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A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Attainment of the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Language and Literature


Yunita Suryarini 10211141021









A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Attainment of a

Sarjana Sastra Degreein English Literature

Yunita Suryarini 10211141021





“Maka nikmat Tuhan kamu yang

manakah yang kamu dustakan?”

(Q.S. 55:13)

“Maka sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada

kemudahan, sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada


(Q.S. 94:5-6)

Man Jadda Wajadda, siapa yg bersungguh-sungguh akan berhasil;

Man Shabara Zhafira, siapa yg bersabar akan beruntung;

Man Saara Ala Darbi Washala, siapa yg berjalan di jalannya akan sampai

ke tujuan.




This work is dedicated to





Alhamdulillahi robbil’alamin, all praise to be Allah SWT who always gives blessing and grace to His people, without this I would never finish my

thesis. I would also like to send my thanks to:

1. Andy Bayu Nugroho, S.S., M.Hum., as my first consultant and Rachmat

Nurcahyo, S.S., M.A., as my second consultant, for their time and patient to

give advice during the process of writing this thesis;

2. Asih Sigit Padmanugraha, M.Hum., my academic advisor, who had given his

advices in the academic world. I wish he get the best place beside Him;

3. my parents, bapak Rahayu Mulyono, B.A. and ibu Sumarsih, for their endless

love, pray, and support both morally or financially so that I can finish my


4. my beloved, Mas Eko Budi Santosa, S.T., for his love, support, positive anger,

patience, and time to accompany me writing this thesis;

5. Bu Darsih, Bu Ismi, and Mbak Astri, for their permission and chance for me to

take a very long break during finishing this thesis, I will be back to schools;

6. all my students in Junior Red Cross in Junior High School 9 and

Muhammadiyah 2 Junior High School, for their spirit during I left them to

finish my thesis;

7. all friends in class B and translation class 2010, Diah, Ana, Rifa, Fitri, Tsasa,



8. all friends in KSR PMI Unit 1 Markas Kota Yogyakarta, Umi Petasan, Ipeh,

Ani KT, U-K; for their help, craziness and silliness that make me amused when

I get bored in doing my thesis; and

9. all people that I cannot mention one by one who have helped me finish this


Finally, I realize that this thesis is far from being perfect. Therefore, any

comments and suggestions are accepted for the betterment.

Yogyakarta, January 2016




COVER ... i




MOTTOS ... v







ABSTRACT ... xvi


A. Background of the Research ……… 1

B. Focus of the Research………... 2

C. Objectives of the Research ………... 3

D. Significances of the Research ……….. 4


A. Theoretical Review ………. 5

1. Translation……….. 5



b.Types of Translation………... 7

c. Process of Translation………... 8

d.Technique of Translation……….. 9

2. Proper Noun……….. 13

3. Meaning Equivalence………. 16

4. About Negeri 5 Menara………. 16

B. Conceptual Framework ……… 17

C. Analytical Construct………. 20


A. Type of Study………... 22

B. Data and Data Sources………. 22

C. Research Instrument………. 22

D. Research Procedure……….. 23

E. Trustworthiness………. 23


A. Research Results……….... 25

1. The Type of Proper Nouns in Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara... 25

2. The Techniques in Translating the Proper Nouns……….. 26

3. The Degree of Meaning Equivalent of the Translation of the Proper Nouns………... 28


1. The Types of Proper Nouns………... 29



3. The Degree of Meaning Equivalence of the Translation

of the Proper Nouns……….... 52

C. Summary of the Types of Proper Noun, the Translation Techniques and the Meaning Equivalent……….. 57


A. Conclusions………61

B. Suggestions………62





Table 1. Data Sheet ... 23

Table 2. Types of Proper Nouns in Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara ... 26

Table 3. Translation Techniques of the Proper Nouns in Fuadi’s

Negeri 5 Menara ... 27 Table 4. Degree of Meaning Equivalence of the Translation of Proper Nouns

in Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara ... 28




Figure 1. Translation Process by Nida and Taber ... 8




Add : Addition

Con : Conventionality

Cop : Copy

Del : Deletion

DM : Different Meaning

E : Equivalent

FE : Fully Equivalent

GU : Geographical Unit

H : Holiday

NE : Non Equivalent

NM : No Meaning

NR : Nationality and Religion

P : word used for Personification

PE : Partly Equivalent

Phonrep : Phonological Replacement

PN : Personal Name

Rec : Recreation

Ren : Rendition

SL : Source Text

ST : Source Text

Sub : Substitution

TL : Target Text



Trpos : Transposition

TT : Target Text






Yunita Suryarini 10211141021 ABSTRACT

The objectives of this research are (1) to identify the types of proper nouns

in the novel Negeri 5 Menara, (2) to identify the techniques that are used by the

translator in translating the proper nouns in novel Negeri 5 Menara and its

English version The Land of Five Towers, and (3) to describe the degree of

meaning equivalent of the translation of the proper nouns in Negeri 5 Menara and

its English version The Land of Five Towers.

This research employs a descriptive qualitative approach. To strengthen and support the data analysis this research also employs quantitative analysis to show the answer of first and second objective. The data were collected from

Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara and its English translation in the form of word or phrase which are containing proper noun.

The results of this research show that all types of proper nouns are found in the texts. They are personal name, geographical unit, nationality and religion, holiday, time unit, and word used for personification. The most frequent proper

noun is personal name with 37.54% occurrences. It shows that Fuadi’s Negeri 5

Menara involves many characters. All the translation techniques are also found in

the English version of Negeri 5 Menara. They are rendition, copy, transcription,

recreation, substitution, deletion, addition, transposition, phonological

replacement, and conventionality. Copy is the most frequent technique that is used by the translator in translating the proper nouns. It is used in 377 data or 56.60%. It implicates that any proper noun can be translated by copying technique. For the degree of meaning equivalence of the translation of the proper noun, the result is mostly fully equivalent with 613 occurrences of 666 data. It shows that mostly the

translation of the proper nouns in Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara is good in terms of the meaning equivalence.




A. Background of the Research

Today, reading is a need for many people. In Yogyakarta’s Library which

is located in Jl. Suroto 9 Kotabaru, everyday hundreds people visit of this library.

They are not only students, but also common community members. It is related to

the proverb “book is the window of the world” which means that people can

develop their knowledge by reading books. People can get new knowledge by

reading many kinds of book such as biography, encyclopedia, comic, but the most

popular of all is novel. However, sometimes readers are interested in books which

are written in English or in other languages that they do not understand. To solve

this problem, those books are translated into their native language. Therefore,

from the translated books, anyone can read and understand the content of the

books that are written in other language.

Most of the translated novels are English-Bahasa Indonesia translation.

However, in recent years, Indonesian literary works significantly develop since

they begin to be translated into English, such as Anak Semua Bangsa by

Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata, and Negeri 5 Menara

by A. Fuadi. It shows that Indonesia has many talented writers. Negeri 5 Menara

is well-known not only in Indonesia but also in other side of the earth because this

book inspires readers to believe in their dreams and do the best to make them



Five Towers so that the messages can be delivered to readers from other countries

because English is one of international languages.

Due to high interest of the readers to this novel, including foreign readers

who want to know more about Indonesia and Islam, English translation of this

novel is preferred. Based on this, the translator translated Negeri 5 Menara into

The Land of Five Towers to satisfy the readers who cannot understand Bahasa


Negeri 5 Menara tells about the Alif’s journey at Madani Islamic Boarding School in East Java. In that school, Alif meets five boys from other city

in Indonesia. They are extremely excited about a powerful Arabic proverb Man

Jadda Wajada that means “he who gives his all will surely succeed” which is

campaigned in the first day in Madani Islamic Boarding School. To fill their spare

time, they gathered in beneath of mosque’s minaret to discuss everything

including their dreams. Each of them has a dream to go abroad in future. They

imagine the shape of cloud is the shape of the continent that they want to go.

Because of this, they are known as “fellowship of the manara”.

B. Focus of the Research

Translation is not a simple activity. It does not simply change the form of

the words, phrases, or sentences but translator must transfer the message or idea.

Therefore, there are problems that may occur in its translation. The problems that

usually occur in translating novels are address term, cultural item, religion



Proper noun is related to message because it can be the subject or object of

an idea. In Fuadi’s book, there are many proper nouns that must be translated.

Translating proper noun can be in several ways. The example of the proper nouns

translation in those books is “Amak” that means “mother”. Angie did not translate

“Amak” into “mom”, “mother”, or its synonym. Even, she preserved the form

without any change. The technique used by the translator is copying. This

research focuses only on proper nouns which exist in Negeri 5 Menara by

A.Fuadi and its English version The Land of Five Towers translated by Angie


Based on the background and the focus of the research above, the

problems of the research are formulated as follows.

1. What are the types of proper nouns found in A. Fuadi’s Negeri 5


2. What are the techniques used by the translator in translating those

proper nouns in A. Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara?

3. What is the degree of the meaning equivalence of the translation of the

proper nouns in A.Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara?

C. Objectives of the Research

Based on formulation of the research above, the objectives of this research




2. to identify the techniques that are used by the translator in translating

the proper nouns in novel Negeri 5 Menara, and

3. to describe the degree of the meaning equivalence of the translation of

the proper nouns in the novel Negeri 5 Menara.

D. Significances of the Research

The significances of this research are as follows.

1. Theoretical Significance

This research is expected to give knowledge and understanding in

translating proper nouns from Bahasa Indonesia to English or vice


2. Practical Significance

This research is also expected to be used as additional references for





There are three points in this chapter. The first point is the literature review

explaining the relevant theories of this research. The second point is the

conceptual framework describing briefly the concept of the research conducted.

The last point is analytical construct that is presented through a diagram to show

the researcher’s framework.

A. Theoretical Review

The four topics which become the umbrella in this study are translation,

proper nouns, meaning equivalence, and about Negeri 5 Menara. Each topic is

discussed in this chapter.

1. Translation

In this point, the explanation about translation will be divided into four

sections. Those are definitions of translation, types of translation, process of

translation, and techniques of translation.

a. Definitions of Translation

Translation is basically an activity change text from source language into

target language. Some scholars had defined what translation is. Catford (1965:20)

defines translation as the replacement of textual materials in one language (SL) by

equivalent textual materials in another language (TL). In line with Catford,



another language in the way that the author intended the text. Those definitions

focus on the terms equivalent the textual material and the difference of language.

Other scholars who define translation are Nida and Taber (1982:12). They

define translation as the process of reproducing a natural equivalent meaning from

the source language (SL) to target language (TL) firstly in terms of meaning and

secondly in terms of style. From this point, it can be assumed that meaning is

above anything, because the meaning is mentioned first. Then the translator can

deal with the style. Thus, translator is supposed to preserve the result as natural as


From those definitions, it can be concluded that translation is transferring

the message or idea from the source language (SL) into target language (TL). In

translation the first priority is the meaning then the style is the second one. To get

meaning equivalent the translator might deliver the meaning first and change the


Moreover, translation can be viewed from two points of view. First view is

translation as a process and the second view is translation as a product. The

definitions above show that translation is a process or an activity. Translation as a

product is the result of the process. Readers just see the “result” of the practice by

a translator, not the practice itself (Machali, 2009). In this research, translation is

seen as a product because the researcher analyzes the translation of the proper



b. Types of Translation

According to Larson (1984:15) there are two types of translation. They are

form-based translation and meaning-based translation. Form-based translation is a

translation type that the target language (TL) follows the form of the source

language (SL). This is also known as literal translation. While meaning-based

translation or idiomatic translation is a translation type that communicates the

meaning of the source language (SL) text in the natural forms of the target

language (TL).

On the other hand, there are three categories of translation described by

Jakobson (in Bassnett 2002:23). He categorizes translation into three types. They

are intralingual, interlingual, and intersemiotic.

1) Intralingual translation

This type is the translation of a text from the same language. For example an

English novel is translated into English.

2) Interlingual translation

In this type the translator translates into other language, the example is Harry

Potter by J.K. Rowling that translated into many languages.

3) Intersemiotic translation

This type means the translator must translates from non-written works to

written work or the opposite. The example is no smoking sign is translated

into a symbol of crossed cigarette.

This research uses interlingual translation because the data sources are



the translation involves two languages, Bahasa Indonesia and English, it is

considered to interlingual translation.

c. Process of Translation

The process of translation had been explained by Nida and Taber

(1982:33). They state that translation consists of three steps. Those processes are

explained as follows.

1) Analysis. This process is analyzing the terms of grammatical relationship, the

meaning and combination of the words.

2) Transfer. In this step the analyzed material is transferred in mind of translator

from one language to other language.

3) Restructuring. The transferred material is restructured to make sure that the

message fully acceptable in the target reader of the translation product.

For further information, Nida and Taber make a diagram of translation


A (source) B (receptor)

(Analysis) (Restructuring)

X (transfer) Y

Figure 1. Translation Process by Nida and Taber (1982:33)

Based on that diagram, it is known that a translator has a text which must

be translated, so that the translator should analyze the text. In this process the



use the language in social communication. It also can be considered with the

dynamic process of translation in the discourse, and rhetorical structures encoded

in the source language can be restructured in the target language. Then, the

translator makes sure for the appropriate syntax and lexicon. A good translation

indicates that the translator had been able to reconstruct the rhetorical structures of

the source language in the target language.

In analysis process, the translator finds the breaks down the texts into

translatable elements. Then, the translator transfers into suitable terms in the

target text. In this research, that process is called as transfer process. The next

process is restructuring. In this step, the translator restructures all elements of the

text from the source language to the target language to result the translation


d. Techniques of Translation

In translation, there are several familiar terms such as method, procedure

and technique. However those terms are often confusing. Molina and Albir (2002)

state that translation method is an option that has been chosen by the translator to

carry out the translation project. They also define translation techniques as

procedures used to analyze and classify how translation equivalence works. In line

with Molina and Albir, Vinay and Darbelnet state that translation procedure is

actually same as translation technique. There are ten translation techniques



1) Rendition

When the proper noun in the ST is enmeshed in the TT, the meaning is

rendered in the TT. Below is the example of rendition.

ST : Tuhan tambahkanilmu kami . . .

TT: Lord, add to our knowledge . . .

The translator translates the word “Tuhan” as “Lord” which is a synonym of


2) Copy

Copy is when the proper noun in the ST is reproduced in the TT without any

change. The example of copy is shown below.

ST : Amak danAyahmungkin sedang tidak punya uang.

TT: Maybe Amak and Father didn’t have enough money right now.

In that sentence, “Amak” means “mother”, but the translator does not change

it into “mother” or the other synonyms. The translator just copies it in the TT.

3) Transcription

It is a method that a word, for example a name, is transcribed in the

equivalent characters of the TL to keep the readability of the TT. Here is the

example of transcription.

ST : . . . ke PM bulan Syawal depan.

TT: . . . to MP next month in Shawwal.

In that sentence, “Syawal”, one of the names of month in Islamic calendar



“sy” into “sh” and puts double “w” to keep the readability in the target


4) Re-creation

In this technique, the translator re-creates or invents a new proper noun but it

has similar effect to the ST. Below is the example of re-creation.

ST : Giant (Japan version)

TT: Damulag(Filipina version)

In Doraemon serials, Giant has a big body. In Filipina, Giant is known as

Damulag which means “big kid” in Tagalog.

5) Substitution

A TL proper noun replaces the SL proper noun, although the SL and TL

formally and/or semantically unrelated. Here is the example of substitution.

ST : Pertama adalah Masjid Jami’ . . . .

TT: The first is main mosque . . .

In this example, the word “jami’” is substituted by “main”.

6) Deletion

In this type of strategy, the meaning of proper noun in the ST is partially or

totally removed from the TT. Below is the example of deletion.

ST : … asuhan ulama terkenal seperti Syeikh Ahmad Khatib

Al-Minangkabawy ….

TT: -



7) Addition

Extra information is added to the SL proper noun so that it can be more

understandable and desirable to the target readers. Below is the example.

ST : . . .ke Cina saja disuruh belajar, masak ke Jawa saja tidak.

TT: . . . tells us to go to China, why not to East Java?

The word “Jawa” in the TT is added with “East”. It makes more specific and

understandable to the target reader.

8) Transposition

It is a change of one part of speech for another one without any shift in the

meaning. Here is the example.

ST : . . . pemikir modern Islam . . .

TT: . . . a modern Islamic thinker . . .

In this case, “Islam” in the ST is a noun and it is translated into an adjective


9) Phonological Replacement

In this procedure, the phonological features of the original name are imitated

in the TL. In other words, a TL name, which has a similar sound to the SL

name, replaces the original name. The example of this technique is shown


ST : Ibrahim

TT: Abraham




This technique occurs when a word especially a proper noun in the TT is

conventionally accepted as the translation of the ST. It is usually used for

historical or literary figures and geographical locations. The example of

conventionality is shown below.

ST : . . . naik mobil ke kantor George Bush di Gedung Putih, . . .

TT: . . . by car away from George W. Bush’s office at the White House, . . .

In Bahasa Indonesia, White House is known as Gedung Putih.

2. Proper Noun

Noun is a part of speech used for name of place, thing, person, or action.

According to Nussbaum (2015), there are seven types of noun. Two of them are

proper noun and common noun. They are explained as follows.

a. Proper noun. It is the specific noun that is written by capital letter in the first

letter. Here are the examples: Jakarta, Anna, Semeru, Islam, etc.

b. Common noun. It is noun which is not included in the notion of proper noun.

For examples: city, girl, mountain, religion, etc.

Proper noun is a noun which is specific to something and it has been

written in capital even though in middle of sentence. According to Frank (1972:6)

a proper noun begins with a capital letter in writing. He lists six types of proper

nouns. They are explained as follows.

a. Personal names. It is a name of person, for example Mr. Alex Ferdinand,



b. Geographical units. It is a name of some places includes countries, cities,

rivers, etc. such as Mahakam River, Tokyo, Lake Toba.

c. Nationalities and religions. They are related to a status of belonging to

particular nation and religion, for example Indonesian, Javanese, Moslem.

d. Holidays. It is a name of some special days or festival in a country or a

religion, usually everyone has no work or school in those days, such as

Christmas, Idul Fitri, and Independence Day.

e. Time units. It is a particular time unit that must written by capital letters such

as the name of month and day. The examples are Sunday, May, June.

f. Word used for personification. It is a thing or abstraction treated as a person,

such as Liberty, Nature.

According to Panitia Pengembangan Bahasa Indonesia (2000) there are ten

types of noun in Bahasa Indonesia that must be written with capital letter. They

are listed and explained as follows.

a. Berkaitan dengan Tuhan, agama, kitab suci, and kata ganti Tuhan. It is for

the noun related to God, religion, holy book, and the God’s pronoun. For

examples are Allah, Injil, Gusti Allah, etc.

b. Gelar kehormatan, keagamaan yang diikuti oleh nama orang. It is for the

honored or religious title that is followed by the name. The example is Ustad


c. Jabatan, pangkat yang diikuti nama orang. Duty or position that is followed

by the name is must be written in capital. For examples, Jenderal Sudirman,



d. Nama orang. Name of person is must be capitalized, for example Fanny, Tika, Eko.

e. Nama bangsa, suku, bahasa. Nationality, ethnicity, language are also written

in capital. The examples are Dayak, Bahasa Jawa,

f. Nama tahun, bulan, hari, hari raya, peristiwa sejarah. In Bahasa Indonesia time units, holidays, historical moments are written in capital. Here are the

example, Masehi, Juni, Senin, Idul Fitri, Perang Diponegoro.

g. Nama geografi. Like in English, geographical units are also capitalized. Here

are the examples Gunung Tambora, Danau Toba, Sungai Mahakam.

h. Unsur nama negara, lembaga pemerintah, ketatanegaraan, dokumen resmi. It is for element of a state, the name of department, constitution, official

document. The examples are Republik Indonesia, Departemen Dalam Negeri,

Keputusan Walikota.

i. Bentuk ulang sempurna yang terdapat pada nama badan atau lembaga

pemerintah dan ketatanegaraan, dokumen resmi. In Bahasa Indonesia, perfect repetition in the name of department and constitution, official

document are must be written in capital letter. For example are Perserikatan

Bangsa-Bangsa, Rancangan Undang-Undang Kepalangmerahan.

j. Nama buku, majalah, surat kabar, judul karangan. Name of book, magazine,

newspaper, title of article are written in capital, for examples Ranah 3 Warna,



3. Meaning Equivalence

According to Catford (1965:20), translation is the replacement of textual

materials in one language to another language by equivalent textual materials in

another language. Equivalence is the important point that has to be paid more

attention in the activity of translation. It is discovered by comparing the source

language and target language.

Baker in In Other Words (1992:5) classifies equivalence in translation into

five. The first is equivalence at word level, which explores are the meaning of a

single word or expressions. The second is equivalence above word level, which

explores the meaning of combination of words and phrases. The third is

grammatical equivalence, which deals with grammatical categories such as

number and gender. The fourth is textual equivalence, which explores the

meaning of the textual level of language. The last is pragmatic equivalence, which

looks at how texts are used in communicative situations that involved variables

such as writers, readers, and cultural context.

Meanwhile, Bell (1991:6) says that a text in a different language can be

equivalent in different degrees. Bell divides the degrees equivalence into

equivalent meaning which consists of fully equivalent and partly equivalent, and

non equivalent meaning which consists of different meaning and no meaning.

4. About Negeri 5 Menara

Negeri 5 Menara is written by Ahmad Fuadi. It is first book of trilogy

Negeri 5 Menara. A. Fuadi was born in West Sumatera and went to Java to obey



Islamic boarding school, he continued his study in Padjadjaran University and he

became a journalist. Fuadi is a scholarship hunter. Until today he has got eight

scholarships to study abroad. He wrote this novel based on his life story.

Negeri 5 Menara tells about Alif’s life journey at Madani Islamic

Boarding School in East Java. Alif meets four boys from across archipelago who

later became his best friends. In the first day of school, they were given a doctrine

by their teacher through an Arabic proverb Man Jadda Wajada which means “he

who gives his all will surely succeed”. The teacher used a log and a blunt machete

when demonstrated the proverb. They gathered in beneath of the mosque’s

minaret when they have spare time. They do anything under minaret such as

studying before exam, practicing before their performance, waiting the time of

praying, etc. Since that they were known as “fellowship of the manara”. Under the

minaret they discuss everything such as about their dream. Each of them has

dream to visit a country. By the Arabic proverb, they believe that if they work

hard to make their dream come true, they will get their dream in future, because

God truly is The Listener.

B. Conceptual Framework

This research focuses on finding out the types of proper nouns, the

translation techniques of the proper nouns and the degree of the meaning

equivalence of the translation of the proper nouns in Negeri 5 Menara by Fuadi

which is translated by Angie Kilbane into The Land of Five Towers. They are



This research adopts the notion of translation by Nida and Taber, that

translation is the process of reproducing a natural and equivalent meaning from

the source language (SL) to target language (TL) firstly in terms of meaning and

secondly in terms of style. Therefore, the employments of the translation

techniques influencing the meaning equivalence in the target language are the

points in this study. In analyzing the techniques used in the English translation,

the collected data of proper nouns are categorized into six types.

This research adopted the definition and the types of proper noun by

Frank. The definition of proper noun by Frank is a proper noun begins with a

capital letter in writing. These types of proper nouns employed in the texts appear

to be the first point. Those are personal name, geographic unit, nationality and

religion, name of holiday, time unit, and word use for personification. Personal

name is name of person that must be written by capital letters, for example

“Ahmad Fuadi”. Geographical unit is name of some places including countries,

cities, rivers, mountains, etc. for example is “Musi River”. Nationalities and

religion also must be written which capital letters for example “Christians” and

“Sundanese”. The example of holiday’s name is “Waisak”. Moreover, time units

are including name of day and month, the examples are “June” and “Thursday”.

The last one is word used for personification, a thing or abstraction treated as a

person, for examples are “Liberty” and “Nature”. Proper nouns can be expressed

in word or phrase rank expression.

This research adopts Lincoln Fernandes’ translation techniques. Fernandes



creation, substitution, deletion, addition, transposition, phonological replacement,

and conventionality.

The notion of meaning equivalence in this research is adopted from Bell’s

theory. Based on his theory, it is divided into equivalent meaning and non

equivalent meaning.

Equivalent meaning consists of fully equivalent meaning and partly

equivalent meaning. The fully equivalent meaning occurs when the message of

the source text is fully translated into the target text. For example word “Sumatera

Barat” translated into “West Sumatera”. While partly equivalent meaning occurs when the translation omits or adds some information in the target text that is not

found in the source text. The meaning of the source text is not fully delivered into

the target text. For example the words “Sazli Rais” that refers to a news anchor

has special characteristic, in the target text it is generalized into “news anchor”.

Non-equivalent meaning consists of different meaning and no meaning.

Different meaning occurs when the meaning from the source text is translated

differently into the target text. The example of different meaning is the word

Isya” in the ST which means one of Muslim’s pray, it is translated in the TT into

“dinner” which means eating in the evening. No meaning occurs when one or

some words are omitted so that the information or message of the source text loses

in the target text. The example is the word “Betawi”. In the ST, which is omits in



C. Analytical Construct

The aims of this research are to identify the types of proper nouns and the

techniques that are used to translate the proper nouns in Negeri 5 Menara by A.

Fuadi and its translation The Land of Five Towers by Angie Kilbane, and to

describe the degree of meaning equivalence of the translation proper nouns in

those novels. To fulfill these aims, the researcher makes a diagram of thinking.

Firstly, the researcher finds the proper nouns which are exist in Fuadi’s

Negeri 5 Menara and its English version. After that, she classifies the types of the proper nouns. After classifying the types, she identifies the techniques of their

equivalents of proper nouns. The last step is examining the quality of the




Intralingual Interlingual Intersemiotic

Bilingual Towers translate by Angie Kilbane (TT)

Proper Nouns

Meaning equivalent

Equivalent Non-equivalent


1. Personal names 2. Geographic units 3. Nationalities and religions 5. Substitution 6. Deletion

8. Transposition 9. Phonological replacement

10. Conventionality

Fully equivalent




A. Type of Study

This study is a descriptive qualitative research. According to Vanderstoep

and Johnston (2009:7), a qualitative research is a research that produces narrative

or textual description of the phenomena under study. Since this research uses

descriptive qualitative research, it will deliver the finding in the sentences.

However, to support the data analysis, this research also uses quantitative analysis

to show the frequency of the occurrence of each phenomenon.

B. Data and Data Sources

The data of this research are taken from Negeri 5 Menara novel by A.

Fuadi published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2009 and its English version

which is translated by Angie Kilbane, The Land of Five Towers, published by PT

Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2011. The data which analyzed are the proper nouns

which exist in the Bahasa Indonesia text and their English translation in the form

of words or phrases.

C. Research Instrument

The instruments in this research are the researcher herself, data sheet, and

related references. The researcher acts as the planner, data collector, data analyst

and reporter of the analysis result. Meanwhile, in doing this research, the

researcher uses additional instrument such as dictionaries, internet connection,



Table 1. Data Sheet


data types of proper noun translation techniques


D. Research Procedure

1. Data collection

In this step the researcher took all data which are related to the

research focus. When collecting the data, the researcher read and reread both

novels Negeri 5 Menara and The Land of Five Towers.

2. Data Analysis

The analysis process was undertaken by several steps. The first was

classifying the proper nouns found in the source text. In this step the researcher

had to make sure that the proper nouns had been classified in the right types.

The second, after classified the proper nouns, the researcher found the

equivalents of the proper nouns in the target text. The researcher must read the

target text carefully to get the equivalents, because it influenced the next step.

Then, the researcher identified the translation techniques that suitable

with the source text and the target text. The last step was examining the

translation quality of the proper nouns in terms of the meaning equivalence.

E. Trustworthiness

To achieve the realiability, credibility, and dependability of the data, the

researcher did the analysis several times to check whether the research results



After the data and analysis were stable, the researcher consulted the result to her

consultants. At this point, the researcher used stability as one of the ways to gain


In addition, the researcher also employed credibility where the data were

deeply observed. In this way the researcher read and reread the data carefully and

comprehensively so that the data were in accordance with the research problems.

To gain dependability of this study, the researcher also conducted some peer

examination with students of the English Department and discussed the result

with the expert lecturers to get expert judgment. The researcher also applied





This chapter consists of result and discussion. The result presents the result of

the research in form of number which is presented in two ways, frequency and

percentage. Then, the data found are presented in the discussion. The result and

discussion are based on the formulation of the research in the chapter I. They are

the types of proper nouns, the translation techniques and the degree of meaning


A. Research Results

This sub-chapter consists of the findings of the types of the proper nouns, the

translation techniques, and the degree of meaning equivalence. The results are

presented as the tables based on the three formulations of the research which

contain the frequency and the percentage which represent the amount of the result.

1. The Types of Proper Nouns Found in Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara

There are six types of proper noun found in this research namely personal

name, geographical units, nationalities and religions, holidays, time units, and

word used for personalities. The table below shows the frequency and the



Table 2. Types of Proper Nouns in Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara

No. Types of Proper Noun Frequency Percentage

1. Personal names 250 37.54 %

there are six types of proper nouns gained as the data of this study. Table 2 shows

that the personal name type is the most frequent type which is found in Fuadi’s

Negeri 5 Menara. The occurrences of the personal names are 250 times or 37.54


2. The Techniques in Translating the Proper Nouns

The second point shows the techniques, frequency and percentage of the

technique used by the translator in translating the proper nouns in Fuadi’s Negeri



Fernandes (2006) names rendition, copy, transcription, recreation, substitution,

deletion, addition, transposition, phonological replacement and conventionality

are all employed by the translator in translating the proper nouns in the books.

The finding is presented in table 3.

Table 3. Translation Techniques of the Proper Noun in Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara

No. Techniques Frequency Percentage

1. Rendition 51 7.66 %

translate proper nouns of Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara. It is used 377 times or 56.60

%. The next is conventionality which is 111 times occurs or 16.67 %. It is

followed by rendition which has 51 times occurrences or 7.67%. Deletion occurs

42 times or 6.31%, followed by addition which has 33 times occurrences. Then,

recreation and substitution has same occurrences 16 times or 2.4%. It is followed

by transposition which occurs 10 times or 1.50 %. Transcription occurs 9 times or

1.35%, and the most infrequent is phonological replacement which is employed



3. The Degree of Meaning Equivalent of the Translation of the Proper Nouns

This research finds that the degree of meaning equivalence of the translation

of the proper nouns is divided into four levels. They are fully equivalence, partly

equivalence, different meaning, and no meaning. To make a clear description, the

table below shows the frequency and the percentage of the degree of meaning

equivalence of the translation of the proper nouns in Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara.

Table 4. Degree of Meaning Equivalence of the Translation of Proper Noun

in Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara

No. Meaning Equivalence Frequency Percentage

1. Fully Equivalent 613 92.04 %

2. Partly Equivalent 15 2.25 %

3. Different Meaning 9 1.35 %

4. No Meaning 29 4.35 %

Total 666 100 %

Based on table 4, it can be seen that from 666 data found the translation of

proper nouns in Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara is mostly fully equivalent. It could be

seen from the frequency number reach 613 which means 92.04 %. It is followed

by no meaning with the frequency number is around 29 or 4.35%. The partly

equivalent reaches 15 or 2.25 %. Then, the lowest frequency is different meaning

which is only 9 or 1.35 %.

B. Discussion

This part presents the detail analysis of the data in this research. The analyses



of proper noun that found in the Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara, the translation

techniques used by translator in translating proper nouns, and the degree of

meaning equivalence of the translation of the proper nouns.

1. The Types of Proper Noun

This point aims to analyze the types of proper noun in the novels. The types

are divided into six types. They are personal names, geographical units,

nationalities and religions, holidays, time units, word used for personification. In

this study, the most frequent type of proper noun which occurs in Fuadi’s Negeri

5 Menara is personal name while the most infrequent type is holiday. Further

explanation is described in following discussion.

a. Personal Names

There are 250 out of 666 data that categorized as personal names. Below are

some the examples of the data.

ST: Aku bahkan sudah berjanji dengan Randai, ...

TT: I'd even made a pact with Randai,…


Randai is a friend of Alif, the main character in Negeri 5 Menara. Randai is a

rival in everything especially in academic. The translator copies the ST into the

TT and it makes the meaning fully equivalent.

ST: ...aku ingin kuliah di UI, ITB dan terus ke Jerman seperti Pak Habibie.

TT: …attend university at the University of Indonesia, the Bandung Institute




Datum number 48 refers to the third president of Indonesia. The translator adds

the full name of Pak Habibie to translate it. Since the translator adds the full name

of Pak Habibie, it makes the TT have the fully equivalent meaning.

ST: Aku memanggilnya Pak Etek Muncak.

TT: I called him Uncle Muncak.


Pak Etek Muncak is relative of Alif. The translator uses rendition technique to

translate it. In English, Pak Etek means uncle and Muncak is the name of person.

Therefore, Uncle Muncak in the TT has fully equivalent meaning.

ST: Ini adalah gaya Bung Karno,..

TT: This was the style of President Sukarno,…


Datum number 343 refers to Bung Karno who is the founding father and the first

president of Indonesia. The translator recreates it to be President Sukarno, which

is the full name of Bung Karno. In Indonesia, “Bung” is a common call for a man

in the period of the struggle for independence era.

ST: …tidak jauh dari sekitar Barry Prima, . . .

TT: -



The last example is datum number 373. Barry Prima, is Indonesian senior actor in

80’s. The translator deletes in the translation version and it makes no meaning in

the TT.

b. Geographical Units

In Negeri 5 Menara there are 210 occurrences of geographical units. Below are the examples and the explanation.

ST: . . .secawan es tebak di Pasar Ateh, Bukittinggi.

TT: …a glass of shaved ice made by a spinning machine in my village in

West Sumatera.


Pasar Ateh is a market in Bukittinggi. The translator does not translate it in the

TT. It has no meaning in the TT since the translator deleted it.

ST: . . .secawan es tebak di Pasar Ateh, Bukittinggi.

TT: …a glass of shaved ice made by a spinning machine in my village in

West Sumatera.


The next datum is number 05 reffering to Bukittinggi. It is a city in West

Sumatera Province. The translator substitutes Bukittinggi into West Sumatera. It

has partly equivalent meaning in the TT because West Sumatera is too general

when it is used to change Bukittinggi.

ST: … yang lulusan Pondok Madani di Jawa Timur.




Datum number 52 is found in page 12 at original version. Pondok Madani

is a place where Alif continues his school. It is a modern Islamic boarding school

in East Java. The translator translates Pondok Madani into Madani Pesantren. In

Bahasa Indonesia the context of pondok is pesantren.

ST: …di Surau Kumango, Tanah Datar.

TT: …in Kumango, Tanah Datar.


The last example is Surau Kumango. Surau is a synonym of mushola or a

small mosque. Kumango is a little village in Bukittinggi. Therefore, Surau

Kumango is small mosque in Kumango village. The translator omits the word

surau, so that the meaning is different.

c. Nationalities and Religions

This type occurs 80 times. Here are the examples of the occurrence.

ST: Insya Allah, dengan doa Amak dan Ayah, ...

TT: Insya Allah, God willing, with Amak and Father's prayer…


The first example is datum number 37, Insya Allah, which means a wish. The

translator adds the meaning of Insya Allah in the translation version and its

keeping the meaning equivalence of the words.

ST: …dengan membaca Alfatihah dan Ayat Kursi, ….




Next datum, number 186, Alfatihah dan Ayat Kursi are parts of Al-Qur’an. Al

Fatihah is the first surah in Al-Qur’an, while Ayat Kursi is one verse in surah

Al-Baqarah. Ayat Kursi is 255th verse. In the translation version, the translator

recreates those words into “our prayer”. It makes the meaning different, because

“our prayer” is too general when it is used for replace the specific prayer such as

Al-Fatihah and Ayat Kursi.

ST: …penuh orang Yahudi

TT: …full of Jewishpeople…


The third example is Yahudi from datum number 403. It is a religion. The

translation of this religion is Jewish. It has been a convention. Therefore, the

meaning is fully equivalent.

ST: …antara Minangkabau dan tanah Parahiyangan. TT: …between the two lands.


Datum number 572 is an ethnicity in Indonesia. This ethnicity is from West

Sumatera. The translator does not translate Minangkabau, she deletes it. It has no

meaning because in the TT is omitted.

ST: Tuhan sungguh Maha Pendengar.




The last example of this type is the last data. Maha Mendengar is one of the

natures of Allah. The translator translates it into “The Listener”. Allah is truly the

best listener. Allah will listen all the prayer of His people. It has fully equivalent

meaning because it has been a conventionality.

d. Holidays

According to Cambridge Advance Dictionary Learner’s, holiday is an official

day when someone do not have to go to work or school. In this study, there are

two data that are classified as holiday. Here are the examples.

ST: Pada suatu Idul Fitri, …

TT: One Idul Fitriholiday, …


ST: …hari besar keramat ketiga setelah Idul Adha dan Idul Fitri.

TT: …the third biggest holy day after Idul Adha and Idul Fitri.


Idul Fitri and Idul Adha are holidays. Those are celebrated by all Muslims in the

world. Idul Fitri is celebrated on 1st Syawal, while Idul Adha on 10th Dzulhijah.

The translator copies those ST to the TT. Therefore, the TT has fully equivalent



e. Time units

In this study, the time unit only occurs nine times from 666 data. Here are the


ST: Hari sekolah Sabtusampai Kamis…

TT: School is in session Saturday until Thursday…


The first example is Sabtu which is found in datum 161. Sabtu is sixth day of the

week before Sunday. In English, Sabtu is Saturday, it has been a convention.

Therefore, the meaning in the TT is fully equivalent.

ST: Setiap malam Senin dan malam Kamis…

TT: Every Sunday nightand Thursday night,…


Next datum is malam Senin, the translator substitutes Senin into Sunday which is

actually Senin is Monday but the meaning is fully equivalent since malam Senin is

equivalent with Sunday night.

ST: …setiap malam Jumat, dia pasti mengira…

TT: …every Thursday night, he’d surely think…



The example above is similar to malam Senin. Jumat is Friday, but the translator

substitutes into Thursday since malam Jumat is Thursday night. It is also fully

equivalent because the meaning in the ST and the TT refer to the same meaning.

ST: Setiap malam Senin dan malam Kamis

TT: Every Sunday night and Thursday night,…


Datum number 306 is different from the three data explained before. The

translator translates malam Kamis into Thursday night. It is a convention that

Kamis is Thursday, but in this context malam Kamis means Wednesday night.

Therefore, when the translator translates it into Thursday night, it makes different

meaning in the target text.

ST: …segera kembali ke PM bulan Syawal depan. TT: …to get back to MP next month in Shawwal.


The last example is datum number 543, Syawal. It is tenth month in

Islamic calendar system. The translator translates it into Shawwal. Even if the

transcription is different, but the pronunciation is the same. So, the meaning is

fully equivalent.

f. Words Used for Personification

This type is a thing which is treated as a person. In this study, the researcher



ST: Aku ingin kuliah di UI, ITB dan terus ke Jerman seperti Pak Habibie.

TT: …attend university at the University of Indonesia, the Bandung Institute of Technology, and continue on to Germany, like Mr. B.J. Habibie.


The first example is UI or Universitas Indonesia. It is name of a university in

Indonesia which is located in Jakarta. The translator translates into University of

Indonesia. The translation of this example has been a convention. Therefore the

meaning is fully equivalent.

ST: … di loket bus antar pulau, P.O. ANS.

TT: …a counter for the inter-island bus.


The next is datum number 73, P.O. ANS. It is a bus company for destination to

Sumatera. The translator does not translate this proper noun so it has no meaning

in English version.

ST: …di papan notnya: Sepasang Mata Bola.

TT: …on the note board: Sepasang Mata Bola (A Pair of Eyes)


The third example is a title of song by Ismail Marzuki. The translator keeps the

source language but she adds the translation in English and it makes the meaning


ST: ……Terminator, Naga Bonar, dan Dongkrak Antik.

TT: …..Terminator, Naga Bonar, and Dongkrak Antik.



ST: …seperti: Bangkitnya Nyi Roro Kidul, Ratu Buaya Putih,…

TT: -


Data number 322 and 370 are Indonesian movie in 1980’s. The first movie

is Dongkrak Antik, acomedy movie stared by comedy group “Warkop DKI”. The translator keeps the source text and does not translate the title. Therefore, it has

fully equivalent meaning. Different from the second movie, Bangkitnya Nyi Roro

Kidul is a horror movie stared by Suzanna. The translator does not translate this. So, the first title has equivalent meaning and the second one has no meaning

because the translator deletes it in the target text.

2. The Techniques in Translating the Proper Noun

This point centers on analyzing the translation techniques employed by the

translator in translating proper nouns. All the 666 proper nouns which is

discovered and listed as the data of the analysis are taken from the source novel

by A. Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara and compared to the target novel The Land of Five

Towers. Here are the techniques found.

a. Rendition

In this study rendition is found 51 times from all 666 data. The concept of

rendition is similar with literal translation. Here are some examples.

ST: ... ada surat dari Pak Etek Gindo,...

TT: …there's a letter from Uncle Gindo



In datum number 54, Pak Etek in Minangese means little brother of father. The

translator translates it into “Uncle Gindo”. Because the Pak Etek istranslated into

“uncle” so that this datum is classified as rendition. In the novel, Pak Etek Gindo

is uncle of Alif, the main character in Negeri 5 Menara. This datum has fully

equivalent meaning.

ST: …tips yang dibacanya di buku Tuntutan Menjadi Orator Ulung.

TT: … a tip he read in a book called A Tutorial on being a Good Orator.


The second data is Tuntutan Menjadi Orator Ulung. It is the title of a book. The

translator translates it into ”A Tutorial on being a Good Orator”. Literaly, it is the

translation, has equivalent meaning with the ST.

ST: …dengan membaca Ayat Kursi dan Surat Yasin dari kitab Quran


TT: …reciting the Throne Verse and Surah Ya Sin from his small holy Al-Quran.


The third example is Ayat Kursi. It is a verse of surah Al-Baqarah in Al-Qur’an.

Ayat Kursi is 255th verse in Al-Baqarah. The translator translates into “throne

verse”. Throne is equivalent with kursi because when we read the meaning of that

verse, the word kursi means a throne not a chair. So, it is classified as rendition



b. Copy

In this research, copying is the mostly used in translating the proper nouns. It

is found 377 occurrences. From all the occurrences, here are some examples.

ST: . . . menayangkan Wheater Channel yang mencatat . . .

TT: … showed the Weather Channel, displaying...


Datum number 03, “Weather Channel”, is one of TV programs which broadcasts

about the weather. The translator copies the ST into the TT. Therefore it has fully

equivalent meaning.

ST: … menumpang bus kecil Harmonis yang terkentut-kentut merayapi

Kelok Ampek Puluah Ampek.

TT: …I rode a small Harmonis bus that sputtered along a notorious road

called Kelok Ampek Puluah Ampek.


Next datum is Kelok Ampek Puluah Ampek. It is a name of a road in West

Sumatera. The meaning of Kelok Ampek Puluah Ampek is 44 junctions. The

translator does not translate it in the TT. The meaning is fully equivalent because

the translator copies the ST in the TT.

ST: Makhluk paling raksasa di kelas adalah Said Jufri yang berasal dari


TT: The biggest creature in the class was Said Jufri from Surabaya.



The third example is “Said Jufri”. It is a personal name. He is Alif’s friend in the

novel. The translator also copies the ST. Therefore, it has fully equivalent


ST: … 4. Durusul Lughoh Arabiah dan Muthala’ah

TT: … 4. Durusul Lughoh Arabiah dan Muthala’ah


The last example is Durusul Lughoh Arabiah dan Muthala’ah. Those are names

of religion majors in Madani Islamic Boarding School. This datum is also copied

by the translator in the TT. Since the ST is copied in the TT, therefore the

meaning of all data using copying technique is exactly fully equivalent.

c. Transcription

This technique occurs 9 times in this study. Here are the examples.

ST: Maka selesai shalat Asharberjamaah,…

TT: After finishing congregational Asrprayer,…


The first example is Ashar. For Moslem it is a prayer in the afternoon before the

sunset. The translator transcripts it into “Asr”, the pronunciation is quiet different

but the meaning is fully equivalent.

ST: …melagukan syair nakal Abu Nawas bersama sebelum shalat Maghrib. TT: …sang the Poem of Abu Nawas before Magrib Prayer.



It is same as the second example, Maghrib, Moslem prays Maghrib after the

sunset. The translator transcripts into “Magrib”, the transcripton is changed but

the meaning is still equivalent.

ST: …dengan membaca Ayat Kursi dan Surat Yasin dari kitab Quran


TT: …reciting the Throne Verse and Surah Ya Sin from his small holy



The third is Surat Yasin. It is one of 36th surah in Al-Qur’an. The translator

changes the transcription of Yasin with adds a space between Ya and sin. Since the

pronunciation is not changed, the meaning is also fully equivalent.

ST: Mata pelajaran Al-Quran dan Haditsjuga dibawakan …

TT: The subjects Al-Quran and Hadithswere also presented…


The last example is hadits. In Islam, there are two guidance, Al-Qur’an

and hadits. Al-Qur’an is the holy book and miracle which is given to Prophet

Muhammad through Jibril, the angel. Hadist is record of Prophet Muhammad’s

sayings or customs which is retold by his companions. The translator translates it

into hadiths. She transcripts the –its into –iths. The spelling is changed but it does

not change the meaning.

d. Recreation

This technique occurs 16 times. From all occurrences, there are some



ST: …bordir yang produknya sampai ke Tanah Abang.

TT: …embroidery business whose products went as far as Malaysia.


The first example is datum number 248, Tanah Abang. It is name of a place in

Jakarta, Indonesia. In translating those words the translator recreates Tanah Abang

into Malaysia. It is totally different meaning because Malaysia is a country in

north-west of Indonesia near Sumatera and Kalimantan or Borneo.

ST: …ditambah segelas susu atau Milo,….

TT: …a glass of milk or iced chocolate,…


The next is datum is number 308, Milo. It is a brand of chocolate powder drink in

Indonesia that can be served hot or cold. The translator recreates it into iced

chocolate. Since the points in the ST and the TT are the same, chocolate, this

datum is fully equivalent meaning.

ST: …tak ada dana khusus untuk libur pulang ke Padang.

TT: …wasn’t any special money for me to come home to West Sumatra on the break.


The third example is Padang. It is a city in West Sumatera Province. The

translator recreates Padang into West Sumatera. This datum is partly equivalent

because West Sumatera is wide. When someone says West Sumatera, people can

think Bukittinggi, Solok, Pariaman. When someone mentions Padang, people


Figure 1. Translation Process by Nida and Taber (1982:33)
Figure 2. Analytical Construct
Table 1. Data Sheet
Table 2.  Types of Proper Nouns in Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara


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