some elderly have to be

aware of their environment if it is not suitable with them. Disease is worse condition of elderly,

therefore they need safe environment. Environment designer have to notice all aspects to make

elderly feel comfort when they do their activity such as: providing enough lightning to make

their vision clearer, design toilet in order to make it safe for elderly, etc. (Darmodjo, 2006; Elo,

et al, 2014).

14 Impairments (14 I) in Elderly

Although elderly are not ill but they experience impairment. This impairments are often become

a burden to the elderly. Immobility, instability, incontinence, impairments of cognitive.

Impaction, impairments of vision, hearing, skin integrity, taste. Infection, isolation, inanition,

impecunity, iatrogenesis, insomnia, impotence, immunodeficiency (Darmodjo, 2009)


There are many studies of aging process which are related to impairments of elderly, the

examples of aging process can be seen below:

Theory of Aging

The Theory of Aging are many, below are some examples of those theories (Darmodjo, 2009) :

1. Theory of genetic clock

Species in human has a clock genetic: nuclei replication  stop clock  death

2.Telomere Theory of Aging

Telomeres are specialized DNA sequences at the end of chromosomes, they shorten with each

cell division, when the telomeres become too short, the cell enters the senoscence stage. Adding

the enzyme telomerase lengthens the telomeres will be too long. The process of DNA replication

become well

3. The Free Radical Theory

The free radical attacks the membrane it can release another type free radical and attacks the

DNA releasing another free radical.

4. Theory of Wear and Tear

On human population always use the machines DNA will show its worn-out and gradually break


Implication of Aging in the Human Organ

Thymus gland decrease at age 75Ô thymosin 

No alteration on killing function, chemotactic and phagocytic function of netrophyl,monocyte

and macrophag except there is a chronic disease (Diabetes Mellitus, Rheuatoid Arthritis)

NaïveT-cells”production impaired Tcell mediated lymphocyte response T-memory and although

the capacity to be active T proliferation as a response to mitogen delayed skin hypersensitivity

might decrease in aging.

Skin Aging

One of Example of Aging is increasing: Cysteine Rich Protein 61 (CCN-1) was mediated

Interleukin 1β : inhibit the production of collagen resulting aging (Kuswardhani, 2015).

Adverse Effects of Testosterone in Elderly

Hormone Replacement Therapy (TSH) (Darmodjo, 2009).

Hormones is differentiated as we get older, such as: Testosterone, DHEA, Estradiol, Growth

Hormone, Progesterone. While this is still considered the benefits and disadvantages of the TSH

in the elderly population.

Purpose of Hormone Replacement Therapy is not make ageless, not prevent wrinkles, enhance

quality of life.

Psychological changes in elderly

Common problem of late life in elderly are Anxiety and Depression, the problem can be divided

into some categories below (Darmodjo, 2009):

1. Retirement

Retirement is a change in work role comes with retirement. It changes the way time is managed

and daily activities are carried out. Retirement alters identity, status, financial problem, lack of

self-satisfaction and self-esteem and sometimes friendships.

2. Widowhood

A common event that alters family life for the aged is the death of a spouse . The role composed

of many sub roles, such as: companion, gathering, excerise, cook, house-keeping, and care


3. Loneliness

Loneliness is the feeling of emotional isolation, being locked inside oneself and unable to obtain

the warmth and comfort from others elderly people. Any loss that creates a deficit in intimacy

and inner personal relationships can lead to loneliness.

4. Role change (role reversal)

Numerous role changes occur with the aging process, but the transitions expected by most elders

are related to the work role and the role of spouse or partner.

Retirement House in The United State applies policy to improve mental health care for elderly.

They increase the number of mental health professionals, expand the research of basic and

applied of Geropsychology at: The National Institute Mental Health and The National Institute

on Aging and provides the mental health services in place where elderly frequent spend life, such

: as primary care settings, residential settings, congregate meal, senior centers or other

community sites.

Respite Care Service

Respite Care Service short is a term of accommodation in a facility outside the home with a

developmental delay with disability. These are some examples of respite care service places in

providing a positive experience for the person: in Indonesia: Gajah Mada University, Alfiana

Sophia, Jakarta. In Malaysia: Mahkota Medical Center. In India: Indian trail. (Kuswardhani,


Nursing Home

Nursing home is a place for people who do not need to be in a hospital but can not be cared for at

home. Most nursing homes have nursing aides and skilled nurses on hand 24 hours a day. Some

nursing homes are set up like a hospital. Nursing home provides a comprehensive living area,

accomodation, transportation, health care, food / nutrition, recreations, music therapy, licencse

certification. The staff consists of: medical care, physician, Speech, OT, Nutritionist. Special

Care Units in nursing ome consist of: Memory Clinic, Podiatry Unit, Massage service, Music

therapy, Aroma therapy, Nutrition therapy (Kuswardhani, 2015).


There are some support therapies for elderly, such as: jogging, meditation, yoga, aroma therapy,

massage therapy, gamelan, music therapy, gymnastic, bicycle, travelling, nutrition therapy

(Kuswardhani, 2015).

The Dosage and Kinds which are recomended

Estrogen  Conjugation Estrogen is given orally 0,3-0,625mg. 17 ß estradiol is given orally 1-2

mg. Estradiol valerat is also given orally 1-2 mg. Progesteron sequential consists of progesteron

which is given 300 mg, Siproteron asetat is given 1 mg, Didrogesteron is given 10-20 mg.

Continued Progesteron consists of progesteron which is given 100 mg, siproteron asetat is given

1 mg, Didrogesteron is given 10 mg (Kuswardhani, 2015).

Deficiency Growth Hormon in Adults

Main Outcome Target of Deficiency Growth Hormon in Adults is : Metabolism & Body

Composition. Paramedic have to know pituitary disease, physiological replacement (T4,

Cortisol). They must also monitor with IGF-I and need to adjust other hormones after starting

Growth Hormone (Darmodjo, 2009).

Management for Elderly

Taking care of Elderly can be done by avoiding falls, imobilisation and fractur complication,

active rehabilitation and medicament therapy (Kuswardhani, 2015).

Benefit of Physical Activity and Excercise

Excercise and physical activity for elderly is helpful to Accelerate blood flow, improve fitness,

strengthen muscles and improve bone density, increase body flexibility, maintain balance and

body coordination, Increases the body's resistance to disease, lowering the risk factors for certain

disease, reduce tension and anxiety (Kuswardhani, 2015).

Therapy Non Pharmacology

Therapy Non Pharmacology consists of periodic rest in 24 hours and long rest to induce athropy

joint and decrease mobility. Manual therapy is for flexibility, muscle strength and coordination

of elderly. Non Pharmacology Therapy aims to balance weight to get an ideal wieght, reducing

10 pounds / 20 kg for 10 years, improve Osteoarthritis as many as 50% (Kuswardhani, 2015).


Vitamins is a complex organic compounds that: The body can’t make — or make enough to

maintain good health, naturally occurs in common foods, deficiency condition occurs when the

vitamin is missing, good health is restored if deficiency disorder is treated early

Vitamin D is The Sunshine Vitamin

A study : correlation of falls risk and fractures in Minnesota Hospital and ↓ Vit D diet < 200 IU (

60-65 yo,163 patients: 65% ; p < 0,005)

Vitamin D and Dementia

Low levels of vitamin D are believed by many to be a potential risk factor for cardiovascular and

brain disease. Previous studies have shown associations between low levels of vitamin D and

hypertension,DM, Myocardial infarction and Stroke. Low vitamin D has been associated

Hypertension and DM which in turn have been associated with white matter hyperintensities and

cognitive impairment


Every year, population of elderly will increase and usually is followed by disease. Taking care of

them is needed to prosper the population of elderly. All aspect have to be noticed to make elderly

feel safe and comfort. Aging is a normal process that is experienced by human being. Aging and

impairments cannot be avoided, all we can do is to prepare to deal with it in various ways. Began

with knowing what aging is, it will make people ready to deal with their late life. Learning about

theory of aging, elderly needs and psycological change will help us to overcome problems that

usually rise in late life. Managing elderly problems can be done by therapy. Health care service

is really helpful to take care and prosper elderly in their late life. Respite care service and nursing

home are two examples of health care service for elderly that provide all needs of elderly and can

be a good solution to take care of elderly in this era. However, elderly reserves the right to enjoy

their late life and we all have to take care of them until the end of elderly life. Vitamin really take


However it is not only Vitamin D that important to healthy of Elderly, but all vitamins and

minerals are needed to Elderly.


World Health Organization. 2005. Elderly Age.

Law of Republic Indonesia, 1998. Elderly Welfare.

Kuswardhani RAT. 2015. Proceeding Udayana University International Symposium: Hospital

Based Geriatric Service.

Kuswardhani RAT. 2015. Osteoporosis in Elderly: Diagnosis and Management. National

Congress of Internal Medicine Association of Indonesia.

Kuswardhani RAT. 2015. Aging, Nutrition and Health Care Service in Elderly.

Darmodjo Boedhi. 2009. Aging Definition: Guideline Geriatry. Textbook of Boedhi Darmojo:

Geriatrics (Elderly Health Sciences), 4th Edition, pp. 13-16.

Darmodjo Boedhi. 2006. Aging and Environment. Textbook of Boedhi Darmojo: Geriatrics

(Elderly Health Sciences), 3rd Edition, pp. 32-34.

Darmodjo Boedhi. 2009. Deficiency Hormone in Elderly. Textbook of Boedhi Darmojo:

Geriatrics (Elderly Health Sciences), 4th Edition.

Darmodjo Boedhi. 2009. Psychology in Elderly. Textbook of Boedhi Darmojo: Geriatrics

(Elderly Health Sciences), 4th Edition.

Elo Satu, Saarni Reetta, Isola Arja. The physical, social and symbolic environment supporting

the well-being of home-dwelling elderly people. 2014. http://www.circumpolarhealthjournal.net


de Oliveira WS, Moraes Niele, Santos FC. 2013. Vitamin D and Chronic Pain in the Elderly.


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